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synced 2024-12-07 05:15:09 +00:00
Bug #328749 --> Add phishing detection support using a locally downloaded list of known phishing urls. sr=bienvenu
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,32 +46,44 @@
var pref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
function linkNodeForClickEvent(event)
* extract the href from the link click event.
* We look for HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAreaElement, HTMLLinkElement,
* HTMLInputElement.form.action, and nested anchor tags.
* @return href for the url being clicked
function hRefForClickEvent(event)
var target = event.target;
var linkNode;
var linkNodeText;
var href;
var isKeyPress = (event.type == "keypress");
if ( target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ||
target instanceof HTMLAreaElement ||
target instanceof HTMLLinkElement ) {
if (target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ||
target instanceof HTMLAreaElement ||
target instanceof HTMLLinkElement)
if (target.hasAttribute("href"))
linkNode = target;
href = target.href;
else if (!(target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) {
else if (target instanceof HTMLInputElement)
if (target.form && target.form.action)
href = target.form.action;
// we may be nested inside of a link node
linkNode = event.originalTarget;
while (linkNode && !(linkNode instanceof HTMLAnchorElement))
linkNode = linkNode.parentNode;
// <a> cannot be nested. So if we find an anchor without an
// href, there is no useful <a> around the target
if (linkNode && !linkNode.hasAttribute("href"))
linkNode = null;
if (linkNode)
href = linkNode.href;
return linkNode;
return href;
// Called whenever the user clicks in the content area,
@ -79,17 +91,14 @@
// should always return true for click to go through
function contentAreaClick(event)
var linkNode = linkNodeForClickEvent(event);
if (linkNode && linkNode.href)
var href = hRefForClickEvent(event);
if (href)
handleLinkClick(event, linkNode.href, null);
// block the link click if we determine that this URL
// is phishy (i.e. a potential email scam)
handleLinkClick(event, href, null);
if (!event.button) // left click only
return !isPhishingURL(linkNode, false);
return gPhishingDetector.warnOnSuspiciousLinkClick(href); // let the phishing detector check the link
return true;
@ -510,8 +510,10 @@ function fillMessagePaneContextMenu()
SetupAddSenderToABMenuItem("messagePaneContext-addSenderToAddressBook", numSelected, (numSelected == 0 || hideMailItems));
SetupAddAllToABMenuItem("messagePaneContext-addAllToAddressBook", numSelected, (numSelected == 0 || hideMailItems));
ShowMenuItem( "context-addemail", gContextMenu.onMailtoLink );
ShowMenuItem( "context-composeemailto", gContextMenu.onMailtoLink );
ShowMenuItem("context-addemail", gContextMenu.onMailtoLink );
ShowMenuItem("context-composeemailto", gContextMenu.onMailtoLink );
ShowMenuItem("reportPhishingURL", gContextMenu.onLink && !gContextMenu.onMailtoLink);
// if we are on an image, go ahead and show this separator
//if (gContextMenu.onLink && !gContextMenu.onMailtoLink)
@ -525,6 +527,7 @@ function fillMessagePaneContextMenu()
ShowMenuItem("messagePaneContext-sep-saveAs", shouldShowSeparator("messagePaneContext-sep-saveAs"));
ShowMenuItem("messagePaneContext-sep-edit", shouldShowSeparator("messagePaneContext-sep-edit"));
ShowMenuItem("messagePaneContext-sep-copy", shouldShowSeparator("messagePaneContext-sep-copy"));
ShowMenuItem("messagePaneContext-sep-reportPhishing", shouldShowSeparator("messagePaneContext-sep-reportPhishing"));
// Determines whether or not the separator with the specified ID should be
@ -2251,15 +2251,9 @@ var gMessageNotificationBar =
this.updateMsgNotificationBar(kMsgNotificationRemoteImages, true);
// aUrl is the nsIURI for the message currently loaded in the message pane
setPhishingMsg: function(aUrl)
setPhishingMsg: function()
// if we've explicitly marked this message as not being an email scam, then don't
// bother checking it with the phishing detector.
