Bug 634637 - Remove make-jars.pl. r=ted

make-jars.pl was deprecated and replaced by JarMaker.py a while ago.
This commit is contained in:
Siddharth Agarwal 2011-03-01 01:59:50 +05:30
parent cb4b5ba10d
commit 59020e7397
3 changed files with 2 additions and 637 deletions

View File

@ -94,16 +94,6 @@ ifdef XPI_NAME
# MAKE_JARS_TARGET is a staging area for make-jars.pl. When packaging in
# the jar format, make-jars leaves behind a directory structure that's not
# needed in $(FINAL_TARGET). For both, flat, and symlink, the directory
# structure contains the chrome, so leave it in $(FINAL_TARGET).
MAKE_JARS_TARGET = $(if $(XPI_NAME),$(FINAL_TARGET).stage,$(DIST)/chrome-stage)
# The VERSION_NUMBER is suffixed onto the end of the DLLs we ship.
@ -411,8 +401,7 @@ DEFINES += \
# Flags passed to make-jars.pl
# Flags passed to JarMaker.py
-t $(topsrcdir) \

View File

@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
# make-jars [-f] [-v] [-l] [-x] [-a] [-e] [-d <chromeDir>] [-s <srcdir>] [-t <topsrcdir>] [-c <localedir>] [-j <jarDir>] [-z zipprog] [-o operating-system] < <jar.mn>
my $cygwin_mountprefix = "";
if ($^O eq "cygwin") {
$cygwin_mountprefix = $ENV{CYGDRIVE_MOUNT};
if ($cygwin_mountprefix eq "") {
$cygwin_mountprefix = `mount -p | awk '{ if (/^\\//) { print \$1; exit } }'`;
if ($cygwin_mountprefix eq "") {
print "Cannot determine cygwin mount points. Exiting.\n";
# Remove extra ^M caused by using dos-mode line-endings
chop $cygwin_mountprefix if (substr($cygwin_mountprefix, -1, 1) eq "\r");
} else {
# we'll be pulling in some stuff from the script directory
require FindBin;
import FindBin;
push @INC, $FindBin::Bin;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use Config;
require mozLock;
import mozLock;
my $objdir = getcwd;
# if there's a "--", everything after it goes into $defines. We don't do
# this with the remaining args in @ARGV after the getopts call because
# old versions of Getopt::Std don't understand "--".
my $ddindex = 0;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
last if ($arg eq "--");
my $defines = join(' ', @ARGV[ $ddindex .. $#ARGV ]);
my $baseFilesDir = ".";
if (defined($::opt_s)) {
$baseFilesDir = $::opt_s;
my $topSrcDir;
if (defined($::opt_t)) {
$topSrcDir = $::opt_t;
my $localeDir;
if (defined($::opt_c)) {
$localeDir = $::opt_c;
my $maxCmdline = 4000;
if ($Config{'archname'} =~ /VMS/) {
$maxCmdline = 200;
my $chromeDir = ".";
if (defined($::opt_d)) {
$chromeDir = $::opt_d;
my $jarDir = $chromeDir;
if (defined($::opt_j)) {
$jarDir = $::opt_j;
my $verbose = 0;
if (defined($::opt_v)) {
$verbose = 1;
my $quiet = 0;
if (defined($::opt_q)) {
$quiet = 1;
my $fileformat = "jar";
if (defined($::opt_f)) {
($fileformat = $::opt_f) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ("$fileformat" ne "jar" &&
"$fileformat" ne "flat" &&
"$fileformat" ne "symlink" &&
"$fileformat" ne "both") {
print "File format specified by -f option must be one of: jar, flat, both, or symlink.\n";
my $zipmoveopt = "";
if ("$fileformat" eq "jar") {
$zipmoveopt = "-m -0";
if ("$fileformat" eq "both") {
