r=mkaply, sr=mkaply (platform specific), a=mkaply (OS/2 only)
Patch from Rich Walsh - rewrite OS/2 icon code to fix some color corruption and overall cleanup
This commit is contained in:
mkaply%us.ibm.com 2005-05-07 04:26:15 +00:00
parent 80dfaa9d1b
commit 63f1f21948

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
* Scott MacGregor <mscott@netscape.com>
* Neil Rashbrook <neil@parkwaycc.co.uk>
* IBM Corp.
* Rich Walsh <dragtext@e-vertise.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
@ -39,50 +40,41 @@
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "nsIconChannel.h"
#include "nsIIconURI.h"
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsMimeTypes.h"
#include "nsMemory.h"
#include "nsIStringStream.h"
#include "nsIURL.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "nsInt64.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "nsIFileURL.h"
#include "nsIMIMEService.h"
#include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h"
#include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
#define INCL_WIN
#define INCL_PM
#define INCL_DEV
#define INCL_GPI
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for getenv
// From Windows
#define SHGFI_ICON 0x0001
#define SHGFI_LARGEICON 0x0004
#define SHGFI_SMALLICON 0x0008
// Due to byte swap the second is first of the pair
#define FIRSTPEL(x) (0xF & (x >> 4))
#define SECONDPEL(x) (0xF & x)
// Due to byte swap, the second nibble is the first pixel of the pair
#define FIRSTPEL(x) (0xF & (x >> 4))
#define SECONDPEL(x) (0xF & x)
// forward declarations of a couple of helper methods.
// Takes a bitmap from the windows registry and converts it into 4 byte RGB data.
void ConvertColorBitMap(PBYTE aBitmapBuffer, PBITMAPINFO2 pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer);
void ConvertMaskBitMap(PBYTE aBitMaskBuffer, PBITMAPINFO2 pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer);
PRUint32 CalcWordAlignedRowSpan(PRUint32 aWidth, PRUint32 aBitCount);
// nbr of bytes per row, rounded up to the nearest dword boundary
#define ALIGNEDBPR(cx,bits) ((( ((cx)*(bits)) + 31) / 32) * 4)
// native icon functions
HPOINTER GetFileIcon(nsCString& file, PRBool fExists);
void ConvertColorBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf);
void ShrinkColorBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf);
void ConvertMaskBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf);
void ShrinkMaskBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf);
// nsIconChannel methods
@ -106,7 +98,7 @@ nsresult nsIconChannel::Init(nsIURI* uri)
return rv;
// nsIRequest methods:
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::GetName(nsACString &result)
@ -162,7 +154,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::SetLoadFlags(PRUint32 aLoadAttributes)
return mPump->SetLoadFlags(aLoadAttributes);
// nsIChannel methods:
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::GetOriginalURI(nsIURI* *aURI)
@ -191,26 +183,27 @@ nsIconChannel::Open(nsIInputStream **_retval)
return MakeInputStream(_retval, PR_FALSE);
void InvertRows(PBYTE aInitialBuffer, PRUint32 sizeOfBuffer, PRUint32 numBytesPerRow)
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *aListener, nsISupports *ctxt)
if (!numBytesPerRow) return;
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inStream;
nsresult rv = MakeInputStream(getter_AddRefs(inStream), PR_TRUE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
PRUint32 numRows = sizeOfBuffer / numBytesPerRow;
void * temporaryRowHolder = (void *) nsMemory::Alloc(numBytesPerRow);
// Init our streampump
rv = mPump->Init(inStream, nsInt64(-1), nsInt64(-1), 0, 0, PR_FALSE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
PRUint32 currentRow = 0;
PRUint32 lastRow = (numRows - 1) * numBytesPerRow;
while (currentRow < lastRow)
// store the current row into a temporary buffer
memcpy(temporaryRowHolder, (void *) &aInitialBuffer[currentRow], numBytesPerRow);
memcpy((void *) &aInitialBuffer[currentRow], (void *)&aInitialBuffer[lastRow], numBytesPerRow);
memcpy((void *) &aInitialBuffer[lastRow], temporaryRowHolder, numBytesPerRow);
lastRow -= numBytesPerRow;
currentRow += numBytesPerRow;
rv = mPump->AsyncRead(this, ctxt);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Store our real listener
mListener = aListener;
// Add ourself to the load group, if available
if (mLoadGroup)
mLoadGroup->AddRequest(this, nsnull);
return rv;
nsresult nsIconChannel::ExtractIconInfoFromUrl(nsIFile ** aLocalFile, PRUint32 * aDesiredImageSize, nsACString &aContentType, nsACString &aFileExtension)
@ -239,396 +232,410 @@ nsresult nsIconChannel::ExtractIconInfoFromUrl(nsIFile ** aLocalFile, PRUint32 *
return NS_OK;
INT AddBGR(PRGB2 pColorTableEntry, nsCString& iconBuffer)
iconBuffer.Append((char) pColorTableEntry->bBlue);
iconBuffer.Append((char) pColorTableEntry->bGreen);
iconBuffer.Append((char) pColorTableEntry->bRed);
return 3;
void ConvertColorBitMap(PBYTE buffer, PBITMAPINFO2 pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer)
// windows inverts the row order in their bitmaps. So we need to invert the rows back into a top-down order.