var phishingMsg = false;
if (!checkMsgHdrPropertyIsNot("notAPhishMessage", kIsAPhishMessage))
phishingMsg = isMsgEmailScam(aUrl);
this.updateMsgNotificationBar(kMsgNotificationPhishingBar, phishingMsg);
this.updateMsgNotificationBar(kMsgNotificationPhishingBar, true);
clearMsgNotifications: function()
@ -2269,7 +2263,6 @@ var gMessageNotificationBar =
this.mMsgNotificationBar.collapsed = true;
// private method used to set our message notification deck to the correct value...
updateMsgNotificationBar: function(aIndex, aSet)
var chunk = this.mBarFlagValues[aIndex];
@ -2279,9 +2272,18 @@ var gMessageNotificationBar =
// the phishing message takes precedence over the junk message
// which takes precedence over the remote content message
this.mMsgNotificationBar.selectedIndex = this.mBarFlagValues.indexOf(status & -status);
this.mMsgNotificationBar.collapsed = !status;
* @param aFlag (kMsgNotificationPhishingBar, kMsgNotificationJunkBar, kMsgNotificationRemoteImages
* @return true if aFlag is currently set for the loaded message
isFlagSet: function(aFlag)
var chunk = this.mBarFlagValues[aFlag];
return this.mBarStatus & chunk;
@ -2424,7 +2426,9 @@ function OnMsgParsed(aUrl)
if (!findBar.hidden)
// run the phishing detector on the message
if (!checkMsgHdrPropertyIsNot("notAPhishMessage", kIsAPhishMessage))
function OnMsgLoaded(aUrl)
@ -1109,7 +1109,9 @@
<menuseparator id="messagePaneContext-sep-reportPhishing"/>
<menuitem id="reportPhishingURL" label="&reportPhishingURL.label;" accesskey="&reportPhishingURL.accesskey;"
<popup id="toolbar-context-menu">
@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ function delayedOnLoadMessageWindow()
// initialize the customizeDone method on the customizeable toolbar
var toolbox = document.getElementById("mail-toolbox");
toolbox.customizeDone = MailToolboxCustomizeDone;
@ -859,7 +859,9 @@ function delayedOnLoadMessenger()
//need to add to session before trying to load start folder otherwise listeners aren't
@ -44,220 +44,311 @@ const kPhishingNotSuspicious = 0;
const kPhishingWithIPAddress = 1;
const kPhishingWithMismatchedHosts = 2;
// isEmailScam --> examines the message currently loaded in the message pane
// and returns true if we think that message is an e-mail scam.
// Assumes the message has been completely loaded in the message pane (i.e. OnMsgParsed has fired)
// aUrl: nsIURI object for the msg we want to examine...
function isMsgEmailScam(aUrl)
var isEmailScam = false;
if (!aUrl || !gPrefBranch.getBoolPref("mail.phishing.detection.enabled"))
return isEmailScam;
var gPhishingDetector = {
mPhishingWarden: null,
* initialize the phishing warden.
* initialize the black and white list url tables.
* update the local tables if necessary
init: function()
// set up the anti phishing service
var appContext = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/phishingprotection/application;1"]
// Ignore nntp and RSS messages
// nsIMsgMailNewsUrl.folder can throw an error, especially if we are opening
// a .eml message.
var folder;
try {
folder = aUrl.folder;
} catch (ex) {}
this.mPhishingWarden = new appContext.PROT_PhishingWarden();
// Register tables
// XXX: move table names to a pref that we originally will download
// from the provider (need to workout protocol details)
// Download/update lists if we're in non-enhanced mode
if (folder && (folder.server.type == 'nntp' || folder.server.type == 'rss'))
return isEmailScam;
// loop through all of the link nodes in the message's DOM, looking for phishing URLs...
var msgDocument = document.getElementById('messagepane').contentDocument;
// examine all links...
var linkNodes = msgDocument.links;
for (var index = 0; index < linkNodes.length && !isEmailScam; index++)
isEmailScam = isPhishingURL(linkNodes[index], true);
// if an e-mail contains a form element, then assume the message is a phishing attack.
