add tinderbox standalone tests, b=343899 r=davel

This commit is contained in: 2006-07-10 19:24:43 +00:00
parent 3ed60e4aa8
commit 6ef51c6250
19 changed files with 1716 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package Tests;
use Util;
use strict;
my $objdir = '';
sub global_prefs {
my ($binary, $embed_binary, $build_dir) = @_;
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $embed_binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($embed_binary);
my $embed_binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($embed_binary);
my $test_result = 'success';
# Windows needs this for file: urls.
my $win32_build_dir = $build_dir;
if ($Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/ && $win32_build_dir !~ m/^.:\//) {
chomp($win32_build_dir = `cygpath -w $win32_build_dir`);
$win32_build_dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Set prefs to run tests properly.
# Chances are we will be timing these tests. Bring gettime() into memory
# by calling it once, before any tests run.
my $pref_file = 'prefs.js';
# Some tests need browser.dom.window.dump.enabled set to true, so
# that JS dump() will work in optimized builds.
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'browser.dom.window.dump.enabled', 'true');
# Set security prefs to allow us to close our own window,
# pageloader test (and possibly other tests) needs this on.
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows', 'true');
# Set security prefs to allow us to resize our windows.
# DHTML and Tgfx perf tests (and possibly other tests) need this off.
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'dom.disable_window_flip', 'false');
# Set prefs to allow us to move, resize, and raise/lower the
# current window. Tgfx needs this.
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'dom.disable_window_flip', 'false');
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'dom.disable_window_move_resize', 'false');
# Suppress firefox's popup blocking
if ($Settings::BinaryName =~ /^firefox/) {
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'privacy.popups.firstTime', 'false');
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'dom.disable_open_during_load', 'false');
# Suppress default browser dialog
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, '', 'false');
# Suppress session restore dialog
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash', 'false');
elsif ($Settings::BinaryName eq 'Camino') {
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'camino.check_default_browser', 'false');
# Suppress security warnings for QA test.
if ($Settings::QATest) {
Prefs::set_pref($pref_file, 'security.warn_submit_insecure', 'true');
# Assume that we want to test modern skin for all tests.
if (system("\\grep -s general.skins.selectedSkin \"$pref_file\" > /dev/null")) {
Util::print_log("Setting general.skins.selectedSkin to modern/1.0\n");
open PREFS, ">>$pref_file" or die "can't open $pref_file ($?)\n";
print PREFS "user_pref(\"general.skins.selectedSkin\", \"modern/1.0\");\n";
close PREFS;
} else {
Util::print_log("Modern skin already set.\n");
if ($Settings::BinaryName eq 'Camino') {
# stdout will be block-buffered and will not be flushed when the test
# timeout expires and the process is killed, this would make tests
# appear to fail.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Start up Mozilla, test passes if Mozilla is still alive
# after $Settings::AliveTestTimeout (seconds).
sub AliveTest {
my ($build_dir, $binary) = @_;
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/MozillaAliveTest.log";
my $args = [$binary];
local $_;
# Print out testname
Util::print_log("\n\nRunning AliveTest test ...\n");
# Debug
Util::print_log("build_dir = $build_dir ...\n");
Util::print_log("binary_dir = $binary_dir ...\n");
Util::print_log("binary = $binary ...\n");
# Print out timeout.
Util::print_log("Timeout = $Settings::AliveTestTimeout seconds.\n");
my $result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, $args,
Util::print_logfile($binary_log, "AliveTest");
if ($result->{timed_out}) {
Util::print_log("AliveTest: $binary_basename successfully stayed up".
" for $Settings::AliveTestTimeout seconds.\n");
return 'success';
} else {
Util::print_test_errors($result, $binary_basename);
Util::print_log("AliveTest: did not time out\n");
return 'success';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Same as AliveTest, but look for a token in the log and return
# the value. (used for startup iteration test).
sub AliveTestReturnToken {
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $args, $timeout_secs, $token, $delimiter) = @_;
my $status;
my $rv = 0;
# Same as in AliveTest, needs to match in order to find the log file.
my $binary = @$args[0];
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/$test_name.log";
$status = AliveTest($test_name, $build_dir, $args, $timeout_secs);
# Look for and return token
if ($status) {
$rv = Util::extract_token_from_file($binary_log, $token, $delimiter);
chop($rv) if ($rv =~ /\r$/); # cygwin perl doesn't chomp dos-newlinesproperly so use chop.
if ($rv) {
print "AliveTestReturnToken: token value = $rv\n";
return $rv;
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Page loader/cycling mechanism (mozilla -f option):
# If you are building optimized, you need to add
# --enable-logrefcnt
# to turn the pageloader code on. These are on by default for debug.
sub BloatTest {
my ($binary, $build_dir, $bloat_args, $bloatdiff_label, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/bloat-cur.log";
my $old_binary_log = "$build_dir/bloat-prev.log";
local $_;
rename($binary_log, $old_binary_log);
unless (-e "$binary_dir/bloaturls.txt") {
Util::print_log("Error: bloaturls.txt does not exist.\n");
return 'testfailed';
my $platform = $Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/ ? 'windows' : 'unix';
# If on Windows, make sure the urls file has dos lineendings, or
# mozilla won't parse the file correctly
if ($platform eq 'windows') {
my $bu = "$binary_dir/bloaturls.txt";
open(IN,"$bu") || die ("$bu: $!\n");
open(OUT,">$") || die ("$ $!\n");
while (<IN>) {
if (! m/\r\n$/) {
print OUT "$_";
File::Copy::move("$", "$bu") or die("move: $!\n");
$ENV{XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG} = 1; # Turn on ref counting to track leaks.
