mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 16:32:59 +00:00
use the new rendering algorthms, (render empty blocks) major change in the structure brings perforce up to what is being done in bonsai and pvcs.
But now I understand this a bit more, simplify some data passing as we did in pcvs I need to fold this back into bonsai, perhaps tomorrow.
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
# Contributor(s):
# $Revision: 1.23 $
# $Date: 2004/06/08 00:12:16 $
# $Revision: 1.24 $
# $Date: 2004/06/08 03:42:50 $
# $Author: kestes%walrus.com $
# $Source: /home/hwine/cvs_conversion/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/tinderbox2/src/lib/TinderDB/VC_Perforce.pm,v $
# $Name: $
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ use Utils;
use VCDisplay;
$VERSION = ( qw $Revision: 1.23 $ )[1];
$VERSION = ( qw $Revision: 1.24 $ )[1];
@ISA = qw(TinderDB::BasicTxtDB);
@ -422,6 +422,326 @@ sub status_table_header {
# Return the data which would appear in a cell if we were to render
# it. The checkin data comes back in a datastructure and we return
# the oldest treestate found in this cell. The reason for another
# data structure is that this one is keyed on authors while the main
# data structure is keyed on time.
sub cell_data {
my ($tree, $db_index, $last_time) = @_;
my (%authors) = ();
my $last_treestate;
while (1) {
my ($time) = $DB_TIMES[$db_index];
# find the DB entries which are needed for this cell
($time < $last_time) && last;
($db_index >= $#DB_TIMES) && last;
if (defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'})) {
$last_treestate = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'};
# Inside each cell, we want all the posts by the same author to
# appear together. The previous data structure allowed us to find
# out what data was in each cell.
if (defined( $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'} )) {
my $recs = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'};
foreach $author (keys %{ $recs }) {
$authors{'author'}{$author} = 1;
my($affected_files_ref, $jobs_fixed_ref,
$change_num, $workspace, $comment) =
@{ $recs->{$author} };
$authors{'change_nums'}{$author}{$change_num} = 1;
if (defined( $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'bugs'} )) {
$recs = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'bugs'};
foreach $author (keys %{ $recs }) {
foreach $bug (keys %{ $recs->{$author} }) {
$authors{'bugs'}{$author}{$bug} = 1;
} # while (1)
return ($db_index, $last_treestate, \%authors,);
# Produce the HTML which goes with the already computed author data.
sub render_authors {
my ($tree, $last_treestate, $authors, $mindate, $maxdate,) = @_;
# Now invert the data structure.
my %authors = %{$authors};
my ($cell_color) = TreeData::TreeState2color($last_treestate);
my ($char) = TreeData::TreeState2char($last_treestate);
my $cell_options = '';
my $text_browser_color_string;
if ( ($last_treestate) && ($cell_color) ) {
$cell_options = "bgcolor=$cell_color ";
$text_browser_color_string =
HTMLPopUp::text_browser_color_string($cell_color, $char);
my $query_links = '';
if ($text_browser_color_string) {
$query_links.= "\t\t".$text_browser_color_string."\n";
if ( scalar(%authors) ) {
# find the times which bound the cell so that we can set up a
# VC query.
my ($format_maxdate) = HTMLPopUp::timeHTML($maxdate);
my ($format_mindate) = HTMLPopUp::timeHTML($mindate);
my ($time_interval_str) = "$format_maxdate to $format_mindate",
my $filespec = TreeData::Tree2Filespec($tree);
# define a table, to show what was checked in for each author
foreach $author (sort keys %{ $authors{'author'} }) {
my $display_author=$author;
my $mailto_author=$author;
$mailto_author = TreeData::VCName2MailAddress($author);
my @bug_numbers = keys %{ $authors{'bugs'}{$author} };
# sort numerically descending
my @change_nums = sort {$b <=> $a}
keys %{ $authors{'change_nums'}{$author} };
# create a string of all VC data for displaying with the
# checkin table
my ($vc_info);
$vc_info .= "Filespec: $filespec <br>\n";
$vc_info .= "Changes: @change_nums <br>\n";
# The Link Choices inside the popup.
my $link_choices = "Checkins by <b>$author</b><br>";
$link_choices .= " for $vc_info \n<br>";
$link_choices .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "This check-in",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate - $main::SECONDS_PER_DAY,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "Check-ins within 24 hours",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate - $main::SECONDS_PER_WEEK,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "Check-ins within 7 days",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .=
"href" => "mailto:$mailto_author",
"linktxt" => "Send Mail to $author",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
my ($href) = (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'tree_URL').
