Bug 1289549 P6 socialapi remove non-socialapi chat code, r=florian

MozReview-Commit-ID: FrW31GTAHGZ
This commit is contained in:
Shane Caraveo 2016-08-23 15:24:07 -07:00
parent a0e6f2f6b1
commit 8ec26c4b57
8 changed files with 0 additions and 753 deletions

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"extends": [

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
skip-if = buildapp == 'mulet'
support-files =

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@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
var chatbar = document.getElementById("pinnedchats");
add_chat_task(function* testOpenCloseChat() {
let chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.strictEqual(chatbox, chatbar.selectedChat);
// we requested a "normal" chat, so shouldn't be minimized
Assert.ok(!chatbox.minimized, "chat is not minimized");
Assert.equal(chatbar.childNodes.length, 1, "should be 1 chat open");
// now request the same URL again - we should get the same chat.
let chatbox2 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.strictEqual(chatbox2, chatbox, "got the same chat");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
is(chatbox.minimized, true, "chat is now minimized");
// was no other chat to select, so selected becomes null.
is(chatbar.selectedChat, null);
// We check the content gets an unload event as we close it.
// In this case we open a chat minimized, then request the same chat again
// without specifying minimized. On that second call the chat should open,
// selected, and no longer minimized.
add_chat_task(function* testMinimized() {
let chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com", "minimized");
Assert.strictEqual(chatbox, chatbar.selectedChat);
Assert.ok(chatbox.minimized, "chat is minimized");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.ok(!chatbox.minimized, false, "chat is no longer minimized");
// open enough chats to overflow the window, then check
// if the menupopup is visible
add_chat_task(function* testManyChats() {
Assert.ok(chatbar.menupopup.parentNode.collapsed, "popup nub collapsed at start");
// we should *never* find a test box that needs more than this to cause
// an overflow!
let maxToOpen = 20;
let numOpened = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < maxToOpen; i++) {
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#" + i);
if (!chatbar.menupopup.parentNode.collapsed) {
info("the menu popup appeared");
Assert.ok(false, "We didn't find a collapsed chat after " + maxToOpen + "chats!");
// Check that closeAll works as expected.
add_chat_task(function* testOpenTwiceCallbacks() {
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#1");
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#2");
yield promiseOpenChat("http://test2.example.com");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 3, "should be 3 chats open");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should have closed 2 chats");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 0, "should have closed last chat");
// Check that when we open the same chat twice, the callbacks are called back
// twice.
add_chat_task(function* testOpenTwiceCallbacks() {
yield promiseOpenChatCallback("http://example.com");
yield promiseOpenChatCallback("http://example.com");
// Bug 817782 - check chats work in new top-level windows.
add_chat_task(function* testSecondTopLevelWindow() {
const chatUrl = "http://example.com";
let winPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow();
let secondWindow = yield winPromise;
yield promiseOpenChat(chatUrl);
// the chat was created - let's make sure it was created in the second window.
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 0, "main window has no chats");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(secondWindow), 1, "second window has 1 chat");
// Test that findChromeWindowForChats() returns the expected window.
add_chat_task(function* testChatWindowChooser() {
let chat = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "first window has the chat");
// create a second window - this will be the "most recent" and will
// therefore be the window that hosts the new chat (see bug 835111)
let secondWindow = OpenBrowserWindow();
yield promiseOneEvent(secondWindow, "load");
Assert.equal(secondWindow, Chat.findChromeWindowForChats(null), "Second window is the preferred chat window");
// focus the first window, and check it will be selected for future chats.
// Bug 1090633 - there are lots of issues around focus, especially when the
// browser itself doesn't have focus. We can end up with
// Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser") returning a different
// window than, say, Services.focus.activeWindow. But the focus manager isn't
// the point of this test.
// So we simply keep focusing the first window until it is reported as the
// most recent.
do {
dump("trying to force window to become the most recent.\n");
yield promiseWaitForFocus();
} while (Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser") != window)
Assert.equal(window, Chat.findChromeWindowForChats(null), "First window now the preferred chat window");
let privateWindow = OpenBrowserWindow({private: true});
yield promiseOneEvent(privateWindow, "load")
// The focused window can't accept chats (it's a private window), so the
// chat should open in the window that was selected before. This will be
// either window or secondWindow (linux may choose a different one) but the
// point is that the window is *not* the private one.
Assert.ok(Chat.findChromeWindowForChats(null) == window ||
Chat.findChromeWindowForChats(null) == secondWindow,
"Private window isn't selected for new chats.");
add_chat_task(function* testButtonSet() {
let chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#1");
let document = chatbox.ownerDocument;
// Expect all default buttons to be visible.
for (let buttonId of kDefaultButtonSet) {
let button = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox, "anonid", buttonId);
Assert.ok(!button.hidden, "Button '" + buttonId + "' should be visible");
let visible = new Set(["minimize", "close"]);
chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#2", null, null, [...visible].join(","));
for (let buttonId of kDefaultButtonSet) {
let button = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox, "anonid", buttonId);
if (visible.has(buttonId)) {
Assert.ok(!button.hidden, "Button '" + buttonId + "' should be visible");
} else {
Assert.ok(button.hidden, "Button '" + buttonId + "' should NOT be visible");
add_chat_task(function* testCustomButton() {
let commanded = 0;
let customButton = {
id: "custom",
onCommand: function() {
let chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#1");
let document = chatbox.ownerDocument;
let titlebarNode = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox, "class",
Assert.equal(titlebarNode.getElementsByClassName("chat-custom")[0], null,
"Custom chat button should not be in the toolbar yet.");
let visible = new Set(["minimize", "close", "custom"]);
Chat.loadButtonSet(chatbox, [...visible].join(","));
for (let buttonId of kDefaultButtonSet) {
let button = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox, "anonid", buttonId);
if (visible.has(buttonId)) {
Assert.ok(!button.hidden, "Button '" + buttonId + "' should be visible");
} else {
Assert.ok(button.hidden, "Button '" + buttonId + "' should NOT be visible");
let customButtonNode = titlebarNode.getElementsByClassName("chat-custom")[0];
Assert.ok(!customButtonNode.hidden, "Custom button should be visible");
let ev = document.createEvent("XULCommandEvent");
ev.initCommandEvent("command", true, true, document.defaultView, 0, false,
false, false, false, null);
Assert.equal(commanded, 1, "Button should have been commanded once");

