mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 21:28:55 +00:00
Making testcase compatible with updated testRegExp() function in utility file shell.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ var i = 0;
var bug = 31316;
var summary = 'Regression test for Bugzilla bug 31316';
var cnEmptyString = '';
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ var expectedmatch = '';
var expectedmatches = new Array();
status = inSection(1);
pattern = /<([^\/<>][^<>]*[^\/])>|<([^\/<>])>/;
string = '<p>Some<br />test</p>';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -66,6 +70,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
@ -29,61 +29,77 @@ var i = 0;
var bug = 57572;
var summary = 'Testing regular expressions containing "?"\n';
var cnEmptyString = ''; var cnSingleSpace = ' ';
var pattern = ''; var patterns = new Array();
var string = ''; var strings = new Array();
var actualmatch = ''; var actualmatches = new Array();
var expectedmatch = ''; var expectedmatches = new Array();
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
var strings = new Array();
var actualmatch = '';
var actualmatches = new Array();
var expectedmatch = '';
var expectedmatches = new Array();
status = inSection(1);
pattern = /(\S+)?(.*)/;
string = 'Test this';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'Test', ' this'); //single space in front of 'this'
status = inSection(2);
pattern = /(\S+)? ?(.*)/; //single space between the ? characters
string= 'Test this';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'Test', 'this'); //NO space in front of 'this'
status = inSection(3);
pattern = /(\S+)????(.*)/;
string= 'Test this';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, cnEmptyString, string);
status = inSection(4);
pattern = /(\S+)?(.*)/;
string = 'Stupid phrase, with six - (short) words';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'Stupid', ' phrase, with six - (short) words'); //single space in front of 'phrase'
status = inSection(5);
pattern = /(\S+)? ?(.*)/; //single space between the ? characters
string = 'Stupid phrase, with six - (short) words';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'Stupid', 'phrase, with six - (short) words'); //NO space in front of 'phrase'
// let's add an extra back-reference this time - three instead of two -
status = inSection(6);
pattern = /(\S+)?( ?)(.*)/; //single space before second ? character
string = 'Stupid phrase, with six - (short) words';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'Stupid', cnSingleSpace, 'phrase, with six - (short) words');
status = inSection(7);
pattern = /^(\S+)?( ?)(B+)$/; //single space before second ? character
string = 'AAABBB';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'AAABB', cnEmptyString, 'B');
status = inSection(8);
pattern = /(\S+)?(!?)(.*)/;
string = 'WOW !!! !!!';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'WOW', cnEmptyString, ' !!! !!!');
status = inSection(9);
pattern = /(.+)?(!?)(!+)/;
string = 'WOW !!! !!!';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
@ -100,6 +116,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -113,6 +130,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
@ -30,23 +30,32 @@ var i = 0;
var bug = 67773;
var summary = 'Testing regular subexpressions followed by ? or +\n';
var cnSingleSpace = ' ';
var pattern = ''; var patterns = new Array();
var string = ''; var strings = new Array();
var actualmatch = ''; var actualmatches = new Array();
var expectedmatch = ''; var expectedmatches = new Array();
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
var strings = new Array();
var actualmatch = '';
var actualmatches = new Array();
var expectedmatch = '';
var expectedmatches = new Array();
pattern = /^(\S+)?( ?)(B+)$/; //single space before second ? character
status = inSection(1);
string = 'AAABBB AAABBB '; //single space at middle and at end -
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null;
status = inSection(2);
string = 'AAABBB BBB'; //single space in the middle
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'AAABBB', cnSingleSpace, 'BBB');
status = inSection(3);
string = 'AAABBB AAABBB'; //single space in the middle
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null;
@ -54,21 +63,25 @@ pattern = /^(\S+)?( ?)(B+)$/; //single space before second ? character
pattern = /^(A+B)+$/;
status = inSection(4);
string = 'AABAAB';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'AAB');
status = inSection(5);
string = 'ABAABAAAAAAB';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'AAAAAAB');
status = inSection(6);
string = 'ABAABAABAB';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'AB');
status = inSection(7);
string = 'ABAABAABABB';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null; // because string doesn't match at end
@ -76,6 +89,7 @@ pattern = /^(A+B)+$/;
pattern = /^(A+1)+$/;
status = inSection(8);
string = 'AA1AA1';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'AA1');
@ -83,21 +97,25 @@ pattern = /^(A+1)+$/;
pattern = /^(\w+\-)+$/;
status = inSection(9);
string = '';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null;
status = inSection(10);
string = 'bla-';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, string);
status = inSection(11);
string = 'bla-bla'; // hyphen missing at end -
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null; //because string doesn't match at end
status = inSection(12);
string = 'bla-bla-';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'bla-');
@ -105,11 +123,13 @@ pattern = /^(\w+\-)+$/;
pattern = /^(\S+)+(A+)$/;
status = inSection(13);
string = 'asdldflkjAAA';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'asdldflkjAA', 'A');
status = inSection(14);
string = 'asdldflkj AAA'; // space in middle
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null; //because of the space
