Added support for lookahead constraints

This commit is contained in: 1999-06-03 20:52:04 +00:00
parent a7ae00c0dd
commit 78be7c3fee
10 changed files with 882 additions and 304 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
(deftype terminalset () 'integer)
(defconstant *empty-terminalset* 0)
(defconstant *full-terminalset* -1)
; Return true if terminalset is empty.
(declaim (inline terminalset-empty?))
@ -53,12 +54,35 @@
(zerop (logand terminalset1 terminalset2)))
; Merge two sets of lookaheads sorted by increasing terminal numbers, eliminating
; duplicates. Return the combined set.
; Return the complement of the terminalset.
(declaim (inline terminalset-complement))
(defun terminalset-complement (terminalset)
(lognot terminalset))
; Return the intersection of the two terminalsets.
(declaim (inline terminalset-intersection))
(defun terminalset-intersection (terminalset1 terminalset2)
(logand terminalset1 terminalset2))
(define-modify-macro terminalset-intersection-f (terminalset2) terminalset-intersection)
; Return the union of the two terminalsets.
(declaim (inline terminalset-union))
(defun terminalset-union (terminalset1 terminalset2)
(logior terminalset1 terminalset2))
(define-modify-macro terminalset-union-f (terminalset2) terminalset-union)
; Return the elements in terminalset1 that are not in terminalset2.
(declaim (inline terminalset-difference))
(defun terminalset-difference (terminalset1 terminalset2)
(logandc2 terminalset1 terminalset2))
(define-modify-macro terminalset-difference-f (terminalset2) terminalset-difference)
; Return a unique serial number for the given terminal.
(declaim (inline terminal-number))
@ -119,6 +143,41 @@
(code nil)) ;The generated lisp source code that performs the action
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; A constraint modifies the rhs of a production. The constraint applies just before the pos-th
;;; general grammar symbol on the rhs of the production.
(defstruct (constraint (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate constraint?))
(pos nil :type integer :read-only t)) ;Position of this constraint; ranges between 0 and length(general-production-rhs), inclusive.
;;; A lookahead-constraint imposes a restriction on the current lookahead terminal when matching
;;; against the production. The match succeeds only if there is no following terminal or the following
;;; terminal is not present in the lookahead-constraint's list of forbidden terminals.
(defstruct (lookahead-constraint (:include constraint)
(:constructor make-lookahead-constraint (pos forbidden-terminals source))
(:predicate lookahead-constraint?))
(forbidden-terminals nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of forbidden terminals
(source nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals) that produced the list of forbidden terminals
(terminalset nil :type (or null terminalset))) ;Set of allowed terminals (complement of forbidden-terminals); null until terminals are numbered
; Emit markup for a lookahead-constraint.
(defun depict-lookahead-constraint (markup-stream lookahead-constraint)
(depict markup-stream :begin-negative-lookahead)
(depict-list markup-stream
(lookahead-constraint-source lookahead-constraint)
:separator ", ")
(depict markup-stream :end-negative-lookahead))
(defmethod print-object ((lookahead-constraint lookahead-constraint) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (lookahead-constraint stream)
(format stream "-~{ ~:_~W~}" (lookahead-constraint-source lookahead-constraint))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -126,6 +185,7 @@
(defstruct (general-production (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate general-production?))
(lhs nil :type general-nonterminal :read-only t) ;The general-nonterminal on the left-hand side of this general-production
(rhs nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of general grammar symbols to which that general-nonterminal expands
(constraints nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of constraints applying to rhs, sorted by increasing pos values
(name nil :read-only t)) ;This general-production's name that will be used to name the parse tree node
@ -137,6 +197,34 @@
(generic-production-productions general-production)))
; Return the general-production's rhs with constraints interleaved with the rhs general grammar symbols.
(defun general-production-rhs-components (general-production)
((merge-constraints (rhs constraints pos)
(if constraints
(let* ((constraint (first constraints))
(constraint-pos (constraint-pos constraint)))
((= constraint-pos pos)
(cons constraint (merge-constraints rhs (rest constraints) pos)))
(cons (first rhs) (merge-constraints (rest rhs) constraints (1+ pos))))
(t (error "Bad constraint list"))))
(merge-constraints (general-production-rhs general-production)
(general-production-constraints general-production)
; Return the general-production's lookahead-constraint's terminalset at the given position.
(defun general-production-lookahead-constraint (general-production pos)
(let ((constraint (find pos (general-production-constraints general-production) :key #'constraint-pos :test #'=)))
(if constraint
(lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint)
; Emit a markup paragraph for the left-hand-side of a general production.
(defun depict-general-production-lhs (markup-stream lhs-general-nonterminal)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':grammar-lhs)
@ -144,6 +232,13 @@
(depict markup-stream " " ':derives-10)))
; Emit markup for a production right-hand-side component.
(defun depict-production-rhs-component (markup-stream production-rhs-component &optional subscript)
(if (lookahead-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-lookahead-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream production-rhs-component :reference subscript)))
; Emit a markup paragraph for the right-hand-side of a general production.
; first is true if this is the first production in a rule.
; last is true if this is the last production in a rule.
@ -152,45 +247,48 @@
(if first
(depict markup-stream ':tab3)
(depict markup-stream "|" ':tab2))
(let ((rhs (general-production-rhs general-production)))
(let ((rhs-components (general-production-rhs-components general-production)))
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream general-grammar-symbol)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream general-grammar-symbol :reference))
:separator " "
:empty '(:left-angle-quote "empty" :right-angle-quote)))))
; Emit the general production, including both its left and right-hand sides.
; Include serial number subscripts on all rhs grammar symbols that both
; appear more than once in the rhs or appear in the lhs; and
; appear more than once in the rhs or appear in the lhs, and
; have symbols that are present in the symbols-with-subscripts list.
; link is the lhs's link type.
(defun depict-general-production (markup-stream general-production link &optional symbols-with-subscripts)
(let ((lhs (general-production-lhs general-production))
(rhs (general-production-rhs general-production)))
(rhs-components (general-production-rhs-components general-production)))
(depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream lhs link)
(depict markup-stream " " ':derives-10)
(if rhs
(if rhs-components
(let ((counts-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)))
(when symbols-with-subscripts
(dolist (symbol symbols-with-subscripts)
(setf (gethash symbol counts-hash) 0))
(dolist (general-grammar-symbol (cons lhs rhs))
(let ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol general-grammar-symbol)))
(when (gethash symbol counts-hash)
(incf (gethash symbol counts-hash)))))
(dolist (production-rhs-component (cons lhs (general-production-rhs general-production)))
(when (general-grammar-symbol? production-rhs-component)
(let ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol production-rhs-component)))
(when (gethash symbol counts-hash)
(incf (gethash symbol counts-hash))))))
(maphash #'(lambda (symbol count)
(assert-true (> count 0))
(if (> count 1)
(setf (gethash symbol counts-hash) 0)
(remhash symbol counts-hash)))
(dolist (general-grammar-symbol rhs)
(let* ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol general-grammar-symbol))
(subscript (and (gethash symbol counts-hash) (incf (gethash symbol counts-hash)))))
(dolist (production-rhs-component rhs-components)
(let ((subscript nil))
(when (general-grammar-symbol? production-rhs-component)
(let ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol production-rhs-component)))
(when (gethash symbol counts-hash)
(setq subscript (incf (gethash symbol counts-hash))))))
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream general-grammar-symbol :reference subscript))))
(depict-production-rhs-component markup-stream production-rhs-component subscript))))
(depict markup-stream " " ':left-angle-quote "empty" :right-angle-quote))))
@ -198,7 +296,7 @@
;;; A production describes the expansion of a nonterminal (the lhs) into
;;; a string of zero or more grammar symbols (the rhs).
;;; a string of zero or more grammar symbols (the rhs); the rhs may also have constraints attached.
;;; Each production has a unique number. Earlier productions have smaller numbers.
;;; There is exactly one production structure for a given production, so eq can be
;;; used to test for production equality.
@ -206,7 +304,7 @@
;;; The evaluator is a lisp form that evaluates to a function f that takes one argument --
;;; the old state of the parser's value stack -- and returns the new state of that stack.
(defstruct (production (:include general-production (lhs nil :type nonterminal :read-only t))
(:constructor make-production (lhs rhs name rhs-length number))
(:constructor make-production (lhs rhs constraints name rhs-length number))
(:copier nil) (:predicate production?))
(rhs-length nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Number of grammar symbols in the rhs
(number nil :type integer :read-only t) ;This production's serial number
@ -234,7 +332,7 @@
(defun print-production (production &optional (stream t))
(format stream "~<~W -> ~:I~_~:[<epsilon> ~;~:*~{~W ~:_~}~]~:> ~:_[~W]"
(list (production-lhs production) (production-rhs production))
(list (production-lhs production) (general-production-rhs-components production))
(production-name production)))
@ -251,7 +349,7 @@
;;; A generic production is not a production and does not have a number or actions.
(defstruct (generic-production (:include general-production (lhs nil :type generic-nonterminal :read-only t))
(:constructor make-generic-production (lhs rhs name productions))
(:constructor make-generic-production (lhs rhs constraints name productions))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate generic-production?))
(productions nil :type list :read-only t)) ;List of instantiations of this generic production
@ -265,14 +363,15 @@
(if (generic-nonterminal? new-lhs)
(mapcar #'(lambda (rhs-general-grammar-symbol)
(general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument rhs-general-grammar-symbol))
(mapcar #'(lambda (grammar-symbol)
(general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument grammar-symbol))
(generic-production-rhs generic-production))
(general-production-constraints generic-production)
(generic-production-name generic-production)
(remove-if #'(lambda (production)
(not (general-nonterminal-is-instance? grammar-parametrization new-lhs (production-lhs production))))
(assert-non-null (find new-lhs productions :key #'production-lhs :test #'eq)))))
@ -317,14 +416,19 @@
;;; A rule is the set of all productions with the same lhs nonterminal.
;;; There is exactly one rule structure for a given nonterminal lhs, so eq can be
;;; used to test for rule equality.
;;; If the rule cannot somehow produce an empty expansion, then passthrough-terminals is empty.
;;; Otherwise, passthrough-terminals summarizes the constraints imposed on the next lookahead terminal
;;; imposed by all empty expansions of this rule. If these empty expansions do not impose any
;;; lookahead-constraints, then passthrough-terminals will be the full set.
(defstruct (rule (:include general-rule (productions nil :type list :read-only t))
(:constructor make-rule (productions))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate rule?))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate rule?))
;productions ;The list of all productions for this rule's nonterminal lhs
(number nil :type (or null integer)) ;This nonterminal's serial number
(derives-epsilon nil :type bool) ;True if some direct or indirect expansion of this nonterminal can return epsilon
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset* :type terminalset)) ;Set of all terminals that can begin some expansion of this nonterminal
(passthrough-terminals *empty-terminalset* :type terminalset) ;See above
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset* :type terminalset)) ;Set of all terminals that can begin some expansion of this nonterminal
; Return a list of nonterminals in this rule's rhs.
@ -394,6 +498,12 @@
(production-lhs (item-production item)))
; Return the constraints of the item's production.
(declaim (inline item-constraints))
(defun item-constraints (item)
(production-constraints (item-production item)))
; Make an item with the given production and dot location (which must be an integer
; between 0 and length(rhs(production)), inclusive. Reuse an existing item in the
; grammar if possible.
@ -412,18 +522,27 @@
(allocate-item production dot unseen number next)))))))
(defun print-item (item &optional (stream t))
(defun print-item (item &optional (stream t) after-dot)
(let ((production (item-production item)))
(format stream "~W -> ~:_" (production-lhs production))
(pprint-logical-block (stream (production-rhs production))
(do ((n (item-dot item) (1- n))
(do ((pos 0 (1+ pos))
(constraints (production-constraints production))
(first t))
(when (zerop n)
(when (= pos (item-dot item))
(if first
(setq first nil)
(format stream " ~:_"))
(write-char #\. stream))
(write-char #\. stream)
(when after-dot
(format stream " ~:_~W" after-dot)))
(do ()
((or (endp constraints) (/= (constraint-pos (first constraints)) pos)))
(if first
(setq first nil)
(format stream " ~:_"))
(write (pop constraints) :stream stream))
(if first
(setq first nil)
@ -441,27 +560,46 @@
;;; A laitem is an item with associated lookahead information.
;;; Unlike items, laitem structures are not shared among the states.
(defstruct (laitem (:constructor allocate-laitem (grammar item lookaheads))
(defstruct (laitem (:constructor allocate-laitem (grammar item forbidden lookaheads))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate laitem?))
(grammar nil :type grammar :read-only t) ;The grammar to which this laitem belongs
(item nil :type item :read-only t) ;The item to which this laitem corresponds
(forbidden nil :type terminalset :read-only t) ;A set of terminals that must not occur after the dot because of lookahead-constraints
(lookaheads nil :type terminalset) ;Set of lookahead terminals
(propagates nil :type list)) ;List of laitems to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem (see note below)
;When parsing a LALR(1) grammar, propagates is the list of all laitems (in this and other states)
;to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem.
(propagates nil :type list)) ;List of (laitem . mask) to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem (see note below)
;When parsing a LALR(1) grammar, propagates contains all laitems (in this and other states)
