Bug 1864554 - Add a test that a large content shift followed by a second wheel event does not result in a wheel animation overshooting its ultimate destination. r=hiro

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D193717
This commit is contained in:
Botond Ballo 2023-11-20 18:39:38 +00:00
parent 488f926cec
commit 79b409d4e2
2 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -456,6 +456,10 @@ class TestAsyncPanZoomController : public AsyncPanZoomController {
return mState == PanZoomState::OVERSCROLL_ANIMATION;
bool IsWheelScrollAnimationRunning() const {
return mState == PanZoomState::WHEEL_SCROLL;
bool mWaitForMainThread;
MockContentControllerDelayed* mcc;

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@ -514,6 +514,68 @@ class APZCSmoothScrollTester : public APZCBasicTester {
float yEnd = apzc->GetFrameMetrics().GetVisualScrollOffset().y;
ASSERT_EQ(yEnd, 1100);
// Test that a content shift does not cause a smooth scroll animation to
// overshoot its (updated) destination.
void TestContentShiftDoesNotCauseOvershoot() {
// Follow the same steps as in TestContentShiftThenUpdateDelta(),
// except use a content shift of y=1000.
ScrollMetadata metadata;
FrameMetrics& metrics = metadata.GetMetrics();
metrics.SetScrollableRect(CSSRect(0, 0, 1000, 10000));
metrics.SetLayoutViewport(CSSRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000));
metrics.SetCompositionBounds(ParentLayerRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000));
metrics.SetVisualScrollOffset(CSSPoint(0, 0));
metadata.SetLineScrollAmount({100, 100});
metadata.SetPageScrollAmount({1000, 1000});
// First wheel event, smooth scroll destination is y=500.
SmoothWheel(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(50, 50), ScreenPoint(0, 5), mcc->Time());
// Sample until we get past y=200.
float y = 0;
while (y < 200) {
y = apzc->GetFrameMetrics().GetVisualScrollOffset().y;
// Apply a content shift of y=1000. The current scroll position is now
// y>1200, and the updated destination is y=1500.
nsTArray<ScrollPositionUpdate> scrollUpdates;
CSSPoint::ToAppUnits(CSSPoint(0, 200)),
CSSPoint::ToAppUnits(CSSPoint(0, 1200))));
apzc->NotifyLayersUpdated(metadata, false, true);
float y2 = apzc->GetFrameMetrics().GetVisualScrollOffset().y;
ASSERT_EQ(y2, y + 1000);
// Sample until we get past y=1300.
while (y < 1300) {
y = apzc->GetFrameMetrics().GetVisualScrollOffset().y;
// Second wheel event, destination is now y=2000.
// MSD physics has a bug where the UpdateDelta() causes the content shift
// to be applied in duplicate on the next sample, causing the scroll
// position to be y>2000!
SmoothWheel(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(50, 50), ScreenPoint(0, 5), mcc->Time());
// Check that the scroll position remains <= 2000 until the end of the
// animation.
while (apzc->IsWheelScrollAnimationRunning()) {
ASSERT_LE(apzc->GetFrameMetrics().GetVisualScrollOffset().y, 2000);
ASSERT_EQ(2000, apzc->GetFrameMetrics().GetVisualScrollOffset().y);
TEST_F(APZCSmoothScrollTester, ContentShiftBezier) {
@ -540,6 +602,18 @@ TEST_F(APZCSmoothScrollTester, ContentShiftThenUpdateDeltaMsd) {
TEST_F(APZCSmoothScrollTester, ContentShiftDoesNotCauseOvershootBezier) {
SCOPED_GFX_PREF_BOOL("general.smoothScroll", true);
SCOPED_GFX_PREF_BOOL("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled", false);
TEST_F(APZCSmoothScrollTester, ContentShiftDoesNotCauseOvershootMsd) {
SCOPED_GFX_PREF_BOOL("general.smoothScroll", true);
SCOPED_GFX_PREF_BOOL("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled", true);
TEST_F(APZCBasicTester, ZoomAndScrollableRectChangeAfterZoomChange) {
// We want to check that a small scrollable rect change (which causes us to
// reclamp our scroll position, including in the sampled state) does not move