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synced 2025-03-01 13:57:32 +00:00
Work in progress on http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213231 :
Replacing try stack by static table of exception handlers
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,12 +58,11 @@ public class Interpreter {
// Exception handling implementation
ENDTRY = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 6,
GOSUB = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 7,
RETSUB = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 8,
GOSUB = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 6,
RETSUB = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 7,
// Last icode
END_ICODE = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 9;
END_ICODE = TokenStream.LAST_TOKEN + 8;
public IRFactory createIRFactory(Context cx, TokenStream ts)
@ -227,13 +226,20 @@ public class Interpreter {
itsData.itsDoubleTable = tmp;
if (itsExceptionTableTop != 0
&& itsData.itsExceptionTable.length != itsExceptionTableTop)
int[] tmp = new int[itsExceptionTableTop];
System.arraycopy(itsData.itsExceptionTable, 0, tmp, 0,
itsData.itsExceptionTable = tmp;
itsData.itsMaxVars = scriptOrFn.getParamAndVarCount();
// itsMaxFrameArray: interpret method needs this amount for its
// stack and sDbl arrays
itsData.itsMaxFrameArray = itsData.itsMaxVars
+ itsData.itsMaxLocals
+ itsData.itsMaxTryDepth
+ itsData.itsMaxStack;
itsData.argNames = scriptOrFn.getParamAndVarNames();
@ -502,12 +508,6 @@ public class Interpreter {
case TokenStream.JSR : {
Node target = (Node)(node.getProp(Node.TARGET_PROP));
// Bug 115717 is due to adding a GOSUB here before
// we insert an ENDTRY. I'm not sure of the best way
// to fix this; perhaps we need to maintain a stack
// of pending trys and have some knowledge of how
// many trys we need to close when we perform a
iCodeTop = addGoto(target, GOSUB, iCodeTop);
@ -829,9 +829,6 @@ public class Interpreter {
case TokenStream.TRY : {
if (itsTryDepth > itsData.itsMaxTryDepth)
itsData.itsMaxTryDepth = itsTryDepth;
Node catchTarget = (Node)node.getProp(Node.TARGET_PROP);
Node finallyTarget = (Node)node.getProp(Node.FINALLY_PROP);
@ -841,30 +838,17 @@ public class Interpreter {
iCodeTop = addShort(0, iCodeTop); // placeholder for finally pc
iCodeTop = addIndex(itsWithDepth, iCodeTop);
boolean insertedEndTry = false;
int tryEnd = -1;
while (child != null) {
When the following child is the catchTarget
(or the finallyTarget if there are no catches),
the current child is the goto at the end of
the try statemets, we need to emit the endtry
before that goto.
Node nextSibling = child.getNext();
if (!insertedEndTry && nextSibling != null &&
(nextSibling == catchTarget ||
nextSibling == finallyTarget))
iCodeTop = addByte(ENDTRY, iCodeTop);
insertedEndTry = true;
boolean generated = false;
if (child == catchTarget) {
if (child.getType() != TokenStream.TARGET)
if (tryEnd >= 0) Context.codeBug();
tryEnd = iCodeTop;
int catchOffset = iCodeTop - tryStart;
recordJumpOffset(tryStart + 1, catchOffset);
@ -875,11 +859,15 @@ public class Interpreter {
itsStackDepth = 1;
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
itsData.itsMaxStack = itsStackDepth;
if (child == finallyTarget) {
} else if (child == finallyTarget) {
if (child.getType() != TokenStream.TARGET)
if (tryEnd < 0) {
tryEnd = iCodeTop;
int finallyOffset = iCodeTop - tryStart;
recordJumpOffset(tryStart + 3, finallyOffset);
@ -899,10 +887,18 @@ public class Interpreter {
if (!generated) {
iCodeTop = generateICode(child, iCodeTop);
child = nextSibling;
child = child.getNext();
itsStackDepth = 0;
// [tryStart, tryEnd) contains GOSUB to call finally when it
// presents at the end of try code and before return, break
// continue that transfer control outside try.
// After finally is executed the control will be
// transfered back into [tryStart, tryEnd) and exception
// handling assumes that the only code executed after
// finally returns will be a jump outside try which could not
// trigger exceptions.