// Legitimate sites should not be using forms inside of e-mail.
if (!isEmailScam && msgDocument.getElementsByTagName("form").length > 0)
isEmailScam = true;
// we'll add more checks here as our detector matures....
return isEmailScam;
// isPhishingURL --> examines the passed in linkNode and returns true if we think
// the URL is an email scam.
// aLinkNode: the link node to examine
// aSilentMode: don't prompt the user to confirm
function isPhishingURL(aLinkNode, aSilentMode)
if (!gPrefBranch.getBoolPref("mail.phishing.detection.enabled"))
return false;
var phishingType = kPhishingNotSuspicious;
var href = aLinkNode.href;
if (!href)
return false;
var linkTextURL = {};
var unobscuredHostName = {};
var isPhishingURL = false;
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
var hrefURL;
// make sure relative link urls don't make us bail out
try {
hrefURL = ioService.newURI(href, null, null);
return false;
// only check for phishing urls if the url is an http or https link.
// this prevents us from flagging imap and other internally handled urls
if (hrefURL.schemeIs('http') || hrefURL.schemeIs('https'))
* Analyzes the urls contained in the currently loaded message in the message pane, looking for
* phishing URLs.
* Assumes the message has finished loading in the message pane (i.e. OnMsgParsed has fired).
* @param aUrl nsIURI for the message being analyzed.
* @return asynchronously calls gMessageNotificationBar.setPhishingMsg if the message
* is identified as a scam.
analyzeMsgForPhishingURLs: function (aUrl)
unobscuredHostName.value = hrefURL.host;
if (hostNameIsIPAddress(hrefURL.host, unobscuredHostName) && !isLocalIPAddress(unobscuredHostName))
phishingType = kPhishingWithIPAddress;
else if (misMatchedHostWithLinkText(aLinkNode, hrefURL, linkTextURL))
phishingType = kPhishingWithMismatchedHosts;
isPhishingURL = phishingType != kPhishingNotSuspicious;
if (!aSilentMode && isPhishingURL) // allow the user to override the decision
isPhishingURL = confirmSuspiciousURL(phishingType, unobscuredHostName.value);
return isPhishingURL;
// helper methods in support of isPhishingURL
function misMatchedHostWithLinkText(aLinkNode, aHrefURL, aLinkTextURL)
var linkNodeText = gatherTextUnder(aLinkNode);
// gatherTextUnder puts a space between each piece of text it gathers,
// so strip the spaces out (see bug 326082 for details).
linkNodeText = linkNodeText.replace(/ /g, "");
// only worry about http and https urls
if (linkNodeText)
// does the link text look like a http url?
if (linkNodeText.search(/(^http:|^https:)/) != -1)
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
var linkTextURL = ioService.newURI(linkNodeText, null, null);
aLinkTextURL.value = linkTextURL;
return aHrefURL.host != linkTextURL.host;
return false;
// returns true if the hostName is an IP address
// if the host name is an obscured IP address, returns the unobscured host
function hostNameIsIPAddress(aHostName, aUnobscuredHostName)
// TODO: Add Support for IPv6
var index;
// scammers frequently obscure the IP address by encoding each component as octal, hex
// or in some cases a mix match of each. The IP address could also be represented as a DWORD.
// break the IP address down into individual components.
var ipComponents = aHostName.split(".");
// if we didn't find at least 4 parts to our IP address it either isn't a numerical IP
// or it is encoded as a dword
if (ipComponents.length < 4)
// Convert to a binary to test for possible DWORD.
var binaryDword = parseInt(aHostName).toString(2);
if (isNaN(binaryDword))
return false;
// convert the dword into its component IP parts.
ipComponents = new Array;
ipComponents[0] = (aHostName >> 24) & 255;
ipComponents[1] = (aHostName >> 16) & 255;
ipComponents[2] = (aHostName >> 8) & 255;
ipComponents[3] = (aHostName & 255);
for (index = 0; index < ipComponents.length; ++index)
if (!aUrl || !gPrefBranch.getBoolPref("mail.phishing.detection.enabled"))
// Ignore nntp and RSS messages
var folder;
try {
folder = aUrl.folder;
} catch (ex) {}
if (folder.server.type == 'nntp' || folder.server.type == 'rss')
// extract the link nodes in the message and analyze them, looking for suspicious URLs...