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@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// Tests the focus functionality.
Cu.import("resource://testing-common/ContentTask.jsm", this);
const CHAT_URL = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/chat/chat.html";
// Is the currently opened tab focused?
function isTabFocused() {
let tabb = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
// focus sucks in tests - our window may have lost focus.
let elt = Services.focus.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, false, {});
return elt == tabb;
// Is the specified chat focused?
function isChatFocused(chat) {
// focus sucks in tests - our window may have lost focus.
let elt = Services.focus.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, false, {});
return elt == chat.content;
var chatbar = document.getElementById("pinnedchats");
function* setUp() {
// Note that (probably) due to bug 604289, if a tab is focused but the
// focused element is null, our chat windows can "steal" focus. This is
// avoided if we explicitly focus an element in the tab.
// So we load a page with an <input> field and focus that before testing.
let html = '<input id="theinput"><button id="chat-opener"></button>';
let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURI(html);
let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, url);
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
// Test default focus - not user input.
add_chat_task(function* testDefaultFocus() {
yield setUp();
let chat = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
// we used the default focus behaviour, which means that because this was
// not the direct result of user action the chat should not be focused.
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
Assert.ok(isTabFocused(), "the tab should remain focused.");
Assert.ok(!isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should not be focused.");
// Test default focus via user input.
add_chat_task(function* testDefaultFocusUserInput() {
todo(false, "BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter doesn't move the user " +
"focus to the chat window, even though we're recording a click correctly.");
yield setUp();
let browser = gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser;
let mm = browser.messageManager;
let promise = new Promise(resolve => {
mm.addMessageListener("ChatOpenerClicked", function handler() {
mm.removeMessageListener("ChatOpenerClicked", handler);
yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
let button = content.document.getElementById("chat-opener");
button.addEventListener("click", function onclick() {
button.removeEventListener("click", onclick);
// Note we must use synthesizeMouseAtCenter() rather than calling
// .click() directly as this causes nsIDOMWindowUtils.isHandlingUserInput
// to be true.
yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#chat-opener", {}, browser);
let chat = yield promise;
// we use the default focus behaviour but the chat was opened via user input,
// so the chat should be focused.
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
yield promiseWaitForCondition(() => !isTabFocused());
Assert.ok(!isTabFocused(), "the tab should have lost focus.");
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should have got focus.");
// We explicitly ask for the chat to be focused.
add_chat_task(function* testExplicitFocus() {
yield setUp();
let chat = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com", undefined, true);
// we use the default focus behaviour, which means that because this was
// not the direct result of user action the chat should not be focused.
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
yield promiseWaitForCondition(() => !isTabFocused());
Assert.ok(!isTabFocused(), "the tab should have lost focus.");
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should have got focus.");
// Open a minimized chat via default focus behaviour - it will open and not
// have focus. Then open the same chat without 'minimized' - it will be
// restored but should still not have grabbed focus.
add_chat_task(function* testNoFocusOnAutoRestore() {
yield setUp();
let chat = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com", "minimized");
Assert.ok(chat.minimized, "chat is minimized");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
Assert.ok(isTabFocused(), "the tab should remain focused.");
Assert.ok(!isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should not be focused.");
yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.ok(!chat.minimized, "chat should be restored");
Assert.ok(isTabFocused(), "the tab should remain focused.");
Assert.ok(!isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should not be focused.");
// Here we open a chat, which will not be focused. Then we minimize it and
// restore it via a titlebar clock - it should get focus at that point.
add_chat_task(function* testFocusOnExplicitRestore() {
yield setUp();
