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synced 2025-02-25 20:01:50 +00:00
Bug 873923, add a method to allow popups to be anchored at a rectangle, r=tn,mark,khuey
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,6 +129,21 @@ interface PopupBoxObject : BoxObject
boolean isContextMenu,
Event? triggerEvent);
* Open the popup anchored at a specific screen rectangle. This function is
* similar to openPopup except that that rectangle of the anchor is supplied
* rather than an element. The anchor rectangle arguments are screen
* coordinates.
void openPopupAtScreenRect(optional DOMString position = "",
long x,
long y,
long width,
long height,
boolean isContextMenu,
boolean attributesOverride,
Event? triggerEvent);
* Returns the state of the popup:
* closed - the popup is closed
@ -109,6 +109,22 @@ PopupBoxObject::OpenPopupAtScreen(int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos,
pm->ShowPopupAtScreen(mContent, aXPos, aYPos, aIsContextMenu, aTriggerEvent);
PopupBoxObject::OpenPopupAtScreenRect(const nsAString& aPosition,
int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos,
int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight,
bool aIsContextMenu,
bool aAttributesOverride,
Event* aTriggerEvent)
nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
if (pm && mContent) {
pm->ShowPopupAtScreenRect(mContent, aPosition,
nsIntRect(aXPos, aYPos, aWidth, aHeight),
aIsContextMenu, aAttributesOverride, aTriggerEvent);
PopupBoxObject::MoveTo(int32_t aLeft, int32_t aTop)
@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ public:
bool aIsContextMenu,
Event* aTriggerEvent);
void OpenPopupAtScreenRect(const nsAString& aPosition,
int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos,
int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight,
bool aIsContextMenu,
bool aAttributesOverride,
Event* aTriggerEvent);
void GetPopupState(nsString& aState);
nsINode* GetTriggerNode() const;
@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::nsMenuPopupFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext)
// the preference name is backwards here. True means that the 'top' level is
// the default, and false means that the 'parent' level is the default.
@ -621,6 +622,7 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopup(nsIContent* aAnchorContent,
nsIContent* aTriggerContent,
const nsAString& aPosition,
int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos,
MenuPopupAnchorType aAnchorType,
bool aAttributesOverride)
@ -635,10 +637,12 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopup(nsIContent* aAnchorContent,
mHFlip = false;
mAlignmentOffset = 0;
mAnchorType = aAnchorType;
// if aAttributesOverride is true, then the popupanchor, popupalign and
// position attributes on the <popup> override those values passed in.
// If false, those attributes are only used if the values passed in are empty
if (aAnchorContent) {
if (aAnchorContent || aAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect) {
nsAutoString anchor, align, position, flip;
mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::popupanchor, anchor);
mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::popupalign, align);
@ -730,8 +734,7 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopup(nsIContent* aAnchorContent,
mScreenXPos = -1;
mScreenYPos = -1;
mScreenRect = nsIntRect(-1, -1, 0, 0);
if (aAttributesOverride) {
// Use |left| and |top| dimension attributes to position the popup if
@ -744,12 +747,12 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopup(nsIContent* aAnchorContent,
if (!left.IsEmpty()) {
int32_t x = left.ToInteger(&err);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err))
mScreenXPos = x;
mScreenRect.x = x;
if (!top.IsEmpty()) {
int32_t y = top.ToInteger(&err);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err))
mScreenYPos = y;
mScreenRect.y = y;
@ -764,13 +767,26 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopupAtScreen(nsIContent* aTriggerContent,
mPopupState = ePopupShowing;
mAnchorContent = nullptr;
mTriggerContent = aTriggerContent;
mScreenXPos = aXPos;
mScreenYPos = aYPos;
mScreenRect = nsIntRect(aXPos, aYPos, 0, 0);
mXPos = 0;
mYPos = 0;
mFlip = FlipType_Default;
mIsContextMenu = aIsContextMenu;
mAdjustOffsetForContextMenu = aIsContextMenu;
mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point;
nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopupAtRect(nsIContent* aTriggerContent,
const nsAString& aPosition,
const nsIntRect& aRect,
bool aAttributesOverride)
InitializePopup(nullptr, aTriggerContent, aPosition, 0, 0,
MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect, aAttributesOverride);
mScreenRect = aRect;
@ -790,18 +806,18 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::InitializePopupWithAnchorAlign(nsIContent* aAnchorContent,
// but doesn't use both together.