var linkNodes = document.getElementById('messagepane').contentDocument.links;
for (var index = 0; index < linkNodes.length; index++)
this.analyzeUrl(linkNodes[index].href, gatherTextUnder(linkNodes[index]));
// extract the action urls associated with any form elements in the message and analyze them.
var formNodes = document.getElementById('messagepane').contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (index = 0; index < formNodes.length; index++)
// by leaving the radix parameter blank, we can handle IP addresses
// where one component is hex, another is octal, etc.
ipComponents[index] = parseInt(ipComponents[index]);
if (formNodes[index].action)
* Analyze the url contained in aLinkNode for phishing attacks. If a phishing URL is found,
* @param aHref the url to be analyzed
* @param aLinkText (optional) user visible link text associated with aHref in case
* we are dealing with a link node.
* @return asynchronously calls gMessageNotificationBar.setPhishingMsg if the link node
* conains a phishing URL.
analyzeUrl: function (aUrl, aLinkText)
if (!aUrl)
// make sure each part of the IP address is in fact a number
for (index = 0; index < ipComponents.length; ++index)
if (isNaN(ipComponents[index])) // if any part of the IP address is not a number, then we can safely return
return false;
var hostName = ipComponents[0] + '.' + ipComponents[1] + '.' + ipComponents[2] + '.' + ipComponents[3];
// only set aUnobscuredHostName if we are looking at an IPv4 host name
if (isIPv4HostName(hostName))
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
var hrefURL;
// make sure relative link urls don't make us bail out
try {
hrefURL = ioService.newURI(aUrl, null, null);
} catch(ex) { return; }
// only check for phishing urls if the url is an http or https link.
// this prevents us from flagging imap and other internally handled urls
if (hrefURL.schemeIs('http') || hrefURL.schemeIs('https'))
var failsStaticTests = false;
var linkTextURL = {};
var unobscuredHostName = {};
unobscuredHostName.value = hrefURL.host;
if (this.hostNameIsIPAddress(hrefURL.host, unobscuredHostName) && !this.isLocalIPAddress(unobscuredHostName))
failsStaticTests = true;
else if (aLinkText && this.misMatchedHostWithLinkText(hrefURL, aLinkText, linkTextURL))
failsStaticTests = true;
// Lookup the url against our local list. We want to do this even if the url fails our static
// test checks because the url might be in the white list.
this.mPhishingWarden.isEvilURL(GetLoadedMessage(), failsStaticTests, aUrl, this.localListCallback);
* @param aMsgURI the uri for the loaded message when the look up was initiated.
* @param aFailsStaticTests true if our static tests think the url is a phishing scam
* @param aUrl the url we looked up in the phishing tables
* @param aLocalListStatus the result of the local lookup (PROT_ListWarden.IN_BLACKLIST,
localListCallback: function (aMsgURI, aFailsStaticTests, aUrl, aLocalListStatus)
// for urls in the blacklist, notify the phishing bar.
// for urls in the whitelist, do nothing
// for all other urls, fall back to the static tests
if (aMsgURI == GetLoadedMessage())
if (aLocalListStatus == 0 /* PROT_ListWarden.IN_BLACKLIST */ ||
(aLocalListStatus == 2 /* PROT_ListWarden.PROT_ListWarden.NOT_FOUND */ && aFailsStaticTests))
* Looks up the report phishing url for the current phishing provider, appends aPhishingURL to the url,
* and loads it in the default browser where the user can submit the url as a phish.
* @param aPhishingURL the url we want to report back as a phishing attack
reportPhishingURL: function(aPhishingURL)
var appContext = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/phishingprotection/application;1"]
var reportUrl = appContext.getReportPhishingURL();
if (reportUrl)
reportUrl += "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(aPhishingURL);
// now send the url to the default browser
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var uri = ioService.newURI(reportUrl, null, null);
var protocolSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"]
* Private helper method to determine if the link node contains a user visible
* url with a host name that differs from the actual href the user would get taken to.
