mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 22:07:41 +00:00
servo: Merge #19113 - Reland #19108, because it was backed out before its Gecko-side patches could land (from emilio:qsa); r=xidorn,bz
Source-Repo: https://github.com/servo/servo Source-Revision: 0f5325d0a7e9b3039c7d5b5f9de5cd2511207d9a --HG-- extra : subtree_source : https%3A//hg.mozilla.org/projects/converted-servo-linear extra : subtree_revision : 8500b96a1e505ebf173bc034275d77e4c9100b17
This commit is contained in:
@ -213,6 +213,10 @@ impl<'ln> TNode for ServoLayoutNode<'ln> {
unsafe { self.node.get_flag(NodeFlags::CAN_BE_FRAGMENTED) }
fn is_in_document(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { self.node.get_flag(NodeFlags::IS_IN_DOC) }
unsafe fn set_can_be_fragmented(&self, value: bool) {
self.node.set_flag(NodeFlags::CAN_BE_FRAGMENTED, value)
@ -417,7 +421,7 @@ impl<'le> TElement for ServoLayoutElement<'le> {
unsafe fn set_dirty_descendants(&self) {
self.as_node().node.set_flag(NodeFlags::HAS_DIRTY_DESCENDANTS, true)
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct LocalMatchingContext<'a, 'b: 'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> {
matches_hover_and_active_quirk: bool,
pub fn matches_selector_list<E>(
selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>,
element: &E,
@ -373,6 +374,7 @@ where
/// Matches a complex selector.
pub fn matches_complex_selector<E, F>(
mut iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
element: &E,
@ -385,8 +387,8 @@ where
// If this is the special pseudo-element mode, consume the ::pseudo-element
// before proceeding, since the caller has already handled that part.
if context.nesting_level == 0 &&
context.matching_mode == MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement {
if context.matching_mode == MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement &&
context.nesting_level == 0 {
// Consume the pseudo.
match *iter.next().unwrap() {
Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) => {
@ -571,12 +573,12 @@ where
// Only ancestor combinators are allowed while looking for
// relevant links, so switch to not looking.
*relevant_link = RelevantLinkStatus::NotLooking;
Combinator::Child |
Combinator::Descendant |
Combinator::PseudoElement => {
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ where
type Item = N;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<N> {
let prev = match self.previous.take() {
None => return None,
@ -146,6 +147,18 @@ pub trait TDocument : Sized + Copy + Clone {
/// Returns the quirks mode of this document.
fn quirks_mode(&self) -> QuirksMode;
/// Get a list of elements with a given ID in this document, sorted by
/// document position.
/// Can return an error to signal that this list is not available, or also
/// return an empty slice.
fn elements_with_id(
_id: &Atom,
) -> Result<&[<Self::ConcreteNode as TNode>::ConcreteElement], ()> {
/// The `TNode` trait. This is the main generic trait over which the style
@ -180,6 +193,9 @@ pub trait TNode : Sized + Copy + Clone + Debug + NodeInfo + PartialEq {
/// Returns whether the node is attached to a document.
fn is_in_document(&self) -> bool;
/// Iterate over the DOM children of a node, in preorder.
fn dom_descendants(&self) -> DomDescendants<Self> {
DomDescendants {
@ -190,6 +206,7 @@ pub trait TNode : Sized + Copy + Clone + Debug + NodeInfo + PartialEq {
/// Returns the next children in pre-order, optionally scoped to a subtree
/// root.
fn next_in_preorder(&self, scoped_to: Option<Self>) -> Option<Self> {
if let Some(c) = self.first_child() {
return Some(c);
@ -5,12 +5,16 @@
//! Generic implementations of some DOM APIs so they can be shared between Servo
//! and Gecko.
use Atom;
use context::QuirksMode;
use dom::{TDocument, TElement, TNode};
use invalidation::element::invalidator::{Invalidation, InvalidationProcessor, InvalidationVector};
use selectors::{Element, NthIndexCache, SelectorList};
use selectors::attr::CaseSensitivity;
use selectors::matching::{self, MatchingContext, MatchingMode};
use selectors::parser::{Combinator, Component, LocalName};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
/// <https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-element-matches>
pub fn element_matches<E>(
@ -218,13 +222,103 @@ where
/// Fast paths for a given selector query.