let chat = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.ok(!chat.minimized, "chat should have been opened restored");
Assert.ok(isTabFocused(), "the tab should remain focused.");
Assert.ok(!isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should not be focused.");
chat.minimized = true;
Assert.ok(isTabFocused(), "tab should still be focused");
Assert.ok(!isChatFocused(chat), "the chat should not be focused.");
let promise = promiseOneMessage(chat.content, "Social:FocusEnsured");
// pretend we clicked on the titlebar
chat.onTitlebarClick({button: 0});
yield promise; // wait for focus event.
Assert.ok(!chat.minimized, "chat should have been restored");
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat), "chat should be focused");
Assert.strictEqual(chat, chatbar.selectedChat, "chat is marked selected");
// Open 2 chats and give 1 focus. Minimize the focused one - the second
// should get focus.
add_chat_task(function* testMinimizeFocused() {
yield setUp();
let chat1 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#1");
let chat2 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#2");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 2, "2 chats open");
Assert.strictEqual(chatbar.selectedChat, chat2, "chat2 is selected");
let promise = promiseOneMessage(chat1.content, "Social:FocusEnsured");
chatbar.selectedChat = chat1;
yield promise; // wait for chat1 to get focus.
Assert.strictEqual(chat1, chatbar.selectedChat, "chat1 is marked selected");
Assert.notStrictEqual(chat2, chatbar.selectedChat, "chat2 is not marked selected");
todo(false, "Bug 1245803 should re-enable the test below to have a chat window " +
"re-gain focus when another chat window is minimized.");
promise = promiseOneMessage(chat2.content, "Social:FocusEnsured");
chat1.minimized = true;
yield promise; // wait for chat2 to get focus.
Assert.notStrictEqual(chat1, chatbar.selectedChat, "chat1 is not marked selected");
Assert.strictEqual(chat2, chatbar.selectedChat, "chat2 is marked selected");
// Open 2 chats, select and focus the second. Pressing the TAB key should
// cause focus to move between all elements in our chat window before moving
// to the next chat window.
add_chat_task(function* testTab() {
yield setUp();
function sendTabAndWaitForFocus(chat, eltid) {
return ContentTask.spawn(chat.content, { eltid: eltid }, function* (args) {
let doc = content.document;
// ideally we would use the 'focus' event here, but that doesn't work
// as expected for the iframe - the iframe itself never gets the focus
// event (apparently the sub-document etc does.)
// So just poll for the correct element getting focus...
yield new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let tries = 0;
let interval = content.setInterval(function() {
if (tries >= 30) {
reject("never got focus");
let elt = args.eltid ? doc.getElementById(args.eltid) : doc.documentElement;
if (doc.activeElement == elt) {
info("retrying wait for focus: " + tries);
info("(the active element is " + doc.activeElement + "/" +
doc.activeElement.getAttribute("id") + ")");
}, 100);
info("waiting for element " + args.eltid + " to get focus");
let chat1 = yield promiseOpenChat(CHAT_URL + "#1");
let chat2 = yield promiseOpenChat(CHAT_URL + "#2");
chatbar.selectedChat = chat2;
let promise = promiseOneMessage(chat2.content, "Social:FocusEnsured");
info("waiting for second chat to get focus");
yield promise;
// Our chats have 3 focusable elements, so it takes 4 TABs to move
// to the new chat.
yield sendTabAndWaitForFocus(chat2, "input1");
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat2), "new chat still focused after first tab");
yield sendTabAndWaitForFocus(chat2, "input2");
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat2), "new chat still focused after tab");
yield sendTabAndWaitForFocus(chat2, "iframe");
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat2), "new chat still focused after tab");
// this tab now should move to the next chat, but focus the
// document element itself (hence the null eltid)
yield sendTabAndWaitForFocus(chat1, null);
Assert.ok(isChatFocused(chat1), "first chat is focused");
// Open a chat and focus an element other than the first. Move focus to some
// other item (the tab itself in this case), then focus the chatbar - the
// same element that was previously focused should still have focus.
add_chat_task(function* testFocusedElement() {
yield setUp();
// open a chat with focus requested.
let chat = yield promiseOpenChat(CHAT_URL, undefined, true);
yield ContentTask.spawn(chat.content, null, function* () {
// set focus to the main window.
let tabb = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
let promise = promiseOneEvent(window, "focus");
Services.focus.moveFocus(window, null, Services.focus.MOVEFOCUS_ROOT, 0);
yield promise;
promise = promiseOneMessage(chat.content, "Social:FocusEnsured");
yield promise;
yield ContentTask.spawn(chat.content, null, function* () {
Assert.equal(content.document.activeElement.getAttribute("id"), "input2",
"correct input field still has focus");