# Build up binary command, look for profile.
my @args = ($binary_basename);
unless (($Settings::MozProfileName eq "") or
($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed")) {
@args = (@args, "-P", $Settings::MozProfileName);
@args = (@args, @$bloat_args);
my $result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, \@args, $timeout_secs);
Util::print_logfile($binary_log, "$bloatdiff_label bloat test");
if ($result->{timed_out}) {
Util::print_log("Error: bloat test timed out after"
." $timeout_secs seconds.\n");
return 'testfailed';
} elsif ($result->{exit_value}) {
Util::print_test_errors($result, $binary_basename);
Util::print_log("Error: bloat test failed.\n");
return 'testfailed';
# Print out bloatdiff stats, also look for TOTAL line for leak/bloat #s.
Util::print_log("<a href=#bloat>\n######################## BLOAT STATISTICS\n");
my $found_total_line = 0;
my @total_line_array;
open DIFF, "perl $build_dir/../ $build_dir/bloat-prev.log $binary_log $bloatdiff_label|"
or die "Unable to run";
while (<DIFF>) {
# Look for fist TOTAL line
unless ($found_total_line) {
if (/TOTAL/) {
@total_line_array = split(" ", $_);
$found_total_line = 1;
close DIFF;
Util::print_log("######################## END BLOAT STATISTICS\n</a>\n");
# Scrape for leak/bloat totals from TOTAL line
# TOTAL 23 0% 876224
my $leaks = $total_line_array[1];
my $bloat = $total_line_array[3];
Util::print_log("leaks = $leaks\n");
Util::print_log("bloat = $bloat\n");
# Figure out what the label prefix is.
my $label_prefix = "";
my $testname_prefix = "";
unless($bloatdiff_label eq "") {
$label_prefix = "$bloatdiff_label ";
$testname_prefix = "$bloatdiff_label" . "_";
# Figure out testnames to send to server
my $leaks_testname = "refcnt_leaks";
my $bloat_testname = "refcnt_bloat";
unless($bloatdiff_label eq "") {
$leaks_testname = $testname_prefix . "refcnt_leaks";
$bloat_testname = $testname_prefix . "refcnt_bloat";
# Figure out testname labels
my $leaks_testname_label = "refcnt Leaks";
my $bloat_testname_label = "refcnt Bloat";
unless($bloatdiff_label eq "") {
$leaks_testname_label = $label_prefix . $leaks_testname_label;
$bloat_testname_label = $label_prefix . $bloat_testname_label;
my $embed_prefix = "";
if($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed") {
$embed_prefix = "m";
Util::print_log_test_result_bytes($leaks_testname, $leaks_testname_label,
$label_prefix . $embed_prefix . 'RLk', 3);
if($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
# Report numbers to server.
Util::send_results_to_server($leaks, "--", $leaks_testname);
return 'success';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
sub BloatTest2 {
my ($binary, $build_dir, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $PERL = $^X;
if ($Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/ && $build_dir !~ m/^.:\//) {
chomp($build_dir = `cygpath -w $build_dir`);
$build_dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
$PERL = "perl";
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/bloattest2.log";
my $malloc_log = "$build_dir/malloc.log";
my $sdleak_log = "$build_dir/sdleak.log";
my $old_sdleak_log = "$build_dir/sdleak.log.old";
my $leakstats_log = "$build_dir/leakstats.log";
my $old_leakstats_log = "$build_dir/leakstats.log.old";
my $sdleak_diff_log = "$build_dir/sdleak.diff.log";
local $_;
unless (-e "$binary_dir/bloaturls.txt") {
Util::print_log("Error: bloaturls.txt does not exist.\n");
return 'testfailed';
my $platform = $Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/ ? 'windows' : 'unix';
# If on Windows, make sure the urls file has dos lineendings, or
# mozilla won't parse the file correctly
if ($platform eq 'windows') {
my $bu = "$binary_dir/bloaturls.txt";
open(IN,"$bu") || die ("$bu: $!\n");
open(OUT,">$") || die ("$ $!\n");
while (<IN>) {
if (! m/\r\n$/) {
print OUT "$_";
File::Copy::move("$", "$bu") or die("move: $!\n");
rename($sdleak_log, $old_sdleak_log);
my @args;
if($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed" ||
$Settings::BinaryName =~ /^firefox/) {
@args = ($binary_basename, "-P", $Settings::MozProfileName,
"--trace-malloc", $malloc_log);
} else {
@args = ($binary_basename, "-P", $Settings::MozProfileName,
"-f", "bloaturls.txt",
"--trace-malloc", $malloc_log);
# win32 builds crash on multiple runs when --shutdown-leaks is used
@args = (@args, "--shutdown-leaks", $sdleak_log) unless $Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/;
my $result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, \@args, $timeout_secs);
Util::print_logfile($binary_log, "trace-malloc bloat test");
if ($result->{timed_out}) {
Util::print_log("Error: bloat test timed out after"
." $timeout_secs seconds.\n");
return 'testfailed';
} elsif ($result->{exit_value}) {
Util::print_test_errors($result, $binary_basename);
Util::print_log("Error: bloat test failed.\n");
return 'testfailed';
rename($leakstats_log, $old_leakstats_log);
if ($Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/) {
@args = ("leakstats", $malloc_log);
} else {
@args = ("", "./leakstats", $malloc_log);
$result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, \@args, $timeout_secs);
Util::print_logfile($leakstats_log, "trace-malloc bloat test: leakstats");
my $newstats = ReadLeakstatsLog($leakstats_log);
my $oldstats;
if (-e $old_leakstats_log) {
$oldstats = ReadLeakstatsLog($old_leakstats_log);
} else {
$oldstats = $newstats;
my $leakchange = PercentChange($oldstats->{'leaks'}, $newstats->{'leaks'});
my $mhschange = PercentChange($oldstats->{'mhs'}, $newstats->{'mhs'});
my $leaks_testname_label = "Leaks: total bytes 'malloc'ed and not 'free'd";
my $maxheap_testname_label = "Maximum Heap: max (bytes 'malloc'ed - bytes 'free'd) over run";
my $allocs_testname_label = "Allocations: number of calls to 'malloc' and friends";
my $embed_prefix = "";
if($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed") {
$embed_prefix = "m";
my $leaks_testname = "trace_malloc_leaks";
Util::print_log_test_result_bytes($leaks_testname, $leaks_testname_label,
$embed_prefix . 'Lk', 3);
my $maxheap_testname = "trace_malloc_maxheap";
$embed_prefix . 'MH', 3);
my $allocs_testname = "trace_malloc_allocs";
Util::print_log_test_result_count($allocs_testname, $allocs_testname_label,
$embed_prefix . 'A', 3);
