diff --git a/browser/app/blocklist.xml b/browser/app/blocklist.xml
index 496f99055a66..5b8899b72038 100644
--- a/browser/app/blocklist.xml
+++ b/browser/app/blocklist.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -3594,6 +3594,7 @@
@@ -3731,9 +3732,6 @@
- F7PAjw2k0dTX5escPnyVOBo=
@@ -3770,6 +3768,174 @@
+ CWhp
+ XhcFm2g619rt8Sro+a4rHA==
+ EDQMI0tR4kSntv1O37N10g==
+ P6G7IYSL2RZxtzTh8I6qPA==
+ HNo1DR4XCe4mS1iUMsY6Wg==
+ KjoVfZ3by6+pL8fssyfM6A==
+ UW3oKZKTDsrPy/rfwmGNaQ==
+ XLhHIg7vP+tWfRqvuKeAxw==
+ YNOos6YJoPC77qwSGCpb7w==
+ dItWlz2V62Philqj9m6Pbg==
+ ORFgmCj072NjcJnrxOMfQA==
+ L79XLVO2ZmtAu7FAG8Wmzw==
+ H08=
+ OE4/d+p3YRzzcSl+kmZ8Mw==
+ ZgwfEqZnBsUNvNuZ77FbQA==
+ OUvvVscW0/NltofkmV9qmg==
+ SdegFrLaFTCsoMAW5ED+zA==
+ VfTSum25nb65YPlpuhJAvg==
+ WX89jn8yGZVvoKTD9jDfRQ==
+ cpqpXVWPk5AXzGw+zNIcBw==
+ RUT1Gehd1KKYPfqOlgspoQ==
+ bx/XHJqcwxDOptxJ2lh5vw==
+ AuhvPsYZfVP6UDsuyjeZ4Q==
+ OhrtngFwotLcm4i+z00SjA==
+ U3SgRR3J+D6575WuCxuXeQ==
+ UVKsEezpGWOVQ4W9esstng==
+ acI1CFIgmwSFBoU5+ahDgg==
+ Sx51x7V8pYe8rp7PMP/3qg==
+ PAdKZPiaac2CvPxbOrsHOw==
+ E77H6yvyFQjO0PcN3x0H+Q==
+ d8AtKymQwkOPDBj+hjPzFg==
+ TurPPI6eivtNeGYdM0ZWXQ==
+ a9/VeyVWrzFD7rM2PEHwQA==
+ LnfcUaXG/pxV2CpXM5+YSg==
+ AygWP2Fgd2T+iLbmAlKT6g==
+ ezdAeCxKH7BFs7vn3byYaw==
+ 45KI4WIxyXfNrdtdj7C6
+ UMUwXwT1Z4juyQ/CNTf4mw==
+ HZyLf+K70FKc+jomm8DiDw==
+ IIxFSyNM6mWtCgTG0IL3Og==
+ Rvm2CEw2IC2Mu/ax0A46QQ==
+ TqfXw+FkhxfVgE9GVMgjWQ==
+ E5I2y6sIonl4a+TmlXc7fw==
+ GdXz4L1b6FKNCMG9Jz2tjA==
+ BUrYjru5px1ym4QUN33TOQ==
+ CqZgEvHAsnzkT//QV9KjXw==
+ DYifRdP6aQQ8MLbXZY2f5g==
+ cDggUYfwJ3A1YcdoeT6s4A==
+ e0bEFhI16xx9U1yvlI56rA==
+ UKKK5ol/rKBZchAAOnZjaA==
+ FNISyWWTGi5Yco6fGh58/A==
+ JpUvYJyWjdGmeoH7YcYunw==
+ OnvXX72mvUI2Id/NMzegmg==
+ OqQ2rV0ISTc308Z/oQgzFw==
+ NvEJoRYL2yvAZrAjbDIipQ==
diff --git a/browser/app/profile/firefox.js b/browser/app/profile/firefox.js
index 41f6d0c442ba..4321e43a1f5e 100644
--- a/browser/app/profile/firefox.js
+++ b/browser/app/profile/firefox.js
@@ -486,6 +486,8 @@ pref("browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML", false);
// 0: no backups created (and deletes all existing backups)
pref("browser.bookmarks.max_backups", 15);
+pref("browser.bookmarks.showRecentlyBookmarked", true);
// Scripts & Windows prefs
pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true);
pref("javascript.options.showInConsole", true);
diff --git a/browser/base/content/browser-places.js b/browser/base/content/browser-places.js
index b9325bca3205..46b86e5c3e7a 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/browser-places.js
+++ b/browser/base/content/browser-places.js
@@ -550,11 +550,14 @@ var PlacesCommandHook = {
get uniqueCurrentPages() {
let uniquePages = {};
let URIs = [];
- gBrowser.visibleTabs.forEach(function (tab) {
- let spec = tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+ gBrowser.visibleTabs.forEach(tab => {
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ let uri = browser.currentURI;
+ let spec = uri.spec;
if (!tab.pinned && !(spec in uniquePages)) {
uniquePages[spec] = null;
- URIs.push(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI);
+ URIs.push({ uri, title: browser.contentTitle });
return URIs;
@@ -1326,8 +1329,8 @@ var BookmarkingUI = {
- this._updateRecentBookmarks(document.getElementById("BMB_recentBookmarks"),
- "subviewbutton");
+ this._initRecentBookmarks(document.getElementById("BMB_recentBookmarks"),
+ "subviewbutton");
if (!this._popupNeedsUpdate)
@@ -1362,7 +1365,68 @@ var BookmarkingUI = {
- _updateRecentBookmarks: function(aHeaderItem, extraCSSClass = "") {
+ RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF: "browser.bookmarks.showRecentlyBookmarked",
+ _initRecentBookmarks(aHeaderItem, aExtraCSSClass) {
+ this._populateRecentBookmarks(aHeaderItem, aExtraCSSClass);
+ // Add observers and listeners and remove them again when the menupopup closes.
+ let bookmarksMenu = aHeaderItem.parentNode;
+ let placesContextMenu = document.getElementById("placesContext");
+ let prefObserver = () => {
+ this._populateRecentBookmarks(aHeaderItem, aExtraCSSClass);
+ };
+ let updatePlacesContextMenu = (shouldHidePrefUI = false) => {
+ let prefEnabled = !shouldHidePrefUI && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF);
+ document.getElementById("placesContext_showRecentlyBookmarked").hidden = shouldHidePrefUI || prefEnabled;
+ document.getElementById("placesContext_hideRecentlyBookmarked").hidden = shouldHidePrefUI || !prefEnabled;
+ document.getElementById("placesContext_recentlyBookmarkedSeparator").hidden = shouldHidePrefUI;
+ };
+ let onPlacesContextMenuShowing = event => {
+ if (event.target == event.currentTarget) {
+ let triggerPopup = event.target.triggerNode;
+ while (triggerPopup && triggerPopup.localName != "menupopup") {
+ triggerPopup = triggerPopup.parentNode;
+ }
+ let shouldHidePrefUI = triggerPopup != bookmarksMenu;
+ updatePlacesContextMenu(shouldHidePrefUI);
+ }
+ };
+ let onBookmarksMenuHidden = event => {
+ if (event.target == event.currentTarget) {
+ updatePlacesContextMenu(true);
+ Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF, prefObserver, false);
+ placesContextMenu.removeEventListener("popupshowing", onPlacesContextMenuShowing);
+ bookmarksMenu.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onBookmarksMenuHidden);
+ }
+ };
+ Services.prefs.addObserver(this.RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF, prefObserver, false);
+ placesContextMenu.addEventListener("popupshowing", onPlacesContextMenuShowing);
+ bookmarksMenu.addEventListener("popuphidden", onBookmarksMenuHidden);
+ },
+ _populateRecentBookmarks(aHeaderItem, aExtraCSSClass = "") {
+ while (aHeaderItem.nextSibling &&
+ aHeaderItem.nextSibling.localName == "menuitem") {
+ aHeaderItem.nextSibling.remove();
+ }
+ let shouldShow = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF);
+ let separator = aHeaderItem.previousSibling;
+ aHeaderItem.hidden = !shouldShow;
+ separator.hidden = !shouldShow;
+ if (!shouldShow) {
+ return;
+ }
const kMaxResults = 5;
let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
@@ -1372,11 +1436,6 @@ var BookmarkingUI = {
options.maxResults = kMaxResults;
let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- while (aHeaderItem.nextSibling &&
- aHeaderItem.nextSibling.localName == "menuitem") {
- aHeaderItem.nextSibling.remove();
- }
let onItemCommand = function (aEvent) {
let item = aEvent.target;
openUILink(item.getAttribute("targetURI"), aEvent);
@@ -1397,8 +1456,9 @@ var BookmarkingUI = {
item.setAttribute("label", title || uri);
item.setAttribute("targetURI", uri);
+ item.setAttribute("context", "hideRecentlyBookmarked");
item.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic menuitem-with-favicon bookmark-item " +
- extraCSSClass);
+ aExtraCSSClass);
item.addEventListener("command", onItemCommand);
if (icon) {
item.setAttribute("image", icon);
@@ -1407,6 +1467,15 @@ var BookmarkingUI = {
root.containerOpen = false;
aHeaderItem.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, aHeaderItem.nextSibling);
+ aHeaderItem.setAttribute("context", "hideRecentlyBookmarked");
+ },
+ showRecentlyBookmarked() {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(this.RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF, true);
+ },
+ hideRecentlyBookmarked() {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(this.RECENTLY_BOOKMARKED_PREF, false);
_updateCustomizationState: function BUI__updateCustomizationState() {
@@ -1599,7 +1668,7 @@ var BookmarkingUI = {
- this._updateRecentBookmarks(document.getElementById("menu_recentBookmarks"));
+ this._initRecentBookmarks(document.getElementById("menu_recentBookmarks"));
_showBookmarkedNotification: function BUI_showBookmarkedNotification() {
diff --git a/browser/base/content/browser.xul b/browser/base/content/browser.xul
index 87800a90e12c..e57843a3f11e 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/browser.xul
+++ b/browser/base/content/browser.xul
@@ -383,7 +383,35 @@
#include browser-context.inc
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_aboutCertError.js b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_aboutCertError.js
index cddf659319a5..5fd74ebd1772 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_aboutCertError.js
+++ b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_aboutCertError.js
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ add_task(function* checkAdvancedDetailsForHSTS() {
isnot(message.divDisplay, "none", "Debug information is visible");
ok(message.text.includes(badStsUri.spec), "Correct URL found");
- ok(message.text.includes("requested domain name does not match the server's certificate"),
+ ok(message.text.includes("requested domain name does not match the server\u2019s certificate"),
"Correct error message found");
ok(message.text.includes("HTTP Strict Transport Security: false"),
"Correct HSTS value found");
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js
index 9988ba05b4c7..2b522778eeaf 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js
+++ b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js
@@ -1,168 +1,244 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-/* This list allows pre-existing or 'unfixable' issues to remain, while we
- * detect newly occurring issues in shipping files. It is a list of objects
- * specifying conditions under which an error should be ignored.
- *
- * As each issue is found in the whitelist, it is removed from the list. At
- * the end of the test, there is an assertion that all items have been
- * removed from the whitelist, thus ensuring there are no stale entries. */
-let gWhitelist = [{
- file: "search.properties",
- key: "searchForSomethingWith",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "browser.dtd",
- key: "social.activated.description",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "certerror.introPara",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "weakCryptoAdvanced.longDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "weakCryptoAdvanced.override",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "inadequateSecurityError.longDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
+/* This list allows pre-existing or 'unfixable' issues to remain, while we
+ * detect newly occurring issues in shipping files. It is a list of objects
+ * specifying conditions under which an error should be ignored.
+ *
+ * As each issue is found in the whitelist, it is removed from the list. At
+ * the end of the test, there is an assertion that all items have been
+ * removed from the whitelist, thus ensuring there are no stale entries. */
+let gWhitelist = [{
+ file: "search.properties",
+ key: "searchForSomethingWith",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "browser.dtd",
+ key: "social.activated.description",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "netError.dtd",
+ key: "certerror.introPara",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "netError.dtd",
+ key: "weakCryptoAdvanced.longDesc",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "netError.dtd",
+ key: "weakCryptoAdvanced.override",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "netError.dtd",
+ key: "inadequateSecurityError.longDesc",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
file: "netError.dtd",
key: "certerror.wrongSystemTime",
type: "single-quote"
}, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc2",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.forbiddenPage.shortDesc2",
- type: "single-quote"
- }
-var moduleLocation = gTestPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/i, "/parsingTestHelpers.jsm");
-var {generateURIsFromDirTree} = Cu.import(moduleLocation, {});
- * Check if an error should be ignored due to matching one of the whitelist
- * objects defined in gWhitelist.
- *
- * @param filepath The URI spec of the locale file
- * @param key The key of the entity that is being checked
- * @param type The type of error that has been found
- * @return true if the error should be ignored, false otherwise.
- */
-function ignoredError(filepath, key, type) {
- for (let index in gWhitelist) {
- let whitelistItem = gWhitelist[index];
- if (filepath.endsWith(whitelistItem.file) &&
- key == whitelistItem.key &&
- type == whitelistItem.type) {
- gWhitelist.splice(index, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-function fetchFile(uri) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open("GET", uri, true);
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (this.readyState != this.DONE) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- resolve(this.responseText);
- } catch (ex) {
- ok(false, `Script error reading ${uri}: ${ex}`);
- resolve("");
- }
- };
- xhr.onerror = error => {
- ok(false, `XHR error reading ${uri}: ${error}`);
- resolve("");
- };
- xhr.send(null);
- });
-function testForError(filepath, key, str, pattern, type, helpText) {
- if (str.match(pattern) &&
- !ignoredError(filepath, key, type)) {
- ok(false, `${filepath} with key=${key} has a misused ${type}. ${helpText}`);
- }
-function testForErrors(filepath, key, str) {
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /\w'\w/, "apostrophe", "Strings with apostrophes should use foo\u2019s instead of foo's.");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /\w\u2018\w/, "incorrect-apostrophe", "Strings with apostrophes should use foo\u2019s instead of foo\u2018s.");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /'.+'/, "single-quote", "Single-quoted strings should use Unicode \u2018foo\u2019 instead of 'foo'.");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /"/, "double-quote", "Double-quoted strings should use Unicode \u201cfoo\u201d instead of \"foo\".");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /\.\.\./, "ellipsis", "Strings with an ellipsis should use the Unicode \u2026 character instead of three periods.");
-add_task(function* checkAllTheProperties() {
- let appDir = Services.dirsvc.get("XCurProcD", Ci.nsIFile);
- // This asynchronously produces a list of URLs (sadly, mostly sync on our
- // test infrastructure because it runs against jarfiles there, and
- // our zipreader APIs are all sync)
- let uris = yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDir, [".properties"]);
- ok(uris.length, `Found ${uris.length} .properties files to scan for misused characters`);
- for (let uri of uris) {
- let bundle = new StringBundle(uri.spec);
- let entities = bundle.getAll();
- for (let entity of entities) {
- testForErrors(uri.spec, entity.key, entity.value);
- }
- }
-var checkDTD = Task.async(function* (aURISpec) {
- let rawContents = yield fetchFile(aURISpec);
- // The regular expression below is adapted from:
- // https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/68c0b7d6f16ce5bb023e08050102b5f2fe4aacd8/python/compare-locales/compare_locales/parser.py#l233
- let entities = rawContents.match(//g);
- for (let entity of entities) {
- let [, key, str] = entity.match(//);
- // The matched string includes the enclosing quotation marks,
- // we need to slice them off.
- str = str.slice(1, -1);
- testForErrors(aURISpec, key, str);
- }
-add_task(function* checkAllTheDTDs() {
- let appDir = Services.dirsvc.get("XCurProcD", Ci.nsIFile);
- let uris = yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDir, [".dtd"]);
- ok(uris.length, `Found ${uris.length} .dtd files to scan for misused characters`);
- for (let uri of uris) {
- yield checkDTD(uri.spec);
- }
- // This support DTD file supplies a string with a newline to make sure
- // the regex in checkDTD works correctly for that case.
- let dtdLocation = gTestPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/i, "/bug1262648_string_with_newlines.dtd");
- yield checkDTD(dtdLocation);
-add_task(function* ensureWhiteListIsEmpty() {
- is(gWhitelist.length, 0, "No remaining whitelist entries exist");
+ file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
+ key: "safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
+ key: "safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
+ key: "safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc2",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
+ key: "safeb.blocked.forbiddenPage.shortDesc2",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "mathfont.properties",
+ key: "operator.\\u002E\\u002E\\u002E.postfix",
+ type: "ellipsis"
+ }, {
+ file: "layout_errors.properties",
+ key: "ImageMapRectBoundsError",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "layout_errors.properties",
+ key: "ImageMapCircleWrongNumberOfCoords",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "layout_errors.properties",
+ key: "ImageMapCircleNegativeRadius",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "layout_errors.properties",
+ key: "ImageMapPolyWrongNumberOfCoords",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "layout_errors.properties",
+ key: "ImageMapPolyOddNumberOfCoords",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "xbl.properties",
+ key: "CommandNotInChrome",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "dom.properties",
+ key: "PatternAttributeCompileFailure",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "pipnss.properties",
+ key: "certErrorMismatchSingle2",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "pipnss.properties",
+ key: "certErrorCodePrefix2",
+ type: "double-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "aboutSupport.dtd",
+ key: "aboutSupport.pageSubtitle",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "aboutSupport.dtd",
+ key: "aboutSupport.userJSDescription",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "netError.dtd",
+ key: "inadequateSecurityError.longDesc",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "netErrorApp.dtd",
+ key: "securityOverride.warningContent",
+ type: "single-quote"
+ }, {
+ file: "sync.properties",
+ key: "client.name2",
+ type: "apostrophe"
+ }
+var moduleLocation = gTestPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/i, "/parsingTestHelpers.jsm");
+var {generateURIsFromDirTree} = Cu.import(moduleLocation, {});
+ * Check if an error should be ignored due to matching one of the whitelist
+ * objects defined in gWhitelist.
+ *
+ * @param filepath The URI spec of the locale file
+ * @param key The key of the entity that is being checked
+ * @param type The type of error that has been found
+ * @return true if the error should be ignored, false otherwise.
+ */
+function ignoredError(filepath, key, type) {
+ for (let index in gWhitelist) {
+ let whitelistItem = gWhitelist[index];
+ if (filepath.endsWith(whitelistItem.file) &&
+ key == whitelistItem.key &&
+ type == whitelistItem.type) {
+ gWhitelist.splice(index, 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function fetchFile(uri) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open("GET", uri, true);
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (this.readyState != this.DONE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ resolve(this.responseText);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ ok(false, `Script error reading ${uri}: ${ex}`);
+ resolve("");
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.onerror = error => {
+ ok(false, `XHR error reading ${uri}: ${error}`);
+ resolve("");
+ };
+ xhr.send(null);
+ });
+function testForError(filepath, key, str, pattern, type, helpText) {
+ if (str.match(pattern) &&
+ !ignoredError(filepath, key, type)) {
+ ok(false, `${filepath} with key=${key} has a misused ${type}. ${helpText}`);
+ }
+function testForErrors(filepath, key, str) {
+ testForError(filepath, key, str, /\w'\w/, "apostrophe", "Strings with apostrophes should use foo\u2019s instead of foo's.");
+ testForError(filepath, key, str, /\w\u2018\w/, "incorrect-apostrophe", "Strings with apostrophes should use foo\u2019s instead of foo\u2018s.");
+ testForError(filepath, key, str, /'.+'/, "single-quote", "Single-quoted strings should use Unicode \u2018foo\u2019 instead of 'foo'.");
+ testForError(filepath, key, str, /"/, "double-quote", "Double-quoted strings should use Unicode \u201cfoo\u201d instead of \"foo\".");
+ testForError(filepath, key, str, /\.\.\./, "ellipsis", "Strings with an ellipsis should use the Unicode \u2026 character instead of three periods.");
+function* getAllTheFiles(extension) {
+ let appDirGreD = Services.dirsvc.get("GreD", Ci.nsIFile);
+ let appDirXCurProcD = Services.dirsvc.get("XCurProcD", Ci.nsIFile);
+ if (appDirGreD.contains(appDirXCurProcD)) {
+ return yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirGreD, [extension]);
+ }
+ if (appDirXCurProcD.contains(appDirGreD)) {
+ return yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirXCurProcD, [extension]);
+ }
+ let urisGreD = yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirGreD, [extension]);
+ let urisXCurProcD = yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirXCurProcD, [extension]);
+ return Array.from(new Set(urisGreD.concat(appDirXCurProcD)));
+add_task(function* checkAllTheProperties() {
+ // This asynchronously produces a list of URLs (sadly, mostly sync on our
+ // test infrastructure because it runs against jarfiles there, and
+ // our zipreader APIs are all sync)
+ let uris = yield getAllTheFiles(".properties");
+ ok(uris.length, `Found ${uris.length} .properties files to scan for misused characters`);
+ for (let uri of uris) {
+ let bundle = new StringBundle(uri.spec);
+ let entities = bundle.getAll();
+ for (let entity of entities) {
+ testForErrors(uri.spec, entity.key, entity.value);
+ }
+ }
+var checkDTD = Task.async(function* (aURISpec) {
+ let rawContents = yield fetchFile(aURISpec);
+ // The regular expression below is adapted from:
+ // https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/68c0b7d6f16ce5bb023e08050102b5f2fe4aacd8/python/compare-locales/compare_locales/parser.py#l233
+ let entities = rawContents.match(//g);
+ if (!entities) {
+ // Some files, such as requestAutocomplete.dtd, have no entities defined.
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let entity of entities) {
+ let [, key, str] = entity.match(//);
+ // The matched string includes the enclosing quotation marks,
+ // we need to slice them off.
+ str = str.slice(1, -1);
+ testForErrors(aURISpec, key, str);
+ }
+add_task(function* checkAllTheDTDs() {
+ let uris = yield getAllTheFiles(".dtd");
+ ok(uris.length, `Found ${uris.length} .dtd files to scan for misused characters`);
+ for (let uri of uris) {
+ yield checkDTD(uri.spec);
+ }
+ // This support DTD file supplies a string with a newline to make sure
+ // the regex in checkDTD works correctly for that case.
+ let dtdLocation = gTestPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/i, "/bug1262648_string_with_newlines.dtd");
+ yield checkDTD(dtdLocation);
+add_task(function* ensureWhiteListIsEmpty() {
+ is(gWhitelist.length, 0, "No remaining whitelist entries exist");
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_visibleTabs_bookmarkAllPages.js b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_visibleTabs_bookmarkAllPages.js
index 0d9a12067992..827f86c05e84 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_visibleTabs_bookmarkAllPages.js
+++ b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_visibleTabs_bookmarkAllPages.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function test() {
let uris = PlacesCommandHook.uniqueCurrentPages;
is(uris.length, 1, "Only one uri is returned");
- is(uris[0].spec, tabTwo.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "It's the correct URI");
+ is(uris[0].uri.spec, tabTwo.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "It's the correct URI");
diff --git a/browser/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml b/browser/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
index b1e9b82a4a4d..c45a82c49e79 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
+++ b/browser/base/content/urlbarBindings.xml
@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ 255
-Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.
Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later. Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. ">
+Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later. Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer’s network connection. Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. ">
The requested address specified a port (e.g. mozilla.org:80 for port 80 on mozilla.org) normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. The browser has canceled the request for your protection and security.">
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
The provided address is not in a recognized format. Please check the location bar for mistakes and try again.">
-The browser connected successfully, but the connection was interrupted while transferring information. Please try again.Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
+The browser connected successfully, but the connection was interrupted while transferring information. Please try again.Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer’s network connection. Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
-The requested document is not available in the browser's cache.As a security precaution, the browser does not automatically re-request sensitive documents. Click Try Again to re-request the document from the website. ">
+The requested document is not available in the browser’s cache.As a security precaution, the browser does not automatically re-request sensitive documents. Click Try Again to re-request the document from the website. ">
The browser is operating in its offline mode and cannot connect to the requested item.Is the computer connected to an active network? Press "Try Again" to switch to online mode and reload the page. ">
@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.">
-The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later. Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
+The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later. Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer’s network connection. Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
The address specifies a protocol (e.g. wxyz:// ) the browser does not recognize, so the browser cannot properly connect to the site.Are you trying to access multimedia or other non-text services? Check the site for extra requirements. Some protocols may require third-party software or plugins before the browser can recognize them. ">
-The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy refused a connection.Is the browser's proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again. Does the proxy service allow connections from this network? Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
+The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy refused a connection.Is the browser’s proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again. Does the proxy service allow connections from this network? Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
-The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy could not be found.Is the browser's proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again. Is the computer connected to an active network? Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
+The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy could not be found.Is the browser’s proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again. Is the computer connected to an active network? Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance. ">
-The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site? NOTE : If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your computer. ">
+The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site? NOTE : If accepting the site’s cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your computer. ">
The site responded to the network request in an unexpected way and the browser cannot continue.">
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.
+This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.
If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.
diff --git a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/nsWebBrowserPersist.properties b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/nsWebBrowserPersist.properties
index 752a6946c621..cd7be6e06072 100644
--- a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/nsWebBrowserPersist.properties
+++ b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/nsWebBrowserPersist.properties
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ SDAccessErrorCardMissing=Cannot download file because the SD card is missing.
helperAppNotFound=%S could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.
noMemory=There is not sufficient memory to complete the action you requested.\n\nQuit some applications and try again.
title=Downloading %S
-fileAlreadyExistsError=%S could not be saved, because a file already exists with the same name as the '_files' directory.\n\nTry saving to a different location.
+fileAlreadyExistsError=%S could not be saved, because a file already exists with the same name as the ‘_files’ directory.\n\nTry saving to a different location.
fileNameTooLongError=%S could not be saved, because the file name was too long.\n\nTry saving with a shorter file name.
diff --git a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/caps.properties b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/caps.properties
index f072756ee213..4c2f64ad237b 100644
--- a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/caps.properties
+++ b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/caps.properties
@@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ SetPropertyDeniedOriginsOnlySubject = Permission denied for <%S> to set property
CallMethodDeniedOriginsOnlySubject = Permission denied for <%S> to call method %S.%S
CreateWrapperDenied = Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class %S
CreateWrapperDeniedForOrigin = Permission denied for <%2$S> to create wrapper for object of class %1$S
-ProtocolFlagError = Warning: Protocol handler for '%S' doesn't advertise a security policy. While loading of such protocols is allowed for now, this is deprecated. Please see the documentation in nsIProtocolHandler.idl.
+ProtocolFlagError = Warning: Protocol handler for ‘%S’ doesn’t advertise a security policy. While loading of such protocols is allowed for now, this is deprecated. Please see the documentation in nsIProtocolHandler.idl.
diff --git a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/csp.properties b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/csp.properties
index a283a37d5a25..1f0685e31d06 100644
--- a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/csp.properties
+++ b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/csp.properties
@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
# CSP Warnings:
# %1$S is the reason why the resource has not been loaded.
-CSPViolation = The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource: %1$S
+CSPViolation = The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource: %1$S
# %1$S is the directive that has been violated.
# %2$S is the URI of the resource which violated the directive.
-CSPViolationWithURI = The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at %2$S ("%1$S").
+CSPViolationWithURI = The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at %2$S (“%1$S”).
# %1$S is the reason why the resource has not been loaded.
-CSPROViolation = A violation occurred for a report-only CSP policy ("%1$S"). The behavior was allowed, and a CSP report was sent.
+CSPROViolation = A violation occurred for a report-only CSP policy (“%1$S”). The behavior was allowed, and a CSP report was sent.
# %1$S is the directive that has been violated.
# %2$S is the URI of the resource which violated the directive.
-CSPROViolationWithURI = The page's settings observed the loading of a resource at %2$S ("%1$S"). A CSP report is being sent.
+CSPROViolationWithURI = The page’s settings observed the loading of a resource at %2$S (“%1$S”). A CSP report is being sent.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (triedToSendReport):
# %1$S is the URI we attempted to send a report to.
-triedToSendReport = Tried to send report to invalid URI: "%1$S"
+triedToSendReport = Tried to send report to invalid URI: “%1$S”
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldNotParseReportURI):
# %1$S is the report URI that could not be parsed
-couldNotParseReportURI = couldn't parse report URI: %1$S
+couldNotParseReportURI = couldn’t parse report URI: %1$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldNotProcessUnknownDirective):
# %1$S is the unknown directive
-couldNotProcessUnknownDirective = Couldn't process unknown directive '%1$S'
+couldNotProcessUnknownDirective = Couldn’t process unknown directive ‘%1$S’
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringUnknownOption):
# %1$S is the option that could not be understood
ignoringUnknownOption = Ignoring unknown option %1$S
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ ignoringUnknownOption = Ignoring unknown option %1$S
ignoringDuplicateSrc = Ignoring duplicate source %1$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringSrcFromMetaCSP):
# %1$S defines the ignored src
-ignoringSrcFromMetaCSP = Ignoring source '%1$S' (Not supported when delivered via meta element).
+ignoringSrcFromMetaCSP = Ignoring source ‘%1$S’ (Not supported when delivered via meta element).
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringSrcWithinScriptStyleSrc):
# %1$S is the ignored src
# script-src and style-src are directive names and should not be localized
-ignoringSrcWithinScriptStyleSrc = Ignoring "%1$S" within script-src or style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
+ignoringSrcWithinScriptStyleSrc = Ignoring “%1$S” within script-src or style-src: nonce-source or hash-source specified
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reportURInotHttpsOrHttp2):
# %1$S is the ETLD of the report URI that is not HTTP or HTTPS
reportURInotHttpsOrHttp2 = The report URI (%1$S) should be an HTTP or HTTPS URI.
@@ -59,35 +59,35 @@ inlineStyleBlocked = An attempt to apply inline style sheets has been blocked
scriptFromStringBlocked = An attempt to call JavaScript from a string (by calling a function like eval) has been blocked
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (upgradeInsecureRequest):
# %1$S is the URL of the upgraded request; %2$S is the upgraded scheme.
-upgradeInsecureRequest = Upgrading insecure request '%1$S' to use '%2$S'
+upgradeInsecureRequest = Upgrading insecure request ‘%1$S’ to use ‘%2$S’
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreSrcForDirective):
-ignoreSrcForDirective = Ignoring srcs for directive '%1$S'
+ignoreSrcForDirective = Ignoring srcs for directive ‘%1$S’
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (hostNameMightBeKeyword):
# %1$S is the hostname in question and %2$S is the keyword
-hostNameMightBeKeyword = Interpreting %1$S as a hostname, not a keyword. If you intended this to be a keyword, use '%2$S' (wrapped in single quotes).
