Bug 845849 - Remove MarionetteTouchMixin, r=jgriffin

This commit is contained in:
Malini Das 2013-06-03 14:40:48 -04:00
parent 0be829f932
commit 694741c926
5 changed files with 1 additions and 706 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
from marionette import Marionette, HTMLElement, Actions, MultiActions
from marionette_test import MarionetteTestCase, CommonTestCase
from marionette_touch import MarionetteTouchMixin
from emulator import Emulator
from runtests import MarionetteTestRunner
from runtests import MarionetteTestOptions

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import os
from errors import ElementNotVisibleException
from marionette import Actions
import gestures
Adds touch support in Marionette
class MarionetteTouchMixin(object):
Set up the touch layer.
Can specify another library with a path and the name of the library.
def setup_touch(self, library=None, library_name=None):
self.library = library or os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir, "touch", "synthetic_gestures.js"))
self.library_name = library_name or "SyntheticGestures"
def check_element(self, element):
if not element.is_displayed():
raise ElementNotVisibleException
def tap(self, element):
# we pass in touch/mouse/click events if mouse_event_shim.js isn't included in the gaia app
# otherwise, we just send touch events. See Bug 829566
send_all = self.execute_script("return typeof window.wrappedJSObject.MouseEventShim === 'undefined';")
self.execute_script("%s.tap(arguments[0], null, null, null, null, arguments[1]);" % self.library_name, [element, send_all])
def double_tap(self, element):
action = Actions(self)
def flick(self, element, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration=200):
action = Actions(self)
action.flick(element, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration).perform()
def pinch(self, element, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, duration = 200):
gestures.pinch(self, element, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, duration)

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
from marionette_test import MarionetteTestCase
from marionette import Marionette
from marionette_touch import MarionetteTouchMixin
class TestTouchMixin(MarionetteTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestTouchMixin, self).setUp()
self.marionette.__class__ = type('Marionette', (Marionette, MarionetteTouchMixin), {})
testAction = self.marionette.absolute_url("testAction.html")
def tap(self):
button = self.marionette.find_element("id", "button1")
def double_tap(self):
button = self.marionette.find_element("id", "button1")
def test_tap(self):
expected = "button1-touchstart-touchend-mousedown-mouseup-click"
self.wait_for_condition(lambda m: m.execute_script("return document.getElementById('button1').innerHTML;") == expected)
def test_tap_mouse_shim(self):
self.marionette.execute_script("window.wrappedJSObject.MouseEventShim = 'mock value';")
expected = "button1-touchstart-touchend"
self.wait_for_condition(lambda m: m.execute_script("return document.getElementById('button1').innerHTML;") == expected)
def test_double_tap(self):
expected = "button1-touchstart-touchend-mousemove-mousedown-mouseup-click-touchstart-touchend-mousemove-mousedown-mouseup-click"
self.wait_for_condition(lambda m: m.execute_script("return document.getElementById('button1').innerHTML;") == expected)
#Enable this when we have logic in double_tap to handle the shim
def test_double_tap_mouse_shim(self):
self.marionette.execute_script("window.wrappedJSObject.MouseEventShim = 'mock value';")
expected = "button1-touchstart-touchend-touchstart-touchend"
self.wait_for_condition(lambda m: m.execute_script("return document.getElementById('button1').innerHTML;") == expected)
def test_flick(self):
button = self.marionette.find_element("id", "button1")
self.marionette.flick(button, 0, 0, 0, 200)
expected = "button1-touchstart-touchmove"
self.wait_for_condition(lambda m: m.execute_script("return document.getElementById('button1').innerHTML;") == expected)
self.assertEqual("buttonFlick-touchmove-touchend", self.marionette.execute_script("return document.getElementById('buttonFlick').innerHTML;"))

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@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// SyntheticGestures.js: test utilities for generating gesture events.
// This module defines a SyntheticGestures object whose properties are
// utility functions that generate sequences of synthetic events. The event
// sequences are intended to be recognized as gestures by GestureDetector.js
// so this module is useful for writing tests of UI code that uses
// GestureDetector.js.
// SyntheticGestures.tap(): emit touch events to generate a tap gesture
// on the specified target element. GestureDetector.js should emit
// a tap event in response. SyntheticGesture.mousetap() is the same
// but synthesizes mouse events instead.