if (aXPos == -1 && aYPos == -1) {
mAnchorContent = aAnchorContent;
mScreenXPos = -1;
mScreenYPos = -1;
mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Node;
mScreenRect = nsIntRect(-1, -1, 0, 0);
mXPos = 0;
mYPos = 0;
InitPositionFromAnchorAlign(aAnchor, aAlign);
else {
mAnchorContent = nullptr;
mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point;
mScreenXPos = aXPos;
mScreenYPos = aYPos;
mScreenRect = nsIntRect(aXPos, aYPos, 0, 0);
mXPos = aXPos;
mYPos = aYPos;
@ -1211,61 +1227,78 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aS
rootFrame->GetView() == GetView()->GetParent(),
"rootFrame's view is not our view's parent???");
// if the frame is not specified, use the anchor node passed to OpenPopup. If
// that wasn't specified either, use the root frame. Note that mAnchorContent
// might be a different document so its presshell must be used.
if (!aAnchorFrame) {
if (mAnchorContent) {
aAnchorFrame = mAnchorContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
// For anchored popups, the anchor rectangle. For non-anchored popups, the
// size will be 0.
nsRect anchorRect;
// Width of the parent, used when aSizedToPopup is true.
int32_t parentWidth;
bool anchored = IsAnchored();
if (anchored || aSizedToPopup) {
// In order to deal with transforms, we need the root prescontext:
nsPresContext* rootPresContext = presContext->GetRootPresContext();
// If we can't reach a root pres context, don't bother continuing:
if (!rootPresContext) {
return NS_OK;
if (!aAnchorFrame) {
aAnchorFrame = rootFrame;
if (!aAnchorFrame)
return NS_OK;
// If anchored to a rectangle, use that rectangle. Otherwise, determine the
// rectangle from the anchor.
if (mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect) {
anchorRect = ToAppUnits(mScreenRect, presContext->AppUnitsPerCSSPixel());
else {
// if the frame is not specified, use the anchor node passed to OpenPopup. If
// that wasn't specified either, use the root frame. Note that mAnchorContent
// might be a different document so its presshell must be used.
if (!aAnchorFrame) {
if (mAnchorContent) {
aAnchorFrame = mAnchorContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!aAnchorFrame) {
aAnchorFrame = rootFrame;
if (!aAnchorFrame)
return NS_OK;
// And then we need its root frame for a reference
nsIFrame* referenceFrame = rootPresContext->FrameManager()->GetRootFrame();
// the dimensions of the anchor
nsRect parentRect = aAnchorFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf();
// Relative to the root
anchorRect = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor(aAnchorFrame,
// Relative to the screen
// In its own app units
anchorRect =
// The width is needed when aSizedToPopup is true
parentWidth = anchorRect.width;
// In order to deal with transforms, we need the root prescontext:
nsPresContext* rootPresContext = presContext->GetRootPresContext();
// If we can't reach a root pres context, don't bother continuing:
if (!rootPresContext) {
return NS_OK;
// And then we need its root frame for a reference
nsIFrame* referenceFrame = rootPresContext->FrameManager()->GetRootFrame();
// the dimensions of the anchor
nsRect parentRect = aAnchorFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf();
// Relative to the root
parentRect = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor(aAnchorFrame,
// Relative to the screen
// In its own app units
parentRect =
// Set the popup's size to the preferred size. Below, this size will be
// adjusted to fit on the screen or within the content area. If the anchor
// is sized to the popup, use the anchor's width instead of the preferred
// width. The preferred size should already be set by the parent frame.
