New class nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer

This commit is contained in: 1999-04-16 00:08:59 +00:00
parent 4a7eb1cbc1
commit 5a7055806d
6 changed files with 43 additions and 494 deletions

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::Init(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsAreaFrame::DeleteFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext)
return nsBlockFrame::DeleteFrame(aPresContext);
@ -109,8 +109,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::SetInitialChildList(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsresult rv;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList == aListName) {
rv = NS_OK;
rv = mAbsoluteContainer.SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, aListName, aChildList);
} else {
rv = nsBlockFrame::SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, aListName, aChildList);
@ -140,8 +139,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::FirstChild(nsIAtom* aListName, nsIFrame** aFirstChild) const
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aFirstChild, "null OUT parameter pointer");
if (aListName == nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList) {
*aFirstChild = mAbsoluteFrames.FirstChild();
return NS_OK;
return mAbsoluteContainer.FirstChild(aListName, aFirstChild);
return nsBlockFrame::FirstChild(aListName, aFirstChild);
@ -210,102 +208,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::Paint(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsAreaFrame::GetPositionedInfo(nscoord& aXMost, nscoord& aYMost) const
aXMost = aYMost = 0;
for (nsIFrame* f = mAbsoluteFrames.FirstChild(); nsnull != f; f->GetNextSibling(&f)) {
// Get the frame's x-most and y-most. This is for its flowed content only
nsRect rect;
if (rect.XMost() > aXMost) {
aXMost = rect.XMost();
if (rect.YMost() > aYMost) {
aYMost = rect.YMost();
// If the child frame is also an area frame, then take into account its child
// absolutely positioned elements
nsIAreaFrame* areaFrame;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(f->QueryInterface(kAreaFrameIID, (void**)&areaFrame))) {
nscoord xMost, yMost;
areaFrame->GetPositionedInfo(xMost, yMost);
// Convert to our coordinate space
xMost += rect.x;
yMost += rect.y;
if (xMost > aXMost) {
aXMost = xMost;
if (yMost > aYMost) {
aYMost = yMost;
return NS_OK;
* Called by Reflow() to handle the case where it's an incremental reflow
* targeted at us of an absolutely positioned child frame
nsAreaFrame::IncrementalReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowType type;
nsIFrame* newFrames;
PRInt32 numFrames = 0;
// Get the type of reflow command
// Handle each specific type
if (nsIReflowCommand::FrameAppended == type) {
// Add the frames to our list of absolutely position frames
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != newFrames, "null child list");
numFrames = LengthOf(newFrames);
mAbsoluteFrames.AppendFrames(nsnull, newFrames);
} else if (nsIReflowCommand::FrameRemoved == type) {
// Get the new frame
nsIFrame* childFrame;
PRBool result = mAbsoluteFrames.DeleteFrame(aPresContext, childFrame);
NS_ASSERTION(result, "didn't find frame to delete");
} else if (nsIReflowCommand::FrameInserted == type) {
// Get the previous sibling
nsIFrame* prevSibling;
// Insert the new frames
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != newFrames, "null child list");
numFrames = LengthOf(newFrames);
mAbsoluteFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, prevSibling, newFrames);
} else {
NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "unexpected reflow type");
// For inserted and appended reflow commands we need to reflow the
// newly added frames
if ((nsIReflowCommand::FrameAppended == type) ||
(nsIReflowCommand::FrameInserted == type)) {
while (numFrames-- > 0) {
nsReflowStatus status;
ReflowAbsoluteFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, newFrames, PR_TRUE, status);
return NS_OK;
return mAbsoluteContainer.GetPositionedInfo(aXMost, aYMost);
@ -324,57 +227,13 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// See if it's an incremental reflow command
if (eReflowReason_Incremental == aReflowState.reason) {
PRBool handled = PR_FALSE;
// Give the absolute positioning code a chance to handle it
PRBool handled;
mAbsoluteContainer.IncrementalReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState, handled);
// See if it's targeted at us
nsIFrame* targetFrame;
if (this == targetFrame) {
nsIAtom* listName;
PRBool isAbsoluteChild;
// It's targeted at us. See if the child frame is absolutely positioned
isAbsoluteChild = nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList == listName;
if (isAbsoluteChild) {
rv = IncrementalReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState);
handled = PR_TRUE;