+hostNameMightBeKeyword = Interpreting %1$S as a hostname, not a keyword. If you intended this to be a keyword, use ‘%2$S’ (wrapped in single quotes).
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notSupportingDirective):
# directive is not supported (e.g. 'reflected-xss')
-notSupportingDirective = Not supporting directive '%1$S'. Directive and values will be ignored.
+notSupportingDirective = Not supporting directive ‘%1$S’. Directive and values will be ignored.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockAllMixedContent):
# %1$S is the URL of the blocked resource load.
-blockAllMixedContent = Blocking insecure request '%1$S'.
+blockAllMixedContent = Blocking insecure request ‘%1$S’.
# CSP Errors:
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParseInvalidSource):
# %1$S is the source that could not be parsed
-couldntParseInvalidSource = Couldn't parse invalid source %1$S
+couldntParseInvalidSource = Couldn’t parse invalid source %1$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParseInvalidHost):
# %1$S is the host that's invalid
-couldntParseInvalidHost = Couldn't parse invalid host %1$S
+couldntParseInvalidHost = Couldn’t parse invalid host %1$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParseScheme):
# %1$S is the string source
-couldntParseScheme = Couldn't parse scheme in %1$S
+couldntParseScheme = Couldn’t parse scheme in %1$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParsePort):
# %1$S is the string source
-couldntParsePort = Couldn't parse port in %1$S
+couldntParsePort = Couldn’t parse port in %1$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateDirective):
# %1$S is the name of the duplicate directive
duplicateDirective = Duplicate %1$S directives detected. All but the first instance will be ignored.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (deprecatedDirective):
# %1$S is the name of the deprecated directive, %2$S is the name of the replacement.
-deprecatedDirective = Directive '%1$S' has been deprecated. Please use directive '%2$S' instead.
+deprecatedDirective = Directive ‘%1$S’ has been deprecated. Please use directive ‘%2$S’ instead.
diff --git a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/security.properties b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/security.properties
index e89b4d9700e6..bd3a9b410d47 100644
--- a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/security.properties
+++ b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/security/security.properties
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
# Mixed Content Blocker
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: "%1$S" is the URI of the blocked mixed content resource
-BlockMixedDisplayContent = Blocked loading mixed display content "%1$S"
-BlockMixedActiveContent = Blocked loading mixed active content "%1$S"
+BlockMixedDisplayContent = Blocked loading mixed display content “%1$S”
+BlockMixedActiveContent = Blocked loading mixed active content “%1$S”
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers
CORSDisabled=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS disabled).
CORSRequestNotHttp=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS request not http).
-CORSMissingAllowOrigin=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).
-CORSAllowOriginNotMatchingOrigin=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' does not match '%2$S').
-CORSMethodNotFound=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: Did not find method in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods').
-CORSMissingAllowCredentials=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: expected 'true' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials').
+CORSMissingAllowOrigin=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).
+CORSAllowOriginNotMatchingOrigin=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ does not match ‘%2$S’).
+CORSMethodNotFound=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: Did not find method in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods’).
+CORSMissingAllowCredentials=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: expected ‘true’ in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Credentials’).
CORSPreflightDidNotSucceed=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: CORS preflight channel did not succeed).
-CORSInvalidAllowMethod=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: invalid token '%2$S' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods').
-CORSInvalidAllowHeader=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: invalid token '%2$S' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers').
-CORSMissingAllowHeaderFromPreflight=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: missing token '%2$S' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' from CORS preflight channel).
+CORSInvalidAllowMethod=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: invalid token ‘%2$S’ in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods’).
+CORSInvalidAllowHeader=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: invalid token ‘%2$S’ in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’).
+CORSMissingAllowHeaderFromPreflight=Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at %1$S. (Reason: missing token ‘%2$S’ in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’ from CORS preflight channel).
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Strict-Transport-Security", "HSTS", "max-age" or "includeSubDomains"
STSUnknownError=Strict-Transport-Security: An unknown error occurred processing the header specified by the site.
STSUntrustworthyConnection=Strict-Transport-Security: The connection to the site is untrustworthy, so the specified header was ignored.
STSCouldNotParseHeader=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that could not be parsed successfully.
-STSNoMaxAge=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that did not include a 'max-age' directive.
-STSMultipleMaxAges=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included multiple 'max-age' directives.
-STSInvalidMaxAge=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included an invalid 'max-age' directive.
-STSMultipleIncludeSubdomains=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included multiple 'includeSubDomains' directives.
-STSInvalidIncludeSubdomains=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included an invalid 'includeSubDomains' directive.
+STSNoMaxAge=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that did not include a ‘max-age’ directive.
+STSMultipleMaxAges=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included multiple ‘max-age’ directives.
+STSInvalidMaxAge=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included an invalid ‘max-age’ directive.
+STSMultipleIncludeSubdomains=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included multiple ‘includeSubDomains’ directives.
+STSInvalidIncludeSubdomains=Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that included an invalid ‘includeSubDomains’ directive.
STSCouldNotSaveState=Strict-Transport-Security: An error occurred noting the site as a Strict-Transport-Security host.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Public-Key-Pins", "HPKP", "max-age", "report-uri" or "includeSubDomains"
PKPUnknownError=Public-Key-Pins: An unknown error occurred processing the header specified by the site.
PKPUntrustworthyConnection=Public-Key-Pins: The connection to the site is untrustworthy, so the specified header was ignored.
PKPCouldNotParseHeader=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that could not be parsed successfully.
-PKPNoMaxAge=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that did not include a 'max-age' directive.
-PKPMultipleMaxAges=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included multiple 'max-age' directives.
-PKPInvalidMaxAge=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an invalid 'max-age' directive.
-PKPMultipleIncludeSubdomains=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included multiple 'includeSubDomains' directives.
-PKPInvalidIncludeSubdomains=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an invalid 'includeSubDomains' directive.
+PKPNoMaxAge=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that did not include a ‘max-age’ directive.
+PKPMultipleMaxAges=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included multiple ‘max-age’ directives.
+PKPInvalidMaxAge=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an invalid ‘max-age’ directive.
+PKPMultipleIncludeSubdomains=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included multiple ‘includeSubDomains’ directives.
+PKPInvalidIncludeSubdomains=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an invalid ‘includeSubDomains’ directive.
PKPInvalidPin=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an invalid pin.
-PKPMultipleReportURIs=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included multiple 'report-uri' directives.
+PKPMultipleReportURIs=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included multiple ‘report-uri’ directives.
PKPPinsetDoesNotMatch=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that did not include a matching pin.
PKPNoBackupPin=Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that did not include a backup pin.
PKPCouldNotSaveState=Public-Key-Pins: An error occurred noting the site as a Public-Key-Pins host.
PKPRootNotBuiltIn=Public-Key-Pins: The certificate used by the site was not issued by a certificate in the default root certificate store. To prevent accidental breakage, the specified header was ignored.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "SHA-1"
-SHA1Sig=This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.
+SHA1Sig=This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it’s recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.
InsecurePasswordsPresentOnPage=Password fields present on an insecure (http://) page. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
InsecureFormActionPasswordsPresent=Password fields present in a form with an insecure (http://) form action. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
InsecurePasswordsPresentOnIframe=Password fields present on an insecure (http://) iframe. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: "%1$S" is the URI of the insecure mixed content resource
-LoadingMixedActiveContent2=Loading mixed (insecure) active content "%1$S" on a secure page
-LoadingMixedDisplayContent2=Loading mixed (insecure) display content "%1$S" on a secure page
+LoadingMixedActiveContent2=Loading mixed (insecure) active content “%1$S” on a secure page
+LoadingMixedDisplayContent2=Loading mixed (insecure) display content “%1$S” on a secure page
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "allow-scripts", "allow-same-origin", "sandbox" or "iframe"
BothAllowScriptsAndSameOriginPresent=An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can remove its sandboxing.
# Sub-Resource Integrity
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "script" or "integrity". "%1$S" is the invalid token found in the attribute.
-MalformedIntegrityHash=The script element has a malformed hash in its integrity attribute: "%1$S". The correct format is "-".
+MalformedIntegrityHash=The script element has a malformed hash in its integrity attribute: “%1$S”. The correct format is “-”.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "integrity"
InvalidIntegrityLength=The hash contained in the integrity attribute has the wrong length.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "integrity"
InvalidIntegrityBase64=The hash contained in the integrity attribute could not be decoded.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "integrity". "%1$S" is the type of hash algorigthm in use (e.g. "sha256").
-IntegrityMismatch=None of the "%1$S" hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource.
+IntegrityMismatch=None of the “%1$S” hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: "%1$S" is the URI of the sub-resource that cannot be protected using SRI.
-IneligibleResource="%1$S" is not eligible for integrity checks since it's neither CORS-enabled nor same-origin.
+IneligibleResource=“%1$S” is not eligible for integrity checks since it’s neither CORS-enabled nor same-origin.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "integrity". "%1$S" is the invalid hash algorithm found in the attribute.
-UnsupportedHashAlg=Unsupported hash algorithm in the integrity attribute: "%1$S"
+UnsupportedHashAlg=Unsupported hash algorithm in the integrity attribute: “%1$S”
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "integrity"
NoValidMetadata=The integrity attribute does not contain any valid metadata.
diff --git a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/xslt/xslt.properties b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/xslt/xslt.properties
index c52c945a596e..5b26cd001213 100644
--- a/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/xslt/xslt.properties
+++ b/dom/locales/en-US/chrome/xslt/xslt.properties
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
12 = An XSLT stylesheet directly or indirectly imports or includes itself:
13 = An XPath function was called with the wrong number of arguments.
14 = An unknown XPath extension function was called.
-15 = XPath parse failure: ')' expected:
+15 = XPath parse failure: ‘)’ expected:
16 = XPath parse failure: invalid axis:
17 = XPath parse failure: Name or Nodetype test expected:
-18 = XPath parse failure: ']' expected:
+18 = XPath parse failure: ‘]’ expected:
19 = XPath parse failure: invalid variable name:
20 = XPath parse failure: unexpected end of expression:
21 = XPath parse failure: operator expected:
22 = XPath parse failure: unclosed literal:
-23 = XPath parse failure: ':' unexpected:
-24 = XPath parse failure: '!' unexpected, negation is not():
+23 = XPath parse failure: ‘:’ unexpected:
+24 = XPath parse failure: ‘!’ unexpected, negation is not():
25 = XPath parse failure: illegal character found:
26 = XPath parse failure: binary operator expected:
27 = An XSLT stylesheet load was blocked for security reasons.
diff --git a/dom/manifest/test/test_ManifestProcessor_warnings.html b/dom/manifest/test/test_ManifestProcessor_warnings.html
index e8190918b3e6..865ef8054ad2 100644
--- a/dom/manifest/test/test_ManifestProcessor_warnings.html
+++ b/dom/manifest/test/test_ManifestProcessor_warnings.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ConsoleAPI.prototype.warn = function(aWarning) {
func: () => data.jsonText = JSON.stringify({
start_url: 42,
- warning: 'Expected the manifest\'s start_url member to be a string.',
+ warning: 'Expected the manifest\u2019s start_url member to be a string.',
func: () => data.jsonText = JSON.stringify({
diff --git a/layout/style/test/test_bug413958.html b/layout/style/test/test_bug413958.html
index b7bbfe53ea0f..273e4466e272 100644
--- a/layout/style/test/test_bug413958.html
+++ b/layout/style/test/test_bug413958.html
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ var tests = [
var results = [
- [ { errorMessage: /Unknown property 'nosuchprop'/,
+ [ { errorMessage: /Unknown property \u2018nosuchprop\u2019/,
lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 14,
sourceLine: "#s1{nosuchprop:auto; color:black}" },
- { errorMessage: /Unknown property 'nosuchprop'/,
+ { errorMessage: /Unknown property \u2018nosuchprop\u2019/,
lineNumber: 2, columnNumber: 14, sourceLine:
"#s2{nosuchprop:auto; color:black}invalid?sel{}#s3{color:black}" },
{ errorMessage: /Ruleset ignored due to bad selector/,
lineNumber: 2, columnNumber: 40, sourceLine:
"#s2{nosuchprop:auto; color:black}invalid?sel{}#s3{color:black}" } ],
- [ { errorMessage: /parsing value for 'width'/,
+ [ { errorMessage: /parsing value for \u2018width\u2019/,
lineNumber: 0, columnNumber: 6,
sourceLine: "width:200;color:black" } ],
- [ { errorMessage: /parsing value for 'width'/,
+ [ { errorMessage: /parsing value for \u2018width\u2019/,
lineNumber: 0, columnNumber: 0,
sourceLine: "200" } ],
diff --git a/layout/style/test/test_parser_diagnostics_unprintables.html b/layout/style/test/test_parser_diagnostics_unprintables.html
index 17c87f03bd6a..384d4dfa634e 100644
--- a/layout/style/test/test_parser_diagnostics_unprintables.html
+++ b/layout/style/test/test_parser_diagnostics_unprintables.html
@@ -26,26 +26,26 @@
const patterns = [
// REPORT_UNEXPECTED_P (only ever used in contexts where identifier-like
// escaping is appropriate)
- { i: "|x{}", o: "prefix ''" },
+ { i: "|x{}", o: "prefix \u2018\u2019" },
// _Ident
- { i: "@namespace fnord ;", o: "within @namespace: ''" },
+ { i: "@namespace fnord ;", o: "within @namespace: \u2018\u2019" },
// _Ref
- { i: "@namespace fnord #;", o: "within @namespace: '#'" },
+ { i: "@namespace fnord #;", o: "within @namespace: \u2018#\u2019" },
// _Function
- { i: "@namespace fnord ();", o: "within @namespace: '('" },
+ { i: "@namespace fnord ();", o: "within @namespace: \u2018(\u2019" },
// _Dimension
- { i: "@namespace fnord 14;", o: "within @namespace: '14'" },
+ { i: "@namespace fnord 14;", o: "within @namespace: \u201814\u2019" },
// _AtKeyword
- { i: "x{@: }", o: "declaration but found '@'." },
+ { i: "x{@: }", o: "declaration but found \u2018@\u2019." },
// _String
- { i: "x{ ''}" , o: "declaration but found ''''." },
+ { i: "x{ ''}" , o: "declaration but found \u2018''\u2019." },
// _Bad_String
- { i: "x{ '\n}", o: "declaration but found '''." },
+ { i: "x{ '\n}", o: "declaration but found \u2018'\u2019." },
// _URL
- { i: "x{ url('')}", o: "declaration but found 'url('')'." },
+ { i: "x{ url('')}", o: "declaration but found \u2018url('')\u2019." },
// _Bad_URL
- { i: "x{ url(''.)}" , o: "declaration but found 'url('''." }
+ { i: "x{ url(''.)}" , o: "declaration but found \u2018url(''\u2019." }
// Blocks of characters to test, and how they should be escaped when
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/BrowserApp.java b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/BrowserApp.java
index ea83aadc6261..712fdc4a53d7 100644
--- a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/BrowserApp.java
+++ b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/BrowserApp.java
@@ -341,7 +341,12 @@ public class BrowserApp extends GeckoApp
switch (msg) {
if (Tabs.getInstance().isSelectedTab(tab) && mDynamicToolbar.isEnabled()) {
- mDynamicToolbar.setVisible(true, VisibilityTransition.ANIMATE);
+ final VisibilityTransition transition = (tab.getShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection()) ?
+ VisibilityTransition.IMMEDIATE : VisibilityTransition.ANIMATE;
+ mDynamicToolbar.setVisible(true, transition);
+ // The first selection has happened - reset the state.
+ tab.setShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection(false);
// fall through
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoApp.java b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoApp.java
index 6c5070fcf128..29393b7eb693 100644
--- a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoApp.java
+++ b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoApp.java
@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ public abstract class GeckoApp
private Intent mRestartIntent;
+ private boolean mWasFirstTabShownAfterActivityUnhidden;
abstract public int getLayout();
protected void processTabQueue() {};
@@ -1343,6 +1345,12 @@ public abstract class GeckoApp
+ @Override
+ public void onStart() {
+ super.onStart();
+ mWasFirstTabShownAfterActivityUnhidden = false; // onStart indicates we were hidden.
+ }
* At this point, the resource system and the rest of the browser are
* aware of the locale.
@@ -1434,6 +1442,9 @@ public abstract class GeckoApp
private void initialize() {
mInitialized = true;
+ final boolean isFirstTab = !mWasFirstTabShownAfterActivityUnhidden;
+ mWasFirstTabShownAfterActivityUnhidden = true; // Reset since we'll be loading a tab.
final SafeIntent intent = new SafeIntent(getIntent());
final String action = intent.getAction();
@@ -1491,6 +1502,9 @@ public abstract class GeckoApp
if (ACTION_HOMESCREEN_SHORTCUT.equals(action)) {
flags |= Tabs.LOADURL_PINNED;
+ if (isFirstTab) {
+ }
loadStartupTab(passedUri, intent, flags);
@@ -1886,6 +1900,9 @@ public abstract class GeckoApp
protected void onNewIntent(Intent externalIntent) {
final SafeIntent intent = new SafeIntent(externalIntent);
+ final boolean isFirstTab = !mWasFirstTabShownAfterActivityUnhidden;
+ mWasFirstTabShownAfterActivityUnhidden = true; // Reset since we'll be loading a tab.
// if we were previously OOM killed, we can end up here when launching
// from external shortcuts, so set this as the intent for initialization
if (!mInitialized) {
@@ -1910,9 +1927,11 @@ public abstract class GeckoApp
public void run() {
final String url = intent.getDataString();
- Tabs.getInstance().loadUrlWithIntentExtras(url, intent, Tabs.LOADURL_NEW_TAB |
+ if (isFirstTab) {
+ }
+ Tabs.getInstance().loadUrlWithIntentExtras(url, intent, flags);
} else if (ACTION_HOMESCREEN_SHORTCUT.equals(action)) {
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tab.java b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tab.java
index cc331affa0e7..4e4359327691 100644
--- a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tab.java
+++ b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tab.java
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ public class Tab {
private SiteLogins mSiteLogins;
private BitmapDrawable mThumbnail;
private final int mParentId;
+ // Indicates the url was loaded from a source external to the app. This will be cleared
+ // when the user explicitly loads a new url (e.g. clicking a link is not explicit).
private final boolean mExternal;
private boolean mBookmark;
private int mFaviconLoadId;
@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@ public class Tab {
private volatile int mRecordingCount;
private volatile boolean mIsAudioPlaying;
private String mMostRecentHomePanel;
+ private boolean mShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection;
private int mHistoryIndex;
private int mHistorySize;
@@ -897,4 +900,12 @@ public class Tab {
public TabEditingState getEditingState() {
return mEditingState;
+ public void setShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection(final boolean shouldShowWithoutAnimation) {
+ mShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection = shouldShowWithoutAnimation;
+ }
+ public boolean getShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection() {
+ return mShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection;
+ }
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tabs.java b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tabs.java
index 9f53ade29a1b..333f8ecc3dc1 100644
--- a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tabs.java
+++ b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/Tabs.java
@@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ public class Tabs implements GeckoEventListener {
public static final int LOADURL_DELAY_LOAD = 1 << 4;
public static final int LOADURL_DESKTOP = 1 << 5;
public static final int LOADURL_BACKGROUND = 1 << 6;
+ /** Indicates the url has been specified by a source external to the app. */
public static final int LOADURL_EXTERNAL = 1 << 7;
+ /** Indicates the tab is the first shown after Firefox is hidden and restored. */
+ public static final int LOADURL_FIRST_AFTER_ACTIVITY_UNHIDDEN = 1 << 8;
private static final long PERSIST_TABS_AFTER_MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 2;
@@ -833,6 +836,7 @@ public class Tabs implements GeckoEventListener {
boolean userEntered = (flags & LOADURL_USER_ENTERED) != 0;
boolean desktopMode = (flags & LOADURL_DESKTOP) != 0;
boolean external = (flags & LOADURL_EXTERNAL) != 0;
+ final boolean isFirstShownAfterActivityUnhidden = (flags & LOADURL_FIRST_AFTER_ACTIVITY_UNHIDDEN) != 0;
args.put("url", url);
args.put("engine", searchEngine);
@@ -893,6 +897,11 @@ public class Tabs implements GeckoEventListener {
tabToSelect = addTab(tabId, tabUrl, external, parentId, url, isPrivate, tabIndex);
+ if (isFirstShownAfterActivityUnhidden) {
+ // We just opened Firefox so we want to show
+ // the toolbar but not animate it to avoid jank.
+ tabToSelect.setShouldShowToolbarWithoutAnimationOnFirstSelection(true);
+ }
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Error building JSON arguments for loadUrl.", e);
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-hdpi/status_icon_readercache.png b/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-hdpi/status_icon_readercache.png
index 34139ebc62a1..142ac4bdd859 100644
Binary files a/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-hdpi/status_icon_readercache.png and b/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-hdpi/status_icon_readercache.png differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png b/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png
index 7a690ef0bd08..e5211c71be52 100644
Binary files a/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png and b/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xxhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png b/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xxhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png
index 4821f1743679..f6e070b02926 100644
Binary files a/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xxhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png and b/mobile/android/base/resources/drawable-xxhdpi/status_icon_readercache.png differ
diff --git a/netwerk/locales/en-US/necko.properties b/netwerk/locales/en-US/necko.properties
index 3d21635734d8..f83f824d990c 100644
--- a/netwerk/locales/en-US/necko.properties
+++ b/netwerk/locales/en-US/necko.properties
@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ DirColSize=Size
DirColMTime=Last Modified
-PhishingAuth=You are about to visit "%1$S". This site may be attempting to trick you into thinking you are visiting a different site. Use extreme caution.
+PhishingAuth=You are about to visit “%1$S”. This site may be attempting to trick you into thinking you are visiting a different site. Use extreme caution.
PhishingAuthAccept=I understand and will be very careful
-SuperfluousAuth=You are about to log in to the site "%1$S" with the username "%2$S", but the website does not require authentication. This may be an attempt to trick you.\n\nIs "%1$S" the site you want to visit?
-AutomaticAuth=You are about to log in to the site "%1$S" with the username "%2$S".
+SuperfluousAuth=You are about to log in to the site “%1$S” with the username “%2$S”, but the website does not require authentication. This may be an attempt to trick you.\n\nIs “%1$S” the site you want to visit?
+AutomaticAuth=You are about to log in to the site “%1$S” with the username “%2$S”.
-TrackingUriBlocked=The resource at "%1$S" was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.
+TrackingUriBlocked=The resource at “%1$S” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (APIDeprecationWarning):
# %1$S is the deprected API; %2$S is the API function that should be used.
-APIDeprecationWarning=Warning: '%1$S' deprecated, please use '%2$S'
+APIDeprecationWarning=Warning: ‘%1$S’ deprecated, please use ‘%2$S’
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (nsICookieManagerRemoveDeprecated): don't localize nsICookieManager.remove() and originAttributes.
nsICookieManagerRemoveDeprecated=“nsICookieManager.remove()” is changed. Update your code and pass the correct originAttributes. Read more on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsICookieManager
diff --git a/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/nsserrors.properties b/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/nsserrors.properties
index 9bef566259b9..988a94bf9732 100644
--- a/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/nsserrors.properties
+++ b/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/nsserrors.properties
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ SSL_ERROR_EXPORT_ONLY_SERVER=Unable to communicate securely. Peer does not suppo
SSL_ERROR_US_ONLY_SERVER=Unable to communicate securely. Peer requires high-grade encryption which is not supported.
SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP=Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE=Unable to find the certificate or key necessary for authentication.
-SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE=Unable to communicate securely with peer: peers's certificate was rejected.
+SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE=Unable to communicate securely with peer: peers’s certificate was rejected.
SSL_ERROR_BAD_CLIENT=The server has encountered bad data from the client.
SSL_ERROR_BAD_SERVER=The client has encountered bad data from the server.
SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION=Peer using unsupported version of security protocol.
SSL_ERROR_WRONG_CERTIFICATE=Client authentication failed: private key in key database does not match public key in certificate database.
-SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN=Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate.
+SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN=Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server’s certificate.
SSL_ERROR_POST_WARNING=Unrecognized SSL error code.
SSL_ERROR_SSL2_DISABLED=Peer only supports SSL version 2, which is locally disabled.
SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_READ=SSL received a record with an incorrect Message Authentication Code.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_ALERT=SSL peer does not support certificates of the t
SSL_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN_ALERT=SSL peer had some unspecified issue with the certificate it received.
SSL_ERROR_GENERATE_RANDOM_FAILURE=SSL experienced a failure of its random number generator.
SSL_ERROR_SIGN_HASHES_FAILURE=Unable to digitally sign data required to verify your certificate.
-SSL_ERROR_EXTRACT_PUBLIC_KEY_FAILURE=SSL was unable to extract the public key from the peer's certificate.
+SSL_ERROR_EXTRACT_PUBLIC_KEY_FAILURE=SSL was unable to extract the public key from the peer’s certificate.
SSL_ERROR_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILURE=Unspecified failure while processing SSL Server Key Exchange handshake.
SSL_ERROR_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILURE=Unspecified failure while processing SSL Client Key Exchange handshake.
SSL_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE=Bulk data encryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite.
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ SSL_ERROR_HANDSHAKE_NOT_COMPLETED=Cannot initiate another SSL handshake until cu
SSL_ERROR_BAD_HANDSHAKE_HASH_VALUE=Received incorrect handshakes hash values from peer.
SSL_ERROR_CERT_KEA_MISMATCH=The certificate provided cannot be used with the selected key exchange algorithm.
SSL_ERROR_NO_TRUSTED_SSL_CLIENT_CA=No certificate authority is trusted for SSL client authentication.
-SSL_ERROR_SESSION_NOT_FOUND=Client's SSL session ID not found in server's session cache.
+SSL_ERROR_SESSION_NOT_FOUND=Client’s SSL session ID not found in server’s session cache.
SSL_ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILED_ALERT=Peer was unable to decrypt an SSL record it received.
SSL_ERROR_RECORD_OVERFLOW_ALERT=Peer received an SSL record that was longer than is permitted.
SSL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CA_ALERT=Peer does not recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.
@@ -148,29 +148,29 @@ SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM=security library: invalid algorithm.
SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA=security library: invalid AVA.
SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME=Improperly formatted time string.
SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER=security library: improperly formatted DER-encoded message.
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE=Peer's certificate has an invalid signature.
-SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE=Peer's Certificate has expired.
-SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE=Peer's Certificate has been revoked.
-SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER=Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY=Peer's public key is invalid.
+SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE=Peer’s certificate has an invalid signature.
+SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE=Peer’s Certificate has expired.
+SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE=Peer’s Certificate has been revoked.
+SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER=Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.
+SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY=Peer’s public key is invalid.
SEC_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD=The security password entered is incorrect.
SEC_ERROR_RETRY_PASSWORD=New password entered incorrectly. Please try again.
SEC_ERROR_NO_NODELOCK=security library: no nodelock.
SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATABASE=security library: bad database.
SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY=security library: memory allocation failure.
-SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER=Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.
-SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_CERT=Peer's certificate has been marked as not trusted by the user.
+SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER=Peer’s certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.
+SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_CERT=Peer’s certificate has been marked as not trusted by the user.
SEC_ERROR_DUPLICATE_CERT=Certificate already exists in your database.
-SEC_ERROR_DUPLICATE_CERT_NAME=Downloaded certificate's name duplicates one already in your database.
+SEC_ERROR_DUPLICATE_CERT_NAME=Downloaded certificate’s name duplicates one already in your database.
SEC_ERROR_ADDING_CERT=Error adding certificate to database.
SEC_ERROR_FILING_KEY=Error refiling the key for this certificate.
SEC_ERROR_NO_KEY=The private key for this certificate cannot be found in key database
SEC_ERROR_CERT_VALID=This certificate is valid.
SEC_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID=This certificate is not valid.
SEC_ERROR_CERT_NO_RESPONSE=Cert Library: No Response
-SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE=The certificate issuer's certificate has expired. Check your system date and time.
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_EXPIRED=The CRL for the certificate's issuer has expired. Update it or check your system date and time.
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_BAD_SIGNATURE=The CRL for the certificate's issuer has an invalid signature.
+SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE=The certificate issuer’s certificate has expired. Check your system date and time.
+SEC_ERROR_CRL_EXPIRED=The CRL for the certificate’s issuer has expired. Update it or check your system date and time.
+SEC_ERROR_CRL_BAD_SIGNATURE=The CRL for the certificate’s issuer has an invalid signature.
SEC_ERROR_CRL_INVALID=New CRL has an invalid format.
SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_VALUE_INVALID=Certificate extension value is invalid.
SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND=Certificate extension not found.
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_MORE_INFO=Please select a personality to get more info on
XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_NO_MORE_INFO=No more information on that Personality
-XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_PERSON_ERROR=Couldn't initialize Fortezza personalities.
-SEC_ERROR_NO_KRL=No KRL for this site's certificate has been found.
-SEC_ERROR_KRL_EXPIRED=The KRL for this site's certificate has expired.
-SEC_ERROR_KRL_BAD_SIGNATURE=The KRL for this site's certificate has an invalid signature.
-SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_KEY=The key for this site's certificate has been revoked.
+XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_PERSON_ERROR=Couldn’t initialize Fortezza personalities.
+SEC_ERROR_NO_KRL=No KRL for this site’s certificate has been found.
+SEC_ERROR_KRL_EXPIRED=The KRL for this site’s certificate has expired.
+SEC_ERROR_KRL_BAD_SIGNATURE=The KRL for this site’s certificate has an invalid signature.
+SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_KEY=The key for this site’s certificate has been revoked.
SEC_ERROR_KRL_INVALID=New KRL has an invalid format.
SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM=security library: need random data.
SEC_ERROR_NO_MODULE=security library: no security module can perform the requested operation.
@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ SEC_ERROR_CERT_NICKNAME_COLLISION=A certificate with the same nickname already e
SEC_ERROR_KEY_NICKNAME_COLLISION=A key with the same nickname already exists.
SEC_ERROR_SAFE_NOT_CREATED=error while creating safe object
SEC_ERROR_BAGGAGE_NOT_CREATED=error while creating baggage object
-XP_JAVA_REMOVE_PRINCIPAL_ERROR=Couldn't remove the principal
-XP_JAVA_DELETE_PRIVILEGE_ERROR=Couldn't delete the privilege
-XP_JAVA_CERT_NOT_EXISTS_ERROR=This principal doesn't have a certificate
+XP_JAVA_REMOVE_PRINCIPAL_ERROR=Couldn’t remove the principal
+XP_JAVA_DELETE_PRIVILEGE_ERROR=Couldn’t delete the privilege
+XP_JAVA_CERT_NOT_EXISTS_ERROR=This principal doesn’t have a certificate
SEC_ERROR_BAD_EXPORT_ALGORITHM=Required algorithm is not allowed.
SEC_ERROR_EXPORTING_CERTIFICATES=Error attempting to export certificates.
SEC_ERROR_IMPORTING_CERTIFICATES=Error attempting to import certificates.
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ SEC_ERROR_CERT_NOT_IN_NAME_SPACE=The Certifying Authority for this certificate i
SEC_ERROR_KRL_NOT_YET_VALID=The key revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid.
SEC_ERROR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID=The certificate revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid.
SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT=The requested certificate could not be found.
-SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SIGNER=The signer's certificate could not be found.
+SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SIGNER=The signer’s certificate could not be found.
SEC_ERROR_CERT_BAD_ACCESS_LOCATION=The location for the certificate status server has invalid format.
SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_TYPE=The OCSP response cannot be fully decoded; it is of an unknown type.
SEC_ERROR_OCSP_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE=The OCSP server returned unexpected/invalid HTTP data.
@@ -283,18 +283,18 @@ SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE=Unsupported elliptic curve.
SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_EC_POINT_FORM=Unsupported elliptic curve point form.
SEC_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_OID=Unrecognized Object Identifier.
SEC_ERROR_OCSP_INVALID_SIGNING_CERT=Invalid OCSP signing certificate in OCSP response.
-SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE_CRL=Certificate is revoked in issuer's certificate revocation list.
-SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE_OCSP=Issuer's OCSP responder reports certificate is revoked.
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_INVALID_VERSION=Issuer's Certificate Revocation List has an unknown version number.
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_V1_CRITICAL_EXTENSION=Issuer's V1 Certificate Revocation List has a critical extension.
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_EXTENSION=Issuer's V2 Certificate Revocation List has an unknown critical extension.
+SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE_CRL=Certificate is revoked in issuer’s certificate revocation list.
+SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE_OCSP=Issuer’s OCSP responder reports certificate is revoked.
+SEC_ERROR_CRL_INVALID_VERSION=Issuer’s Certificate Revocation List has an unknown version number.
+SEC_ERROR_CRL_V1_CRITICAL_EXTENSION=Issuer’s V1 Certificate Revocation List has a critical extension.
+SEC_ERROR_CRL_UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_EXTENSION=Issuer’s V2 Certificate Revocation List has an unknown critical extension.
SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE=Unknown object type specified.
SEC_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_PKCS11=PKCS #11 driver violates the spec in an incompatible way.
SEC_ERROR_NO_EVENT=No new slot event is available at this time.
SEC_ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_LOGGED_IN=The operation failed because the PKCS#11 token is not logged in.
-SEC_ERROR_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_INVALID=Configured OCSP responder's certificate is invalid.
+SEC_ERROR_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_INVALID=Configured OCSP responder’s certificate is invalid.
SEC_ERROR_OCSP_BAD_SIGNATURE=OCSP response has an invalid signature.
SEC_ERROR_OUT_OF_SEARCH_LIMITS=Cert validation search is out of search limits
SEC_ERROR_INVALID_POLICY_MAPPING=Policy mapping contains anypolicy
@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ SEC_ERROR_CERT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_DISABLED=The certificate was signed using a s
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_KEY_PINNING_FAILURE=The server uses key pinning (HPKP) but no trusted certificate chain could be constructed that matches the pinset. Key pinning violations cannot be overridden.
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_CA_CERT_USED_AS_END_ENTITY=The server uses a certificate with a basic constraints extension identifying it as a certificate authority. For a properly-issued certificate, this should not be the case.
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_SIZE=The server presented a certificate with a key size that is too small to establish a secure connection.
-MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_V1_CERT_USED_AS_CA=An X.509 version 1 certificate that is not a trust anchor was used to issue the server's certificate. X.509 version 1 certificates are deprecated and should not be used to sign other certificates.
+MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_V1_CERT_USED_AS_CA=An X.509 version 1 certificate that is not a trust anchor was used to issue the server’s certificate. X.509 version 1 certificates are deprecated and should not be used to sign other certificates.
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_NOT_YET_VALID_CERTIFICATE=The server presented a certificate that is not yet valid.
-MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_NOT_YET_VALID_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE=A certificate that is not yet valid was used to issue the server's certificate.
+MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_NOT_YET_VALID_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE=A certificate that is not yet valid was used to issue the server’s certificate.
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH=The signature algorithm in the signature field of the certificate does not match the algorithm in its signatureAlgorithm field.
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_OCSP_RESPONSE_FOR_CERT_MISSING=The OCSP response does not include a status for the certificate being verified.
MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG=The server presented a certificate that is valid for too long.
diff --git a/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/pipnss.properties b/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/pipnss.properties
index e4194cb1e819..c92680a2abb9 100755
--- a/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/pipnss.properties
+++ b/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pipnss/pipnss.properties
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ VerifyStatusResponder=Status Responder Certificate
HighGrade=High Grade
MediumGrade=Medium Grade
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (nick_template): $1s is the common name from a cert (e.g. "Mozilla"), $2s is the CA name (e.g. VeriSign)
-nick_template=%1$s's %2$s ID
+nick_template=%1$s’s %2$s ID
#These are the strings set for the ASN1 objects in a certificate.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ CertDumpRSAPSSSignature=PKCS #1 RSASSA-PSS Signature
CertDumpRSATemplate=Modulus (%S bits):\n%S\nExponent (%S bits):\n%S
CertDumpECTemplate=Key size: %S bits\nBase point order length: %S bits\nPublic value:\n%S
CertDumpIssuerUniqueID=Issuer Unique ID
-CertDumpSubjPubKey=Subject's Public Key
+CertDumpSubjPubKey=Subject’s Public Key
CertDumpSubjectUniqueID=Subject Unique ID
CertDumpSubjectDirectoryAttr=Certificate Subject Directory Attributes
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ DelModuleWarning=Are you sure you want to delete this security module?
DelModuleError=Unable to delete module
AVATemplate=%S = %S
-PSMERR_SSL_Disabled=Can't connect securely because the SSL protocol has been disabled.
-PSMERR_SSL2_Disabled=Can't connect securely because the site uses an older, insecure version of the SSL protocol.
+PSMERR_SSL_Disabled=Can’t connect securely because the SSL protocol has been disabled.
+PSMERR_SSL2_Disabled=Can’t connect securely because the site uses an older, insecure version of the SSL protocol.
PSMERR_HostReusedIssuerSerial=You have received an invalid certificate. Please contact the server administrator or email correspondent and give them the following information:\n\nYour certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate issued by the certificate authority. Please get a new certificate containing a unique serial number.
SSLConnectionErrorPrefix=An error occurred during a connection to %S.
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ CertNoEmailAddress=(no email address)
NicknameNotYetValid=(not yet valid)
CaCertExists=This certificate is already installed as a certificate authority.
-NotACACert=This is not a certificate authority certificate, so it can't be imported into the certificate authority list.
-NotImportingUnverifiedCert=This certificate can't be verified and will not be imported. The certificate issuer might be unknown or untrusted, the certificate might have expired or been revoked, or the certificate might not have been approved.
-UserCertIgnoredNoPrivateKey=This personal certificate can't be installed because you do not own the corresponding private key which was created when the certificate was requested.
+NotACACert=This is not a certificate authority certificate, so it can’t be imported into the certificate authority list.
+NotImportingUnverifiedCert=This certificate can’t be verified and will not be imported. The certificate issuer might be unknown or untrusted, the certificate might have expired or been revoked, or the certificate might not have been approved.
+UserCertIgnoredNoPrivateKey=This personal certificate can’t be installed because you do not own the corresponding private key which was created when the certificate was requested.
UserCertImported=Your personal certificate has been installed. You should keep a backup copy of this certificate.
CertNotStored=(Not Stored)
diff --git a/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pippki/pippki.properties b/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pippki/pippki.properties
index d2aaf5ee2c65..10f823f50d49 100644
--- a/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pippki/pippki.properties
+++ b/security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pippki/pippki.properties
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ CertPassPrompt=Please enter the Personal Security Password for the PSM Private K
#These are for dialogs
#Download Cert dialog
-newCAMessage1=Do you want to trust "%S" for the following purposes?
+newCAMessage1=Do you want to trust “%S” for the following purposes?
unnamedCA=Certificate Authority (unnamed)
#For editing cert trust
-editTrustCA=The certificate "%S" represents a Certificate Authority.
+editTrustCA=The certificate “%S” represents a Certificate Authority.
#For Deleting Certificates
deleteSslCertConfirm3=Are you sure you want to delete these server exceptions?
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ deleteCaCertConfirm2=You have requested to delete these CA certificates. For bui
deleteCaCertImpactX2=If you delete or distrust a certificate authority (CA) certificate, this application will no longer trust any certificates issued by that CA.
deleteCaCertTitle2=Delete or Distrust CA Certificates
-deleteEmailCertConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete these people's e-mail certificates?
-deleteEmailCertImpactDesc=If you delete a person's e-mail certificate, you will no longer be able to send encrypted e-mail to that person.
+deleteEmailCertConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete these people’s e-mail certificates?
+deleteEmailCertImpactDesc=If you delete a person’s e-mail certificate, you will no longer be able to send encrypted e-mail to that person.
deleteEmailCertTitle=Delete E-Mail Certificates
deleteOrphanCertConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete these certificates?
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ certNotVerified_AlgorithmDisabled=Could not verify this certificate because it w
certNotVerified_Unknown=Could not verify this certificate for unknown reasons.
#Client auth
-clientAuthMessage1=Organization: "%S"
-clientAuthMessage2=Issued Under: "%S"
+clientAuthMessage1=Organization: “%S”
+clientAuthMessage2=Issued Under: “%S”
#Page Info
pageInfo_NoEncryption=Connection Not Encrypted
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ pageInfo_Privacy_Encrypted1=The page you are viewing was encrypted before being
pageInfo_Privacy_Encrypted2=Encryption makes it difficult for unauthorized people to view information traveling between computers. It is therefore unlikely that anyone read this page as it traveled across the network.
pageInfo_MixedContent=Connection Partially Encrypted
pageInfo_MixedContent2=Parts of the page you are viewing were not encrypted before being transmitted over the Internet.
-pageInfo_WeakCipher=Your connection to this website uses weak encryption and is not private. Other people can view your information or modify the website's behavior.
+pageInfo_WeakCipher=Your connection to this website uses weak encryption and is not private. Other people can view your information or modify the website’s behavior.
#Cert Viewer
certDetails=Certificate Viewer:
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ resetPasswordConfirmationTitle=Reset Master Password
resetPasswordConfirmationMessage=Your password has been reset.
# Import certificate(s) file dialog
-importEmailCertPrompt=Select File containing somebody's Email certificate to import
+importEmailCertPrompt=Select File containing somebody’s Email certificate to import
importCACertsPrompt=Select File containing CA certificate(s) to import
file_browse_Certificate_spec=Certificate Files
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ CertFormatDER=X.509 Certificate (DER)
CertFormatPKCS7=X.509 Certificate (PKCS#7)
CertFormatPKCS7Chain=X.509 Certificate with chain (PKCS#7)
writeFileFailure=File Error
-writeFileFailed=Can't write to file %S:\n%S.
+writeFileFailed=Can’t write to file %S:\n%S.
writeFileAccessDenied=Access denied
writeFileIsLocked=File is locked
writeFileNoDeviceSpace=No space left on device
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ addExceptionDomainMismatchLong2=The certificate belongs to a different site, whi
addExceptionExpiredShort=Outdated Information
addExceptionExpiredLong2=The certificate is not currently valid. It may have been stolen or lost, and could be used by someone to impersonate this site.
addExceptionUnverifiedOrBadSignatureShort=Unknown Identity
-addExceptionUnverifiedOrBadSignatureLong2=The certificate is not trusted because it hasn't been verified as issued by a trusted authority using a secure signature.
+addExceptionUnverifiedOrBadSignatureLong2=The certificate is not trusted because it hasn’t been verified as issued by a trusted authority using a secure signature.
addExceptionValidShort=Valid Certificate
addExceptionValidLong=This site provides valid, verified identification. There is no need to add an exception.
addExceptionCheckingShort=Checking Information
diff --git a/security/manager/ssl/StaticHPKPins.h b/security/manager/ssl/StaticHPKPins.h
index 67c20e07d20b..798258c5342b 100644
--- a/security/manager/ssl/StaticHPKPins.h
+++ b/security/manager/ssl/StaticHPKPins.h
@@ -1115,4 +1115,4 @@ static const TransportSecurityPreload kPublicKeyPinningPreloadList[] = {
static const int32_t kUnknownId = -1;
-static const PRTime kPreloadPKPinsExpirationTime = INT64_C(1469879431521000);
+static const PRTime kPreloadPKPinsExpirationTime = INT64_C(1470483951024000);
diff --git a/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.errors b/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.errors
index 85126521235b..6133add7458e 100644
--- a/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.errors
+++ b/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.errors
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
0.me.uk: did not receive HSTS header
+007sascha.de: could not connect to host
020wifi.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-0513c.com: could not connect to host
0p.no: did not receive HSTS header
0x1337.eu: could not connect to host
0x90.fi: could not connect to host
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
123plons.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
1password.com: did not receive HSTS header
206rc.net: max-age too low: 2592000
-2nerds1bit.com: could not connect to host
+2600hq.com: could not connect to host
+2e-systems.com: max-age too low: 0
2or3.tk: could not connect to host
300651.ru: did not receive HSTS header
302.nyc: could not connect to host
@@ -19,8 +20,6 @@
420dongstorm.com: could not connect to host
42ms.org: could not connect to host
47ronin.com: did not receive HSTS header
-4d2.xyz: could not connect to host
-4ourty2.org: could not connect to host
4sqsu.eu: could not connect to host
50millionablaze.org: did not receive HSTS header
56ct.com: could not connect to host
@@ -44,19 +43,23 @@ ada.is: max-age too low: 2592000
addvocate.com: could not connect to host
adhs-chaoten.net: did not receive HSTS header
admin.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
+admsel.ec: could not connect to host
adsfund.org: could not connect to host
advancedstudio.ro: did not receive HSTS header
+adviespuntklokkenluiders.nl: did not receive HSTS header
aemoria.com: did not receive HSTS header
aes256.ru: could not connect to host
aether.pw: could not connect to host
aevpn.net: could not connect to host
+aficionados.com.br: did not receive HSTS header
afp548.tk: could not connect to host
agbremen.de: did not receive HSTS header
+ageg.ca: could not connect to host
agrimap.com: did not receive HSTS header
agrios.de: could not connect to host
ahxxm.com: could not connect to host
aiflab.com: could not connect to host
-airbnb.com: did not receive HSTS header
+airbnb.com: could not connect to host
aircomms.com: did not receive HSTS header
aiticon.de: did not receive HSTS header
akclinics.org: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -77,9 +80,9 @@ alphabit-secure.com: could not connect to host
altmv.com: max-age too low: 7776000
amaforums.org: could not connect to host
amigogeek.net: did not receive HSTS header
-amilx.com: did not receive HSTS header
amri.nl: did not receive HSTS header
amunoz.org: did not receive HSTS header
+anakros.me: did not receive HSTS header
anarchistischegroepnijmegen.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
ancientkarma.com: could not connect to host
andere-gedanken.net: max-age too low: 10
@@ -88,9 +91,10 @@ andreasolsson.se: could not connect to host
androoz.se: did not receive HSTS header
andymartin.cc: could not connect to host
animurecs.com: could not connect to host
+aniplus.ml: could not connect to host
ankakaak.com: could not connect to host
annabellaw.com: max-age too low: 0
-anomaly.ws: could not connect to host
+anomaly.ws: did not receive HSTS header
anshuman-chatterjee.com: could not connect to host
ant.land: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
antimine.kr: could not connect to host
@@ -138,6 +142,7 @@ ausnah.me: could not connect to host
auszeit.bio: did not receive HSTS header
auth.mail.ru: did not receive HSTS header
authentication.io: could not connect to host
+authint.com: could not connect to host
auto4trade.nl: could not connect to host
auverbox.ovh: did not receive HSTS header
av.de: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -150,16 +155,19 @@ az.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
azprep.us: could not connect to host
azuxul.fr: did not receive HSTS header
b3orion.com: max-age too low: 0
-babystep.tv: did not receive HSTS header
+baby-click.de: did not receive HSTS header
+babyhouse.xyz: could not connect to host
back-bone.nl: did not receive HSTS header
-badkamergigant.com: could not connect to host
baff.lu: did not receive HSTS header
bagelsbakery.com: could not connect to host
baiduaccount.com: could not connect to host
+baiyangliu.com: did not receive HSTS header
balcan-underground.net: could not connect to host
baldwinkoo.com: could not connect to host
+bananium.fr: did not receive HSTS header
+barbaros.info: could not connect to host
barely.sexy: did not receive HSTS header
-bassh.net: could not connect to host
+barrelhead.org: could not connect to host
baumstark.ca: did not receive HSTS header
bazarstupava.sk: did not receive HSTS header
bccx.com: could not connect to host
@@ -178,7 +186,7 @@ beier.io: could not connect to host
belairsewvac.com: did not receive HSTS header
belics.com: did not receive HSTS header
benk.press: could not connect to host
-benny003.de: did not receive HSTS header
+bergstoneware.com: could not connect to host
betnet.fr: could not connect to host
bets.de: did not receive HSTS header
bevapehappy.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -192,8 +200,7 @@ bigdinosaur.org: did not receive HSTS header
bigshinylock.minazo.net: could not connect to host
bildiri.ci: could not connect to host
billninja.com: did not receive HSTS header
-binaryabstraction.com: could not connect to host
-bionicspirit.com: could not connect to host
+binaryabstraction.com: did not receive HSTS header
bismarck.moe: did not receive HSTS header
bitchan.it: could not connect to host
bitcoinworld.me: could not connect to host
@@ -203,9 +210,11 @@ bitfarm-archiv.de: did not receive HSTS header
bithosting.io: did not receive HSTS header
bitvigor.com: could not connect to host
bizon.sk: did not receive HSTS header
+blackdragoninc.org: could not connect to host
blacklane.com: did not receive HSTS header
blackphoenix.de: could not connect to host
blha303.com.au: could not connect to host
+blog.gparent.org: did not receive HSTS header
blog.lookout.com: did not receive HSTS header
blubbablasen.de: could not connect to host
blucas.org: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -213,7 +222,6 @@ bluetenmeer.com: did not receive HSTS header
blutroyal.de: could not connect to host
bngsecure.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
bochs.info: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-bodo-wolff.de: did not receive HSTS header
bogosity.se: could not connect to host
bonigo.de: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
bonitabrazilian.co.nz: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -235,39 +243,40 @@ brks.xyz: could not connect to host
browserid.org: did not receive HSTS header
bsdtips.com: could not connect to host
bulletpoint.cz: did not receive HSTS header
-buri.be: could not connect to host
business.lookout.com: could not connect to host
business.medbank.com.mt: did not receive HSTS header
+businessfurs.info: could not connect to host
bustimes.org: could not connect to host
buttercoin.com: did not receive HSTS header
buzzconcert.com: could not connect to host
bvalle.com: could not connect to host
bysymphony.com: max-age too low: 0
bytepark.de: did not receive HSTS header
-c3b.info: could not connect to host
+c1yd3i.me: could not connect to host
cadao.me: did not receive HSTS header
cafe-scientifique.org.ec: could not connect to host
cake.care: could not connect to host
-calgaryconstructionjobs.com: did not receive HSTS header
+calgaryconstructionjobs.com: could not connect to host
calibreapp.com: did not receive HSTS header
calyxinstitute.org: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
canadiangamblingchoice.com: did not receive HSTS header
-cannyfoxx.me: could not connect to host
captchatheprize.com: could not connect to host
car-navi.ph: did not receive HSTS header
cardoni.net: did not receive HSTS header
carey.li: could not connect to host
carlolly.co.uk: could not connect to host
carlosalves.info: could not connect to host
-carthage.edu: did not receive HSTS header
+carthage.edu: max-age too low: 0
casinostest.com: did not receive HSTS header
+catinmay.com: could not connect to host
catnapstudios.com: could not connect to host
cavedroid.xyz: could not connect to host
cctech.ph: did not receive HSTS header
cd.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
cdnb.co: could not connect to host
-cdndepo.com: could not connect to host
+cdndepo.com: did not receive HSTS header
cdreporting.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
+celec.gob.ec: did not receive HSTS header
celltek-server.de: did not receive HSTS header
centralvacsunlimited.net: did not receive HSTS header
centralync.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -280,19 +289,22 @@ chainmonitor.com: could not connect to host
championsofregnum.com: did not receive HSTS header
changelab.cc: max-age too low: 0
chargejuice.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+charmyadesara.com: could not connect to host
charnleyhouse.co.uk: max-age too low: 604800
chartstoffarm.de: max-age too low: 10
chatbot.me: could not connect to host
+chatear.social: did not receive HSTS header
+chaulootz.com: could not connect to host
chaz6.com: max-age too low: 86400
chebedara.com: could not connect to host
checkout.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
cheesetart.my: could not connect to host
chejianer.cn: did not receive HSTS header
chijiokeindustries.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
-chiru.no: did not receive HSTS header
chm.vn: did not receive HSTS header
chontalpa.pw: could not connect to host
christianbargon.de: max-age too low: 0
+christiesantiques.com: did not receive HSTS header
chrisupjohn.com: could not connect to host
chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
chrome.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
@@ -303,6 +315,7 @@ cirfi.com: could not connect to host
citiagent.cz: could not connect to host
cityoflaurel.org: did not receive HSTS header
classicspublishing.com: could not connect to host
+clcleaningco.com: did not receive HSTS header
cleaningsquad.ca: max-age too low: 0
clerkendweller.uk: could not connect to host
clickandgo.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -310,8 +323,10 @@ climaprecio.es: did not receive HSTS header
clintonbloodworth.com: could not connect to host
clintonbloodworth.io: could not connect to host
clipped4u.com: could not connect to host
+cloudapi.vc: could not connect to host
cloudcert.org: did not receive HSTS header
cloudcy.net: could not connect to host
+clouddesktop.co.nz: did not receive HSTS header
cloudflare.com: did not receive HSTS header
cloudimag.es: could not connect to host
cloudstoragemaus.com: could not connect to host
@@ -322,11 +337,11 @@ cmci.dk: did not receive HSTS header
cn.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
codabix.net: could not connect to host
code.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
+codepx.com: did not receive HSTS header
coding.net: did not receive HSTS header
coffeeetc.co.uk: could not connect to host
coffeestrategies.com: did not receive HSTS header
coindam.com: could not connect to host
-coldfff.com: could not connect to host
collies.eu: did not receive HSTS header
colognegaming.net: could not connect to host
coloradocomputernetworking.net: could not connect to host
@@ -334,6 +349,7 @@ concord-group.co.jp: did not receive HSTS header
conformal.com: could not connect to host
console.python.org: did not receive HSTS header
constructdigital.net: max-age too low: 0
+convert.zone: did not receive HSTS header
cordial-restaurant.com: did not receive HSTS header
core.mx: could not connect to host
core4system.de: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -353,9 +369,9 @@ crowdjuris.com: could not connect to host
cruzr.xyz: could not connect to host
cryptearth.de: could not connect to host
crypto.is: max-age too low: 7776000
+cryptobin.co: could not connect to host
cryptobin.org: could not connect to host
cryptolab.tk: could not connect to host
-cryptoparty.at: could not connect to host
crysadm.com: max-age too low: 1
csawctf.poly.edu: could not connect to host
csfs.org.uk: could not connect to host
@@ -363,10 +379,12 @@ csgodicegame.com: did not receive HSTS header