// SyntheticGestures.dbltap(): emit touch events to generate a double
// tap gesture on the specified target element. GestureDetector.js
// should emit two tap events and a dbltap event in response.
// SyntheticGesture.mousedbltap() is the same but synthesizes mouse
// events instead of touch events.
// SyntheticGestures.swipe(): emit touch events for a basic one finger
// touch, move, lift geture over a specifed target, with given start
// and end coordinates and gesture duration. GestureDetector.js should
// emit a series of pan events and a final swipe event.
// SyntheticGestures.mouseswipe() is similar but uses mouse events
// instead of touch events.
// SyntheticGestures.hold(): emit touch events for a touch/hold/move/release
// gesture. GestureDetector should emit a holdstart/holdmove/holdend
// sequence of events in response. SyntheticGesture.mousehold() is
// similar but uses mouse events instead.
// SyntheticGestures.pinch(): emit touch events for a 2-finger pinch
// open or pinch close gesture with given staring points for each
// finger and a given scale factor. GestureDetector.js should
// respond with a sequence of transform events culminating in one
// with something very close to the specified scale factor.
// Two-finger gestures can't be simulated with a mouse, so there is no
// mouse-only version of this gesture, and the pinch() function will
// fail on platforms that do not support touch events.
// The coordinates passed to these functions are relative to the
// coordinate system of the target element. If you pass numbers, they
// are interpreted as pixels relative to upper-left corner of the
// target. If you pass a string, then it is parsed to a number. If a
// string-valued coordinate ends with '%', then it is interpreted as a
// percent of the target element's width or height, otherwise it is
// interpreted as a number of pixels. For the swipe(), mouseswipe(),
// hold(), and mousehold() functions, if the second two coordinates
// are strings that begin with "+" or "-" then they are interpreted
// relative to the first two coordinates. These relative values can be
// specifed as percentages or as pixels.
var SyntheticGestures = (function() {
// Send move events about this often
var EVENT_INTERVAL = 30; // milliseconds
// The current array of all pending touches
var touches = [];
// For assigning unique ids to all touches
var nextTouchId = 1000;
// Emit a touch event of the specified type, using touch as the sole
// member of the changedTouches property
function emitTouchEvent(type, touch) {
var target = touch.target;
var doc = target.ownerDocument;
var win = doc.defaultView;
// Create the three lists of touches
// All touches in the same document
var documentTouches = doc.createTouchList(touches.filter(function(t) {
return t.target.ownerDocument === doc;
// All touches on the same target
var targetTouches = doc.createTouchList(touches.filter(function(t) {
return t.target === target;
// Just this one touch that changed
var changedTouches = doc.createTouchList(touch);
// Create the event object
var event = document.createEvent('TouchEvent');
true, // bubles
true, // cancellable
0, // detail
false, false, false, false, // no modifier keys
// Now dispatch it
// Dispatch a touchstart, touchmove+, touchend sequence of events to
// simulate a single-finger touch of the specified duration.
// The xt and yt arguments are functions that must return x and y
// coordinates of the touch at any time t, 0 <= t <= duration.
// Alternatively, xt and yt can be two-element arrays [from,to], and
// the mouse coordinates will be interpolated between those
// coordinates. The then argument is an optional callback that will
// be invoked after the touchend event is sent. In either case, the
// coordinates should be window coordinates, relative to the viewport
// touch() can be called multiple times concurrently to simulate
// 2 and 3 finger gestures.
// This is a low-level function that the higher-level touch gesture
// utilities are built on. Most testing code will not need to call it.
function touch(target, duration, xt, yt, then) {
var doc = target.ownerDocument;
var win = doc.defaultView;
var touchId = nextTouchId++;
var x = xt;
if (typeof xt !== 'function') {
x = function(t) { return xt[0] + t / duration * (xt[1] - xt[0]); };
var y = yt;
if (typeof yt !== 'function') {
y = function(t) { return yt[0] + t / duration * (yt[1] - yt[0]); };
// viewport coordinates
var clientX = Math.round(x(0)), clientY = Math.round(y(0));
// document coordinates
var pageX = clientX + win.pageXOffset,
pageY = clientY + win.pageYOffset;
// screen coordinates
var screenX = clientX + win.mozInnerScreenX,
screenY = clientY + win.mozInnerScreenY;
// Remember the coordinates
var lastX = clientX, lastY = clientY;
// Create the touch object we'll be
var touch = doc.createTouch(win, target, touchId,
pageX, pageY,
screenX, screenY,
clientX, clientY);
// Add this new touch to the list of touches
// Send the start event
emitTouchEvent('touchstart', touch);
var startTime = Date.now();
setTimeout(nextEvent, EVENT_INTERVAL);
function nextEvent() {
// Figure out if this is the last of the touchmove events
var time = Date.now();
var dt = time - startTime;
var last = dt + EVENT_INTERVAL / 2 > duration;
// Find our touch object in the touches[] array.
