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synced 2025-03-02 06:22:20 +00:00
Bug 462957 - Ogg support for HTMLMediaElement.buffered. r=doublec a=blocking2.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ public:
// or NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure.
virtual nsresult ReadMetadata() = 0;
// Stores the presentation time of the first sample in the stream in
// aOutStartTime, and returns the first video sample, if we have video.
// Stores the presentation time of the first frame/sample we'd be
// able to play if we started playback at aOffset, and returns the
// first video sample, if we have video.
virtual VideoData* FindStartTime(PRInt64 aOffset,
PRInt64& aOutStartTime);
@ -452,8 +452,12 @@ public:
// Queue of video samples. This queue is threadsafe.
MediaQueue<VideoData> mVideoQueue;
// This is called on the main thread, and it must not block.
virtual nsresult GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered, PRInt64 aStartTime) = 0;
// Populates aBuffered with the time ranges which are buffered. aStartTime
// must be the presentation time of the first sample/frame in the media, e.g.
// the media time corresponding to playback time/position 0. This function
// should only be called on the main thread.
virtual nsresult GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered,
PRInt64 aStartTime) = 0;
@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ public:
State mState;
nsresult GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered) {
NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Only call on main thread");
return mReader->GetBuffered(aBuffered, mStartTime);
@ -556,7 +556,16 @@ void nsMediaChannelStream::CloseChannel()
nsresult nsMediaChannelStream::Read(char* aBuffer, PRUint32 aCount, PRUint32* aBytes)
nsresult nsMediaChannelStream::ReadFromCache(char* aBuffer,
PRInt64 aOffset,
PRUint32 aCount)
return mCacheStream.ReadFromCache(aBuffer, aOffset, aCount);
nsresult nsMediaChannelStream::Read(char* aBuffer,
PRUint32 aCount,
PRUint32* aBytes)
NS_ASSERTION(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Don't call on main thread");
@ -854,6 +863,7 @@ public:
virtual void Resume() {}
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> GetCurrentPrincipal();
virtual nsMediaStream* CloneData(nsMediaDecoder* aDecoder);
virtual nsresult ReadFromCache(char* aBuffer, PRInt64 aOffset, PRUint32 aCount);
// These methods are called off the main thread.
@ -1032,6 +1042,35 @@ nsMediaStream* nsMediaFileStream::CloneData(nsMediaDecoder* aDecoder)
return new nsMediaFileStream(aDecoder, channel, mURI);
nsresult nsMediaFileStream::ReadFromCache(char* aBuffer, PRInt64 aOffset, PRUint32 aCount)
nsAutoLock lock(mLock);
if (!mInput || !mSeekable)
PRInt64 offset = 0;
nsresult res = mSeekable->Tell(&offset);
res = mSeekable->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, aOffset);
PRUint32 bytesRead = 0;
do {
PRUint32 x = 0;
PRUint32 bytesToRead = aCount - bytesRead;
res = mInput->Read(aBuffer, bytesToRead, &x);
bytesRead += x;
} while (bytesRead != aCount && res == NS_OK);
// Reset read head to original position so we don't disturb any other
// reading thread.
nsresult seekres = mSeekable->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, offset);
// If a read failed in the loop above, we want to return its failure code.
// Else we succeed if the reset-seek succeeds.
return seekres;
nsresult nsMediaFileStream::Read(char* aBuffer, PRUint32 aCount, PRUint32* aBytes)
nsAutoLock lock(mLock);
@ -134,11 +134,9 @@ private:
this class must be created on the main thread.
Most methods must be called on the main thread only. Read, Seek and
Tell may be called on another thread which may be a non main
thread. They may not be called on multiple other threads though. In
the case of the Ogg Decoder they are called on the Decode thread
for example. You must ensure that no threads are calling these
methods once Close is called.
Tell must only be called on non-main threads. In the case of the Ogg
Decoder they are called on the Decode thread for example. You must
ensure that no threads are calling these methods once Close is called.