PRUint32 bytesPerPixel = pBitMapInfo->cBitCount / 8;
PRUint32 unalignedBytesPerRowRGB = pBitMapInfo->cx * 3;
PRInt32 iScanLineSize = pBitMapInfo->cSize1; // Stored early
PRInt32 iIter;
InvertRows(buffer, pBitMapInfo->cbImage, iScanLineSize);
PRUint32 alignedBytesPerRowRGB = CalcWordAlignedRowSpan(pBitMapInfo->cx, 24);
PRUint32 numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB = alignedBytesPerRowRGB - unalignedBytesPerRowRGB;
PRUint32 pos = 0;
if (numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB < 0) // this should never happen.....
numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB = 0;
PRGB2 pColorTable = &pBitMapInfo->argbColor[0]; // Note Color tables are only valid for 1, 4, 8 BPP maps
PRUint32 index = 0;
// Many OS2 Icons are 16 colors or 4 BPP so we need to map the colors to RGB
if (pBitMapInfo->cBitCount == 4 ||
pBitMapInfo->cBitCount == 8 )
PBYTE pPelPair;
if (pBitMapInfo->cBitCount == 4)
iIter = (pBitMapInfo->cx + 1) / 2; // Have 1/2 bytes as pels per row
iIter = pBitMapInfo->cx; // Bytes = Pels
for (ULONG j = 0; j < pBitMapInfo->cy; j++) //Number of rows
pPelPair = buffer;
pPel = (PBYTE)buffer;
for(INT i = 0; i < iIter; i++)
if (pBitMapInfo->cBitCount == 4)
AddBGR(&pColorTable[FIRSTPEL(*pPelPair)], iconBuffer);
AddBGR(&pColorTable[SECONDPEL(*pPelPair)], iconBuffer);
AddBGR(&pColorTable[*pPel], iconBuffer);
if (numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB)
for (PRUint32 k = 0; k < numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB; k++)
iconBuffer.Append((char) 0);
buffer += iScanLineSize;
//// if each pixel uses 16 bits to describe the color then each R, G, and B value uses 5 bites. Use some fancy
//// bit operations to blow up the 16 bit case into 1 byte per component color. Actually windows
//// is using a 5:6:5 scheme. so the green component gets 6 bits....
//if (pBitMapInfo->cBitCount == 16)
// PRUint8 redValue, greenValue, blueValue;
// while (index < pBitMapInfo->cbImage)
// {
// PRUint16 num = 0;
// num = (PRUint8) buffer[index+1];
// num <<= 8;
// num |= (PRUint8) buffer[index];
// // be sure to ignore the top bit
// //num &= 0x7FFF; // only want the low 15 bits.....not the 16th...
// // use num as an offset into the color table....get the RGBQuad entry and read out
// // the RGB values.
// //RGBQUAD rgbValues = pBitMapInfo->bmiColors[num];
// //redValue = ( (num & 0xf800) >> 11);
// //greenValue = ( (num & 0x07E0) >> 5);
// //blueValue = ( num & 0x001F);
// redValue = ((PRUint32) (((float)(num & 0xf800) / 0xf800) * 0xFF0000) & 0xFF0000)>> 16;
// greenValue = ((PRUint32)(((float)(num & 0x07E0) / 0x07E0) * 0x00FF00) & 0x00FF00)>> 8;
// blueValue = ((PRUint32)(((float)(num & 0x001F) / 0x001F) * 0x0000FF) & 0x0000FF);
// // now we have the right RGB values...
