Bug 931697 - Add multisim telephony test. r=hsinyi

This commit is contained in:
Szu-Yu Chen [:aknow] 2013-12-05 09:29:08 -05:00
parent f8d03252bb
commit 5fd4290a59
3 changed files with 271 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ let emulator = (function() {
(function() {
function checkInitialState() {
log("Verify initial state.");
ok(telephony, 'telephony');
is(telephony.active, null, 'telephony.active');
ok(telephony.calls, 'telephony.calls');
is(telephony.calls.length, 0, 'telephony.calls.length');
ok(telephony, "telephony");
is(telephony.active, null, "telephony.active");
ok(telephony.calls, "telephony.calls");
is(telephony.calls.length, 0, "telephony.calls.length");
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function _startTest(permissions, test) {
function setUp() {
log('== Test SetUp ==');
log("== Test SetUp ==");
// Make sure that we get the telephony after adding permission.
telephony = window.navigator.mozTelephony;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ function _startTest(permissions, test) {
let originalFinish = finish;
function tearDown() {
log('== Test TearDown ==');
log("== Test TearDown ==");
.then(function() {
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ function _startTest(permissions, test) {
function mainTest() {
.then(function onSuccess() {
log('== Test Start ==');
log("== Test Start ==");
}, function onError(error) {
ok(false, 'SetUp error');
ok(false, "SetUp error");
@ -143,9 +143,26 @@ function _startTest(permissions, test) {
function startTest(test) {
_startTest(['telephony'], test);
_startTest(["telephony"], test);
function startTestWithPermissions(permissions, test) {
_startTest(permissions.concat('telephony'), test);
_startTest(permissions.concat("telephony"), test);
function startDSDSTest(test) {
let numRIL;
try {
numRIL = SpecialPowers.getIntPref("ril.numRadioInterfaces");
} catch (ex) {
numRIL = 1; // Pref not set.
if (numRIL > 1) {
} else {
log("Not a DSDS environment. Test is skipped.");
ok(true); // We should run at least one test.

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@ -45,3 +45,4 @@ disabled = Bug 821958

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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
* The functions are created to provide the string format of the emulator call
* list results.
* Usage:
* let outInfo = OutCallStrPool("911");
* outInfo.ringing == "outbound to 911 : ringing"
* outInfo.active == "outbound to 911 : active"
function CallStrPool(prefix, number) {
let padding = " : ";
let numberInfo = prefix + number + padding.substr(number.length);
let info = {};
let states = ["ringing", "incoming", "active", "held"];
for (let state of states) {
info[state] = numberInfo + state;
return info;
function OutCallStrPool(number) {
return CallStrPool("outbound to ", number);
function InCallStrPool(number) {
return CallStrPool("inbound from ", number);
function checkEventCallState(event, call, state) {
is(call, event.call, "event.call");
is(call.state, state, "call state");
function checkTelephonyActiveAndCalls(active, calls) {
is(telephony.active, active, "telephony.active");
is(telephony.calls.length, calls.length, "telephony.calls");
for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; ++i) {
is(telephony.calls[i], calls[i]);
function checkEmulatorCallList(expectedCallList) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
emulator.run("gsm list", function(result) {
log("Call list is now: " + result);
for (let i = 0; i < expectedCallList.length; ++i) {
is(result[i], expectedCallList[i], "emulator calllist");
is(result[expectedCallList.length], "OK", "emulator calllist");
return deferred.promise;
// Promise.
function checkAll(active, calls, callList) {
checkTelephonyActiveAndCalls(active, calls);
return checkEmulatorCallList(callList);
function dial(number, serviceId) {
serviceId = typeof serviceId !== "undefined" ? serviceId : 0;
log("Make an outgoing call: " + number + ", serviceId: " + serviceId);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let call = telephony.dial(number, serviceId);
is(call.number, number);
is(call.state, "dialing");
call.onalerting = function onalerting(event) {
call.onalerting = null;
log("Received 'onalerting' call event.");
is(call.serviceId, serviceId);
checkEventCallState(event, call, "alerting");
return deferred.promise;
function remoteDial(number) {
log("Simulating an incoming call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
telephony.onincoming = function onincoming(event) {
log("Received 'incoming' call event.");
telephony.onimcoming = null;
let call = event.call;
is(call.number, number);
is(call.state, "incoming");
emulator.run("gsm call " + number);
return deferred.promise;
function answer(call) {
log("Answering the incoming call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
call.onconnecting = function onconnectingIn(event) {
log("Received 'connecting' call event for incoming call.");
call.onconnecting = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "connecting");
call.onconnected = function onconnectedIn(event) {
log("Received 'connected' call event for incoming call.");
call.onconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "connected");
return deferred.promise;
function remoteAnswer(call) {
log("Remote answering the call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
call.onconnected = function onconnected(event) {
log("Received 'connected' call event.");
call.onconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "connected");
emulator.run("gsm accept " + call.number);
return deferred.promise;
function remoteHangUp(call) {
log("Remote hanging up the call.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
call.ondisconnected = function ondisconnected(event) {
log("Received 'disconnected' call event.");
call.ondisconnected = null;
checkEventCallState(event, call, "disconnected");
emulator.run("gsm cancel " + call.number);
return deferred.promise;
function muxModem(id) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
emulator.run("mux modem " + id, function() {
return deferred.promise;
function testOutgoingCallForServiceId(number, serviceId) {
let outCall;
let outInfo = OutCallStrPool(number);
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => dial(number, serviceId))
.then(call => {
outCall = call;
is(outCall.serviceId, serviceId);
.then(() => checkAll(outCall, [outCall], [outInfo.ringing]))
.then(() => remoteAnswer(outCall))
.then(() => checkAll(outCall, [outCall], [outInfo.active]))
.then(() => remoteHangUp(outCall))
.then(() => checkAll(null, [], []));
function testIncomingCallForServiceId(number, serviceId) {
let inCall;
let inInfo = InCallStrPool(number);
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => remoteDial(number))
.then(call => {
inCall = call;
is(inCall.serviceId, serviceId);
.then(() => checkAll(null, [inCall], [inInfo.incoming]))
.then(() => answer(inCall))
.then(() => checkAll(inCall, [inCall], [inInfo.active]))
.then(() => remoteHangUp(inCall))
.then(() => checkAll(null, [], []));
function testOutgoingCall() {
log("= testOutgoingCall =");
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => muxModem(0))
.then(() => testOutgoingCallForServiceId("0912345000", 0))
.then(() => muxModem(1))
.then(() => testOutgoingCallForServiceId("0912345001", 1))
.then(() => muxModem(0));
function testIncomingCall() {
log("= testIncomingCall =");
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => muxModem(0))
.then(() => testIncomingCallForServiceId("0912345000", 0))
.then(() => muxModem(1))
.then(() => testIncomingCallForServiceId("0912345001", 1))
.then(() => muxModem(0));
startDSDSTest(function() {
.then(null, () => {
ok(false, "promise rejects during test.");