Instances of this class are explicitly managed. 'delete' it when done.
@ -253,6 +251,14 @@ public:
// nsMediaDecoder::NotifySuspendedStatusChanged is called when this
// changes.
virtual PRBool IsSuspendedByCache() = 0;
// Reads only data which is cached in the media cache. If you try to read
// any data which overlaps uncached data, or if aCount bytes otherwise can't
// be read, this function will return failure. This function be called from
// any thread, and it is the only read operation which is safe to call on
// the main thread, since it's guaranteed to be non blocking.
virtual nsresult ReadFromCache(char* aBuffer,
PRInt64 aOffset,
PRUint32 aCount) = 0;
* Create a stream, reading data from the media resource via the
@ -342,6 +348,7 @@ public:
// Return PR_TRUE if the stream has been closed.
PRBool IsClosed() const { return mCacheStream.IsClosed(); }
virtual nsMediaStream* CloneData(nsMediaDecoder* aDecoder);
virtual nsresult ReadFromCache(char* aBuffer, PRInt64 aOffset, PRUint32 aCount);
// Other thread
virtual void SetReadMode(nsMediaCacheStream::ReadMode aMode);
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "nsOggReader.h"
#include "VideoUtils.h"
#include "theora/theoradec.h"
#include "nsHTMLTimeRanges.h"
using namespace mozilla;
@ -133,7 +134,6 @@ static PRBool DoneReadingHeaders(nsTArray<nsOggCodecState*>& aBitstreams) {
return PR_TRUE;
nsresult nsOggReader::ReadMetadata()
NS_ASSERTION(mDecoder->OnStateMachineThread(), "Should be on play state machine thread.");
@ -797,22 +797,37 @@ GetChecksum(ogg_page* page)
VideoData* nsOggReader::FindStartTime(PRInt64 aOffset,
PRInt64& aOutStartTime)
NS_ASSERTION(mDecoder->OnStateMachineThread(), "Should be on state machine thread.");
"Should be on state machine thread.");
nsMediaStream* stream = mDecoder->GetCurrentStream();
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, aOffset);
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(stream != nsnull, nsnull);
nsresult res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, aOffset);
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(res, nsnull);
return nsBuiltinDecoderReader::FindStartTime(aOffset, aOutStartTime);
PRInt64 nsOggReader::FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset)
MonitorAutoEnter mon(mMonitor);
NS_ASSERTION(mDecoder->OnStateMachineThread(), "Should be on state machine thread.");
"Should be on state machine thread.");
PRInt64 endTime = FindEndTime(aEndOffset, PR_FALSE, &mOggState);
// Reset read head to start of media data.
NS_ASSERTION(mDataOffset > 0,
"Should have offset of first non-header page");
nsMediaStream* stream = mDecoder->GetCurrentStream();
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(stream != nsnull, -1);
nsresult res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, mDataOffset);
return endTime;
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, aEndOffset);
PRInt64 nsOggReader::FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset,
PRBool aCachedDataOnly,
ogg_sync_state* aState)
nsMediaStream* stream = mDecoder->GetCurrentStream();
// We need to find the last page which ends before aEndOffset that
// has a granulepos that we can convert to a timestamp. We do this by
@ -821,25 +836,19 @@ PRInt64 nsOggReader::FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset)
// we've previously encountered before, we'll either backoff again if we
// haven't found an end time yet, or return the last end time found.
const int step = 5000;
PRInt64 offset = aEndOffset;
PRInt64 readStartOffset = aEndOffset;
PRInt64 readHead = aEndOffset;
PRInt64 endTime = -1;
PRUint32 checksumAfterSeek = 0;
PRUint32 prevChecksumAfterSeek = 0;
PRBool mustBackOff = PR_FALSE;
while (PR_TRUE) {
MonitorAutoExit exitReaderMon(mMonitor);
MonitorAutoEnter decoderMon(mDecoder->GetMonitor());
if (mDecoder->GetDecodeState() == nsBuiltinDecoderStateMachine::DECODER_STATE_SHUTDOWN) {
return -1;
ogg_page page;
int ret = ogg_sync_pageseek(&mOggState, &page);
int ret = ogg_sync_pageseek(aState, &page);
if (ret == 0) {
// We need more data if we've not encountered a page we've seen before,
// or we've read to the end of file.