// iconBuffer.Append((char) blueValue);
// iconBuffer.Append((char) greenValue);
// iconBuffer.Append((char) redValue);
// pos += 3;
// if (pos == unalignedBytesPerRow && numBytesPaddingPerRow) // if we have reached the end of a current row, add padding to force dword alignment
// {
// pos = 0;
// for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < numBytesPaddingPerRow; i++)
// {
// iconBuffer.Append((char) 0);
// }
// }
// index += bytesPerPixel;
// }
else // otherwise we must be using 32 bits per pixel so each component value is getting one byte...
while (index < pBitMapInfo->cbImage)
iconBuffer.Append((char) buffer[index]);
iconBuffer.Append((char) buffer[index+1]);
iconBuffer.Append((char) buffer[index+2]);
pos += 3;
if (pos == unalignedBytesPerRowRGB && numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB) // if we have reached the end of a current row, add padding to force dword alignment
pos = 0;
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < numBytesPaddingPerRowRGB; i++)
iconBuffer.Append((char) 0);
index += bytesPerPixel;
PRUint32 CalcWordAlignedRowSpan(PRUint32 aWidth, PRUint32 aBitCount)
PRUint32 spanBytes;
spanBytes = (aWidth * aBitCount) >> 5;
if (((PRUint32) aWidth * aBitCount) & 0x1F)
spanBytes <<= 2;
return spanBytes;
void ConvertMaskBitMap(PBYTE aBitMaskBuffer, PBITMAPINFO2 pBitMapInfo, nsCString& iconBuffer)
PRInt32 iScanLineSize = pBitMapInfo->cSize1; // Stored early
InvertRows(aBitMaskBuffer, pBitMapInfo->cbImage, iScanLineSize);
PRUint32 index = 0;
// for some reason the bit mask on windows are flipped from the values we really want for transparency.
// So complement each byte in the bit mask.
while (index < pBitMapInfo->cbImage)
index += 1;
iconBuffer.Append((char *) aBitMaskBuffer, pBitMapInfo->cbImage);
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *aListener, nsISupports *ctxt)
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inStream;
nsresult rv = MakeInputStream(getter_AddRefs(inStream), PR_TRUE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// Init our streampump
rv = mPump->Init(inStream, nsInt64(-1), nsInt64(-1), 0, 0, PR_FALSE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
rv = mPump->AsyncRead(this, ctxt);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Store our real listener
mListener = aListener;
// Add ourself to the load group, if available
if (mLoadGroup)
mLoadGroup->AddRequest(this, nsnull);
return rv;
// retrieves a native icon with 16, 256, or 16M colors and converts it
// to 24-bit BGR with 1-bit alpha data (BGR_A1 format); Note: this
// implementation ignores the file's MIME-type because using it virtually
// guarantees we'll end up with an inappropriate icon (i.e. an .exe icon)
nsresult nsIconChannel::MakeInputStream(nsIInputStream** _retval, PRBool nonBlocking)
// get some details about this icon
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> localFile;
PRUint32 desiredImageSize;
nsXPIDLCString contentType;
nsCAutoString filePath;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> localFile; // file we want an icon for
PRUint32 desiredImageSize;
nsresult rv = ExtractIconInfoFromUrl(getter_AddRefs(localFile), &desiredImageSize, contentType, filePath);
// if the file exists, we are going to use it's real attributes...otherwise we only want to use it for it's extension...
UINT infoFlags = SHGFI_ICON;
// if the file exists, get its path
PRBool fileExists = PR_FALSE;
if (localFile)
if (localFile) {
if (!fileExists)
if (desiredImageSize > 16)
// if we have a content type... then use it! but for existing files, we want
// to show their real icon.
if (!fileExists && !contentType.IsEmpty())
nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mimeService (do_GetService(NS_MIMESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
nsCAutoString fileExt;
mimeService->GetPrimaryExtension(contentType, EmptyCString(), fileExt);
// If the mime service does not know about this mime type, we show
// the generic icon.