;to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem. The mask in each entry of propagates
;is a terminalset that indicates which lookaheads can propagate; this is usually *full-terminalset*
;but can be smaller in the presence of constraints.
;When parsing a LR(1) grammar, propagates is the list of all laitems to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem
;without following a shift transition. Such laitems must necessarily be in the same state. In the LR(1) case each
;laitem listed in the propagates list must come after this laitem in this state's laitems list.
; Add or modify a propagation entry in src-laitem to point to dst-laitem with
; the given mask.
(defun laitem-add-propagation (src-laitem dst-laitem mask)
(let ((propagation-entry (assoc dst-laitem (laitem-propagates src-laitem))))
(if propagation-entry
(terminalset-union-f (cdr propagation-entry) mask)
(push (cons dst-laitem mask) (laitem-propagates src-laitem)))))
(defvar *lookahead-print-column* 70)
(defun print-laitem (laitem &optional (stream t))
(print-item (laitem-item laitem) stream)
(format stream " ~vT~_" *lookahead-print-column*)
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-terminalset (laitem-grammar laitem) (laitem-lookaheads laitem) stream)))
(let* ((grammar (laitem-grammar laitem))
(item (laitem-item laitem))
(forbidden (laitem-forbidden laitem))
(and (not (terminalset-empty? forbidden))
(let ((forbidden-terminals (terminalset-list grammar forbidden)))
(make-lookahead-constraint (item-dot item) forbidden-terminals forbidden-terminals)))))
(print-item item stream forbidden-as-constraint)
(format stream " ~vT~_" *lookahead-print-column*)
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-terminalset grammar (laitem-lookaheads laitem) stream))))
(defmethod print-object ((laitem laitem) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (laitem stream)
@ -695,14 +833,14 @@
((substitute-argument-with (attribute subtree)
(ecase (first subtree)
(let* ((general-rule (second subtree))
(lhs (general-rule-lhs general-rule))
(new-lhs (general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument lhs)))
(assert-true (generic-rule? general-rule))
(list ':rule
(if (generic-nonterminal? new-lhs)
(generic-rule-substitute grammar attribute argument general-rule)
(grammar-rule grammar new-lhs)))))
(let* ((general-rule (second subtree))
(lhs (general-rule-lhs general-rule))
(new-lhs (general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument lhs)))
(assert-true (generic-rule? general-rule))
(list ':rule
(if (generic-nonterminal? new-lhs)
(generic-rule-substitute grammar attribute argument general-rule)
(grammar-rule grammar new-lhs)))))
(list ':argument
(second subtree)
@ -841,7 +979,7 @@
(terminal-actions nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> list of (action-symbol . action-function-or-nil)
(rules nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal -> rule
(parameter-trees nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal-symbol -> parameter-tree
(max-production-length nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Maximum number of grammar symbols on the rhs of a production
(max-production-length nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Maximum number of grammar symbols in the rhs of a production
(general-productions nil :type hash-table :read-only t);Hash table of production-name -> general-production
(n-productions nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Number of productions in the grammar
;The following fields are used for the parser.
@ -904,41 +1042,57 @@
(assert-non-null (nth n (grammar-states grammar))))
; Return true if symbol ==>* epsilon.
(defun symbol-derives-epsilon (grammar symbol)
(assert-type symbol grammar-symbol)
(and (nonterminal? symbol)
(rule-derives-epsilon (grammar-rule grammar symbol))))
; Return the terminalset of all terminals a that satisfy
; symbol ==>* a rest,
; Return two values:
; a generate terminalset G;
; a passthrough terminalset P.
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol x ==> x
(defun symbol-initial-terminals (grammar symbol)
(assert-type symbol grammar-symbol)
(if (nonterminal? symbol)
(rule-initial-terminals (grammar-rule grammar symbol))
(make-terminalset grammar symbol)))
(let ((rule (grammar-rule grammar symbol)))
(values (rule-initial-terminals rule) (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(values (make-terminalset grammar symbol) *empty-terminalset*)))
; Given symbol-string, an arbitrary string of grammar symbols,
; return two values: a terminalset S and a boolean B.
; S is the terminalset of all terminals a that satisfy
; symbol-string ==>* a rest,
; Given an arbitrary string of grammar symbols, a list of constraints, and an initial position,
; return two values:
; a generate terminalset G;
; a passthrough terminalset P.
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; B is true if symbol-string ==>* epsilon.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string)
(let ((initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(derives-epsilon nil))
(dolist (element symbol-string (setq derives-epsilon t))
(setq initial-terminals (terminalset-union initial-terminals (symbol-initial-terminals grammar element)))
(unless (symbol-derives-epsilon grammar element)
(values initial-terminals derives-epsilon)))
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string x ==> x
; The constraints' positions are relative to the given initial position, which specifies the position
; of the first grammar-symbol in the symbol-string. The constraints must be listed in order of
; increasing positions.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string constraints pos)
(do ((symbol-string symbol-string (cdr symbol-string))
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(passthrough-terminals *full-terminalset*))
((terminalset-empty? passthrough-terminals) (values initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(let ((constraint (find pos constraints :key #'constraint-pos :test #'=)))
(when constraint
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals (lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint))))
(if symbol-string
(multiple-value-bind (generate passthrough) (symbol-initial-terminals grammar (first symbol-string))
(terminalset-union-f initial-terminals (terminalset-intersection passthrough-terminals generate))
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals passthrough))
(return (values initial-terminals passthrough-terminals)))))
; Intern attributed or generic nonterminals in the production's lhs and rhs. Return the
; resulting production source.
; Intern attributed or generic nonterminals in the production's lhs and rhs. Also replace
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>) or (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; sublists in the rhs with lookahead-constraints and put these, in order, after the third element of
; the returned list.
; Return the resulting production source.
(defun intern-production-source (grammar-parametrization production-source)
(assert-type production-source (tuple (or user-nonterminal cons) (list (or user-grammar-symbol cons)) identifier))
(let ((production-lhs-source (first production-source))
@ -946,11 +1100,24 @@
(production-name (third production-source)))
(if (or (consp production-lhs-source) (some #'consp production-rhs-source))
(multiple-value-bind (lhs-nonterminal lhs-arguments) (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization production-lhs-source)
(list lhs-nonterminal
(mapcar #'(lambda (grammar-symbol-source)
(grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization grammar-symbol-source lhs-arguments))
(let ((rhs nil)
(constraints nil)
(pos 0))
(dolist (component-source production-rhs-source)
((and (consp component-source) (eq (first component-source) ':-))
(let ((lookaheads (rest component-source)))
(make-lookahead-constraint pos (assert-non-null lookaheads) lookaheads)
((and (consp component-source) (eq (first component-source) ':--))
(let ((lookaheads (rest component-source)))
(make-lookahead-constraint pos (assert-non-null (rest lookaheads)) (assert-non-null (first lookaheads)))
(t (push (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization component-source lhs-arguments) rhs)))
(incf pos))
(list* lhs-nonterminal (nreverse rhs) production-name (nreverse constraints))))
@ -966,6 +1133,13 @@
; nonterminal can have attributes, thereby designating a specialization instead of a fully
; generic production.
; The rhs can also contain lookahead constraints of the form
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; which indicate that the following terminal must not be one of the listed terminals. The form
; (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; does the same thing except that it prints the grammar-symbols instead of the terminals when
; the production is printed.
; excluded-nonterminals-source is a list of nonterminals not used in the grammar. Productions,
; including productions expanded from generic productions, that have one of these nonterminals
; on the lhs are ignored.
@ -979,7 +1153,8 @@
(general-productions (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(production-number 0)
(max-production-length 1)
(excluded-nonterminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)))
(excluded-nonterminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(lookahead-constraints nil))
;Set up excluded-nonterminals-hash. The values of the hash table are either :seen or :unseen
;depending on whether a production with the particular nonterminal has been seen yet.
@ -989,12 +1164,12 @@
;Create the starting production: *start-nonterminal* ==> start-symbol
(setf (gethash *start-nonterminal* rules)
(list (make-production *start-nonterminal* (list start-symbol) nil 1 0)))
(list (make-production *start-nonterminal* (list start-symbol) nil nil 1 0)))
;Create the rest of the productions.
((create-production (lhs rhs name)
(let ((production (make-production lhs rhs name (length rhs) (incf production-number))))
((create-production (lhs rhs constraints name)
(let ((production (make-production lhs rhs constraints name (length rhs) (incf production-number))))
(push production (gethash lhs rules))
(dolist (rhs-terminal (production-terminals production))
(setf (gethash rhs-terminal terminals-hash) t))
@ -1008,6 +1183,7 @@
(let* ((production-lhs (first production-source))
(production-rhs (second production-source))
(production-name (third production-source))
(production-constraints (cdddr production-source))
(lhs-arguments (general-grammar-symbol-arguments production-lhs)))
(setq max-production-length (max max-production-length (length production-rhs)))
(when (gethash production-name general-productions)
@ -1024,16 +1200,17 @@
(mapcar #'(lambda (general-grammar-symbol)
(instantiate-general-grammar-symbol bound-argument-alist general-grammar-symbol))
(when productions
(setf (gethash production-name general-productions)
(make-generic-production production-lhs production-rhs production-name (nreverse productions)))))
(make-generic-production production-lhs production-rhs production-constraints production-name (nreverse productions)))))
(unless (nonterminal-excluded production-lhs)
(setf (gethash production-name general-productions)
(create-production production-lhs production-rhs production-name)))))))
(create-production production-lhs production-rhs production-constraints production-name)))))))
;Change all values of the rules hash table to contain rule structures
@ -1042,9 +1219,16 @@
#'(lambda (rule-lhs rule-productions)
(dolist (rule-production rule-productions)
(dolist (rhs-nonterminal (production-nonterminals rule-production))
(unless (gethash rhs-nonterminal rules)
(error "Nonterminal ~S used but not defined" rhs-nonterminal))))
(dolist (grammar-symbol (production-rhs rule-production))
(when (nonterminal? grammar-symbol)
(unless (gethash grammar-symbol rules)
(error "Nonterminal ~S used but not defined" grammar-symbol))))
(dolist (constraint (production-constraints rule-production))
(push constraint lookahead-constraints)
(dolist (lookahead-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals constraint))
(unless (gethash lookahead-terminal terminals-hash)
(warn "Lookahead terminal ~S not used in main grammar" lookahead-terminal)
(setf (gethash lookahead-terminal terminals-hash) t)))))
(setf (gethash rule-lhs rules)
(make-rule (nreverse rule-productions))))
@ -1086,27 +1270,33 @@
:n-productions production-number
:items-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
;Compute the values of derives-epsilon and initial-terminals in each rule.
;Compute the terminalsets in the lookahead-constraints.
(dolist (lookahead-constraint lookahead-constraints)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (forbidden-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals lookahead-constraint))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (make-terminalset grammar forbidden-terminal)))
(setf (lookahead-constraint-terminalset lookahead-constraint) terminalset)))
;Compute the values of passthrough-terminals and initial-terminals in each rule.
(do ((changed t))
((not changed))
(setq changed nil)
(dolist (nonterminal (grammar-nonterminals-list grammar))
(let ((rule (grammar-rule grammar nonterminal))
(new-initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(new-derives-epsilon nil))
(new-passthrough-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (production (rule-productions rule))
(multiple-value-bind (production-initial-terminals production-derives-epsilon)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production))
(setq new-initial-terminals (terminalset-union new-initial-terminals production-initial-terminals))
(when production-derives-epsilon
(setq new-derives-epsilon t))))
(assert-true (or new-derives-epsilon (not (rule-derives-epsilon rule))))
(assert-true (terminalset-<= (rule-initial-terminals rule) new-initial-terminals))
(multiple-value-bind (production-initial-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production) (production-constraints production) 0)
(terminalset-union-f new-initial-terminals production-initial-terminals)
(terminalset-union-f new-passthrough-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)))
(unless (terminalset-= new-initial-terminals (rule-initial-terminals rule))
(assert-true (terminalset-<= (rule-initial-terminals rule) new-initial-terminals))
(setf (rule-initial-terminals rule) new-initial-terminals)
(setq changed t))
(unless (eq new-derives-epsilon (rule-derives-epsilon rule))
(setf (rule-derives-epsilon rule) t)
(unless (terminalset-= new-passthrough-terminals (rule-passthrough-terminals rule))
(assert-true (terminalset-<= (rule-passthrough-terminals rule) new-passthrough-terminals))
(setf (rule-passthrough-terminals rule) new-passthrough-terminals)
(setq changed t)))))
;Compute the parameter-trees entries.
@ -1154,7 +1344,7 @@
(let ((production (pprint-pop)))
(format stream "~@<~:[<epsilon> ~;~:*~{~W ~:_~}~] ~_~vT~vA [~W]~:>"
(production-rhs production) *name-print-column*
(general-production-rhs-components production) *name-print-column*
production-number-width (print-production-number (production-number production))
(production-name production)))
@ -1162,7 +1352,7 @@
(pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
(when details
(format stream "~:@_Initial terminals: ~@_~@<~:[~;<epsilon> ~:_~]~{~W ~:_~}~:>"
(rule-derives-epsilon rule)
(not (terminalset-empty? (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(terminalset-list grammar (rule-initial-terminals rule)))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))

