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synced 2025-03-06 00:31:27 +00:00
Bug 38932: Allow Mail/News Account Wizard branding through CCK tool (r=bhuvan) (r=varada)
Patch file to create files mailaccount.rdf and newsaccount.rdf
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,3 +71,201 @@ void CreateHelpMenu (void)
// This function creates the file "mailaccount.rdf" to customize the Mail account
void CreateIspMenu(void)
CString root = GetGlobal("Root");
CString config = GetGlobal("CustomizationList");
CString IspPath = root + "\\Configs\\" + config + "\\Temp\\";//ISpPath=CCKTool\Configs\configname\Temp
_mkdir (IspPath);
CString ispDomainName = GetGlobal("DomainName");
CString ispPrettyName = GetGlobal("PrettyName");
CString ispLongName = GetGlobal("LongName");
CString ispInServer = GetGlobal("IncomingServer");
CString ispOutServer = GetGlobal("OutgoingServer");
CString ispPortNumber = GetGlobal("PortNumber");
CString serverType = GetGlobal("Serverlist");
if (serverType == "POP")
serverType = "pop3";
if (serverType == "IMAP")
serverType = "imap";
CString popMessage = GetGlobal("PopMessages");
if (popMessage == "0") // check if "leave messages on server" option is set
popMessage = "false";
else if (popMessage == "1")
popMessage = "true";
// mailaccount.rdf file is created only if values are entered for all the fields in the CCK mail UI
if (!( (ispDomainName.IsEmpty()) || (ispPrettyName.IsEmpty()) || (ispLongName.IsEmpty()) || (ispInServer.IsEmpty()) || (ispOutServer.IsEmpty()) || (ispPortNumber.IsEmpty()) ))
CString IspFile = IspPath +"mailaccount.rdf";
ofstream Isp(IspFile);
char *shortname;
char tempdomain[25];
shortname = strtok(tempdomain,".");
if (!Isp)
cout << "The file cannot be opened \n";
Isp <<"<\?xml version=\"1.0\"\?>\n";
Isp <<"<RDF:RDF\n";
Isp <<" xmlns:NC=\"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#\"\n";
Isp <<" xmlns:RDF=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\">\n\n";
Isp <<"<RDF:Description about=\"NC:ispinfo\">\n";
Isp <<" <NC:providers>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:nsIMsgAccount about=\"domain:" << ispDomainName << "\">\n\n";
Isp <<" <!-- server info -->\n";
Isp <<" <NC:incomingServer>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:nsIMsgIncomingServer>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:prettyName>" << ispPrettyName << "</NC:prettyName>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:hostName>" << ispInServer << "</NC:hostName>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:type>" << serverType << "</NC:type>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:port>" << ispPortNumber << "<NC:port>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:rememberPassword>false</NC:rememberPassword>\n";
if (serverType == "pop3")
Isp <<" <NC:ServerType-pop3>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:nsIPopIncomingServer>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:leaveMessagesOnServer>" << popMessage << "</NC:leaveMessagesOnServer>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:deleteMailLeftOnServer>false</NC:deleteMailLeftOnServer>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:nsIPopIncomingServer>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:ServerType-pop3>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:nsIMsgIncomingServer>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:incomingServer>\n\n";
Isp <<" <!-- identity defaults -->\n";
Isp <<" <NC:identity>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:nsIMsgIdentity>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:composeHtml>false</NC:composeHtml>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:bccSelf>false</NC:bccSelf>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:nsIMsgIdentity>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:identity>\n\n";
Isp <<" <NC:smtp>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:nsISmtpServer>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:hostname>" << ispOutServer << "</NC:hostname>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:nsISmtpServer>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:smtp>\n\n";
Isp <<" <NC:smtpRequiresUsername>true</NC:smtpRequiresUsername>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:smtpCreateNewServer>ture</NC:smtpCreateNewServer>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:smtpUsePreferredServer>true</NC:smtpUsePreferredServer>\n\n";