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
# Send results to server.
Util::send_results_to_server($newstats->{'leaks'}, "--", $leaks_testname);
Util::send_results_to_server($newstats->{'mhs'}, "--", $maxheap_testname);
Util::send_results_to_server($newstats->{'allocs'}, "--", $allocs_testname);
if (-e $old_sdleak_log && -e $sdleak_log) {
Util::print_logfile($old_leakstats_log, "previous run of trace-malloc bloat test leakstats");
@args = ($PERL, "$build_dir/mozilla/tools/trace-malloc/", "--depth=15", $old_sdleak_log, $sdleak_log);
$result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, \@args, $timeout_secs);
Util::print_logfile($sdleak_diff_log, "trace-malloc leak stats differences");
return 'success';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Codesize test. Needs: cvs checkout mozilla/tools/codesighs
# This test can be run in two modes. One for the whole SeaMonkey
# tree, the other for just the embedding stuff.
sub CodesizeTest {
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $isEmbedTest) = @_;
my $topsrcdir = "$build_dir/mozilla";
# test needs this set
#chdir(".."); # up one level.
my $cwd = get_system_cwd();
Util::print_log("cwd = $cwd\n");
my $type; # "auto" or "base"
my $zee; # Letter that shows up on tbox.
my $testNameString;
my $graphName;
if($isEmbedTest) {
$testNameString = "Embed";
$type = "base"; # Embed test.
$zee = "mZ";
$graphName = "codesize_embed";
} else {
if ($Settings::ProductName eq 'Mozilla') {
$testNameString = "SeaMonkey";
} else {
$testNameString = $Settings::ProductName;
$type = "auto"; # SeaMonkey test.
$zee = "Z";
$graphName = "codesize";
my $new_log = "Codesize-" . $type . "-new.log";
my $old_log = "Codesize-" . $type . "-old.log";
my $diff_log = "Codesize-" . $type . "-diff.log";
my $test_log = "$test_name.log";
Util::print_log("\$build_dir = $build_dir\n");
# Clear the logs from the last run, so we can properly test for success.
my $bash_cmd = "$topsrcdir/tools/codesighs/";
if ($Settings::CodesizeManifest ne '') {
$type = '';
if ($Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/ && $Settings::Compiler ne "gcc") {
$bash_cmd .= $type . "";
} else {
# Assume Linux for non-windows for now.
$bash_cmd .= $type . "summary.unix.bash";
my $cmd = ["bash", $bash_cmd];
push(@{$cmd}, "-o", "$objdir") if ($Settings::ObjDir ne "");
if ($Settings::CodesizeManifest ne '') {
push(@{$cmd}, "mozilla/$Settings::CodesizeManifest");
push(@{$cmd}, $new_log, $old_log, $diff_log);
my $test_result =
"$build_dir", # run top of tree, not in dist.
"FAILED", # Fake out failure mode, test file instead.
0, 0); # Timeout means failure.
# Set status based on file creation.
if (-e "$build_dir/$new_log") {
Util::print_log("found $build_dir/$new_log\n");
$test_result = 'success';
# Print diff data to tbox log.
if (-e "$build_dir/$diff_log") {
Util::print_logfile("$build_dir/$diff_log", "codesize diff log");
# Extract data.
my $z_data = Util::extract_token_from_file("$build_dir/$test_log", "__codesize", ":");
"$testNameString: Code + data size of all shared libs & executables",
$z_data, $zee, 4);
if($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
Util::send_results_to_server($z_data, "--", $graphName);
my $zdiff_data = Util::extract_token_from_file("$build_dir/$test_log", "__codesizeDiff", ":");
# Print out Zdiff if not zero. Testing "zero" by looking for "+0 ".
my $zdiff_sample = substr($zdiff_data,0,3);
if (not ($zdiff_sample eq "+0 ")) {
Util::print_log("<a title=\"Change from last $zee value (+added/-subtracted)\" TinderboxPrint:" . $zee . "diff:$zdiff_data</a>\n");
# Testing only! Moves the old log to some unique name for testing.
# my $time = POSIX::strftime "%d%H%M%S", localtime;
# rename("$build_dir/$old_log", "$build_dir/$old_log.$time");
# Get ready for next cycle.
rename("$build_dir/$new_log", "$build_dir/$old_log");
} else {
Util::print_log("Error: $build_dir/$new_log not found.\n");
$test_result = 'buildfailed';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
sub DHTMLPerformanceTest {
my ($build_dir, $binary) = @_;
my $dhtml_test_result;
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/DHTMLPerformanceTest.log";
my $url = "";
my $timeout_secs = 3;
my $args = [$binary, $url];
# Settle OS.
system('/bin/sh -c "sync; sleep 5"');
my $result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, $args, $timeout_secs);
my $dhtml_time = Util::extract_token($result->{output},
if($dhtml_time) {
$dhtml_test_result = 'success';
} else {
$dhtml_test_result = 'testfailed';
Util::print_log("DHTMLTest: test failed\n");
if($dhtml_test_result eq 'success') {
Util::print_log_test_result_ms('dhtml', 'DHTML time',
$dhtml_time, 'Tdhtml');
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
Util::send_results_to_server($dhtml_time, "--", "dhtml");
return $dhtml_test_result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Run a generic test that writes output to stdout, save that output to a