/// Returns whether a given element is descendant of a given `root` node.
/// FIXME(emilio, nbp): This may very well be a good candidate for code to be
/// replaced by HolyJit :)
fn query_selector_fast<E, Q>(
/// NOTE(emilio): if root == element, this returns false.
fn element_is_descendant_of<E>(element: E, root: E::ConcreteNode) -> bool
E: TElement,
if element.as_node().is_in_document() && root == root.owner_doc().as_node() {
return true;
let mut current = element.as_node().parent_node();
while let Some(n) = current.take() {
if n == root {
return true;
current = n.parent_node();
/// Fast path for iterating over every element with a given id in the document
/// that `root` is connected to.
fn fast_connected_elements_with_id<'a, D>(
doc: &'a D,
root: D::ConcreteNode,
id: &Atom,
quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
) -> Result<&'a [<D::ConcreteNode as TNode>::ConcreteElement], ()>
D: TDocument,
debug_assert_eq!(root.owner_doc().as_node(), doc.as_node());
let case_sensitivity = quirks_mode.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity();
if case_sensitivity != CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive {
return Err(());
if !root.is_in_document() {
return Err(());
/// Collects elements with a given id under `root`, that pass `filter`.
fn collect_elements_with_id<E, Q, F>(
root: E::ConcreteNode,
selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>,
id: &Atom,
results: &mut Q::Output,
quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
mut filter: F,
E: TElement,
Q: SelectorQuery<E>,
F: FnMut(E) -> bool,
let doc = root.owner_doc();
let elements = match fast_connected_elements_with_id(&doc, root, id, quirks_mode) {
Ok(elements) => elements,
Err(()) => {
let case_sensitivity =
collect_all_elements::<E, Q, _>(root, results, |e| {
e.has_id(id, case_sensitivity) && filter(e)
for element in elements {
// If the element is not an actual descendant of the root, even though
// it's connected, we don't really care about it.
if !element_is_descendant_of(*element, root) {
if !filter(*element) {
Q::append_element(results, *element);
if Q::should_stop_after_first_match() {
/// Fast paths for querySelector with a single simple selector.
fn query_selector_single_query<E, Q>(
root: E::ConcreteNode,
component: &Component<E::Impl>,
results: &mut Q::Output,
quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
) -> Result<(), ()>
@ -232,36 +326,18 @@ where
E: TElement,
Q: SelectorQuery<E>,
use selectors::parser::{Component, LocalName};
use std::borrow::Borrow;
// We need to return elements in document order, and reordering them
// afterwards is kinda silly.
if selector_list.0.len() > 1 {
return Err(());
let selector = &selector_list.0[0];
// Let's just care about the easy cases for now.
// FIXME(emilio): Blink has a fast path for classes in ancestor combinators
// that may be worth stealing.
if selector.len() > 1 {
return Err(());
let component = selector.iter().next().unwrap();
match *component {
Component::ExplicitUniversalType => {
collect_all_elements::<E, Q, _>(root, results, |_| true)
Component::ID(ref id) => {
// TODO(emilio): We may want to reuse Gecko's document ID table.
let case_sensitivity = quirks_mode.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity();
collect_all_elements::<E, Q, _>(root, results, |element| {
element.has_id(id, case_sensitivity)
collect_elements_with_id::<E, Q, _>(
|_| true,
Component::Class(ref class) => {
let case_sensitivity = quirks_mode.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity();
@ -287,6 +363,139 @@ where
/// Fast paths for a given selector query.
/// FIXME(emilio, nbp): This may very well be a good candidate for code to be
/// replaced by HolyJit :)
fn query_selector_fast<E, Q>(
root: E::ConcreteNode,
selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>,
results: &mut Q::Output,
matching_context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
) -> Result<(), ()>
E: TElement,
Q: SelectorQuery<E>,
// We need to return elements in document order, and reordering them
// afterwards is kinda silly.
if selector_list.0.len() > 1 {
return Err(());
let selector = &selector_list.0[0];
let quirks_mode = matching_context.quirks_mode();
// Let's just care about the easy cases for now.
if selector.len() == 1 {
return query_selector_single_query::<E, Q>(
let mut iter = selector.iter();
let mut combinator: Option<Combinator> = None;
loop {
debug_assert!(combinator.map_or(true, |c| !c.is_sibling()));
'component_loop: for component in &mut iter {
match *component {
Component::ID(ref id) => {
if combinator.is_none() {
// In the rightmost compound, just find descendants of
// root that match the selector list with that id.