* i.e. <a href="http://myevilsite.com">http://mozilla.org</a>
* @return true if aHrefURL.host matches the host of the link node text.
* @return aLinkTextURL the nsIURI for the link node text
misMatchedHostWithLinkText: function(aHrefURL, aLinkNodeText, aLinkTextURL)
aUnobscuredHostName.value = hostName;
return true;
// gatherTextUnder puts a space between each piece of text it gathers,
// so strip the spaces out (see bug 326082 for details).
aLinkNodeText = aLinkNodeText.replace(/ /g, "");
return false;
// only worry about http and https urls
if (aLinkNodeText)
// does the link text look like a http url?
if (aLinkNodeText.search(/(^http:|^https:)/) != -1)
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
aLinkTextURL.value = ioService.newURI(aLinkNodeText, null, null);
return aHrefURL.host != aLinkTextURL.value.host;
function isIPv4HostName(aHostName)
var ipv4HostRegExp = new RegExp(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/); // IPv4
// treat as an invalid IP address
return ipv4HostRegExp.test(aHostName) && aHostName != '';
// returns true if the user confirms the URL is a scam
function confirmSuspiciousURL(aPhishingType, aSuspiciousHostName)
var brandShortName = gBrandBundle.getString("brandShortName");
var titleMsg = gMessengerBundle.getString("confirmPhishingTitle");
var dialogMsg;
switch (aPhishingType)
return false;
* Private helper method to determine if aHostName is an obscured IP address
* @return unobscured host name (if there is one)
* @return true if aHostName is an IP address
hostNameIsIPAddress: function(aHostName, aUnobscuredHostName)
case kPhishingWithIPAddress:
case kPhishingWithMismatchedHosts:
dialogMsg = gMessengerBundle.getFormattedString("confirmPhishingUrl" + aPhishingType, [brandShortName, aSuspiciousHostName], 2);
return false;
// TODO: Add Support for IPv6
var index;
const nsIPS = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(nsIPS);
return promptService.confirmEx(window, titleMsg, dialogMsg, buttons, "", "", "", "", {}); /* the yes button is in position 0 */
// scammers frequently obscure the IP address by encoding each component as octal, hex
// or in some cases a mix match of each. The IP address could also be represented as a DWORD.
// returns true if the IP address is a local address.
function isLocalIPAddress(unobscuredHostName)
var ipComponents = unobscuredHostName.value.split(".");
// break the IP address down into individual components.
var ipComponents = aHostName.split(".");
return ipComponents[0] == 10 ||
(ipComponents[0] == 192 && ipComponents[1] == 168) ||
(ipComponents[0] == 169 && ipComponents[1] == 254) ||
(ipComponents[0] == 172 && ipComponents[1] >= 16 && ipComponents[1] < 32);
// if we didn't find at least 4 parts to our IP address it either isn't a numerical IP
// or it is encoded as a dword
if (ipComponents.length < 4)
// Convert to a binary to test for possible DWORD.
var binaryDword = parseInt(aHostName).toString(2);
if (isNaN(binaryDword))
return false;
// convert the dword into its component IP parts.
ipComponents = new Array;
ipComponents[0] = (aHostName >> 24) & 255;
ipComponents[1] = (aHostName >> 16) & 255;
ipComponents[2] = (aHostName >> 8) & 255;
ipComponents[3] = (aHostName & 255);
for (index = 0; index < ipComponents.length; ++index)
// by leaving the radix parameter blank, we can handle IP addresses
// where one component is hex, another is octal, etc.
ipComponents[index] = parseInt(ipComponents[index]);
// make sure each part of the IP address is in fact a number
for (index = 0; index < ipComponents.length; ++index)
if (isNaN(ipComponents[index])) // if any part of the IP address is not a number, then we can safely return
return false;
var hostName = ipComponents[0] + '.' + ipComponents[1] + '.' + ipComponents[2] + '.' + ipComponents[3];
// only set aUnobscuredHostName if we are looking at an IPv4 host name
if (this.isIPv4HostName(hostName))
aUnobscuredHostName.value = hostName;
return true;
return false;
* Private helper method.