# file, parse the file looking for failure token and report status based
# on that. A hack, but should be useful for many tests.
# test_name = Name of test we're gonna run, in $Settings::DistBin.
# testExecString = How to run the test
# testTimeoutSec = Timeout for hung tests, minimum test time.
# statusToken = What string to look for in test output to
# determine test status.
# statusTokenMeansPass = Default use of status token is to look for
# failure string. If this is set to 1, then invert logic to look for
# success string.
# timeout_is_ok = Don't report test failure if test times out.
# Note: I tried to merge this function with AliveTest(),
# the process flow control got too confusing :( -mcafee
sub FileBasedTest {
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $binary_dir, $test_args, $timeout_secs,
$status_token, $status_token_means_pass, $timeout_is_ok) = @_;
local $_;
# Assume the app is the first argument in the array.
my ($binary_basename) = @$test_args[0];
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/$test_name.log";
# Print out test name
Util::print_log("\n\nRunning $test_name ...\n");
my $result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, $test_args,
Util::print_logfile($binary_log, $result->{output});
Util::print_logfile($binary_log, $test_name);
if (($result->{timed_out}) and (!$timeout_is_ok)) {
Util::print_log("Error: $test_name timed out after $timeout_secs seconds.\n");
return 'testfailed';
} elsif ($result->{exit_value} != 0) {
Util::print_log("Error: $test_name exited with status $result->{exit_value}\n");
Util::print_test_errors($result, $test_name);
return 'testfailed';
} else {
Util::print_log("$test_name exited normally\n");
my $found_token = file_has_token($binary_log, $status_token);
if ($found_token) {
Util::print_log("Found status token in log file: $status_token\n");
} else {
Util::print_log("Status token, $status_token, not found\n");
if (($status_token_means_pass and $found_token) or
(not $status_token_means_pass and not $found_token)) {
return 'success';
} else {
Util::print_log("Error: $test_name has failed.\n");
return 'testfailed';
} # FileBasedTest

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
sub LayoutPerformanceTest {
my ($build_dir, $binary) = @_;
my $layout_test_result;
my $layout_time_details;
my $binary_basename = File::Basename::basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = File::Basename::dirname($binary);
#my $url = "http://$Settings::pageload_server/page-loader/$Settings::LayoutPerformanceTestPageTimeout&auto=1";
my $timeout_secs = 4500;
my $url = 'file:///home/rhelmer/src/mozilla/tools/performance/pageload/cycler.html';
$args = [$binary, $url];
# Settle OS.
system('/bin/sh -c "sync; sleep 5"');
my $result = Util::run_cmd($build_dir, $binary_dir, $args, $timeout_secs);
my $layout_time = Util::extract_token(
if($layout_time) {
my @times = split(',', $layout_time);
$layout_time = $times[0]; # Set layout time to first number.
print("Layout time: $layout_time");
} else {
# Set test status.
if($layout_time) {
$layout_test_result = 'success';
Util::print_log("LayoutPerformanceTest: test succeeded\n");
} else {
$layout_test_result = 'testfailed';
Util::print_log("LayoutPerformanceTest: test failed\n");
if($layout_test_result eq 'success') {
my $tp_prefix = "";
if($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed") {
$tp_prefix = "m";
'Avg of the median per url pageload time',
$layout_time, 'Tp');
# Pull out detail data from log.
my $raw_data = Util::extract_token($result->{output},
if($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
Util::send_results_to_server($layout_time, $raw_data, "pageload");
return $layout_test_result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Client-side JavaScript, DOM Core/HTML/Views, and Form Submission tests.
# Currently only available inside netscape firewall.
sub QATest {
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $binary_dir, $args) = @_;
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/$test_name.log";
my $url = "";
# Settle OS.
system('/bin/sh -c "sync; sleep 5"');
my $rv;
$rv = AliveTest("QATest_raw", $build_dir,
[@$args, $url],
# XXXX testing. -mcafee
$rv = 'success';
# Post-process log of test output.
my $mode = "express";
open QATEST, "perl $build_dir/../ $build_dir/QATest_raw.log $mode |"
or die "Unable to run";
my $qatest_html = "";
while (<QATEST>) {
#$_ =~ s/\"/&quot;/g; #### it doesn't like this line
# $_ =~ s/\012//g;
### $_ =~ s/\s+\S/ /g; # compress whitespace.
$qatest_html .= $_;
close QATEST;
# This works.
#$qatest_html = "<table border=2 cellspacing=0><tr%20valign=top><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Passed</td><td>Failed</td><td>Total</td><td>Died</td><td>%&nbsp;Passed</td><td>%&nbsp;Failed</td></tr><tr%20valign=top><td>DHTML</a></td><td>9</td><td>0</td><td>9</td><td>0</td><td>100</td><td>0</td></tr><tr%20valign=top><td>DOM&nbsp;VIEWS</a></td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100</td><td>0</td></tr><tr%20valign=top><td>Total:</td><td>11</td><td>0</td><td>11</td><td>0</td><td>100</td><td>0</td></tr></table>";
# Testing output
open TEST_OUTPUT, ">qatest_out.log";
print TEST_OUTPUT $qatest_html;
Util::print_log("TinderboxPrint:<a href=\"javascript:var&nbsp;newwin;;&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;menubar=no,resizable=yes,height=150,width=500&quot;);var&nbsp;newdoc=newwin.document;newdoc.write('$qatest_html');newdoc.close();\">QA</a>\n");
return $rv; # Hard-coded for now.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Page loader (-f option):
# If you are building optimized, you need to add
# --enable-trace-malloc --enable-perf-metrics
# to turn the pageloader code on. If you are building debug you only
# need
# --enable-trace-malloc
sub ReadLeakstatsLog($) {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $leaks = 0;
my $leaked_allocs = 0;
my $mhs = 0;
my $bytes = 0;
my $allocs = 0;
open LEAKSTATS, "$filename"
or die "unable to open $filename";
while (<LEAKSTATS>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /Leaks: (\d+) bytes, (\d+) allocations/) {
$leaks = $1;
$leaked_allocs = $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /Maximum Heap Size: (\d+) bytes/) {
$mhs = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /(\d+) bytes were allocated in (\d+) allocations./) {
$bytes = $1;
$allocs = $2;
return {
'leaks' => $leaks,
'leaked_allocs' => $leaked_allocs,
'mhs' => $mhs,
'bytes' => $bytes,
'allocs' => $allocs

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
sub Regxpcom {
# Before running tests, run regxpcom so that we don't crash when
# people change contractids on us (since we don't autoreg opt builds)
unlink("$binary_dir/components/compreg.dat") or warn "$binary_dir/components/compreg.dat not removed\n";
if($Settings::RegxpcomTest) {
my $args;
if ($Settings::BinaryName =~ /^(firefox|thunderbird)/) {
$args = [$binary, "-register"];
} else {
$args = ["$binary_dir/regxpcom"];
AliveTest("regxpcom", $binary_dir, $args,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# Trender test
sub RenderPerformanceTest {
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $binary_dir, $args) = @_;
my $render_test_result;
my $render_time;
my $render_gfx_time;
my $render_details;
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/$test_name.log";
my $url;
# Find Trender.xml
if (-f "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Trender/Trender.xml") {
$url = "file:///C:/builds/tinderbox/Trender/Trender.xml#tinderbox=1";
} elsif (-f "/builds/tinderbox/Trender/Trender.xml") {
$url = "file:///builds/tinderbox/Trender/Trender.xml#tinderbox=1";
} else {
return 'testfailed';