$zipmoveopt = "-0";
my $nofilelocks = 0;
if (defined($::opt_l)) {
$nofilelocks = 1;
my $autoreg = 1;
if (defined($::opt_a)) {
$autoreg = 0;
my $useExtensionManifest = 0;
if (defined($::opt_e)) {
$useExtensionManifest = 1;
my $preprocessor = "";
if (defined($::opt_p)) {
$preprocessor = $::opt_p;
my $force_x11 = 0;
if (defined($::opt_x)) {
$force_x11 = 1;
my $zipprog = $ENV{ZIP};
if (defined($::opt_z)) {
$zipprog = $::opt_z;
if ($zipprog eq "") {
print "A valid zip program must be given via the -z option or the ZIP environment variable. Exiting.\n";
my $force_os;
if (defined($::opt_o)) {
$force_os = $::opt_o;
if ($verbose) {
print "make-jars "
. "-v -d $chromeDir "
. "-j $jarDir "
. "-z $zipprog "
. ($fileformat ? "-f $fileformat " : "")
. ($nofilelocks ? "-l " : "")
. ($baseFilesDir ? "-s $baseFilesDir " : "")
. "\n";
my $win32 = ($^O =~ /((MS)?win32)|msys|cygwin|os2/i) ? 1 : 0;
my $macos = ($^O =~ /MacOS|darwin/i) ? 1 : 0;
my $unix = !($win32 || $macos) ? 1 : 0;
my $vms = ($^O =~ /VMS/i) ? 1 : 0;
if ($force_x11) {
$win32 = 0;
$macos = 0;
$unix = 1;
if (defined($force_os)) {
$win32 = 0;
$macos = 0;
$unix = 0;
if ($force_os eq "WINNT") {
$win32 = 1;
} elsif ($force_os eq "OS2") {
$win32 = 1;
} elsif ($force_os eq "Darwin") {
$macos = 1;
} else {
$unix = 1;
sub foreignPlatformFile
my ($jarfile) = @_;
if (!$win32 && index($jarfile, "-win") != -1) {
return 1;
if (!$unix && index($jarfile, "-unix") != -1) {
return 1;
if (!$macos && index($jarfile, "-mac") != -1) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub foreignPlatformPath
my ($jarpath) = @_;
if (!$win32 && index($jarpath, "-platform/win") != -1) {
return 1;
if (!$unix && index($jarpath, "-platform/unix") != -1) {
return 1;
if (!$macos && index($jarpath, "-platform/mac") != -1) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub zipErrorCheck($$)
my ($err,$lockfile) = @_;
return if ($err == 0 || $err == 12);
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die ("Error invoking zip: $err");
sub JarIt
my ($destPath, $jarPath, $jarfile, $args, $overrides) = @_;
my $oldDir = cwd();
my $jarchive = _moz_abs2rel("$jarPath/$jarfile.jar", "$destPath/$jarfile", 1);
if ("$fileformat" eq "flat" || "$fileformat" eq "symlink") {
unlink($jarchive) if ( -e $jarchive);
return 0;
#print "cd $destPath/$jarfile\n";
my $argOpt = "-X";
$argOpt = "-uX" if ( -e $jarchive);
my $lockfile = "../$jarfile.lck";
mozLock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
if (!($args eq "")) {
my $err = 0;
#print "$zipprog $zipmoveopt -uX $jarchive $args\n";
# Handle posix cmdline limits
while (length($args) > $maxCmdline) {
#print "Exceeding POSIX cmdline limit: " . length($args) . "\n";
my $subargs = substr($args, 0, $maxCmdline-1);
my $pos = rindex($subargs, " ");
$subargs = substr($args, 0, $pos);
$args = substr($args, $pos);
#print "$zipprog $zipmoveopt -uX $jarchive $subargs\n";
#print "Length of subargs: " . length($subargs) . "\n";
system("$zipprog $zipmoveopt $argOpt $jarchive $subargs") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