if (mustBackOff || stream->Tell() == aEndOffset) {
if (mustBackOff || readHead == aEndOffset) {
if (endTime != -1) {
// We have encountered a page before, or we're at the end of file.
@ -847,27 +856,37 @@ PRInt64 nsOggReader::FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset)
mustBackOff = PR_FALSE;
prevChecksumAfterSeek = checksumAfterSeek;
checksumAfterSeek = 0;
offset = NS_MAX(static_cast<PRInt64>(0), offset - step);
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, offset);
readStartOffset = NS_MAX(static_cast<PRInt64>(0), readStartOffset - step);
readHead = readStartOffset;
NS_ASSERTION(stream->Tell() < aEndOffset,
"Stream pos must be before range end");
PRInt64 limit = NS_MIN(static_cast<PRInt64>(PR_UINT32_MAX),
aEndOffset - stream->Tell());
aEndOffset - readHead);
limit = NS_MAX(static_cast<PRInt64>(0), limit);
limit = NS_MIN(limit, static_cast<PRInt64>(step));
PRUint32 bytesToRead = static_cast<PRUint32>(limit);
PRUint32 bytesRead = 0;
char* buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(&mOggState,
char* buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(aState, bytesToRead);
NS_ASSERTION(buffer, "Must have buffer");
stream->Read(buffer, bytesToRead, &bytesRead);
nsresult res;
if (aCachedDataOnly) {
res = stream->ReadFromCache(buffer, readHead, bytesToRead);
bytesRead = bytesToRead;
} else {
NS_ASSERTION(readHead < aEndOffset,
"Stream pos must be before range end");
res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, readHead);
res = stream->Read(buffer, bytesToRead, &bytesRead);
readHead += bytesRead;
// Update the synchronisation layer with the number
// of bytes written to the buffer
ret = ogg_sync_wrote(&mOggState, bytesRead);
ret = ogg_sync_wrote(aState, bytesRead);
if (ret != 0) {
endTime = -1;
@ -917,11 +936,7 @@ PRInt64 nsOggReader::FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset)
NS_ASSERTION(mDataOffset > 0,
"Should have offset of first non-header page");
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, mDataOffset);
return endTime;
@ -929,6 +944,7 @@ PRInt64 nsOggReader::FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset)
nsresult nsOggReader::Seek(PRInt64 aTarget, PRInt64 aStartTime, PRInt64 aEndTime)
MonitorAutoEnter mon(mMonitor);
nsresult res;
"Should be on state machine thread.");
LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("%p About to seek to %lldms", mDecoder, aTarget));
@ -938,7 +954,8 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::Seek(PRInt64 aTarget, PRInt64 aStartTime, PRInt64 aEndTime
if (aTarget == aStartTime) {
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, mDataOffset);
res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, mDataOffset);
mPageOffset = mDataOffset;
NS_ASSERTION(aStartTime != -1, "mStartTime should be known");
@ -960,7 +977,7 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::Seek(PRInt64 aTarget, PRInt64 aStartTime, PRInt64 aEndTime
// seeking over the network. This makes seeking in buffered ranges almost
// instantaneous.