csgokings.eu: could not connect to host
csohack.tk: could not connect to host
ct.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
+cthulhuden.com: could not connect to host
cubeserver.eu: could not connect to host
cubewano.com: could not connect to host
cujanovic.com: did not receive HSTS header
cupidmentor.com: did not receive HSTS header
+curroapp.com: could not connect to host
cutorrent.com: could not connect to host
cyanogenmod.xxx: could not connect to host
cybershambles.com: could not connect to host
@@ -390,6 +408,7 @@ darkhole.cn: did not receive HSTS header
dashboard.yt: did not receive HSTS header
dashnimorad.com: could not connect to host
data-abundance.com: could not connect to host
+data102.com: did not receive HSTS header
datarank.com: max-age too low: 0
dataretention.solutions: could not connect to host
datenkeks.de: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -411,6 +430,9 @@ dedicatutiempo.es: could not connect to host
deight.co: could not connect to host
dekasan.ru: could not connect to host
demotops.com: did not receive HSTS header
+demuzere.com: could not connect to host
+demuzere.eu: could not connect to host
+demuzere.net: could not connect to host
dentaldomain.org: did not receive HSTS header
dentaldomain.ph: did not receive HSTS header
depixion.agency: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -418,12 +440,10 @@ dequehablamos.es: could not connect to host
derevtsov.com: did not receive HSTS header
destinationbijoux.fr: could not connect to host
detector.exposed: could not connect to host
-detest.org: could not connect to host
devcu.com: could not connect to host
devh.de: did not receive HSTS header
diablotine.rocks: could not connect to host
diasp.cz: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-dicionariofinanceiro.com: could not connect to host
diedrich.co: max-age too low: 2592000
digitaldaddy.net: could not connect to host
digitalriver.tk: could not connect to host
@@ -440,10 +460,12 @@ dmwall.cn: could not connect to host
dns.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
do.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
dobet.in: could not connect to host
+docket.news: could not connect to host
docs.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
doctor-locks.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
dohosting.ru: could not connect to host
doktorsitesi.com: did not receive HSTS header
+dolphincorp.co.uk: could not connect to host
domaris.de: did not receive HSTS header
donzelot.co.uk: max-age too low: 3600
doridian.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
@@ -465,7 +487,7 @@ duesee.org: could not connect to host
dylanscott.com.au: did not receive HSTS header
dymersion.com: did not receive HSTS header
dynamize.solutions: did not receive HSTS header
-dzimejl.sk: could not connect to host
+dzimejl.sk: did not receive HSTS header
dzlibs.io: could not connect to host
e-aut.net: could not connect to host
e-deca2.org: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -482,12 +504,13 @@ echopaper.com: could not connect to host
echosystem.fr: did not receive HSTS header
edelsteincosmetic.com: did not receive HSTS header
edge-cloud.net: did not receive HSTS header
+edix.ru: could not connect to host
edmodo.com: did not receive HSTS header
eduvance.in: did not receive HSTS header
egit.co: could not connect to host
eicfood.com: could not connect to host
-eichornenterprises.com: could not connect to host
eidolonhost.com: did not receive HSTS header
+electricianforum.co.uk: could not connect to host
electromc.com: could not connect to host
elenoon.ir: max-age too low: 600
elimdengelen.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -498,6 +521,7 @@ email.lookout.com: could not connect to host
emeldi-commerce.com: max-age too low: 0
eminovic.me: could not connect to host
emnitech.com: could not connect to host
+empleostampico.com: did not receive HSTS header
encrypted.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
end.io: could not connect to host
endzeit-architekten.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -506,8 +530,9 @@ enteente.space: did not receive HSTS header
enterdev.co: did not receive HSTS header
entropia.de: did not receive HSTS header
envygeeks.com: could not connect to host
-envygeeks.io: could not connect to host
eol34.com: did not receive HSTS header
+epicsecure.de: could not connect to host
+epicsoft.de: could not connect to host
epicwalnutcreek.com: did not receive HSTS header
epoxate.com: did not receive HSTS header
eq8.net.au: max-age too low: 3600
@@ -523,23 +548,22 @@ erotische-aanbiedingen.nl: did not receive HSTS header
errolz.com: could not connect to host
errors.zenpayroll.com: could not connect to host
esec.rs: did not receive HSTS header
+esoa.net: could not connect to host
espra.com: could not connect to host
essexcosmeticdentists.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
estan.cn: did not receive HSTS header
ethicalexploiting.com: could not connect to host
etsysecure.com: could not connect to host
etula.ga: could not connect to host
-etula.me: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
euanbaines.com: could not connect to host
eucl3d.com: did not receive HSTS header
-evantageglobal.com: did not receive HSTS header
+euph.eu: could not connect to host
everwaking.com: could not connect to host
evin.ml: did not receive HSTS header
evossd.tk: did not receive HSTS header
-exfiles.cz: could not connect to host
expoundite.net: did not receive HSTS header
expressfinance.co.za: did not receive HSTS header
-extreemhost.nl: could not connect to host
+extreemhost.nl: did not receive HSTS header
ezimoeko.net: could not connect to host
ezmod.org: could not connect to host
eztv.ch: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -583,9 +607,9 @@ fj.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
flags.ninja: could not connect to host
flamingkeys.com.au: could not connect to host
flanco.ro: max-age too low: 0
-fless.co.uk: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+fless.co.uk: max-age too low: 0
fliexer.com: did not receive HSTS header
-floless.co.uk: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+floless.co.uk: max-age too low: 0
florian-lillpopp.de: max-age too low: 10
floriankeller.de: did not receive HSTS header
florianlillpopp.de: max-age too low: 10
@@ -598,21 +622,21 @@ food4health.guide: could not connect to host
footballmapped.com: could not connect to host
foreignexchangeresource.com: did not receive HSTS header
formini.dz: did not receive HSTS header
-forum.quantifiedself.com: max-age too low: 5184000
fotiu.com: could not connect to host
fotm.net: max-age too low: 800000
foxdev.io: did not receive HSTS header
foxelbox.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+frankhaala.com: could not connect to host
freekdevries.nl: could not connect to host
freeutopia.org: did not receive HSTS header
freezion.com: could not connect to host
+freshfind.xyz: could not connect to host
fretscha.com: could not connect to host
-fruchthof24.de: did not receive HSTS header
frusky.net: did not receive HSTS header
-fugle.de: could not connect to host
funchestra.at: did not receive HSTS header
funkyweddingideas.com.au: could not connect to host
furry.be: max-age too low: 86400
+futos.de: could not connect to host
futuretechnologi.es: could not connect to host
fx-rk.com: did not receive HSTS header
fyfywka.com: could not connect to host
@@ -623,7 +647,6 @@ gameink.net: did not receive HSTS header
gamenected.de: could not connect to host
gamesdepartment.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
gameserver-sponsor.de: did not receive HSTS header
-gamesurferapp.com: could not connect to host
gaptek.id: did not receive HSTS header
gatapro.net: could not connect to host
geekcast.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -631,12 +654,12 @@ genuu.com: could not connect to host
genyaa.com: did not receive HSTS header
getable.com: did not receive HSTS header
getlantern.org: did not receive HSTS header
+getlolaccount.com: could not connect to host
getmassage.com.ng: did not receive HSTS header
getwashdaddy.com: did not receive HSTS header
gfhgiro.nl: max-age too low: 604800
gfm.tech: could not connect to host
gfwsb.ml: could not connect to host
-ghostblog.info: could not connect to host
giftservices.nl: could not connect to host
gigacloud.org: could not connect to host
gilly.berlin: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -662,16 +685,15 @@ google: could not connect to host (error ignored - included regardless)
googlemail.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
googleplex.com: could not connect to host (error ignored - included regardless)
gorilla-gym.site: did not receive HSTS header
-gorschenin.com: could not connect to host
goto.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
gotowned.org: could not connect to host
gparent.org: did not receive HSTS header
gpsfix.cz: could not connect to host
grandmascookieblog.com: did not receive HSTS header
graph.no: did not receive HSTS header
+graphire.io: could not connect to host
gravitation.pro: did not receive HSTS header
gravity-net.de: could not connect to host
-graycell.net: did not receive HSTS header
greenvines.com.tw: did not receive HSTS header
greplin.com: could not connect to host
groth.im: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -692,19 +714,20 @@ gyboche.science: could not connect to host
gypthecat.com: max-age too low: 604800
h2check.org: could not connect to host
hackerpoints.com: could not connect to host
+hackit.im: could not connect to host
hahayidu.org: could not connect to host
+hakase.kr: could not connect to host
hancc.net: did not receive HSTS header
hao2taiwan.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
happyfabric.me: did not receive HSTS header
harringtonca.com: could not connect to host
has.vision: could not connect to host
hasilocke.de: did not receive HSTS header
-hasinase.de: could not connect to host
haste.ch: could not connect to host
hatoko.net: could not connect to host
haurumcraft.net: could not connect to host
haveforeningen-enghaven.dk: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-havellab.de: could not connect to host
+hazcod.com: could not connect to host
heart.ge: max-age too low: 0
heartlandrentals.com: did not receive HSTS header
heftkaufen.de: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -719,12 +742,12 @@ hikariempire.com: could not connect to host
hiphop.ren: could not connect to host
hiphopconvention.nl: could not connect to host
hitoy.org: did not receive HSTS header
-hlavacek.us: could not connect to host
hledejlevne.cz: did not receive HSTS header
hmm.nyc: could not connect to host
hn.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
hoerbuecher-und-hoerspiele.de: did not receive HSTS header
hogar123.es: could not connect to host
+hohm.in: did not receive HSTS header
holymoly.lu: did not receive HSTS header
homa.website: could not connect to host
honeytracks.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
@@ -732,15 +755,19 @@ honoo.com: could not connect to host
hookandloom.com: did not receive HSTS header
horosho.in: could not connect to host
horseboners.xxx: did not receive HSTS header
+hosted-service.com: did not receive HSTS header
hostedtalkgadget.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
hostgarou.com: did not receive HSTS header
hotchillibox.com: max-age too low: 0
hovie.at: max-age too low: 3600
howrandom.org: could not connect to host
+hsir.me: could not connect to host
hsts.date: could not connect to host
hstspreload.appspot.com: did not receive HSTS header
hu.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
+hurricanelabs.com: did not receive HSTS header
hydra.ws: could not connect to host
+i-partners.sk: did not receive HSTS header
i95.me: did not receive HSTS header
iamveto.com: could not connect to host
iban.is: could not connect to host
@@ -751,8 +778,10 @@ id-co.in: could not connect to host
ideal-envelopes.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
identitylabs.uk: did not receive HSTS header
idiopolis.org: could not connect to host
+idontplaydarts.com: did not receive HSTS header
ie.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
ifleurs.com: could not connect to host
+ihrlotto.de: could not connect to host
ihuanmeng.com: max-age too low: 3600
ilikerainbows.co: could not connect to host
ilikerainbows.co.uk: could not connect to host
@@ -760,6 +789,7 @@ illjinx.info: did not receive HSTS header
ilmconpm.de: did not receive HSTS header
ilona.graphics: max-age too low: 3600
imim.pw: did not receive HSTS header
+imolug.org: did not receive HSTS header
imouto.my: max-age too low: 5184000
imusic.dk: did not receive HSTS header
inb4.us: could not connect to host
@@ -769,6 +799,7 @@ inertianetworks.com: did not receive HSTS header
infinitusgaming.eu: could not connect to host
inflation.ml: could not connect to host
infocommsociety.com: did not receive HSTS header
+infotics.es: could not connect to host
inkstory.gr: did not receive HSTS header
inksupply.com: did not receive HSTS header
inleaked.com: could not connect to host
@@ -777,6 +808,7 @@ insite-feedback.com: did not receive HSTS header
insouciant.org: did not receive HSTS header
inspiroinc.com: could not connect to host
instacart.com: did not receive HSTS header
+intarweb.ca: could not connect to host
intercom.io: did not receive HSTS header
interference.io: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
interserved.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -795,7 +827,7 @@ irccloud.com: did not receive HSTS header
iskaz.rs: did not receive HSTS header
isogram.nl: could not connect to host
ispire.me: did not receive HSTS header
-itludens.com: could not connect to host
+itechgeek.com: max-age too low: 0
itsamurai.ru: max-age too low: 2592000
itsatrap.nl: could not connect to host
itsecurityassurance.pw: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -807,26 +839,24 @@ jaitnetworking.com: did not receive HSTS header
jakenbake.com: could not connect to host
jamesburton.london: could not connect to host
jamesdoylephoto.com: did not receive HSTS header
-janosh.com: could not connect to host
janus-engineering.de: did not receive HSTS header
jarsater.com: did not receive HSTS header
javalestari.com: did not receive HSTS header
jayblock.com: did not receive HSTS header
-jbbd.fr: could not connect to host
jeff393.com: could not connect to host
+jenjoit.de: could not connect to host
jensenbanden.no: could not connect to host
jetaprices.com: could not connect to host
jetmirshatri.com: could not connect to host
-jettshome.org: could not connect to host
jeugdkans.nl: could not connect to host
jf.duckdns.org: could not connect to host
jh-media.eu: could not connect to host
-jhejderup.me: could not connect to host
jimas.eu: did not receive HSTS header
jimmycai.org: max-age too low: 10368000
jkb.pics: could not connect to host
jkbuster.com: could not connect to host
jmdekker.it: could not connect to host
+jobmedic.com: did not receive HSTS header
johners.me: could not connect to host
johners.tech: could not connect to host
jonas-keidel.de: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -835,45 +865,46 @@ jonathan.ir: could not connect to host
jonathancarter.org: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
jonathandowning.uk: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
joostbovee.nl: did not receive HSTS header
-josefjanosec.com: could not connect to host
joshstroup.me: could not connect to host
josip.at: could not connect to host
jottit.com: could not connect to host
jrvar.com: did not receive HSTS header
+js-online.net: did not receive HSTS header
jsanders.us: did not receive HSTS header
juergenhecht.de: could not connect to host
juliamweber.de: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
julian-kipka.de: did not receive HSTS header
+junaos.xyz: did not receive HSTS header
junge-selbsthilfe.info: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-juniwalk.cz: could not connect to host
junqtion.com: could not connect to host
justlikethat.hosting: did not receive HSTS header
justudin.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
juwairen.cn: could not connect to host
+jvoice.net: could not connect to host
jwilsson.me: could not connect to host
k-dev.de: could not connect to host
kalami.nl: could not connect to host
kamikano.com: could not connect to host
kamisama.xyz: could not connect to host
-kamitech.ch: could not connect to host
kaplatz.is: could not connect to host
kaputt.com: could not connect to host
kasko.io: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
kausch.at: did not receive HSTS header
kawaiiku.com: could not connect to host
kawaiiku.de: could not connect to host
+kcolford.com: did not receive HSTS header
kdata.it: could not connect to host
kdm-online.de: did not receive HSTS header
+keaysmillwork.com: did not receive HSTS header
keeley.gq: could not connect to host
keeley.ml: could not connect to host
+keeleysam.com: could not connect to host
keeleysam.me: could not connect to host
keepclean.me: could not connect to host
kerksanders.nl: did not receive HSTS header
kermadec.net: could not connect to host
kernl.us: did not receive HSTS header
-kerrfrequencycombs.org: did not receive HSTS header
keymaster.lookout.com: did not receive HSTS header
-kg-rating.com: could not connect to host
kgxtech.com: max-age too low: 2592000
kickass.al: could not connect to host
kingmanhall.org: could not connect to host
@@ -904,7 +935,9 @@ krouzkyliduska.cz: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (N
krupa.net.pl: did not receive HSTS header
kryptera.se: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
kueulangtahunanak.net: could not connect to host
+kura.io: could not connect to host
kurehun.org: could not connect to host
+kurofuku.me: could not connect to host
kweddingplanning.com: did not receive HSTS header
kynaston.org.uk: could not connect to host
kz.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -915,24 +948,24 @@ labordata.io: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERR
labrador-retrievers.com.au: did not receive HSTS header
lachlankidson.net: did not receive HSTS header
laf.in.net: did not receive HSTS header
-laglab.org: could not connect to host
lagoza.name: could not connect to host
lambdafive.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
landscape.canonical.com: max-age too low: 2592000
langhun.me: could not connect to host
laobox.fr: did not receive HSTS header
+lask.in: could not connect to host
latus.xyz: could not connect to host
ldarby.me.uk: could not connect to host
ldc.com.br: max-age too low: 7776000
-leandre.cn: max-age too low: 7776000
+leandre.cn: did not receive HSTS header
learnfrenchfluently.com: did not receive HSTS header
ledgerscope.net: max-age too low: 86400
leifdreizler.com: could not connect to host
leinir.dk: max-age too low: 86400
leiyun.me: could not connect to host
-lelongbank.com: did not receive HSTS header
+lelongbank.com: could not connect to host
lentri.com: did not receive HSTS header
-leob.in: max-age too low: 7776000
+leob.in: did not receive HSTS header
leon-jaekel.com: could not connect to host
leopotamgroup.com: did not receive HSTS header
leovanna.co.uk: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
@@ -944,14 +977,14 @@ lgts.se: could not connect to host
li.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
libertyrp.org: could not connect to host
library.linode.com: did not receive HSTS header
-lifeguard.aecom.com: max-age too low: 86400
+lifeguard.aecom.com: did not receive HSTS header
likeaross.com: did not receive HSTS header
lillpopp.eu: max-age too low: 10
limalama.eu: max-age too low: 1
lindberg.io: did not receive HSTS header
linguaquote.com: did not receive HSTS header
linmi.cc: did not receive HSTS header
-liquid.cz: could not connect to host
+linuxeyecandy.com: did not receive HSTS header
liquorsanthe.in: could not connect to host
livedemo.io: could not connect to host
livej.am: could not connect to host
@@ -961,7 +994,6 @@ loadingdeck.com: did not receive HSTS header
loafbox.com: could not connect to host
loenshotel.de: did not receive HSTS header
login.corp.google.com: max-age too low: 7776000 (error ignored - included regardless)
-lolicore.ch: could not connect to host
lookzook.com: did not receive HSTS header
lothai.re: could not connect to host
lottosonline.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -977,6 +1009,7 @@ lumi.do: did not receive HSTS header
luoxiao.im: could not connect to host
lusis.fr: did not receive HSTS header
lusis.net: did not receive HSTS header
+lustrumxi.nl: could not connect to host
luxus-russen.de: did not receive HSTS header
lv.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
m.gparent.org: could not connect to host
@@ -989,13 +1022,12 @@ magenx.com: did not receive HSTS header
mahamed91.pw: could not connect to host
mail-settings.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
mail.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
-maildragon.com: could not connect to host
makerstuff.net: did not receive HSTS header
-makowitz.cz: could not connect to host
malerversand.de: did not receive HSTS header
malwre.io: could not connect to host
mamaison.io: did not receive HSTS header
marchagen.nl: did not receive HSTS header
+markayapilandirma.com: did not receive HSTS header
market.android.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
markrego.com: did not receive HSTS header
markusweimar.de: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1003,11 +1035,14 @@ marleyresort.com: did not receive HSTS header
marshut.net: could not connect to host
martijnvhoof.nl: did not receive HSTS header
masa.li: could not connect to host
+maternalsafety.org: did not receive HSTS header
matrix.ac: could not connect to host
+matspar.com: max-age too low: 0
matthewprenger.com: did not receive HSTS header
matty.digital: max-age too low: 3600
matze.co: could not connect to host
maultrom.ml: could not connect to host
+mavisang.cf: did not receive HSTS header
mazz-tech.com: could not connect to host
mb-is.info: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
mblankhorst.nl: could not connect to host
@@ -1016,7 +1051,7 @@ mcdonalds.ru: did not receive HSTS header
mcpart.land: did not receive HSTS header
mdfnet.se: did not receive HSTS header
mdscomp.net: did not receive HSTS header
-mechanus.io: did not receive HSTS header
+mechanus.io: max-age too low: 2592000
medallia.io: could not connect to host
mediacru.sh: could not connect to host
mediawikicn.org: could not connect to host
@@ -1028,11 +1063,13 @@ meghudson.com: could not connect to host
meincenter-meinemeinung.de: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
meinebo.it: could not connect to host
members.mayfirst.org: did not receive HSTS header
-mercuryamericas.com: could not connect to host
+merson.me: could not connect to host
metebalci.com: could not connect to host
+meteorapp.space: could not connect to host
+mfcatalin.com: could not connect to host
michaelfitzpatrickruth.com: did not receive HSTS header
michal-kral.cz: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-michalkral.tk: could not connect to host
+michalborka.cz: could not connect to host
micro-dv.ru: did not receive HSTS header
micropple.net: could not connect to host
mijn-email.org: could not connect to host
@@ -1055,7 +1092,6 @@ mobilethreat.net: could not connect to host
mobilethreatnetwork.net: could not connect to host
mobocasino.com: did not receive HSTS header
modemagazines.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
-modmountain.com: could not connect to host
moelord.org: did not receive HSTS header
monitman.com: could not connect to host
moparisthebest.biz: could not connect to host
@@ -1072,7 +1108,7 @@ mpac.ca: max-age too low: 0
mqas.net: could not connect to host
mrpopat.in: did not receive HSTS header
msc-seereisen.net: did not receive HSTS header
-mt.me.uk: could not connect to host
+mt.me.uk: did not receive HSTS header
mt.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
mtcgf.com: did not receive HSTS header
mtg-esport.de: could not connect to host
@@ -1122,10 +1158,8 @@ netzpolitik.org: did not receive HSTS header
netztest.at: did not receive HSTS header
neuralgic.net: could not connect to host
neuronasdigitales.com: did not receive HSTS header
-neveta.com: did not receive HSTS header
+neveta.com: could not connect to host
newcitygas.ca: max-age too low: 0
-newkaliningrad.ru: max-age too low: 604800
-nex.sx: could not connect to host
nexth.de: could not connect to host
nexth.net: could not connect to host
nexth.us: could not connect to host
@@ -1139,12 +1173,15 @@ nicolaeiotcu.ro: could not connect to host
nicolaelmer.ch: could not connect to host
niconiconi.xyz: could not connect to host
niho.jp: max-age too low: 0
+nikomo.fi: could not connect to host
+nitho.me: did not receive HSTS header
nlegall.fr: did not receive HSTS header
nmctest.net: could not connect to host
+nnya.cat: did not receive HSTS header
+no17sifangjie.cc: could not connect to host
nodebrewery.com: could not connect to host
nodetemple.com: could not connect to host
noexpect.org: could not connect to host
-noisetrap.cz: could not connect to host
nolatepayments.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
nope.website: could not connect to host
nopex.no: could not connect to host
@@ -1153,7 +1190,6 @@ novatrucking.de: did not receive HSTS header
nowak.ninja: did not receive HSTS header
noworrywp.com: could not connect to host
np.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
-nshost.ro: did not receive HSTS header
nu3.at: did not receive HSTS header
nu3.ch: did not receive HSTS header
nu3.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1173,8 +1209,8 @@ nuxer.fr: could not connect to host
nystart.no: did not receive HSTS header
nz.search.yahoo.com: max-age too low: 172800
nzb.cat: did not receive HSTS header
-nzbs.io: did not receive HSTS header
odin.xxx: did not receive HSTS header
+oiepoie.nl: could not connect to host
oishioffice.com: did not receive HSTS header
oliverdunk.com: did not receive HSTS header
olymp-arts.world: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1233,13 +1269,14 @@ partyvan.nl: could not connect to host
partyvan.se: could not connect to host
passwordbox.com: did not receive HSTS header
passwords.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
-pastaf.com: could not connect to host
paste.fedoraproject.org: did not receive HSTS header
paste.linode.com: could not connect to host
pastebin.linode.com: could not connect to host
+pastie.se: did not receive HSTS header
patt.us: could not connect to host
patterson.mp: did not receive HSTS header
pauladamsmith.com: did not receive HSTS header
+paxwinkel.nl: could not connect to host
pay.gigahost.dk: did not receive HSTS header
payfreez.com: max-age too low: 86400
pbprint.ru: max-age too low: 0
@@ -1247,6 +1284,7 @@ pc-nf.de: did not receive HSTS header
peissen.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
penablog.com: did not receive HSTS header
perfectionis.me: could not connect to host
+performous.org: could not connect to host
perlwork.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
personaldatabasen.no: could not connect to host
persson.im: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1258,11 +1296,11 @@ picksin.club: could not connect to host
picscare.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
pinesandneedles.com: did not receive HSTS header
pippen.io: could not connect to host
-piratedb.com: did not receive HSTS header
-piratedot.com: did not receive HSTS header
+piratedb.com: could not connect to host
+piratedot.com: could not connect to host
piratenlogin.de: could not connect to host
pirati.cz: max-age too low: 604800
-pisidia.de: did not receive HSTS header
+pisidia.de: could not connect to host
pixel.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
pixelcode.com.au: did not receive HSTS header
pixi.me: could not connect to host
@@ -1280,11 +1318,12 @@ pol.in.th: could not connect to host
polimat.org: could not connect to host
politically-incorrect.xyz: could not connect to host
polypho.nyc: could not connect to host
-pontualcomp.com: could not connect to host
poolsandstuff.com: did not receive HSTS header
poon.io: did not receive HSTS header
posterspy.com: did not receive HSTS header
postscheduler.org: could not connect to host
+posylka.de: could not connect to host
+povitria.net: did not receive HSTS header
power-of-interest.com: could not connect to host
powerxequality.com: could not connect to host
pr.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1294,16 +1333,17 @@ preissler.co.uk: could not connect to host
prelist.org: did not receive HSTS header
pressfreedomfoundation.org: did not receive HSTS header
privacyrup.net: could not connect to host
+privatestatic.com: could not connect to host
