Bug 1117830 - Part 2: ReadingListSynchronizer. r=nalexander

This commit is contained in:
Richard Newman 2015-03-12 17:48:43 -07:00
parent 1901cc5af7
commit 631fe3d53b
3 changed files with 669 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1179,6 +1179,8 @@ reading_list_service_java_files = [

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@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.gecko.reading;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.mozilla.gecko.background.common.PrefsBranch;
import org.mozilla.gecko.background.common.log.Logger;
import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.ReadingListItems;
import org.mozilla.gecko.reading.ReadingListRecord.ServerMetadata;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.ExtendedJSONObject;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.NonObjectJSONException;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.net.MozResponse;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.text.TextUtils;
* This class implements the multi-phase synchronizing approach described
* at <https://github.com/mozilla-services/readinglist/wiki/Client-phases>.
* This is also where delegate-based control flow comes to die.
public class ReadingListSynchronizer {
public static final String LOG_TAG = ReadingListSynchronizer.class.getSimpleName();
public static final String PREF_LAST_MODIFIED = "download.serverlastmodified";
private final PrefsBranch prefs;
private final ReadingListClient remote;
private final ReadingListStorage local;
private final Executor executor;
private interface StageDelegate {
void next();
void fail();
void fail(Exception e);
private abstract static class NextDelegate implements StageDelegate {
private final Executor executor;
NextDelegate(final Executor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
abstract void doNext();
abstract void doFail(Exception e);
public void next() {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void fail() {
public void fail(final Exception e) {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public ReadingListSynchronizer(final PrefsBranch prefs, final ReadingListClient remote, final ReadingListStorage local) {
this(prefs, remote, local, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());
public ReadingListSynchronizer(final PrefsBranch prefs, final ReadingListClient remote, final ReadingListStorage local, Executor executor) {
this.prefs = prefs;
this.remote = remote;
this.local = local;
this.executor = executor;
private static final class NewItemUploadDelegate implements ReadingListRecordUploadDelegate {
public volatile int failures = 0;
private final ReadingListChangeAccumulator acc;
private final StageDelegate next;
NewItemUploadDelegate(ReadingListChangeAccumulator acc, StageDelegate next) {
this.acc = acc;
this.next = next;
public void onSuccess(ClientReadingListRecord up,
ReadingListRecordResponse response,
ServerReadingListRecord down) {
// Apply the resulting record. The server will have populated some fields.
public void onConflict(ClientReadingListRecord up, ReadingListResponse response) {
ExtendedJSONObject body;
try {
body = response.jsonObjectBody();
String conflicting = body.getString("id");
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Conflict detected: remote ID is " + conflicting);
// TODO: When an operation implies that a server record is a replacement
// of what we uploaded, we should ensure that we have a local copy of
// that server record!
} catch (IllegalStateException | NonObjectJSONException | IOException |
ParseException e) {
// Oops.
// But our workaround is the same either way.
// Either the record exists locally, in which case we need to merge,
// or it doesn't, and we'll download it shortly.
// The simplest thing to do in both cases is to simply delete the local
// record we tried to upload. Yes, we might lose some annotations, but
// we can leave doing better to a follow-up.
// Issues here are so unlikely that we don't do anything sophisticated
// (like moving the record to a holding area) -- just delete it ASAP.
public void onInvalidUpload(ClientReadingListRecord up, ReadingListResponse response) {
public void onFailure(ClientReadingListRecord up, MozResponse response) {
public void onFailure(ClientReadingListRecord up, Exception ex) {
public void onBadRequest(ClientReadingListRecord up, MozResponse response) {
private void recordFailed(ClientReadingListRecord up) {
public void onBatchDone() {
// We mark uploaded records as synced when we apply the server record with the
// GUID -- we don't know the GUID yet!
if (failures == 0) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private static class StatusUploadDelegate implements ReadingListRecordUploadDelegate {
private final ReadingListChangeAccumulator acc;
public volatile int failures = 0;
private final StageDelegate next;
StatusUploadDelegate(ReadingListChangeAccumulator acc, StageDelegate next) {
this.acc = acc;
this.next = next;
public void onInvalidUpload(ClientReadingListRecord up,
ReadingListResponse response) {
public void onConflict(ClientReadingListRecord up,
ReadingListResponse response) {
// This should never happen for a status-only change.
// TODO: mark this record as requiring a full upload or download.
public void onSuccess(ClientReadingListRecord up,
ReadingListRecordResponse response,
ServerReadingListRecord down) {
if (!TextUtils.equals(up.getGUID(), down.getGUID())) {
// Uh oh!