#print "Length of args: " . length($args) . "\n";
#print "$zipprog $zipmoveopt -uX $jarchive $args\n";
system("$zipprog $zipmoveopt $argOpt $jarchive $args") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
if (!($overrides eq "")) {
my $err = 0;
print "+++ overriding $overrides\n" unless $quiet;
while (length($overrides) > $maxCmdline) {
#print "Exceeding POSIX cmdline limit: " . length($overrides) . "\n";
my $subargs = substr($overrides, 0, $maxCmdline-1);
my $pos = rindex($subargs, " ");
$subargs = substr($overrides, 0, $pos);
$overrides = substr($overrides, $pos);
#print "$zipprog $zipmoveopt -X $jarchive $subargs\n";
#print "Length of subargs: " . length($subargs) . "\n";
system("$zipprog $zipmoveopt -X $jarchive $subargs") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
#print "Length of args: " . length($overrides) . "\n";
#print "$zipprog $zipmoveopt -X $jarchive $overrides\n";
system("$zipprog $zipmoveopt -X $jarchive $overrides\n") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
#print "cd $oldDir\n";
sub _moz_rel2abs
my ($path, $isdir) = @_;
$path = File::Spec->catfile(getcwd, $path)
unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path);
$path = File::Spec->canonpath($path);
$path =~ s|\\|/|g if $path =~ s/^([A-Z]:\\)/\L$1/;
my (@dirs) = reverse split(m:/:, $path);
shift @dirs unless $isdir;
my ($up) = File::Spec->updir();
foreach (reverse 0 .. $#dirs) {
splice(@dirs, $_, 2) if ($dirs[$_] eq $up);
return reverse @dirs;
sub _moz_abs2rel
my ($target, $basedir, $isdir) = @_;
my (@target) = _moz_rel2abs($target, 1);
my (@basedir) = _moz_rel2abs($basedir, $isdir);
shift @target, shift @basedir
while @target && @basedir && $target[0] eq $basedir[0];
return File::Spec->catfile((File::Spec->updir()) x @basedir, @target);
sub UniqIt
my $manifest = shift;
return if (scalar(@_) == 0); # no entries, don't bother
my %lines = map { $_ => 1 } @_;
my $lockfile = "$manifest.lck";
print "+++ updating chrome $manifest\n" unless $quiet;
my $dir = dirname($manifest);
mkpath($dir, 0, 0755);
mozLock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
if (-f $manifest) {
unless (open(FILE, "<$manifest")) {
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die "error: can't open $manifest: $!";
# Read through the file: if the lines already exist, no need to write
# them again.
while (defined($_ = <FILE>)) {
delete $lines{$_};
unless (open(FILE, ">>$manifest")) {
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die "error: can't open $manifest: $!";
print FILE map("$_\n", keys(%lines));
close(FILE) or my $err = 1;
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
if ($err) {
die "error: can't close $manifest: $!";
sub RegIt
my ($chromeDir, $jarFileName, $chromeType, $pkgName) = @_;\
chop($pkgName) if ($pkgName =~ m/\/$/);
#print "RegIt: $chromeDir, $jarFileName, $chromeType, $pkgName\n";
my $line;
if ($fileformat eq "flat" || $fileformat eq "symlink") {
$line = "$chromeType,install,url,resource:/chrome/$jarFileName/$chromeType/$pkgName/";
} else {
$line = "$chromeType,install,url,jar:resource:/chrome/$jarFileName.jar!/$chromeType/$pkgName/";