// In any case, we need to insert a '.' before the extension.
filePath = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(".") + fileExt;
// (1) get an hIcon for the file
PSZ pszFileName = (PSZ)filePath.get();
HPOINTER hIcon = WinLoadFileIcon(pszFileName, FALSE);
if ((hIcon == NULLHANDLE) && (pszFileName[0] == '.')) {
/* Just trying to get an icon for an extension */
/* Create a temporary file to try to get an icon */
char* tmpdir = getenv("TMP");
if (tmpdir) {
char tmpfile[CCHMAXPATH];
strcpy(tmpfile, tmpdir);
strcat(tmpfile, pszFileName);
FILE* fp = fopen(tmpfile, "wb+");
if (fp) {
hIcon = WinLoadFileIcon(tmpfile, FALSE);
// get the icon from the file
HPOINTER hIcon = GetFileIcon(filePath, fileExists);
if (hIcon == NULLHANDLE)
// we got a handle to an icon. Now we want to get a bitmap for the icon using GetIconInfo....
// get the color & mask bitmaps used by the icon
BOOL fRC = WinQueryPointerInfo(hIcon, &IconInfo);
if (fRC == 0) {
nsCString iconBuffer;
HBITMAP hBitmap;
HBITMAP hBitmapMask;
// Decide which icon to use
if ( infoFlags & SHGFI_LARGEICON )
hBitmap = IconInfo.hbmColor;
hBitmapMask = IconInfo.hbmPointer;
hBitmap = IconInfo.hbmMiniColor;
hBitmapMask = IconInfo.hbmMiniPointer;
// Get the basic info
BMHeader.cbFix = sizeof(BMHeader);
fRC = GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader(hBitmap, &BMHeader);
if (fRC == 0) {
if (!WinQueryPointerInfo(hIcon, &IconInfo)) {
WinFreeFileIcon( hIcon);
///// // Calulate size of color table
///// LONG cbColorTable;
///// if ( BMHeader.cBitCount > 8 )
///// {
///// cbColorTable = 0;
///// }
///// else
///// {
///// cbColorTable = 1 << BMHeader.cBitCount;
///// }
LONG cbBitMapInfo = sizeof(BITMAPINFO2) + (sizeof(RGB2) * 255); // Max possible
LONG iScanLineSize = ((BMHeader.cBitCount * BMHeader.cx + 31) / 32) * 4;
LONG cbBuffer = iScanLineSize * BMHeader.cy;
// Allocate buffers, fill w/ 0
PBITMAPINFO2 pBitMapInfo = (PBITMAPINFO2)nsMemory::Alloc(cbBitMapInfo);
memset(pBitMapInfo, 0, cbBitMapInfo);
PBYTE buffer = (PBYTE)nsMemory::Alloc(cbBuffer);
memset(buffer, 0, cbBuffer);
// Copy over the header info
*((PBITMAPINFOHEADER2)pBitMapInfo ) = BMHeader;
// Create DC
SIZEL sizel = {0,0};
HPS hps = GpiCreatePS((HAB)0, hdc, &sizel, GPIA_ASSOC | PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO);
// Not sure if you need this but it is good form
HBITMAP hOldBM = GpiSetBitmap(hps, hBitmap);
// Get those bits
LONG lScanLines = GpiQueryBitmapBits(hps, 0L, (LONG)BMHeader.cy, buffer, pBitMapInfo);
if (lScanLines > 0)
// Set this since it is used all over
pBitMapInfo->cbImage = cbBuffer;
pBitMapInfo->cSize1 = iScanLineSize;
// temporary hack alert...currently moz-icon urls only support 16, 24 and 32 bit color. we don't support
// 8, 4 or 1 bit color yet. So convert OS/2 4 BPP to RGB
// The first 2 bytes into our output buffer needs to be the width and the height (in pixels) of the icon
// as specified by our data format.
