mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 16:51:46 +00:00
Most of fix for 37412. Expand d&d so that when we're asking for a url and
don't have one, we check if a file is being dropped. If so, either give the file:// url or read in the InternetShortcut.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h"
#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
#include "nsPrimitiveHelpers.h"
#include "nsIURL.h"
#include "nsIWidget.h"
#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
#include "nsGfxCIID.h"
#include "nsIImage.h"
#define DEBUG_PINK 0
@ -585,8 +587,10 @@ nsresult nsClipboard::GetDataFromDataObject(IDataObject * aDataObject,
UINT format = GetFormat(flavorStr);
void * data;
PRUint32 dataLen;
// Try to get the data using the desired flavor. This might fail, but all is
// not lost.
void* data = nsnull;
PRUint32 dataLen = 0;
PRBool dataFound = PR_FALSE;
if (nsnull != aDataObject) {
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetNativeDataOffClipboard(aDataObject, anIndex, format, &data, &dataLen)) )
@ -596,38 +600,28 @@ nsresult nsClipboard::GetDataFromDataObject(IDataObject * aDataObject,
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetNativeDataOffClipboard(aWindow, anIndex, format, &data, &dataLen)) )
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
// This is our second chance to try to find some data, having not found it
// when directly asking for the flavor. Let's try digging around in other
// flavors to help satisfy our craving for data.
if ( !dataFound ) {
// if we are looking for text/unicode and we fail to find it on the clipboard first,
// try again with text/plain. If that is present, convert it to unicode.
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
nsresult loadResult = GetNativeDataOffClipboard(aDataObject, anIndex, GetFormat(kTextMime), &data, &dataLen);
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && data ) {
const char* castedText = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, data);
PRUnichar* convertedText = nsnull;
PRInt32 convertedTextLen = 0;
nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode ( castedText, dataLen,
&convertedText, &convertedTextLen );
if ( convertedText ) {
// out with the old, in with the new
data = convertedText;
dataLen = convertedTextLen * 2;
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
} // if plain text data on clipboard
} // if looking for text/unicode
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kUnicodeMime) == 0 )
dataFound = FindUnicodeFromPlainText ( aDataObject, anIndex, &data, &dataLen );
else if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kURLMime) == 0 )
dataFound = FindURLFromLocalFile ( aDataObject, anIndex, &data, &dataLen );
} // if we try one last ditch effort to find our data
// Hopefully by this point we've found it and can go about our business
if ( dataFound ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kFileMime) == 0 ) {
// we have a file path in |data|. Create an nsLocalFile object.
char* filepath = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, data);
nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> file;
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewLocalFile(filepath, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(file))) )
genericDataWrapper = do_QueryInterface(file);
else {
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kFileMime) == 0 ) {
// we have a file path in |data|. Create an nsLocalFile object.
char* filepath = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, data);
nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> file;
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewLocalFile(filepath, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(file))) )
genericDataWrapper = do_QueryInterface(file);
else {
// we probably have some form of text. The DOM only wants LF, so convert from Win32 line
// endings to DOM line endings.
PRInt32 signedLen = NS_STATIC_CAST(PRInt32, dataLen);
@ -654,6 +648,171 @@ nsresult nsClipboard::GetDataFromDataObject(IDataObject * aDataObject,
// FindURLFromLocalFile
// we are looking for text/unicode and we failed to find it on the clipboard first,
// try again with text/plain. If that is present, convert it to unicode.
nsClipboard :: FindUnicodeFromPlainText ( IDataObject* inDataObject, UINT inIndex, void** outData, PRUint32* outDataLen )
PRBool dataFound = PR_FALSE;
// we are looking for text/unicode and we failed to find it on the clipboard first,
// try again with text/plain. If that is present, convert it to unicode.
