Bug 332655 - Don't join up text frames with the same content in Bidi resolution. r=uriber, sr=roc

This commit is contained in:
Simon Montagu 2009-04-19 01:19:27 -07:00
parent 4960463aa1
commit 5a01d8048f
2 changed files with 37 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ nsBidiPresUtils::Resolve(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsIFrame* frame = nsnull;
nsIFrame* nextBidi;
nsIContent* content = nsnull;
const nsTextFragment* fragment;
PRInt32 contentTextLength;
nsIAtom* frameType = nsnull;
nsPropertyTable *propTable = presContext->PropertyTable();
@ -390,8 +390,6 @@ nsBidiPresUtils::Resolve(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame,
if (++frameIndex >= frameCount) {
contentOffset = 0;
frame = mLogicalFrames[frameIndex];
frameType = frame->GetType();
lineNeedsUpdate = PR_TRUE;
@ -401,12 +399,15 @@ nsBidiPresUtils::Resolve(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame,
mSuccess = NS_OK;
fragment = content->GetText();
if (!fragment) {
contentTextLength = content->TextLength();
if (contentTextLength == 0) {
frame->AdjustOffsetsForBidi(0, 0);
fragmentLength = fragment->GetLength();
PRInt32 start, end;
frame->GetOffsets(start, end);
fragmentLength = end - start;
contentOffset = start;
isTextFrame = PR_TRUE;
} // if text frame
else {
@ -454,29 +455,31 @@ nsBidiPresUtils::Resolve(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame,
lineNeedsUpdate = PR_FALSE;
if (!EnsureBidiContinuation(frame, &nextBidi, frameIndex,
contentOffset + runLength,
lineNeedsUpdate)) {
EnsureBidiContinuation(frame, &nextBidi, frameIndex,
contentOffset + runLength);
if (NS_FAILED(mSuccess)) {
frame = nextBidi;
contentOffset += runLength;
} // if (runLength < fragmentLength)
else {
PRInt32 newIndex = 0;
mContentToFrameIndex.Get(content, &newIndex);
if (newIndex > frameIndex) {
RemoveBidiContinuation(frame, frameIndex, newIndex, temp);
if (lineNeedsUpdate) {
AdvanceLineIteratorToFrame(frame, &lineIter, prevFrame);
lineNeedsUpdate = PR_FALSE;
if (contentOffset + fragmentLength == contentTextLength) {
PRInt32 newIndex = 0;
mContentToFrameIndex.Get(content, &newIndex);
if (newIndex > frameIndex) {
RemoveBidiContinuation(frame, frameIndex, newIndex, temp);
if (lineNeedsUpdate) {
AdvanceLineIteratorToFrame(frame, &lineIter, prevFrame);
lineNeedsUpdate = PR_FALSE;
runLength -= temp;
fragmentLength -= temp;
lineOffset += temp;
frameIndex = newIndex;
runLength -= temp;
fragmentLength -= temp;
lineOffset += temp;
frameIndex = newIndex;
frame->AdjustOffsetsForBidi(contentOffset, contentOffset + fragmentLength);
@ -1064,56 +1067,18 @@ nsBidiPresUtils::GetFrameToLeftOf(const nsIFrame* aFrame,
return nsnull;
inline void
nsBidiPresUtils::EnsureBidiContinuation(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
PRInt32& aFrameIndex,
PRInt32 aStart,
PRInt32 aEnd,
PRInt32& aLineNeedsUpdate)
PRInt32 aEnd)
NS_PRECONDITION(aNewFrame, "null OUT ptr");
NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame, "aFrame is null");
"Calling EnsureBidiContinuation on non-first-in-flow");
*aNewFrame = nsnull;
nsBidiLevel embeddingLevel = NS_GET_EMBEDDING_LEVEL(aFrame);
nsBidiLevel baseLevel = NS_GET_BASE_LEVEL(aFrame);
nsCharType charType = (nsCharType)NS_PTR_TO_INT32(aFrame->GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::charType));
// Skip fluid continuations
while (aFrameIndex + 1 < PRInt32(mLogicalFrames.Length())) {
nsIFrame* frame = mLogicalFrames[aFrameIndex + 1];
if (frame->GetPrevInFlow() != aFrame) {
// If we found a non-fluid continuation, use it
if (frame->GetPrevContinuation() == aFrame) {
*aNewFrame = frame;
// The frame we found might be on another line. If so, the line iterator
// should be updated.
aLineNeedsUpdate = PR_TRUE;
frame->SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::embeddingLevel, NS_INT32_TO_PTR(embeddingLevel));
frame->SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::baseLevel, NS_INT32_TO_PTR(baseLevel));
frame->SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::charType, NS_INT32_TO_PTR(charType));
aFrame->AdjustOffsetsForBidi(aStart, aStart);
aFrame = frame;
aFrame->AdjustOffsetsForBidi(aStart, aEnd);
if (!*aNewFrame) {
mSuccess = CreateBidiContinuation(aFrame, aNewFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(mSuccess) ) {
return PR_FALSE;
return PR_TRUE;
mSuccess = CreateBidiContinuation(aFrame, aNewFrame);
@ -1588,8 +1553,8 @@ public:
nsPoint mPt;
nsIRenderingContext* mCtx;
nsPoint mPt;
const PRUnichar* mText;
PRInt32 mLength;
nsBidiDirection mDirection;

View File

@ -436,29 +436,15 @@ private:
* any fluid continuations)
* @param aEnd [IN] the offset of the end of the single-directional
* text run.
* @param aLineNeedsUpdate [OUT] set to true if we're re-using a frame (which
* might be on another line).
* If there is already a bidi continuation for this frame in mLogicalFrames,
* no new frame will be created. On exit aNewFrame will point to the existing
* bidi continuation and aFrameIndex will contain its index.
* If aFrame has fluid continuations (which can happen when re-resolving
* after line breaking) all the frames in the continuation chain except for
* the last one will be set to zero length and the last one will be truncated
* at aEnd.
* aFrame must always be a first-in-flow.
* @see Resolve()
* @see RemoveBidiContinuation()
PRBool EnsureBidiContinuation(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
PRInt32& aFrameIndex,
PRInt32 aStart,
PRInt32 aEnd,
PRBool& aLineNeedsUpdate);
void EnsureBidiContinuation(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
PRInt32& aFrameIndex,
PRInt32 aStart,
PRInt32 aEnd);
* Helper method for Resolve()