Initial add -

This commit is contained in: 2000-12-29 02:46:32 +00:00
parent 9c68edc21e
commit 5abaf0cf2b

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@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Date: 28 December 2000
* SUMMARY: Testing regular expressions containing the ? character.
* Arose from Bugzilla bug 57572: "RegExp with ? matches incorrectly"
var bug = 57572;
var summary = 'Testing regular expressions containing "?"';
var statprefix = 'regexp = '; var statmiddle = ', string = '; var statsuffix = ', $=';
var cnSingleQuote = "'"; var cnEmptyString = ''; var cnSingleSpace = ' ';
var i = -1; var j = -1;
var pattern = ''; var patterns = new Array();
var string = ''; var strings = new Array();
var actual = ''; var actuals = new Array();
var expect = ''; expects = new Array();
pattern = /(\S+)?(.*)/;
string = 'Test this';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'Test', ' this'); //single space in front of 'this'
pattern = /(\S+)? ?(.*)/; //single space between the ? characters
string= 'Test this';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'Test', 'this'); //NO space in front of 'this'
pattern = /(\S+)????(.*)/;
string= 'Test this';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, cnEmptyString, string);
pattern = /(\S+)?(.*)/;
string = 'Stupid phrase, with six - (short) words';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'Stupid', ' phrase, with six - (short) words'); //single space in front of 'phrase'
pattern = /(\S+)? ?(.*)/; //single space between the ? characters
string = 'Stupid phrase, with six - (short) words';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'Stupid', 'phrase, with six - (short) words'); //NO space in front of 'phrase'
// let's add an extra back-reference this time - three instead of two -
pattern = /(\S+)?( ?)(.*)/; //single space before second ? character
string = 'Stupid phrase, with six - (short) words';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'Stupid', cnSingleSpace, 'phrase, with six - (short) words');
pattern = /^(\S+)?( ?)(B+)$/; //single space before second ? character
string = 'AAABBB';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'AAABB', cnEmptyString, 'B');
pattern = /(\S+)?(!?)(.*)/;
string = 'WOW !!! !!!';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'WOW', cnEmptyString, ' !!! !!!');
pattern = /(.+)?(!?)(!+)/;
string = 'WOW !!! !!!';
actual = string.match(pattern);
expect = Array(string, 'WOW !!! !!', cnEmptyString, '!');
function addThis()
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actuals[i] = actual;
expects[i] = expect;
function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
for (i=0; i != patterns.length; i++)
// expects[i] and actuals[i] are array objects. Compare them element-by-element -
for (j=0; j !=actuals[i].length; j++)
reportCompare (expects[i][j], actuals[i][j], getStatus(i, j));
exitFunc ('test');
function getStatus(i, j)
return (statprefix + quote(patterns[i]) + statmiddle + quote(strings[i]) + statsuffix + j );
function quote(text)
return (cnSingleQuote + text + cnSingleQuote);