nsresult loadResult = GetNativeDataOffClipboard(inDataObject, inIndex, GetFormat(kTextMime), outData, outDataLen);
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && *outData ) {
const char* castedText = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, *outData);
PRUnichar* convertedText = nsnull;
PRInt32 convertedTextLen = 0;
nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode ( castedText, *outDataLen,
&convertedText, &convertedTextLen );
if ( convertedText ) {
// out with the old, in with the new
*outData = convertedText;
*outDataLen = convertedTextLen * sizeof(PRUnichar);
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
} // if plain text data on clipboard
return dataFound;
} // FindUnicodeFromPlainText
// FindURLFromLocalFile
// we are looking for a URL and couldn't find it, try again with looking for
// a local file. If we have one, it may either be a normal file or an internet shortcut.
// In both cases, however, we can get a URL (it will be a file:// url in the
// local file case).
nsClipboard :: FindURLFromLocalFile ( IDataObject* inDataObject, UINT inIndex, void** outData, PRUint32* outDataLen )
PRBool dataFound = PR_FALSE;
nsresult loadResult = GetNativeDataOffClipboard(inDataObject, inIndex, GetFormat(kFileMime), outData, outDataLen);
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && *outData ) {
// we have a file path in |data|. Create an nsLocalFile object so we can work with it.
char* filepath = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, *outData);
nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> file;
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewLocalFile(filepath, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(file))) ) {
if ( IsInternetShortcut(filepath) ) {
FILE* shortcutFile = nsnull;
file->OpenANSIFileDesc ( "r", &shortcutFile );
if ( shortcutFile ) {
const int kMaxURLLen = 1000; // if url can't fit into 1000, then screw it
char buffer[MAX_PATH];
// This will read only internet shortcut files created by NS4 and Mozilla, not
// real shortcuts (which can have more complicated data formats). The problem is that
// I'm having problems with ResolveShortcut() giving an error loading the file. If
// you want to help fix this, it's bug #37412.
#if 1
// skip over prefix
fscanf(shortcutFile, "[InternetShortcut]\nURL=", buffer);
// read the actual url
fgets(buffer, kMaxURLLen, shortcutFile);
ResolveShortcut ( filepath, buffer );
// convert it to unicode and pass it out
nsAutoString urlUnicode;
urlUnicode.AssignWithConversion( buffer );
*outData = urlUnicode.ToNewUnicode();
*outDataLen = strlen(buffer) * sizeof(PRUnichar);
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
else {
*outData = nsnull;
*outDataLen = 0;
else {
nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> url ( do_CreateInstance("component://netscape/network/standard-url") );
if ( url ) {
// get the file:// url from our native path
url->SetFile ( file );
char* urlSpec = nsnull;
url->GetSpec ( &urlSpec );
// convert it to unicode and pass it out
nsAutoString urlSpecUnicode;
urlSpecUnicode.AssignWithConversion( urlSpec );
*outData = urlSpecUnicode.ToNewUnicode();
*outDataLen = strlen(urlSpec) * sizeof(PRUnichar);
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
} // else regular file
return dataFound;
} // FindURLFromLocalFile
nsClipboard :: ResolveShortcut ( const char* inFileName, char* outURL )
HRESULT result;
IShellLink* link = nsnull;
result = ::CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IShellLink, (void**)&link );
if ( SUCCEEDED(result) && link ) {
IPersistFile* persistFile = nsnull;
result = link->QueryInterface ( IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&persistFile );
if ( SUCCEEDED(result) && persistFile ) {
WORD wideFileName[MAX_PATH];
::MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP, 0, inFileName, -1, wideFileName, MAX_PATH );
result = persistFile->Load ( wideFileName, NULL );
if ( SUCCEEDED(result) ) {
result = link->Resolve ( NULL, SLR_ANY_MATCH );
if ( SUCCEEDED(result) ) {
char path[MAX_PATH];
strcpy ( path, inFileName );
result = link->GetPath ( path, MAX_PATH, &wfd, SLGP_SHORTPATH );
strcpy ( outURL, path );
} // ResolveShortcut
// IsInternetShortcut
// A file is an Internet Shortcut if it ends with .URL
nsClipboard :: IsInternetShortcut ( const char* inFileName )
if ( strstr(inFileName, ".URL") || strstr(inFileName, ".url") )
return PR_TRUE;
return PR_FALSE;
} // IsInternetShortcut
NS_IMETHODIMP nsClipboard::GetNativeClipboardData ( nsITransferable * aTransferable, PRInt32 aWhichClipboard )
@ -792,12 +951,14 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsClipboard::HasDataMatchingFlavors(nsISupportsArray *aFlavorList,
else {
// if the client asked for unicode and it wasn't present, check if we have CF_TEXT.