# Settle OS.
system('/bin/sh -c "sync; sleep 5"');
$render_test_result = FileBasedTest($test_name, $build_dir, $binary_dir,
[@$args, $url],
"_x_x_mozilla_trender", 1, 1);
# double check to make sure the test didn't really succeed
# even though the scripts think it failed. Prevents various breakage
# (e.g. when a timeout happens on the mac, killing the process returns
# a bogus result code). FileBasedTest checks the status code
# before the token
my $found_token = file_has_token($binary_log, "_x_x_mozilla_trender");
if ($found_token) {
$render_test_result = 'success';
if ($render_test_result eq 'testfailed') {
return 'testfailed';
$render_time = Util::extract_token_from_file($binary_log, "_x_x_mozilla_trender", ",");
if ($render_time) {
my @times = split(',', $render_time);
$render_time = $times[0];
$render_time =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
$render_gfx_time = Util::extract_token_from_file($binary_log, "_x_x_mozilla_trender_gfx", ",");
if ($render_gfx_time) {
my @times = split(',', $render_gfx_time);
$render_gfx_time = $times[0];
$render_gfx_time =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
if (!$render_time || !$render_gfx_time) {
return 'testfailed';
Util::print_log_test_result_ms('render', 'Avg page render time in ms',
$render_time, 'Tr');
Util::print_log_test_result_ms('rendergfx', 'Avg gfx render time in ms',
$render_gfx_time, 'Tgfx');
if($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
# Pull out detail data from log; this includes results for all sets
my $raw_data = Util::extract_token_from_file($binary_log, "_x_x_mozilla_trender_details", ",");
Util::send_results_to_server($render_time, $raw_data, "render");
Util::send_results_to_server($render_gfx_time, $raw_data, "rendergfx");
return 'success';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# Startup performance test. Time how fast it takes the browser
# to start up. Some help from John Morrison to get this going.
# Needs user_pref("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled", 1);
# (or CPPFLAGS=-DMOZ_ENABLE_JS_DUMP in mozconfig since we
# don't have profiles for tbox right now.)
# $startup_url needs ?begin=<time> dynamically inserted.
sub StartupPerformanceTest {
my ($test_name, $binary, $build_dir, $startup_test_args, $startup_url) = @_;
my $i;
my $startuptime; # Startup time in ms.
my $agg_startuptime = 0; # Aggregate startup time.
my $startup_count = 0; # Number of successful runs.
my $avg_startuptime = 0; # Average startup time.
my @times;
my $startup_test_result = 'success';
for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
# Settle OS.
system('/bin/sh -c "sync; sleep 5"');
# Generate URL of form file:///<path>/startup-test.html?begin=986869495000
# Where begin value is current time.
my ($time, $url, $cwd);
# Test for Time::HiRes and report the time.
$time = Time::PossiblyHiRes::getTime();
$cwd = get_system_cwd();
print "cwd = $cwd\n";
$url = "$startup_url?begin=$time";
print "url = $url\n";
# Then load startup-test.html, which will pull off the begin argument
# and compare it to the current time to compute startup time.
# Since we are iterating here, save off logs as StartupPerformanceTest-0,1,2...
# -P $Settings::MozProfileName added 3% to startup time, assume one profile
# and get the 3% back. (
if($startup_test_result eq 'success') {
$startuptime =
[$binary, @$startup_test_args, $url],
} else {
print "Startup test failed.\n";
if($startuptime) {
$startup_test_result = 'success';
# Add our test to the total.
$agg_startuptime += $startuptime;
# Keep track of the results in an array.
push(@times, $startuptime);
} else {
$startup_test_result = 'testfailed';
Util::print_log("StartupPerformanceTest: test failed\n");
} # for loop
if($startup_test_result eq 'success') {
Util::print_log("\nSummary for startup test:\n");
# Print startup times.
my $times_string = join(" ", @times);
Util::print_log("times = [$times_string]\n");
# Figure out the average startup time.
$avg_startuptime = $agg_startuptime / $startup_count;
Util::print_log("Average startup time: $avg_startuptime\n");
my $min_startuptime = min(@times);
Util::print_log("Minimum startup time: $min_startuptime\n");
my $ts_prefix = "";
if($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed") {
$ts_prefix = "m";
Util::print_log_test_result_ms('startup', 'Best startup time out of 10 startups',
$min_startuptime, $ts_prefix . 'Ts');
# Report data back to server
if($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
Util::print_log("phonehome = 1\n");
Util::send_results_to_server($min_startuptime, $times_string, "startup");
return $startup_test_result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Use high resolution routines if installed (on win32 or linux), using