iconBuffer.Assign((char) pBitMapInfo->cx);
iconBuffer.Append((char) pBitMapInfo->cy);
ConvertColorBitMap(buffer, pBitMapInfo, iconBuffer);
// now we need to tack on the alpha data...which is hbmMask
memset(pBitMapInfo, 0, cbBitMapInfo);
BMHeader.cbFix = sizeof(BMHeader);
fRC = GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader(hBitmapMask, &BMHeader);
iScanLineSize = ((BMHeader.cBitCount * BMHeader.cx + 31) / 32) * 4;
LONG cbBufferMask = iScanLineSize * BMHeader.cy;
if (cbBufferMask > cbBuffer) // Need more for mask
buffer = (PBYTE)nsMemory::Alloc(cbBufferMask);
memset(buffer, 0, cbBufferMask);
// if we need a mini-icon, use those bitmaps if present;
// otherwise, signal that the icon needs to be shrunk
PRBool fShrink = FALSE;
if (desiredImageSize <= 16) {
if (IconInfo.hbmMiniPointer) {
IconInfo.hbmColor = IconInfo.hbmMiniColor;
IconInfo.hbmPointer = IconInfo.hbmMiniPointer;
fShrink = TRUE;
*((PBITMAPINFOHEADER2)pBitMapInfo ) = BMHeader;
hOldBM = GpiSetBitmap(hps, hBitmapMask);
// various resources to be allocated
PRUint8* pInBuf = 0;
PRUint8* pOutBuf = 0;
HDC hdc = 0;
HPS hps = 0;
lScanLines = GpiQueryBitmapBits(hps, 0L, (LONG)BMHeader.cy, buffer, pBitMapInfo);
if (lScanLines > 0)
// using this dummy do{...}while(0) "loop" guarantees resources will
// be deallocated, eliminates the need for nesting, and generally makes
// testing for & dealing with errors pretty painless (just 'break')
do {
// get the details for the color bitmap; if there isn't one
// or this is 1-bit color, exit
BMHeader.cbFix = sizeof(BMHeader);
if (!IconInfo.hbmColor ||
!GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader(IconInfo.hbmColor, &BMHeader) ||
BMHeader.cBitCount == 1)
// alloc space for the color bitmap's info, including its color table
PRUint32 cbBMInfo = sizeof(BITMAPINFO2) + (sizeof(RGB2) * 255);
pBMInfo = (PBITMAPINFO2)nsMemory::Alloc(cbBMInfo);
if (!pBMInfo)
// alloc space for the color bitmap data
PRUint32 cbInRow = ALIGNEDBPR( BMHeader.cx, BMHeader.cBitCount);
PRUint32 cbInBuf = cbInRow * BMHeader.cy;
pInBuf = (PRUint8*)nsMemory::Alloc(cbInBuf);
if (!pInBuf)
memset( pInBuf, 0, cbInBuf);
// alloc space for the 24-bit BGR_A1 bitmap we're creating
PRUint32 cxOut = (fShrink ? BMHeader.cx / 2 : BMHeader.cx);
PRUint32 cyOut = (fShrink ? BMHeader.cy / 2 : BMHeader.cy);
PRUint32 cbColor = ALIGNEDBPR( cxOut, 24) * cyOut;
PRUint32 cbMask = ALIGNEDBPR( cxOut, 1) * cyOut;
PRUint32 cbOutBuf = 2 + cbColor + cbMask;
pOutBuf = (PRUint8*)nsMemory::Alloc(cbOutBuf);
if (!pOutBuf)
memset( pOutBuf, 0, cbOutBuf);
// create a DC and PS
hdc = DevOpenDC( (HAB)0, OD_MEMORY, "*", 5L, (PDEVOPENDATA)&dop, NULLHANDLE);
if (!hdc)
SIZEL sizel = {0,0};
hps = GpiCreatePS((HAB)0, hdc, &sizel, GPIA_ASSOC | PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO);
if (!hps)
// get the color bits
memset( pBMInfo, 0, cbBMInfo);
GpiSetBitmap(hps, IconInfo.hbmColor);
if (GpiQueryBitmapBits( hps, 0L, (LONG)BMHeader.cy,
(BYTE*)pInBuf, pBMInfo) <= 0)
// The first 2 bytes are the width & height of the icon in pixels
PRUint8* outPtr = pOutBuf;
*outPtr++ = (PRUint8)cxOut;
*outPtr++ = (PRUint8)cyOut;
// convert the color bitmap
pBMInfo->cbImage = cbInBuf;
if (fShrink)
ShrinkColorBitMap( pInBuf, pBMInfo, outPtr);
ConvertColorBitMap( pInBuf, pBMInfo, outPtr);
outPtr += cbColor;
// now we need to tack on the alpha data
// Get the mask info
BMHeader.cbFix = sizeof(BMHeader);
if (!GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader(IconInfo.hbmPointer, &BMHeader))
// if the existing input buffer isn't large enough, reallocate it
cbInRow = ALIGNEDBPR( BMHeader.cx, BMHeader.cBitCount);
if ((cbInRow * BMHeader.cy) > cbInBuf) // Need more for mask
pBitMapInfo->cbImage = cbBufferMask;
pBitMapInfo->cSize1 = iScanLineSize;
ConvertMaskBitMap(buffer, pBitMapInfo, iconBuffer);
cbInBuf = cbInRow * BMHeader.cy;
pInBuf = (PRUint8*)nsMemory::Alloc(cbInBuf);
memset( pInBuf, 0, cbInBuf);
// get the mask/alpha bits
