Bug 1721368 - [wpt-sync] Update web-platform-tests to d11611524641c4ae3bfbdc549ded99f22578ef4a, a=testonly

MANUAL PUSH: wpt sync bot

wpt-head: d11611524641c4ae3bfbdc549ded99f22578ef4a
wpt-type: landing
This commit is contained in:
moz-wptsync-bot 2021-07-20 12:54:09 +00:00
parent ed0a3c26b9
commit 7931d92e23
122 changed files with 592 additions and 550 deletions

View File

@ -120,9 +120,9 @@
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: NOTRUN
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and not webrender: NOTRUN
if (os == "android") and not webrender: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "win") and fission: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "win") and not fission: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": NOTRUN
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and not fission and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
[Not serializable: function: function() {}]
@ -177,40 +177,41 @@
[File: [object File\]]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS, NOTRUN]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and swgl: NOTRUN
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and not swgl: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: NOTRUN
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: NOTRUN
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: NOTRUN
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug: NOTRUN
if (os == "mac") and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86"): NOTRUN
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug: NOTRUN
[Not serializable: Event: [object Event\]]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and not fission and not swgl: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [NOTRUN, PASS]
[Not serializable: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope: [object DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope\]]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and not fission and not swgl: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [NOTRUN, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [NOTRUN, PASS]
[Blob: [object Blob\]]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and swgl: TIMEOUT
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: TIMEOUT
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and not swgl: [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and swgl: TIMEOUT
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: TIMEOUT
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86"): TIMEOUT
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: TIMEOUT
if (os == "android") and not debug: TIMEOUT
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86"): TIMEOUT

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and not swgl: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug and fission: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "android") and debug: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and webrender and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and fission: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and webrender and fission: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "win") and not fission and swgl: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and debug and not webrender: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "win") and fission: [ERROR, OK]
if os == "mac": [ERROR, OK]

View File

@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
if os == "mac": [OK, TIMEOUT]
[History navigation in iframe: "about:blank" document is navigated back from history same-origin.]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission and debug and swgl: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission and debug and not swgl: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not fission and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not fission and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not fission and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and fission: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
if (processor == "x86") and (os == "linux"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (processor == "x86") and (os == "win"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
[<iframe>'s about:blank inherits policy.]
if (processor == "x86") and (os == "linux"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (processor == "x86") and (os == "win"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Violation report status OK.]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -5,4 +5,3 @@
[Violation report status OK.]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
[Return the most recent nameless cookie, even if preceded by =, in addition to other valid cookie]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Use last value for cookies with identical names]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
@ -23,84 +21,76 @@
[Keep first-in, first-out name order]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Keep first-in, first-out single-char name order]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Keep non-alphabetic first-in, first-out name order]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Keep first-in, first-out order if comma-separated]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Set nameless cookie, given `Set-Cookie: =test16`]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Overwrite nameless cookie]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Ignore cookie with empty name and empty value]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
[Ignore cookie with no name or value]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
@ -111,43 +101,39 @@
[Name is set as expected for a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for 1=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for $=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for !a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
@ -155,10 +141,9 @@
[Name is set as expected for @a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
@ -166,73 +151,66 @@
[Name is set as expected for #a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for $a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for %a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for ^a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for &a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for *a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for (a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
@ -243,54 +221,49 @@
[Name is set as expected for )a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for -a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for _a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for +=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
[Name is set as expected for "a=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
@ -298,20 +271,18 @@
[Name is set as expected for "a=b"=test]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "android") and webrender: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
[URL-encoded cookie name is not decoded]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if os == "android": FAIL

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
[Top percentage resolved correctly for overflow contribution]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and webrender and swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
if webrender and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if webrender and (os == "linux") and debug and not fission and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if webrender and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if webrender and (os == "linux") and debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if webrender and (os == "mac") and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if webrender and (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not swgl and fission and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86") and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
if (os == "linux") and debug and not fission and webrender and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86") and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if os == "mac": [TIMEOUT, PASS]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender and swgl: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and not webrender: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and debug and not swgl and not webrender: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not debug and fission and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and not fission and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not swgl: FAIL
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
if (os == "win") and debug and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
expected: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not fission and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "android": PASS
if os == "mac": PASS