$link_choices .=
"href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "Tinderbox Checkin Data",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
foreach $bug_number (@bug_numbers) {
my $href = BTData::bug_id2bug_url($bug_number);
$link_choices .=
"href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "\t\tBug: $bug_number",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
# we display the list of names in 'teletype font' so that the
# names do not bunch together. It seems to make a difference if
# there is a <cr> between each link or not, but it does make a
# difference if we close the <tt> for each author or only for
# the group of links.
my (%popup_args) = (
"windowtxt" => $link_choices,
"windowtitle" => ("$VC_NAME Info ".
"Author: $author ".
"$time_interval_str "),
my ($query_link) = "";
$query_link .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "\t\t<tt>$display_author</tt>",
my $bug_links = '';
foreach $bug_number (@bug_numbers) {
my $href = BTData::bug_id2bug_url($bug_number);
$bug_links .=
"href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "\t\t<tt>$bug_number</tt>",
$query_link .= $bug_links;
# put each link on its own line and add good comments so we
# can debug the HTML.
my ($date_str) = localtime($mindate)."-".localtime($maxdate);
if ($DEBUG) {
$query_links .= (
"\t\t<!-- VC_Perforce: ".
("Author: $author, ".
"Bug_Numbers: '@bug_numbers', ".
"Time: '$date_str', ".
"Tree: $tree, ".
" -->\n".
$query_links .= "\t\t".$query_link."\n";
} # foreach %author
} # if %authors
my $notice = $NOTICE->Notice_Link(
if ($notice) {
$query_links.= "\t\t".$notice."\n";
if ($text_browser_color_string) {
$query_links.= "\t\t".$text_browser_color_string."\n";
@outrow = (
"\t<!-- VC_Perforce: authors -->\n".
"\t<td align=center $cell_options>\n".
return @outrow;
# Create one cell (possibly taking up many rows) which will show
# that:
# No authors have checked in during this time.
# The tree state has not changed during this time.
# There were no notices posted during this time.
sub render_empty_cell {
my ($last_treestate, $till_time, $rowspan, $tree) = @_;
my $local_till_time = localtime($till_time);
my ($cell_color) = TreeData::TreeState2color($last_treestate);
my ($char) = TreeData::TreeState2char($last_treestate);
my $cell_options = '';
my $text_browser_color_string;
if ( ($last_treestate) && ($cell_color) ) {
$cell_options = "bgcolor=$cell_color ";
$text_browser_color_string =
HTMLPopUp::text_browser_color_string($cell_color, $char) ;
my $cell_contents;
if ($text_browser_color_string) {
$cell_contents .= $text_browser_color_string;
if (!($cell_contents)) {
$cell_contents = "\n\t\t".$HTMLPopUp::EMPTY_TABLE_CELL."\n";
my @outrow =();
if ($DEBUG) {
push @outrow, ("\t<!-- VC_Perforce: empty data. ".
"tree: $tree, ".
"last_treestate: $last_treestate, ".