prodpad.com: did not receive HSTS header
production.vn: did not receive HSTS header
profi-durchgangsmelder.de: did not receive HSTS header
-projectblackbook.us: could not connect to host
promecon-gmbh.de: did not receive HSTS header
promhadan.com: could not connect to host
prontolight.com: did not receive HSTS header
proximato.com: could not connect to host
proxybay.club: could not connect to host
proxybay.info: did not receive HSTS header
+ptn.moscow: could not connect to host
pubkey.is: could not connect to host
puikheid.nl: could not connect to host
puiterwijk.org: could not connect to host
@@ -1314,7 +1354,6 @@ purewebmasters.com: could not connect to host
purplemoon.mobi: did not receive HSTS header
purplestar.mobi: did not receive HSTS header
pushapp.org: did not receive HSTS header
-pwnies.dk: could not connect to host
py.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
pyplo.org: did not receive HSTS header
pypt.lt: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1323,6 +1362,7 @@ qingxuan.info: did not receive HSTS header
qinxi1992.com: did not receive HSTS header
qiwi.be: did not receive HSTS header
qrara.net: did not receive HSTS header
+quantenteranik.eu: could not connect to host
quantumcourse.org: did not receive HSTS header
quera.ir: could not connect to host
quranserver.net: could not connect to host
@@ -1333,7 +1373,6 @@ radicaleducation.net: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005
radiormi.com: did not receive HSTS header
rainbowbarracuda.com: could not connect to host
rambitteh.ru: could not connect to host
-ramon-c.nl: could not connect to host
rannseier.org: did not receive HSTS header
rapidresearch.me: could not connect to host
rasing.me: could not connect to host
@@ -1342,6 +1381,7 @@ rawet.se: did not receive HSTS header
rawstorieslondon.com: could not connect to host
raydobe.me: could not connect to host
rc4.io: could not connect to host
+rcpcbd.com: could not connect to host
realmofespionage.com: could not connect to host
recommended.reviews: could not connect to host
reddiseals.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
@@ -1352,6 +1392,7 @@ regalpalms.com: did not receive HSTS header
regenbogenwald.de: did not receive HSTS header
regenerescence.com: did not receive HSTS header
reic.me: could not connect to host
+reliable-mail.de: could not connect to host
relisten.nl: did not receive HSTS header
remodela.com.ve: could not connect to host
renem.net: max-age too low: 0
@@ -1361,28 +1402,29 @@ reprolife.co.uk: max-age too low: 0
reserve-online.net: did not receive HSTS header
respice.xyz: could not connect to host
retrotracks.net: did not receive HSTS header
-revensoftware.com: could not connect to host
reviews.anime.my: max-age too low: 5184000
revtut.net: did not receive HSTS header
rewardstock.com: max-age too low: 0
rhodri.io: max-age too low: 300
riaucybersolution.net: did not receive HSTS header
+ricki-z.com: could not connect to host
rideworks.com: did not receive HSTS header
righttoknow.ie: did not receive HSTS header
rijndael.xyz: could not connect to host
rika.me: could not connect to host
-ringh.am: could not connect to host
rippleunion.com: could not connect to host
rj.gg: could not connect to host
rkmantpur.org: did not receive HSTS header
rme.li: did not receive HSTS header
roan24.pl: did not receive HSTS header
robertglastra.com: could not connect to host
+roeper.party: could not connect to host
romaimperator.com: did not receive HSTS header
romans-place.me.uk: did not receive HSTS header
ronvandordt.info: did not receive HSTS header
ronwo.de: max-age too low: 1
rootwpn.com: could not connect to host
+rop.io: could not connect to host
rout0r.org: did not receive HSTS header
rr.in.th: could not connect to host
rsf.io: could not connect to host
@@ -1396,6 +1438,7 @@ rubyshop.nl: max-age too low: 604800
rudloff.pro: did not receive HSTS header
rugirlfriend.com: did not receive HSTS header
runementors.com: could not connect to host
+runtondev.com: did not receive HSTS header
ruqu.nl: could not connect to host
rushball.net: could not connect to host
rusl.me: could not connect to host
@@ -1412,21 +1455,22 @@ salserocafe.com: did not receive HSTS header
salserototal.com: did not receive HSTS header
salud.top: did not receive HSTS header
sampoznay.ru: could not connect to host
+samuelkeeley.com: could not connect to host
sandviks.com: did not receive HSTS header
-santing.net: could not connect to host
-sapience.com: max-age too low: 6307200
-sarakas.com: did not receive HSTS header
saturngames.co.uk: could not connect to host
saunasandstuff.ca: did not receive HSTS header
saunasandstuff.com: did not receive HSTS header
saveyour.biz: could not connect to host
sawamura-rental.com: did not receive HSTS header
+sb-group.dk: did not receive HSTS header
schelberts.de: did not receive HSTS header
+schmitz.link: could not connect to host
schnell-gold.com: could not connect to host
schont.org: max-age too low: 3153600
-schoop.me: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+schoop.me: did not receive HSTS header
schorel.ovh: did not receive HSTS header
schreiber-netzwerk.eu: did not receive HSTS header
+schwarzwaldcon.de: could not connect to host
scienceathome.org: did not receive HSTS header
scooshonline.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
scotbirchfield.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1435,6 +1479,7 @@ scrambler.in: could not connect to host
scribe.systems: could not connect to host
script.google.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
sdsl-speedtest.de: could not connect to host
+sec.gd: did not receive HSTS header
secandtech.com: could not connect to host
secure-games.us: could not connect to host
securesuisse.ch: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1449,14 +1494,13 @@ semenkovich.com: did not receive HSTS header
semps-servers.de: could not connect to host
seomobo.com: could not connect to host
seowarp.net: max-age too low: 1576800
-seq.tf: could not connect to host
+seq.tf: did not receive HSTS header
serized.pw: could not connect to host
serverdensity.io: did not receive HSTS header
seryo.moe: could not connect to host
shadoom.com: did not receive HSTS header
shamka.ru: max-age too low: 1
shanesage.com: did not receive HSTS header
-shannoneichorn.com: could not connect to host
shareimg.xyz: did not receive HSTS header
shellsec.pw: did not receive HSTS header
shibe.club: could not connect to host
@@ -1469,10 +1513,11 @@ shopbakersnook.com: did not receive HSTS header
shopontarget.com: did not receive HSTS header
shoprose.ru: could not connect to host
shops.neonisi.com: could not connect to host
+shortr.li: could not connect to host
shukatsu-note.com: could not connect to host
shv25.se: could not connect to host
siammedia.co: did not receive HSTS header
-sifls.com: could not connect to host
+siebens.net: could not connect to host
silentcircle.org: could not connect to host
silver-drachenkrieger.de: did not receive HSTS header
simbast.com: could not connect to host
@@ -1488,6 +1533,7 @@ sixt.co.uk: max-age too low: 0
sixt.com: max-age too low: 0
sixt.com.br: max-age too low: 0
sixt.de: max-age too low: 0
+skeeley.com: could not connect to host
skhosting.eu: did not receive HSTS header
slashem.me: did not receive HSTS header
slattery.co: could not connect to host
@@ -1498,7 +1544,6 @@ sluitkampzeist.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (N
smartcoin.com.br: could not connect to host
smartlend.se: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
smartofficesandsmarthomes.com: did not receive HSTS header
-smartshiftme.com: could not connect to host
smet.us: could not connect to host
smkn1lengkong.sch.id: did not receive HSTS header
smksi2.com: could not connect to host
@@ -1508,18 +1553,18 @@ snapworks.net: did not receive HSTS header
sneberger.cz: could not connect to host
sobotkama.eu: did not receive HSTS header
soccergif.com: did not receive HSTS header
-soci.ml: could not connect to host
+soci.ml: did not receive HSTS header
socialsecurity.gov: did not receive HSTS header
socialspirit.com.br: did not receive HSTS header
sockeye.cc: could not connect to host
sockeye.io: did not receive HSTS header
socomponents.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
sofabedshop.de: did not receive HSTS header
-sogravatas.net.br: did not receive HSTS header
solsystems.ru: could not connect to host
someshit.xyz: did not receive HSTS header
sonic.sk: did not receive HSTS header
soulema.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+soulfulglamour.uk: could not connect to host
sourcelair.com: did not receive HSTS header
souyar.de: could not connect to host
souyar.net: could not connect to host
@@ -1541,10 +1586,13 @@ sqzryang.com: max-age too low: 604800
ssa.gov: did not receive HSTS header
ssl.google-analytics.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
ssl.panoramio.com: did not receive HSTS header
-sss3s.com: could not connect to host
+ssl.rip: could not connect to host
+startupsort.com: could not connect to host
stassi.ch: did not receive HSTS header
+stateofexception.io: could not connect to host
static.or.at: could not connect to host
staticanime.net: did not receive HSTS header
+stevegrav.es: could not connect to host
stillyarts.com: did not receive HSTS header
stirlingpoon.com: did not receive HSTS header
stocktrade.de: could not connect to host
@@ -1578,7 +1626,6 @@ sxbk.pw: could not connect to host
syncer.jp: did not receive HSTS header
synchtu.be: did not receive HSTS header
syneic.com: did not receive HSTS header
-szaszm.tk: could not connect to host
t.facebook.com: did not receive HSTS header
tablet.facebook.com: did not receive HSTS header
tafoma.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1594,11 +1641,11 @@ tapka.cz: did not receive HSTS header
taskulu.ir: could not connect to host
tasmansecurity.com: could not connect to host
taxbench.com: could not connect to host
+tc-bonito.de: could not connect to host
tcao.info: could not connect to host
tcl.ath.cx: did not receive HSTS header
team3482.com: did not receive HSTS header
techandtux.de: could not connect to host
-techassist.io: could not connect to host
techhub.ml: could not connect to host
techtalks.no: could not connect to host
tedovo.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1610,6 +1657,7 @@ teodio.cl: did not receive HSTS header
terrab.de: could not connect to host
terrax.berlin: could not connect to host
terrax.info: could not connect to host
+testandroid.xyz: could not connect to host
testbawks.com: could not connect to host
textracer.dk: could not connect to host
thai.land: could not connect to host
@@ -1620,7 +1668,9 @@ thecoffeehouse.xyz: could not connect to host
theflyingbear.net: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
thehiddenbay.net: could not connect to host
thehistory.me: did not receive HSTS header
+theinvisibletrailer.com: could not connect to host
themerchandiser.net: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+themicrocapital.com: could not connect to host
themillerslive.com: could not connect to host
thepartywarehouse.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
thepiratebay.al: could not connect to host
@@ -1630,7 +1680,6 @@ theurbanyoga.com: did not receive HSTS header
thevintagenews.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
theweilai.com: could not connect to host
thezonders.com: did not receive HSTS header
-thierryhayoz.ch: could not connect to host
thijsalders.nl: did not receive HSTS header
thinkindifferent.net: could not connect to host
thirty5.net: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1638,11 +1687,12 @@ thomasnet.fr: could not connect to host
thorncreek.net: did not receive HSTS header
thumbtack.com: did not receive HSTS header
thundr.eu: could not connect to host
-tibbitshall.ca: did not receive HSTS header
tickopa.co.uk: could not connect to host
+tictactux.de: could not connect to host
tiensnet.com: did not receive HSTS header
-time-river.xyz: could not connect to host
+time-river.xyz: did not receive HSTS header
timestamp.io: did not receive HSTS header
+timmy.ws: did not receive HSTS header
timotrans.de: did not receive HSTS header
timotrans.eu: did not receive HSTS header
tinastahlschmidt.de: could not connect to host
@@ -1652,7 +1702,7 @@ tirex.media: did not receive HSTS header
titouan.co: did not receive HSTS header
tittelbach.at: could not connect to host
titties.ml: could not connect to host
-tkarstens.de: could not connect to host
+tkarstens.de: did not receive HSTS header
tls.li: could not connect to host
tm-solutions.eu: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
tmprod.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1663,7 +1713,6 @@ tollmanz.com: did not receive HSTS header
tomharling.co.uk: max-age too low: 86400
tomharling.uk: max-age too low: 86400
tonburi.jp: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
-tonywebster.com: could not connect to host
topbargains.com.au: did not receive HSTS header
topodin.com: did not receive HSTS header
topshelfguild.com: could not connect to host
@@ -1678,11 +1727,13 @@ track.plus: could not connect to host
tracktivity.com.au: did not receive HSTS header
tradingcentre.com.au: did not receive HSTS header
traffixdevices.com: did not receive HSTS header
-transacid.de: could not connect to host
+trakfusion.com: could not connect to host
translate.googleapis.com: did not receive HSTS header (error ignored - included regardless)
translatoruk.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
trendberry.ru: did not receive HSTS header
trinitycore.org: max-age too low: 2592000
+tripdelta.com: did not receive HSTS header
+trollscave.xyz: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
truweight.in: max-age too low: 0
trybind.com: could not connect to host
ts2.se: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1694,6 +1745,7 @@ tvtubeflix.com: did not receive HSTS header
twist.party: could not connect to host
twogo.com: did not receive HSTS header
twolinepassbrewing.com: could not connect to host
+txclimbers.com: could not connect to host
tylian.net: did not receive HSTS header
tyroproducts.eu: did not receive HSTS header
ua.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1706,24 +1758,28 @@ ulmo.dk: could not connect to host
ultros.io: did not receive HSTS header
umidev.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
umie.cc: did not receive HSTS header
+umwandeln-online.de: did not receive HSTS header
unapp.me: could not connect to host
unbanthe.net: could not connect to host
uni-games.com: could not connect to host
univz.com: could not connect to host
uonstaffhub.com: could not connect to host
uow.ninja: could not connect to host
+up1.ca: did not receive HSTS header
upay.ru: did not receive HSTS header
uplinklabs.net: did not receive HSTS header
uprotect.it: could not connect to host
upstats.eu: could not connect to host
uscitizenship.info: did not receive HSTS header
ustr.gov: max-age too low: 86400
+utdsgda.com: could not connect to host
utumno.ch: could not connect to host
uy.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
uz.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
vaddder.com: could not connect to host
valethound.com: did not receive HSTS header
-valis.sx: did not receive HSTS header
+valis.sx: could not connect to host
+valkyrja.xyz: did not receive HSTS header
vallis.net: could not connect to host
valmagus.com: could not connect to host
vande-walle.eu: could not connect to host
@@ -1738,15 +1794,14 @@ vemokin.net: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERRO
vennet.fr: could not connect to host
vermontcareergateway.org: did not receive HSTS header
vfree.org: could not connect to host
+vgatest.nl: could not connect to host
+vglimg.com: could not connect to host
vhost.co.id: could not connect to host
videnskabsklubben.dk: did not receive HSTS header
videomuz.com: did not receive HSTS header
vidz.ga: did not receive HSTS header
viennan.net: could not connect to host
-vincentcox.com: could not connect to host
vinilosdecorativos.net: could not connect to host
-visioflux-premium.com: could not connect to host
-visiontree-beta.eu: could not connect to host
vissanum.com: did not receive HSTS header
viva-french.com: did not receive HSTS header
vizeat.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1767,9 +1822,9 @@ vzk.io: could not connect to host
vztekloun.cz: could not connect to host
wallingford.cc: could not connect to host
wanban.io: could not connect to host
-wangqiliang.com: did not receive HSTS header
-wangqiliang.xn--fiqs8s: did not receive HSTS header
wapjt.cn: could not connect to host
+warhistoryonline.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
+wassim.is: could not connect to host
watertrails.io: could not connect to host
watsonhall.uk: could not connect to host
wealthfactory.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
@@ -1778,7 +1833,8 @@ weberjulia.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_E
webm.to: could not connect to host
webmail.mayfirst.org: did not receive HSTS header
webmail.xalqbank.az: max-age too low: 0
-webs4all.ro: could not connect to host
+webperformance.ru: max-age too low: 172800
+webstory.xyz: did not receive HSTS header
webswitch.io: could not connect to host
weddingenvelopes.co.uk: did not receive HSTS header
welpy.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
@@ -1800,7 +1856,7 @@ whysuck.com: could not connect to host
whyworldhot.com: did not receive HSTS header
wiire.me: could not connect to host
wilf1rst.com: could not connect to host
-winclient.cn: could not connect to host
+winclient.cn: did not receive HSTS header
winshiplending.com: did not receive HSTS header
winterschoen.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
wiseloan.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1842,6 +1898,8 @@ www3.info: did not receive HSTS header
wxukang.cn: could not connect to host
x2w.io: could not connect to host
xa.search.yahoo.com: did not receive HSTS header
+xalqbank-online.az: could not connect to host
+xandocs.com: could not connect to host
xavierbarroso.com: did not receive HSTS header
xbind.io: could not connect to host
xcoop.me: could not connect to host
@@ -1850,10 +1908,11 @@ xellos.ml: could not connect to host
xenesisziarovky.sk: could not connect to host
xerhost.de: did not receive HSTS header
xiaody.me: could not connect to host
+xiaolvmu.me: could not connect to host
xiaoxiao.im: did not receive HSTS header
ximage.me: did not receive HSTS header
-xinbiji.cn: could not connect to host
xiyu.moe: did not receive HSTS header
+xn--3lqp21gwna.xn--fiqs8s: could not connect to host
xn--3lqp21gwna.xn--fiqz9s: did not receive HSTS header
xn--79q87uvkclvgd56ahq5a.net: did not receive HSTS header
xn--maraa-rta.org: could not connect to host
@@ -1864,6 +1923,7 @@ xtream-hosting.de: could not connect to host
xtream-hosting.eu: could not connect to host
xtreamhosting.eu: could not connect to host
xuri.me: max-age too low: 2592000
+xxbase.com: did not receive HSTS header
y-o-w.com: did not receive HSTS header
y-s.pw: did not receive HSTS header
yahvehyireh.com: did not receive HSTS header
@@ -1896,8 +1956,12 @@ zhaojin97.cn: did not receive HSTS header
zhendingresources.com: max-age too low: 0
ziin.de: max-age too low: 0
zirtue.io: could not connect to host
+zju.tv: could not connect to host
+zjubtv.com: could not connect to host
+zjutv.com: could not connect to host
zking.ga: could not connect to host
zocken.com: could not connect to host
+zoe.vc: could not connect to host
zomerschoen.nl: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
zoo24.de: did not receive HSTS header
zqhong.com: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsISiteSecurityService.processHeader]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: /builds/slave/m-cen-l64-periodicupdate-00000/getHSTSPreloadList.js :: processStsHeader :: line 121" data: no]
diff --git a/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.inc b/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.inc
index a8a6bc8c871b..47a0aef4ad75 100644
--- a/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.inc
+++ b/security/manager/ssl/nsSTSPreloadList.inc
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
-const PRTime gPreloadListExpirationTime = INT64_C(1472298624842000);
+const PRTime gPreloadListExpirationTime = INT64_C(1472903144496000);
static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
- /* "007sascha.de", true */ '0', '0', '7', 's', 'a', 's', 'c', 'h', 'a', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "050media.nl", true */ '0', '5', '0', 'm', 'e', 'd', 'i', 'a', '.', 'n', 'l', '\0',
+ /* "0513c.com", true */ '0', '5', '1', '3', 'c', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "0au.de", true */ '0', 'a', 'u', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "0knowledge.de", true */ '0', 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', 'l', 'e', 'd', 'g', 'e', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "0paste.com", true */ '0', 'p', 'a', 's', 't', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
@@ -64,15 +64,14 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "24ip.com", true */ '2', '4', 'i', 'p', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "24ip.de", true */ '2', '4', 'i', 'p', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "24ip.fr", true */ '2', '4', 'i', 'p', '.', 'f', 'r', '\0',
- /* "2600hq.com", true */ '2', '6', '0', '0', 'h', 'q', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "28spots.net", true */ '2', '8', 's', 'p', 'o', 't', 's', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "2bis10.de", true */ '2', 'b', 'i', 's', '1', '0', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "2brokegirls.org", true */ '2', 'b', 'r', 'o', 'k', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'r', 'l', 's', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '\0',
/* "2carpros.com", true */ '2', 'c', 'a', 'r', 'p', 'r', 'o', 's', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
- /* "2e-systems.com", true */ '2', 'e', '-', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', 's', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "2gen.com", true */ '2', 'g', 'e', 'n', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "2kgwf.fi", true */ '2', 'k', 'g', 'w', 'f', '.', 'f', 'i', '\0',
/* "2nains.ch", true */ '2', 'n', 'a', 'i', 'n', 's', '.', 'c', 'h', '\0',
+ /* "2nerds1bit.com", true */ '2', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'd', 's', '1', 'b', 'i', 't', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "2programmers.net", true */ '2', 'p', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', 'm', 'e', 'r', 's', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "300m.com", true */ '3', '0', '0', 'm', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "301.website", true */ '3', '0', '1', '.', 'w', 'e', 'b', 's', 'i', 't', 'e', '\0',
@@ -93,10 +92,12 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "4455software.com", true */ '4', '4', '5', '5', 's', 'o', 'f', 't', 'w', 'a', 'r', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "4500.co.il", true */ '4', '5', '0', '0', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'i', 'l', '\0',
/* "4679.space", false */ '4', '6', '7', '9', '.', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\0',
+ /* "4d2.xyz", true */ '4', 'd', '2', '.', 'x', 'y', 'z', '\0',
/* "4elements.com", false */ '4', 'e', 'l', 'e', 'm', 'e', 'n', 't', 's', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "4eyes.ch", true */ '4', 'e', 'y', 'e', 's', '.', 'c', 'h', '\0',
/* "4g-server.eu", false */ '4', 'g', '-', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'r', '.', 'e', 'u', '\0',
/* "4mm.org", true */ '4', 'm', 'm', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '\0',
+ /* "4ourty2.org", true */ '4', 'o', 'u', 'r', 't', 'y', '2', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '\0',
/* "4project.co.il", true */ '4', 'p', 'r', 'o', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'i', 'l', '\0',
/* "4w-performers.link", false */ '4', 'w', '-', 'p', 'e', 'r', 'f', 'o', 'r', 'm', 'e', 'r', 's', '.', 'l', 'i', 'n', 'k', '\0',
/* "4winds.pt", true */ '4', 'w', 'i', 'n', 'd', 's', '.', 'p', 't', '\0',
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "abacustech.co.jp", true */ 'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'u', 's', 't', 'e', 'c', 'h', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'j', 'p', '\0',
/* "abareplace.com", true */ 'a', 'b', 'a', 'r', 'e', 'p', 'l', 'a', 'c', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "abc.li", true */ 'a', 'b', 'c', '.', 'l', 'i', '\0',
- /* "abcheck.se", true */ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'c', 'k', '.', 's', 'e', '\0',
+ /* "abcheck.se", false */ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'c', 'k', '.', 's', 'e', '\0',
/* "abearofsoap.com", true */ 'a', 'b', 'e', 'a', 'r', 'o', 'f', 's', 'o', 'a', 'p', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "abeestrada.com", true */ 'a', 'b', 'e', 'e', 's', 't', 'r', 'a', 'd', 'a', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "aberdeenjudo.co.uk", true */ 'a', 'b', 'e', 'r', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'n', 'j', 'u', 'd', 'o', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'u', 'k', '\0',
@@ -211,7 +212,6 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "admin.google.com", true */ 'a', 'd', 'm', 'i', 'n', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "admin.stg.fedoraproject.org", true */ 'a', 'd', 'm', 'i', 'n', '.', 's', 't', 'g', '.', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'o', 'r', 'a', 'p', 'r', 'o', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '\0',
/* "admitcard.co.in", true */ 'a', 'd', 'm', 'i', 't', 'c', 'a', 'r', 'd', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'i', 'n', '\0',
- /* "admsel.ec", true */ 'a', 'd', 'm', 's', 'e', 'l', '.', 'e', 'c', '\0',
/* "adoal.net", true */ 'a', 'd', 'o', 'a', 'l', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "adopteunsiteflash.com", true */ 'a', 'd', 'o', 'p', 't', 'e', 'u', 'n', 's', 'i', 't', 'e', 'f', 'l', 'a', 's', 'h', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "adorai.tk", true */ 'a', 'd', 'o', 'r', 'a', 'i', '.', 't', 'k', '\0',
@@ -230,7 +230,6 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "advelty.cz", true */ 'a', 'd', 'v', 'e', 'l', 't', 'y', '.', 'c', 'z', '\0',
/* "adventistdeploy.org", true */ 'a', 'd', 'v', 'e', 'n', 't', 'i', 's', 't', 'd', 'e', 'p', 'l', 'o', 'y', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '\0',
/* "adventureforest.de", false */ 'a', 'd', 'v', 'e', 'n', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'o', 'r', 'e', 's', 't', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
- /* "adviespuntklokkenluiders.nl", true */ 'a', 'd', 'v', 'i', 'e', 's', 'p', 'u', 'n', 't', 'k', 'l', 'o', 'k', 'k', 'e', 'n', 'l', 'u', 'i', 'd', 'e', 'r', 's', '.', 'n', 'l', '\0',
/* "adzuna.ca", true */ 'a', 'd', 'z', 'u', 'n', 'a', '.', 'c', 'a', '\0',
/* "adzuna.co.uk", true */ 'a', 'd', 'z', 'u', 'n', 'a', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'u', 'k', '\0',
/* "adzuna.co.za", true */ 'a', 'd', 'z', 'u', 'n', 'a', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'z', 'a', '\0',
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "afb24.de", true */ 'a', 'f', 'b', '2', '4', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "affiliateroyale.com", true */ 'a', 'f', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'i', 'a', 't', 'e', 'r', 'o', 'y', 'a', 'l', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "affinitysync.com", true */ 'a', 'f', 'f', 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'y', 's', 'y', 'n', 'c', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
- /* "aficionados.com.br", true */ 'a', 'f', 'i', 'c', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'd', 'o', 's', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '.', 'b', 'r', '\0',
/* "aficotroceni.ro", true */ 'a', 'f', 'i', 'c', 'o', 't', 'r', 'o', 'c', 'e', 'n', 'i', '.', 'r', 'o', '\0',
/* "afp548.com", true */ 'a', 'f', 'p', '5', '4', '8', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "africatravel.de", true */ 'a', 'f', 'r', 'i', 'c', 'a', 't', 'r', 'a', 'v', 'e', 'l', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
@@ -256,7 +254,6 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "afuh.de", true */ 'a', 'f', 'u', 'h', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "afvallendoeje.nu", true */ 'a', 'f', 'v', 'a', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'n', 'd', 'o', 'e', 'j', 'e', '.', 'n', 'u', '\0',
/* "agalaxyfarfaraway.co.uk", true */ 'a', 'g', 'a', 'l', 'a', 'x', 'y', 'f', 'a', 'r', 'f', 'a', 'r', 'a', 'w', 'a', 'y', '.', 'c', 'o', '.', 'u', 'k', '\0',