View File

@ -378,6 +378,7 @@
((:intersection-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_cap)")) ;#x2229
((:union-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_cup)")) ;#x222A
((:member-10 2) (:script "document.write(U_isin)")) ;#x2208
((:not-member-10 2) (:script "document.write(U_notin)")) ;#x2209
((:derives-10 2) (:script "document.write(U_rArr)")) ;#x21D2
((:left-triangle-bracket-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_lang)")) ;#x2329
((:right-triangle-bracket-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_rang)")) ;#x232A
@ -443,6 +444,8 @@
(:invisible del)
((:but-not 6) (b "except"))
((:begin-negative-lookahead 13) "[lookahead" :not-member-10 "{")
((:end-negative-lookahead 2) "}]")
(:subscript sub)
(:superscript sup)
(:plain-subscript :subscript)

View File

@ -388,10 +388,19 @@
(defun grammar-singletons (grammar-source)
(assert-type grammar-source (list (tuple t (list t) identifier)))
(let ((singletons 0))
(dolist (production-source grammar-source)
(dolist (grammar-symbol (second production-source))
(when (characterp grammar-symbol)
(setq singletons (charset-add-char singletons grammar-symbol)))))
((scan-for-singletons (list)
(dolist (element list)
((characterp element)
(setq singletons (charset-add-char singletons element)))
((consp element)
(case (first element)
(:- (scan-for-singletons (rest element)))
(:-- (scan-for-singletons (cddr element)))))))))
(dolist (production-source grammar-source)
(scan-for-singletons (second production-source))))
@ -551,12 +560,64 @@
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Return a freshly consed list of partitions for the given charclass.
(defun charclass-partitions (lexer charclass)
(do ((partitions nil)
(charset (charclass-charset charclass)))
((charset-empty? charset) partitions)
(let* ((partition-name (if (charset-infinite? charset)
(gethash (charset-highest-char charset) (lexer-char-tokens lexer))))
(partition-charset (if (characterp partition-name)
(char-charset partition-name)
(partition-charset (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer))))))
(push partition-name partitions)
(setq charset (charset-difference charset partition-charset)))))
; Return an updated grammar-source whose character class nonterminals replaced with sets of
; terminals inside :- and :-- constraints.
(defun update-constraint-nonterminals (lexer grammar-source)
#'(lambda (production-source)
(let ((rhs (second production-source)))
(if (some #'(lambda (rhs-component)
(and (consp rhs-component)
(member (first rhs-component) '(:- :--))))
(first production-source)
#'(lambda (component)
(when (consp component)
(let ((tag (first component)))
(when (eq tag ':-)
(setq component (list* ':-- (rest component) (rest component)))
(setq tag ':--))
(when (eq tag ':--)
(setq component
(list* tag
(second component)
(mapcan #'(lambda (grammar-symbol)
(if (nonterminal? grammar-symbol)
(charclass-partitions lexer (assert-non-null (lexer-charclass lexer grammar-symbol)))
(list grammar-symbol)))
(cddr component)))))))
(cddr production-source))
; Return two values:
; extra grammar productions that define the character class nonterminals out of characters and tokens;
; extra commands that:
; An updated grammar-source that includes:
; grammar productions that define the character class nonterminals out of characters and tokens;
; character class nonterminals replaced with sets of terminals inside :- and :-- constraints.
; Extra commands that:
; define the partitions used in this lexer;
; define the actions of these productions.
(defun lexer-grammar-and-commands (lexer)
(defun lexer-grammar-and-commands (lexer grammar-source)
((component-partitions (charset partitions)
(if (charset-empty? charset)
@ -616,7 +677,7 @@
(partition-lexer-actions (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer)))))
(lexer-partition-names lexer))))
(nreverse productions)
(nreconc productions (update-constraint-nonterminals lexer grammar-source))
(nconc partition-commands (nreverse commands)))))))
@ -632,9 +693,9 @@
; define the actions of these productions.
(defun make-lexer-and-grammar (kind charclasses-source lexer-actions-source parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &optional excluded-nonterminals-source)
(let ((lexer (make-lexer parametrization charclasses-source lexer-actions-source grammar-source)))
(multiple-value-bind (extra-grammar-source extra-commands) (lexer-grammar-and-commands lexer)
(multiple-value-bind (lexer-grammar-source extra-commands) (lexer-grammar-and-commands lexer grammar-source)
(let ((grammar (make-and-compile-grammar kind parametrization start-symbol
(append extra-grammar-source grammar-source) excluded-nonterminals-source)))
lexer-grammar-source excluded-nonterminals-source)))
(setf (lexer-grammar lexer) grammar)
(values lexer extra-commands)))))