memset( pBMInfo, 0, cbBMInfo);
GpiSetBitmap(hps, IconInfo.hbmPointer);
if (GpiQueryBitmapBits( hps, 0L, (LONG)BMHeader.cy,
(BYTE*)pInBuf, pBMInfo) <= 0)
// Now, create a pipe and stuff our data into it
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inStream;
nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> outStream;
rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(inStream), getter_AddRefs(outStream),
iconBuffer.Length(), iconBuffer.Length(), nonBlocking);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
PRUint32 written;
rv = outStream->Write(iconBuffer.get(), iconBuffer.Length(), &written);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
NS_ADDREF(*_retval = inStream);
} // if we have a mask buffer to apply
// convert the mask/alpha bitmap
pBMInfo->cbImage = cbInBuf;
if (fShrink)
ShrinkMaskBitMap( pInBuf, pBMInfo, outPtr);
ConvertMaskBitMap( pInBuf, pBMInfo, outPtr);
// create a pipe
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inStream;
nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> outStream;
rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(inStream), getter_AddRefs(outStream),
cbOutBuf, cbOutBuf, nonBlocking);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
// put our data into the pipe
PRUint32 written;
rv = outStream->Write( NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const char*, pOutBuf),
cbOutBuf, &written);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
// success! so addref the pipe
NS_ADDREF(*_retval = inStream);
} while (0);
} // if we got color info
if (hps)
// free all the resources we allocated
if (pOutBuf)
nsMemory::Free( pOutBuf);
if (pInBuf)
nsMemory::Free( pInBuf);
if (pBMInfo)
nsMemory::Free( pBMInfo);
if (hps) {
GpiAssociate(hps, NULLHANDLE);
if (hdc)
if (hIcon)
WinFreeFileIcon( hIcon);
return rv;
// if the file exists, get its icon; if it doesn't, create a dummy file
// with the same extension, then use whatever icon the system assigns it
HPOINTER GetFileIcon(nsCString& file, PRBool fExists)
if (fExists)
return WinLoadFileIcon( file.get(), FALSE);
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dummyPath;
if (NS_FAILED(NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR,
return 0;
if (file.First() == '.')
file.Insert("moztmp", 0);
if (NS_FAILED(dummyPath->AppendNative(file)))
return 0;
nsCAutoString dummyFile;
HPOINTER hRtn = 0;
FILE* fp = fopen( dummyFile.get(), "wb+");
if (fp) {
fclose( fp);
hRtn = WinLoadFileIcon(dummyFile.get(), FALSE);
return hRtn;
// converts 16, 256, & 16M color bitmaps to 24-bit BGR format; since the
// scanlines in OS/2 bitmaps run bottom-to-top, it starts at the end of the
// input buffer & works its way back; Note: because the input is already
// padded to a dword boundary, the output will be padded automatically
void ConvertColorBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf)
PRUint32 bprIn = ALIGNEDBPR(pBMInfo->cx, pBMInfo->cBitCount);
PRUint8* pIn = inBuf + (pBMInfo->cy - 1) * bprIn;
PRUint8* pOut = outBuf;
PRGB2 pColorTable = &pBMInfo->argbColor[0];
if (pBMInfo->cBitCount == 4) {
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy; row > 0; row--) {
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < bprIn; ndx++, pIn++) {
pOut = 3 + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, &pColorTable[FIRSTPEL(*pIn)], 3);
pOut = 3 + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, &pColorTable[SECONDPEL(*pIn)], 3);
pIn -= 2 * bprIn;
if (pBMInfo->cBitCount == 8) {
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy; row > 0; row--) {
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < bprIn; ndx++, pIn++) {
pOut = 3 + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, &pColorTable[*pIn], 3);
pIn -= 2 * bprIn;
if (pBMInfo->cBitCount == 24) {
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy; row > 0; row--) {
pOut = bprIn + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, pIn, bprIn);