} else {
// Peek at the next frame in the reflow path
nsIFrame* nextFrame;
aReflowState.reflowCommand->GetNext(nextFrame, PR_FALSE);
// See if it's one of our absolutely positioned child frames
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != nextFrame, "next frame in reflow command is null.");
if (mAbsoluteFrames.ContainsFrame(nextFrame)) {
// Remove the next frame from the reflow path
aReflowState.reflowCommand->GetNext(nextFrame, PR_TRUE);
nsReflowStatus kidStatus;
rv = ReflowAbsoluteFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, nextFrame,
PR_FALSE, kidStatus);
// XXX Make sure the frame is repainted. For the time being, since we
// have no idea what actually changed repaint it all...
nsIView* view;
if (nsnull != view) {
nsIViewManager* viewMgr;
if (nsnull != viewMgr) {
viewMgr->UpdateView(view, (nsIRegion*)nsnull, NS_VMREFRESH_NO_SYNC);
handled = PR_TRUE;
// If we handled the incremental reflow, then we're all done
// If the incremental reflow command was handled by the absolute positioning
// code, then we're all done
if (handled) {
// Just return our current size as our desired size
aDesiredSize.width = mRect.width;
@ -388,9 +247,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// Set the space manager.
// Note: we don't do this for absolutely positioned child frames, because they
// have their own space manager
// If we have one then set the space manager
if (nsnull != mSpaceManager) {
// Modify the reflow state and set the space manager
nsHTMLReflowState& reflowState = (nsHTMLReflowState&)aReflowState;
@ -400,12 +257,14 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// Let the block frame do its reflow first
rv = nsBlockFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
// Reflow the absolutely positioned child frames. We need to do this even for
// an incremental reflow, because some of the absolutely positioned child frames
// may have 'auto' for an offset
ReflowAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aReflowState);
// Let the absolutely positioned container reflow any absolutely positioned
// child frames that need to be reflowed
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = mAbsoluteContainer.Reflow(aPresContext, aReflowState);
// Compute our desired size taking into account floaters that stick outside
// our box. Note that if this frame has a height specified by CSS then we
@ -476,83 +335,6 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
return rv;
// Helper functions
// XXX Optimize the case where it's a resize reflow and the absolutely
// positioned child has the exact same size and position and skip the
// reflow...
nsAreaFrame::ReflowAbsoluteFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
PRBool aInitialReflow,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsresult rv;
nsMargin border;
const nsStyleSpacing* spacing =
(const nsStyleSpacing*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing);
nsIHTMLReflow* htmlReflow;
rv = aKidFrame->QueryInterface(kIHTMLReflowIID, (void**)&htmlReflow);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
nsSize availSize(aReflowState.computedWidth, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(nsnull);
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aKidFrame,
// If it's the initial reflow, then override the reflow reason. This is
// used when frames are inserted incrementally
if (aInitialReflow) {
kidReflowState.reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
rv = htmlReflow->Reflow(aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);
// XXX If the child had a fixed height, then make sure it respected it...
if (NS_AUTOHEIGHT != kidReflowState.computedHeight) {
if (kidDesiredSize.height < kidReflowState.computedHeight) {
kidDesiredSize.height = kidReflowState.computedHeight;
kidDesiredSize.height += +
// Position the child relative to our padding edge
nsRect rect(border.left + kidReflowState.computedOffsets.left + kidReflowState.computedMargin.left, + +,
kidDesiredSize.width, kidDesiredSize.height);
return rv;
// Called by Reflow() to reflow the absolutely positioned child frames.
nsAreaFrame::ReflowAbsoluteFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
// Make a copy of the reflow state. If the reason is eReflowReason_Incremental,
// then change it to eReflowReason_Resize
nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aReflowState);
if (eReflowReason_Incremental == reflowState.reason) {
reflowState.reason = eReflowReason_Resize;
nsIFrame* kidFrame;
for (kidFrame = mAbsoluteFrames.FirstChild(); nsnull != kidFrame; kidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame)) {
// Reflow the frame
nsReflowStatus kidStatus;
ReflowAbsoluteFrame(aPresContext, reflowState, kidFrame, PR_FALSE,
nsAreaFrame::GetFrameType(nsIAtom** aType) const