View File

@ -35,38 +35,63 @@
;Create a laitem for this item and add the association item->laitem to the laitems-hash
;hash table if it's not there already. Regardless of whether a new laitem was created,
;update the laitem's lookaheads to also include the given lookaheads.
;If prev is non-null, update (laitem-propagates prev) to include the laitem if it's not
;already included there.
;forbidden is a terminalset of terminals that must not occur immediately after the dot in this
;laitem. The forbidden set is inherited from constraints in parent laitems in the same state.
;If prev is non-null, update (laitem-propagates prev) to include the laitem and the given
;passthrough terminalset if it's not already included there.
;If a new laitem was created and its first symbol after the dot exists and is a
;nonterminal A, recursively close items A->.rhs corresponding to all rhs's in the
;grammar's rule for A.
((close-item (item lookaheads prev)
(let ((laitem (gethash item laitems-hash)))
((close-item (item forbidden lookaheads prev passthroughs)
(let ((production (item-production item))
(laitem (gethash item laitems-hash)))
(unless (terminalset-empty? forbidden)
(multiple-value-bind (dot-lookaheads dot-passthroughs)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (item-unseen item) (production-constraints production) (item-dot item))
(let ((dot-initial (terminalset-union dot-lookaheads dot-passthroughs)))
;Check whether any terminal can start this item. If not, skip this item altogether.
(when (terminalset-empty? (terminalset-difference dot-initial forbidden))
;Mark skipped items in the laitems-hash table.
(when (and laitem (not (eq laitem 'forbidden)))
(error "Two laitems in the same state differing only in forbidden initial terminal constraints: ~S" laitem))
(setf (gethash item laitems-hash) 'forbidden)
(return-from close-item))
;Convert forbidden into a canonical format by removing terminals that cannot begin this item's expansion anyway.
(terminalset-intersection-f forbidden dot-initial))))
(if laitem
(setf (laitem-lookaheads laitem)
(terminalset-union (laitem-lookaheads laitem) lookaheads))
(unless (terminalset-= forbidden (laitem-forbidden laitem))
(error "Two laitems in the same state differing only in forbidden initial terminal constraints: ~S" laitem))
(terminalset-union-f (laitem-lookaheads laitem) lookaheads))
(let ((item-next-symbol (item-next-symbol item)))
(setq laitem (allocate-laitem grammar item lookaheads))
(setq laitem (allocate-laitem grammar item forbidden lookaheads))
(push laitem laitems)
(setf (gethash item laitems-hash) laitem)
(when (nonterminal? item-next-symbol)
(multiple-value-bind (next-lookaheads epsilon-lookahead)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (rest (item-unseen item)))
(let ((next-prev (and epsilon-lookahead laitem)))
(dolist (production (rule-productions (grammar-rule grammar item-next-symbol)))
(close-item (make-item grammar production 0) next-lookaheads next-prev)))))))
(let* ((dot (item-dot item))
(next-forbidden (terminalset-union forbidden
(terminalset-complement (general-production-lookahead-constraint production dot)))))
(multiple-value-bind (next-lookaheads next-passthroughs)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (rest (item-unseen item)) (production-constraints production) (1+ dot))
(let ((next-prev (and (not (terminalset-empty? next-passthroughs)) laitem)))
(dolist (production (rule-productions (grammar-rule grammar item-next-symbol)))
(close-item (make-item grammar production 0) next-forbidden next-lookaheads next-prev next-passthroughs))))))))
(when prev
(pushnew laitem (laitem-propagates prev))))))
(laitem-add-propagation prev laitem passthroughs)))))
(dolist (acons kernel-item-alist)
(close-item (car acons) initial-lookaheads (and update-propagates (cdr acons))))
(close-item (car acons)
(and update-propagates (cdr acons))
(allocate-state number kernel (nreverse laitems)))))
; f is a function that takes two arguments:
; a grammar symbol, and
; a list of kernel items in order of increasing item number.
; a list of pairs (item . prev), where item is a kernel item and prev is a laitem;
; f is a function that takes three arguments:
; a grammar symbol;
; a list of kernel items in order of increasing item number;
; a list of pairs (item . prev), where item is a kernel item and prev is a laitem.
; For each possible symbol X that can be shifted while in the given state S, call
; f giving it S and the list of items that constitute the kernel of that shift's destination
; state. The prev's are the sources of the corresponding shifted items.
@ -130,9 +155,10 @@
(defun propagate-internal-lookaheads (state)
(dolist (src-laitem (state-laitems state))
(let ((src-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads src-laitem)))
(dolist (dst-laitem (laitem-propagates src-laitem))
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem)
(terminalset-union (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) src-lookaheads))))))
(dolist (propagation (laitem-propagates src-laitem))
(let ((dst-laitem (car propagation))
(mask (cdr propagation)))
(terminalset-union-f (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) (terminalset-intersection src-lookaheads mask)))))))
; Propagate all lookaheads in kernel-item-alist, which must target destination-state.
@ -141,8 +167,7 @@
(dolist (acons kernel-item-alist)
(let ((dest-laitem (state-laitem destination-state (car acons)))
(src-laitem (cdr acons)))
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dest-laitem)
(terminalset-union (laitem-lookaheads dest-laitem) (laitem-lookaheads src-laitem)))))
(terminalset-union-f (laitem-lookaheads dest-laitem) (laitem-lookaheads src-laitem))))
(setf (gethash destination-state dirty-states) t))
@ -249,7 +274,7 @@
(let ((destination-state (gethash kernel lalr-states-hash)))
(if destination-state
(dolist (acons kernel-item-alist)
(pushnew (state-laitem destination-state (car acons)) (laitem-propagates (cdr acons))))
(laitem-add-propagation (cdr acons) (state-laitem destination-state (car acons)) *full-terminalset*))
(setq destination-state (make-state grammar kernel kernel-item-alist t next-state-number *empty-terminalset*))
(setf (gethash kernel lalr-states-hash) destination-state)
@ -278,12 +303,14 @@
(dolist (dirty-laitem (hash-table-keys dirty-laitems))
(remhash dirty-laitem dirty-laitems)
(let ((src-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads dirty-laitem)))
(dolist (dst-laitem (laitem-propagates dirty-laitem))
(let* ((old-dst-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem))
(new-dst-lookaheads (terminalset-union old-dst-lookaheads src-lookaheads)))
(unless (terminalset-= old-dst-lookaheads new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (gethash dst-laitem dirty-laitems) t)))))))
(dolist (propagation (laitem-propagates dirty-laitem))
(let ((dst-laitem (car propagation))
(mask (cdr propagation)))
(let* ((old-dst-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem))
(new-dst-lookaheads (terminalset-union old-dst-lookaheads (terminalset-intersection src-lookaheads mask))))
(unless (terminalset-= old-dst-lookaheads new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (gethash dst-laitem dirty-laitems) t))))))))
;Erase the propagates chains in all laitems.
(dolist (state (grammar-states grammar))
@ -306,16 +333,21 @@
(dolist (laitem (state-laitems state))
(let ((item (laitem-item laitem)))
(unless (item-next-symbol item)
(if (grammar-symbol-= (item-lhs item) *start-nonterminal*)
(when (terminal-in-terminalset grammar *end-marker* (laitem-lookaheads laitem))
(push (cons *end-marker* (make-accept-transition))
(state-transitions state)))
#'(lambda (lookahead)
(push (cons lookahead (make-reduce-transition (item-production item)))
(state-transitions state)))
(laitem-lookaheads laitem))))))
(let ((lookaheads (terminalset-difference
(laitem-lookaheads laitem)
(general-production-lookahead-constraint (item-production item) (item-dot item)))
(laitem-forbidden laitem))))
(if (grammar-symbol-= (item-lhs item) *start-nonterminal*)
(when (terminal-in-terminalset grammar *end-marker* lookaheads)
(push (cons *end-marker* (make-accept-transition))
(state-transitions state)))
#'(lambda (lookahead)
(push (cons lookahead (make-reduce-transition (item-production item)))
(state-transitions state)))
(setf (state-gotos state)
(sort (state-gotos state) #'< :key #'(lambda (goto-cons) (state-number (cdr goto-cons)))))
(setf (state-transitions state)

