Bug 914060 - [B2G][Helix][message][zhaotao] Wired combination algorithm when handling sending sms to different phone numbers:phonebook digits match not work. r=vyang

This commit is contained in:
Chia-hung Tai 2013-10-31 17:20:00 +08:00
parent 1428699652
commit 6ce9a87ec5
3 changed files with 310 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ const DISABLE_MMS_GROUPING_FOR_RECEIVING = true;
const DB_NAME = "sms";
const DB_VERSION = 13;
const DB_VERSION = 14;
const MESSAGE_STORE_NAME = "sms";
const THREAD_STORE_NAME = "thread";
const PARTICIPANT_STORE_NAME = "participant";
@ -222,6 +222,10 @@ MobileMessageDatabaseService.prototype = {
self.upgradeSchema12(event.target.transaction, next);
case 13:
if (DEBUG) debug("Upgrade to version 14. Fix the wrong participants.");
self.upgradeSchema13(event.target.transaction, next);
case 14:
// This will need to be moved for each new version
if (DEBUG) debug("Upgrade finished.");
@ -835,6 +839,233 @@ MobileMessageDatabaseService.prototype = {
* Fix the wrong participants.
upgradeSchema13: function upgradeSchema13(transaction, next) {
let participantStore = transaction.objectStore(PARTICIPANT_STORE_NAME);
let threadStore = transaction.objectStore(THREAD_STORE_NAME);
let messageStore = transaction.objectStore(MESSAGE_STORE_NAME);
let self = this;
let isInvalid = function (participantRecord) {
let entries = [];
for (let addr of participantRecord.addresses) {
normalized: addr,
parsed: PhoneNumberUtils.parseWithMCC(addr, null)
for (let ix = 0 ; ix < entries.length - 1; ix++) {
let entry1 = entries[ix];
for (let iy = ix + 1 ; iy < entries.length; iy ++) {
let entry2 = entries[iy];
if (!self.matchPhoneNumbers(entry1.normalized, entry1.parsed,
entry2.normalized, entry2.parsed)) {
return true;
return false;
let invalidParticipantIds = [];
participantStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
let cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
let participantRecord = cursor.value;
// Check if this participant record is valid
if (isInvalid(participantRecord)) {
// Participant store cursor iteration done.
if (!invalidParticipantIds.length) {
// Find affected thread.
let wrongThreads = [];
threadStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
let threadCursor = event.target.result;
if (threadCursor) {
let threadRecord = threadCursor.value;
let participantIds = threadRecord.participantIds;
let foundInvalid = false;
for (let invalidParticipantId of invalidParticipantIds) {
if (participantIds.indexOf(invalidParticipantId) != -1) {
foundInvalid = true;
if (foundInvalid) {
if (!wrongThreads.length) {
// Use recursive function to avoid we add participant twice.
(function createUpdateThreadAndParticipant(ix) {
let threadId = wrongThreads[ix];
let range = IDBKeyRange.bound([threadId, 0], [threadId, ""]);
messageStore.index("threadId").openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(event) {
let messageCursor = event.target.result;
if (!messageCursor) {
if (ix === wrongThreads.length) {
let messageRecord = messageCursor.value;
let timestamp = messageRecord.timestamp;
let threadParticipants = [];
// Recaculate the thread participants of received message.
if (messageRecord.delivery === DELIVERY_RECEIVED ||
messageRecord.delivery === DELIVERY_NOT_DOWNLOADED) {
if (messageRecord.type == "mms") {
this.fillReceivedMmsThreadParticipants(messageRecord, threadParticipants);
// Recaculate the thread participants of sent messages and error
// messages. In error sms messages, we don't have error received sms.
// In received MMS, we don't update the error to deliver field but
// deliverStatus. So we only consider sent message in DELIVERY_ERROR.
else if (messageRecord.delivery === DELIVERY_SENT ||
messageRecord.delivery === DELIVERY_ERROR) {
if (messageRecord.type == "sms") {
threadParticipants = [messageRecord.receiver];
} else if (messageRecord.type == "mms") {
threadParticipants = messageRecord.receivers;
self.findThreadRecordByParticipants(threadStore, participantStore,
threadParticipants, true,
function (threadRecord,
participantIds) {
if (!participantIds) {
debug("participantIds is empty!");
let timestamp = messageRecord.timestamp;
// Setup participantIdsIndex.
messageRecord.participantIdsIndex = [];
for each (let id in participantIds) {
messageRecord.participantIdsIndex.push([id, timestamp]);
if (threadRecord) {
let needsUpdate = false;
if (threadRecord.lastTimestamp <= timestamp) {
threadRecord.lastTimestamp = timestamp;
threadRecord.subject = messageRecord.body;
threadRecord.lastMessageId = messageRecord.id;
threadRecord.lastMessageType = messageRecord.type;
needsUpdate = true;
if (!messageRecord.read) {
needsUpdate = true;
if (needsUpdate) {
messageRecord.threadId = threadRecord.id;
messageRecord.threadIdIndex = [threadRecord.id, timestamp];
let threadRecord = {
participantIds: participantIds,
participantAddresses: threadParticipants,
lastMessageId: messageRecord.id,
lastTimestamp: timestamp,
subject: messageRecord.body,
unreadCount: messageRecord.read ? 0 : 1,
lastMessageType: messageRecord.type
threadStore.add(threadRecord).onsuccess = function (event) {
let threadId = event.target.result;
// Setup threadId & threadIdIndex.
messageRecord.threadId = threadId;
messageRecord.threadIdIndex = [threadId, timestamp];
matchParsedPhoneNumbers: function matchParsedPhoneNumbers(addr1, parsedAddr1,
addr2, parsedAddr2) {
if ((parsedAddr1.internationalNumber &&
parsedAddr1.internationalNumber === parsedAddr2.internationalNumber) ||
(parsedAddr1.nationalNumber &&
parsedAddr1.nationalNumber === parsedAddr2.nationalNumber)) {
return true;
if (parsedAddr1.countryName != parsedAddr2.countryName) {
return false;