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and fission: [FAIL, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and not debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and not debug and not fission: [FAIL, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
[After setting a transition's effect to null, a new transition can be started]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not fission and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "win": FAIL
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "android": FAIL
if os == "win": FAIL
[After setting a transition's effect to null, it should be possible to interrupt that transition]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
[Main frame with auto scroll-behavior ; scroll() with smooth behavior]
if not webrender and (os == "linux"): PASS
if not webrender and (os == "android"): PASS
if not webrender: PASS
[Main frame with smooth scroll-behavior ; scrollIntoView() with auto behavior]
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
[Main frame with auto scroll-behavior ; scrollBy() with smooth behavior]
if (os == "win") and debug and webrender and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
[Main frame with auto scroll-behavior ; scrollTo() with smooth behavior]
@ -35,4 +34,4 @@
[Main frame with auto scroll-behavior ; scrollIntoView() with smooth behavior]
if (os == "win") and debug and webrender and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
if (os == "mac") and debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "android": PASS
if (os == "mac") and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "win": PASS
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
if (os == "mac") and debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "win": PASS

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
if (os == "win") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "win") and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[Tests scrollend event for calling scroll functions.]
expected: FAIL
[Tests scrollend event for changing scroll attributes.]
if (os == "win") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "win") and not debug: [FAIL, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
if (os == "win") and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[Tests scrollend event for scrollIntoView.]
expected: FAIL
[Tests scrollend event for nested scrollIntoView.]
expected: FAIL
if (os == "win") and not debug: [FAIL, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
[Tests that the target_div gets scrollend event when click scrollbar on target.]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and fission and webrender: [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not fission and not webrender: [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and fission and webrender: [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if os == "win": [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": [NOTRUN, FAIL]
@ -23,17 +23,15 @@
[Tests that the target_div gets scrollend event when drag the thumb of target.]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender and fission: [NOTRUN, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [NOTRUN, TIMEOUT]
if os == "win": [NOTRUN, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if os == "android": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN]
if os == "win": [NOTRUN, TIMEOUT]
[Tests that the target_div gets scrollend event when dragging scroll on target.]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender and fission: [TIMEOUT, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, FAIL]
if os == "win": [TIMEOUT, FAIL]
if os == "mac": [TIMEOUT, FAIL]
if os == "win": [TIMEOUT, FAIL]

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
if (os == "mac") and debug: [OK, ERROR, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [CRASH, OK, ERROR]
@ -16,4 +16,5 @@
if os == "mac": [OK, ERROR, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [OK, ERROR, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [CRASH, OK, ERROR]

View File

@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
if (os == "mac") and debug: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT]
[Cancelling a closed Response stream]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
@ -14,7 +13,8 @@
if os == "mac": [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT]
[Cancelling a closed Response stream]
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
if os == "mac": [OK, TIMEOUT]
[Cancelling a closed Response stream]
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
@ -31,5 +32,4 @@
if os == "mac": [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT]
[Cancelling a closed Response stream]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
[HTTP cache updates stored headers from a Last-Modified 304]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "win": PASS
@ -23,6 +22,5 @@
[HTTP cache updates stored headers from a Last-Modified 304]
if (processor == "x86_64") and (os == "mac") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if processor == "x86": PASS
if (processor == "x86") and (os == "win"): PASS

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
expected: [OK, ERROR]
[Cross-site window, forced, reloaded]
expected: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and debug and not swgl and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
[Same-site window, forced, reloaded]

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
if (os == "linux") or debug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1642889
[Check result]
if os == "android": PASS
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "win": [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
if (os == "linux") or debug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1642889
[Check result]
expected: [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "win": [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
if (os == "linux") or debug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1642889
[Check result]
if os == "android": PASS
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "win": [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: PASS
if (os == "android") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if os == "win": PASS

