Bug 366607: MozBuild::Util::RunShellCommand needs some work; add some documentation, flesh out handling of stdout/stderr, add "bg" support, and clean up the return semantics. r=bsmedberg,rhelmer

This commit is contained in:
preed%mozilla.com 2007-01-18 01:53:56 +00:00
parent bcda25eda9
commit 670e996a6b

View File

@ -1,92 +1,228 @@
package MozBuild::Util;
use strict;
use File::Path;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use base qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(RunShellCommand MkdirWithPath HashFile);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(RunShellCommand MkdirWithPath HashFile);
my $EXEC_TIMEOUT = '600';
my $EXEC_IO_READINCR = 1000;
# RunShellCommand is a safe, performant way that handles all the gotchas of
# spawning a simple shell command. It's meant to replace backticks and open()s,
# while providing flexibility to handle stdout and stderr differently, provide
# timeouts to stop runaway programs, and provide easy-to-obtain information
# about return values, signals, output, and the like.
# Arguments:
# command - string: the command to run
# args - optional array ref: list of arguments to an array
# logfile - optional string: logfile to copy output to
# timeout - optional int: timeout value, in seconds, to wait for a command;
# defaults to ten minutes; set to 0 for no timeout
# redirectStderr - bool, default true: redirect child's stderr onto stdout
# stream?
# appendLogfile - bool, default true: append to the logfile (as opposed to
# overwriting it?)
# printOutputImmedaitely - bool, default false: print the output here to
# whatever is currently defined as *STDOUT?
# background - bool, default false: spawn a command and return all the info
# the caller needs to handle the program; assumes the caller takes
# complete responsibility for waitpid(), handling of the stdout/stderr
# IO::Handles, etc.
sub RunShellCommand {
my %args = @_;
my $shellCommand = $args{'command'};
die 'ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): Empty command.'
if (not(defined($shellCommand)) || $shellCommand =~ /^\s+$/);
my $commandArgs = $args{'args'};
die 'ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): commandArgs not an array ref.'
if (defined($commandArgs) && ref($commandArgs) ne 'ARRAY');
my $logfile = $args{'logfile'};
# optional
my $timeout = exists($args{'timeout'}) ? $args{'timeout'} : $EXEC_TIMEOUT;
my $redirectStderr = exists($args{'redirectStderr'}) ? $args{'redirectStderr'} : 1;
# Optional
my $timeout = exists($args{'timeout'}) ?
int($args{'timeout'}) : $DEFAULT_EXEC_TIMEOUT;
my $redirectStderr = exists($args{'redirectStderr'}) ?
$args{'redirectStderr'} : 1;
my $appendLogfile = exists($args{'appendLog'}) ? $args{'appendLog'} : 1;
my $printOutputImmediately = exists($args{'output'}) ? $args{'output'} : 0;
my $background = exists($args{'bg'}) ? $args{'bg'} : 0;
# This is a compatibility check for the old calling convention; if we
# find spaces in the command, turn it into the proper command [ args]-type
# call. This will break callers that "escape" their args by quoting them,
# i.e. foo "bar baz" buh, expecting the args to foo to be "bar baz" and
# "buh". They will turn out to be "\"bar", "baz\" and "buh". These callers
# just need to be fixed.
if ($shellCommand =~ /\s/) {
$shellCommand =~ s/^\s+//;
$shellCommand =~ s/\s+$//;
my @commandParts = split(/\s+/, $shellCommand);
$shellCommand = shift(@commandParts);
if (defined($commandArgs)) {
push(@{$commandArgs}, @commandParts);
} else {
$commandArgs = \@commandParts;
# Glob the command together to check for 2>&1 constructs...
my $entireCommand = $shellCommand .
(defined($commandArgs) ? join (' ', @{$commandArgs}) : '');
# If we see 2>&1 in the command, set redirectStderr (overriding the option
# itself, and remove the construct from the command and arguments.
if ($entireCommand =~ /2\>\&1/) {
$redirectStderr = 1;
$shellCommand =~ s/2\>\&1//g;
if (defined($commandArgs)) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$commandArgs}); $i++) {
$commandArgs->[$i] =~ s/2\>\&1//g;
my $now = localtime();
local $_;
my $exitValue = 1;
my $signalNum;
my $sigName;
my $dumpedCore;
my $timedOut;