ByteRange r = GetSeekRange(ranges, aTarget, aStartTime, aEndTime, PR_TRUE);
nsresult res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (!r.IsNull()) {
// The frame should be in this buffered range. Seek exactly there.
res = SeekBisection(aTarget, r, 0);
@ -1120,8 +1137,10 @@ enum PageSyncResult {
// Reads a page from the media stream.
static PageSyncResult
PageSync(ogg_sync_state* aState,
nsMediaStream* aStream,
PageSync(nsMediaStream* aStream,
ogg_sync_state* aState,
PRBool aCachedDataOnly,
PRInt64 aOffset,
PRInt64 aEndOffset,
ogg_page* aPage,
int& aSkippedBytes)
@ -1130,6 +1149,7 @@ PageSync(ogg_sync_state* aState,
// Sync to the next page.
int ret = 0;
PRUint32 bytesRead = 0;
PRInt64 readHead = aOffset;
while (ret <= 0) {
ret = ogg_sync_pageseek(aState, aPage);
if (ret == 0) {
@ -1138,21 +1158,28 @@ PageSync(ogg_sync_state* aState,
// Read from the file into the buffer
PRInt64 bytesToRead = NS_MIN(static_cast<PRInt64>(PAGE_STEP),
aEndOffset - aStream->Tell());
aEndOffset - readHead);
if (bytesToRead <= 0) {
nsresult rv = aStream->Read(buffer,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (aCachedDataOnly) {
rv = aStream->ReadFromCache(buffer, readHead, bytesToRead);
bytesRead = bytesToRead;
} else {
rv = aStream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, readHead);
rv = aStream->Read(buffer,
if (bytesRead == 0 && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// End of file.
readHead += bytesRead;
// Update the synchronisation layer with the number
// of bytes written to the buffer
@ -1178,13 +1205,15 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::SeekBisection(PRInt64 aTarget,
"Should be on state machine thread.");
nsresult res;
nsMediaStream* stream = mDecoder->GetCurrentStream();
if (aTarget == aRange.mTimeStart) {
if (NS_FAILED(ResetDecode())) {
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, mDataOffset);
res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, mDataOffset);
mPageOffset = mDataOffset;
return NS_OK;
@ -1255,14 +1284,14 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::SeekBisection(PRInt64 aTarget,
startOffset, (startOffset+startLength), guess,
endOffset, interval, target, startTime, endTime));
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, guess);
// We've seeked into the media somewhere. Locate the next page, and then
// figure out the granule time of the audio and video bitstreams there.
// We can then make a bisection decision based on our location in the media.
PageSyncResult res = PageSync(&mOggState,
// Locate the next page after our seek guess, and then figure out the
// granule time of the audio and video bitstreams there. We can then
// make a bisection decision based on our location in the media.
PageSyncResult res = PageSync(stream,
@ -1347,7 +1376,8 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::SeekBisection(PRInt64 aTarget,
// last page before the target, and the first page after the target.
SEEK_LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Seek loop (interval == 0) break"));
NS_ASSERTION(startTime < aTarget, "Start time must always be less than target");
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, startOffset);
res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, startOffset);
mPageOffset = startOffset;
if (NS_FAILED(ResetDecode())) {
@ -1358,7 +1388,8 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::SeekBisection(PRInt64 aTarget,
SEEK_LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Time at offset %lld is %lldms", guess, granuleTime));
if (granuleTime < seekTarget && granuleTime > seekLowerBound) {
// We're within the fuzzy region in which we want to terminate the search.
stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, oldPageOffset);
res = stream->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, oldPageOffset);
mPageOffset = oldPageOffset;
if (NS_FAILED(ResetDecode())) {
@ -1387,7 +1418,90 @@ nsresult nsOggReader::SeekBisection(PRInt64 aTarget,
return NS_OK;
nsresult nsOggReader::GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered)
nsresult nsOggReader::GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered, PRInt64 aStartTime)
NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Should be on main thread.");
nsMediaStream* stream = mDecoder->GetCurrentStream();
// Traverse across the buffered byte ranges, determining the time ranges
// they contain. nsMediaStream::GetNextCachedData(offset) returns -1 when
// offset is after the end of the media stream, or there's no more cached
// data after the offset. This loop will run until we've checked every
// buffered range in the media, in increasing order of offset.
ogg_sync_state state;
PRInt64 startOffset = stream->GetNextCachedData(mDataOffset);
while (startOffset >= 0) {
PRInt64 endOffset = stream->GetCachedDataEnd(startOffset);
NS_ASSERTION(startOffset < endOffset, "Buffered range must end after its start");
// Bytes [startOffset..endOffset] are cached.