# eval as try/catch block around import of modules. Otherwise, just use 'time()'.
# 'Win32::API' <>
# 'Time::HiRes' <>
# (also:
package Time::PossiblyHiRes;
use strict;
#use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
my $getLocalTime; # for win32
my $lpSystemTime = pack("SSSSSSSS"); # for win32
my $timesub; # code ref
# returns 12 char string "'s'x9.'m'x3" which is milliseconds since epoch,
# although resolution may vary depending on OS and installed packages
sub getTime () {
return &$timesub
if $timesub;
$timesub = sub { time() . "000"; }; # default
return &$timesub
if $^O eq "MacOS"; # don't know a better way on Mac
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
eval "use Win32::API;";
$timesub = sub {
# pass pointer to struct, void return
$getLocalTime =
eval "new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetLocalTime', [qw{P}], qw{V});"
unless $getLocalTime;
my @t = unpack("SSSSSSSS", $lpSystemTime);
sprintf("%9s%03s", time(), pop @t);
} if !$@;
# ass-u-me if not mac/win32, then we're on a unix flavour
else {
eval "use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);";
$timesub = sub {
my @t = gettimeofday();
$t[0]*1000 + int($t[1]/1000);
} if !$@;
return &$timesub;
# Test script to compare with low-res time:
# require "";
# use POSIX qw(strftime);
# print "hires time = " . Time::PossiblyHiRes::getTime() . "\n";
# print "lowres time = " . time() . "\n";
# end package

View File

@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
package Util;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Copy;
use POSIX qw(sys_wait_h strftime);
sub print_log {
my ($text) = @_;
#print LOG $text;
print $text;
sub print_logfile {
my ($logfile, $test_name) = @_;
print "DEBUG: $logfile\n";
print_log "----------- Output from $test_name ------------- \n";
open READRUNLOG, "$logfile" or die "Can't open log $logfile: $!\n";
print_log " $_" while <READRUNLOG>;
close READRUNLOG or die "Can't close log $logfile: $!\n";
print_log "----------- End Output from $test_name --------- \n";
sub print_test_errors {
my ($result, $name) = @_;
if (not $result->{timed_out} and $result->{exit_value} != 0) {
if ($result->{sig_name} ne '') {
print_log "Error: $name: received SIG$result->{sig_name}\n";
print_log "Error: $name: exited with status $result->{exit_value}\n";
if ($result->{dumped_core}) {
print_log "Error: $name: dumped core.\n";
# Parse a file for $token, return the token.
# Look for the line "<token><delimiter><return-value>", e.g.
# for "__startuptime,5501"
# token = "__startuptime"
# delimiter = ","
# return-value = "5501";
sub extract_token {
my ($output, $token, $delimiter) = @_;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper("extract_token: @_");
my $token_value = 0;
if ($output =~ /$token/) {
$token_value = substr($output, index($output, $delimiter) + 1);
return $token_value;
sub run_cmd {
my ($home_dir, $binary_dir, $args, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my $now = localtime();
my $pid = 0;
my $shell_command = join(' ', @{$args});
my $exit_value = 1;
my $signal_num;
my $sig_name;
my $dumped_core;
my $timed_out;
my $output;
print_log "Begin: $now\n";
print_log "cmd = $shell_command\n";
# Set XRE_NO_WINDOWS_CRASH_DIALOG to disable showing
# the windows crash dialog in case the child process
# crashes
# Now cd to dir where binary is..
chdir $binary_dir or die "chdir($binary_dir): $!\n";
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm" };
alarm $timeout_secs;
$pid = open CMD, "$shell_command |"
or die "Could not run command: $!";
while (<CMD>) {
$output .= $_;
print_log $_;
close CMD or die "Could not close command: $!";
$exit_value = $? >> 8;
$signal_num = $? >> 127;
$sig_name = signal_name($signal_num);
$dumped_core = $? & 128;
$timed_out = 0;
alarm 0;
if($@ =~ /alarm/){
$timed_out = 1;
print_log("Error running $shell_command: $@\n");
$output = $@;
$now = localtime();
print_log "End: $now\n";
if ($exit_value || $timed_out || $dumped_core || $signal_num){
print_log("Error running $shell_command\n");
print_log("Output: $output\n");
if ($exit_value) {
print_log("Exit value: $exit_value\n");
if ($timed_out) {
print_log("Timed out\n");
# callers expect exit_value to be non-zero if request timed out
$exit_value = 1;
if ($dumped_core) {
print_log("Segfault (core dumped)\n");
if ($signal_num) {
print_log("Received signal: $sig_name\n");
return { timed_out=>$timed_out,
dumped_core=>$dumped_core };
sub get_system_cwd {
my $a = Cwd::getcwd()||`pwd`;
return $a;
sub get_graph_tbox_name {
if ($Settings::GraphNameOverride ne '') {
return $Settings::GraphNameOverride;
my $name = hostname();
if ($Settings::BuildTag ne '') {
$name .= '_' . $Settings::BuildTag;
return $name;
sub print_log_test_result {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $num_result, $units, $print_name, $print_result) = @_;
print_log "\nTinderboxPrint:";
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
my $time = POSIX::strftime "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S", localtime;
print_log "<a title=\"$test_title\" href=\"http://$Settings::results_server/graph/query.cgi?testname=" . $test_name . "&units=$units&tbox=" . get_graph_tbox_name() . "&autoscale=1&days=7&avg=1&showpoint=$time,$num_result\">";
} else {
print_log "<abbr title=\"$test_title\">";
print_log $print_name;
if (!$Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
print_log "</abbr>";
print_log ':' . $print_result;
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
print_log "</a>";
print_log "\n";
sub print_log_test_result_ms {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name) = @_;
print_log_test_result($test_name, $test_title, $result, 'ms',
$print_name, $result . 'ms');
sub print_log_test_result_bytes {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name, $sig_figs) = @_;
print_log_test_result($test_name, $test_title, $result, 'bytes',
$print_name, PrintSize($result, $sig_figs) . 'B');
sub print_log_test_result_count {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name, $sig_figs) = @_;
print_log_test_result($test_name, $test_title, $result, 'count',
$print_name, PrintSize($result, $sig_figs));