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@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
var chatbar = document.getElementById("pinnedchats");
function promiseNewWindowLoaded() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
onWindowTitleChange: function() {},
onCloseWindow: function(xulwindow) {},
onOpenWindow: function(xulwindow) {
var domwindow = xulwindow.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
// wait for load to ensure the window is ready for us to test
domwindow.addEventListener("load", function _load(event) {
let doc = domwindow.document;
if (event.target != doc)
domwindow.removeEventListener("load", _load);
add_chat_task(function* testTearoffChat() {
let chatbox = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "should be 1 chat open");
let chatTitle = yield ContentTask.spawn(chatbox.content, null, function* () {
let chatDoc = content.document;
// Mutate the chat document a bit before we tear it off.
let div = chatDoc.createElement("div");
div.setAttribute("id", "testdiv");
div.setAttribute("test", "1");
return chatDoc.title;
Assert.equal(chatbox.getAttribute("label"), chatTitle,
"the new chatbox should show the title of the chat window");
// chatbox is open, lets detach. The new chat window will be caught in
// the window watcher below
let promise = promiseNewWindowLoaded();
let swap = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox, "anonid", "swap");
// and wait for the new window.
let domwindow = yield promise;
Assert.equal(domwindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype"), "Social:Chat", "Social:Chat window opened");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 0, "should be no chats in the chat bar");
// get the chatbox from the new window.
chatbox = domwindow.document.getElementById("chatter")
Assert.equal(chatbox.getAttribute("label"), chatTitle, "window should have same title as chat");
yield ContentTask.spawn(chatbox.content, null, function* () {
let div = content.document.getElementById("testdiv");
Assert.equal(div.getAttribute("test"), "1", "docshell should have been swapped");
div.setAttribute("test", "2");
// swap the window back to the chatbar
promise = promiseOneEvent(domwindow, "unload");
swap = domwindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox, "anonid", "swap");
yield promise;
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "chat should be docked back in the window");
chatbox = chatbar.selectedChat;
Assert.equal(chatbox.getAttribute("label"), chatTitle,
"the new chatbox should show the title of the chat window again");
yield ContentTask.spawn(chatbox.content, null, function* () {
let div = content.document.getElementById("testdiv");
Assert.equal(div.getAttribute("test"), "2", "docshell should have been swapped");
// Similar test but with 2 chats.
add_chat_task(function* testReattachTwice() {
let chatbox1 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#1");
let chatbox2 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#2");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 2, "both chats should be docked in the window");
info("chatboxes are open, detach from window");
let promise = promiseNewWindowLoaded();
document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox1, "anonid", "swap").click();
let domwindow1 = yield promise;
chatbox1 = domwindow1.document.getElementById("chatter");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "only second chat should be docked in the window");
promise = promiseNewWindowLoaded();
document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox2, "anonid", "swap").click();
let domwindow2 = yield promise;
chatbox2 = domwindow2.document.getElementById("chatter");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 0, "should be no docked chats");
promise = promiseOneEvent(domwindow2, "unload");
domwindow2.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox2, "anonid", "swap").click();
yield promise;
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "one chat should be docked back in the window");
promise = promiseOneEvent(domwindow1, "unload");
domwindow1.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox1, "anonid", "swap").click();
yield promise;
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 2, "both chats should be docked back in the window");
// Check that Chat.closeAll() also closes detached windows.
add_chat_task(function* testCloseAll() {
let chatbox1 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#1");
let chatbox2 = yield promiseOpenChat("http://example.com#2");
let promise = promiseNewWindowLoaded();
document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(chatbox1, "anonid", "swap").click();
let domwindow = yield promise;
chatbox1 = domwindow.document.getElementById("chatter");
let promiseWindowUnload = promiseOneEvent(domwindow, "unload");
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 1, "second chat should still be docked");
yield promiseWindowUnload;
Assert.equal(numChatsInWindow(window), 0, "should be no chats left");