// We'll handle the actual data substitution in the data object.
// We haven't found the exact flavor the client asked for, but maybe we can
// still find it from something else that's on the clipboard...
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
// client asked for unicode and it wasn't present, check if we have CF_TEXT.
// We'll handle the actual data substitution in the data object.
if ( ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(GetFormat(kTextMime)) )
*_retval = PR_TRUE;
@ -49,28 +49,26 @@ public:
// Internal Native Routines
static nsresult CreateNativeDataObject(nsITransferable * aTransferable,
IDataObject ** aDataObj);
static nsresult SetupNativeDataObject(nsITransferable * aTransferable,
IDataObject * aDataObj);
static nsresult GetDataFromDataObject(IDataObject * aDataObject,
UINT anIndex,
nsIWidget * aWindow,
nsITransferable * aTransferable);
static nsresult GetNativeDataOffClipboard(nsIWidget * aWindow, UINT aIndex, UINT aFormat, void ** aData, PRUint32 * aLen);
static nsresult GetNativeDataOffClipboard(IDataObject * aDataObject, UINT aIndex, UINT aFormat, void ** aData, PRUint32 * aLen);
static nsresult GetGlobalData(HGLOBAL aHGBL, void ** aData, PRUint32 * aLen);
static UINT GetFormat(const char* aMimeStr);
NS_IMETHOD SetNativeClipboardData ( PRInt32 aWhichClipboard );
NS_IMETHOD GetNativeClipboardData ( nsITransferable * aTransferable, PRInt32 aWhichClipboard );
static PRBool IsInternetShortcut ( const char* inFileName ) ;
static PRBool FindURLFromLocalFile ( IDataObject* inDataObject, UINT inIndex, void** outData, PRUint32* outDataLen ) ;
static PRBool FindUnicodeFromPlainText ( IDataObject* inDataObject, UINT inIndex, void** outData, PRUint32* outDataLen ) ;
static void ResolveShortcut ( const char* inFileName, char* outURL ) ;
nsIWidget * mWindow;
IDataObject * mDataObj;
@ -257,11 +257,24 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::IsDataFlavorSupported(const char *aDataFlavor, PRBo
if ( mDataObject->QueryGetData(&fe) == S_OK )
*_retval = PR_TRUE; // found it!
else {
// try again, this time looking for plain text.
format = nsClipboard::GetFormat(kTextMime);
if ( mDataObject->QueryGetData(&fe) == S_OK )
*_retval = PR_TRUE; // found it!
// We haven't found the exact flavor the client asked for, but maybe we can
// still find it from something else that's on the clipboard
if ( strcmp(aDataFlavor, kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
// client asked for unicode and it wasn't present, check if we have CF_TEXT.
// We'll handle the actual data substitution in the data object.
format = nsClipboard::GetFormat(kTextMime);
if ( mDataObject->QueryGetData(&fe) == S_OK )
*_retval = PR_TRUE; // found it!
else if ( strcmp(aDataFlavor, kURLMime) == 0 ) {
// client asked for a url and it wasn't present, but if we have a file, then
// we have a URL to give them (the path, or the internal URL if an InternetShortcut).
format = nsClipboard::GetFormat(kFileMime);
if ( mDataObject->QueryGetData(&fe) == S_OK )
*_retval = PR_TRUE; // found it!
} // else try again
Reference in New Issue
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