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synced 2024-12-04 11:26:09 +00:00
Bug 866366 - [Buri][Alarm]it will not start alarm until light up the LCD (follow-up patch, part 2). r=jlebar,fabrice a=tef+
This commit is contained in:
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void SystemMessageHandledObserver::Init()
if (os) {
os->AddObserver(this, "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone",
os->AddObserver(this, "handle-system-messages-done",
/* ownsWeak */ false);
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gUUIDGenerator",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "powerManagerService",
// Limit the number of pending messages for a given page.
let kMaxPendingMessages;
try {
@ -36,6 +40,7 @@ const kMessages =["SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages",
function debug(aMsg) {
@ -59,6 +64,8 @@ function SystemMessageInternal() {
this._webappsRegistryReady = false;
this._bufferedSysMsgs = [];
this._cpuWakeLocks = {};
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webapps-registry-start", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webapps-registry-ready", false);
@ -70,6 +77,57 @@ function SystemMessageInternal() {
SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
_cancelCpuWakeLock: function _cancelCpuWakeLock(aPageKey) {
let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey];
if (cpuWakeLock) {
debug("Releasing the CPU wake lock for page key = " + aPageKey);
delete this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey];
_acquireCpuWakeLock: function _acquireCpuWakeLock(aPageKey) {
let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey];
if (!cpuWakeLock) {
// We have to ensure the CPU doesn't sleep during the process of the page
// handling the system messages, so that they can be handled on time.
debug("Acquiring a CPU wake lock for page key = " + aPageKey);
cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey] = {
wakeLock: powerManagerService.newWakeLock("cpu"),
timer: Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer),
lockCount: 1
} else {
// We've already acquired the CPU wake lock for this page,
// so just add to the lock count and extend the timeout.
// Set a watchdog to avoid locking the CPU wake lock too long,
// because it'd exhaust the battery quickly which is very bad.
// This could probably happen if the app failed to launch or
// handle the system messages due to any unexpected reasons.
cpuWakeLock.timer.initWithCallback(function timerCb() {
debug("Releasing the CPU wake lock because the system messages " +
"were not handled by its registered page before time out.");
}.bind(this), 30000, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
_releaseCpuWakeLock: function _releaseCpuWakeLock(aPageKey, aHandledCount) {
let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey];
if (cpuWakeLock) {
cpuWakeLock.lockCount -= aHandledCount;
if (cpuWakeLock.lockCount <= 0) {
debug("Unlocking the CPU wake lock now that the system messages " +
"have been successfully handled by its registered page.");
sendMessage: function sendMessage(aType, aMessage, aPageURI, aManifestURI) {
// Buffer system messages until the webapps' registration is ready,
// so that we can know the correct pages registered to be sent.
@ -224,7 +282,8 @@ SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
"SystemMessageManager:Message:Return:OK"].indexOf(aMessage.name) != -1) {
"SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone"].indexOf(aMessage.name) != -1) {
if (!aMessage.target.assertContainApp(msg.manifest)) {
debug("Got message from a child process containing illegal manifest URL.");
return null;
@ -349,6 +408,16 @@ SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
}, this);
case "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone":
debug("received SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone " + msg.type +
" with " + msg.handledCount + " for " + msg.uri + " @ " + msg.manifest);
// A page has finished handling some of its system messages, so we try
// to release the CPU wake lock we acquired on behalf of that page.
this._releaseCpuWakeLock(this._createKeyForPage(msg), msg.handledCount);
@ -441,6 +510,11 @@ SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
return false;
let appPageIsRunning = false;
let pageKey = this._createKeyForPage({ type: aType,
manifest: aManifestURI,
uri: aPageURI })
let targets = this._listeners[aManifestURI];
if (targets) {
for (let index = 0; index < targets.length; ++index) {
@ -450,6 +524,14 @@ SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
if (target.uri != aPageURI) {
appPageIsRunning = true;
// We need to acquire a CPU wake lock for that page and expect that
// we'll receive a "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone" message
// when the page finishes handling the system message. At that point,
// we'll release the lock we acquired.
let manager = target.target;
{ type: aType,
@ -458,6 +540,15 @@ SystemMessageInternal.prototype = {
if (!appPageIsRunning) {
// The app page isn't running and relies on the 'open-app' chrome event to
// wake it up. We still need to acquire a CPU wake lock for that page and
// expect that we will receive a "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone"
// message when the page finishes handling the system message with other
// pending messages. At that point, we'll release the lock we acquired.
return true;
@ -74,10 +74,6 @@ SystemMessageManager.prototype = {
aHandler.handleMessage(wrapped ? aMessage
: ObjectWrapper.wrap(aMessage, this._window));
Services.obs.notifyObservers(/* aSubject */ null,
/* aData */ null);
mozSetMessageHandler: function sysMessMgr_setMessageHandler(aType, aHandler) {
@ -151,6 +147,16 @@ SystemMessageManager.prototype = {
innerWindowID: this.innerWindowID });
// Possible messages:
// - SystemMessageManager:Message
// This one will only be received when the child process is alive when
// the message is initially sent.
// - SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages:Return
// This one will be received when the starting child process wants to
// retrieve the pending system messages from the parent (i.e. after
// sending SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages).
receiveMessage: function sysMessMgr_receiveMessage(aMessage) {
debug("receiveMessage " + aMessage.name + " for [" + aMessage.data.type + "] " +
"with manifest = " + this._manifest + " and uri = " + this._uri);
@ -167,19 +173,30 @@ SystemMessageManager.prototype = {
msgID: msg.msgID });
// Bail out if we have no handlers registered for this type.
if (!(msg.type in this._handlers)) {
debug("No handler for this type");
let messages = (aMessage.name == "SystemMessageManager:Message")
? [msg.msg]
: msg.msgQueue;
messages.forEach(function(aMsg) {
this._dispatchMessage(msg.type, this._handlers[msg.type], aMsg);
}, this);
// We only dispatch messages when a handler is registered.
let handler = this._handlers[msg.type];
if (handler) {
messages.forEach(function(aMsg) {
this._dispatchMessage(msg.type, handler, aMsg);
}, this);
// We need to notify the parent the system messages have been handled,
// even if there are no handlers registered for them, so the parent can
// release the CPU wake lock it took on our behalf.
{ type: msg.type,
manifest: this._manifest,
uri: this._uri,
handledCount: messages.length });
Services.obs.notifyObservers(/* aSubject */ null,
/* aData */ null);
// nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer implementation.
Reference in New Issue
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