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>test chat window</title>
<p>This is a test chat window.</p>
<!-- a couple of input fields to help with focus testing -->
<input id="input1"/>
<input id="input2"/>
<!-- an iframe here so this one page generates multiple load events -->
<iframe id="iframe" src="data:text/plain:this is an iframe"></iframe>

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@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// Utility functions for Chat tests.
var Chat = Cu.import("resource:///modules/Chat.jsm", {}).Chat;
const kDefaultButtonSet = new Set(["minimize", "swap", "close"]);
function promiseOpenChat(url, mode, focus, buttonSet = null) {
let uri = Services.io.newURI(url, null, null);
let origin = uri.prePath;
let title = origin;
return new Promise(resolve => {
// we just through a few hoops to ensure the content document is fully
// loaded, otherwise tests that rely on that content may intermittently fail.
let callback = function(chatbox) {
let mm = chatbox.content.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener("DOMContentLoaded", function cb() {
mm.removeMessageListener("DOMContentLoaded", cb);
let chatbox = Chat.open(null, {
origin: origin,
title: title,
url: url,
mode: mode,
focus: focus
}, callback);
if (buttonSet) {
chatbox.setAttribute("buttonSet", buttonSet);
// Opens a chat, returns a promise resolved when the chat callback fired.
function promiseOpenChatCallback(url, mode) {
let uri = Services.io.newURI(url, null, null);
let origin = uri.prePath;
let title = origin;
return new Promise(resolve => {
Chat.open(null, { origin, title, url, mode }, resolve);
// Opens a chat, returns the chat window's promise which fires when the chat
// starts loading.
function promiseOneEvent(target, eventName, capture) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
target.addEventListener(eventName, function handler(event) {
target.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, capture);
}, capture);
function promiseOneMessage(target, messageName) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let mm = target.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener(messageName, function handler() {
mm.removeMessageListener(messageName, handler);
// Return the number of chats in a browser window.
function numChatsInWindow(win) {
let chatbar = win.document.getElementById("pinnedchats");
return chatbar.childElementCount;
function promiseWaitForFocus() {
return new Promise(resolve => waitForFocus(resolve));
// A simple way to clean up after each test.
function add_chat_task(genFunction) {
add_task(function* () {
info("Starting chat test " + genFunction.name);
try {
yield genFunction();
} finally {
info("Finished chat test " + genFunction.name + " - cleaning up.");
// close all docked chats.
while (chatbar.childNodes.length) {
// and non-docked chats.
let winEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("Social:Chat");
while (winEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
let win = winEnum.getNext();
if (win.closed) {
function waitForCondition(condition, nextTest, errorMsg) {
var tries = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (tries >= 100) {
ok(false, errorMsg);
var conditionPassed;
try {
conditionPassed = condition();
} catch (e) {
ok(false, e + "\n" + e.stack);
conditionPassed = false;
if (conditionPassed) {
}, 100);
var moveOn = function() { clearInterval(interval); nextTest(); };
function promiseWaitForCondition(aConditionFn) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
waitForCondition(aConditionFn, resolve, "Condition didn't pass.");

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ MOCHITEST_CHROME_MANIFESTS += [