// This should never occur. We should get an onConflict instead,
// so this would imply a server bug, or something like a truncated
// over-long GUID string.
// Should we wish to recover from this case, probably the right approach
// is to ensure that the GUID is overwritten locally (given that we know
// the numeric ID).
public void onBadRequest(ClientReadingListRecord up, MozResponse response) {
public void onFailure(ClientReadingListRecord up, Exception ex) {
public void onFailure(ClientReadingListRecord up, MozResponse response) {
private void recordFailed(ClientReadingListRecord up) {
public void onBatchDone() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (failures == 0) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private Queue<ClientReadingListRecord> collectStatusChangesFromCursor(final Cursor cursor) {
try {
final Queue<ClientReadingListRecord> toUpload = new LinkedList<>();
// The columns should come in this order, FWIW.
final int columnGUID = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ReadingListItems.GUID);
final int columnIsUnread = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ReadingListItems.IS_UNREAD);
final int columnIsFavorite = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ReadingListItems.IS_FAVORITE);
final int columnMarkedReadBy = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ReadingListItems.MARKED_READ_BY);
final int columnMarkedReadOn = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ReadingListItems.MARKED_READ_ON);
final int columnChangeFlags = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ReadingListItems.SYNC_CHANGE_FLAGS);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
final String guid = cursor.getString(columnGUID);
if (guid == null) {
// Nothing we can do here.
final ExtendedJSONObject o = new ExtendedJSONObject();
o.put("id", guid);
final int changeFlags = cursor.getInt(columnChangeFlags);
if ((changeFlags & ReadingListItems.SYNC_CHANGE_FAVORITE_CHANGED) > 0) {
o.put("favorite", cursor.getInt(columnIsFavorite) == 1);
if ((changeFlags & ReadingListItems.SYNC_CHANGE_UNREAD_CHANGED) > 0) {
final boolean isUnread = cursor.getInt(columnIsUnread) == 1;
o.put("unread", isUnread);
if (!isUnread) {
o.put("marked_read_by", cursor.getString(columnMarkedReadBy));
o.put("marked_read_on", cursor.getLong(columnMarkedReadOn));
final ClientMetadata cm = null;
final ServerMetadata sm = new ServerMetadata(guid, -1L);
final ClientReadingListRecord record = new ClientReadingListRecord(sm, cm, o);
return toUpload;
} finally {
private Queue<ClientReadingListRecord> accumulateNewItems(Cursor cursor) {
try {
final Queue<ClientReadingListRecord> toUpload = new LinkedList<>();
final ReadingListClientRecordFactory factory = new ReadingListClientRecordFactory(cursor);
ClientReadingListRecord record;
while ((record = factory.getNext()) != null) {
return toUpload;
} finally {
// N.B., status changes for items that haven't been uploaded yet are dealt with in
// uploadNewItems.
protected void uploadUnreadChanges(final StageDelegate delegate) {
try {
final Cursor cursor = local.getStatusChanges();
if (cursor == null) {
delegate.fail(new RuntimeException("Unable to get unread item cursor."));
final Queue<ClientReadingListRecord> toUpload = collectStatusChangesFromCursor(cursor);
// Nothing to do.
if (toUpload.isEmpty()) {
// Upload each record. This looks like batching, but it's really chained serial requests.
final ReadingListChangeAccumulator acc = this.local.getChangeAccumulator();
final StatusUploadDelegate uploadDelegate = new StatusUploadDelegate(acc, delegate);
// Don't send I-U-S; in the case of favorites we're
// happy to overwrite the server value, and in the case of unread status
// the server will reconcile for us.
this.remote.patch(toUpload, executor, uploadDelegate);
} catch (Exception e) {
protected void uploadNewItems(final StageDelegate delegate) {
try {
final Cursor cursor = this.local.getNew();
if (cursor == null) {
delegate.fail(new RuntimeException("Unable to get new item cursor."));
Queue<ClientReadingListRecord> toUpload = accumulateNewItems(cursor);
// Nothing to do.
if (toUpload.isEmpty()) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "No new items to upload. Skipping.");
final ReadingListChangeAccumulator acc = this.local.getChangeAccumulator();
final NewItemUploadDelegate uploadDelegate = new NewItemUploadDelegate(acc, new StageDelegate() {
private boolean tryFlushChanges() {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Flushing post-upload changes.");
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Flushing changes failed! This sync went wrong.", e);
return false;
public void next() {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "New items uploaded successfully.");
if (tryFlushChanges()) {
public void fail() {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't upload new items.");
if (tryFlushChanges()) {
public void fail(Exception e) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't upload new items.", e);
if (tryFlushChanges()) {
// Handle 201 for success, 400 for invalid, 303 for redirect.