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "nsISpaceManager.h"
#include "nsVoidArray.h"
#include "nsIAreaFrame.h"
#include "nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer.h"
class nsSpaceManager;
@ -94,19 +95,9 @@ protected:
virtual ~nsAreaFrame();
nsresult IncrementalReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState);
nsresult ReflowAbsoluteFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
PRBool aInitialReflow,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
void ReflowAbsoluteFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState);
nsSpaceManager* mSpaceManager;
nsFrameList mAbsoluteFrames; // additional named child list
nsSpaceManager* mSpaceManager;
nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer mAbsoluteContainer;
#endif /* nsAreaFrame_h___ */

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ LIBRARY_NAME = raptorhtmlbase_s
# Note the sophisticated alphabetical ordering :-|
nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer.cpp \
nsAreaFrame.cpp \
nsBRFrame.cpp \
nsBlockBandData.cpp \

View File

nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer.cpp \
nsAreaFrame.cpp \
nsBRFrame.cpp \
nsBlockBandData.cpp \
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ CPPSRCS= \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsAreaFrame.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsBRFrame.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsBlockBandData.obj \

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::Init(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsAreaFrame::DeleteFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext)
return nsBlockFrame::DeleteFrame(aPresContext);
@ -109,8 +109,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::SetInitialChildList(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsresult rv;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList == aListName) {
rv = NS_OK;
rv = mAbsoluteContainer.SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, aListName, aChildList);
} else {
rv = nsBlockFrame::SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, aListName, aChildList);
@ -140,8 +139,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::FirstChild(nsIAtom* aListName, nsIFrame** aFirstChild) const
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aFirstChild, "null OUT parameter pointer");
if (aListName == nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList) {
*aFirstChild = mAbsoluteFrames.FirstChild();
return NS_OK;
return mAbsoluteContainer.FirstChild(aListName, aFirstChild);
return nsBlockFrame::FirstChild(aListName, aFirstChild);
@ -210,102 +208,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::Paint(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsAreaFrame::GetPositionedInfo(nscoord& aXMost, nscoord& aYMost) const
aXMost = aYMost = 0;
for (nsIFrame* f = mAbsoluteFrames.FirstChild(); nsnull != f; f->GetNextSibling(&f)) {
// Get the frame's x-most and y-most. This is for its flowed content only
nsRect rect;
if (rect.XMost() > aXMost) {
aXMost = rect.XMost();
if (rect.YMost() > aYMost) {
aYMost = rect.YMost();
// If the child frame is also an area frame, then take into account its child
// absolutely positioned elements
nsIAreaFrame* areaFrame;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(f->QueryInterface(kAreaFrameIID, (void**)&areaFrame))) {
nscoord xMost, yMost;
areaFrame->GetPositionedInfo(xMost, yMost);
// Convert to our coordinate space
xMost += rect.x;
yMost += rect.y;
if (xMost > aXMost) {
aXMost = xMost;
if (yMost > aYMost) {
aYMost = yMost;
return NS_OK;
* Called by Reflow() to handle the case where it's an incremental reflow
* targeted at us of an absolutely positioned child frame
nsAreaFrame::IncrementalReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowType type;
nsIFrame* newFrames;
PRInt32 numFrames = 0;
// Get the type of reflow command
// Handle each specific type
if (nsIReflowCommand::FrameAppended == type) {
// Add the frames to our list of absolutely position frames
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != newFrames, "null child list");
numFrames = LengthOf(newFrames);
mAbsoluteFrames.AppendFrames(nsnull, newFrames);
} else if (nsIReflowCommand::FrameRemoved == type) {
// Get the new frame
nsIFrame* childFrame;
PRBool result = mAbsoluteFrames.DeleteFrame(aPresContext, childFrame);
NS_ASSERTION(result, "didn't find frame to delete");
} else if (nsIReflowCommand::FrameInserted == type) {
// Get the previous sibling
nsIFrame* prevSibling;
// Insert the new frames
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != newFrames, "null child list");
numFrames = LengthOf(newFrames);
mAbsoluteFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, prevSibling, newFrames);
} else {
NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "unexpected reflow type");
// For inserted and appended reflow commands we need to reflow the
// newly added frames
if ((nsIReflowCommand::FrameAppended == type) ||
(nsIReflowCommand::FrameInserted == type)) {
while (numFrames-- > 0) {
nsReflowStatus status;
ReflowAbsoluteFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, newFrames, PR_TRUE, status);
return NS_OK;
return mAbsoluteContainer.GetPositionedInfo(aXMost, aYMost);
@ -324,57 +227,13 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// See if it's an incremental reflow command
if (eReflowReason_Incremental == aReflowState.reason) {
PRBool handled = PR_FALSE;
// Give the absolute positioning code a chance to handle it
PRBool handled;
mAbsoluteContainer.IncrementalReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState, handled);
// See if it's targeted at us
nsIFrame* targetFrame;
if (this == targetFrame) {
nsIAtom* listName;
PRBool isAbsoluteChild;
// It's targeted at us. See if the child frame is absolutely positioned
