servo: Merge #16593 - Mach: Add mach clean-cargo-cache command (from UK992:clean-cargo-cache); r=wafflespeanut

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- [x] `./mach build -d` does not report any errors
- [x] `./mach test-tidy` does not report any errors
- [ ] These changes fix #__ (github issue number if applicable).

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- [ ] There are tests for these changes OR
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Source-Revision: f6bd158fd4287226a881e58020f7dc154fa32532

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//
extra : subtree_revision : ca806671abe6fe30d24e0d1965aa6aef12825a3a
This commit is contained in:
UK992 2017-05-08 04:37:21 -05:00
parent 6a08daf67d
commit 5583a3477b
2 changed files with 175 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ matrix:
- $HOME/.ccache
- ./mach clean-nightlies --keep 2 --force
- ./mach clean-cargo-cache --keep 2 --force
env: CCACHE=/usr/bin/ccache

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib2
import glob
from mach.decorators import (
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ from mach.decorators import (
import servo.bootstrap as bootstrap
from servo.command_base import CommandBase, BIN_SUFFIX
from servo.command_base import CommandBase, BIN_SUFFIX, cd
from servo.util import delete, download_bytes, download_file, extract, host_triple
@ -346,3 +347,175 @@ class MachCommands(CommandBase):
elif not force:
print("Nothing done. "
"Run `./mach clean-nightlies -f` to actually remove.")
description='Clean unused Cargo packages',
@CommandArgument('--force', '-f',
help='Actually remove stuff')
@CommandArgument('--show-size', '-s',
help='Show packages size')
help='Keep up to this many most recent dependencies')
@CommandArgument('--custom-path', '-c',
help='Get Cargo path from CARGO_HOME environment variable')
def clean_cargo_cache(self, force=False, show_size=False, keep=None, custom_path=False):
def get_size(path):
if os.path.isfile(path):
return os.path.getsize(path) / (1024 * 1024.0)
total_size = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for f in filenames:
fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
return total_size / (1024 * 1024.0)
removing_anything = False
packages = {
'crates': {},
'git': {},
import toml
if os.environ.get("CARGO_HOME", "") and custom_path:
cargo_dir = os.environ.get("CARGO_HOME")
cargo_dir = path.join(self.context.topdir, ".cargo")
cargo_file = open(path.join(self.context.topdir, "Cargo.lock"))
content = toml.load(cargo_file)
for package in content.get("package", []):
source = package.get("source", "")
version = package["version"]
if source == u"registry+":
crate_name = "{}-{}".format(package["name"], version)
if not packages["crates"].get(crate_name, False):
packages["crates"][package["name"]] = {
"current": [],
"exist": [],
elif source.startswith("git+"):
name = source.split("#")[0].split("/")[-1].replace(".git", "")
branch = ""
crate_name = "{}-{}".format(package["name"], source.split("#")[1])
crate_branch = name.split("?")
if len(crate_branch) > 1:
branch = crate_branch[1].replace("branch=", "")
name = crate_branch[0]
if not packages["git"].get(name, False):
packages["git"][name] = {
"current": [],
"exist": [],
if branch:
crates_dir = path.join(cargo_dir, "registry")
crates_cache_dir = ""
crates_src_dir = ""
if os.path.isdir(path.join(crates_dir, "cache")):
for p in os.listdir(path.join(crates_dir, "cache")):
crates_cache_dir = path.join(crates_dir, "cache", p)
crates_src_dir = path.join(crates_dir, "src", p)
git_dir = path.join(cargo_dir, "git")
git_db_dir = path.join(git_dir, "db")
git_checkout_dir = path.join(git_dir, "checkouts")
git_db_list = filter(lambda f: not f.startswith('.'), os.listdir(git_db_dir))
git_checkout_list = os.listdir(git_checkout_dir)
for d in list(set(git_db_list + git_checkout_list)):
crate_name = d.replace("-{}".format(d.split("-")[-1]), "")
if not packages["git"].get(crate_name, False):
packages["git"][crate_name] = {
"current": [],
"exist": [],
if os.path.isdir(path.join(git_checkout_dir, d)):
for d2 in os.listdir(path.join(git_checkout_dir, d)):
dep_path = path.join(git_checkout_dir, d, d2)
if os.path.isdir(dep_path):
packages["git"][crate_name]["exist"].append((path.getmtime(dep_path), d, d2))
elif os.path.isdir(path.join(git_db_dir, d)):
packages["git"][crate_name]["exist"].append(("db", d, ""))
for d in os.listdir(crates_src_dir):
crate_name = re.sub(r"\-\d+(\.\d+){1,3}.+", "", d)
if not packages["crates"].get(crate_name, False):
packages["crates"][crate_name] = {
"current": [],
"exist": [],
total_size = 0
for packages_type in ["git", "crates"]:
sorted_packages = sorted(packages[packages_type])
for crate_name in sorted_packages:
crate_count = 0
existed_crates = packages[packages_type][crate_name]["exist"]
for exist in sorted(existed_crates, reverse=True):
current_crate = packages[packages_type][crate_name]["current"]
size = 0
exist_name = exist
exist_item = exist[2] if packages_type == "git" else exist
if exist_item not in current_crate:
crate_count += 1
removing_anything = True
if int(crate_count) >= int(keep) or not current_crate:
crate_paths = []
if packages_type == "git":
exist_checkout_path = path.join(git_checkout_dir, exist[1])
exist_db_path = path.join(git_db_dir, exist[1])
exist_name = path.join(exist[1], exist[2])
exist_path = path.join(git_checkout_dir, exist_name)
if exist[0] == "db":
crate_count += -1
# remove crate from checkout if doesn't exist in db directory
if not os.path.isdir(exist_db_path):
crate_count += -1
with cd(path.join(exist_path, ".git", "objects", "pack")):
for pack in glob.glob("*"):
pack_path = path.join(exist_db_path, "objects", "pack", pack)
if os.path.exists(pack_path):
if len(os.listdir(exist_checkout_path)) <= 1:
if os.path.isdir(exist_db_path):
crate_paths.append(path.join(crates_cache_dir, "{}.crate".format(exist)))
crate_paths.append(path.join(crates_src_dir, exist))
size = sum(get_size(p) for p in crate_paths) if show_size else 0
total_size += size
print_msg = (exist_name, " ({}MB)".format(round(size, 2)) if show_size else "", cargo_dir)
if force:
print("Removing `{}`{} package from {}".format(*print_msg))
for crate_path in crate_paths:
if os.path.exists(crate_path):
print("Would remove `{}`{} package from {}".format(*print_msg))
if removing_anything and show_size:
print("\nTotal size of {} MB".format(round(total_size, 2)))
if not removing_anything:
print("Nothing to remove.")
elif not force:
print("\nNothing done. "
"Run `./mach clean-cargo-cache -f` to actually remove.")