// TODO: 200 == "was already on the server, we didn't touch it, here it is."
// ... we need to apply it locally.
this.remote.add(toUpload, executor, uploadDelegate);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void uploadModified(final StageDelegate delegate) {
private void downloadIncoming(final long since, final StageDelegate delegate) {
final ReadingListChangeAccumulator postDownload = this.local.getChangeAccumulator();
final FetchSpec spec = new FetchSpec.Builder().setSince(since).build();
// TODO: should we flush the accumulator if we get a failure?
ReadingListRecordDelegate recordDelegate = new ReadingListRecordDelegate() {
public void onRecordReceived(ServerReadingListRecord record) {
public void onRecordMissingOrDeleted(String guid, ReadingListResponse resp) {
// Should never occur. Deleted records will be processed by onRecordReceived.
public void onFailure(Exception error) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Download failed. since = " + since + ".", error);
public void onFailure(MozResponse response) {
final int statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Download failed. since = " + since + ". Response: " + statusCode);
public void onComplete(ReadingListResponse response) {
long lastModified = response.getLastModified();
Logger.info(LOG_TAG, "Server last modified: " + lastModified);
try {
// Yay. We do this here so that if writing changes fails, we don't advance.
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
remote.getAll(spec, recordDelegate, since);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
* Upload unread changes, then upload new items, then call `done`.
* Substantially modified records are uploaded last.
* @param syncDelegate only used for status callbacks.
private void syncUp(final ReadingListSynchronizerDelegate syncDelegate, final StageDelegate done) {
// Second.
final StageDelegate onNewItemsUploaded = new NextDelegate(executor) {
public void doNext() {
syncDelegate.onNewItemUploadComplete(null, null);
public void doFail(Exception e) {
// First.
final StageDelegate onUnreadChangesUploaded = new NextDelegate(executor) {
public void doNext() {
syncDelegate.onStatusUploadComplete(null, null);
public void doFail(Exception e) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Uploading unread changes failed.", e);
try {
} catch (Exception ee) {
* Do an upload-only sync.
* By "upload-only" we mean status-only changes and new items.
* To upload modifications, use syncAll.
// Not yet used
public void syncUp(final ReadingListSynchronizerDelegate syncDelegate) {
final StageDelegate onUploadCompleted = new StageDelegate() {
public void next() {
syncDelegate.onNewItemUploadComplete(null, null);
public void fail(Exception e) {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Do a bidirectional sync.
public void syncAll(final ReadingListSynchronizerDelegate syncDelegate) {
syncAll(getLastModified(), syncDelegate);
public void syncAll(final long since, final ReadingListSynchronizerDelegate syncDelegate) {
// Fourth: call back to the synchronizer delegate.
final StageDelegate onModifiedUploadComplete = new NextDelegate(executor) {
public void doNext() {
public void doFail(Exception e) {
// Third: upload modified records.
final StageDelegate onDownloadCompleted = new NextDelegate(executor) { // TODO: since.
public void doNext() {
// TODO: save prefs.
public void doFail(Exception e) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Download failed.", e);
// Second: download incoming changes.
final StageDelegate onUploadCompleted = new NextDelegate(executor) {
public void doNext() {
// N.B., we apply the downloaded versions of all uploaded records.
// That means the DB server timestamp matches the server's current
// timestamp when we do a fetch; we skip records in this way.
// We can also optimize by keeping the (guid, server timestamp) pair
// in memory, but of course this runs into invalidation issues if
// concurrent writes are occurring.
downloadIncoming(since, onDownloadCompleted);
public void doFail(Exception e) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Upload failed.", e);
// First: upload changes and new items.
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
syncUp(syncDelegate, onUploadCompleted);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: ensure that records we identified as conflicts have been downloaded.
protected long getLastModified() {
return prefs.getLong(PREF_LAST_MODIFIED, -1L);
protected void advanceLastModified(final long lastModified) {
if (getLastModified() > lastModified) {
prefs.edit().putLong(PREF_LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified).apply();

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.gecko.reading;
import java.util.Collection;
public interface ReadingListSynchronizerDelegate {
// Called on failure.
void onUnableToSync(Exception e);
// These are called sequentially, or not at all
// if a failure occurs.
void onStatusUploadComplete(Collection<String> uploaded, Collection<String> failed);
void onNewItemUploadComplete(Collection<String> uploaded, Collection<String> failed);
void onDownloadComplete();
void onModifiedUploadComplete();
// If no failure occurred, called at the end.
void onComplete();