NS_ASSERTION(mPrefSize.width >= 0 || mPrefSize.height >= 0,
"preferred size of popup not set");
mRect.width = aSizedToPopup ? parentRect.width : mPrefSize.width;
mRect.width = aSizedToPopup ? parentWidth : mPrefSize.width;
mRect.height = mPrefSize.height;
// the screen position in app units where the popup should appear
nsPoint screenPoint;
// For anchored popups, the anchor rectangle. For non-anchored popups, the
// size will be 0.
nsRect anchorRect = parentRect;
// indicators of whether the popup should be flipped or resized.
FlipStyle hFlip = FlipStyle_None, vFlip = FlipStyle_None;
@ -1281,14 +1314,14 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aS
bool isNoAutoHide = IsNoAutoHide();
nsPopupLevel popupLevel = PopupLevel(isNoAutoHide);
if (IsAnchored()) {
if (anchored) {
// if we are anchored, there are certain things we don't want to do when
// repositioning the popup to fit on the screen, such as end up positioned
// over the anchor, for instance a popup appearing over the menu label.
// When doing this reposition, we want to move the popup to the side with
// the most room. The combination of anchor and alignment dictate if we
// readjust above/below or to the left/right.
if (mAnchorContent) {
if (mAnchorContent || mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect) {
// move the popup according to the anchor and alignment. This will also
// tell us which axis the popup is flush against in case we have to move
// it around later. The AdjustPositionForAnchorAlign method accounts for
@ -1321,18 +1354,20 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aS
// the window is moved. Popups at the parent level follow the parent
// window as it is moved and remained anchored, so we want to maintain the
// anchoring instead.
if (isNoAutoHide && popupLevel != ePopupLevelParent) {
if (isNoAutoHide &&
(popupLevel != ePopupLevelParent || mAnchorType == MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect)) {
// Account for the margin that will end up being added to the screen coordinate
// the next time SetPopupPosition is called.
mScreenXPos = presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(screenPoint.x - margin.left);
mScreenYPos = presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(screenPoint.y - margin.top);
mAnchorType = MenuPopupAnchorType_Point;
mScreenRect.x = presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(screenPoint.x - margin.left);
mScreenRect.y = presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(screenPoint.y - margin.top);
else {
// the popup is positioned at a screen coordinate.
// first convert the screen position in mScreenXPos and mScreenYPos from
// CSS pixels into device pixels, ignoring any zoom as mScreenXPos and
// mScreenYPos are unzoomed screen coordinates.
// The popup is positioned at a screen coordinate.
// First convert the screen position in mScreenRect from CSS pixels into
// device pixels, ignoring any zoom as mScreenRect holds unzoomed screen
// coordinates.
int32_t factor = devContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixelAtUnitFullZoom();
// context menus should be offset by two pixels so that they don't appear
@ -1346,9 +1381,9 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aS
// next, convert into app units accounting for the zoom
screenPoint.x = presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(
nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mScreenXPos) / factor);
nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mScreenRect.x) / factor);
screenPoint.y = presContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(
nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mScreenYPos) / factor);
nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mScreenRect.y) / factor);
anchorRect = nsRect(screenPoint, nsSize(0, 0));
// add the margins on the popup
@ -1448,7 +1483,7 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aS
if (aSizedToPopup) {
nsBoxLayoutState state(PresContext());
// XXXndeakin can parentSize.width still extend outside?
SetBounds(state, nsRect(mRect.x, mRect.y, parentRect.width, mRect.height));
SetBounds(state, nsRect(mRect.x, mRect.y, parentWidth, mRect.height));
return NS_OK;
@ -2081,7 +2116,7 @@ void
nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveTo(int32_t aLeft, int32_t aTop, bool aUpdateAttrs)
nsIWidget* widget = GetWidget();
if ((mScreenXPos == aLeft && mScreenYPos == aTop) &&
if ((mScreenRect.x == aLeft && mScreenRect.y == aTop) &&
(!widget || widget->GetClientOffset() == mLastClientOffset)) {
@ -2102,8 +2137,10 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveTo(int32_t aLeft, int32_t aTop, bool aUpdateAttrs)
nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext();
mScreenXPos = aLeft - presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(margin.left);
mScreenYPos = aTop - presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(margin.top);
mAnchorType = aLeft == -1 || aTop == -1 ?