collect_elements_with_id::<E, Q, _>(
|e| {
return Ok(());
let doc = root.owner_doc();
let elements =
fast_connected_elements_with_id(&doc, root, id, quirks_mode)?;
if elements.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
// Results need to be in document order. Let's not bother
// reordering or deduplicating nodes, which we would need to
// do if one element with the given id were a descendant of
// another element with that given id.
if !Q::should_stop_after_first_match() && elements.len() > 1 {
for element in elements {
// If the element is not a descendant of the root, then
// it may have descendants that match our selector that
// _are_ descendants of the root, and other descendants
// that match our selector that are _not_.
// So we can't just walk over the element's descendants
// and match the selector against all of them, nor can
// we skip looking at this element's descendants.
// Give up on trying to optimize based on this id and
// keep walking our selector.
if !element_is_descendant_of(*element, root) {
continue 'component_loop;
query_selector_slow::<E, Q>(
if Q::should_stop_after_first_match() && !Q::is_empty(&results) {
return Ok(());
_ => {},
loop {
let next_combinator = match iter.next_sequence() {
None => return Err(()),
Some(c) => c,
// We don't want to scan stuff affected by sibling combinators,
// given we scan the subtree of elements with a given id (and we
// don't want to care about scanning the siblings' subtrees).
if next_combinator.is_sibling() {
// Advance to the next combinator.
for _ in &mut iter {}
combinator = Some(next_combinator);
// Slow path for a given selector query.
fn query_selector_slow<E, Q>(
root: E::ConcreteNode,
@ -303,11 +512,21 @@ where
/// Whether the invalidation machinery should be used for this query.
pub enum MayUseInvalidation {
/// We may use it if we deem it useful.
/// Don't use it.
/// <https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-parentnode-queryselector>
pub fn query_selector<E, Q>(
root: E::ConcreteNode,
selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>,
results: &mut Q::Output,
may_use_invalidation: MayUseInvalidation,
E: TElement,
@ -316,21 +535,7 @@ where
use invalidation::element::invalidator::TreeStyleInvalidator;
let quirks_mode = root.owner_doc().quirks_mode();
let fast_result = query_selector_fast::<E, Q>(
if fast_result.is_ok() {
// Slow path: Use the invalidation machinery if we're a root, and tree
// traversal otherwise.
// See the comment in collect_invalidations to see why only if we're a root.
let mut nth_index_cache = NthIndexCache::default();
let mut matching_context = MatchingContext::new(
@ -342,12 +547,32 @@ where
let root_element = root.as_element();
matching_context.scope_element = root_element.map(|e| e.opaque());
let fast_result = query_selector_fast::<E, Q>(
&mut matching_context,
if fast_result.is_ok() {
// Slow path: Use the invalidation machinery if we're a root, and tree
// traversal otherwise.
// See the comment in collect_invalidations to see why only if we're a root.
// The invalidation mechanism is only useful in presence of combinators.
// We could do that check properly here, though checking the length of the
// selectors is a good heuristic.
// A selector with a combinator needs to have a length of at least 3: A
// simple selector, a combinator, and another simple selector.