pIn -= bprIn;
// similar to ConvertColorBitMap() except that it skips every other pixel
// horizontally, & every other line vertically; this is the exact reverse
// of what GPI does when it expands a mini-icon to full-size
void ShrinkColorBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf)
PRUint32 bprIn = ALIGNEDBPR(pBMInfo->cx, pBMInfo->cBitCount);
PRUint8* pIn = inBuf + (pBMInfo->cy - 1) * bprIn;
PRUint8* pOut = outBuf;
PRGB2 pColorTable = &pBMInfo->argbColor[0];
if (pBMInfo->cBitCount == 4) {
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy; row > 0; row -= 2) {
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < bprIn; ndx++, pIn++) {
pOut = 3 + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, &pColorTable[FIRSTPEL(*pIn)], 3);
pIn -= 3 * bprIn;
if (pBMInfo->cBitCount == 8) {
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy; row > 0; row -= 2) {
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < bprIn; ndx += 2, pIn += 2) {
pOut = 3 + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, &pColorTable[*pIn], 3);
pIn -= 3 * bprIn;
if (pBMInfo->cBitCount == 24) {
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy; row > 0; row -= 2) {
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < bprIn; ndx += 6, pIn += 3) {
pOut = 3 + (PRUint8*)memcpy( pOut, pIn, 3);
pIn += 3;
pIn -= 3 * bprIn;
// converts an icon's AND mask into 1-bit alpha data; since the AND mask
// is the 2nd half of a pair of bitmaps & the scanlines run bottom-to-top,
// starting at the end & working back to the midpoint converts the entire
// bitmap; Note: because the input is already padded to a dword boundary,
// the output will be padded automatically
void ConvertMaskBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf)
PRUint32 bprIn = ALIGNEDBPR(pBMInfo->cx, pBMInfo->cBitCount);
PRUint32 lprIn = bprIn / 4;
PRUint32* pOut32 = (PRUint32*)outBuf;
PRUint32* pIn32 = (PRUint32*)(inBuf + (pBMInfo->cy - 1) * bprIn);
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy/2; row > 0; row--) {
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < lprIn; ndx++) {
*pOut32++ = ~(*pIn32++);
pIn32 -= 2 * lprIn;
// similar to ConvertMaskBitMap() except that it skips every other pixel
// horizontally, & every other line vertically; Note: this is the only
// one of these functions that may have to add padding to its output
void ShrinkMaskBitMap(PRUint8* inBuf, PBITMAPINFO2 pBMInfo, PRUint8* outBuf)
PRUint32 bprIn = ALIGNEDBPR(pBMInfo->cx, pBMInfo->cBitCount);
PRUint32 padOut = (bprIn / 2) & 3;
PRUint8* pOut = outBuf;
PRUint8* pIn = inBuf + (pBMInfo->cy - 1) * bprIn;
// for every other row
for (PRUint32 row = pBMInfo->cy/2; row > 0; row -= 2) {
PRUint8 dest = 0;
PRUint8 destMask = 0x80;
// for every byte in the row
for (PRUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < bprIn; ndx++) {
PRUint8 src = ~(*pIn++);
PRUint8 srcMask = 0x80;
// for every other bit in the current byte
for (PRUint32 bitNdx = 0; bitNdx < 8; bitNdx += 2) {
if (src & srcMask)
dest |= destMask;
srcMask >>= 2;
destMask >>= 1;
// if we've filled an output byte from two input bytes, save it
if (!destMask) {
*pOut++ = dest;
dest = 0;
destMask = 0x80;
// after we've processed every input byte in the row,
// does the output row need padding?
if (padOut) {
memset( pOut, 0, padOut);
pOut += padOut;
pIn -= 3 * bprIn;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::GetContentType(nsACString &aContentType)
@ -723,6 +730,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest* aRequest, nsISupports* aC
return NS_OK;
// nsIStreamListener methods
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest* aRequest,
nsISupports* aContext,
@ -734,3 +742,6 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsIconChannel::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest* aRequest,
return mListener->OnDataAvailable(this, aContext, aStream, aOffset, aCount);
return NS_OK;