MenuPopupAnchorType_Node : MenuPopupAnchorType_Point;
mScreenRect.x = aLeft - presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(margin.left);
mScreenRect.y = aTop - presContext->AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(margin.top);
SetPopupPosition(nullptr, true, false);
@ -2129,7 +2166,7 @@ nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveToAnchor(nsIContent* aAnchorContent,
nsPopupState oldstate = mPopupState;
InitializePopup(aAnchorContent, mTriggerContent, aPosition,
aXPos, aYPos, aAttributesOverride);
aXPos, aYPos, MenuPopupAnchorType_Node, aAttributesOverride);
// InitializePopup changed the state so reset it.
mPopupState = oldstate;
@ -86,6 +86,12 @@ enum FlipType {
FlipType_Slide = 3 // allow the arrow to "slide" instead of resizing
enum MenuPopupAnchorType {
MenuPopupAnchorType_Node = 0, // anchored to a node
MenuPopupAnchorType_Point = 1, // unanchored and positioned at a screen point
MenuPopupAnchorType_Rect = 2, // anchored at a screen rectangle
// values are selected so that the direction can be flipped just by
// changing the sign
@ -242,11 +248,11 @@ public:
nsView* GetRootViewForPopup(nsIFrame* aStartFrame);
// set the position of the popup either relative to the anchor aAnchorFrame
// (or the frame for mAnchorContent if aAnchorFrame is null) or at a specific
// point if a screen position (mScreenXPos and mScreenYPos) are set. The popup
// will be adjusted so that it is on screen. If aIsMove is true, then the popup
// is being moved, and should not be flipped.
// Set the position of the popup either relative to the anchor aAnchorFrame
// (or the frame for mAnchorContent if aAnchorFrame is null), anchored at a
// rectangle, or at a specific point if a screen position is set. The popup
// will be adjusted so that it is on screen. If aIsMove is true, then the
// popup is being moved, and should not be flipped.
nsresult SetPopupPosition(nsIFrame* aAnchorFrame, bool aIsMove, bool aSizedToPopup);
bool HasGeneratedChildren() { return mGeneratedChildren; }
@ -283,8 +289,14 @@ public:
nsIContent* aTriggerContent,
const nsAString& aPosition,
int32_t aXPos, int32_t aYPos,
MenuPopupAnchorType aAnchorType,
bool aAttributesOverride);
void InitializePopupAtRect(nsIContent* aTriggerContent,
const nsAString& aPosition,
const nsIntRect& aRect,
bool aAttributesOverride);
* @param aIsContextMenu if true, then the popup is
* positioned at a slight offset from aXPos/aYPos to ensure the
@ -371,14 +383,14 @@ public:
mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aChange);
// Return true if the popup is positioned relative to an anchor.
bool IsAnchored() const { return mScreenXPos == -1 && mScreenYPos == -1; }
bool IsAnchored() const { return mAnchorType != MenuPopupAnchorType_Point; }
// Return the anchor if there is one.
nsIContent* GetAnchor() const { return mAnchorContent; }
// Return the screen coordinates of the popup, or (-1, -1) if anchored.
// This position is in CSS pixels.
nsIntPoint ScreenPosition() const { return nsIntPoint(mScreenXPos, mScreenYPos); }
nsIntPoint ScreenPosition() const { return mScreenRect.TopLeft(); }
nsIntPoint GetLastClientOffset() const { return mLastClientOffset; }
@ -507,8 +519,7 @@ protected:
// override mXPos and mYPos.
int32_t mXPos;
int32_t mYPos;
int32_t mScreenXPos;
int32_t mScreenYPos;
nsIntRect mScreenRect;
// If the panel prefers to "slide" rather than resize, then the arrow gets
// positioned at this offset (along either the x or y axis, depending on
@ -570,6 +581,9 @@ protected:
bool mHFlip;
bool mVFlip;
// How the popup is anchored.