// Note that its index may have changed since we pushed it
var touchIndex = touches.indexOf(touch);
// If this is the last move event, make sure we move all the way
if (last)
dt = duration;
// New coordinates of the touch
clientX = Math.round(x(dt));
clientY = Math.round(y(dt));
// If we've moved, send a move event
if (clientX !== lastX || clientY !== lastY) { // If we moved
lastX = clientX;
lastY = clientY;
pageX = clientX + win.pageXOffset;
pageY = clientY + win.pageYOffset;
screenX = clientX + win.mozInnerScreenX;
screenY = clientY + win.mozInnerScreenY;
// Since we moved, we've got to create a new Touch object
// with the new coordinates
touch = doc.createTouch(win, target, touchId,
pageX, pageY,
screenX, screenY,
clientX, clientY);
// Replace the old touch object with the new one
touches[touchIndex] = touch;
// And send the touchmove event
emitTouchEvent('touchmove', touch);
// If that was the last move, send the touchend event
// and call the callback
if (last) {
touches.splice(touchIndex, 1);
emitTouchEvent('touchend', touch);
if (then)
setTimeout(then, 0);
// Otherwise, schedule the next event
else {
setTimeout(nextEvent, EVENT_INTERVAL);
function coordinates(target, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
var coords = {};
var box = target.getBoundingClientRect();
var tx0 = typeof x0;
var ty0 = typeof y0;
var tx1 = typeof x1;
var ty1 = typeof y1;
function percent(s, x) {
s = s.trim();
var f = parseFloat(s);
if (s[s.length - 1] === '%')
f = f * x / 100;
return f;
function relative(s, x) {
var factor;
if (s[0] === '+')
factor = 1;
factor = -1;
return factor * percent(s.substring(1), x);
if (tx0 === 'number')
coords.x0 = box.left + x0;
else if (tx0 === 'string')
coords.x0 = box.left + percent(x0, box.width);
if (tx1 === 'number')
coords.x1 = box.left + x1;
else if (tx1 === 'string') {
x1 = x1.trim();
if (x1[0] === '+' || x1[0] === '-')
coords.x1 = coords.x0 + relative(x1, box.width);
coords.x1 = box.left + percent(x1, box.width);
if (ty0 === 'number')
coords.y0 = box.top + y0;
else if (ty0 === 'string')
coords.y0 = box.top + percent(y0, box.height);
if (ty1 === 'number')
coords.y1 = box.top + y1;
else if (ty1 === 'string') {
y1 = y1.trim();
if (y1[0] === '+' || y1[0] === '-')
coords.y1 = coords.y0 + relative(y1, box.height);
coords.y1 = box.top + percent(y1, box.height);
return coords;
// Dispatch touchstart and touchend events over the specified target
// and then invoke the then() callback.
// x and y are the relative to the viewport.
// If not specified then the center of the target is used. t is the
// optional amount of time between touchstart and touchend event.
function tap(target, then, x, y, t, sendAll) {
if (!SyntheticGestures.touchSupported || !target.ownerDocument.createTouch) {
console.warn('tap: touch events not supported; using mouse instead');
return mousetap(target, then, x, y, t, true);
if (x == null)
x = '50%';
if (y == null)
y = '50%';
var c = coordinates(target, x, y);
if (sendAll) {
touch(target, t || 50, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], function() {
mousetap(target, then, x, y, t, true);
else {
touch(target, t || 50, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], then);
// Dispatch a dbltap gesture. The arguments are like those to tap()
// except that interval is the time between taps rather than the time between
// touchstart and touchend
function dbltap(target, then, x, y, interval) {
if (!SyntheticGestures.touchSupported || !target.ownerDocument.createTouch) {
console.warn('dbltap: touch events not supported; using mouse instead');
return mousedbltap(target, then, x, y, interval);
if (x == null)
x = '50%';
if (y == null)
y = '50%';
var c = coordinates(target, x, y);
touch(target, 25, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], function() {
// When the first tap is done, start a timer for interval ms.