# Report test results back to a server.
# Netscape-internal now, will push to, ask
# mcafee or jrgm for details.
# Needs the following perl stubs, installed for rh7.1:
# perl-Digest-MD5-2.13-1.i386.rpm
# perl-MIME-Base64-2.12-6.i386.rpm
# perl-libnet-1.0703-6.noarch.rpm
# perl-HTML-Tagset-3.03-3.i386.rpm
# perl-HTML-Parser-3.25-2.i386.rpm
# perl-URI-1.12-5.noarch.rpm
# perl-libwww-perl-5.53-3.noarch.rpm
sub send_results_to_server {
my ($value, $raw_data, $testname) = @_;
# Prepend raw data with cvs checkout date, performance
# Use MOZ_CO_DATE, but with same graph/collect.cgi format. (server)
#my $data_plus_co_time = "MOZ_CO_DATE=$co_time_str\t$raw_data";
my $data_plus_co_time = "MOZ_CO_DATE=test";
my $tbox = get_graph_tbox_name();
my $tmpurl = "http://$Settings::results_server/graph/collect.cgi";
$tmpurl .= "?value=$value&data=$data_plus_co_time&testname=$testname&tbox=$tbox";
print_log "send_results_to_server(): \n";
print_log "tmpurl = $tmpurl\n";
# libwww-perl has process control problems on windows,
# spawn wget instead.
if ($Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/) {
system ("wget", "-O", "/dev/null", $tmpurl);
print_log "send_results_to_server() succeeded.\n";
} else {
my $res = eval q{
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->timeout(10); # seconds
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $tmpurl);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
return $res;
if ($@) {
warn "Failed to submit startup results: $@";
print_log "send_results_to_server() failed.\n";
} else {
print_log "Results submitted to server: \n" .
$res->status_line . "\n" . $res->content . "\n";
print_log "send_results_to_server() succeeded.\n";
sub kill_process {
my ($target_pid) = @_;
my $start_time = time;
# Try to kill and wait 10 seconds, then try a kill -9
my $sig;
for $sig ('TERM', 'KILL') {
print "kill $sig $target_pid\n";
kill $sig => $target_pid;
my $interval_start = time;
while (time - $interval_start < 10) {
# the following will work with 'cygwin' perl on win32, but not
# with 'MSWin32' (ActiveState) perl
my $pid = waitpid($target_pid, POSIX::WNOHANG());
if (($pid == $target_pid and POSIX::WIFEXITED($?)) or $pid == -1) {
my $secs = time - $start_time;
$secs = $secs == 1 ? '1 second' : "$secs seconds";
print_log "Process killed. Took $secs to die.\n";
sleep 1;
die "Unable to kill process: $target_pid";
my %sig_num = ();
my @sig_name = ();
sub signal_name {
# Find the name of a signal number
my ($number) = @_;
unless (@sig_name) {
unless($Config::Config{sig_name} && $Config::Config{sig_num}) {
die "No sigs?";
} else {
my @names = split ' ', $Config::Config{sig_name};
@sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config::Config{sig_num};
foreach (@names) {
$sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_;
return $sig_name[$number];
sub PercentChange($$) {
my ($old, $new) = @_;
if ($old == 0) {
return 0;
return ($new - $old) / $old;
# Print a value of bytes out in a reasonable
# KB, MB, or GB form. Sig figs should probably
# be 3, 4, or 5 for most purposes here. This used
# to default to 3 sig figs, but I wanted 4 so I
# generalized here. -mcafee
# Usage: PrintSize(valueAsInteger, numSigFigs)
sub PrintSize($$) {
# print a number with 3 significant figures
sub PrintNum($$) {
my ($num, $sigs) = @_;
my $rv;
# Figure out how many decimal places to show.
# Only doing a few cases here, for normal range
# of test numbers.
# Handle zero case first.
if ($num == 0) {
$rv = "0";
} elsif ($num < 10**($sigs-5)) {
$rv = sprintf "%.5f", ($num);
} elsif ($num < 10**($sigs-4)) {
$rv = sprintf "%.4f", ($num);
} elsif ($num < 10**($sigs-3)) {
$rv = sprintf "%.3f", ($num);
} elsif ($num < 10**($sigs-2)) {
$rv = sprintf "%.2f", ($num);
} elsif ($num < 10**($sigs-1)) {
$rv = sprintf "%.1f", ($num);
} else {
$rv = sprintf "%d", ($num);
my ($size, $sigfigs) = @_;
# 1K = 1024, previously this was approximated as 1000.
my $rv;
if ($size > 1073741824) { # 1024^3
$rv = PrintNum($size / 1073741824.0, $sigfigs) . "G";
} elsif ($size > 1048576) { # 1024^2
$rv = PrintNum($size / 1048576.0, $sigfigs) . "M";
} elsif ($size > 1024) {
$rv = PrintNum($size / 1024.0, $sigfigs) . "K";
} else {
$rv = PrintNum($size, $sigfigs);
# Page loader (-f option):
# If you are building optimized, you need to add
# --enable-trace-malloc --enable-perf-metrics
# to turn the pageloader code on. If you are building debug you only
# need
# --enable-trace-malloc
sub ReadLeakstatsLog($) {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $leaks = 0;
my $leaked_allocs = 0;
my $mhs = 0;
my $bytes = 0;
my $allocs = 0;
open LEAKSTATS, "$filename"
or die "unable to open $filename";
while (<LEAKSTATS>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /Leaks: (\d+) bytes, (\d+) allocations/) {
$leaks = $1;
$leaked_allocs = $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /Maximum Heap Size: (\d+) bytes/) {
$mhs = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /(\d+) bytes were allocated in (\d+) allocations./) {
$bytes = $1;
$allocs = $2;
return {
'leaks' => $leaks,
'leaked_allocs' => $leaked_allocs,
'mhs' => $mhs,
'bytes' => $bytes,
'allocs' => $allocs

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package Prefs;
sub set_pref {
my ($pref_file, $pref, $value) = @_;
# Make sure we get rid of whatever value was there,
# to allow for resetting prefs
system ("\\grep -v \\\"$pref\\\" '$pref_file' > '$'");
File::Copy::move("$", "$pref_file") or die("move: $!\n");
Util::print_log("Setting $pref to $value\n");
open PREFS, ">>$pref_file" or die "can't open $pref_file ($?)\n";
print PREFS "user_pref(\"$pref\", $value);\n";
close PREFS;
sub get_prefs_file {
my ($pref_file, $profile_dir);
if ($Settings::UseMozillaProfile) {
# Profile directory. This lives in way-different places
# depending on the OS.
my $profiledir = get_profile_dir($build_dir);
