Bug 1090633 fix intermittent failure, r=markh

This commit is contained in:
Shane Caraveo 2014-12-10 14:53:43 -08:00
parent 00890b20bd
commit 76a726f48e

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@ -6,6 +6,30 @@ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);
let chatbar = document.getElementById("pinnedchats");
function waitForCondition(condition, errorMsg) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
var tries = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (tries >= 30) {
ok(false, errorMsg);
var conditionPassed;
try {
conditionPassed = condition();
} catch (e) {
ok(false, e + "\n" + e.stack);
conditionPassed = false;
if (conditionPassed) {
}, 100);
var moveOn = function() { clearInterval(interval); deferred.resolve(); };
return deferred.promise;
add_chat_task(function* testOpenCloseChat() {
let chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.strictEqual(chatbox, chatbar.selectedChat);
@ -99,11 +123,15 @@ add_chat_task(function* testChatWindowChooser() {
// therefore be the window that hosts the new chat (see bug 835111)
let secondWindow = OpenBrowserWindow();
yield promiseOneEvent(secondWindow, "load");
Assert.equal(secondWindow, Chat.findChromeWindowForChats(null), "Second window is the preferred chat window");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(secondWindow), 0, "second window starts with no chats");
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#2");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(secondWindow), 1, "second window now has chats");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "first window still has 1 chat");
// a bit heavy handed, but handy fixing bug 1090633
yield waitForCondition(function () !chat.parentNode, "chat has been detached");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 0, "first window now has no chats");
// now open another chat - it should still open in the second.
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#3");