- /* "ageg.ca", true */ 'a', 'g', 'e', 'g', '.', 'c', 'a', '\0',
/* "agenda-loto.net", true */ 'a', 'g', 'e', 'n', 'd', 'a', '-', 'l', 'o', 't', 'o', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "agevio.com", true */ 'a', 'g', 'e', 'v', 'i', 'o', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "agilebits.net", false */ 'a', 'g', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'b', 'i', 't', 's', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
@@ -396,6 +393,7 @@ static const char kSTSHostTable[] = {
/* "americkykongres.cz", true */ 'a', 'm', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', 'k', 'y', 'k', 'o', 'n', 'g', 'r', 'e', 's', '.', 'c', 'z', '\0',
/* "amerigroup.com", true */ 'a', 'm', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'g', 'r', 'o', 'u', 'p', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
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/* "auto-serwis.zgorzelec.pl", true */ 'a', 'u', 't', 'o', '-', 's', 'e', 'r', 'w', 'i', 's', '.', 'z', 'g', 'o', 'r', 'z', 'e', 'l', 'e', 'c', '.', 'p', 'l', '\0',
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+ /* "wideboxmacau.com", false */ 'w', 'i', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'o', 'x', 'm', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'u', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
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/* "xa1.uk", true */ 'x', 'a', '1', '.', 'u', 'k', '\0',
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/* "xbb.hk", true */ 'x', 'b', 'b', '.', 'h', 'k', '\0',
/* "xbb.li", true */ 'x', 'b', 'b', '.', 'l', 'i', '\0',
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/* "xiaolan.me", true */ 'x', 'i', 'a', 'o', 'l', 'a', 'n', '.', 'm', 'e', '\0',
- /* "xiaolvmu.me", true */ 'x', 'i', 'a', 'o', 'l', 'v', 'm', 'u', '.', 'm', 'e', '\0',
/* "xichtsbuch.de", true */ 'x', 'i', 'c', 'h', 't', 's', 'b', 'u', 'c', 'h', '.', 'd', 'e', '\0',
/* "xichuangke.com", true */ 'x', 'i', 'c', 'h', 'u', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'k', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "xilef.org", true */ 'x', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'f', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '\0',
+ /* "xinbiji.cn", true */ 'x', 'i', 'n', 'b', 'i', 'j', 'i', '.', 'c', 'n', '\0',
/* "xkviz.net", true */ 'x', 'k', 'v', 'i', 'z', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "xmerak.com", true */ 'x', 'm', 'e', 'r', 'a', 'k', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "xmpp.dk", true */ 'x', 'm', 'p', 'p', '.', 'd', 'k', '\0',
/* "xmppwocky.net", true */ 'x', 'm', 'p', 'p', 'w', 'o', 'c', 'k', 'y', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "xmr.to", true */ 'x', 'm', 'r', '.', 't', 'o', '\0',
/* "xn--3lqp21gwna.cn", true */ 'x', 'n', '-', '-', '3', 'l', 'q', 'p', '2', '1', 'g', 'w', 'n', 'a', '.', 'c', 'n', '\0',
- /* "xn--3lqp21gwna.xn--fiqs8s", true */ 'x', 'n', '-', '-', '3', 'l', 'q', 'p', '2', '1', 'g', 'w', 'n', 'a', '.', 'x', 'n', '-', '-', 'f', 'i', 'q', 's', '8', 's', '\0',
/* "xn--3lqt7ir4md4tzwa.cn", true */ 'x', 'n', '-', '-', '3', 'l', 'q', 't', '7', 'i', 'r', '4', 'm', 'd', '4', 't', 'z', 'w', 'a', '.', 'c', 'n', '\0',
/* "xn--3lqt7ir4md4tzwa.xn--fiqs8s", true */ 'x', 'n', '-', '-', '3', 'l', 'q', 't', '7', 'i', 'r', '4', 'm', 'd', '4', 't', 'z', 'w', 'a', '.', 'x', 'n', '-', '-', 'f', 'i', 'q', 's', '8', 's', '\0',
/* "xn--4dbjwf8c.cf", true */ 'x', 'n', '-', '-', '4', 'd', 'b', 'j', 'w', 'f', '8', 'c', '.', 'c', 'f', '\0',
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/* "xwalck.se", true */ 'x', 'w', 'a', 'l', 'c', 'k', '.', 's', 'e', '\0',
/* "xwaretech.info", true */ 'x', 'w', 'a', 'r', 'e', 't', 'e', 'c', 'h', '.', 'i', 'n', 'f', 'o', '\0',
- /* "xxbase.com", false */ 'x', 'x', 'b', 'a', 's', 'e', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "xyfun.net", true */ 'x', 'y', 'f', 'u', 'n', '.', 'n', 'e', 't', '\0',
/* "yacobo.com", true */ 'y', 'a', 'c', 'o', 'b', 'o', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
/* "yafuoku.ru", true */ 'y', 'a', 'f', 'u', 'o', 'k', 'u', '.', 'r', 'u', '\0',
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/* "zixiao.wang", true */ 'z', 'i', 'x', 'i', 'a', 'o', '.', 'w', 'a', 'n', 'g', '\0',
/* "zizoo.com", true */ 'z', 'i', 'z', 'o', 'o', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
- /* "zju.tv", true */ 'z', 'j', 'u', '.', 't', 'v', '\0',
- /* "zjubtv.com", true */ 'z', 'j', 'u', 'b', 't', 'v', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
- /* "zjutv.com", true */ 'z', 'j', 'u', 't', 'v', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
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- /* "zoe.vc", true */ 'z', 'o', 'e', '.', 'v', 'c', '\0',
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/* "zohar.wang", true */ 'z', 'o', 'h', 'a', 'r', '.', 'w', 'a', 'n', 'g', '\0',
/* "zoneminder.com", true */ 'z', 'o', 'n', 'e', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'r', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '\0',
@@ -9269,9251 +9204,9186 @@ struct nsSTSPreload
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{ 0, true },
- { 13, true },
- { 25, true },
- { 32, true },
- { 46, true },
- { 57, true },
- { 63, true },
- { 69, true },
- { 78, true },
- { 87, true },
- { 96, true },
- { 104, true },
- { 111, true },
- { 119, true },
- { 128, true },
- { 136, true },
- { 150, true },
- { 160, true },
- { 172, true },
- { 188, true },
- { 203, true },
- { 228, true },
- { 239, true },
- { 250, true },
- { 260, true },
- { 275, true },
- { 300, true },
- { 308, true },
- { 324, true },
- { 335, true },
- { 351, true },
- { 359, true },
- { 371, true },
- { 396, true },
- { 418, true },
- { 428, true },
- { 445, true },
- { 468, true },
- { 479, true },
- { 490, true },
- { 504, true },
- { 526, true },
- { 533, true },
- { 544, true },
- { 561, true },
- { 579, true },
- { 590, true },
- { 601, true },
- { 616, true },
- { 625, true },
- { 643, true },
- { 652, true },
- { 660, true },
- { 668, true },
- { 679, true },
- { 691, true },
- { 701, true },
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- { 730, true },
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- { 754, true },
- { 763, true },
- { 773, true },
- { 790, true },
- { 799, true },
- { 811, true },
- { 822, true },
- { 831, true },
- { 847, true },
- { 860, true },
+ { 12, true },
+ { 22, true },
+ { 29, true },
+ { 43, true },
+ { 54, true },
+ { 60, true },
+ { 66, true },
+ { 75, true },
+ { 84, true },
+ { 93, true },
+ { 101, true },
+ { 108, true },
+ { 116, true },
+ { 125, true },
+ { 133, true },
+ { 147, true },
+ { 157, true },
+ { 169, true },
+ { 185, true },
+ { 200, true },
+ { 225, true },
+ { 236, true },
+ { 247, true },
+ { 257, true },
+ { 272, true },
+ { 297, true },
+ { 305, true },
+ { 321, true },
+ { 332, true },
+ { 348, true },
+ { 356, true },
+ { 368, true },
+ { 393, true },
+ { 415, true },
+ { 425, true },
+ { 442, true },
+ { 465, true },
+ { 476, true },
+ { 487, true },
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+ { 523, true },
+ { 530, true },
+ { 541, true },
+ { 558, true },
+ { 576, true },
+ { 587, true },
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+ { 613, true },
+ { 622, true },
+ { 640, true },
+ { 649, true },
+ { 657, true },
+ { 665, true },
+ { 677, true },
+ { 687, true },
+ { 703, true },
+ { 716, true },
+ { 725, true },
+ { 734, true },
+ { 744, true },
+ { 759, true },
+ { 776, true },
+ { 785, true },
+ { 797, true },
+ { 808, true },
+ { 817, true },
+ { 833, true },
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{ 869, true },
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{ 956, true },
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{ 970, true },
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- { 1354, true },
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- { 1432, true },
- { 1443, true },
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- { 1766, true },
- { 1779, true },
- { 1788, true },
- { 1797, true },
- { 1809, true },
- { 1828, true },
- { 1843, true },
- { 1860, true },
- { 1877, true },
- { 1898, true },
- { 1918, true },
- { 1933, true },
- { 1954, true },
- { 1966, true },
- { 1983, true },
- { 1999, true },
- { 2014, false },
- { 2023, true },
- { 2038, true },
- { 2049, true },
- { 2063, true },
- { 2079, true },
- { 2096, true },
- { 2106, true },
- { 2120, false },
- { 2133, true },
- { 2142, true },
- { 2154, true },
- { 2171, true },
- { 2185, true },
- { 2202, true },
- { 2218, true },
- { 2233, true },
- { 2251, true },
- { 2260, true },
- { 2270, true },
- { 2283, true },
- { 2294, true },
- { 2313, true },
- { 2325, true },
- { 2344, true },
- { 2363, true },
- { 2374, true },
- { 2393, true },
- { 2408, true },
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- { 2431, true },
- { 2445, true },
- { 2458, true },
- { 2468, true },
- { 2482, true },
- { 2494, true },
- { 2521, true },
- { 2547, true },
- { 2558, true },
- { 2571, true },
- { 2582, true },
- { 2606, true },
- { 2623, true },
- { 2651, true },
- { 2667, true },
- { 2677, true },
- { 2687, true },
- { 2709, true },
- { 2719, true },
- { 2736, true },
- { 2750, true },
- { 2764, true },
- { 2778, true },
- { 2792, true },
- { 2806, false },
- { 2827, true },
- { 2835, true },
- { 2844, true },
- { 2863, true },
- { 2882, true },
- { 2895, true },
- { 2906, true },
- { 2926, false },
- { 2945, true },
- { 2973, true },
- { 2983, true },
- { 2996, true },
- { 3009, true },
- { 3023, true },
- { 3037, true },
- { 3047, true },
- { 3057, true },
- { 3067, true },
- { 3077, true },
- { 3087, true },
- { 3097, true },
- { 3105, true },
- { 3116, true },
- { 3127, true },
- { 3136, true },
- { 3156, true },
- { 3173, true },
- { 3192, true },
- { 3208, true },
- { 3219, true },
- { 3235, true },
- { 3250, true },
- { 3258, true },
- { 3275, true },
- { 3299, true },
- { 3307, true },
- { 3323, true },
- { 3334, false },
- { 3348, true },
- { 3361, true },
- { 3373, true },
- { 3388, true },
- { 3400, true },
- { 3410, true },
- { 3423, true },
- { 3431, false },
- { 3443, true },
+ { 987, true },
+ { 998, false },
+ { 1009, true },
+ { 1017, false },
+ { 1031, true },
+ { 1040, false },
+ { 1053, true },
+ { 1061, true },
+ { 1073, true },
+ { 1088, false },
+ { 1107, true },
+ { 1117, true },
+ { 1130, true },
+ { 1143, true },
+ { 1153, true },
+ { 1163, true },
+ { 1171, true },
+ { 1178, true },
+ { 1189, true },
+ { 1197, true },
+ { 1210, true },
+ { 1219, true },
+ { 1231, true },
+ { 1244, true },
+ { 1253, true },
+ { 1277, true },
+ { 1289, true },
+ { 1301, true },
+ { 1309, true },
+ { 1316, true },
+ { 1337, true },
+ { 1350, true },
+ { 1360, true },
+ { 1371, true },
+ { 1384, true },
+ { 1403, true },
+ { 1414, true },
+ { 1426, true },
+ { 1438, true },
+ { 1449, true },
+ { 1460, true },
+ { 1480, true },
+ { 1495, true },
+ { 1510, true },
+ { 1518, true },
+ { 1535, true },
+ { 1550, true },
+ { 1557, false },
+ { 1568, true },
+ { 1584, true },
+ { 1599, true },
+ { 1618, true },
+ { 1629, true },
+ { 1645, true },
+ { 1663, true },
+ { 1677, true },
+ { 1689, false },
+ { 1705, true },
+ { 1717, true },
+ { 1725, true },
+ { 1740, true },
+ { 1759, true },
+ { 1772, true },
+ { 1785, true },
+ { 1794, true },
+ { 1803, true },
+ { 1815, true },
+ { 1834, true },
+ { 1849, true },
+ { 1866, true },
+ { 1883, true },
+ { 1904, true },
+ { 1924, true },
+ { 1939, true },
+ { 1960, true },
+ { 1972, true },
+ { 1989, true },
+ { 2005, true },
+ { 2020, false },
+ { 2029, true },
+ { 2044, true },
+ { 2055, true },
+ { 2069, true },
+ { 2085, true },
+ { 2102, true },
+ { 2112, true },
+ { 2126, false },
+ { 2139, true },
+ { 2148, true },
+ { 2160, true },
+ { 2177, true },
+ { 2191, true },
+ { 2208, true },
+ { 2224, true },
+ { 2239, true },
+ { 2257, true },
+ { 2266, true },
+ { 2276, true },
+ { 2289, true },
+ { 2300, true },
+ { 2319, true },
+ { 2331, true },
+ { 2350, true },
+ { 2369, true },
+ { 2380, true },
+ { 2399, true },
+ { 2414, true },
+ { 2425, true },
+ { 2437, true },
+ { 2451, true },
+ { 2464, true },
+ { 2474, true },
+ { 2488, true },
+ { 2500, true },
+ { 2527, true },
+ { 2553, true },
+ { 2564, true },
+ { 2577, true },
+ { 2588, true },
+ { 2612, true },
+ { 2629, true },
+ { 2657, true },
+ { 2673, true },
+ { 2683, true },
+ { 2705, true },
+ { 2715, true },
+ { 2732, true },
+ { 2746, true },
+ { 2760, true },
+ { 2774, true },
+ { 2788, true },
+ { 2802, false },
+ { 2823, true },
+ { 2831, true },
+ { 2840, true },
+ { 2859, true },
+ { 2878, true },
+ { 2891, true },
+ { 2902, true },
+ { 2922, false },
+ { 2941, true },
+ { 2951, true },
+ { 2964, true },
+ { 2977, true },
+ { 2991, true },
+ { 3005, true },
+ { 3015, true },
+ { 3025, true },
+ { 3035, true },
+ { 3045, true },
+ { 3055, true },
+ { 3065, true },
+ { 3073, true },
+ { 3084, true },
+ { 3095, true },
+ { 3104, true },
+ { 3124, true },
+ { 3141, true },
+ { 3157, true },
+ { 3168, true },
+ { 3184, true },
+ { 3199, true },
+ { 3207, true },
+ { 3224, true },
+ { 3248, true },
+ { 3264, true },
+ { 3275, false },
+ { 3289, true },
+ { 3302, true },
+ { 3314, true },
+ { 3329, true },
+ { 3341, true },
+ { 3351, true },
+ { 3364, true },
+ { 3372, false },
+ { 3384, true },
+ { 3403, true },
+ { 3422, true },
+ { 3455, true },
{ 3462, true },
- { 3481, true },
- { 3514, true },
- { 3521, true },
- { 3530, true },
- { 3537, true },
- { 3551, true },
- { 3566, true },
- { 3581, true },
- { 3592, true },
- { 3612, true },
- { 3623, true },
+ { 3471, true },
+ { 3478, true },
+ { 3492, true },
+ { 3507, true },
+ { 3522, true },
+ { 3533, true },
+ { 3553, true },
+ { 3564, true },
+ { 3577, true },
+ { 3590, true },
+ { 3602, true },
+ { 3611, true },
+ { 3625, true },
{ 3636, true },
- { 3649, true },
- { 3661, true },
- { 3670, true },
- { 3684, true },
- { 3695, true },
- { 3712, false },
- { 3723, true },
- { 3734, true },
- { 3744, true },
- { 3761, true },
- { 3771, true },
- { 3785, true },
- { 3798, true },
- { 3807, true },
- { 3831, true },
- { 3847, true },
- { 3867, true },
- { 3892, true },
- { 3917, true },
- { 3942, true },
- { 3953, true },
- { 3980, true },
- { 3993, true },
- { 4007, true },
- { 4016, true },
- { 4032, true },
- { 4044, true },
- { 4060, true },
- { 4071, true },
- { 4083, true },
- { 4095, true },
- { 4115, true },
- { 4127, true },
- { 4139, true },
- { 4148, true },
- { 4160, true },
- { 4169, true },
- { 4183, true },
- { 4199, true },
- { 4220, true },
- { 4233, true },
- { 4247, true },
- { 4262, true },
- { 4280, true },
- { 4290, true },
+ { 3653, false },
+ { 3664, true },
+ { 3675, true },
+ { 3685, true },
+ { 3702, true },
+ { 3712, true },
+ { 3726, true },
+ { 3739, true },
+ { 3748, true },
+ { 3772, true },
+ { 3788, true },
+ { 3808, true },
+ { 3833, true },
+ { 3858, true },
+ { 3883, true },
+ { 3894, true },
+ { 3921, true },
+ { 3934, true },
+ { 3948, true },
+ { 3957, true },
+ { 3973, true },
+ { 3985, true },
+ { 4001, true },
+ { 4012, true },
+ { 4024, true },
+ { 4036, true },
+ { 4056, true },
+ { 4068, true },
+ { 4080, true },
+ { 4089, true },
+ { 4101, true },
+ { 4110, true },
+ { 4124, true },
+ { 4140, true },
+ { 4161, true },
+ { 4174, true },
+ { 4188, true },
+ { 4203, true },
+ { 4221, true },
+ { 4231, true },
+ { 4248, true },
+ { 4263, true },
+ { 4278, true },
+ { 4292, true },
{ 4307, true },
- { 4322, true },
- { 4337, true },
- { 4351, true },
- { 4366, true },
- { 4376, true },
- { 4393, true },
- { 4408, true },
- { 4422, true },
- { 4438, true },
- { 4450, true },
- { 4464, false },
- { 4485, true },
- { 4496, true },
- { 4511, false },
- { 4518, true },
- { 4529, true },
- { 4542, true },
- { 4562, true },
- { 4575, true },
- { 4599, true },
- { 4613, true },
- { 4632, true },
- { 4643, true },
- { 4662, true },
- { 4678, true },
- { 4697, true },
- { 4718, true },
- { 4738, true },
- { 4752, true },
- { 4763, true },
- { 4776, true },
- { 4788, true },
- { 4798, true },
- { 4814, true },
- { 4828, true },
- { 4842, true },
- { 4854, true },
- { 4868, true },
- { 4882, true },
- { 4890, true },
- { 4905, true },
- { 4919, true },
+ { 4317, true },
+ { 4334, true },
+ { 4349, true },
+ { 4363, true },
+ { 4379, true },
+ { 4391, true },
+ { 4405, false },
+ { 4426, true },
+ { 4437, true },
+ { 4452, false },
+ { 4459, true },
+ { 4470, true },
+ { 4483, true },
+ { 4503, true },
+ { 4516, true },
+ { 4540, true },
+ { 4554, true },
+ { 4573, true },
+ { 4584, true },
+ { 4603, true },
+ { 4619, true },
+ { 4638, true },
+ { 4659, true },
+ { 4679, true },
+ { 4693, true },
+ { 4704, true },
+ { 4717, true },
+ { 4729, true },
+ { 4739, true },
+ { 4755, true },
+ { 4769, true },
+ { 4783, true },
+ { 4795, true },
+ { 4809, true },
+ { 4823, true },
+ { 4831, true },
+ { 4846, true },
+ { 4860, true },
+ { 4872, true },
+ { 4886, true },
+ { 4897, true },
+ { 4911, true },
+ { 4923, true },
{ 4931, true },
- { 4945, true },
- { 4956, true },
- { 4970, true },
- { 4982, true },
- { 4990, true },
- { 4998, true },
- { 5006, true },
- { 5019, true },
- { 5026, true },
- { 5036, true },
- { 5048, true },
- { 5059, true },
- { 5077, true },
- { 5090, true },
- { 5099, true },
- { 5111, true },
- { 5125, true },
- { 5138, true },
- { 5147, true },
- { 5175, true },
- { 5204, true },
- { 5220, true },
- { 5240, true },
- { 5259, true },
- { 5274, true },
- { 5294, true },
- { 5304, true },
- { 5324, true },
- { 5342, true },
- { 5354, true },
- { 5364, false },
- { 5375, true },
- { 5386, true },
- { 5404, true },
- { 5430, true },
- { 5440, true },
- { 5451, true },
- { 5465, true },
- { 5475, false },
- { 5499, true },
- { 5517, true },
- { 5530, true },
- { 5538, true },
- { 5552, true },
- { 5570, true },
- { 5585, true },
- { 5602, true },
- { 5618, true },
- { 5634, true },
- { 5653, true },
- { 5667, true },
- { 5682, true },
- { 5701, true },
- { 5718, true },
- { 5735, true },
- { 5754, true },
- { 5772, true },
- { 5789, true },
- { 5803, true },
+ { 4939, true },
+ { 4947, true },
+ { 4960, true },
+ { 4967, true },
+ { 4977, true },
+ { 4989, true },
+ { 5000, true },
+ { 5018, true },
+ { 5031, true },
+ { 5040, true },
+ { 5052, true },
+ { 5066, true },
+ { 5079, true },
+ { 5088, true },
+ { 5116, true },
+ { 5145, true },
+ { 5161, true },
+ { 5181, true },
+ { 5200, true },
+ { 5215, true },
+ { 5235, true },
+ { 5245, true },
+ { 5255, true },
+ { 5275, true },
+ { 5293, true },
+ { 5305, true },
+ { 5315, false },
+ { 5326, true },
+ { 5337, true },
+ { 5355, true },
+ { 5381, true },
+ { 5391, true },
+ { 5405, true },
+ { 5415, false },
+ { 5439, true },
+ { 5457, true },
+ { 5470, true },
+ { 5478, true },
+ { 5492, true },
+ { 5510, true },
+ { 5525, true },
+ { 5542, true },
+ { 5558, true },
+ { 5574, true },
+ { 5593, true },
+ { 5607, true },
+ { 5622, true },
+ { 5641, true },
+ { 5658, true },
+ { 5675, true },
+ { 5694, true },
+ { 5712, true },
+ { 5729, true },
+ { 5743, true },
+ { 5760, true },
+ { 5778, true },
+ { 5793, true },
+ { 5805, true },
{ 5820, true },
- { 5838, true },
+ { 5831, true },
+ { 5842, true },
{ 5853, true },
- { 5865, true },
- { 5880, true },
+ { 5864, true },
+ { 5876, true },
{ 5891, true },
- { 5902, true },
- { 5913, true },
- { 5924, true },
- { 5936, true },
- { 5951, true },
- { 5963, true },
+ { 5903, true },
+ { 5922, true },
+ { 5933, true },
+ { 5946, true },
+ { 5960, false },
+ { 5973, false },
{ 5982, true },
- { 5993, true },
- { 6006, true },
- { 6020, false },
- { 6033, false },
- { 6042, true },
- { 6062, true },
- { 6077, true },
- { 6088, true },
- { 6099, true },
- { 6110, true },
- { 6127, true },
- { 6147, true },
- { 6158, true },
- { 6176, true },
- { 6206, true },
- { 6239, true },
- { 6271, true },
- { 6298, true },
- { 6316, true },
+ { 6002, true },
+ { 6017, true },
+ { 6028, true },
+ { 6039, true },
+ { 6056, true },
+ { 6076, true },
+ { 6087, true },
+ { 6105, true },
+ { 6135, true },
+ { 6168, true },
+ { 6200, true },
+ { 6227, true },
+ { 6245, true },
+ { 6260, true },
+ { 6272, true },
+ { 6292, true },
+ { 6311, true },
{ 6331, true },
- { 6343, true },
- { 6363, true },
+ { 6355, true },
+ { 6370, true },
{ 6382, true },
- { 6402, true },
- { 6426, true },
- { 6441, true },
- { 6453, true },
- { 6469, true },
- { 6486, true },
- { 6496, true },
- { 6507, true },
- { 6519, true },
- { 6534, true },
- { 6552, true },
- { 6564, true },
- { 6580, true },
- { 6601, true },
- { 6619, true },
- { 6632, true },
- { 6643, true },
- { 6655, true },
- { 6666, true },
- { 6673, true },
- { 6681, true },
- { 6694, true },
- { 6704, false },
+ { 6398, true },
+ { 6415, true },
+ { 6425, true },
+ { 6436, true },
+ { 6448, true },
+ { 6463, true },
+ { 6481, true },
+ { 6493, true },
+ { 6509, true },
+ { 6530, true },
+ { 6548, true },
+ { 6561, true },
+ { 6572, true },
+ { 6584, true },
+ { 6595, true },
+ { 6602, true },
+ { 6610, true },
+ { 6623, true },
+ { 6633, false },
+ { 6647, true },
+ { 6663, true },
+ { 6682, true },
+ { 6705, true },
{ 6718, true },
- { 6734, true },
- { 6753, true },
- { 6776, true },
- { 6789, true },
- { 6808, true },
- { 6821, false },
- { 6840, true },
- { 6856, false },
- { 6872, false },
- { 6887, false },
+ { 6737, true },
+ { 6750, false },
+ { 6769, true },
+ { 6785, false },
+ { 6801, false },
+ { 6816, false },
+ { 6829, true },
+ { 6845, true },
+ { 6864, true },
+ { 6879, true },
{ 6900, true },
- { 6916, true },
- { 6935, true },
- { 6950, true },
- { 6971, true },
- { 6986, true },
- { 6999, true },
- { 7009, true },
- { 7020, true },
- { 7034, false },
- { 7050, true },
- { 7066, false },
- { 7083, false },
- { 7100, true },
- { 7113, true },
- { 7139, true },
- { 7153, true },
- { 7174, true },
- { 7188, true },
- { 7212, true },
- { 7226, true },
- { 7238, true },
- { 7251, true },
- { 7264, true },
- { 7284, true },
- { 7306, true },
- { 7318, false },
- { 7336, true },
- { 7359, true },
- { 7386, true },
- { 7398, true },
- { 7411, true },
- { 7422, true },
- { 7434, true },
- { 7448, true },
- { 7456, true },
- { 7473, true },
- { 7491, true },
- { 7507, true },
- { 7518, true },
- { 7535, true },
- { 7564, true },
- { 7580, true },
- { 7593, true },
- { 7607, true },
- { 7620, true },
- { 7636, true },
- { 7650, true },
- { 7666, true },
- { 7674, true },
- { 7688, true },
- { 7700, true },
- { 7716, false },
- { 7729, true },
- { 7744, true },
- { 7753, true },
- { 7762, true },
- { 7777, true },
- { 7787, true },
- { 7805, true },
- { 7819, true },
- { 7837, true },
- { 7847, true },
- { 7863, true },
- { 7871, true },
- { 7886, true },
- { 7901, true },
- { 7916, true },
- { 7929, true },
- { 7949, true },
- { 7963, true },
+ { 6915, true },
+ { 6928, true },
+ { 6938, true },
+ { 6949, true },
+ { 6963, false },
+ { 6979, true },
+ { 6995, false },
+ { 7012, false },
+ { 7029, true },
+ { 7042, true },
+ { 7068, true },
+ { 7082, true },
+ { 7103, true },
+ { 7117, true },
+ { 7141, true },
+ { 7155, true },
+ { 7167, true },
+ { 7180, true },
+ { 7193, true },
+ { 7213, true },
+ { 7235, true },
+ { 7247, false },
+ { 7265, true },
+ { 7288, true },
+ { 7315, true },
+ { 7327, true },
+ { 7340, true },
+ { 7351, true },
+ { 7363, true },
+ { 7377, true },
+ { 7385, true },
+ { 7402, true },
+ { 7420, true },
+ { 7436, true },
+ { 7447, true },
+ { 7464, true },
+ { 7493, true },
+ { 7509, true },
+ { 7522, true },
+ { 7536, true },
+ { 7549, true },
+ { 7565, true },
+ { 7579, true },
+ { 7595, true },
+ { 7603, true },
+ { 7617, true },
+ { 7629, true },
+ { 7645, false },
+ { 7658, true },
+ { 7673, true },
+ { 7682, true },
+ { 7691, true },
+ { 7706, true },
+ { 7716, true },
+ { 7734, true },
+ { 7748, true },
+ { 7766, true },
+ { 7776, true },
+ { 7792, true },
+ { 7800, true },
+ { 7815, true },
+ { 7830, true },
+ { 7845, true },
+ { 7858, true },
+ { 7878, true },
+ { 7892, true },
+ { 7910, true },
+ { 7924, true },
+ { 7937, true },
+ { 7951, true },
+ { 7968, true },
{ 7981, true },
- { 7995, true },
- { 8008, true },
- { 8022, true },
- { 8039, true },
- { 8052, true },
- { 8067, true },
- { 8078, true },
- { 8088, true },
- { 8109, true },
- { 8120, true },
- { 8129, true },
- { 8136, true },
- { 8150, true },
- { 8163, true },
- { 8169, true },
- { 8182, true },
- { 8195, true },
- { 8206, true },
- { 8216, true },
- { 8228, true },
- { 8238, true },
- { 8260, true },
- { 8286, true },
- { 8296, true },
- { 8314, true },
- { 8324, true },
- { 8334, true },
- { 8344, true },
- { 8353, true },
+ { 7996, true },
+ { 8007, true },
+ { 8017, true },
+ { 8038, true },
+ { 8049, true },
+ { 8058, true },
+ { 8065, true },
+ { 8079, true },
+ { 8092, true },
+ { 8098, true },
+ { 8111, true },
+ { 8124, true },
+ { 8135, true },
+ { 8145, true },
+ { 8157, true },
+ { 8167, true },
+ { 8189, true },
+ { 8215, true },
+ { 8225, true },
+ { 8243, true },
+ { 8253, true },
+ { 8263, true },
+ { 8273, true },
+ { 8282, true },
+ { 8301, true },
+ { 8315, true },
+ { 8326, true },
+ { 8341, true },
+ { 8359, true },
{ 8372, true },
- { 8386, true },
- { 8397, true },
- { 8412, true },
- { 8430, true },
- { 8443, true },
+ { 8388, true },
+ { 8396, true },
+ { 8408, false },
+ { 8428, true },
+ { 8438, true },
+ { 8452, true },
{ 8459, true },
- { 8467, true },
- { 8479, false },
- { 8499, true },
- { 8509, true },
- { 8523, true },
- { 8530, true },
- { 8546, true },
- { 8562, true },
- { 8577, true },
- { 8587, true },
- { 8595, true },
- { 8609, true },
- { 8620, true },
- { 8629, true },
- { 8644, true },
- { 8671, true },
- { 8687, true },
- { 8702, true },
- { 8714, true },
- { 8729, true },
- { 8744, true },
- { 8765, true },
- { 8782, true },
- { 8796, true },
- { 8808, true },
- { 8818, true },
- { 8826, true },
- { 8834, true },
- { 8850, false },
- { 8862, true },
- { 8888, true },
- { 8900, true },
- { 8916, true },
- { 8935, true },
- { 8946, true },
+ { 8475, true },
+ { 8491, true },
+ { 8506, true },
+ { 8516, true },
+ { 8524, true },
+ { 8538, true },
+ { 8549, true },
+ { 8558, true },
+ { 8573, true },
+ { 8600, true },
+ { 8616, true },
+ { 8631, true },
+ { 8643, true },
+ { 8658, true },
+ { 8673, true },
+ { 8694, true },
+ { 8711, true },
+ { 8725, true },
+ { 8737, true },
+ { 8747, true },
+ { 8755, true },
+ { 8763, true },
+ { 8779, false },
+ { 8791, true },
+ { 8817, true },
+ { 8829, true },
+ { 8845, true },
+ { 8864, true },
+ { 8875, true },
+ { 8886, true },
+ { 8904, true },
+ { 8934, true },
{ 8957, true },
- { 8975, true },
- { 9005, true },
- { 9028, true },
- { 9039, false },
- { 9047, true },
- { 9059, true },
- { 9078, true },
- { 9107, true },
- { 9123, true },
- { 9139, true },
- { 9150, true },
- { 9162, true },
- { 9185, true },
- { 9203, true },
- { 9228, true },
- { 9250, true },
- { 9263, true },
- { 9278, true },
+ { 8968, false },
+ { 8976, true },
+ { 8988, true },
+ { 9007, true },
+ { 9036, true },
+ { 9052, true },
+ { 9068, true },
+ { 9079, true },
+ { 9102, true },
+ { 9120, true },
+ { 9145, true },
+ { 9167, true },
+ { 9180, true },
+ { 9195, true },
+ { 9208, true },
+ { 9231, true },
+ { 9243, true },
+ { 9260, true },
+ { 9273, true },
{ 9291, true },
- { 9314, true },
- { 9326, true },
- { 9343, true },
- { 9356, true },
- { 9374, true },
- { 9392, true },
- { 9401, true },
- { 9412, false },
- { 9423, true },
- { 9434, true },
- { 9444, true },
- { 9454, true },
- { 9469, true },
- { 9494, true },
- { 9503, false },
- { 9512, true },
+ { 9309, true },
+ { 9318, true },
+ { 9329, false },
+ { 9340, true },
+ { 9351, true },
+ { 9361, true },
+ { 9371, true },
+ { 9386, true },
+ { 9411, true },
+ { 9420, false },
+ { 9429, true },
+ { 9438, true },
+ { 9448, true },
+ { 9464, true },
+ { 9476, true },
+ { 9486, true },
+ { 9499, true },
+ { 9509, true },
{ 9521, true },
- { 9531, true },
- { 9547, true },
+ { 9533, true },
+ { 9549, false },
{ 9559, true },
- { 9569, true },
- { 9582, true },
- { 9592, true },
- { 9604, true },
- { 9616, true },
- { 9632, false },
- { 9642, true },
- { 9650, true },
- { 9664, true },
- { 9679, true },
- { 9688, true },
- { 9702, true },
- { 9716, true },
- { 9730, true },
- { 9741, true },
- { 9765, true },
- { 9779, true },
- { 9793, true },
+ { 9567, true },
+ { 9581, true },
+ { 9596, true },
+ { 9605, true },
+ { 9619, true },
+ { 9633, true },
+ { 9644, true },
+ { 9668, true },
+ { 9682, true },
+ { 9694, true },
+ { 9711, true },
+ { 9722, true },
+ { 9742, true },
+ { 9760, true },
+ { 9775, true },
+ { 9785, true },
+ { 9795, true },
{ 9810, true },
- { 9821, true },
- { 9841, true },
- { 9859, true },
- { 9874, true },
- { 9884, true },
- { 9894, true },
- { 9909, true },
- { 9934, true },
- { 9963, true },
+ { 9835, true },
+ { 9864, true },
+ { 9877, true },
+ { 9896, true },
+ { 9908, true },
+ { 9916, true },
+ { 9925, false },
+ { 9932, true },
+ { 9944, true },