let ssPref = "dom.phonenumber.substringmatching." + parsedAddr1.countryName;
if (Services.prefs.getPrefType(ssPref) != Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT) {
return false;
let val = Services.prefs.getIntPref(ssPref);
return addr1.length > val &&
addr2.length > val &&
addr1.slice(-val) === addr2.slice(-val);
matchPhoneNumbers: function matchPhoneNumbers(addr1, parsedAddr1, addr2, parsedAddr2) {
if (parsedAddr1 && parsedAddr2) {
return this.matchParsedPhoneNumbers(addr1, parsedAddr1, addr2, parsedAddr2);
if (parsedAddr1) {
parsedAddr2 = PhoneNumberUtils.parseWithCountryName(addr2, parsedAddr1.countryName);
if (parsedAddr2) {
return this.matchParsedPhoneNumbers(addr1, parsedAddr1, addr2, parsedAddr2);
return false;
if (parsedAddr2) {
parsedAddr1 = PhoneNumberUtils.parseWithCountryName(addr1, parsedAddr2.countryName);
if (parsedAddr1) {
return this.matchParsedPhoneNumbers(addr1, parsedAddr1, addr2, parsedAddr2);
return false;
createDomMessageFromRecord: function createDomMessageFromRecord(aMessageRecord) {
if (DEBUG) {
debug("createDomMessageFromRecord: " + JSON.stringify(aMessageRecord));
@ -984,31 +1215,13 @@ MobileMessageDatabaseService.prototype = {
let participantRecord = cursor.value;
for (let storedAddress of participantRecord.addresses) {
let match = false;
if (parsedAddress) {
// 2-1) If input number is an international one, then a potential
// participant must be stored as local type. Then just check
// if stored number ends with the national number(987654321) of
// the input number.
if (storedAddress.endsWith(parsedAddress.nationalNumber)) {
match = true;
} else {
// 2-2) Else if the stored number is an international one, then the
// input number must be local type. Then just check whether
// does it ends with the national number of the stored number.
let parsedStoredAddress =
PhoneNumberUtils.parseWithMCC(storedAddress, null);
if (parsedStoredAddress
&& normalizedAddress.endsWith(parsedStoredAddress.nationalNumber)) {
match = true;
let parsedStoredAddress = PhoneNumberUtils.parseWithMCC(storedAddress, null);
let match = this.matchPhoneNumbers(normalizedAddress, parsedAddress,
storedAddress, parsedStoredAddress);
if (!match) {
// 3) Else we fail to match current stored participant record.
// Match!
if (aCreate) {
// In a READ-WRITE transaction, append one more possible address for
@ -1017,6 +1230,7 @@ MobileMessageDatabaseService.prototype = {
if (DEBUG) {
debug("findParticipantRecordByAddress: match "
+ JSON.stringify(cursor.value));
@ -1385,6 +1599,44 @@ MobileMessageDatabaseService.prototype = {
fillReceivedMmsThreadParticipants: function fillReceivedMmsThreadParticipants(aMessage, threadParticipants) {
let receivers = aMessage.receivers;
// If we don't want to disable the MMS grouping for receiving, we need to
// add the receivers (excluding the user's own number) to the participants
// for creating the thread. Some cases might be investigated as below:
// 1. receivers.length == 0
// This usually happens when receiving an MMS notification indication
// which doesn't carry any receivers.
// 2. receivers.length == 1
// If the receivers contain single phone number, we don't need to
// add it into participants because we know that number is our own.
// 3. receivers.length >= 2
// If the receivers contain multiple phone numbers, we need to add all
// of them but not the user's own number into participants.
if (DISABLE_MMS_GROUPING_FOR_RECEIVING || receivers.length < 2) {
let isSuccess = false;
let slicedReceivers = receivers.slice();
if (aMessage.msisdn) {
let found = slicedReceivers.indexOf(aMessage.msisdn);
if (found !== -1) {
isSuccess = true;
slicedReceivers.splice(found, 1);
if (!isSuccess) {
// For some SIMs we cannot retrieve the vaild MSISDN (i.e. the user's
// own phone number), so we cannot correcly exclude the user's own
// number from the receivers, thus wrongly building the thread index.
if (DEBUG) debug("Error! Cannot strip out user's own phone number!");
threadParticipants = threadParticipants.concat(slicedReceivers);
* nsIRilMobileMessageDatabaseService API
@ -1404,42 +1656,8 @@ MobileMessageDatabaseService.prototype = {
let threadParticipants = [aMessage.sender];
if (aMessage.type == "mms" && !DISABLE_MMS_GROUPING_FOR_RECEIVING) {
let receivers = aMessage.receivers;
// If we don't want to disable the MMS grouping for receiving, we need to
// add the receivers (excluding the user's own number) to the participants
// for creating the thread. Some cases might be investigated as below:
// 1. receivers.length == 0
// This usually happens when receiving an MMS notification indication
// which doesn't carry any receivers.
// 2. receivers.length == 1
// If the receivers contain single phone number, we don't need to
// add it into participants because we know that number is our own.
// 3. receivers.length >= 2
// If the receivers contain multiple phone numbers, we need to add all
// of them but not the user's own number into participants.
if (receivers.length >= 2) {
let isSuccess = false;
let slicedReceivers = receivers.slice();
if (aMessage.phoneNumber) {
let found = slicedReceivers.indexOf(aMessage.phoneNumber);
if (found !== -1) {
isSuccess = true;
slicedReceivers.splice(found, 1);
if (!isSuccess) {
// For some SIMs we cannot retrieve the vaild MSISDN or MDN (i.e. the
// user's own phone number), so we cannot correcly exclude the user's
// own number from the receivers, thus wrongly building the thread
// index.
if (DEBUG) debug("Error! Cannot strip out user's own phone number!");
threadParticipants = threadParticipants.concat(slicedReceivers);
if (aMessage.type == "mms") {
this.fillReceivedMmsThreadParticipants(aMessage, threadParticipants);
let timestamp = aMessage.timestamp;