let invalidation_may_be_useful =
selector_list.0.iter().any(|s| s.len() > 1);
may_use_invalidation == MayUseInvalidation::Yes &&
selector_list.0.iter().any(|s| s.len() > 2);
if root_element.is_some() || !invalidation_may_be_useful {
query_selector_slow::<E, Q>(
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoComputedTiming;
use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoCSSPropertyIDList;
use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoDocument;
use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoElement;
use gecko_bindings::structs::Element;
use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoKeyframeList;
use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoPropertyValuePairList;
use gecko_bindings::structs::RawGeckoComputedKeyframeValuesList;
@ -1210,9 +1211,9 @@ extern "C" {
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_SelectorList_Closest ( arg1 : RawGeckoElementBorrowed , arg2 : RawServoSelectorListBorrowed , ) -> * const RawGeckoElement ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryFirst ( arg1 : RawGeckoNodeBorrowed , arg2 : RawServoSelectorListBorrowed , ) -> * const RawGeckoElement ;
pub fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryFirst ( arg1 : RawGeckoNodeBorrowed , arg2 : RawServoSelectorListBorrowed , may_use_invalidation : bool , ) -> * const RawGeckoElement ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryAll ( arg1 : RawGeckoNodeBorrowed , arg2 : RawServoSelectorListBorrowed , content_list : * mut nsSimpleContentList , ) ;
pub fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryAll ( arg1 : RawGeckoNodeBorrowed , arg2 : RawServoSelectorListBorrowed , content_list : * mut nsSimpleContentList , may_use_invalidation : bool , ) ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_StyleSet_AddSizeOfExcludingThis ( malloc_size_of : MallocSizeOf , malloc_enclosing_size_of : MallocSizeOf , sizes : * mut ServoStyleSetSizes , set : RawServoStyleSetBorrowed , ) ;
} extern "C" {
@ -1225,6 +1226,8 @@ extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_StyleSet_MightHaveAttributeDependency ( set : RawServoStyleSetBorrowed , element : RawGeckoElementBorrowed , local_name : * mut nsAtom , ) -> bool ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_StyleSet_HasStateDependency ( set : RawServoStyleSetBorrowed , element : RawGeckoElementBorrowed , state : u64 , ) -> bool ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_StyleSet_HasDocumentStateDependency ( set : RawServoStyleSetBorrowed , state : u64 , ) -> bool ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Servo_CssRules_ListTypes ( rules : ServoCssRulesBorrowed , result : nsTArrayBorrowed_uintptr_t , ) ;
} extern "C" {
@ -1573,4 +1576,6 @@ extern "C" {
pub fn Gecko_ReportUnexpectedCSSError ( reporter : * mut ErrorReporter , message : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , param : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , paramLen : u32 , prefix : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , prefixParam : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , prefixParamLen : u32 , suffix : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , source : * const :: std :: os :: raw :: c_char , sourceLen : u32 , lineNumber : u32 , colNumber : u32 , ) ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Gecko_ContentList_AppendAll ( aContentList : * mut nsSimpleContentList , aElements : * mut * const RawGeckoElement , aLength : usize , ) ;
} extern "C" {
pub fn Gecko_GetElementsWithId ( aDocument : * const nsIDocument , aId : * mut nsAtom , ) -> * const nsTArray < * mut Element > ;
@ -110,6 +110,26 @@ impl<'ld> TDocument for GeckoDocument<'ld> {
fn quirks_mode(&self) -> QuirksMode {
fn elements_with_id(&self, id: &Atom) -> Result<&[GeckoElement<'ld>], ()> {
unsafe {
let array = bindings::Gecko_GetElementsWithId(self.0, id.as_ptr());
if array.is_null() {
return Ok(&[]);
let elements: &[*mut RawGeckoElement] = &**array;
// NOTE(emilio): We rely on the in-memory representation of
// GeckoElement<'ld> and *mut RawGeckoElement being the same.
unsafe fn static_assert() {
mem::transmute::<*mut RawGeckoElement, GeckoElement<'static>>(0xbadc0de as *mut _);
/// A simple wrapper over a non-null Gecko node (`nsINode`) pointer.
@ -242,6 +262,7 @@ impl<'ln> TNode for GeckoNode<'ln> {
type ConcreteDocument = GeckoDocument<'ln>;
type ConcreteElement = GeckoElement<'ln>;
fn parent_node(&self) -> Option<Self> {
unsafe { self.0.mParent.as_ref().map(GeckoNode) }
@ -272,6 +293,11 @@ impl<'ln> TNode for GeckoNode<'ln> {
GeckoDocument(unsafe { &*self.node_info().mDocument })
fn is_in_document(&self) -> bool {
fn traversal_parent(&self) -> Option<GeckoElement<'ln>> {
self.flattened_tree_parent().and_then(|n| n.as_element())
@ -1742,10 +1768,12 @@ impl<'le> Hash for GeckoElement<'le> {
impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
type Impl = SelectorImpl;
fn opaque(&self) -> OpaqueElement {
fn parent_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
// FIXME(emilio): This will need to jump across if the parent node is a
// shadow root to get the shadow host.