my $exitValue = undef;
my $signalNum = undef;
my $sigName = undef;
my $dumpedCore = undef;
my $childEndedTime = undef;
my $timedOut = 0;
my $output = '';
my $pid;
my $childPid = 0;
my $childStartedTime = 0;
eval {
local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $timeout;
if (! $redirectStderr or $shellCommand =~ "2>&1") {
$pid = open CMD, "$shellCommand |" or die "Could not run command $shellCommand: $!";
} else {
$pid = open CMD, "$shellCommand 2>&1 |" or die "Could not close command $shellCommand: $!";
local $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { die "pipe\n" };
my @execCommand = ($shellCommand);
push(@execCommand, @{$commandArgs}) if (defined($commandArgs) &&
scalar(@{$commandArgs} > 0));
my $childIn = new IO::Handle();
my $childOut = new IO::Handle();
my $childErr = new IO::Handle();
$childStartedTime = localtime();
$childPid = open3($childIn, $childOut, $childErr, @execCommand);
if ($args{'background'}) {
return { startTime => $childStartedTime,
endTime => undef,
timedOut => $timedOut,
exitValue => $exitValue,
sigName => $signalNum,
output => undef,
dumpedCore => $dumpedCore,
pid => $childPid,
stdout => $childOut,
stderr => $childErr };
if (defined($logfile)) {
open(LOGFILE, ">> $logfile") or die "Could not open logfile $logfile: $!";
my $openArg = $appendLogfile ? '>>' : '>';
open(LOGFILE, $openArg . $logfile) or
die 'Could not ' . $appendLogfile ? 'append' : 'open' .
" logfile $logfile: $!";
while (<CMD>) {
$output .= $_;
print $_ if ($printOutputImmediately);
if (defined($logfile)) {
print LOGFILE $_;
my $childSelect = new IO::Select();
# Should be safe to call can_read() in blocking mode, since,
# IF NOTHING ELSE, the alarm() we set will catch a program that
# fails to finish executing within the timeout period.
while (my @ready = $childSelect->can_read()) {
foreach my $fh (@ready) {
my $line = undef;
my $rv = $fh->sysread($line, $EXEC_IO_READINCR);
# Check for read()ing nothing, and getting errors...
next if ($rv == 0);
if ($rv eq undef) {
warn "sysread() failed with: $!\n";
# This check is down here instead of up above because if we're
# throwing away stderr, we want to empty out the buffer, so
# the pipe isn't constantly readable. So, sysread() stderr,
# alas, only to throw it away.
next if (not($redirectStderr) && ($fh == $childErr));
$output .= $line;
print STDOUT $line if ($printOutputImmediately);
print LOGFILE $line if (defined($logfile));
if (waitpid($childPid, WNOHANG) > 0) {
$childEndedTime = localtime();
$exitValue = WEXITSTATUS($?);
$signalNum = WIFSIGNALED($?) && WTERMSIG($?);
$dumpedCore = WIFSIGNALED($?) && WCOREDUMP($?);
if (defined($logfile)) {
close(LOGFILE) or die "Could not close logfile $logfile: $!";
close CMD;# or die "Could not close command: $!";
$exitValue = $? >> 8;
$signalNum = $? >> 127;
$dumpedCore = $? & 128;
$timedOut = 0;
alarm 0;
die 'ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): stdout handle not empty'
if ($childOut->sysread(undef, $EXEC_IO_READINCR) != 0);
die 'ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): stderr handle not empty;'
if ($childErr->sysread(undef, $EXEC_IO_READINCR) != 0);
if (defined($logfile)) {
close(LOGFILE) or die "Could not close logfile $logfile: $!";
if ($@) {
if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
$timedOut = 1;
kill(9, $pid) or die "Could not kill timed-out $pid: $!";
warn "Shell command $shellCommand timed out, PID $pid killed: $@\n";
kill(9, $childPid) or die "Could not kill timed-out $childPid: $!";
warn "Shell command $shellCommand timed out, PID $childPid killed: $@\n";
} else {
warn "Error running $shellCommand: $@\n";
$output = $@;
if ($exitValue or $timedOut or $dumpedCore or $signalNum) {
if ($timedOut) {
# callers expect exitValue to be non-zero if request timed out
$exitValue = 1;
return { timedOut => $timedOut,
exitValue => $exitValue,
sigName => $sigName,
output => $output,
dumpedCore => $dumpedCore,
pid => $pid,
return { startTime => $childStartedTime,
endTime => $childEndedTime,
timedOut => $timedOut,
exitValue => $exitValue,
sigName => $sigName,
output => $output,
dumpedCore => $dumpedCore
## This is a wrapper function to get easy true/false return values from a