View File

@ -344,6 +344,36 @@ checkFuncs.push(checkThread.bind(null, ["thread 14-1", "thread 14-2",
"thread 14-3"],
"thread 14-3", 0, ["5555211014"]));
//[Thread 15]
//Three sent message, unreadCount = 0;
//One participant but might be merged to 555211015, participants = ["5555211015"].
tasks.push(sendMessage.bind(null, "5555211015", "thread 15-1"));
checkFuncs.push(checkThread.bind(null, ["thread 15-1"],
"thread 15-1", 0, ["5555211015"]));
//[Thread 16]
//Three sent message, unreadCount = 0;
//One participant but might be merged to 5555211015, participants = ["555211015"].
tasks.push(sendMessage.bind(null, "555211015", "thread 16-1"));
checkFuncs.push(checkThread.bind(null, ["thread 16-1"],
"thread 16-1", 0, ["555211015"]));
//[Thread 17]
//Three sent message, unreadCount = 0;
//One participant with two aliased addresses, participants = ["555211017"].
tasks.push(sendMessage.bind(null, "+5511555211017", "thread 17-1"));
tasks.push(sendMessage.bind(null, "555211017", "thread 17-2"));
checkFuncs.push(checkThread.bind(null, ["thread 17-1", "thread 17-2"],
"thread 17-2", 0, ["+5511555211017"]));
//[Thread 18]
//Three sent message, unreadCount = 0;
//One participant with two aliased addresses, participants = ["555211018"].
tasks.push(sendMessage.bind(null, "555211018", "thread 18-1"));
tasks.push(sendMessage.bind(null, "+5511555211018", "thread 18-2"));
checkFuncs.push(checkThread.bind(null, ["thread 18-1", "thread 18-2"],
"thread 18-2", 0, ["555211018"]));
// Check threads.
tasks.push(getAllThreads.bind(null, function (threads) {
is(threads.length, checkFuncs.length, "number of threads got");

View File

@ -132,6 +132,10 @@ this.PhoneNumberUtils = {
return PhoneNumber.Parse(aNumber, countryName);
parseWithCountryName: function(aNumber, countryName) {
return PhoneNumber.Parse(aNumber, countryName);
isPlainPhoneNumber: function isPlainPhoneNumber(aNumber) {
var isPlain = PhoneNumber.IsPlain(aNumber);
if (DEBUG) debug("isPlain(" + aNumber + ") " + isPlain);