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
if (os == "linux") and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not fission and debug and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
expected: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and debug and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -3,6 +3,5 @@
if os == "win": https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1321179
[history.back() handles top level page timer correctly]
if (os == "linux") and swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
if (os == "android") and debug: Unstable on GeckoView (Bug 1548023)
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender and not swgl: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
if (os == "linux") and (bits == 32) and debug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1483696
if (os == "linux") and not debug and webrender and fission: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and not webrender and not fission: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "win") and not webrender and debug: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "linux") and debug: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and not fission and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and fission and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and fission and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[Auxiliary browsing context created via `window.open` and setting `window.opener` to `null` should report `window.opener` `null`]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and webrender and fission: ["PASS", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and not webrender and not fission: ["PASS", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "win") and not webrender and debug: ["PASS", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "linux") and debug: ["PASS", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and not fission and not webrender: [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and fission and not webrender: [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and fission and webrender: [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
if fission: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1695806
if fission and webrender and (os == "win") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and webrender and (os == "win") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and webrender and (os == "linux") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and webrender and (os == "linux") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and (os == "linux") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if fission and (os == "linux") and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and (os == "linux") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if fission and (os == "win") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if fission and (os == "win") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
[@font-face fonts should work even if they are not used in the page]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and webrender and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and webrender and not debug and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and webrender and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "android": [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not debug and not fission and (processor == "x86_64"): [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission and not swgl: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "win") and debug and swgl: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "win") and not debug: [ERROR, OK]
[Test that calling OffscreenCanvas's commit pushes its contents to its placeholder.]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
expected: FAIL
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[The 2D context doesn't throw with extra getContext arguments (cached)]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[The 2D context doesn't throw with extra getContext arguments (cached)]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[The 2D context doesn't throw with extra getContext arguments (new context)]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[The 2D context doesn't throw with extra getContext arguments (new context)]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
[CSP: sandbox allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin; CSP sandbox popup navigate to Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy document should work]
expected: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender and swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
[CSP: sandbox allow-popups allow-scripts; CSP sandbox popup navigate to Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy document should work]
expected: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and webrender and swgl: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and not swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
if (os == "linux") and webrender and swgl: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and swgl: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK, CRASH]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK, CRASH]
if (os == "linux") and debug and not webrender: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK, CRASH]
if os == "android": [OK, CRASH]
[Navigate top to about:blank from iframe with opener COOP: |header(Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy,same-origin), iframe origin: https://www1.web-platform.test:8443]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
if not debug and (os == "linux") and webrender and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if not debug and (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if not debug and (os == "linux") and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if not debug and (os == "mac"): [OK, TIMEOUT]
if not debug and (os == "win"): [OK, TIMEOUT]
if not debug and (os == "linux"): [OK, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -2,3 +2,17 @@
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, CRASH, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if swgl and (os == "android"): [OK, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -39,27 +39,25 @@
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and not webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and not swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if os == "android": [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and not webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not webrender and debug: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and not webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not debug: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK, CRASH]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and webrender and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and not swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and not swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender and swgl: [OK, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and swgl: [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]

View File

@ -1,21 +1,28 @@
if webrender and fission and debug and (os == "linux"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
if not webrender and (os == "linux"): [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH]
[/common/dummy.xml - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"]
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and swgl: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
[/images/red.png - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug and not swgl and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug and not swgl and webrender: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
[/media/2x2-green.mp4 - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"]
expected: [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if fission and debug and (os == "linux"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
[/common/text-plain.txt - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"]
expected: [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
implementation-status: backlog
bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1613912
if os == "mac": [OK, TIMEOUT]
expected: [TIMEOUT, OK]
[data frame: self.isSecureContext]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and not fission and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and debug and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
[SharedWorker() in a shared worker]
expected: FAIL
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
[SharedWorker constructor]
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and not fission and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and debug and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "android") and debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
[SharedWorker() in a dedicated worker]
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
[Worker() in a shared worker]
if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender and debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender and not debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and debug and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
[SharedWorker() in a shared worker]
expected: FAIL
@ -57,8 +58,9 @@
[SharedWorker constructor]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender and not debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and webrender and debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "android") and debug and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
[SharedWorker() in a dedicated worker]

View File

@ -33,11 +33,9 @@
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not swgl and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl and debug and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
[SharedWorker() in a shared worker]
expected: FAIL
@ -52,11 +50,9 @@
[SharedWorker constructor]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not swgl and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl and debug and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
[SharedWorker() in a dedicated worker]

View File

@ -287,8 +287,8 @@
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and webrender and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and webrender and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
[SharedWorker() in a shared worker]
expected: FAIL
@ -300,8 +300,8 @@
[SharedWorker constructor]
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and webrender and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and webrender and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and debug and webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
[SharedWorker() in a dedicated worker]

View File

@ -115,7 +115,11 @@
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and fission and webrender and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and not fission and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and not fission and swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and fission: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK]
[SharedWorker() in a shared worker]
@ -123,13 +127,17 @@
[importScripts() in a shared worker]
if os == "android": FAIL
if os == "mac": FAIL
if os == "android": FAIL
[SharedWorker constructor]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and fission and webrender and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86_64") and not fission and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and not fission and swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not webrender and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
[If topDocument's focused area is not topDocument, autofocus is not processed.]
expected: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not swgl and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
if os == "win": maxDifference=0-4;totalPixels=0-51
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: ["PASS", "FAIL", "ERROR"]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not debug: ["PASS", "FAIL", "ERROR"]
if os == "mac": ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL, ERROR]
if (os == "mac") and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
if not webrender and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if not webrender and not fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and not fission and debug: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "linux") and fission: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "android"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if not webrender and (os == "mac"): [TIMEOUT, PASS]