"filling till: $local_till_time, ".
push @outrow, (
"\t\t<td align=center rowspan=$rowspan $cell_options>".
return @outrow;
# clear data structures in preparation for printing a new table
@ -452,290 +772,108 @@ sub status_table_start {
sub status_table_row {
my ($self, $row_times, $row_index, $tree, ) = @_;
my (@outrow) = ();
# we assume that tree states only change rarely so there are very
# few cells which have more then one state associated with them.
# It does not matter what we do with those cells.
# find all the authors who changed code at any point in this cell
# find the tree state for this cell.
# skip this column because it is part of a multi-row missing data
# cell?
my ($affected_files, $jobs_fixed);
my (@authors, @change_nums, @workspaces, );
while (1) {
my ($time) = $DB_TIMES[$NEXT_DB];
# find the DB entries which are needed for this cell
($time < $row_times->[$row_index]) && last;
if (defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'})) {
$LAST_TREESTATE = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'treestate'};
# Now invert the data structure.
# Inside each cell, we want all the posts by the same author to
# appear together. The previous data structure allowed us to find
# out what data was in each cell.
if (defined($DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'})) {
foreach $author (keys %{ $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'} }) {
my($affected_files_ref, $jobs_fixed_ref,
$change_num, $workspace, $comment) =
@{ $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'author'}{$author} };
push @authors, $author;
push @change_nums, $change_num;
push @workspaces, $workspace;
if (defined( $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'bugs'} )) {
$recs = $DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'bugs'};
foreach $bug (keys %{ $recs }) {
$bugs{$bug} =1;
} # while (1)
@workspaces = main::uniq(@workspace);
# If there is no treestate, then the tree state has not changed
# since an early time. The earliest time was assigned a state in
# apply_db_updates(). It is possible that there are no treestates at
# all this should not prevent the VC column from being rendered.
if ( $NEXT_ROW{$tree} != $row_index ) {
if ($DEBUG) {
push @outrow, ("\t<!-- VC_Perforce: skipping. ".
"tree: $tree, ".
"additional_skips: ".
($NEXT_ROW{$tree} - $row_index).", ".
" -->\n");
return @outrow;
my ($cell_color) = TreeData::TreeState2color($LAST_TREESTATE);
my ($char) = TreeData::TreeState2char($LAST_TREESTATE);
# Find all the authors who changed code at any point in this cell
# Find the tree state for this cell.
my $cell_options = '';
my $text_browser_color_string;
my $empty_cell_contents = $HTMLPopUp::EMPTY_TABLE_CELL;
my ($db_index, $last_treestate, $authors,) =
cell_data($tree, $NEXT_DB{$tree}, $row_times->[$row_index]);
if ( ($LAST_TREESTATE) && ($cell_color) ) {
$cell_options = "bgcolor=$cell_color ";
# Track the treestate between calls with a global variable.
$text_browser_color_string =
HTMLPopUp::text_browser_color_string($cell_color, $char);
# This initalization may not be correct. If we are creating a page
# for a few days ago, when we start making the page, we do not know
# the treestate. It is not so easy to find out the right tree state
# for the first few rows, so fake it with the current state.
# for those who like empty cells to be truly empty, we need to
# be sure that they see the different cell colors when they
# change.
$LAST_TREESTATE{$tree} = (
$last_treestate ||
TinderHeader::gettree_header('TreeState', $tree)
if (
($cell_color !~ m/white/) &&
(!($text_browser_color_string)) &&
(!($empty_cell_contents)) &&
1) {
$empty_cell_contents = " ";
if (scalar(%{$authors})) {
my $query_links = '';
if ($text_browser_color_string) {
$query_links.= "\t\t".$text_browser_color_string."\n";
$NEXT_DB{$tree} = $db_index;
$NEXT_ROW{$tree} = $row_index + 1;
if ( scalar(@authors) ) {
# find the times which bound the cell so that we can set up a
# VC query.
my ($mindate) = $row_times->[$row_index];
my ($mindate) = $row_times->[$row_index],
my ($maxdate);
if ($row_index > 0){
$maxdate = $row_times->[$row_index - 1];
} else {
$maxdate = $main::TIME;
my ($format_maxdate) = HTMLPopUp::timeHTML($maxdate);
my ($format_mindate) = HTMLPopUp::timeHTML($mindate);
my ($time_interval_str) = "$format_maxdate to $format_mindate",
# create a string of all VC data for displaying with the checkin table
my ($vc_info);
my $filespec = TreeData::Tree2Filespec($tree);
$vc_info .= "Filespec: $filespec <br>\n";
my @html = render_authors(
return @html;
$vc_info .= "Changes: @change_nums <br>\n";
foreach $author (@authors) {
my $display_author=$author;
my $mailto_author=$author;
$mailto_author = TreeData::VCName2MailAddress($author);
@bug_numbers = main::uniq(@bug_numbers);