# Make sure we have a profile to run tests. This is assumed to be called
# $Settings::MozProfileName and will live in $build_dir/.mozilla.
# Also assuming only one profile here.
my $cp_result = 0;
unless (-d "$profiledir") {
Util::print_log("No profile found, creating profile.\n");
$cp_result = create_profile($build_dir, $binary_dir, $binary);
} else {
Util::print_log("Found profile.\n");
# Recreate profile if we have $Settings::CleanProfile set.
if ($Settings::CleanProfile) {
my $deletedir = $profiledir;
Util::print_log("Creating clean profile ...\n");
Util::print_log("Deleting $deletedir ...\n");
File::Path::rmtree([$deletedir], 0, 0);
if (-e "$deletedir") {
Util::print_log("Error: rmtree([$deletedir], 0, 0) failed.\n");
$cp_result = create_profile($build_dir, $binary_dir, $binary);
# Set status, in case create profile failed.
if ($cp_result) {
# We should check $cp_result->{exit_value} too, except
# semi-single-profile landing made 0 the success value (which is
# good), so we now have inconsistent expected results.
if (not $cp_result->{timed_out}) {
$test_result = "success";
} else {
Util::print_log("cp_result failed\n");
$test_result = "testfailed";
Util::print_log("Error: create profile failed.\n");
# Call get_profile_dir again, so it can find the extension-salted
# profile directory under the profile root.
$profiledir = get_profile_dir($build_dir);
# Find the prefs file, remember we have that random string now
# e.g. <build-dir>/.mozilla/default/uldx6pyb.slt/prefs.js
# so File::Path::find will find the prefs.js file.
($pref_file, $profile_dir) = find_pref_file($profiledir);
#XXX this is ugly and hacky
$test_result = 'testfailed' unless $pref_file;;
if (!$pref_file) { Util::print_log("no pref file found\n"); }
} elsif($Settings::BinaryName eq "TestGtkEmbed") {
Util::print_log("Using TestGtkEmbed profile\n");
$pref_file = "$build_dir/.TestGtkEmbed/TestGtkEmbed/prefs.js";
$profile_dir = "$build_dir";
# Create empty prefs file if needed
#unless (-e $pref_file) {
# system("mkdir -p $build_dir/.TestGtkEmbed/TestGtkEmbed");
# system("touch $pref_file");
# Run TestGtkEmbed to generate proper pref file.
# This should only need to be run the first time for a given tree.
unless (-e $pref_file) {
$test_result = AliveTest("EmbedAliveTest_profile", $build_dir,
return $pref_file;
# Given profile directory, find pref file hidden in salt directory.
# profile $Settings::MozProfileName must exist before calling this sub.
sub find_pref_file {
my $profile_dir = shift;
# default to *nix
my $pref_file = "prefs.js";
unless (-e $profile_dir) {
print_log "ERROR: profile $profile_dir does not exist\n";
#XXX should make 'run_all_tests' throw a 'testfailed' exception
# and just skip all the continual checking for $test_result
return; # empty list
my $found = undef;
my $sub = sub {$pref_file = $File::Find::name, $found++ if $pref_file eq $_};
File::Find::find($sub, $profile_dir);
unless ($found) {
print_log "ERROR: couldn't find prefs.js in $profile_dir\n";
return; # empty list
# Find full profile_dir while we're at it.
$profile_dir = File::Basename::dirname($pref_file);
print_log "profile dir = $profile_dir\n";
print_log "prefs.js = $pref_file\n";
return ($pref_file, $profile_dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package Settings;
# general settings
$TestsPhoneHome = 1;
$results_server = "";
$GraphNameOverride = '';
$BuildTag = '';
$Compiler = 'gcc';
$CleanProfile = 1; # remove profile on start
$ObjDir = 1; # use objdir
$pageload_server = '';
$OS = 'Linux';
$BinaryName = '/home/rhelmer/Apps/firefox/firefox-bin';
$EmbedBinaryName = 'TestGTKEmbed';
$MozProfileName = 'default';
$BuildDir = '/home/rhelmer/Apps/firefox';
# tests to run
$LayoutPerformanceTest = 1;
$XpcomGlueTest = 0;
$RegxpcomTestTimeout = 120;
$ViewerTest = 0;
$XULWindowOpenTestTimeout = 1; # Txul
$CodesizeTestTimeout = 0; # Z, require
# mozilla/tools/codesighs
$AliveTest = 0;
$EmbedCodesizeTest = 0; # mZ, require
# mozilla/tools/codesighs
$DomToTextConversionTest = 0;
$RegxpcomTest = 0;
$EditorTest = 0;
$CodesizeTest = 0; # Z, require
# mozilla/tools/codesighs
$EmbedTest = 0; # Assumes you wanted
# $BuildEmbed=1
$JavaTest = 0;
$NeckoUnitTest = 0;
$StartupPerformanceTest = 0;
# timeouts
$StartupPerformanceTestTimeout = 15; # seconds
$LayoutPerformanceTestPageTimeout = 30000; # each page, ms
$RenderTestTimeout = 1800; # seconds
$DHTMLPerformanceTestTimeout = 0; # Tdhtml
$ViewerTestTimeout = 45;
$JavaTestTimeout = 45;
$MailBloatTestTimeout = 120; # seconds
$LayoutPerformanceTestTimeout = 1200; # entire test, seconds
$AliveTestTimeout = 15;
$NeckoUnitTestTimeout = 30; # seconds
$QATestTimeout = 30; # seconds

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Util;
use Util::Settings;
use File::Basename;
use strict;
use Tests::AliveTest;
use Tests::RenderPerformanceTest;
use Tests::LayoutPerformanceTest;
use Tests::DHTMLPerformanceTest;
AliveTest($Settings::BuildDir, $Settings::BinaryName);
LayoutPerformanceTest($Settings::BuildDir, $Settings::BinaryName);
DHTMLPerformanceTest($Settings::BuildDir, $Settings::BinaryName);
RenderPerformanceTest($Settings::BuildDir, $Settings::BinaryName);