View File

@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
((:intersection-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 199 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:union-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 200 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:member-10 2) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 206 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:not-member-10 2) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 207 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:derives-10 2) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 222 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:left-triangle-bracket-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 225 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:right-triangle-bracket-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 241 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
@ -315,6 +316,8 @@
(:text :english)
(:invisible v)
((:but-not 6) (b "except"))
((:begin-negative-lookahead 13) "[lookahead" :not-member-10 "{")
((:end-negative-lookahead 2) "}]")
(:subscript sub)
(:superscript super)
(:plain-subscript b 0 i 0 :subscript)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
(deftype terminalset () 'integer)
(defconstant *empty-terminalset* 0)
(defconstant *full-terminalset* -1)
; Return true if terminalset is empty.
(declaim (inline terminalset-empty?))
@ -53,12 +54,35 @@
(zerop (logand terminalset1 terminalset2)))
; Merge two sets of lookaheads sorted by increasing terminal numbers, eliminating
; duplicates. Return the combined set.
; Return the complement of the terminalset.
(declaim (inline terminalset-complement))
(defun terminalset-complement (terminalset)
(lognot terminalset))
; Return the intersection of the two terminalsets.
(declaim (inline terminalset-intersection))
(defun terminalset-intersection (terminalset1 terminalset2)
(logand terminalset1 terminalset2))
(define-modify-macro terminalset-intersection-f (terminalset2) terminalset-intersection)
; Return the union of the two terminalsets.
(declaim (inline terminalset-union))
(defun terminalset-union (terminalset1 terminalset2)
(logior terminalset1 terminalset2))
(define-modify-macro terminalset-union-f (terminalset2) terminalset-union)
; Return the elements in terminalset1 that are not in terminalset2.
(declaim (inline terminalset-difference))
(defun terminalset-difference (terminalset1 terminalset2)
(logandc2 terminalset1 terminalset2))
(define-modify-macro terminalset-difference-f (terminalset2) terminalset-difference)
; Return a unique serial number for the given terminal.
(declaim (inline terminal-number))
@ -119,6 +143,41 @@
(code nil)) ;The generated lisp source code that performs the action
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; A constraint modifies the rhs of a production. The constraint applies just before the pos-th
;;; general grammar symbol on the rhs of the production.
(defstruct (constraint (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate constraint?))
(pos nil :type integer :read-only t)) ;Position of this constraint; ranges between 0 and length(general-production-rhs), inclusive.
;;; A lookahead-constraint imposes a restriction on the current lookahead terminal when matching
;;; against the production. The match succeeds only if there is no following terminal or the following
;;; terminal is not present in the lookahead-constraint's list of forbidden terminals.
(defstruct (lookahead-constraint (:include constraint)
(:constructor make-lookahead-constraint (pos forbidden-terminals source))
(:predicate lookahead-constraint?))
(forbidden-terminals nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of forbidden terminals
(source nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals) that produced the list of forbidden terminals
(terminalset nil :type (or null terminalset))) ;Set of allowed terminals (complement of forbidden-terminals); null until terminals are numbered
; Emit markup for a lookahead-constraint.
(defun depict-lookahead-constraint (markup-stream lookahead-constraint)
(depict markup-stream :begin-negative-lookahead)
(depict-list markup-stream
(lookahead-constraint-source lookahead-constraint)
:separator ", ")
(depict markup-stream :end-negative-lookahead))
(defmethod print-object ((lookahead-constraint lookahead-constraint) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (lookahead-constraint stream)
(format stream "-~{ ~:_~W~}" (lookahead-constraint-source lookahead-constraint))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -126,6 +185,7 @@
(defstruct (general-production (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate general-production?))
(lhs nil :type general-nonterminal :read-only t) ;The general-nonterminal on the left-hand side of this general-production
(rhs nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of general grammar symbols to which that general-nonterminal expands
(constraints nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of constraints applying to rhs, sorted by increasing pos values
(name nil :read-only t)) ;This general-production's name that will be used to name the parse tree node
@ -137,6 +197,34 @@
(generic-production-productions general-production)))
; Return the general-production's rhs with constraints interleaved with the rhs general grammar symbols.
(defun general-production-rhs-components (general-production)
((merge-constraints (rhs constraints pos)
(if constraints
(let* ((constraint (first constraints))
(constraint-pos (constraint-pos constraint)))
((= constraint-pos pos)
(cons constraint (merge-constraints rhs (rest constraints) pos)))
(cons (first rhs) (merge-constraints (rest rhs) constraints (1+ pos))))
(t (error "Bad constraint list"))))
(merge-constraints (general-production-rhs general-production)
(general-production-constraints general-production)
; Return the general-production's lookahead-constraint's terminalset at the given position.
(defun general-production-lookahead-constraint (general-production pos)
(let ((constraint (find pos (general-production-constraints general-production) :key #'constraint-pos :test #'=)))
(if constraint
(lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint)
; Emit a markup paragraph for the left-hand-side of a general production.
(defun depict-general-production-lhs (markup-stream lhs-general-nonterminal)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':grammar-lhs)
@ -144,6 +232,13 @@
(depict markup-stream " " ':derives-10)))
; Emit markup for a production right-hand-side component.
(defun depict-production-rhs-component (markup-stream production-rhs-component &optional subscript)
(if (lookahead-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-lookahead-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream production-rhs-component :reference subscript)))
; Emit a markup paragraph for the right-hand-side of a general production.
; first is true if this is the first production in a rule.
; last is true if this is the last production in a rule.
@ -152,45 +247,48 @@
(if first
(depict markup-stream ':tab3)
(depict markup-stream "|" ':tab2))
(let ((rhs (general-production-rhs general-production)))
(let ((rhs-components (general-production-rhs-components general-production)))
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream general-grammar-symbol)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream general-grammar-symbol :reference))
:separator " "
:empty '(:left-angle-quote "empty" :right-angle-quote)))))
; Emit the general production, including both its left and right-hand sides.
; Include serial number subscripts on all rhs grammar symbols that both
; appear more than once in the rhs or appear in the lhs; and
; appear more than once in the rhs or appear in the lhs, and
; have symbols that are present in the symbols-with-subscripts list.
; link is the lhs's link type.
(defun depict-general-production (markup-stream general-production link &optional symbols-with-subscripts)
(let ((lhs (general-production-lhs general-production))
(rhs (general-production-rhs general-production)))
(rhs-components (general-production-rhs-components general-production)))
(depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream lhs link)
(depict markup-stream " " ':derives-10)
(if rhs
(if rhs-components
(let ((counts-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)))
(when symbols-with-subscripts
(dolist (symbol symbols-with-subscripts)
(setf (gethash symbol counts-hash) 0))
(dolist (general-grammar-symbol (cons lhs rhs))
(let ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol general-grammar-symbol)))
(when (gethash symbol counts-hash)
(incf (gethash symbol counts-hash)))))
(dolist (production-rhs-component (cons lhs (general-production-rhs general-production)))
(when (general-grammar-symbol? production-rhs-component)
(let ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol production-rhs-component)))
(when (gethash symbol counts-hash)
(incf (gethash symbol counts-hash))))))
(maphash #'(lambda (symbol count)
(assert-true (> count 0))
(if (> count 1)
(setf (gethash symbol counts-hash) 0)
(remhash symbol counts-hash)))
(dolist (general-grammar-symbol rhs)
(let* ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol general-grammar-symbol))
(subscript (and (gethash symbol counts-hash) (incf (gethash symbol counts-hash)))))
(dolist (production-rhs-component rhs-components)
(let ((subscript nil))
(when (general-grammar-symbol? production-rhs-component)
(let ((symbol (general-grammar-symbol-symbol production-rhs-component)))
(when (gethash symbol counts-hash)
(setq subscript (incf (gethash symbol counts-hash))))))
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream general-grammar-symbol :reference subscript))))
(depict-production-rhs-component markup-stream production-rhs-component subscript))))
(depict markup-stream " " ':left-angle-quote "empty" :right-angle-quote))))
@ -198,7 +296,7 @@
;;; A production describes the expansion of a nonterminal (the lhs) into
;;; a string of zero or more grammar symbols (the rhs).
;;; a string of zero or more grammar symbols (the rhs); the rhs may also have constraints attached.
;;; Each production has a unique number. Earlier productions have smaller numbers.
;;; There is exactly one production structure for a given production, so eq can be
;;; used to test for production equality.
@ -206,7 +304,7 @@
;;; The evaluator is a lisp form that evaluates to a function f that takes one argument --
;;; the old state of the parser's value stack -- and returns the new state of that stack.
(defstruct (production (:include general-production (lhs nil :type nonterminal :read-only t))
(:constructor make-production (lhs rhs name rhs-length number))
(:constructor make-production (lhs rhs constraints name rhs-length number))
(:copier nil) (:predicate production?))
(rhs-length nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Number of grammar symbols in the rhs
(number nil :type integer :read-only t) ;This production's serial number
@ -234,7 +332,7 @@
(defun print-production (production &optional (stream t))
(format stream "~<~W -> ~:I~_~:[<epsilon> ~;~:*~{~W ~:_~}~]~:> ~:_[~W]"
(list (production-lhs production) (production-rhs production))
(list (production-lhs production) (general-production-rhs-components production))
(production-name production)))
@ -251,7 +349,7 @@
;;; A generic production is not a production and does not have a number or actions.
(defstruct (generic-production (:include general-production (lhs nil :type generic-nonterminal :read-only t))
(:constructor make-generic-production (lhs rhs name productions))
(:constructor make-generic-production (lhs rhs constraints name productions))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate generic-production?))
(productions nil :type list :read-only t)) ;List of instantiations of this generic production
@ -265,14 +363,15 @@
(if (generic-nonterminal? new-lhs)
(mapcar #'(lambda (rhs-general-grammar-symbol)
(general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument rhs-general-grammar-symbol))
(mapcar #'(lambda (grammar-symbol)
(general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument grammar-symbol))
(generic-production-rhs generic-production))
(general-production-constraints generic-production)
(generic-production-name generic-production)
(remove-if #'(lambda (production)
(not (general-nonterminal-is-instance? grammar-parametrization new-lhs (production-lhs production))))
(assert-non-null (find new-lhs productions :key #'production-lhs :test #'eq)))))
@ -317,14 +416,19 @@
;;; A rule is the set of all productions with the same lhs nonterminal.
;;; There is exactly one rule structure for a given nonterminal lhs, so eq can be
;;; used to test for rule equality.
;;; If the rule cannot somehow produce an empty expansion, then passthrough-terminals is empty.
;;; Otherwise, passthrough-terminals summarizes the constraints imposed on the next lookahead terminal
;;; imposed by all empty expansions of this rule. If these empty expansions do not impose any
;;; lookahead-constraints, then passthrough-terminals will be the full set.
(defstruct (rule (:include general-rule (productions nil :type list :read-only t))
(:constructor make-rule (productions))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate rule?))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate rule?))
;productions ;The list of all productions for this rule's nonterminal lhs
(number nil :type (or null integer)) ;This nonterminal's serial number
(derives-epsilon nil :type bool) ;True if some direct or indirect expansion of this nonterminal can return epsilon
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset* :type terminalset)) ;Set of all terminals that can begin some expansion of this nonterminal
(passthrough-terminals *empty-terminalset* :type terminalset) ;See above
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset* :type terminalset)) ;Set of all terminals that can begin some expansion of this nonterminal
; Return a list of nonterminals in this rule's rhs.
@ -394,6 +498,12 @@
(production-lhs (item-production item)))
; Return the constraints of the item's production.
(declaim (inline item-constraints))
(defun item-constraints (item)
(production-constraints (item-production item)))
; Make an item with the given production and dot location (which must be an integer
; between 0 and length(rhs(production)), inclusive. Reuse an existing item in the
; grammar if possible.
@ -412,18 +522,27 @@
(allocate-item production dot unseen number next)))))))
(defun print-item (item &optional (stream t))
(defun print-item (item &optional (stream t) after-dot)
(let ((production (item-production item)))
(format stream "~W -> ~:_" (production-lhs production))
(pprint-logical-block (stream (production-rhs production))
(do ((n (item-dot item) (1- n))
(do ((pos 0 (1+ pos))
(constraints (production-constraints production))
(first t))
(when (zerop n)
(when (= pos (item-dot item))
(if first
(setq first nil)
(format stream " ~:_"))
(write-char #\. stream))
(write-char #\. stream)
(when after-dot
(format stream " ~:_~W" after-dot)))
(do ()
((or (endp constraints) (/= (constraint-pos (first constraints)) pos)))
(if first
(setq first nil)
(format stream " ~:_"))
(write (pop constraints) :stream stream))
(if first
(setq first nil)
@ -441,27 +560,46 @@
;;; A laitem is an item with associated lookahead information.
;;; Unlike items, laitem structures are not shared among the states.
(defstruct (laitem (:constructor allocate-laitem (grammar item lookaheads))
(defstruct (laitem (:constructor allocate-laitem (grammar item forbidden lookaheads))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate laitem?))
(grammar nil :type grammar :read-only t) ;The grammar to which this laitem belongs
(item nil :type item :read-only t) ;The item to which this laitem corresponds
(forbidden nil :type terminalset :read-only t) ;A set of terminals that must not occur after the dot because of lookahead-constraints
(lookaheads nil :type terminalset) ;Set of lookahead terminals