# The Link Choices inside the popup.
my $link_choices = "Checkins by <b>$author</b><br>";
$link_choices .= " for $vc_info \n<br>";
$link_choices .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "This check-in",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate - $main::SECONDS_PER_DAY,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "Check-ins within 24 hours",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate - $main::SECONDS_PER_WEEK,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "Check-ins within 7 days",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
$link_choices .=
"href" => "mailto:$mailto_author",
"linktxt" => "Send Mail to $author",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
my ($href) = (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'tree_URL').
$link_choices .=
"href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "Tinderbox Checkin Data",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
foreach $bug_number (@bug_numbers) {
my $href = BTData::bug_id2bug_url($bug_number);
$link_choices .=
"href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "\t\tBug: $bug_number",
$link_choices .= "<br>";
# we display the list of names in 'teletype font' so that the
# names do not bunch together. It seems to make a difference if
# there is a <cr> between each link or not, but it does make a
# difference if we close the <tt> for each author or only for
# the group of links.
my (%popup_args) = (
"windowtxt" => $link_choices,
"windowtitle" => ("$VC_NAME Info ".
"Author: $author ".
"$time_interval_str "),
my ($query_link) = "";
$query_link .=
'tree' => $tree,
'mindate' => $mindate,
'maxdate' => $maxdate,
'who' => $author,
"linktxt" => "\t\t<tt>$display_author</tt>",
my $bug_links = '';
foreach $bug_number (@bug_numbers) {
my $href = BTData::bug_id2bug_url($bug_number);
$bug_links .=
"href" => $href,
"linktxt" => "\t\t<tt>$bug_number</tt>",
$query_link .= $bug_links;
# put each link on its own line and add good comments so we
# can debug the HTML.
my ($date_str) = localtime($mindate)."-".localtime($maxdate);
if ($DEBUG) {
$query_links .= (
"\t\t<!-- VC_Perforce: ".
("Author: $author, ".
"Bug_Numbers: '@bug_numbers', ".
"Time: '$date_str', ".
"Tree: $tree, ".
" -->\n".
$query_links .= "\t\t".$query_link."\n";
} # foreach @author
} # if @authors
# Create a multi-row dummy cell for missing data.
# Cell stops if there is author data in the following cell or the
# treestate changes.
my $notice = $NOTICE->Notice_Link(
if ($notice) {
$query_links.= "\t\t".$notice."\n";
my $rowspan = 0;
my ($next_db_index, $next_treestate, $next_authors);
$next_db_index = $db_index;
while (
($row_index+$rowspan <= $#{ $row_times }) &&
( (!($next_authors)) || (!(scalar(%{$next_authors}))) ) &&
!defined($next_treestate) ||
( $LAST_TREESTATE{$tree} eq $next_treestate)
) {
$db_index = $next_db_index;
$rowspan++ ;
($next_db_index, $next_treestate, $next_authors,) =
cell_data($tree, $db_index,
$query_links.= "\t\t".$text_browser_color_string."\n";
$NEXT_ROW{$tree} = $row_index + $rowspan;
$NEXT_DB{$tree} = $db_index;
@outrow = (
"\t<!-- VC_Perforce: authors -->\n".
"\t<td align=center $cell_options>\n".
return @outrow;
my @html= render_empty_cell($LAST_TREESTATE{$tree},
$rowspan, $tree);
return @html;
# convert perforce string time into unix time.
# currently I see times of the form
# (this function will change if perforce changes how it reports the time)
@ -864,7 +1002,7 @@ sub apply_db_updates {
if ($comment =~ m/$VC_BUGNUM_REGEXP/) {
my $bug_number = $1;
$DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'bugs'}{$bug_number} = 1;
$DATABASE{$tree}{$time}{'bugs'}{$author}{$bug_number} = 1;
} # each change
Reference in New Issue
Block a user