my $installedChromeFile = "$jarDir/installed-chrome.txt";
UniqIt($installedChromeFile, $line);
sub EnsureFileInDir
my ($destPath, $srcPath, $destFile, $srcFile, $override, $preproc) = @_;
my $objPath;
#print "EnsureFileInDir($destPath, $srcPath, $destFile, $srcFile, $override)\n";
my $src = $srcFile;
if (defined($src)) {
if ($src =~ m|^/|) {
# "absolute" patch from topSrcDir
defined($topSrcDir) || die("Command-line option -t <topsrcdir> missing.");
$src = $topSrcDir.$srcFile;
} elsif ($srcFile =~ s|^\%|/|) {
defined($localeDir) || die("Command-line option -c <localedir> missing.");
$src = $localeDir.$srcFile;
} elsif (! -e $src ) {
$src = "$srcPath/$srcFile";
else {
$src = "$srcPath/$destFile";
# check for the complete jar path in the dest dir
if (!-e $src) {
#else check for just the file name in the dest dir
my $dir = "";
my $file;
if ($destFile =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)[\\\/]([\w\d.\-\_]+)/) {
$dir = $1;
$file = $2;
else {
die "file not found: $srcPath/$destFile";
$src = "$srcPath/$file";
if (!-e $src) {
die "file not found: $srcPath/$destFile";
$srcPath = $src;
$destPath = "$destPath/$destFile";
my $srcStat = stat($srcPath);
my $srcMtime = $srcStat ? $srcStat->mtime : 0;
my $destStat = stat($destPath);
my $destMtime = $destStat ? $destStat->mtime : 0;
#print "destMtime = $destMtime, srcMtime = $srcMtime\n";
if (!-e $destPath || $destMtime < $srcMtime || $override) {
#print "copying $destPath, from $srcPath\n";
my $dir = "";
my $file;
if ($destPath =~ /(.+)[\\\/]([\w\d.\-\_]+)/) {
$dir = $1;
$file = $2;
else {
$file = $destPath;
if ($srcPath) {
$file = $srcPath;
$objPath = "$objdir/$destFile";
if (!-e $file) {
if (!-e $objPath) {
die "error: file '$file' doesn't exist";
} else {
$file = "$objPath";
if (!-e $dir) {
mkpath($dir, 0, 0775) || die "can't mkpath $dir: $!";
unlink $destPath; # in case we had a symlink on unix
if ($preproc) {
my $preproc_flags = '';
if ($srcPath =~ /\.css$/o) {
$preproc_flags = '--marker=%';
my $preproc_file = $file;
if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $file =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/) {
# convert to a cygwin path
$preproc_file =~ s|^([a-zA-Z]):|$cygwin_mountprefix/\1|;
if ($vms) {
# use a temporary file otherwise cmd is too long for system()
my $tmpFile = "$destPath.tmp";
open(TMP, ">$tmpFile") || die("$tmpFile: $!");
print(TMP "$^X $preprocessor $preproc_flags $defines $preproc_file > $destPath");
print "+++ preprocessing $preproc_file > $destPath\n" unless $quiet;
if (system("bash \"$tmpFile\"") != 0) {
die "Preprocessing of $file failed (VMS): ".($? >> 8);
unlink("$tmpFile") || die("$tmpFile: $!");
} else {
if (system("$^X $preprocessor $preproc_flags $defines $preproc_file > $destPath") != 0) {
die "Preprocessing of $file failed: ".($? >> 8);
} elsif ("$fileformat" eq "symlink") {
$file = _moz_abs2rel($file, $destPath);
symlink($file, $destPath) || die "symlink($file, $destPath) failed: $!";
return 1;
} else {
copy($file, $destPath) || die "copy($file, $destPath) failed: $!";