(propagates nil :type list)) ;List of laitems to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem (see note below)
;When parsing a LALR(1) grammar, propagates is the list of all laitems (in this and other states)
;to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem.
(propagates nil :type list)) ;List of (laitem . mask) to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem (see note below)
;When parsing a LALR(1) grammar, propagates contains all laitems (in this and other states)
;to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem. The mask in each entry of propagates
;is a terminalset that indicates which lookaheads can propagate; this is usually *full-terminalset*
;but can be smaller in the presence of constraints.
;When parsing a LR(1) grammar, propagates is the list of all laitems to which lookaheads propagate from this laitem
;without following a shift transition. Such laitems must necessarily be in the same state. In the LR(1) case each
;laitem listed in the propagates list must come after this laitem in this state's laitems list.
; Add or modify a propagation entry in src-laitem to point to dst-laitem with
; the given mask.
(defun laitem-add-propagation (src-laitem dst-laitem mask)
(let ((propagation-entry (assoc dst-laitem (laitem-propagates src-laitem))))
(if propagation-entry
(terminalset-union-f (cdr propagation-entry) mask)
(push (cons dst-laitem mask) (laitem-propagates src-laitem)))))
(defvar *lookahead-print-column* 70)
(defun print-laitem (laitem &optional (stream t))
(print-item (laitem-item laitem) stream)
(format stream " ~vT~_" *lookahead-print-column*)
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-terminalset (laitem-grammar laitem) (laitem-lookaheads laitem) stream)))
(let* ((grammar (laitem-grammar laitem))
(item (laitem-item laitem))
(forbidden (laitem-forbidden laitem))
(and (not (terminalset-empty? forbidden))
(let ((forbidden-terminals (terminalset-list grammar forbidden)))
(make-lookahead-constraint (item-dot item) forbidden-terminals forbidden-terminals)))))
(print-item item stream forbidden-as-constraint)
(format stream " ~vT~_" *lookahead-print-column*)
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-terminalset grammar (laitem-lookaheads laitem) stream))))
(defmethod print-object ((laitem laitem) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (laitem stream)
@ -695,14 +833,14 @@
((substitute-argument-with (attribute subtree)
(ecase (first subtree)
(let* ((general-rule (second subtree))
(lhs (general-rule-lhs general-rule))
(new-lhs (general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument lhs)))
(assert-true (generic-rule? general-rule))
(list ':rule
(if (generic-nonterminal? new-lhs)
(generic-rule-substitute grammar attribute argument general-rule)
(grammar-rule grammar new-lhs)))))
(let* ((general-rule (second subtree))
(lhs (general-rule-lhs general-rule))
(new-lhs (general-grammar-symbol-substitute attribute argument lhs)))
(assert-true (generic-rule? general-rule))
(list ':rule
(if (generic-nonterminal? new-lhs)
(generic-rule-substitute grammar attribute argument general-rule)
(grammar-rule grammar new-lhs)))))
(list ':argument
(second subtree)
@ -841,7 +979,7 @@
(terminal-actions nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> list of (action-symbol . action-function-or-nil)
(rules nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal -> rule
(parameter-trees nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal-symbol -> parameter-tree
(max-production-length nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Maximum number of grammar symbols on the rhs of a production
(max-production-length nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Maximum number of grammar symbols in the rhs of a production
(general-productions nil :type hash-table :read-only t);Hash table of production-name -> general-production
(n-productions nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Number of productions in the grammar
;The following fields are used for the parser.
@ -904,41 +1042,57 @@
(assert-non-null (nth n (grammar-states grammar))))
; Return true if symbol ==>* epsilon.
(defun symbol-derives-epsilon (grammar symbol)
(assert-type symbol grammar-symbol)
(and (nonterminal? symbol)
(rule-derives-epsilon (grammar-rule grammar symbol))))
; Return the terminalset of all terminals a that satisfy
; symbol ==>* a rest,
; Return two values:
; a generate terminalset G;
; a passthrough terminalset P.
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol x ==> x
(defun symbol-initial-terminals (grammar symbol)
(assert-type symbol grammar-symbol)
(if (nonterminal? symbol)
(rule-initial-terminals (grammar-rule grammar symbol))
(make-terminalset grammar symbol)))
(let ((rule (grammar-rule grammar symbol)))
(values (rule-initial-terminals rule) (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(values (make-terminalset grammar symbol) *empty-terminalset*)))
; Given symbol-string, an arbitrary string of grammar symbols,
; return two values: a terminalset S and a boolean B.
; S is the terminalset of all terminals a that satisfy
; symbol-string ==>* a rest,
; Given an arbitrary string of grammar symbols, a list of constraints, and an initial position,
; return two values:
; a generate terminalset G;
; a passthrough terminalset P.
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; B is true if symbol-string ==>* epsilon.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string)
(let ((initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(derives-epsilon nil))
(dolist (element symbol-string (setq derives-epsilon t))
(setq initial-terminals (terminalset-union initial-terminals (symbol-initial-terminals grammar element)))
(unless (symbol-derives-epsilon grammar element)
(values initial-terminals derives-epsilon)))
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string x ==> x
; The constraints' positions are relative to the given initial position, which specifies the position
; of the first grammar-symbol in the symbol-string. The constraints must be listed in order of
; increasing positions.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string constraints pos)
(do ((symbol-string symbol-string (cdr symbol-string))
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(passthrough-terminals *full-terminalset*))
((terminalset-empty? passthrough-terminals) (values initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(let ((constraint (find pos constraints :key #'constraint-pos :test #'=)))
(when constraint
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals (lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint))))
(if symbol-string
(multiple-value-bind (generate passthrough) (symbol-initial-terminals grammar (first symbol-string))
(terminalset-union-f initial-terminals (terminalset-intersection passthrough-terminals generate))
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals passthrough))
(return (values initial-terminals passthrough-terminals)))))
; Intern attributed or generic nonterminals in the production's lhs and rhs. Return the
; resulting production source.
; Intern attributed or generic nonterminals in the production's lhs and rhs. Also replace
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>) or (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; sublists in the rhs with lookahead-constraints and put these, in order, after the third element of
; the returned list.
; Return the resulting production source.
(defun intern-production-source (grammar-parametrization production-source)
(assert-type production-source (tuple (or user-nonterminal cons) (list (or user-grammar-symbol cons)) identifier))
(let ((production-lhs-source (first production-source))
@ -946,11 +1100,24 @@
(production-name (third production-source)))
(if (or (consp production-lhs-source) (some #'consp production-rhs-source))
(multiple-value-bind (lhs-nonterminal lhs-arguments) (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization production-lhs-source)
(list lhs-nonterminal
(mapcar #'(lambda (grammar-symbol-source)
(grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization grammar-symbol-source lhs-arguments))
(let ((rhs nil)
(constraints nil)
(pos 0))
(dolist (component-source production-rhs-source)
((and (consp component-source) (eq (first component-source) ':-))
(let ((lookaheads (rest component-source)))
(make-lookahead-constraint pos (assert-non-null lookaheads) lookaheads)
((and (consp component-source) (eq (first component-source) ':--))
(let ((lookaheads (rest component-source)))
(make-lookahead-constraint pos (assert-non-null (rest lookaheads)) (assert-non-null (first lookaheads)))
(t (push (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization component-source lhs-arguments) rhs)))
(incf pos))
(list* lhs-nonterminal (nreverse rhs) production-name (nreverse constraints))))
@ -966,6 +1133,13 @@
; nonterminal can have attributes, thereby designating a specialization instead of a fully
; generic production.
; The rhs can also contain lookahead constraints of the form
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; which indicate that the following terminal must not be one of the listed terminals. The form
; (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; does the same thing except that it prints the grammar-symbols instead of the terminals when
; the production is printed.
; excluded-nonterminals-source is a list of nonterminals not used in the grammar. Productions,
; including productions expanded from generic productions, that have one of these nonterminals
; on the lhs are ignored.
@ -979,7 +1153,8 @@
(general-productions (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(production-number 0)
(max-production-length 1)
(excluded-nonterminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)))
(excluded-nonterminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(lookahead-constraints nil))
;Set up excluded-nonterminals-hash. The values of the hash table are either :seen or :unseen
;depending on whether a production with the particular nonterminal has been seen yet.
@ -989,12 +1164,12 @@
;Create the starting production: *start-nonterminal* ==> start-symbol
(setf (gethash *start-nonterminal* rules)
(list (make-production *start-nonterminal* (list start-symbol) nil 1 0)))
(list (make-production *start-nonterminal* (list start-symbol) nil nil 1 0)))
;Create the rest of the productions.
((create-production (lhs rhs name)
(let ((production (make-production lhs rhs name (length rhs) (incf production-number))))
((create-production (lhs rhs constraints name)
(let ((production (make-production lhs rhs constraints name (length rhs) (incf production-number))))
(push production (gethash lhs rules))
(dolist (rhs-terminal (production-terminals production))
(setf (gethash rhs-terminal terminals-hash) t))
@ -1008,6 +1183,7 @@
(let* ((production-lhs (first production-source))
(production-rhs (second production-source))
(production-name (third production-source))
(production-constraints (cdddr production-source))
(lhs-arguments (general-grammar-symbol-arguments production-lhs)))
(setq max-production-length (max max-production-length (length production-rhs)))
(when (gethash production-name general-productions)
@ -1024,16 +1200,17 @@
(mapcar #'(lambda (general-grammar-symbol)
(instantiate-general-grammar-symbol bound-argument-alist general-grammar-symbol))
(when productions
(setf (gethash production-name general-productions)
(make-generic-production production-lhs production-rhs production-name (nreverse productions)))))
(make-generic-production production-lhs production-rhs production-constraints production-name (nreverse productions)))))
(unless (nonterminal-excluded production-lhs)
(setf (gethash production-name general-productions)
(create-production production-lhs production-rhs production-name)))))))
(create-production production-lhs production-rhs production-constraints production-name)))))))
;Change all values of the rules hash table to contain rule structures
@ -1042,9 +1219,16 @@
#'(lambda (rule-lhs rule-productions)
(dolist (rule-production rule-productions)
(dolist (rhs-nonterminal (production-nonterminals rule-production))
(unless (gethash rhs-nonterminal rules)
(error "Nonterminal ~S used but not defined" rhs-nonterminal))))
(dolist (grammar-symbol (production-rhs rule-production))
(when (nonterminal? grammar-symbol)
(unless (gethash grammar-symbol rules)
(error "Nonterminal ~S used but not defined" grammar-symbol))))
(dolist (constraint (production-constraints rule-production))
(push constraint lookahead-constraints)
(dolist (lookahead-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals constraint))
(unless (gethash lookahead-terminal terminals-hash)
(warn "Lookahead terminal ~S not used in main grammar" lookahead-terminal)
(setf (gethash lookahead-terminal terminals-hash) t)))))
(setf (gethash rule-lhs rules)
(make-rule (nreverse rule-productions))))
@ -1086,27 +1270,33 @@
:n-productions production-number
:items-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
;Compute the values of derives-epsilon and initial-terminals in each rule.
;Compute the terminalsets in the lookahead-constraints.
(dolist (lookahead-constraint lookahead-constraints)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (forbidden-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals lookahead-constraint))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (make-terminalset grammar forbidden-terminal)))
(setf (lookahead-constraint-terminalset lookahead-constraint) terminalset)))
;Compute the values of passthrough-terminals and initial-terminals in each rule.
(do ((changed t))
((not changed))
(setq changed nil)
(dolist (nonterminal (grammar-nonterminals-list grammar))
(let ((rule (grammar-rule grammar nonterminal))
(new-initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(new-derives-epsilon nil))
(new-passthrough-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (production (rule-productions rule))
(multiple-value-bind (production-initial-terminals production-derives-epsilon)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production))
(setq new-initial-terminals (terminalset-union new-initial-terminals production-initial-terminals))
(when production-derives-epsilon
(setq new-derives-epsilon t))))
(assert-true (or new-derives-epsilon (not (rule-derives-epsilon rule))))
(assert-true (terminalset-<= (rule-initial-terminals rule) new-initial-terminals))
(multiple-value-bind (production-initial-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production) (production-constraints production) 0)
(terminalset-union-f new-initial-terminals production-initial-terminals)
(terminalset-union-f new-passthrough-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)))
(unless (terminalset-= new-initial-terminals (rule-initial-terminals rule))
(assert-true (terminalset-<= (rule-initial-terminals rule) new-initial-terminals))
(setf (rule-initial-terminals rule) new-initial-terminals)
(setq changed t))
(unless (eq new-derives-epsilon (rule-derives-epsilon rule))
(setf (rule-derives-epsilon rule) t)
(unless (terminalset-= new-passthrough-terminals (rule-passthrough-terminals rule))
(assert-true (terminalset-<= (rule-passthrough-terminals rule) new-passthrough-terminals))
(setf (rule-passthrough-terminals rule) new-passthrough-terminals)
(setq changed t)))))
;Compute the parameter-trees entries.
@ -1154,7 +1344,7 @@
(let ((production (pprint-pop)))
(format stream "~@<~:[<epsilon> ~;~:*~{~W ~:_~}~] ~_~vT~vA [~W]~:>"
(production-rhs production) *name-print-column*
(general-production-rhs-components production) *name-print-column*
production-number-width (print-production-number (production-number production))
(production-name production)))
@ -1162,7 +1352,7 @@
(pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
(when details
(format stream "~:@_Initial terminals: ~@_~@<~:[~;<epsilon> ~:_~]~{~W ~:_~}~:>"
(rule-derives-epsilon rule)
(not (terminalset-empty? (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(terminalset-list grammar (rule-initial-terminals rule)))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))