// Find the start time of the range.
PRInt64 startTime = -1;
if (startOffset == mDataOffset) {
// Because the granulepos time is actually the end time of the page,
// we special-case (startOffset == mDataOffset) so that the first
// buffered range always appears to be buffered from [t=0...] rather
// than from the end-time of the first page.
startTime = aStartTime;
// Read pages until we find one with a granulepos which we can convert
// into a timestamp to use as the time of the start of the buffered range.
while (startTime == -1) {
ogg_page page;
PRInt32 discard;
PageSyncResult res = PageSync(stream,
if (res == PAGE_SYNC_ERROR) {
// If we don't clear the sync state before exit we'll leak.
} else if (res == PAGE_SYNC_END_OF_RANGE) {
// Hit the end of range without reading a page, give up trying to
// find a start time for this buffered range, skip onto the next one.
PRInt64 granulepos = ogg_page_granulepos(&page);
if (granulepos == -1) {
// Page doesn't have an end time, advance to the next page
// until we find one.
startOffset += page.header_len + page.body_len;
PRUint32 serial = ogg_page_serialno(&page);
nsOggCodecState* codecState = nsnull;
mCodecStates.Get(serial, &codecState);
if (codecState && codecState->mActive) {
startTime = codecState->Time(granulepos) - aStartTime;
NS_ASSERTION(startTime > 0, "Must have positive start time");
if (startTime != -1) {
// We were able to find a start time for that range, see if we can
// find an end time.
PRInt64 endTime = FindEndTime(endOffset, PR_TRUE, &state);
if (endTime != -1) {
endTime -= aStartTime;
aBuffered->Add(static_cast<float>(startTime) / 1000.0f,
static_cast<float>(endTime) / 1000.0f);
startOffset = stream->GetNextCachedData(endOffset);
NS_ASSERTION(startOffset == -1 || startOffset > endOffset,
"Must have advanced to start of next range, or hit end of stream");
// If we don't clear the sync state before exit we'll leak.
return NS_OK;
@ -63,8 +63,12 @@ public:
// read have valid time info.
virtual PRBool DecodeVideoFrame(PRBool &aKeyframeSkip,
PRInt64 aTimeThreshold);
virtual VideoData* FindStartTime(PRInt64 aOffset,
PRInt64& aOutStartTime);
// Get the end time of aEndOffset. This is the playback position we'd reach
// after playback finished at aEndOffset.
virtual PRInt64 FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset);
virtual PRBool HasAudio()
@ -81,11 +85,21 @@ public:
virtual nsresult ReadMetadata();
virtual nsresult Seek(PRInt64 aTime, PRInt64 aStartTime, PRInt64 aEndTime);
// This is called on the main thread, and it must not block.
virtual nsresult GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered);
virtual nsresult GetBuffered(nsHTMLTimeRanges* aBuffered, PRInt64 aStartTime);
// Get the end time of aEndOffset. This is the playback position we'd reach
// after playback finished at aEndOffset. If PRBool aCachedDataOnly is
// PR_TRUE, then we'll only read from data which is cached in the media cached,
// otherwise we'll do regular blocking reads from the media stream.
// If PRBool aCachedDataOnly is PR_TRUE, and aState is not mOggState, this can
// safely be called on the main thread, otherwise it must be called on the
// state machine thread.
PRInt64 FindEndTime(PRInt64 aEndOffset,
PRBool aCachedDataOnly,
ogg_sync_state* aState);
// Decodes one packet of Vorbis data, storing the resulting chunks of
// PCM samples in aChunks.
nsresult DecodeVorbis(nsTArray<SoundData*>& aChunks,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user