Bug 285651. Opening link in new tab confuses screen readers. r=biesi, sr=bz

This commit is contained in:
aaronleventhal%moonset.net 2005-03-14 16:31:43 +00:00
parent 13592b8534
commit 7b6003e9dc
2 changed files with 43 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -508,7 +508,6 @@ nsresult nsDocAccessible::AddEventListeners()
PRBool isContent = (itemType == nsIDocShellTreeItem::typeContent);
PRBool isLoading = isContent;
if (isContent) {
@ -529,19 +528,15 @@ nsresult nsDocAccessible::AddEventListeners()
mBusy = eBusyStateDone;
return NS_OK;
mWebProgress = do_GetInterface(docShellTreeItem);
mWebProgress->AddProgressListener(this, nsIWebProgress::NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT |
mIsNewDocument = PR_TRUE;
mBusy = eBusyStateLoading;
mWebProgress = do_GetInterface(docShellTreeItem);
mWebProgress->AddProgressListener(this, nsIWebProgress::NOTIFY_LOCATION |
mIsNewDocument = PR_TRUE;
mBusy = eBusyStateLoading;
// add ourself as a mutation event listener
// (this slows down mozilla about 3%, but only used when accessibility APIs active)
@ -724,9 +719,16 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::ScrollPositionDidChange(nsIScrollableView *aScrol
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
nsIRequest *aRequest, PRUint32 aStateFlags, nsresult aStatus)
nsIRequest *aRequest,
PRUint32 aStateFlags,
nsresult aStatus)
if ((aStateFlags & STATE_IS_DOCUMENT) && (aStateFlags & STATE_STOP)) {
NS_ASSERTION(aStateFlags & STATE_IS_DOCUMENT, "Should not be listening to other OnStateChange types");
NS_ASSERTION((aStateFlags & STATE_START) || (aStateFlags & STATE_STOP) , "Should not be listening to other OnStateChange types");
if (!mWeakShell || !mDocument) {
return NS_OK;
if (aStateFlags & STATE_STOP) {
if (!mDocLoadTimer) {
mDocLoadTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1");
@ -734,28 +736,19 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
mDocLoadTimer->InitWithFuncCallback(DocLoadCallback, this, 4,
return NS_OK;
return NS_OK;
/* void onProgressChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in long aCurSelfProgress, in long aMaxSelfProgress, in long aCurTotalProgress, in long aMaxTotalProgress); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnProgressChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
nsIRequest *aRequest, PRInt32 aCurSelfProgress, PRInt32 aMaxSelfProgress,
PRInt32 aCurTotalProgress, PRInt32 aMaxTotalProgress)
NS_NOTREACHED("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
return NS_OK;
/* void onLocationChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in nsIURI location); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
nsIRequest *aRequest, nsIURI *location)
PRBool isLoadingDocument;
if (!isLoadingDocument) {
return NS_OK; // Staying on the same page, jumping to a named anchor
if (gLastFocusedNode) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> focusedDOMDoc;
if (!SameCOMIdentity(focusedDOMDoc, mDocument)) {
// Load is not occuring in the currently focused pane, so don't fire
// doc load event there, otherwise assistive technology may become confused
return NS_OK;
// Load has been verified, it will occur, about to commence
@ -781,6 +774,22 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
return NS_OK;
/* void onProgressChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in long aCurSelfProgress, in long aMaxSelfProgress, in long aCurTotalProgress, in long aMaxTotalProgress); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnProgressChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
nsIRequest *aRequest, PRInt32 aCurSelfProgress, PRInt32 aMaxSelfProgress,
PRInt32 aCurTotalProgress, PRInt32 aMaxTotalProgress)
NS_NOTREACHED("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
return NS_OK;
/* void onLocationChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in nsIURI location); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
nsIRequest *aRequest, nsIURI *location)
return NS_OK;
/* void onStatusChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in nsresult aStatus, in wstring aMessage); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessible::OnStatusChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress,
nsIRequest *aRequest, nsresult aStatus, const PRUnichar *aMessage)

View File

@ -355,12 +355,6 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocAccessibleWrap::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress
if (!mWeakShell || !mDocument) {
return NS_OK;
PRBool isLoadingDocument;
if (isLoadingDocument) {
return nsDocAccessible::OnLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, location);
return NS_OK;