View File

@ -378,6 +378,7 @@
((:intersection-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_cap)")) ;#x2229
((:union-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_cup)")) ;#x222A
((:member-10 2) (:script "document.write(U_isin)")) ;#x2208
((:not-member-10 2) (:script "document.write(U_notin)")) ;#x2209
((:derives-10 2) (:script "document.write(U_rArr)")) ;#x21D2
((:left-triangle-bracket-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_lang)")) ;#x2329
((:right-triangle-bracket-10 1) (:script "document.write(U_rang)")) ;#x232A
@ -443,6 +444,8 @@
(:invisible del)
((:but-not 6) (b "except"))
((:begin-negative-lookahead 13) "[lookahead" :not-member-10 "{")
((:end-negative-lookahead 2) "}]")
(:subscript sub)
(:superscript sup)
(:plain-subscript :subscript)

View File

@ -388,10 +388,19 @@
(defun grammar-singletons (grammar-source)
(assert-type grammar-source (list (tuple t (list t) identifier)))
(let ((singletons 0))
(dolist (production-source grammar-source)
(dolist (grammar-symbol (second production-source))
(when (characterp grammar-symbol)
(setq singletons (charset-add-char singletons grammar-symbol)))))
((scan-for-singletons (list)
(dolist (element list)
((characterp element)
(setq singletons (charset-add-char singletons element)))
((consp element)
(case (first element)
(:- (scan-for-singletons (rest element)))
(:-- (scan-for-singletons (cddr element)))))))))
(dolist (production-source grammar-source)
(scan-for-singletons (second production-source))))
@ -551,12 +560,64 @@
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Return a freshly consed list of partitions for the given charclass.
(defun charclass-partitions (lexer charclass)
(do ((partitions nil)
(charset (charclass-charset charclass)))
((charset-empty? charset) partitions)
(let* ((partition-name (if (charset-infinite? charset)
(gethash (charset-highest-char charset) (lexer-char-tokens lexer))))
(partition-charset (if (characterp partition-name)
(char-charset partition-name)
(partition-charset (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer))))))
(push partition-name partitions)
(setq charset (charset-difference charset partition-charset)))))
; Return an updated grammar-source whose character class nonterminals replaced with sets of
; terminals inside :- and :-- constraints.
(defun update-constraint-nonterminals (lexer grammar-source)
#'(lambda (production-source)
(let ((rhs (second production-source)))
(if (some #'(lambda (rhs-component)
(and (consp rhs-component)
(member (first rhs-component) '(:- :--))))
(first production-source)
#'(lambda (component)
(when (consp component)
(let ((tag (first component)))
(when (eq tag ':-)
(setq component (list* ':-- (rest component) (rest component)))
(setq tag ':--))
(when (eq tag ':--)
(setq component
(list* tag
(second component)
(mapcan #'(lambda (grammar-symbol)
(if (nonterminal? grammar-symbol)
(charclass-partitions lexer (assert-non-null (lexer-charclass lexer grammar-symbol)))
(list grammar-symbol)))
(cddr component)))))))
(cddr production-source))
; Return two values:
; extra grammar productions that define the character class nonterminals out of characters and tokens;
; extra commands that:
; An updated grammar-source that includes:
; grammar productions that define the character class nonterminals out of characters and tokens;
; character class nonterminals replaced with sets of terminals inside :- and :-- constraints.
; Extra commands that:
; define the partitions used in this lexer;
; define the actions of these productions.
(defun lexer-grammar-and-commands (lexer)
(defun lexer-grammar-and-commands (lexer grammar-source)
((component-partitions (charset partitions)
(if (charset-empty? charset)
@ -616,7 +677,7 @@
(partition-lexer-actions (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer)))))
(lexer-partition-names lexer))))
(nreverse productions)
(nreconc productions (update-constraint-nonterminals lexer grammar-source))
(nconc partition-commands (nreverse commands)))))))
@ -632,9 +693,9 @@
; define the actions of these productions.
(defun make-lexer-and-grammar (kind charclasses-source lexer-actions-source parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &optional excluded-nonterminals-source)
(let ((lexer (make-lexer parametrization charclasses-source lexer-actions-source grammar-source)))
(multiple-value-bind (extra-grammar-source extra-commands) (lexer-grammar-and-commands lexer)
(multiple-value-bind (lexer-grammar-source extra-commands) (lexer-grammar-and-commands lexer grammar-source)
(let ((grammar (make-and-compile-grammar kind parametrization start-symbol
(append extra-grammar-source grammar-source) excluded-nonterminals-source)))
lexer-grammar-source excluded-nonterminals-source)))
(setf (lexer-grammar lexer) grammar)
(values lexer extra-commands)))))

