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synced 2025-02-28 21:28:55 +00:00
Bug 1098357 - Make Session Restore talos test e10s-friendly. r=mconley
--HG-- extra : transplant_source : v0S%0C%7Cq%A96i%7B%05%D1%FF%91Q%B3IN%5D%93
This commit is contained in:
@ -297,14 +297,6 @@ def get_counters(config):
def get_active_tests(config):
activeTests = config.pop('activeTests').strip().split(':')
# temporary hack for now until we have e10s running on all tests
if config['e10s'] and not config['develop']:
for testname in ('sessionrestore',
if testname in activeTests:
print "%s is unsupported on e10s, removing from list of " \
"tests to run" % testname
# ensure tests are available
availableTests = test.test_dict()
if not set(activeTests).issubset(availableTests):
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80 filetype=javascript: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "setTimeout",
// Observer Service topics.
const STARTUP_TOPIC = "profile-after-change";
const RESTORED_TOPIC = "sessionstore-windows-restored";
// Process Message Manager topics.
const MSG_REQUEST = "session-restore-test?duration";
const MSG_PROVIDE = "session-restore-test:duration";
function nsSessionRestoreTalosTest() {}
nsSessionRestoreTalosTest.prototype = {
classID: Components.ID("{716346e5-0c45-4aa2-b601-da36f3c74bd8}"),
_xpcom_factory: XPCOMUtils.generateSingletonFactory(nsSessionRestoreTalosTest),
//// nsISupports
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
//// nsIObserver
observe: function DS_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
throw new Error(`Unknown topic ${aTopic}`);
* Perform initialization on profile-after-change.
init: function() {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, RESTORED_TOPIC, false);
* Session Restore is complete, hurray.
onRestored: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// `sessionRestored` actually becomes available only on the next tick.
let startup_info = Services.startup.getStartupInfo();
let duration = startup_info.sessionRestored - startup_info.sessionRestoreInit;
// Broadcast startup duration information immediately, in case the talos
// page is already loaded.
Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage(MSG_PROVIDE, {duration});
// Now, in case the talos page isn't loaded yet, prepare to respond if it
// requestions the duration information.
Services.ppmm.addMessageListener(MSG_REQUEST, function listener() {
Services.ppmm.removeMessageListener(MSG_REQUEST, listener);
Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage(MSG_PROVIDE, {duration});
}, 0);
//// Module
this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([nsSessionRestoreTalosTest]);
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Register a component to be informed of startup. This component can then register
# itself to watch sessionstore-windows-restored. Once it has observed
# sessionstore-windows-restored, it will open the webpage with the harness.
component {716346e5-0c45-4aa2-b601-da36f3c74bd8} SessionRestoreTalosTest.js
contract @mozilla.org/talos/session-restore-test;1 {716346e5-0c45-4aa2-b601-da36f3c74bd8}
category profile-after-change nsSessionRestoreTalosTest @mozilla.org/talos/session-restore-test;1
content session-restore-test content/
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?><RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#"><Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
<!-- Required Items -->
<em:name>Session Restore Startup Performance Test</em:name>
<!-- Optional Items -->
<em:creator>David Rajchenbach-Teller</em:creator>
<em:description>Bug 936630, bug 1098357. This add-on broadcasts the duration of session restore.</em:description>
@ -2,53 +2,41 @@
var Services = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {}).Services;
* Display the result, send it to the harness and quit.
function finish() {
Profiler.pause("This test measures the time between sessionRestoreInit and sessionRestored, ignore everything around that");
// Process Message Manager topics.
const MSG_REQUEST = "session-restore-test?duration";
const MSG_PROVIDE = "session-restore-test:duration";
setTimeout(function () {
var startup_info = Services.startup.getStartupInfo();
* Display the result, send it to the harness and quit.
function finish(msg) {
console.log(`main.js: received data on ${MSG_PROVIDE}`, msg);
Services.cpmm.removeMessageListener(MSG_PROVIDE, finish);
var duration = msg.data.duration;
var duration = startup_info.sessionRestored - startup_info.sessionRestoreInit;
Profiler.pause("This test measures the time between sessionRestoreInit and sessionRestored, ignore everything around that");
// Show result on screen. Nice but not really necessary.
document.getElementById("sessionRestoreInit-to-sessionRestored").textContent = duration + "ms";
setTimeout(function () {
// Show result on screen. Nice but not really necessary.
document.getElementById("sessionRestoreInit-to-sessionRestored").textContent = duration + "ms";
// Report data to Talos, if possible
dumpLog("__start_report" +
duration +
// Report data to Talos, if possible
dumpLog("__start_report" +
duration +
// Next one is required by the test harness but not used
dumpLog("__startTimestamp" +
Date.now() +
// Next one is required by the test harness but not used
dumpLog("__startTimestamp" +
Date.now() +
}, 0);
}, 0);
function main() {
// Collect (and display) data
var startup_info = Services.startup.getStartupInfo();
// The script may be triggered before or after sessionRestored
// and sessionRestoreInit are available. If both are available,
// we are done.
if (typeof startup_info.sessionRestored != "undefined"
&& typeof startup_info.sessionRestoreInit != "undefined") {
// Otherwise, we need to wait until *after* sesionstore-windows-restored,
// which is the event that sets sessionRestored - since sessionRestoreInit
// is set before sessionRestored, we are certain that both are now set.
Services.obs.addObserver(finish, "sessionstore-windows-restored", false);
// In case the add-on has broadcasted the message before we were loaded,
// request a second broadcast.
Services.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(MSG_REQUEST, {});
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ class sessionrestore(TsBase):
2. Launch Firefox.
3. Measure the delta between firstPaint and sessionRestored.
extensions = '${talos}/startup_test/sessionrestore/addon'
cycles = 10
timeout = 1000000
sps_profile_startup = True
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ class sessionrestore(TsBase):
profile_path = '${talos}/startup_test/sessionrestore/profile'
url = 'startup_test/sessionrestore/index.html'
shutdown = False
reinstall = ['sessionstore.js']
reinstall = ['sessionstore.js', 'sessionCheckpoints.json']
# Restore the session
preferences = {'browser.startup.page': 3}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user