+ { 9953, true },
+ { 9965, true },
{ 9976, true },
- { 9988, true },
- { 9996, true },
- { 10005, true },
- { 10012, true },
+ { 10001, true },
+ { 10011, true },
{ 10024, true },
- { 10039, true },
- { 10048, true },
- { 10060, true },
- { 10071, true },
- { 10096, true },
- { 10106, true },
- { 10119, true },
- { 10132, true },
- { 10146, true },
- { 10160, true },
+ { 10037, true },
+ { 10051, true },
+ { 10065, true },
+ { 10079, true },
+ { 10095, true },
+ { 10111, false },
+ { 10127, true },
+ { 10145, true },
+ { 10163, true },
{ 10174, true },
- { 10190, true },
- { 10202, true },
- { 10218, false },
- { 10234, true },
- { 10252, true },
- { 10270, true },
- { 10281, true },
- { 10298, true },
- { 10314, true },
- { 10330, true },
- { 10344, true },
- { 10357, true },
- { 10375, true },
- { 10393, true },
- { 10411, true },
- { 10421, true },
- { 10430, true },
+ { 10191, true },
+ { 10207, true },
+ { 10223, true },
+ { 10236, true },
+ { 10254, true },
+ { 10272, true },
+ { 10290, true },
+ { 10300, true },
+ { 10309, true },
+ { 10319, true },
+ { 10333, true },
+ { 10346, true },
+ { 10356, true },
+ { 10370, true },
+ { 10380, true },
+ { 10389, true },
+ { 10404, true },
+ { 10425, true },
{ 10445, true },
- { 10455, true },
- { 10469, true },
- { 10482, true },
- { 10492, true },
- { 10506, true },
- { 10516, true },
- { 10525, true },
+ { 10464, true },
+ { 10479, false },
+ { 10489, true },
+ { 10507, true },
+ { 10518, true },
+ { 10529, true },
{ 10540, true },
- { 10561, true },
- { 10581, true },
+ { 10567, true },
+ { 10579, true },
+ { 10588, true },
{ 10600, true },
- { 10615, true },
- { 10633, true },
- { 10644, true },
- { 10655, true },
- { 10666, true },
- { 10693, true },
- { 10705, true },
- { 10714, true },
- { 10726, true },
- { 10735, true },
- { 10745, true },
- { 10755, true },
- { 10777, true },
- { 10791, true },
- { 10801, false },
- { 10809, true },
- { 10819, false },
- { 10830, true },
- { 10841, true },
- { 10851, true },
+ { 10609, true },
+ { 10619, true },
+ { 10629, true },
+ { 10651, true },
+ { 10665, true },
+ { 10675, false },
+ { 10683, true },
+ { 10693, false },
+ { 10704, true },
+ { 10715, true },
+ { 10725, true },
+ { 10744, true },
+ { 10765, true },
+ { 10781, true },
+ { 10794, false },
+ { 10808, true },
+ { 10823, true },
+ { 10837, true },
+ { 10850, true },
+ { 10861, true },
{ 10870, true },
- { 10891, true },
- { 10907, true },
- { 10920, false },
- { 10934, true },
- { 10949, true },
- { 10963, true },
+ { 10882, true },
+ { 10893, true },
+ { 10909, true },
+ { 10920, true },
+ { 10935, true },
+ { 10948, true },
+ { 10960, true },
{ 10976, true },
- { 10987, true },
- { 10996, true },
+ { 10986, true },
+ { 10997, true },
{ 11008, true },
- { 11019, true },
- { 11035, true },
- { 11046, true },
- { 11061, true },
- { 11074, true },
- { 11086, true },
- { 11102, true },
- { 11112, true },
- { 11123, true },
- { 11134, true },
- { 11144, true },
- { 11158, false },
- { 11177, true },
+ { 11018, false },
+ { 11032, false },
+ { 11051, true },
+ { 11067, true },
+ { 11094, true },
+ { 11109, true },
+ { 11124, false },
+ { 11139, true },
+ { 11149, true },
+ { 11163, true },
+ { 11178, true },
{ 11193, true },
- { 11220, true },
- { 11235, true },
- { 11250, false },
- { 11265, true },
- { 11275, true },
- { 11289, true },
- { 11304, true },
- { 11319, true },
- { 11340, true },
- { 11354, true },
- { 11366, true },
- { 11381, true },
- { 11393, true },
- { 11411, true },
- { 11425, true },
- { 11444, true },
- { 11454, true },
- { 11464, true },
+ { 11214, true },
+ { 11228, true },
+ { 11240, true },
+ { 11255, true },
+ { 11267, true },
+ { 11285, true },
+ { 11299, true },
+ { 11318, true },
+ { 11328, true },
+ { 11338, true },
+ { 11350, true },
+ { 11365, true },
+ { 11379, true },
+ { 11392, true },
+ { 11405, true },
+ { 11421, true },
+ { 11434, false },
+ { 11450, true },
+ { 11466, true },
{ 11479, true },
- { 11493, true },
- { 11506, true },
- { 11519, true },
- { 11535, true },
- { 11548, false },
- { 11566, true },
- { 11582, true },
- { 11598, true },
- { 11611, true },
+ { 11487, true },
+ { 11496, true },
+ { 11505, true },
+ { 11522, true },
+ { 11532, true },
+ { 11550, true },
+ { 11574, true },
+ { 11589, true },
+ { 11607, true },
{ 11619, true },
- { 11628, true },
- { 11637, true },
- { 11654, true },
- { 11664, true },
- { 11682, true },
- { 11706, true },
- { 11721, true },
- { 11739, true },
- { 11751, true },
- { 11774, true },
- { 11792, true },
- { 11805, true },
- { 11818, true },
+ { 11642, true },
+ { 11660, true },
+ { 11673, true },
+ { 11686, true },
+ { 11698, true },
+ { 11710, true },
+ { 11726, true },
+ { 11741, true },
+ { 11753, true },
+ { 11768, true },
+ { 11785, true },
+ { 11800, true },
+ { 11817, true },
{ 11830, true },
- { 11842, true },
- { 11858, true },
- { 11873, true },
- { 11885, true },
- { 11900, true },
- { 11917, true },
- { 11932, true },
- { 11949, true },
- { 11962, true },
- { 11976, true },
- { 11984, true },
- { 12000, true },
- { 12013, true },
- { 12030, true },
- { 12048, true },
- { 12066, true },
+ { 11844, true },
+ { 11852, true },
+ { 11868, true },
+ { 11881, true },
+ { 11898, true },
+ { 11916, true },
+ { 11934, true },
+ { 11943, true },
+ { 11959, false },
+ { 11965, true },
+ { 11976, false },
+ { 11985, true },
+ { 11999, true },
+ { 12014, true },
+ { 12026, true },
+ { 12041, true },
+ { 12051, true },
+ { 12064, true },
{ 12075, true },
- { 12091, false },
- { 12097, true },
- { 12108, true },
- { 12117, true },
- { 12131, true },
- { 12146, true },
+ { 12087, true },
+ { 12102, true },
+ { 12118, true },
+ { 12127, true },
+ { 12142, true },
{ 12158, true },
{ 12173, true },
{ 12183, true },
{ 12196, true },
- { 12207, true },
- { 12219, true },
- { 12234, true },
- { 12250, true },
- { 12259, true },
- { 12274, true },
+ { 12206, true },
+ { 12220, true },
+ { 12232, true },
+ { 12247, true },
+ { 12262, true },
+ { 12277, true },
{ 12290, true },
- { 12305, true },
- { 12315, true },
- { 12328, true },
- { 12338, true },
- { 12352, true },
+ { 12306, true },
+ { 12332, true },
+ { 12351, true },
{ 12364, true },
{ 12379, true },
{ 12394, true },
{ 12409, true },
- { 12422, true },
- { 12438, true },
- { 12464, true },
+ { 12424, true },
+ { 12446, true },
+ { 12461, true },
{ 12483, true },
{ 12496, true },
- { 12511, true },
- { 12526, true },
- { 12541, true },
- { 12556, true },
- { 12578, true },
- { 12593, true },
- { 12615, true },
- { 12628, true },
- { 12639, true },
- { 12653, true },
- { 12665, true },
+ { 12507, true },
+ { 12521, true },
+ { 12533, true },
+ { 12548, true },
+ { 12559, true },
+ { 12569, true },
+ { 12590, true },
+ { 12608, true },
+ { 12625, true },
+ { 12640, true },
+ { 12658, true },
+ { 12670, true },
{ 12680, true },
- { 12691, true },
- { 12701, true },
- { 12722, true },
- { 12740, true },
- { 12757, true },
- { 12772, true },
- { 12790, true },
- { 12802, true },
- { 12812, true },
- { 12825, true },
- { 12848, true },
- { 12861, true },
- { 12869, true },
- { 12880, true },
- { 12898, true },
- { 12910, true },
+ { 12693, true },
+ { 12710, true },
+ { 12733, true },
+ { 12746, true },
+ { 12754, true },
+ { 12765, true },
+ { 12783, true },
+ { 12795, true },
+ { 12816, true },
+ { 12833, true },
+ { 12844, true },
+ { 12853, true },
+ { 12865, true },
+ { 12875, false },
+ { 12889, true },
+ { 12907, true },
+ { 12920, true },
{ 12931, true },
- { 12948, true },
- { 12959, true },
- { 12968, true },
+ { 12945, true },
+ { 12956, true },
+ { 12967, true },
{ 12980, true },
- { 12990, false },
- { 13004, true },
- { 13022, true },
- { 13035, true },
- { 13046, true },
- { 13060, true },
- { 13071, true },
- { 13082, true },
- { 13095, true },
- { 13106, true },
- { 13125, true },
- { 13139, true },
- { 13158, true },
- { 13170, true },
- { 13178, true },
- { 13192, true },
- { 13205, true },
- { 13217, true },
- { 13227, true },
- { 13239, true },
- { 13251, true },
- { 13262, true },
- { 13276, true },
- { 13287, true },
- { 13298, true },
- { 13308, true },
- { 13318, true },
- { 13328, true },
- { 13339, true },
- { 13355, true },
- { 13369, true },
- { 13381, true },
- { 13406, true },
- { 13416, true },
- { 13427, true },
- { 13446, true },
- { 13463, true },
- { 13476, true },
- { 13488, true },
- { 13500, true },
- { 13514, true },
- { 13527, true },
- { 13540, true },
- { 13556, true },
- { 13570, true },
- { 13587, true },
- { 13604, true },
- { 13617, true },
- { 13630, true },
- { 13643, true },
- { 13656, true },
- { 13669, true },
- { 13682, true },
- { 13695, true },
+ { 12991, true },
+ { 13010, true },
+ { 13024, true },
+ { 13043, true },
+ { 13055, true },
+ { 13063, true },
+ { 13077, true },
+ { 13090, true },
+ { 13102, true },
+ { 13112, true },
+ { 13124, true },
+ { 13136, true },
+ { 13147, true },
+ { 13161, true },
+ { 13172, true },
+ { 13183, true },
+ { 13193, true },
+ { 13203, true },
+ { 13213, true },
+ { 13224, true },
+ { 13240, true },
+ { 13254, true },
+ { 13266, true },
+ { 13291, true },
+ { 13301, true },
+ { 13312, true },
+ { 13331, true },
+ { 13348, true },
+ { 13361, true },
+ { 13373, true },
+ { 13385, true },
+ { 13399, true },
+ { 13412, true },
+ { 13425, true },
+ { 13441, true },
+ { 13455, true },
+ { 13472, true },
+ { 13489, true },
+ { 13502, true },
+ { 13515, true },
+ { 13528, true },
+ { 13541, true },
+ { 13554, true },
+ { 13567, true },
+ { 13580, true },
+ { 13593, true },
+ { 13606, true },
+ { 13619, true },
+ { 13632, true },
+ { 13645, true },
+ { 13658, true },
+ { 13671, true },
+ { 13688, true },
{ 13708, true },
- { 13721, true },
- { 13734, true },
- { 13747, true },
- { 13760, true },
- { 13773, true },
- { 13786, true },
- { 13803, true },
- { 13823, true },
- { 13839, true },
- { 13861, true },
+ { 13724, true },
+ { 13746, true },
+ { 13761, true },
+ { 13779, true },
+ { 13800, true },
+ { 13816, true },
+ { 13826, true },
+ { 13843, true },
+ { 13854, true },
+ { 13866, true },
{ 13876, true },
- { 13894, true },
- { 13913, true },
- { 13934, true },
- { 13950, true },
- { 13960, true },
- { 13977, true },
+ { 13898, true },
+ { 13910, true },
+ { 13921, true },
+ { 13933, true },
+ { 13949, true },
+ { 13968, true },
{ 13988, true },
- { 14000, true },
- { 14010, true },
- { 14032, true },
- { 14044, true },
- { 14055, true },
- { 14067, true },
- { 14083, true },
- { 14102, true },
- { 14122, true },
- { 14135, true },
- { 14151, true },
- { 14171, true },
- { 14185, true },
- { 14206, true },
- { 14218, true },
- { 14235, false },
- { 14251, false },
- { 14271, true },
- { 14284, true },
- { 14297, true },
- { 14310, true },
- { 14326, true },
- { 14340, true },
- { 14356, true },
- { 14367, true },
+ { 14001, true },
+ { 14017, true },
+ { 14037, true },
+ { 14051, true },
+ { 14072, true },
+ { 14084, false },
+ { 14100, false },
+ { 14120, true },
+ { 14133, true },
+ { 14146, true },
+ { 14159, true },
+ { 14175, true },
+ { 14189, true },
+ { 14205, true },
+ { 14216, true },
+ { 14231, true },
+ { 14245, true },
+ { 14257, true },
+ { 14270, true },
+ { 14283, true },
+ { 14304, true },
+ { 14324, true },
+ { 14339, true },
+ { 14357, true },
{ 14382, true },
- { 14396, true },
- { 14408, true },
- { 14421, true },
- { 14434, true },
- { 14455, true },
- { 14475, true },
- { 14490, true },
- { 14508, true },
- { 14533, true },
- { 14544, true },
- { 14566, true },
- { 14578, true },
- { 14591, true },
- { 14605, true },
- { 14624, true },
- { 14634, true },
- { 14649, true },
- { 14660, true },
- { 14674, true },
- { 14698, true },
- { 14710, true },
- { 14725, true },
- { 14737, true },
- { 14759, true },
- { 14770, true },
- { 14783, true },
- { 14803, true },
- { 14814, true },
- { 14832, true },
- { 14851, true },
- { 14861, true },
- { 14875, true },
- { 14885, true },
- { 14899, true },
+ { 14393, true },
+ { 14415, true },
+ { 14427, true },
+ { 14440, true },
+ { 14454, true },
+ { 14473, true },
+ { 14483, true },
+ { 14498, true },
+ { 14509, true },
+ { 14523, true },
+ { 14547, false },
+ { 14561, true },
+ { 14573, true },
+ { 14588, true },
+ { 14600, true },
+ { 14622, true },
+ { 14633, true },
+ { 14646, true },
+ { 14666, true },
+ { 14677, true },
+ { 14695, true },
+ { 14714, true },
+ { 14724, true },
+ { 14738, true },
+ { 14748, true },
+ { 14762, true },
+ { 14774, true },
+ { 14800, true },
+ { 14815, true },
+ { 14825, true },
+ { 14843, true },
+ { 14859, true },
+ { 14876, true },
+ { 14890, true },
+ { 14902, true },
{ 14911, true },
- { 14937, true },
- { 14952, true },
- { 14962, true },
- { 14980, true },
- { 14996, true },
- { 15013, true },
- { 15027, true },
- { 15039, true },
- { 15048, true },
- { 15060, true },
- { 15082, false },
- { 15096, true },
- { 15112, true },
- { 15134, true },
- { 15158, true },
- { 15182, true },
- { 15194, true },
- { 15204, true },
- { 15219, true },
- { 15234, true },
- { 15246, true },
- { 15260, true },
- { 15275, true },
- { 15289, false },
- { 15309, true },
- { 15328, true },
- { 15343, true },
- { 15354, false },
- { 15367, true },
- { 15388, true },
- { 15403, true },
+ { 14923, true },
+ { 14945, false },
+ { 14959, true },
+ { 14975, true },
+ { 14997, true },
+ { 15021, true },
+ { 15045, true },
+ { 15057, true },
+ { 15067, true },
+ { 15082, true },
+ { 15097, true },
+ { 15109, true },
+ { 15123, true },
+ { 15138, true },
+ { 15152, false },
+ { 15172, true },
+ { 15191, true },
+ { 15206, true },
+ { 15217, false },
+ { 15230, true },
+ { 15251, true },
+ { 15266, true },
+ { 15276, true },
+ { 15291, true },
+ { 15316, false },
+ { 15332, true },
+ { 15345, true },
+ { 15365, true },
+ { 15377, true },
+ { 15390, true },
+ { 15397, true },
{ 15413, true },
- { 15428, true },
- { 15453, false },
- { 15469, true },
- { 15482, true },
- { 15502, true },
- { 15514, true },
+ { 15427, true },
+ { 15447, true },
+ { 15467, true },
+ { 15478, true },
+ { 15493, true },
+ { 15510, true },
{ 15527, true },
- { 15534, true },
- { 15550, true },
- { 15564, true },
- { 15584, true },
- { 15604, true },
- { 15615, true },
- { 15630, true },
- { 15647, true },
- { 15664, true },
- { 15676, true },
+ { 15539, true },
+ { 15562, true },
+ { 15574, true },
+ { 15591, false },
+ { 15612, false },
+ { 15634, false },
+ { 15653, false },
+ { 15671, true },
{ 15699, true },
- { 15711, true },
- { 15728, false },
- { 15749, false },
- { 15771, false },
- { 15790, false },
- { 15808, true },
- { 15836, true },
+ { 15722, true },
+ { 15739, true },
+ { 15757, true },
+ { 15770, true },
+ { 15783, true },
+ { 15798, false },
+ { 15813, true },
+ { 15825, true },
+ { 15840, true },
{ 15859, true },
- { 15876, true },
- { 15894, true },
- { 15907, true },
+ { 15867, true },
+ { 15878, true },
+ { 15890, true },
+ { 15905, true },
{ 15920, true },
- { 15935, false },
- { 15950, true },
- { 15962, true },
- { 15977, true },
- { 15996, true },
- { 16004, true },
- { 16015, true },
- { 16027, true },
+ { 15935, true },
+ { 15952, true },
+ { 15961, true },
+ { 15974, true },
+ { 15987, false },
+ { 16001, true },
+ { 16014, false },
+ { 16021, true },
+ { 16032, true },
{ 16042, true },
- { 16057, true },
+ { 16060, true },
{ 16072, true },
- { 16089, true },
- { 16098, true },
- { 16111, true },
+ { 16081, true },
+ { 16110, true },
{ 16124, false },
- { 16138, true },
- { 16151, false },
- { 16158, true },
- { 16169, true },
- { 16179, true },
- { 16197, true },
- { 16209, true },
- { 16218, true },
- { 16247, true },
- { 16261, false },
- { 16279, true },
- { 16290, true },
- { 16304, true },
- { 16329, true },
- { 16342, true },
- { 16359, true },
- { 16377, true },
- { 16389, true },
- { 16399, true },
- { 16420, true },
- { 16430, false },
- { 16449, true },
- { 16461, true },
- { 16475, true },
- { 16484, true },
- { 16497, true },
- { 16510, true },
- { 16523, true },
- { 16542, true },
- { 16555, true },
- { 16571, true },
+ { 16142, true },
+ { 16153, true },
+ { 16167, true },
+ { 16192, true },
+ { 16205, true },
+ { 16222, true },
+ { 16240, true },
+ { 16252, true },
+ { 16262, true },
+ { 16283, true },
+ { 16293, false },
+ { 16312, true },
+ { 16324, true },
+ { 16338, true },
+ { 16347, true },
+ { 16360, true },
+ { 16373, true },
+ { 16386, true },
+ { 16405, true },
+ { 16418, true },
+ { 16434, true },
+ { 16444, true },
+ { 16466, true },
+ { 16480, true },
+ { 16495, true },
+ { 16512, false },
+ { 16520, true },
+ { 16536, true },
+ { 16556, true },
+ { 16570, true },
{ 16581, true },
- { 16603, true },
- { 16617, true },
- { 16632, true },
- { 16649, true },
- { 16665, true },
- { 16685, true },
- { 16699, true },
- { 16710, true },
- { 16722, true },
+ { 16593, true },
+ { 16606, true },
+ { 16619, false },
+ { 16641, true },
+ { 16664, true },
+ { 16683, true },
+ { 16693, true },
+ { 16714, true },
+ { 16725, true },
{ 16735, true },
- { 16748, false },
- { 16770, true },
+ { 16764, true },
+ { 16776, true },
{ 16793, true },
- { 16811, true },
- { 16830, true },
+ { 16806, true },
+ { 16816, true },
{ 16840, true },
- { 16861, true },
- { 16872, true },
+ { 16850, true },
+ { 16864, true },
+ { 16873, true },
{ 16882, true },
- { 16911, true },
- { 16923, true },
- { 16940, true },
+ { 16895, true },
+ { 16909, true },
+ { 16924, true },
+ { 16937, true },
{ 16953, true },
- { 16963, true },
- { 16987, true },
- { 16997, true },
- { 17011, true },
- { 17020, true },
- { 17029, true },
- { 17042, true },
- { 17056, true },
- { 17071, true },
- { 17084, true },
- { 17100, true },
- { 17114, true },
- { 17125, true },
- { 17139, true },
- { 17149, true },
- { 17154, true },
- { 17162, true },
- { 17172, true },
- { 17179, true },
- { 17194, false },
+ { 16967, true },
+ { 16978, true },
+ { 16992, true },
+ { 17002, true },
+ { 17007, true },
+ { 17015, false },
+ { 17024, true },
+ { 17031, true },
+ { 17046, false },
+ { 17066, true },
+ { 17079, true },
+ { 17092, true },
+ { 17103, true },
+ { 17119, true },
+ { 17131, true },
+ { 17144, true },
+ { 17155, true },
+ { 17173, true },
+ { 17186, true },
+ { 17206, true },
{ 17214, true },
- { 17227, true },
- { 17240, true },
- { 17251, true },
- { 17267, true },
- { 17279, true },
- { 17292, true },
- { 17303, true },
- { 17321, true },
- { 17334, true },
- { 17354, true },
+ { 17224, true },
+ { 17236, true },
+ { 17252, true },
+ { 17266, true },
+ { 17285, true },
+ { 17304, true },
+ { 17320, true },
+ { 17332, true },
+ { 17344, true },
+ { 17354, false },
{ 17362, true },
- { 17372, true },
- { 17384, true },
- { 17400, true },
- { 17414, true },
- { 17433, true },
- { 17452, true },
- { 17468, true },
- { 17480, true },
- { 17492, true },
- { 17502, false },
- { 17510, true },
- { 17523, true },
+ { 17375, true },
+ { 17399, true },
+ { 17411, true },
+ { 17424, true },
+ { 17434, true },
+ { 17450, true },
+ { 17461, true },
+ { 17484, true },
+ { 17495, true },
+ { 17508, true },
+ { 17524, true },
{ 17547, true },
- { 17559, true },
- { 17572, true },
- { 17582, true },
- { 17598, true },
- { 17609, true },
- { 17632, true },
- { 17643, true },
- { 17656, true },
- { 17672, true },
- { 17695, true },
- { 17715, true },
- { 17729, true },
- { 17752, true },
- { 17771, true },
- { 17788, true },
- { 17807, true },
- { 17821, true },
- { 17842, true },
- { 17856, true },
- { 17874, true },
- { 17883, true },
- { 17898, true },
- { 17911, true },
+ { 17567, true },
+ { 17581, true },
+ { 17604, true },
+ { 17623, true },
+ { 17640, true },
+ { 17659, true },
+ { 17673, true },
+ { 17694, true },
+ { 17708, true },
+ { 17726, true },
+ { 17735, true },
+ { 17750, true },
+ { 17763, true },
+ { 17776, true },
+ { 17791, true },
+ { 17804, true },
+ { 17812, true },
+ { 17819, true },
+ { 17831, true },
+ { 17853, true },
+ { 17867, true },
+ { 17879, true },
+ { 17889, true },
+ { 17902, true },
{ 17926, true },
- { 17939, true },
- { 17947, true },
- { 17954, true },
- { 17966, true },
- { 17988, true },
- { 18002, true },
- { 18014, true },
- { 18024, true },
- { 18037, true },
+ { 17940, true },
+ { 17960, true },
+ { 17971, true },
+ { 17989, true },
+ { 18003, false },
+ { 18034, false },
+ { 18049, true },
{ 18061, true },
- { 18075, true },
- { 18095, true },
- { 18106, true },
- { 18124, true },
- { 18138, false },
- { 18169, false },
- { 18184, true },
- { 18196, true },
- { 18216, true },
- { 18232, true },
- { 18247, true },
- { 18263, true },
- { 18274, false },
- { 18287, true },
- { 18300, true },
- { 18312, true },
- { 18329, true },
- { 18342, true },
- { 18364, true },
- { 18377, true },
- { 18400, true },
- { 18411, true },
- { 18427, true },
- { 18442, true },
- { 18456, true },
- { 18469, true },
- { 18480, true },
- { 18492, true },
- { 18511, true },
- { 18526, true },
+ { 18081, true },
+ { 18097, true },
+ { 18112, true },
+ { 18128, true },
+ { 18139, false },
+ { 18152, true },
+ { 18165, true },
+ { 18177, true },
+ { 18194, true },
+ { 18207, true },
+ { 18229, true },
+ { 18242, true },
+ { 18265, true },
+ { 18276, true },
+ { 18292, true },
+ { 18307, true },
+ { 18321, true },
+ { 18334, true },
+ { 18345, true },
+ { 18357, true },
+ { 18376, true },
+ { 18391, true },
+ { 18407, true },
+ { 18425, true },
+ { 18436, true },
+ { 18459, true },
+ { 18472, true },
+ { 18483, false },
+ { 18493, true },
+ { 18509, true },
+ { 18520, true },
+ { 18529, true },
{ 18542, true },
- { 18560, true },
- { 18571, true },
- { 18594, true },
- { 18607, true },
- { 18620, true },
- { 18631, false },
+ { 18551, true },
+ { 18567, true },
+ { 18577, false },
+ { 18585, true },
+ { 18595, true },
+ { 18609, true },
+ { 18619, true },
+ { 18627, true },
{ 18641, true },
{ 18657, true },
- { 18668, true },
- { 18677, true },
- { 18690, true },
- { 18699, true },
- { 18715, true },
- { 18725, false },
- { 18733, true },
- { 18743, true },
- { 18757, true },
- { 18767, true },
- { 18775, true },
- { 18789, true },
- { 18805, true },
- { 18820, true },
- { 18830, true },
- { 18843, true },
- { 18859, true },
- { 18870, true },
+ { 18672, true },
+ { 18682, true },
+ { 18698, true },
+ { 18709, true },
+ { 18727, true },
+ { 18749, false },
+ { 18766, true },
+ { 18781, true },
+ { 18797, true },
+ { 18813, true },
+ { 18832, false },
+ { 18858, true },
+ { 18873, true },
{ 18888, true },
- { 18910, false },
- { 18927, true },
- { 18942, true },
- { 18958, true },
- { 18974, true },
- { 18993, false },
- { 19019, true },
- { 19034, true },
- { 19049, true },
- { 19062, true },
+ { 18901, true },
+ { 18914, true },
+ { 18928, true },
+ { 18944, true },
+ { 18959, true },
+ { 18973, true },
+ { 18986, true },
+ { 18997, true },
+ { 19007, true },
+ { 19024, true },
+ { 19039, true },
+ { 19055, true },
+ { 19067, true },
{ 19075, true },
{ 19089, true },
- { 19105, true },
- { 19120, true },
- { 19134, true },
- { 19147, true },
- { 19158, true },
- { 19168, true },
- { 19185, true },
- { 19200, true },
- { 19216, true },
- { 19228, true },
- { 19236, true },
- { 19250, true },
- { 19258, true },
- { 19271, true },
- { 19289, true },
- { 19297, true },
- { 19305, true },
+ { 19097, true },
+ { 19110, true },
+ { 19128, true },
+ { 19136, true },
+ { 19144, true },
+ { 19162, true },
+ { 19176, true },
+ { 19184, true },
+ { 19198, true },
+ { 19206, false },
+ { 19226, true },
+ { 19244, true },
+ { 19255, true },
+ { 19273, true },
+ { 19285, true },
+ { 19299, true },
+ { 19312, true },
{ 19323, true },
- { 19337, true },
- { 19345, true },
- { 19359, true },
- { 19367, false },
- { 19387, true },
- { 19405, true },
- { 19416, true },
- { 19434, true },
- { 19446, true },
- { 19460, true },
- { 19473, true },
- { 19484, true },
- { 19501, true },
- { 19514, true },
- { 19528, true },
- { 19538, true },
- { 19555, true },
- { 19573, true },
- { 19587, true },
- { 19605, true },
- { 19618, true },
- { 19633, true },
- { 19653, false },
- { 19663, true },
- { 19673, true },
- { 19687, true },
- { 19698, true },
- { 19713, true },
- { 19721, false },
- { 19737, false },
+ { 19340, true },
+ { 19353, true },
+ { 19367, true },
+ { 19377, true },
+ { 19394, true },
+ { 19412, true },
+ { 19426, true },
+ { 19439, true },
+ { 19459, false },
+ { 19469, true },
+ { 19479, true },
+ { 19490, true },
+ { 19505, true },
+ { 19513, false },
+ { 19529, false },
+ { 19550, true },
+ { 19570, true },
+ { 19584, true },
+ { 19602, true },
+ { 19616, true },
+ { 19629, true },
+ { 19647, true },
+ { 19661, true },
+ { 19680, true },
+ { 19692, false },
+ { 19714, true },
+ { 19729, true },
+ { 19746, true },
{ 19758, true },
- { 19778, true },
- { 19792, true },
- { 19810, true },
- { 19824, true },
- { 19837, true },
- { 19855, true },
- { 19869, true },
- { 19888, true },
- { 19900, false },
- { 19922, true },
- { 19937, true },
- { 19954, true },
- { 19966, true },
- { 19984, true },
- { 20010, true },
- { 20026, true },
- { 20042, true },
- { 20057, true },
- { 20072, true },
- { 20085, false },
- { 20095, true },
- { 20114, true },
- { 20128, true },
- { 20139, false },
- { 20161, true },
- { 20170, false },
- { 20186, false },
- { 20200, true },
- { 20215, true },
- { 20233, true },
- { 20243, true },
- { 20261, false },
- { 20276, true },
- { 20300, true },
- { 20317, true },
- { 20332, true },
- { 20349, true },
- { 20365, true },
- { 20379, true },
- { 20393, true },
- { 20410, true },
- { 20427, true },
- { 20454, true },
- { 20476, true },
- { 20495, true },
- { 20511, true },
- { 20534, true },
- { 20554, true },
- { 20576, true },
- { 20594, true },
- { 20611, true },
- { 20625, true },
- { 20662, false },
- { 20673, true },
- { 20691, true },
- { 20714, false },
- { 20745, true },
- { 20754, true },
- { 20762, true },
- { 20774, true },
- { 20786, true },
- { 20795, true },
- { 20803, true },
- { 20814, true },
- { 20833, true },
- { 20845, true },
- { 20860, false },
- { 20878, true },
- { 20891, true },
- { 20904, true },
- { 20920, true },
- { 20935, true },
- { 20943, true },
- { 20957, true },
- { 20969, true },
+ { 19776, true },
+ { 19802, true },
+ { 19818, true },
+ { 19834, true },
+ { 19849, true },
+ { 19864, true },
+ { 19877, false },
+ { 19887, true },
+ { 19906, true },
+ { 19920, true },
+ { 19931, true },
+ { 19940, false },
+ { 19962, true },
+ { 19971, false },
+ { 19987, false },
+ { 20001, true },
+ { 20016, true },
+ { 20034, true },
+ { 20044, true },
+ { 20062, false },
+ { 20077, true },
+ { 20101, true },
+ { 20118, true },
+ { 20133, true },
+ { 20150, true },
+ { 20166, true },
+ { 20180, true },
+ { 20194, true },
+ { 20211, true },
+ { 20228, true },
+ { 20255, true },
+ { 20277, true },
+ { 20296, true },
+ { 20312, true },
+ { 20335, true },
+ { 20355, true },
+ { 20373, true },
+ { 20390, true },
+ { 20404, true },
+ { 20441, false },
+ { 20452, true },
+ { 20470, true },
+ { 20493, false },
+ { 20524, true },
+ { 20533, true },
+ { 20541, true },
+ { 20553, true },
+ { 20565, true },
+ { 20574, true },
+ { 20582, true },
+ { 20593, true },
+ { 20612, true },
+ { 20624, true },
+ { 20639, false },
+ { 20657, true },
+ { 20670, true },
+ { 20683, true },
+ { 20699, true },
+ { 20714, true },
+ { 20722, true },
+ { 20736, true },
+ { 20748, true },
+ { 20759, true },
+ { 20770, true },
+ { 20784, true },
+ { 20807, true },
+ { 20823, true },
+ { 20842, true },
+ { 20858, true },
+ { 20868, true },
+ { 20881, true },
+ { 20894, true },
+ { 20903, true },
+ { 20917, true },
+ { 20931, true },
+ { 20944, false },
+ { 20964, true },
{ 20980, true },
- { 20991, true },
+ { 20992, true },
{ 21005, true },
- { 21028, true },
- { 21044, true },
- { 21063, true },
- { 21079, true },
- { 21089, true },
- { 21102, true },
- { 21115, true },
- { 21124, true },
- { 21138, true },
- { 21152, true },
- { 21165, false },
- { 21185, true },
- { 21201, true },
+ { 21025, true },
+ { 21039, true },
+ { 21055, true },
+ { 21069, true },
+ { 21083, true },
+ { 21098, true },
+ { 21107, true },
+ { 21117, false },
+ { 21127, true },
+ { 21143, true },
+ { 21165, true },
+ { 21197, true },
{ 21213, true },
{ 21226, true },
{ 21246, true },
- { 21260, true },
- { 21276, true },
- { 21290, true },
- { 21304, true },
- { 21319, true },
- { 21328, true },
- { 21345, true },
- { 21355, false },
- { 21365, true },
- { 21381, true },
- { 21403, true },
- { 21435, true },
- { 21451, true },
- { 21464, true },
- { 21484, true },
- { 21503, true },
- { 21522, true },
- { 21537, true },
- { 21553, true },
- { 21576, true },
- { 21592, true },
- { 21615, true },
- { 21624, true },
- { 21636, true },
- { 21652, true },
- { 21669, true },
- { 21679, true },
- { 21697, true },
- { 21714, true },
- { 21724, true },
- { 21736, true },
- { 21750, true },
- { 21769, true },
- { 21781, true },
- { 21803, true },
- { 21816, true },
- { 21837, true },
- { 21852, true },
- { 21874, true },
- { 21890, true },
- { 21916, true },
- { 21941, true },
- { 21955, true },
- { 21970, true },
- { 21982, true },
