diff --git a/editor/base/nsHTMLEditor.cpp b/editor/base/nsHTMLEditor.cpp
index 6337b377904a..29f0d3f70643 100644
--- a/editor/base/nsHTMLEditor.cpp
+++ b/editor/base/nsHTMLEditor.cpp
@@ -3231,16 +3231,16 @@ nsHTMLEditor::GetFontFaceState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outFace)
-nsHTMLEditor::GetFontColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
+nsHTMLEditor::GetFontColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &aOutColor)
aMixed = PR_TRUE;
- outColor.AssignWithConversion("");
+ aOutColor.AssignWithConversion("");
nsresult res;
nsAutoString colorStr; colorStr.AssignWithConversion("color");
PRBool first, any, all;
- res = GetInlinePropertyWithAttrValue(nsIEditProperty::font, &colorStr, nsnull, first, any, all, &outColor);
+ res = GetInlinePropertyWithAttrValue(nsIEditProperty::font, &colorStr, nsnull, first, any, all, &aOutColor);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (any && !all) return res; // mixed
if (all)
@@ -3252,18 +3252,18 @@ nsHTMLEditor::GetFontColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
if (!any)
// there was no font color attrs of any kind..
- outColor.AssignWithConversion("");
+ aOutColor.AssignWithConversion("");
aMixed = PR_FALSE;
return res;
-nsHTMLEditor::GetBackgroundColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
+nsHTMLEditor::GetBackgroundColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &aOutColor)
//TODO: We don't handle "mixed" correctly!
aMixed = PR_FALSE;
- outColor.AssignWithConversion("");
+ aOutColor.AssignWithConversion("");
nsCOMPtr element;
PRInt32 selectedCount;
@@ -3271,17 +3271,35 @@ nsHTMLEditor::GetBackgroundColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
nsresult res = GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(*getter_AddRefs(element), tagName, selectedCount);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- // If not table or cell found, get page body
- if (!element)
+ nsAutoString styleName; styleName.AssignWithConversion("bgcolor");
+ while (element)
- res = nsEditor::GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(element));
+ // We are in a cell or selected table
+ res = element->GetAttribute(styleName, aOutColor);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
+ // Done if we have a color explicitly set
+ if (aOutColor.Length() > 0)
+ return NS_OK;
+ // Once we hit the body, we're done
+ if(nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBody(element)) return NS_OK;
+ // No color is set, but we need to report visible color inherited
+ // from nested cells/tables, so search up parent chain
+ nsCOMPtr parentNode;
+ res = element->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
+ element = do_QueryInterface(parentNode);
+ // If no table or cell found, get page body
+ res = nsEditor::GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(element));
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (!element) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
- nsAutoString styleName; styleName.AssignWithConversion("bgcolor");
- return element->GetAttribute(styleName, outColor);
+ return element->GetAttribute(styleName, aOutColor);
diff --git a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.cpp b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.cpp
index 6337b377904a..29f0d3f70643 100644
--- a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.cpp
+++ b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.cpp
@@ -3231,16 +3231,16 @@ nsHTMLEditor::GetFontFaceState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outFace)
-nsHTMLEditor::GetFontColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
+nsHTMLEditor::GetFontColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &aOutColor)
aMixed = PR_TRUE;
- outColor.AssignWithConversion("");
+ aOutColor.AssignWithConversion("");
nsresult res;
nsAutoString colorStr; colorStr.AssignWithConversion("color");
PRBool first, any, all;
- res = GetInlinePropertyWithAttrValue(nsIEditProperty::font, &colorStr, nsnull, first, any, all, &outColor);
+ res = GetInlinePropertyWithAttrValue(nsIEditProperty::font, &colorStr, nsnull, first, any, all, &aOutColor);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (any && !all) return res; // mixed
if (all)
@@ -3252,18 +3252,18 @@ nsHTMLEditor::GetFontColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
if (!any)
// there was no font color attrs of any kind..
- outColor.AssignWithConversion("");
+ aOutColor.AssignWithConversion("");
aMixed = PR_FALSE;
return res;
-nsHTMLEditor::GetBackgroundColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
+nsHTMLEditor::GetBackgroundColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &aOutColor)
//TODO: We don't handle "mixed" correctly!
aMixed = PR_FALSE;
- outColor.AssignWithConversion("");
+ aOutColor.AssignWithConversion("");
nsCOMPtr element;
PRInt32 selectedCount;
@@ -3271,17 +3271,35 @@ nsHTMLEditor::GetBackgroundColorState(PRBool &aMixed, nsString &outColor)
nsresult res = GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(*getter_AddRefs(element), tagName, selectedCount);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- // If not table or cell found, get page body
- if (!element)
+ nsAutoString styleName; styleName.AssignWithConversion("bgcolor");
+ while (element)
- res = nsEditor::GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(element));
+ // We are in a cell or selected table
+ res = element->GetAttribute(styleName, aOutColor);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
+ // Done if we have a color explicitly set
+ if (aOutColor.Length() > 0)
+ return NS_OK;
+ // Once we hit the body, we're done
+ if(nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBody(element)) return NS_OK;
+ // No color is set, but we need to report visible color inherited
+ // from nested cells/tables, so search up parent chain
+ nsCOMPtr parentNode;
+ res = element->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
+ element = do_QueryInterface(parentNode);
+ // If no table or cell found, get page body
+ res = nsEditor::GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(element));
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (!element) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
- nsAutoString styleName; styleName.AssignWithConversion("bgcolor");
- return element->GetAttribute(styleName, outColor);
+ return element->GetAttribute(styleName, aOutColor);