isAbsoluteChild = nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList == listName;
if (isAbsoluteChild) {
rv = IncrementalReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState);
handled = PR_TRUE;
} else {
// Peek at the next frame in the reflow path
nsIFrame* nextFrame;
aReflowState.reflowCommand->GetNext(nextFrame, PR_FALSE);
// See if it's one of our absolutely positioned child frames
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != nextFrame, "next frame in reflow command is null.");
if (mAbsoluteFrames.ContainsFrame(nextFrame)) {
// Remove the next frame from the reflow path
aReflowState.reflowCommand->GetNext(nextFrame, PR_TRUE);
nsReflowStatus kidStatus;
rv = ReflowAbsoluteFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, nextFrame,
PR_FALSE, kidStatus);
// XXX Make sure the frame is repainted. For the time being, since we
// have no idea what actually changed repaint it all...
nsIView* view;
if (nsnull != view) {
nsIViewManager* viewMgr;
if (nsnull != viewMgr) {
viewMgr->UpdateView(view, (nsIRegion*)nsnull, NS_VMREFRESH_NO_SYNC);
handled = PR_TRUE;
// If we handled the incremental reflow, then we're all done
// If the incremental reflow command was handled by the absolute positioning
// code, then we're all done
if (handled) {
// Just return our current size as our desired size
aDesiredSize.width = mRect.width;
@ -388,9 +247,7 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// Set the space manager.
// Note: we don't do this for absolutely positioned child frames, because they
// have their own space manager
// If we have one then set the space manager
if (nsnull != mSpaceManager) {
// Modify the reflow state and set the space manager
nsHTMLReflowState& reflowState = (nsHTMLReflowState&)aReflowState;
@ -400,12 +257,14 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// Let the block frame do its reflow first
rv = nsBlockFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
// Reflow the absolutely positioned child frames. We need to do this even for
// an incremental reflow, because some of the absolutely positioned child frames
// may have 'auto' for an offset
ReflowAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aReflowState);
// Let the absolutely positioned container reflow any absolutely positioned
// child frames that need to be reflowed
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = mAbsoluteContainer.Reflow(aPresContext, aReflowState);
// Compute our desired size taking into account floaters that stick outside
// our box. Note that if this frame has a height specified by CSS then we
@ -476,83 +335,6 @@ nsAreaFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
return rv;
// Helper functions
// XXX Optimize the case where it's a resize reflow and the absolutely
// positioned child has the exact same size and position and skip the
// reflow...
nsAreaFrame::ReflowAbsoluteFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
PRBool aInitialReflow,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsresult rv;
nsMargin border;
const nsStyleSpacing* spacing =
(const nsStyleSpacing*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing);
nsIHTMLReflow* htmlReflow;
rv = aKidFrame->QueryInterface(kIHTMLReflowIID, (void**)&htmlReflow);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
nsSize availSize(aReflowState.computedWidth, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(nsnull);
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aKidFrame,
// If it's the initial reflow, then override the reflow reason. This is
// used when frames are inserted incrementally
if (aInitialReflow) {
kidReflowState.reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
rv = htmlReflow->Reflow(aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);
// XXX If the child had a fixed height, then make sure it respected it...
if (NS_AUTOHEIGHT != kidReflowState.computedHeight) {
if (kidDesiredSize.height < kidReflowState.computedHeight) {
kidDesiredSize.height = kidReflowState.computedHeight;
kidDesiredSize.height += +
// Position the child relative to our padding edge
nsRect rect(border.left + kidReflowState.computedOffsets.left + kidReflowState.computedMargin.left, + +,
kidDesiredSize.width, kidDesiredSize.height);
return rv;
// Called by Reflow() to reflow the absolutely positioned child frames.
nsAreaFrame::ReflowAbsoluteFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
// Make a copy of the reflow state. If the reason is eReflowReason_Incremental,
// then change it to eReflowReason_Resize
nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aReflowState);
if (eReflowReason_Incremental == reflowState.reason) {
reflowState.reason = eReflowReason_Resize;
nsIFrame* kidFrame;
for (kidFrame = mAbsoluteFrames.FirstChild(); nsnull != kidFrame; kidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame)) {
// Reflow the frame
nsReflowStatus kidStatus;
ReflowAbsoluteFrame(aPresContext, reflowState, kidFrame, PR_FALSE,
nsAreaFrame::GetFrameType(nsIAtom** aType) const

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "nsISpaceManager.h"
#include "nsVoidArray.h"
#include "nsIAreaFrame.h"
#include "nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer.h"
class nsSpaceManager;
@ -94,19 +95,9 @@ protected:
virtual ~nsAreaFrame();
nsresult IncrementalReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState);
nsresult ReflowAbsoluteFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
PRBool aInitialReflow,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
void ReflowAbsoluteFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState);
nsSpaceManager* mSpaceManager;
nsFrameList mAbsoluteFrames; // additional named child list
nsSpaceManager* mSpaceManager;
nsAbsolutelyPositionedContainer mAbsoluteContainer;
#endif /* nsAreaFrame_h___ */