@ -117,11 +137,13 @@ pattern = /^(\S+)+(A+)$/;
pattern = /^(\S+)+(\d+)$/;
status = inSection(15);
string = 'asdldflkj122211';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'asdldflkj12221', '1');
status = inSection(16);
string = 'asdldflkj1111111aaa1';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, 'asdldflkj1111111aaa', '1');
@ -133,6 +155,7 @@ pattern = /^(\S+)+(\d+)$/;
* See http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69989
pattern = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)+$/;
status = inSection(17);
string = 'some.host.tld';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string, '.tld', '.');
@ -148,6 +171,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -161,6 +185,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
@ -29,32 +29,43 @@ var i = 0;
var bug = 72964;
var summary = 'Testing regular expressions containing non-Latin1 characters';
var cnSingleSpace = ' ';
var pattern = ''; var patterns = new Array();
var string = ''; var strings = new Array();
var actualmatch = ''; var actualmatches = new Array();
var expectedmatch = ''; var expectedmatches = new Array();
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
var strings = new Array();
var actualmatch = '';
var actualmatches = new Array();
var expectedmatch = '';
var expectedmatches = new Array();
pattern = /[\S]+/;
// 4 low Unicode chars = Latin1; whole string should match
status = inSection(1);
string = '\u00BF\u00CD\u00BB\u00A7';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string);
// Now put a space in the middle; first half of string should match
status = inSection(2);
string = '\u00BF\u00CD \u00BB\u00A7';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('\u00BF\u00CD');
// 4 high Unicode chars = non-Latin1; whole string should match
status = inSection(3);
string = '\u4e00\uac00\u4e03\u4e00';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array(string);
// Now put a space in the middle; first half of string should match
status = inSection(4);
string = '\u4e00\uac00 \u4e03\u4e00';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('\u4e00\uac00');
@ -70,6 +81,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -83,6 +95,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
var i = 0;
var bug = 76683;
var summary = 'Regression test for Bugzilla bug 76683';
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
@ -43,17 +45,20 @@ var expectedmatches = new Array();
* It didn't matter what the string was. No problem in SpiderMonkey -
string = 'abc';
status = inSection(1);
pattern = /(<!--([^-]|-[^-]|--[^>])*-->)|(<([\$\w:\.\-]+)((([ ][^\/>]*)?\/>)|(([ ][^>]*)?>)))/;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null;
status = inSection(2);
pattern = /(<!--([^-]|-[^-]|--[^>])*-->)|(<(tagPattern)((([ ][^\/>]*)?\/>)|(([ ][^>]*)?>)))/;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null;
// This was the one causing a Rhino crash -
status = inSection(3);
pattern = /(<!--([^-]|-[^-]|--[^>])*-->)|(<(tagPattern)((([ ][^\/>]*)?\/>)|(([ ][^>]*)?>)))|(<\/tagPattern[^>]*>)/;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = null;
@ -69,6 +74,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -82,6 +88,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
var i = 0;
var bug = 78156;
var summary = 'Testing regular expressions with ^, $, and the m flag -';
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
@ -46,22 +48,26 @@ var expectedmatches = new Array();
string = 'aaa\n789\r\nccc\r\n345';
status = inSection(1);
pattern = /^\d/gm;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = ['7','3'];
status = inSection(2);
pattern = /\d$/gm;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = ['9','5'];
string = 'aaa\n789\r\nccc\r\nddd';
status = inSection(3);
pattern = /^\d/gm;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = ['7'];
status = inSection(4);
pattern = /\d$/gm;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = ['9'];
@ -77,6 +83,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -90,6 +97,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ var i = 0;
var bug = 87231;
var cnEmptyString = '';
var summary = 'Testing regular expression /(A)?(A.*)/';
var status = '';
var statusmessages = new Array();
var pattern = '';
var patterns = new Array();
var string = '';
@ -52,16 +54,19 @@ var expectedmatches = new Array();
pattern = /^(A)?(A.*)$/;
status = inSection(1);
string = 'AAA';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('AAA', 'A', 'AA');
status = inSection(2);
string = 'AA';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('AA', 'A', 'A');
status = inSection(3);
string = 'A';
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('A', cnEmptyString, 'A'); // 'altruistic' case: see above
@ -72,16 +77,19 @@ pattern = /(A)?(A.*)/;
var strL = 'zxcasd;fl\\\ ^';
var strR = 'aaAAaaaf;lrlrzs';
status = inSection(4);
string = strL + 'AAA' + strR;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('AAA' + strR, 'A', 'AA' + strR);
status = inSection(5);
string = strL + 'AA' + strR;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('AA' + strR, 'A', 'A' + strR);
status = inSection(6);
string = strL + 'A' + strR;
actualmatch = string.match(pattern);
expectedmatch = Array('A' + strR, cnEmptyString, 'A' + strR); // 'altruistic' case: see above
@ -97,6 +105,7 @@ test();
function addThis()
statusmessages[i] = status;
patterns[i] = pattern;
strings[i] = string;
actualmatches[i] = actualmatch;
@ -110,6 +119,6 @@ function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printBugNumber (bug);
printStatus (summary);
testRegExp(patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
testRegExp(statusmessages, patterns, strings, actualmatches, expectedmatches);
exitFunc ('test');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user