setTimeout(function() {
// After interval ms, send the second tap
touch(target, 25, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], then);
}, interval || 50);
// Swipe smoothly from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) over duration ms
// then invoke the then() callback.
function swipe(target, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration, then) {
if (!SyntheticGestures.touchSupported || !target.ownerDocument.createTouch) {
console.warn('swipe: touch events not supported; using mouse instead');
return mouseswipe(target, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration, then);
var c = coordinates(target, x1, y1, x2, y2);
touch(target, duration || 200, [c.x0, c.x1], [c.y0, c.y1], then);
// Begin a touch at x1,y1 and hold it for holdtime ms,
// then move smoothly to x2,y2 over movetime ms, and then invoke then().
function hold(target, holdtime, x1, y1, x2, y2, movetime, then) {
if (!SyntheticGestures.touchSupported || !target.ownerDocument.createTouch) {
console.warn('hold: touch events not supported; using mouse instead');
return mousehold(target, holdtime, x1, y1, x2, y2, movetime, then);
if (!movetime)
movetime = 200;
var c = coordinates(target, x1, y1, x2, y2);
touch(target, holdtime + movetime,
function(t) { // x coordinate a function of t
if (t < holdtime)
return c.x0;
return c.x0 + (t - holdtime) / movetime * (c.x1 - c.x0);
function(t) { // y coordinate a function of t
if (t < holdtime)
return c.y0;
return c.y0 + (t - holdtime) / movetime * (c.y1 - c.y0);
// Begin touches at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and then move them smoothly toward
// or away from each other by the specified scale factor over duration ms.
// Finally, invoke the then() callback
function pinch(target, x1, y1, x2, y2, scale, duration, then) {
if (!SyntheticGestures.touchSupported || !target.ownerDocument.createTouch) {
console.error('pinch: touch events not supported on this platform');
var c1 = coordinates(target, x1, y1);
var c2 = coordinates(target, x2, y2);
x1 = c1.x0;
y1 = c1.y0;
x2 = c2.x0;
y2 = c2.y0;
var xmid = (x1 + x2) / 2;
var ymid = (y1 + y2) / 2;
var newx1 = Math.round(xmid + (x1 - xmid) * scale);
var newy1 = Math.round(ymid + (y1 - ymid) * scale);
var newx2 = Math.round(xmid + (x2 - xmid) * scale);
var newy2 = Math.round(ymid + (y2 - ymid) * scale);
// Emit two concurrent series of touch events.a
// The first one is simple:
touch(target, duration, [x1, newx1], [y1, newy1]);
// The second touch moves twice as fast and then holds still and
// lasts for an extra 200ms to ensure that both moves complete
// before either finger lifts up. Hopefully this means we'll get
// the full scale effect
touch(target, duration + 200,
function(t) {
if (t < duration / 2)
return x2 + t * 2 / duration * (newx2 - x2);
return newx2;
function(t) {
if (t < duration / 2)
return y2 + t * 2 / duration * (newy2 - y2);
return newy2;
// Dispatch a mousedown, mousemove+, mouseup sequence of events over
// duration ms to simulate a click-drag motion of the mouse or trackpad.
// The xt and yt arguments are [x0,x1], [y0,y1] or are functions
// of t that specify the mouse coordinates at time t just as for the
// touch() function.
// Unlike the touch() function, this drag() function takes a document
// argument instead of an element argument, and always determines the
// target of its events using document.elementFromPoint(). Callers
// must ensure that xt and yt specify an initial point inside the
// desired target element.