@ -1758,6 +1786,7 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn first_child_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
let mut child = self.as_node().first_child();
while let Some(child_node) = child {
@ -1769,6 +1798,7 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn last_child_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
let mut child = self.as_node().last_child();
while let Some(child_node) = child {
@ -1780,6 +1810,7 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn prev_sibling_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
let mut sibling = self.as_node().prev_sibling();
while let Some(sibling_node) = sibling {
@ -1791,6 +1822,7 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn next_sibling_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
let mut sibling = self.as_node().next_sibling();
while let Some(sibling_node) = sibling {
@ -1882,12 +1914,14 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn get_local_name(&self) -> &WeakAtom {
unsafe {
fn get_namespace(&self) -> &WeakNamespace {
unsafe {
@ -2054,6 +2088,7 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn has_id(&self, id: &Atom, case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity) -> bool {
if !self.has_id() {
return false
@ -2070,6 +2105,7 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn has_class(&self, name: &Atom, case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity) -> bool {
if !self.may_have_class() {
return false;
@ -2081,15 +2117,18 @@ impl<'le> ::selectors::Element for GeckoElement<'le> {
fn is_html_element_in_html_document(&self) -> bool {
self.is_html_element() &&
fn ignores_nth_child_selectors(&self) -> bool {
fn blocks_ancestor_combinators(&self) -> bool {
if !self.is_root_of_anonymous_subtree() {
return false
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ where
fn invalidate_pseudo_element_or_nac(
&mut self,
child: E,
invalidations: &InvalidationVector<'b>,
invalidations: &[Invalidation<'b>],
) -> bool {
let mut sibling_invalidations = InvalidationVector::new();
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ where
fn invalidate_child(
&mut self,
child: E,
invalidations: &InvalidationVector<'b>,
invalidations: &[Invalidation<'b>],
sibling_invalidations: &mut InvalidationVector<'b>,
) -> bool {
let mut invalidations_for_descendants = InvalidationVector::new();
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ where
fn invalidate_nac(
&mut self,
invalidations: &InvalidationVector<'b>,
invalidations: &[Invalidation<'b>],
) -> bool {
let mut any_nac_root = false;
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ where
fn invalidate_dom_descendants_of(
&mut self,
parent: E::ConcreteNode,
invalidations: &InvalidationVector<'b>,
invalidations: &[Invalidation<'b>],
) -> bool {
let mut any_descendant = false;
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ where
/// descendants, and invalidate style on them.
fn invalidate_descendants(
&mut self,
invalidations: &InvalidationVector<'b>,
invalidations: &[Invalidation<'b>],
) -> bool {
if invalidations.is_empty() {
return false;
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ where
/// Returns whether our style was invalidated as a result.
fn process_descendant_invalidations(
&mut self,
invalidations: &InvalidationVector<'b>,
invalidations: &[Invalidation<'b>],
descendant_invalidations: &mut InvalidationVector<'b>,
sibling_invalidations: &mut InvalidationVector<'b>,
) -> bool {
@ -1693,17 +1693,27 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_Matches(
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryFirst(
node: RawGeckoNodeBorrowed,
selectors: RawServoSelectorListBorrowed,
may_use_invalidation: bool,
) -> *const structs::RawGeckoElement {
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use style::dom_apis::{self, QueryFirst};
use style::dom_apis::{self, MayUseInvalidation, QueryFirst};
let node = GeckoNode(node);
let selectors = ::selectors::SelectorList::from_ffi(selectors).borrow();
let mut result = None;
let may_use_invalidation =
if may_use_invalidation {
} else {
dom_apis::query_selector::<GeckoElement, QueryFirst>(
&mut result,
result.map_or(ptr::null(), |e| e.0)
@ -1714,19 +1724,28 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_SelectorList_QueryAll(
node: RawGeckoNodeBorrowed,
selectors: RawServoSelectorListBorrowed,
content_list: *mut structs::nsSimpleContentList,
may_use_invalidation: bool,
) {
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use style::dom_apis::{self, QueryAll};
use style::dom_apis::{self, MayUseInvalidation, QueryAll};
let node = GeckoNode(node);
let selectors = ::selectors::SelectorList::from_ffi(selectors).borrow();
let mut result = SmallVec::new();
let may_use_invalidation =
if may_use_invalidation {
} else {
dom_apis::query_selector::<GeckoElement, QueryAll>(
&mut result,
if !result.is_empty() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user