Cleaning up keep-alive/proxy loop and eliminating redundant code.

This commit is contained in: 2000-03-19 10:17:00 +00:00
parent 4612ecc9db
commit 663ce37b96

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@ -819,26 +819,26 @@ nsresult nsHTTPHandler::RequestTransport(nsIURI* i_Uri,
// Ask the channel for proxy info... since that overrides
PRBool usingProxy = PR_FALSE;
i_Channel -> GetUsingProxy(&usingProxy);
i_Channel -> GetUsingProxy (&usingProxy);
if (usingProxy)
rv = i_Channel->GetProxyHost(getter_Copies(proxy));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
rv = i_Channel -> GetProxyHost (getter_Copies (proxy));
if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return rv;
rv = i_Channel->GetProxyPort(&proxyPort);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
rv = i_Channel -> GetProxyPort (&proxyPort);
if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return rv;
rv = i_Uri->GetHost(getter_Copies(host));
rv = i_Uri -> GetHost (getter_Copies (host));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
rv = i_Uri->GetPort(&port);
rv = i_Uri -> GetPort (&port);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
if (port == -1)
GetDefaultPort (&port);
nsIChannel* trans = nsnull;
@ -847,76 +847,67 @@ nsresult nsHTTPHandler::RequestTransport(nsIURI* i_Uri,
PRInt32 index = 0;
if (mDoKeepAlive)
mIdleTransports -> Count (&count);
// remove old and dead transports first
for (index=count-1; index >= 0; --index)
for (index = count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
trans = (nsIChannel*) mIdleTransports -> ElementAt (index);
nsIChannel* cTrans = (nsIChannel*) mIdleTransports -> ElementAt (index);
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsISocketTransport> sTrans = do_QueryInterface (trans, &rv);
PRBool isAlive = PR_TRUE;
if (cTrans)
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsISocketTransport> sTrans = do_QueryInterface (cTrans, &rv);
PRBool isAlive = PR_TRUE;
if (NS_FAILED (rv) || NS_FAILED (sTrans -> IsAlive (mKeepAliveTimeout, &isAlive))
|| !isAlive)
mIdleTransports -> RemoveElement (trans);
if (NS_FAILED (rv) || NS_FAILED (sTrans -> IsAlive (mKeepAliveTimeout, &isAlive))
|| !isAlive)
mIdleTransports -> RemoveElement (cTrans);
mIdleTransports -> Count (&count);
for (index=count-1; index >= 0; --index, trans = nsnull)
for (index = count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
trans = (nsIChannel*) mIdleTransports->ElementAt(index);
if (trans &&
nsIChannel* cTrans = (nsIChannel*) mIdleTransports -> ElementAt (index);
if (cTrans &&
(NS_SUCCEEDED (cTrans -> GetURI (getter_AddRefs (uri)))))
nsXPIDLCString idlehost;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(uri->GetHost(getter_Copies(idlehost))))
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (uri -> GetHost (getter_Copies (idlehost))))
if (0 == PL_strcasecmp (usingProxy ? proxy : host, idlehost))
if (!PL_strcasecmp (usingProxy ? proxy : host, idlehost))
PRInt32 idleport;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(uri->GetPort(&idleport)))
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (uri -> GetPort (&idleport)))
if (idleport == -1)
GetDefaultPort (&idleport);
if (idleport == usingProxy ? proxyPort : port)
// Addref it before removing it!
NS_ADDREF (cTrans);
// Remove it from the idle
mIdleTransports -> RemoveElement (cTrans);
trans = cTrans;
break;// break out of the for loop
// else delibrately ignored.
} /* for */
// if we didn't find any from the keep-alive idlelist
if (trans == nsnull)
// Ask the channel for proxy info... since that overrides
PRBool usingProxy = PR_FALSE;
if (usingProxy)
nsXPIDLCString proxy;
PRInt32 proxyPort = -1;
rv = i_Channel->GetProxyHost(getter_Copies(proxy));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
rv = i_Channel->GetProxyPort(&proxyPort);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
rv = CreateTransport(proxy, proxyPort, host,
bufferSegmentSize, bufferMaxSize, &trans);