MenuPopupAnchorType mAnchorType;
static int8_t sDefaultLevelIsTop;
// If 0, never timed out. Otherwise, the value is in milliseconds.
@ -672,7 +672,8 @@ nsXULPopupManager::ShowMenu(nsIContent *aMenu,
// there is no trigger event for menus
InitTriggerEvent(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
popupFrame->InitializePopup(menuFrame->GetAnchor(), nullptr, position, 0, 0, true);
popupFrame->InitializePopup(menuFrame->GetAnchor(), nullptr, position, 0, 0,
MenuPopupAnchorType_Node, true);
if (aAsynchronous) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event =
@ -704,7 +705,7 @@ nsXULPopupManager::ShowPopup(nsIContent* aPopup,
InitTriggerEvent(aTriggerEvent, aPopup, getter_AddRefs(triggerContent));
popupFrame->InitializePopup(aAnchorContent, triggerContent, aPosition,
aXPos, aYPos, aAttributesOverride);
aXPos, aYPos, MenuPopupAnchorType_Node, aAttributesOverride);
FirePopupShowingEvent(aPopup, aIsContextMenu, aSelectFirstItem);
@ -726,6 +727,27 @@ nsXULPopupManager::ShowPopupAtScreen(nsIContent* aPopup,
FirePopupShowingEvent(aPopup, aIsContextMenu, false);
nsXULPopupManager::ShowPopupAtScreenRect(nsIContent* aPopup,
const nsAString& aPosition,
const nsIntRect& aRect,
bool aIsContextMenu,
bool aAttributesOverride,
nsIDOMEvent* aTriggerEvent)
nsMenuPopupFrame* popupFrame = GetPopupFrameForContent(aPopup, true);
if (!popupFrame || !MayShowPopup(popupFrame))
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> triggerContent;
InitTriggerEvent(aTriggerEvent, aPopup, getter_AddRefs(triggerContent));
popupFrame->InitializePopupAtRect(triggerContent, aPosition,
aRect, aAttributesOverride);
FirePopupShowingEvent(aPopup, aIsContextMenu, false);
nsXULPopupManager::ShowTooltipAtScreen(nsIContent* aPopup,
nsIContent* aTriggerContent,
@ -405,6 +405,16 @@ public:
bool aIsContextMenu,
nsIDOMEvent* aTriggerEvent);
/* Open a popup anchored at a screen rectangle specified by aRect.
* The remaining arguments are similar to ShowPopup.
void ShowPopupAtScreenRect(nsIContent* aPopup,
const nsAString& aPosition,
const nsIntRect& aRect,
bool aIsContextMenu,
bool aAttributesOverride,
nsIDOMEvent* aTriggerEvent);
* Open a tooltip at a specific screen position specified by aXPos and aYPos,
* measured in CSS pixels.
@ -69,7 +69,28 @@
<method name="openPopupAtScreenRect">
<parameter name="aPosition"/>
<parameter name="aX"/>
<parameter name="aY"/>
<parameter name="aWidth"/>
<parameter name="aHeight"/>
<parameter name="aIsContextMenu"/>
<parameter name="aAttributesOverride"/>
<parameter name="aTriggerEvent"/>
try {
var popupBox = this.popupBoxObject;
if (popupBox)
popupBox.openPopupAtScreenRect(aPosition, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight,
aIsContextMenu, aAttributesOverride, aTriggerEvent);
} catch(e) {}
<method name="showPopup">
<parameter name="element"/>
<parameter name="xpos"/>
@ -94,7 +115,7 @@
<method name="hidePopup">
<parameter name="cancel"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user