Backed out changeset 1ea661280632 (bug 1757218) for causing mochitest failures on test_midi_permission_gated.html

This commit is contained in:
Norisz Fay 2022-03-02 11:25:53 +02:00
parent 24a8666518
commit 8adcbead72
6 changed files with 43 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -3798,8 +3798,8 @@ bool nsContentUtils::IsExactSitePermDeny(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
bool nsContentUtils::HasSitePerm(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
const nsACString& aType) {
bool nsContentUtils::HasExactSitePerm(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
const nsACString& aType) {
if (!aPrincipal) {
return false;
@ -3809,7 +3809,8 @@ bool nsContentUtils::HasSitePerm(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(permMgr, false);
uint32_t perm;
nsresult rv = permMgr->TestPermissionFromPrincipal(aPrincipal, aType, &perm);
nsresult rv =
permMgr->TestExactPermissionFromPrincipal(aPrincipal, aType, &perm);
return perm != nsIPermissionManager::UNKNOWN_ACTION;

View File

@ -899,7 +899,8 @@ class nsContentUtils {
const nsACString& aType);
// Returns true if the pref exists and is not UNKNOWN_ACTION.
static bool HasSitePerm(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const nsACString& aType);
static bool HasExactSitePerm(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
const nsACString& aType);
// Returns true if aDoc1 and aDoc2 have equal NodePrincipal()s.
static bool HaveEqualPrincipals(Document* aDoc1, Document* aDoc2);

View File

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP
MIDIPermissionRequest::GetTypes(nsIArray** aTypes) {
nsTArray<nsString> options;
// NB: We always request midi-sysex, and the base |midi| permission is unused.
// This could be cleaned up at some point.
if (mNeedsSysex) {
return nsContentPermissionUtils::CreatePermissionArray(mType, options,
@ -84,36 +84,27 @@ MIDIPermissionRequest::Run() {
return NS_OK;
// Both the spec and our original implementation of WebMIDI have two
// conceptual permission levels: with and without sysex functionality.
// However, our current implementation just has one level, and requires the
// more-powerful |midi-sysex| permission irrespective of the mode requested in
// requestMIDIAccess.
constexpr auto kPermName = "midi-sysex"_ns;
// First, check for an explicit allow/deny. Note that we want to support
// granting a permission on the base domain and then using it on a subdomain,
// which is why we use the non-"Exact" variants of these APIs. See bug
// 1757218.
if (nsContentUtils::IsSitePermAllow(mPrincipal, kPermName)) {
// If we already have sysex perms, allow.
if (nsContentUtils::IsExactSitePermAllow(mPrincipal, "midi-sysex"_ns)) {
return NS_OK;
if (nsContentUtils::IsSitePermDeny(mPrincipal, kPermName)) {
// If midi is addon-gated, the we only pass through to ask permission if
// the permission already exists. This allows for the user possibly changing
// the permission to ask, or deny and having the existing UX properly handle
// the outcome.
if (
StaticPrefs::dom_webmidi_gated() &&
!nsContentUtils::HasExactSitePerm(mPrincipal, "midi"_ns) &&
!nsContentUtils::HasExactSitePerm(mPrincipal, "midi-sysex"_ns)) {
return NS_OK;
// If the add-on is not installed, auto-deny.
if (!nsContentUtils::HasSitePerm(mPrincipal, kPermName)) {
return NS_OK;
// We can only get here if the add-on is installed, but the user has
// subsequently changed the permission from ALLOW to ASK. In that unusual
// case, throw up a prompt.
// If we have no perms, or only have midi and are asking for sysex, pop dialog
if (NS_FAILED(nsContentPermissionUtils::AskPermission(this, mWindow))) {

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body></body></html>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
support-files =
scheme = https

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
<body onload="runTests()">
<iframe id="ifr" src=""></iframe>
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
@ -14,6 +13,14 @@
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["dom.webmidi.enabled", true]],
await SpecialPowers.testPermission(
"midi value should have UNKNOWN permission"
await SpecialPowers.testPermission(
@ -22,55 +29,33 @@
"midi-sysex value should have UNKNOWN permission"
await SpecialPowers.testPermission(
"permission should also not be set for iframe"
// Gated permission should fail without addon installed.
for (let sysex of [false, true]) {
try {
await navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex });
ok(false, "MIDI Access Request gate failed");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "MIDI Access Request denied by default");
try {
await navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex: false });
ok(false, "MIDI Access Request gate failed");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "MIDI Access Request denied by default");
// When an addon is installed, the permission is inserted. Test
// that the request succeeds after we insert the permission.
await SpecialPowers.addPermission(
// Gated permission should allow access after addon inserted permission.
for (let sysex of [false, true]) {
try {
await navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex });
ok(true, "MIDI Access Request allowed");
} catch (ex) {
ok(false, "MIDI Access Request failed");
try {
await navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex: false });
ok(true, "MIDI Access Request allowed");
} catch (ex) {
ok(false, "MIDI Access Request failed");
// Gated permission should also apply to subdomains.
for (let sysex of [false, true]) {
try {
await SpecialPowers.wrap($("ifr")).contentWindow.navigator.requestMIDIAccess({ sysex });
ok(true, "MIDI Access Request allowed for subdomain");
} catch (ex) {
ok(false, "MIDI Access Request failed for subdomain");
// Remove the permission.
await SpecialPowers.removePermission("midi-sysex", document);
// Remove the permission
await SpecialPowers.removePermission("midi", document);