* @return true if aHostName is an IPv4 address
isIPv4HostName: function(aHostName)
var ipv4HostRegExp = new RegExp(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/); // IPv4
// treat as an invalid IP address
return ipv4HostRegExp.test(aHostName) && aHostName != '';
* Private helper method.
* @return true if unobscuredHostName is a local IP address.
isLocalIPAddress: function(unobscuredHostName)
var ipComponents = unobscuredHostName.value.split(".");
return ipComponents[0] == 10 ||
(ipComponents[0] == 192 && ipComponents[1] == 168) ||
(ipComponents[0] == 169 && ipComponents[1] == 254) ||
(ipComponents[0] == 172 && ipComponents[1] >= 16 && ipComponents[1] < 32);
* If the current message has been identified as an email scam, prompts the user with a warning
* before allowing the link click to be processed. The warning prompt includes the unobscured host name
* of the http(s) url the user clicked on.
* @param aUrl the url
* @return true if the link should be allowed to load
warnOnSuspiciousLinkClick: function(aUrl)
// if the loaded message has been flagged as a phishing scam,
if (!gMessageNotificationBar.isFlagSet(kMsgNotificationPhishingBar))
return true;
var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var hrefURL;
// make sure relative link urls don't make us bail out
try {
hrefURL = ioService.newURI(aUrl, null, null);
} catch(ex) { return false; }
// only prompt for http and https urls
if (hrefURL.schemeIs('http') || hrefURL.schemeIs('https'))
// unobscure the host name in case it's an encoded ip address..
var unobscuredHostName = {};
unobscuredHostName.value = hrefURL.host;
this.hostNameIsIPAddress(hrefURL.host, unobscuredHostName);
var brandShortName = gBrandBundle.getString("brandShortName");
var titleMsg = gMessengerBundle.getString("confirmPhishingTitle");
var dialogMsg = gMessengerBundle.getFormattedString("confirmPhishingUrl",
[brandShortName, unobscuredHostName.value], 2);
const nsIPS = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(nsIPS);
return !promptService.confirmEx(window, titleMsg, dialogMsg, nsIPS.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS + nsIPS.BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT,
"", "", "", "", {}); /* the yes button is in position 0 */
return true; // allow the link to load
@ -385,8 +385,6 @@ megaByteAbbreviation=%dMB
# Warnings to alert users about phishing urls
confirmPhishingTitle=Email Scam Alert
#LOCALIZATION NOTE %1$S is the brand name, %2$S is the host name of the url being visited
confirmPhishingUrl1=%1$S thinks this site is suspicious! It may be trying to impersonate the web page you want to visit. Most legitimate sites use names instead of numbers. Are you sure you want to visit %2$S?
confirmPhishingUrl2=%1$S thinks this site is suspicious! It may be trying to impersonate the web page you want to visit. Are you sure you want to visit %2$S?
confirmPhishingUrl=%1$S thinks this message is a scam. It may be trying to impersonate the web page you want to visit. Are you sure you want to visit %2$S?
# Check for Updates
@ -21,11 +21,7 @@
<!ENTITY resetTrainingData.accesskey "D">
<!-- Phishing Detector -->
<!ENTITY phishingDetector.intro "&brandShortName; can analyze messages for possible email scams by looking for common techniques used to deceive you.">
<!ENTITY enablePhishingDetector.label "Check mail messages for email scams">
<!ENTITY enablePhishingDetector.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY phishingDetector1.intro "&brandShortName; can analyze messages for suspected email scams by looking for common techniques used to deceive you.">
<!ENTITY phishingDetector1.intro "&brandShortName; can analyze messages for suspected email scams by looking for common techniques used to deceive you.">
<!ENTITY enablePhishingDetector1.label "Tell me if the message I'm reading is a suspected email scam">
<!ENTITY enablePhishingDetector1.accesskey "e">
<!ENTITY useDownloadedList.label "Use a downloaded list of suspected email scams">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user