View File

@ -35,38 +35,63 @@
;Create a laitem for this item and add the association item->laitem to the laitems-hash
;hash table if it's not there already. Regardless of whether a new laitem was created,
;update the laitem's lookaheads to also include the given lookaheads.
;If prev is non-null, update (laitem-propagates prev) to include the laitem if it's not
;already included there.
;forbidden is a terminalset of terminals that must not occur immediately after the dot in this
;laitem. The forbidden set is inherited from constraints in parent laitems in the same state.
;If prev is non-null, update (laitem-propagates prev) to include the laitem and the given
;passthrough terminalset if it's not already included there.
;If a new laitem was created and its first symbol after the dot exists and is a
;nonterminal A, recursively close items A->.rhs corresponding to all rhs's in the
;grammar's rule for A.
((close-item (item lookaheads prev)
(let ((laitem (gethash item laitems-hash)))
((close-item (item forbidden lookaheads prev passthroughs)
(let ((production (item-production item))
(laitem (gethash item laitems-hash)))
(unless (terminalset-empty? forbidden)
(multiple-value-bind (dot-lookaheads dot-passthroughs)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (item-unseen item) (production-constraints production) (item-dot item))
(let ((dot-initial (terminalset-union dot-lookaheads dot-passthroughs)))
;Check whether any terminal can start this item. If not, skip this item altogether.
(when (terminalset-empty? (terminalset-difference dot-initial forbidden))
;Mark skipped items in the laitems-hash table.
(when (and laitem (not (eq laitem 'forbidden)))
(error "Two laitems in the same state differing only in forbidden initial terminal constraints: ~S" laitem))
(setf (gethash item laitems-hash) 'forbidden)
(return-from close-item))
;Convert forbidden into a canonical format by removing terminals that cannot begin this item's expansion anyway.
(terminalset-intersection-f forbidden dot-initial))))
(if laitem
(setf (laitem-lookaheads laitem)
(terminalset-union (laitem-lookaheads laitem) lookaheads))
(unless (terminalset-= forbidden (laitem-forbidden laitem))
(error "Two laitems in the same state differing only in forbidden initial terminal constraints: ~S" laitem))
(terminalset-union-f (laitem-lookaheads laitem) lookaheads))
(let ((item-next-symbol (item-next-symbol item)))
(setq laitem (allocate-laitem grammar item lookaheads))
(setq laitem (allocate-laitem grammar item forbidden lookaheads))
(push laitem laitems)
(setf (gethash item laitems-hash) laitem)
(when (nonterminal? item-next-symbol)
(multiple-value-bind (next-lookaheads epsilon-lookahead)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (rest (item-unseen item)))
(let ((next-prev (and epsilon-lookahead laitem)))
(dolist (production (rule-productions (grammar-rule grammar item-next-symbol)))
(close-item (make-item grammar production 0) next-lookaheads next-prev)))))))
(let* ((dot (item-dot item))
(next-forbidden (terminalset-union forbidden
(terminalset-complement (general-production-lookahead-constraint production dot)))))
(multiple-value-bind (next-lookaheads next-passthroughs)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (rest (item-unseen item)) (production-constraints production) (1+ dot))
(let ((next-prev (and (not (terminalset-empty? next-passthroughs)) laitem)))
(dolist (production (rule-productions (grammar-rule grammar item-next-symbol)))
(close-item (make-item grammar production 0) next-forbidden next-lookaheads next-prev next-passthroughs))))))))
(when prev
(pushnew laitem (laitem-propagates prev))))))
(laitem-add-propagation prev laitem passthroughs)))))
(dolist (acons kernel-item-alist)
(close-item (car acons) initial-lookaheads (and update-propagates (cdr acons))))
(close-item (car acons)
(and update-propagates (cdr acons))
(allocate-state number kernel (nreverse laitems)))))
; f is a function that takes two arguments:
; a grammar symbol, and
; a list of kernel items in order of increasing item number.
; a list of pairs (item . prev), where item is a kernel item and prev is a laitem;
; f is a function that takes three arguments:
; a grammar symbol;
; a list of kernel items in order of increasing item number;
; a list of pairs (item . prev), where item is a kernel item and prev is a laitem.
; For each possible symbol X that can be shifted while in the given state S, call
; f giving it S and the list of items that constitute the kernel of that shift's destination
; state. The prev's are the sources of the corresponding shifted items.
@ -130,9 +155,10 @@
(defun propagate-internal-lookaheads (state)
(dolist (src-laitem (state-laitems state))
(let ((src-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads src-laitem)))
(dolist (dst-laitem (laitem-propagates src-laitem))
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem)
(terminalset-union (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) src-lookaheads))))))
(dolist (propagation (laitem-propagates src-laitem))
(let ((dst-laitem (car propagation))
(mask (cdr propagation)))
(terminalset-union-f (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) (terminalset-intersection src-lookaheads mask)))))))
; Propagate all lookaheads in kernel-item-alist, which must target destination-state.
@ -141,8 +167,7 @@
(dolist (acons kernel-item-alist)
(let ((dest-laitem (state-laitem destination-state (car acons)))
(src-laitem (cdr acons)))
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dest-laitem)
(terminalset-union (laitem-lookaheads dest-laitem) (laitem-lookaheads src-laitem)))))
(terminalset-union-f (laitem-lookaheads dest-laitem) (laitem-lookaheads src-laitem))))
(setf (gethash destination-state dirty-states) t))
@ -249,7 +274,7 @@
(let ((destination-state (gethash kernel lalr-states-hash)))
(if destination-state
(dolist (acons kernel-item-alist)
(pushnew (state-laitem destination-state (car acons)) (laitem-propagates (cdr acons))))
(laitem-add-propagation (cdr acons) (state-laitem destination-state (car acons)) *full-terminalset*))
(setq destination-state (make-state grammar kernel kernel-item-alist t next-state-number *empty-terminalset*))
(setf (gethash kernel lalr-states-hash) destination-state)
@ -278,12 +303,14 @@
(dolist (dirty-laitem (hash-table-keys dirty-laitems))
(remhash dirty-laitem dirty-laitems)
(let ((src-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads dirty-laitem)))
(dolist (dst-laitem (laitem-propagates dirty-laitem))
(let* ((old-dst-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem))
(new-dst-lookaheads (terminalset-union old-dst-lookaheads src-lookaheads)))
(unless (terminalset-= old-dst-lookaheads new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (gethash dst-laitem dirty-laitems) t)))))))
(dolist (propagation (laitem-propagates dirty-laitem))
(let ((dst-laitem (car propagation))
(mask (cdr propagation)))
(let* ((old-dst-lookaheads (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem))
(new-dst-lookaheads (terminalset-union old-dst-lookaheads (terminalset-intersection src-lookaheads mask))))
(unless (terminalset-= old-dst-lookaheads new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (laitem-lookaheads dst-laitem) new-dst-lookaheads)
(setf (gethash dst-laitem dirty-laitems) t))))))))
;Erase the propagates chains in all laitems.
(dolist (state (grammar-states grammar))
@ -306,16 +333,21 @@
(dolist (laitem (state-laitems state))
(let ((item (laitem-item laitem)))
(unless (item-next-symbol item)
(if (grammar-symbol-= (item-lhs item) *start-nonterminal*)
(when (terminal-in-terminalset grammar *end-marker* (laitem-lookaheads laitem))
(push (cons *end-marker* (make-accept-transition))
(state-transitions state)))
#'(lambda (lookahead)
(push (cons lookahead (make-reduce-transition (item-production item)))
(state-transitions state)))
(laitem-lookaheads laitem))))))
(let ((lookaheads (terminalset-difference
(laitem-lookaheads laitem)
(general-production-lookahead-constraint (item-production item) (item-dot item)))
(laitem-forbidden laitem))))
(if (grammar-symbol-= (item-lhs item) *start-nonterminal*)
(when (terminal-in-terminalset grammar *end-marker* lookaheads)
(push (cons *end-marker* (make-accept-transition))
(state-transitions state)))
#'(lambda (lookahead)
(push (cons lookahead (make-reduce-transition (item-production item)))
(state-transitions state)))
(setf (state-gotos state)
(sort (state-gotos state) #'< :key #'(lambda (goto-cons) (state-number (cdr goto-cons)))))
(setf (state-transitions state)

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@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
((:intersection-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 199 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:union-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 200 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:member-10 2) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 206 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:not-member-10 2) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 207 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:derives-10 2) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 222 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:left-triangle-bracket-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 225 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
((:right-triangle-bracket-10 1) (field (* fldinst "SYMBOL 241 \\f \"Symbol\" \\s 10") (fldrslt :symbol :10-pt)))
@ -315,6 +316,8 @@
(:text :english)
(:invisible v)
((:but-not 6) (b "except"))
((:begin-negative-lookahead 13) "[lookahead" :not-member-10 "{")
((:end-negative-lookahead 2) "}]")
(:subscript sub)
(:superscript super)
(:plain-subscript b 0 i 0 :subscript)