Isp <<" <NC:wizardSkipPanels>true</NC:wizardSkipPanels>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:wizardShortName>" << shortname << "</NC:wizardShortName>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:wizardLongName>" << ispLongName << "</NC:wizardLongName>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:wizardShow>true</NC:wizardShow>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:wizardPromote>true</NC:wizardPromote>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:emailProviderName>" << ispDomainName << "</NC:emailProviderName>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:sampleEmail>username@" << ispDomainName << "</NC:sampleEmail>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:sampleUserName>username</NC:sampleUserName>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:emailIDDescription>user name</NC:emailIDDescription>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:emailIDFieldTitle>User name:</NC:emailIDFieldTitle>\n";
Isp <<" <NC:showServerDetailsOnWizardSummary>false</NC:showServerDetailsOnWizardSummary>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:nsIMsgAccount>\n";
Isp <<" </NC:providers>\n";
Isp <<"</RDF:Description>\n\n";
Isp <<"</RDF:RDF>\n";
// This function creates the file "newsaccount.rdf" to customize the News account
void CreateNewsMenu(void)
CString root = GetGlobal("Root");
CString config = GetGlobal("CustomizationList");
CString NewsPath = root + "\\Configs\\" + config + "\\Temp\\";//NewsPath=CCKTool\Configs\configname\Temp
_mkdir (NewsPath);
CString newsDomainName = GetGlobal("nDomainName");
CString newsPrettyName = GetGlobal("nPrettyName");
CString newsLongName = GetGlobal("nLongName");
CString newsInServer = GetGlobal("nIncomingServer");
CString newsOutServer = GetGlobal("nOutgoingServer");
CString newsPortNumber = GetGlobal("nPortNumber");
// newsaccount.rdf file is created only if values are entered for all the fields in the CCK News UI
if (!( (newsDomainName.IsEmpty()) || (newsPrettyName.IsEmpty()) || (newsLongName.IsEmpty()) || (newsInServer.IsEmpty()) || (newsOutServer.IsEmpty()) || (newsPortNumber.IsEmpty()) ))
CString NewsFile = NewsPath +"newsaccount.rdf";
ofstream News(NewsFile);
char *shortname;
char tempdomain[25];
shortname = strtok(tempdomain,".");
if (!News)
cout << "The file cannot be opened \n";
News <<"<\?xml version=\"1.0\"\?>\n";
News <<"<RDF:RDF\n";
News <<" xmlns:NC=\"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#\"\n";
News <<" xmlns:RDF=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\">\n\n";
News <<"<RDF:Description about=\"NC:ispinfo\">\n";
News <<" <NC:providers>\n";
News <<" <NC:nsIMsgAccount about=\"domain:" << newsDomainName << "\">\n\n";
News <<" <!-- server info -->\n";
News <<" <NC:incomingServer>\n";
News <<" <NC:nsIMsgIncomingServer>\n";
News <<" <NC:prettyName>" << newsPrettyName << "</NC:prettyName>\n";
News <<" <NC:hostName>" << newsInServer << "</NC:hostName>\n";
News <<" <NC:type>nntp</NC:type>\n";
News <<" <NC:port>" << newsPortNumber << "<NC:port>\n";
News <<" <NC:rememberPassword>false</NC:rememberPassword>\n";
News <<" </NC:nsIMsgIncomingServer>\n";
News <<" </NC:incomingServer>\n\n";
News <<" <!-- identity defaults -->\n";
News <<" <NC:identity>\n";
News <<" <NC:nsIMsgIdentity>\n";
News <<" <NC:composeHtml>false</NC:composeHtml>\n";
News <<" <NC:bccSelf>false</NC:bccSelf>\n";
News <<" </NC:nsIMsgIdentity>\n";
News <<" </NC:identity>\n\n";
News <<" <NC:smtp>\n";
News <<" <NC:nsISmtpServer>\n";
News <<" <NC:hostname>" << newsOutServer << "</NC:hostname>\n";
News <<" </NC:nsISmtpServer>\n";
News <<" </NC:smtp>\n\n";
News <<" <NC:smtpRequiresUsername>true</NC:smtpRequiresUsername>\n";
News <<" <NC:smtpCreateNewServer>ture</NC:smtpCreateNewServer>\n";
News <<" <NC:smtpUsePreferredServer>true</NC:smtpUsePreferredServer>\n\n";
News <<" <NC:wizardSkipPanels>true</NC:wizardSkipPanels>\n";
News <<" <NC:wizardShortName>" << shortname << "</NC:wizardShortName>\n";
News <<" <NC:wizardLongName>" << newsLongName << "</NC:wizardLongName>\n";
News <<" <NC:wizardShow>true</NC:wizardShow>\n";
News <<" <NC:wizardPromote>true</NC:wizardPromote>\n";
News <<" <NC:emailProviderName>" << newsDomainName << "</NC:emailProviderName>\n";
News <<" <NC:sampleEmail>username@" << newsDomainName << "</NC:sampleEmail>\n";
News <<" <NC:sampleUserName>username</NC:sampleUserName>\n";
News <<" <NC:emailIDDescription>user name</NC:emailIDDescription>\n";
News <<" <NC:emailIDFieldTitle>User name:</NC:emailIDFieldTitle>\n";
News <<" <NC:showServerDetailsOnWizardSummary>false</NC:showServerDetailsOnWizardSummary>\n";
News <<" </NC:nsIMsgAccount>\n";
News <<" </NC:providers>\n";
News <<"</RDF:Description>\n\n";
News <<"</RDF:RDF>\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user