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
[Test that in viewport images with loading='lazy' and changed to loading='eager' do not block the window load event.]
if (os == "win") and not swgl and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not swgl and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if not fission and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if not fission and (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64") and swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if not fission and (os == "linux") and webrender and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS]
if not fission and (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if not fission and (os == "mac") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if not fission and (os == "android"): [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
max-asserts: 3
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "android") and debug: ["OK", "TIMEOUT"]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "android") and debug: [OK, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
[<script> error: Move fetch-error external classic script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
[<script> error: Move fetch-error external module script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
[<script> load: Move parse-error external classic script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
[window error: Move parse-error external module script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,27 +2,27 @@
[Eval: Move success external classic script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
[<script> load: Move success external classic script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
[<script> load: Move success external module script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
[Eval: Move success external module script to createHTMLDocument after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
[<script> load: Move parse-error external classic script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
[<script> error: Move parse-error external classic script to iframe after-prepare]
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if os == "android": PASS
@ -15,25 +15,25 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
[<script> load: Move parse-error external module script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
[window error: Move parse-error inline classic script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
[<script> error: Move success external classic script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and debug: PASS
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if os == "android": PASS
@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
[<script> load: Move success external module script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
@ -18,22 +18,22 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: PASS
[<script> error: Move success external module script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: PASS
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "win") and debug: PASS
if (os == "win") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
[Eval: Move success inline classic script to iframe after-prepare]
if (os == "win") and ccov: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
[<script> error: Move parse-error external module script to iframe before-prepare]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not webrender and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender and not swgl: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender and swgl: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and fission and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "mac": [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
[<script> error: Move parse-error external module script to iframe move-back]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
[Event order and dataTransfer on contenteditable.]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if os == "mac": PASS
if os == "android": PASS
if os == "win": FAIL
if os == "android": PASS
if os == "mac": PASS

View File

@ -7,11 +7,10 @@
[HostCleanupFinalizationRegistry is an implementation-defined abstract operation that is expected to call CleanupFinalizationRegistry(finalizationRegistry) at some point in the future, if possible.]
if (os == "win") and ccov: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and not fission and not debug and webrender: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and debug and swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and debug and not fission and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: FAIL
if (os == "mac") and debug: PASS

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
if (os == "linux") and webrender and fission: OK
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, OK]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender: OK
if os == "mac": OK
[Audio autoupgraded]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [TIMEOUT, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and fission: PASS
if (os == "linux") and not webrender: PASS
if os == "mac": PASS

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
upstream: 56bf98c5c076670e7ef0d60f973c7061ca13cd1f
upstream: d11611524641c4ae3bfbdc549ded99f22578ef4a

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
if (os == "win") and ccov: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and swgl: PASS
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): PASS
if (os == "win") and fission: PASS
if os == "mac": PASS

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
if os == "mac": [OK, TIMEOUT]
if os == "linux": [OK, TIMEOUT]
if os == "mac": [TIMEOUT, OK]
[\n Test that include_subdomains policies report DNS failures for subdomains\n ]
if os == "mac": [TIMEOUT, FAIL]
if os == "win": FAIL

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
expected: [OK, TIMEOUT]
if (processor == "x86") and (os == "win"): [TIMEOUT, OK]
[img loading must be disallowed]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
if (os == "win") and not fission and (processor == "x86_64") and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, OK]
expected: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[Expected originPolicyIDs check]
expected: FAIL

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[mouse pointermove getCoalescedEvents when lock test]
if (os == "linux") and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
if os == "android": OK
if os == "mac": [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT]
if os == "android": OK
[mouse pointerevent movementX/Y with pointerlock test]
if debug and (os == "linux") and fission: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and webrender and fission: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86_64") and debug and not webrender: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
[mouse no pointercapture while pointerlock]
if (os == "linux") and not swgl and fission and webrender and debug: [FAIL, PASS]
if os == "android": PASS

View File

@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
if (os == "linux") and not debug: [OK, ERROR]
[pointermove event received inner frame]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not debug and webrender and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and debug and webrender and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and debug: [PASS, FAIL]
[pointermove event received]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and not swgl and debug and not fission: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and swgl: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
if (os == "win") and not fission and not debug and webrender: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and fission and debug: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not debug and not fission: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and not debug and fission: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender and debug: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "win") and fission: ["PASS", "FAIL"]
if (os == "linux") and webrender and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not debug and not fission and (processor == "x86_64"): [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "win") and not debug and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not debug and fission: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "linux") and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
[Changing layout in window error handler should not result in lifecyle loop when resize observer loop limit is reached.]
if (os == "android") and not debug and webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "android") and not debug and not webrender: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "win") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if webrender and (os == "linux") and fission and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if webrender and (os == "linux") and not fission and (processor == "x86"): [PASS, FAIL]
if webrender and (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
if webrender and (os == "android") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]

View File

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and not swgl: [ERROR, OK]
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and swgl: OK
if (os == "android") and webrender and not debug: OK
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [ERROR, OK]
[There should be one entry.]
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and swgl: PASS
if (os == "android") and webrender and debug and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS]
if (os == "android") and webrender and not debug: PASS
if (os == "linux") and (processor == "x86"): [FAIL, PASS]

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