// This is a low-level function that the higher-level mouse gesture
// utilities are built on. Most testing code will not need to call it.
function drag(doc, duration, xt, yt, then, detail, button, sendClick) {
var win = doc.defaultView;
detail = detail || 1;
button = button || 0;
var x = xt;
if (typeof xt !== 'function') {
x = function(t) { return xt[0] + t / duration * (xt[1] - xt[0]); };
var y = yt;
if (typeof yt !== 'function') {
y = function(t) { return yt[0] + t / duration * (yt[1] - yt[0]); };
// viewport coordinates
var clientX = Math.round(x(0)), clientY = Math.round(y(0));
// Remember the coordinates
var lastX = clientX, lastY = clientY;
// Send the initial mousedown event
mouseEvent('mousedown', clientX, clientY);
// Now send a sequence of mousemove events followed by mouse up
var startTime = Date.now();
setTimeout(nextEvent, EVENT_INTERVAL);
// Send a mouse event of the specified type to whatever element is
// at the specified coordinates in the viewport.
function mouseEvent(type, clientX, clientY) {
// Figure out what element the mouse would be over at (x,y)
var target = doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
// Create an event
var mousedown = doc.createEvent('MouseEvent');
// Initialize it
true, true, // bubbles, cancellable
win, detail, // window, click count
clientX + win.mozInnerScreenX,
clientY + win.mozInnerScreenY,
clientX, clientY,
false, false, false, false, // keyboard modifiers
button, null); // mouse button, related target
// And dispatch it on the target element
function nextEvent() {
// Figure out if we've sent all of the mousemove events
var time = Date.now();
var dt = time - startTime;
// Is this the last move event we'll be sending?
var last = dt + EVENT_INTERVAL / 2 > duration;
// If so make sure we move all the way
if (last)
dt = duration;
// New coordinates of the touch
clientX = Math.round(x(dt));
clientY = Math.round(y(dt));
// If we moved, send a move event
if (clientX !== lastX || clientY !== lastY) { // If we moved
lastX = clientX;
lastY = clientY;
mouseEvent('mousemove', clientX, clientY);
// If this was the last move, send a mouse up and call the callback
// Otherwise, schedule the next move event
if (last) {
mouseEvent('mouseup', lastX, lastY);
if (sendClick) {
mouseEvent('click', clientX, clientY);
if (then) {
setTimeout(then, 0);
else {
setTimeout(nextEvent, EVENT_INTERVAL);
// Send a mousedown/mouseup pair
// XXX: will the browser automatically follow this with a click event?
function mousetap(target, then, x, y, t, sendClick) {
if (x == null)
x = '50%';
if (y == null)
y = '50%';
var c = coordinates(target, x, y);
drag(target.ownerDocument, t || 50, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], then, null, null, sendClick);
// Dispatch a dbltap gesture. The arguments are like those to tap()
// except that interval is the time between taps rather than the time between
// touchstart and touchend
function mousedbltap(target, then, x, y, interval) {
if (x == null)
x = '50%';
if (y == null)
y = '50%';
var c = coordinates(target, x, y);
drag(target.ownerDocument, 25, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], function() {
// When the first tap is done, start a timer for interval ms.
setTimeout(function() {
// After interval ms, send the second tap with the click count set to 2.
drag(target.ownerDocument, 25, [c.x0, c.x0], [c.y0, c.y0], then, 2);
}, interval || 50);
// Swipe smoothly with the mouse from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) over duration ms
// then invoke the then() callback.
function mouseswipe(target, x1, y1, x2, y2, duration, then) {
var c = coordinates(target, x1, y1, x2, y2);
drag(target.ownerDocument, duration || 200,
[c.x0, c.x1], [c.y0, c.y1], then);
// Mousedown at x1,y1 and hold it for holdtime ms,
// then move smoothly to x2,y2 over movetime ms, then mouse up,
// and then invoke then().
function mousehold(target, holdtime, x1, y1, x2, y2, movetime, then) {
if (!movetime)
movetime = 200;
var c = coordinates(target, x1, y1, x2, y2);
drag(target.ownerDocument, holdtime + movetime,
function(t) { // x coordinate a function of t
if (t < holdtime)
return c.x0;
return c.x0 + (t - holdtime) / movetime * (c.x1 - c.x0);
function(t) { // y coordinate a function of t
if (t < holdtime)
return c.y0;
return c.y0 + (t - holdtime) / movetime * (c.y1 - c.y0);
return {
touchSupported: true,
tap: tap,
mousetap: mousetap,
dbltap: dbltap,
mousedbltap: mousedbltap,
swipe: swipe,
mouseswipe: mouseswipe,
hold: hold,
mousehold: mousehold,
pinch: pinch // There is no mouse-based alternative to this

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import os
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
version = '0.5.28'
version = '0.5.29'
# get documentation from the README