# fix the mod date so we don't jar everything (is this faster than just jarring everything?)
my $mtime = stat($file)->mtime || die $!;
my $atime = stat($file)->atime;
$atime = $mtime if !defined($atime);
utime($atime, $mtime, $destPath);
return 1;
return 0;
my @gLines = <STDIN>;
while (defined($_ = shift @gLines)) {
if (/^([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+).jar\:\s*$/) {
my $jarfile = $1;
my $args = "";
my $overrides = "";
my $cwd = cwd();
my @manifestLines;
print "+++ making chrome $cwd => $jarDir/$jarfile.jar\n" unless $quiet;
while (defined($_ = shift @gLines)) {
if (/^\s+([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)\s*(\(\%?[\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+\))?$\s*/) {
my $dest = $1;
my $srcPath = defined($2) ? substr($2, 1, -1) : $2;
EnsureFileInDir("$chromeDir/$jarfile", $baseFilesDir, $dest, $srcPath, 0, 0);
$args = "$args$dest ";
if (!foreignPlatformFile($jarfile) && !foreignPlatformPath($dest) && $autoreg &&
$dest =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\+]+)\/([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+)contents.rdf/)
my $chrome_type = $1;
my $pkg_name = $2;
RegIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $chrome_type, $pkg_name);
} elsif (/^\+\s+([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)\s*(\(\%?[\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+\))?$\s*/) {
my $dest = $1;
my $srcPath = defined($2) ? substr($2, 1, -1) : $2;
EnsureFileInDir("$chromeDir/$jarfile", $baseFilesDir, $dest, $srcPath, 1, 0);
$overrides = "$overrides$dest ";
if (!foreignPlatformFile($jarfile) && !foreignPlatformPath($dest) && $autoreg &&
$dest =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\+]+)\/([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+)contents.rdf/)
my $chrome_type = $1;
my $pkg_name = $2;
RegIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $chrome_type, $pkg_name);
} elsif (/^\*\+?\s+([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)\s*(\(\%?[\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+\))?$\s*/) {
# preprocessed (always override)
my $dest = $1;
my $srcPath = defined($2) ? substr($2, 1, -1) : $2;
EnsureFileInDir("$chromeDir/$jarfile", $baseFilesDir, $dest, $srcPath, 1, 1);
$overrides = "$overrides$dest ";
if (!foreignPlatformFile($jarfile) && !foreignPlatformPath($dest) && $autoreg &&
$dest =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\+]+)\/([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+)contents.rdf/)
my $chrome_type = $1;
my $pkg_name = $2;
RegIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $chrome_type, $pkg_name);
} elsif (/^\%\s+(.*)$/) {
my $path = $1;
my $jarpath = $jarfile;
$jarpath = "chrome/".$jarfile if $useExtensionManifest;
if ($fileformat eq "flat" || $fileformat eq "symlink") {
$path =~ s|\%|$jarpath/$1|;
} else {
$path =~ s|\%|jar:$jarpath.jar!/$1|;
push @manifestLines, $path;
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
# end with blank line
} else {
my $manifest = "$jarDir/$jarfile.manifest";
my $manifest = "$jarDir/../chrome.manifest" if $useExtensionManifest;
UniqIt($manifest, @manifestLines);
JarIt($chromeDir, $jarDir, $jarfile, $args, $overrides);
goto start;
my $manifest = "$jarDir/$jarfile.manifest";
$manifest = "$jarDir/../chrome.manifest" if $useExtensionManifest;
UniqIt($manifest, @manifestLines);
JarIt($chromeDir, $jarDir, $jarfile, $args, $overrides);
} elsif (/^\s*\#.*$/) {
# skip comments
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
# skip blank lines
} else {
die "bad jar rule head at: $_";

View File

@ -94,16 +94,6 @@ ifdef XPI_NAME
# MAKE_JARS_TARGET is a staging area for make-jars.pl. When packaging in
# the jar format, make-jars leaves behind a directory structure that's not
# needed in $(FINAL_TARGET). For both, flat, and symlink, the directory
# structure contains the chrome, so leave it in $(FINAL_TARGET).
MAKE_JARS_TARGET = $(if $(XPI_NAME),$(FINAL_TARGET).stage,$(DIST)/chrome-stage)
# The VERSION_NUMBER is suffixed onto the end of the DLLs we ship.
@ -411,8 +401,7 @@ DEFINES += \
# Flags passed to make-jars.pl
# Flags passed to JarMaker.py
-t $(topsrcdir) \