addExceptionHandler(tryStart, tryEnd);
@ -1147,6 +1143,23 @@ public class Interpreter {
return iCodeTop;
private void addExceptionHandler(int icodeStart, int icodeEnd)
int[] table = itsData.itsExceptionTable;
if (table == null) {
if (itsExceptionTableTop != 0) Context.codeBug();
table = new int[EXCEPTION_SLOT_SIZE * 2];
itsData.itsExceptionTable = table;
} else if (table.length == itsExceptionTableTop) {
table = new int[table.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(itsData.itsExceptionTable, 0, table, 0,
itsData.itsExceptionTable = table;
table[itsExceptionTableTop++] = icodeStart;
table[itsExceptionTableTop++] = icodeEnd;
private byte[] increaseICodeCapasity(int iCodeTop, int extraSize) {
int capacity = itsData.itsICode.length;
if (iCodeTop + extraSize <= capacity) Context.codeBug();
@ -1178,6 +1191,27 @@ public class Interpreter {
return pc - 1 + displacement;
private static int getExceptionHandler(int[] exceptionTable, int pc)
// OPT: use binary search
if (exceptionTable == null) { return -1; }
int best = -1, bestStart = 0, bestEnd = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != exceptionTable.length; i += EXCEPTION_SLOT_SIZE) {
int start = exceptionTable[i];
int end = exceptionTable[i + 1];
if (start <= pc && pc < end) {
if (best < 0 || bestStart <= start) {
// Check handlers are nested
if (best >= 0 && bestEnd < end) Context.codeBug();
best = i;
bestStart = start;
bestEnd = end;
return best;
static PrintWriter out;
static {
if (Context.printICode) {
@ -1201,7 +1235,6 @@ public class Interpreter {
case SHORTNUMBER_ICODE: return "shortnumber";
case INTNUMBER_ICODE: return "intnumber";
case RETURN_UNDEF_ICODE: return "return_undef";
case ENDTRY: return "endtry";
case GOSUB: return "gosub";
case RETSUB: return "retsub";
case END_ICODE: return "end";
@ -1370,7 +1403,6 @@ public class Interpreter {
case TokenStream.ENTERWITH :
case TokenStream.LEAVEWITH :
case TokenStream.RETURN :
case ENDTRY :
case TokenStream.CATCH:
case TokenStream.THROW :
case TokenStream.GETTHIS :
@ -1578,16 +1610,13 @@ public class Interpreter {
final int VAR_SHFT = 0;
final int maxVars = idata.itsMaxVars;
final int LOCAL_SHFT = VAR_SHFT + maxVars;
final int TRY_STACK_SHFT = LOCAL_SHFT + idata.itsMaxLocals;
final int STACK_SHFT = TRY_STACK_SHFT + idata.itsMaxTryDepth;
final int STACK_SHFT = LOCAL_SHFT + idata.itsMaxLocals;
// stack[VAR_SHFT <= i < LOCAL_SHFT]: variables
// stack[LOCAL_SHFT <= i < TRY_STACK_SHFT]: used for newtemp/usetemp
// stack[TRY_STACK_SHFT <= i < STACK_SHFT]: stack of try scopes
// stack[STACK_SHFT <= i < STACK_SHFT + idata.itsMaxStack]: stack data
// sDbl[TRY_STACK_SHFT <= i < STACK_SHFT]: stack of try block pc, stored as doubles
// sDbl[any other i]: if stack[i] is DBL_MRK, sDbl[i] holds the number value
// sDbl[i]: if stack[i] is DBL_MRK, sDbl[i] holds the number value
int maxFrameArray = idata.itsMaxFrameArray;
if (maxFrameArray != STACK_SHFT + idata.itsMaxStack)
@ -1597,7 +1626,6 @@ public class Interpreter {
double[] sDbl = new double[maxFrameArray];
int stackTop = STACK_SHFT - 1;
int tryStackTop = 0; // add TRY_STACK_SHFT to get real index
int withDepth = 0;
@ -1674,6 +1702,7 @@ public class Interpreter {
// If javaException != null on exit, it will be throw instead of
// normal return
Throwable javaException = null;
int exceptionPC = -1;
byte[] iCode = idata.itsICode;
String[] strings = idata.itsStringTable;
@ -1693,12 +1722,7 @@ public class Interpreter {
switch (iCode[pc] & 0xff) {
// Back indent to ease imlementation reading
case ENDTRY :
case TokenStream.TRY :
sDbl[TRY_STACK_SHFT + tryStackTop] = (double)pc;
// Skip starting pc of catch/finally blocks and with depth
pc += 6;
@ -1711,11 +1735,10 @@ public class Interpreter {
int pcTry = -1;
int pcNew = -1;
boolean doCatch = false;
if (tryStackTop > 0) {
// Decrease tryStackTop even if catch or finally would not
// be processed to properly deal with exceptions thrown
// by debuggerFrame.onExceptionThrown or cx.observeInstructionCount
int handlerOffset = getExceptionHandler(idata.itsExceptionTable,
if (handlerOffset >= 0) {
final int SCRIPT_CAN_CATCH = 0, ONLY_FINALLY = 1, OTHER = 2;
int exType;
@ -1737,7 +1760,7 @@ public class Interpreter {
// Do not allow for JS to interfere with Error instances
// (exType == OTHER), as they can be used to terminate
// long running script
pcTry = (int)sDbl[TRY_STACK_SHFT + tryStackTop];
pcTry = idata.itsExceptionTable[handlerOffset];
if (exType == SCRIPT_CAN_CATCH) {
// Allow JS to catch only JavaScriptException and
// EcmaError
@ -1808,6 +1831,7 @@ public class Interpreter {
javaException = new JavaScriptException(value);
exceptionPC = pc;
if (instructionThreshold != 0) {
instructionCount += pc + 1 - pcPrevBranch;
@ -2007,6 +2031,7 @@ public class Interpreter {
if (value != DBL_MRK) {
// Invocation from exception handler, restore object to rethrow
javaException = (Throwable)value;
exceptionPC = pc;
newPC = getJavaCatchPC(iCode);
} else {
// Normal return from GOSUB
@ -2635,8 +2660,9 @@ public class Interpreter {
pc = getJavaCatchPC(iCode);
javaException = ex;
exceptionPC = pc;
pc = getJavaCatchPC(iCode);
continue Loop;
@ -2973,7 +2999,6 @@ public class Interpreter {
private InterpreterData itsData;
private ScriptOrFnNode scriptOrFn;
private int itsTryDepth = 0;
private int itsStackDepth = 0;
private int itsWithDepth = 0;
private String itsSourceFile;
@ -2983,6 +3008,9 @@ public class Interpreter {
private ObjToIntMap itsStrings = new ObjToIntMap(20);
private String lastAddString;
private int itsExceptionTableTop = 0;
private static final int EXCEPTION_SLOT_SIZE = 2;
private int version;
private boolean inLineStepMode;
private String debugSource;
@ -72,10 +72,11 @@ final class InterpreterData implements Serializable, DebuggableScript {
byte[] itsICode;
int itsICodeTop;
int[] itsExceptionTable;
int itsMaxVars;
int itsMaxLocals;
int itsMaxTryDepth;
int itsMaxStack;
int itsMaxFrameArray;
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