- { 21997, true },
- { 22012, true },
- { 22022, true },
- { 22036, true },
- { 22047, true },
- { 22062, true },
- { 22074, true },
- { 22092, true },
- { 22102, true },
- { 22115, true },
- { 22124, true },
- { 22136, true },
- { 22152, true },
- { 22163, true },
+ { 21265, true },
+ { 21284, true },
+ { 21299, true },
+ { 21315, true },
+ { 21338, true },
+ { 21354, true },
+ { 21377, true },
+ { 21386, true },
+ { 21398, true },
+ { 21414, true },
+ { 21431, false },
+ { 21441, true },
+ { 21459, true },
+ { 21476, true },
+ { 21486, true },
+ { 21500, true },
+ { 21512, true },
+ { 21534, true },
+ { 21547, true },
+ { 21568, true },
+ { 21583, true },
+ { 21605, true },
+ { 21621, true },
+ { 21647, true },
+ { 21672, true },
+ { 21686, true },
+ { 21701, true },
+ { 21713, true },
+ { 21728, true },
+ { 21743, true },
+ { 21753, true },
+ { 21767, true },
+ { 21778, true },
+ { 21793, true },
+ { 21805, true },
+ { 21823, true },
+ { 21833, true },
+ { 21846, true },
+ { 21855, true },
+ { 21867, true },
+ { 21883, true },
+ { 21894, true },
+ { 21911, true },
+ { 21925, true },
+ { 21936, true },
+ { 21945, true },
+ { 21960, true },
+ { 21970, false },
+ { 21990, true },
+ { 21999, true },
+ { 22023, true },
+ { 22031, false },
+ { 22041, true },
+ { 22055, false },
+ { 22065, true },
+ { 22079, true },
+ { 22098, true },
+ { 22110, true },
+ { 22121, true },
+ { 22138, false },
+ { 22156, true },
+ { 22164, true },
{ 22180, true },
- { 22194, true },
- { 22205, true },
- { 22214, true },
- { 22229, true },
- { 22239, false },
- { 22259, true },
- { 22268, true },
- { 22292, true },
- { 22300, false },
- { 22310, true },
- { 22324, false },
- { 22334, true },
- { 22348, true },
- { 22367, true },
- { 22379, true },
- { 22390, true },
- { 22407, false },
- { 22425, true },
+ { 22191, true },
+ { 22204, true },
+ { 22217, true },
+ { 22232, true },
+ { 22245, true },
+ { 22258, true },
+ { 22273, true },
+ { 22286, true },
+ { 22299, false },
+ { 22322, false },
+ { 22346, true },
+ { 22363, true },
+ { 22376, true },
+ { 22387, true },
+ { 22399, true },
+ { 22419, true },
{ 22433, true },
- { 22449, true },
- { 22460, true },
- { 22473, true },
- { 22486, true },
- { 22501, true },
- { 22514, true },
- { 22527, true },
- { 22542, true },
- { 22555, true },
- { 22568, true },
- { 22579, false },
- { 22602, false },
- { 22626, true },
- { 22643, true },
+ { 22452, true },
+ { 22474, true },
+ { 22493, true },
+ { 22503, true },
+ { 22524, true },
+ { 22539, true },
+ { 22564, true },
+ { 22578, true },
+ { 22591, true },
+ { 22604, true },
+ { 22624, true },
+ { 22632, true },
+ { 22644, true },
{ 22656, true },
{ 22667, true },
- { 22679, true },
- { 22699, true },
+ { 22682, true },
+ { 22701, true },
{ 22713, true },
- { 22732, true },
- { 22754, true },
- { 22773, true },
- { 22783, true },
- { 22804, true },
- { 22819, true },
- { 22844, true },
+ { 22734, true },
+ { 22751, false },
+ { 22770, true },
+ { 22790, true },
+ { 22810, true },
+ { 22824, true },
+ { 22845, true },
{ 22858, true },
- { 22871, true },
- { 22884, true },
- { 22904, true },
- { 22912, true },
- { 22924, true },
- { 22935, true },
- { 22950, true },
- { 22969, true },
+ { 22865, true },
+ { 22887, true },
+ { 22903, true },
+ { 22916, true },
+ { 22936, true },
+ { 22953, true },
+ { 22965, true },
{ 22981, true },
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- { 23038, true },
- { 23058, true },
- { 23078, true },
- { 23092, true },
- { 23113, true },
- { 23126, true },
- { 23133, true },
+ { 22999, true },
+ { 23018, true },
+ { 23039, true },
+ { 23060, true },
+ { 23080, true },
+ { 23112, true },
+ { 23122, true },
+ { 23138, true },
{ 23155, true },
- { 23171, true },
- { 23184, true },
- { 23204, true },
- { 23221, true },
- { 23233, true },
- { 23249, true },
- { 23267, true },
- { 23286, true },
- { 23307, true },
- { 23328, true },
- { 23348, true },
- { 23380, true },
- { 23390, true },
- { 23406, true },
- { 23423, true },
- { 23447, true },
- { 23469, true },
- { 23493, true },
- { 23522, true },
- { 23552, true },
- { 23569, true },
- { 23587, true },
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- { 23624, true },
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- { 23659, true },
- { 23678, true },
- { 23693, true },
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- { 23748, true },
- { 23763, true },
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+ { 23179, true },
+ { 23201, true },
+ { 23225, true },
+ { 23254, true },
+ { 23284, true },
+ { 23301, true },
+ { 23319, true },
+ { 23339, true },
+ { 23356, true },
+ { 23378, true },
+ { 23391, true },
+ { 23410, true },
+ { 23425, true },
+ { 23441, false },
+ { 23466, true },
+ { 23480, true },
+ { 23495, true },
+ { 23512, false },
+ { 23534, true },
+ { 23549, false },
+ { 23560, true },
+ { 23588, true },
+ { 23603, true },
+ { 23626, true },
+ { 23637, true },
+ { 23650, true },
+ { 23669, true },
+ { 23695, true },
+ { 23713, true },
+ { 23735, true },
+ { 23760, true },
+ { 23783, true },
+ { 23799, true },
+ { 23812, true },
+ { 23833, true },
+ { 23843, true },
{ 23856, true },
- { 23871, true },
- { 23894, true },
- { 23905, true },
- { 23918, true },
- { 23937, true },
- { 23963, true },
- { 23981, true },
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- { 24028, true },
- { 24051, true },
- { 24067, true },
- { 24080, true },
- { 24101, true },
- { 24111, true },
- { 24124, true },
- { 24145, true },
- { 24160, true },
- { 24184, true },
- { 24198, true },
- { 24232, false },
- { 24252, true },
- { 24275, true },
- { 24301, true },
- { 24318, true },
- { 24331, true },
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- { 24398, false },
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- { 24425, true },
- { 24438, true },
- { 24455, true },
- { 24467, true },
- { 24476, true },
- { 24486, true },
- { 24500, true },
- { 24511, true },
- { 24528, true },
- { 24544, true },
- { 24569, true },
- { 24588, true },
- { 24610, true },
- { 24622, true },
- { 24652, true },
- { 24676, true },
- { 24689, true },
- { 24712, true },
- { 24731, true },
- { 24742, true },
- { 24754, true },
- { 24770, true },
- { 24788, true },
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- { 24826, true },
- { 24844, true },
- { 24861, true },
- { 24884, true },
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+ { 23877, true },
+ { 23892, true },
+ { 23916, true },
+ { 23930, true },
+ { 23964, false },
+ { 23984, true },
+ { 24007, true },
+ { 24033, true },
+ { 24050, true },
+ { 24063, false },
+ { 24102, false },
+ { 24117, false },
+ { 24133, true },
+ { 24144, true },
+ { 24157, true },
+ { 24174, true },
+ { 24186, true },
+ { 24195, true },
+ { 24205, true },
+ { 24219, true },
+ { 24230, true },
+ { 24247, true },
+ { 24263, true },
+ { 24288, true },
+ { 24307, true },
+ { 24329, true },
+ { 24341, true },
+ { 24371, true },
+ { 24395, true },
+ { 24408, true },
+ { 24431, true },
+ { 24450, true },
+ { 24461, true },
+ { 24473, true },
+ { 24489, true },
+ { 24507, true },
+ { 24532, true },
+ { 24545, true },
+ { 24563, true },
+ { 24580, true },
+ { 24603, true },
+ { 24616, false },
+ { 24631, true },
+ { 24643, true },
+ { 24656, true },
+ { 24665, true },
+ { 24680, true },
+ { 24695, true },
+ { 24707, true },
+ { 24719, true },
+ { 24733, false },
+ { 24750, true },
+ { 24769, true },
+ { 24789, true },
+ { 24815, true },
+ { 24829, true },
+ { 24845, true },
+ { 24858, true },
+ { 24874, true },
+ { 24893, true },
{ 24912, true },
- { 24924, true },
- { 24937, true },
- { 24946, true },
- { 24961, true },
+ { 24932, true },
+ { 24948, true },
+ { 24966, false },
{ 24976, true },
- { 24988, true },
- { 25000, true },
- { 25014, false },
- { 25031, true },
- { 25050, true },
- { 25070, true },
- { 25096, true },
- { 25110, true },
- { 25126, true },
- { 25139, true },
- { 25155, true },
- { 25174, true },
- { 25193, true },
- { 25213, true },
- { 25229, true },
- { 25247, false },
- { 25257, true },
- { 25276, true },
- { 25292, true },
- { 25311, true },
+ { 24995, true },
+ { 25011, true },
+ { 25030, true },
+ { 25039, true },
+ { 25053, true },
+ { 25069, true },
+ { 25084, true },
+ { 25101, true },
+ { 25120, false },
+ { 25131, true },
+ { 25142, true },
+ { 25157, true },
+ { 25173, true },
+ { 25183, true },
+ { 25197, false },
+ { 25211, true },
+ { 25223, true },
+ { 25246, true },
+ { 25259, true },
+ { 25267, true },
+ { 25280, true },
+ { 25296, true },
+ { 25309, true },
{ 25320, true },
{ 25334, true },
- { 25350, true },
- { 25365, true },
- { 25382, true },
- { 25401, false },
- { 25412, true },
- { 25423, true },
- { 25438, true },
- { 25454, true },
- { 25464, true },
- { 25478, false },
- { 25492, true },
- { 25504, true },
- { 25527, true },
- { 25540, true },
- { 25548, true },
- { 25561, true },
- { 25577, true },
- { 25590, true },
- { 25601, true },
- { 25615, true },
- { 25624, true },
- { 25635, true },
- { 25654, true },
- { 25666, false },
- { 25677, true },
- { 25693, false },
- { 25709, true },
- { 25722, true },
- { 25736, true },
- { 25752, true },
- { 25774, true },
- { 25787, true },
- { 25801, true },
- { 25815, true },
- { 25829, true },
- { 25844, true },
- { 25863, true },
- { 25883, true },
- { 25898, true },
- { 25911, true },
- { 25941, true },
- { 25963, true },
- { 25979, true },
- { 25990, true },
- { 25998, true },
- { 26010, true },
- { 26019, true },
- { 26032, true },
- { 26048, true },
- { 26065, true },
- { 26073, true },
- { 26082, true },
- { 26093, true },
+ { 25343, true },
+ { 25354, true },
+ { 25373, true },
+ { 25385, false },
+ { 25396, true },
+ { 25412, false },
+ { 25428, true },
+ { 25442, true },
+ { 25458, true },
+ { 25480, true },
+ { 25493, true },
+ { 25507, true },
+ { 25521, true },
+ { 25535, true },
+ { 25550, true },
+ { 25565, true },
+ { 25584, true },
+ { 25604, true },
+ { 25619, true },
+ { 25632, true },
+ { 25662, true },
+ { 25684, true },
+ { 25700, true },
+ { 25711, true },
+ { 25719, true },
+ { 25731, true },
+ { 25740, true },
+ { 25753, true },
+ { 25769, true },
+ { 25786, true },
+ { 25794, true },
+ { 25803, true },
+ { 25814, true },
+ { 25828, true },
+ { 25841, true },
+ { 25849, true },
+ { 25867, true },
+ { 25876, true },
+ { 25884, true },
+ { 25894, true },
+ { 25908, true },
+ { 25924, true },
+ { 25935, false },
+ { 25945, true },
+ { 25956, true },
+ { 25967, true },
+ { 25987, true },
+ { 26008, true },
+ { 26027, true },
+ { 26042, false },
+ { 26064, true },
+ { 26079, true },
+ { 26088, true },
{ 26107, true },
- { 26120, true },
- { 26135, true },
- { 26143, true },
+ { 26119, true },
+ { 26128, true },
+ { 26146, true },
+ { 26154, true },
{ 26161, true },
- { 26170, true },
- { 26178, true },
+ { 26174, true },
{ 26188, true },
- { 26202, true },
- { 26218, true },
- { 26229, false },
- { 26239, true },
- { 26250, true },
- { 26261, true },
- { 26281, true },
- { 26302, true },
- { 26321, true },
- { 26336, true },
- { 26349, false },
- { 26371, true },
- { 26386, true },
- { 26395, true },
- { 26414, true },
- { 26426, true },
- { 26435, true },
- { 26453, true },
- { 26461, true },
- { 26468, true },
- { 26481, true },
- { 26495, true },
- { 26506, true },
- { 26523, true },
- { 26543, true },
- { 26562, true },
- { 26576, true },
- { 26594, true },
- { 26607, true },
- { 26621, true },
- { 26634, true },
- { 26660, true },
- { 26673, true },
- { 26683, true },
- { 26694, true },
- { 26709, true },
- { 26724, true },
- { 26734, true },
+ { 26199, true },
+ { 26216, true },
+ { 26236, true },
+ { 26255, true },
+ { 26269, true },
+ { 26287, true },
+ { 26300, true },
+ { 26314, true },
+ { 26327, true },
+ { 26353, true },
+ { 26366, true },
+ { 26376, true },
+ { 26387, true },
+ { 26402, true },
+ { 26417, true },
+ { 26427, true },
+ { 26439, true },
+ { 26451, true },
+ { 26459, true },
+ { 26470, true },
+ { 26479, true },
+ { 26487, true },
+ { 26498, true },
+ { 26525, true },
+ { 26535, true },
+ { 26546, true },
+ { 26556, true },
+ { 26570, true },
+ { 26577, true },
+ { 26585, true },
+ { 26593, true },
+ { 26609, true },
+ { 26623, true },
+ { 26635, true },
+ { 26642, true },
+ { 26654, true },
+ { 26668, true },
+ { 26690, true },
+ { 26708, true },
+ { 26719, true },
+ { 26730, true },
{ 26746, true },
- { 26758, true },
- { 26766, true },
- { 26777, true },
- { 26786, true },
- { 26794, true },
- { 26805, true },
- { 26832, true },
- { 26842, true },
- { 26853, true },
- { 26863, true },
- { 26877, true },
- { 26884, true },
- { 26892, true },
- { 26900, true },
- { 26916, true },
+ { 26772, true },
+ { 26797, true },
+ { 26809, true },
+ { 26825, true },
+ { 26843, true },
+ { 26854, true },
+ { 26868, true },
+ { 26885, true },
+ { 26898, true },
+ { 26917, true },
{ 26930, true },
- { 26942, true },
- { 26949, true },
- { 26961, true },
- { 26975, true },
- { 26997, true },
- { 27015, true },
+ { 26946, true },
+ { 26960, true },
+ { 26978, true },
+ { 26993, true },
+ { 27009, true },
{ 27026, true },
- { 27037, true },
- { 27053, true },
- { 27079, true },
- { 27104, true },
+ { 27043, true },
+ { 27061, true },
+ { 27077, true },
+ { 27088, true },
+ { 27098, true },
{ 27116, true },
- { 27132, true },
- { 27150, true },
+ { 27130, true },
+ { 27148, true },
{ 27161, true },
- { 27175, true },
- { 27192, true },
- { 27205, true },
- { 27224, true },
- { 27237, true },
- { 27253, true },
- { 27267, true },
- { 27285, true },
- { 27300, true },
- { 27316, true },
- { 27333, true },
- { 27350, true },
- { 27368, true },
- { 27384, true },
- { 27395, true },
- { 27405, true },
- { 27423, true },
- { 27437, true },
+ { 27176, true },
+ { 27191, true },
+ { 27199, true },
+ { 27233, true },
+ { 27244, false },
+ { 27258, true },
+ { 27270, true },
+ { 27288, true },
+ { 27299, true },
+ { 27313, true },
+ { 27328, false },
+ { 27345, true },
+ { 27357, true },
+ { 27369, true },
+ { 27398, true },
+ { 27431, true },
+ { 27443, true },
{ 27455, true },
- { 27468, true },
- { 27483, true },
- { 27498, true },
- { 27506, true },
- { 27540, true },
- { 27551, false },
- { 27565, true },
- { 27577, true },
- { 27595, true },
- { 27606, true },
- { 27620, true },
- { 27635, false },
- { 27652, true },
- { 27664, true },
- { 27676, true },
+ { 27469, true },
+ { 27486, true },
+ { 27501, true },
+ { 27513, true },
+ { 27522, true },
+ { 27534, false },
+ { 27548, false },
+ { 27562, true },
+ { 27573, true },
+ { 27583, false },
+ { 27599, true },
+ { 27613, true },
+ { 27627, true },
+ { 27641, true },
+ { 27657, true },
+ { 27668, true },
+ { 27685, true },
{ 27705, true },
- { 27738, true },
- { 27750, true },
- { 27762, true },
- { 27776, true },
- { 27793, true },
- { 27808, true },
- { 27820, true },
- { 27829, true },
- { 27841, false },
- { 27855, false },
- { 27869, true },
- { 27880, true },
- { 27890, false },
- { 27906, true },
- { 27918, true },
- { 27932, true },
- { 27946, true },
- { 27960, true },
- { 27976, true },
- { 27987, true },
- { 28004, true },
+ { 27722, false },
+ { 27740, false },
+ { 27757, false },
+ { 27769, false },
+ { 27780, true },
+ { 27795, true },
+ { 27807, true },
+ { 27822, true },
+ { 27840, true },
+ { 27856, true },
+ { 27876, true },
+ { 27890, true },
+ { 27908, true },
+ { 27925, true },
+ { 27938, true },
+ { 27953, true },
+ { 27969, true },
+ { 27988, true },
+ { 28009, true },
{ 28024, true },
- { 28041, false },
- { 28059, false },
- { 28076, false },
- { 28088, false },
- { 28099, true },
- { 28114, true },
- { 28126, true },
- { 28141, true },
- { 28159, true },
- { 28175, true },
- { 28195, true },
+ { 28042, true },
+ { 28059, true },
+ { 28072, true },
+ { 28092, true },
+ { 28109, true },
+ { 28121, true },
+ { 28132, true },
+ { 28153, true },
+ { 28161, true },
+ { 28169, true },
+ { 28180, true },
+ { 28190, true },
+ { 28201, false },
{ 28209, true },
- { 28227, true },
+ { 28222, true },
{ 28244, true },
- { 28257, true },
- { 28272, true },
- { 28288, true },
- { 28307, true },
- { 28328, true },
- { 28343, true },
- { 28361, true },
- { 28378, true },
- { 28391, true },
- { 28411, true },
- { 28428, true },
- { 28440, true },
+ { 28265, true },
+ { 28278, true },
+ { 28289, false },
+ { 28309, true },
+ { 28324, true },
+ { 28339, true },
+ { 28353, true },
+ { 28368, true },
+ { 28380, true },
+ { 28395, true },
+ { 28405, true },
+ { 28415, true },
+ { 28423, true },
+ { 28436, true },
{ 28451, true },
- { 28472, true },
- { 28480, true },
- { 28488, true },
- { 28499, true },
- { 28509, true },
- { 28520, false },
- { 28528, true },
- { 28541, true },
- { 28563, true },
- { 28584, true },
- { 28597, true },
- { 28608, false },
- { 28628, true },
- { 28643, true },
- { 28658, true },
- { 28672, true },
- { 28687, true },
- { 28699, true },
- { 28714, true },
- { 28724, true },
- { 28734, true },
- { 28742, true },
- { 28755, true },
- { 28770, true },
- { 28782, true },
- { 28797, true },
- { 28814, true },
- { 28826, true },
- { 28835, true },
- { 28846, true },
+ { 28463, true },
+ { 28478, true },
+ { 28495, true },
+ { 28507, true },
+ { 28516, true },
+ { 28527, true },
+ { 28542, true },
+ { 28558, true },
+ { 28565, true },
+ { 28588, true },
+ { 28605, true },
+ { 28619, true },
+ { 28634, true },
+ { 28644, true },
+ { 28655, true },
+ { 28666, true },
+ { 28679, true },
+ { 28691, true },
+ { 28715, true },
+ { 28729, true },
+ { 28740, true },
+ { 28760, false },
+ { 28778, true },
+ { 28792, true },
+ { 28815, true },
+ { 28825, true },
+ { 28844, true },
{ 28861, true },
- { 28877, true },
- { 28884, true },
- { 28907, true },
+ { 28874, true },
+ { 28898, false },
+ { 28912, true },
{ 28924, true },
- { 28938, true },
- { 28953, true },
- { 28963, true },
- { 28974, true },
- { 28985, true },
- { 28998, true },
- { 29010, true },
- { 29034, true },
+ { 28932, true },
+ { 28944, true },
+ { 28957, true },
+ { 28972, true },
+ { 28986, true },
+ { 29000, true },
+ { 29029, true },
{ 29048, true },
- { 29059, true },
- { 29079, false },
- { 29097, true },
+ { 29073, true },
+ { 29090, true },
{ 29111, true },
- { 29134, true },
{ 29144, true },
- { 29163, true },
- { 29180, true },
- { 29193, true },
- { 29217, false },
- { 29231, true },
- { 29243, true },
- { 29256, true },
- { 29268, true },
- { 29281, true },
- { 29289, true },
- { 29301, true },
- { 29314, true },
- { 29329, true },
- { 29343, true },
- { 29357, true },
- { 29386, true },
- { 29405, true },
- { 29430, true },
- { 29447, true },
- { 29468, true },
- { 29501, true },
- { 29513, true },
- { 29530, true },
- { 29545, true },
- { 29571, true },
- { 29581, true },
- { 29591, true },
- { 29609, true },
- { 29627, true },
+ { 29156, true },
+ { 29173, true },
+ { 29188, true },
+ { 29214, false },
+ { 29224, true },
+ { 29234, true },
+ { 29252, true },
+ { 29270, true },
+ { 29283, true },
+ { 29304, true },
+ { 29320, false },
+ { 29341, true },
+ { 29362, false },
+ { 29376, true },
+ { 29387, true },
+ { 29406, true },
+ { 29421, true },
+ { 29436, true },
+ { 29454, true },
+ { 29462, true },
+ { 29476, false },
+ { 29501, false },
+ { 29525, true },
+ { 29539, true },
+ { 29558, true },
+ { 29567, true },
+ { 29584, true },
+ { 29600, true },
+ { 29615, true },
+ { 29628, false },
{ 29640, true },
- { 29661, true },
- { 29677, false },
+ { 29652, true },
+ { 29662, true },
+ { 29673, true },
+ { 29685, true },
{ 29698, true },
- { 29719, false },
- { 29733, true },
- { 29752, true },
- { 29767, true },
- { 29782, true },
- { 29800, true },
+ { 29712, true },
+ { 29723, true },
+ { 29743, true },
+ { 29755, true },
+ { 29766, true },
+ { 29778, true },
+ { 29787, true },
+ { 29799, true },
{ 29808, true },
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+ { 29825, true },
+ { 29836, true },
+ { 29845, true },
+ { 29857, true },
+ { 29868, true },
{ 29885, true },
- { 29904, true },
- { 29913, true },
- { 29930, true },
- { 29946, true },
- { 29961, true },
- { 29974, false },
- { 29986, true },
- { 29998, true },
+ { 29897, true },
+ { 29911, true },
+ { 29936, true },
+ { 29945, true },
+ { 29957, true },
+ { 29968, true },
+ { 29993, true },
{ 30008, true },
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- { 30031, true },
- { 30044, true },
- { 30058, true },
- { 30069, true },
- { 30089, true },
- { 30101, true },
- { 30112, true },
- { 30124, true },
- { 30133, true },
- { 30145, true },
- { 30154, true },
- { 30171, true },
- { 30182, true },
- { 30191, true },
- { 30203, true },
- { 30214, true },
- { 30231, true },
- { 30243, true },
- { 30257, true },
- { 30266, true },
- { 30278, true },
- { 30289, true },
- { 30314, true },
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+ { 30033, true },
+ { 30049, true },
+ { 30063, true },
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+ { 30119, true },
+ { 30131, true },
+ { 30143, true },
+ { 30156, true },
+ { 30173, true },
+ { 30193, true },
+ { 30210, true },
+ { 30236, true },
+ { 30254, true },
+ { 30273, true },
+ { 30290, true },
+ { 30303, true },
+ { 30320, false },
+ { 30337, true },
{ 30354, true },
- { 30370, true },
- { 30384, true },
- { 30398, true },
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- { 30430, true },
- { 30440, true },
- { 30452, true },
- { 30464, true },
- { 30477, true },
- { 30494, true },
- { 30514, true },
- { 30531, true },
- { 30557, true },
- { 30575, true },
- { 30594, true },
+ { 30371, true },
+ { 30379, true },
+ { 30389, true },
+ { 30403, true },
+ { 30414, true },
+ { 30427, true },
+ { 30435, true },
+ { 30454, true },
+ { 30466, true },
+ { 30478, true },
+ { 30490, true },
+ { 30505, true },
+ { 30523, true },
+ { 30545, true },
+ { 30560, true },
+ { 30576, true },
+ { 30590, true },
{ 30611, true },
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- { 30675, true },
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- { 30748, true },
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- { 30775, true },
- { 30787, true },
- { 30799, true },
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- { 30826, true },
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+ { 30646, true },
+ { 30665, true },
+ { 30682, true },
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+ { 30715, true },
+ { 30745, true },
+ { 30761, true },
+ { 30781, true },
+ { 30800, true },
+ { 30818, true },
+ { 30833, true },
{ 30844, true },
- { 30866, true },
- { 30881, true },
- { 30897, true },
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- { 30932, true },
- { 30948, true },
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- { 30986, true },
- { 31003, true },
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- { 31121, true },
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- { 31154, true },
- { 31165, true },
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- { 31186, true },
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+ { 30855, true },
+ { 30865, true },
+ { 30876, false },
+ { 30887, true },
+ { 30901, false },
+ { 30921, true },
+ { 30929, true },
+ { 30943, true },
+ { 30959, true },
+ { 30970, true },
+ { 30990, false },
+ { 31005, false },
+ { 31022, true },
+ { 31039, true },
+ { 31046, true },
+ { 31058, true },
+ { 31075, true },
+ { 31083, true },
+ { 31091, true },
+ { 31098, true },
+ { 31109, true },
+ { 31122, true },
+ { 31132, true },
+ { 31147, true },
+ { 31160, true },
+ { 31172, true },
+ { 31187, true },
+ { 31198, true },
{ 31208, true },
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- { 31242, true },
- { 31250, true },
- { 31264, true },
- { 31280, true },
+ { 31223, true },
+ { 31240, true },
+ { 31249, true },
+ { 31259, true },
+ { 31275, true },
{ 31291, true },
- { 31311, false },
- { 31326, false },
- { 31343, true },
- { 31360, true },
- { 31367, true },
- { 31379, true },
- { 31396, true },
- { 31404, true },
- { 31412, true },
- { 31419, true },
- { 31430, true },
- { 31443, true },
+ { 31307, true },
+ { 31320, true },
+ { 31335, true },
+ { 31348, true },
+ { 31373, true },
+ { 31412, false },
+ { 31421, true },
+ { 31431, true },
+ { 31444, true },
{ 31453, true },
- { 31468, true },
- { 31481, true },
- { 31493, true },
- { 31508, true },
- { 31519, true },
- { 31529, true },
- { 31544, true },
- { 31561, true },
- { 31570, true },
- { 31582, true },
- { 31592, true },
- { 31608, true },
- { 31624, true },
- { 31640, true },
- { 31653, true },
- { 31668, true },
- { 31681, true },
- { 31706, true },
- { 31745, false },
- { 31754, true },
- { 31764, true },
- { 31777, true },
- { 31786, true },
- { 31807, true },
- { 31821, true },
- { 31835, true },
- { 31857, true },
- { 31875, true },
- { 31895, true },
- { 31909, true },
- { 31927, true },
- { 31950, true },
- { 31964, true },
- { 31981, true },
- { 31995, true },
- { 32014, true },
- { 32030, true },
- { 32041, true },
- { 32053, true },
- { 32070, true },
- { 32088, true },
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- { 32113, false },
- { 32123, true },
- { 32142, true },
- { 32154, true },
- { 32168, true },
- { 32187, true },
- { 32202, true },
- { 32225, true },
- { 32242, true },
- { 32255, true },
- { 32265, true },
- { 32282, true },
- { 32299, true },
- { 32314, true },
- { 32325, true },
- { 32337, true },
- { 32351, true },
- { 32368, true },
- { 32385, true },
- { 32401, true },
- { 32430, true },
- { 32455, true },
- { 32466, true },
- { 32480, true },
- { 32489, true },
- { 32504, true },
- { 32520, true },
- { 32537, true },
- { 32548, true },
+ { 31474, true },
+ { 31488, true },
+ { 31502, true },
+ { 31524, true },
+ { 31542, true },
+ { 31562, true },
+ { 31576, true },
+ { 31599, true },
+ { 31613, true },
+ { 31630, true },
+ { 31644, true },
+ { 31663, true },
+ { 31679, true },
+ { 31690, true },
+ { 31702, true },
+ { 31719, true },
+ { 31737, true },
+ { 31752, false },
+ { 31762, false },
+ { 31772, true },
+ { 31791, true },
+ { 31803, true },
+ { 31817, true },
+ { 31836, true },
+ { 31851, true },
+ { 31874, true },
+ { 31891, true },
+ { 31904, true },
+ { 31914, true },
+ { 31931, true },
+ { 31948, true },
+ { 31963, true },
+ { 31974, true },
+ { 31986, true },
+ { 32000, true },
+ { 32017, true },
+ { 32034, true },
+ { 32050, true },
+ { 32079, true },
+ { 32104, true },
+ { 32115, true },
+ { 32129, true },
+ { 32138, true },
+ { 32153, true },
+ { 32169, true },
+ { 32186, true },
+ { 32197, true },
+ { 32215, true },
+ { 32238, true },
+ { 32252, true },
+ { 32271, true },
+ { 32285, true },
+ { 32296, true },
+ { 32304, true },
+ { 32317, true },
+ { 32333, true },
+ { 32344, true },
+ { 32364, true },
+ { 32393, true },
+ { 32409, true },
+ { 32419, true },
+ { 32435, true },
+ { 32450, true },
+ { 32464, true },
+ { 32479, true },
+ { 32492, false },
+ { 32502, true },
+ { 32519, true },
+ { 32532, true },
+ { 32554, true },
{ 32566, true },
- { 32589, true },
- { 32603, true },
- { 32622, true },
- { 32636, true },
+ { 32580, false },
+ { 32593, true },
+ { 32605, true },
+ { 32617, true },
+ { 32631, true },
{ 32647, true },
- { 32655, true },
- { 32668, true },
- { 32684, true },
- { 32695, true },
- { 32715, true },
- { 32744, true },
+ { 32657, true },
+ { 32671, true },
+ { 32692, true },
+ { 32702, true },
+ { 32713, true },
+ { 32731, true },
+ { 32745, true },
{ 32760, true },
- { 32770, true },
- { 32786, true },
- { 32801, true },
- { 32815, true },
- { 32830, true },
- { 32843, false },
- { 32853, true },
- { 32870, true },
- { 32883, true },
- { 32905, true },
- { 32917, true },
- { 32931, false },
- { 32944, true },
- { 32956, true },
+ { 32769, true },
+ { 32777, true },
+ { 32792, true },
+ { 32807, true },
+ { 32825, true },
+ { 32841, true },
+ { 32852, true },
+ { 32867, true },
+ { 32876, true },
+ { 32886, true },
+ { 32900, true },
+ { 32909, true },
+ { 32919, true },
+ { 32940, true },
+ { 32949, true },
+ { 32958, true },
{ 32968, true },
{ 32982, true },
- { 32998, true },
- { 33008, true },
- { 33022, true },
- { 33043, true },
+ { 32995, true },
+ { 33013, true },
+ { 33033, true },
{ 33053, true },
- { 33064, true },
- { 33082, true },
- { 33096, true },
- { 33111, true },
- { 33120, true },
- { 33128, true },
+ { 33061, true },
+ { 33074, true },
+ { 33085, true },
+ { 33103, true },
+ { 33112, true },
+ { 33123, true },
+ { 33130, true },
{ 33143, true },
- { 33158, true },
- { 33176, true },
- { 33192, true },
+ { 33155, true },
+ { 33168, true },
+ { 33183, true },
{ 33203, true },
- { 33218, true },
- { 33227, true },
- { 33237, true },
+ { 33220, true },
+ { 33235, true },
{ 33251, true },
- { 33260, true },
- { 33270, true },
- { 33291, true },
- { 33300, true },
- { 33309, true },
- { 33319, true },
- { 33333, true },
- { 33346, true },
- { 33364, true },
- { 33384, true },
- { 33404, true },
- { 33412, true },
- { 33425, true },
- { 33436, true },
- { 33454, true },
- { 33463, true },
- { 33474, true },
- { 33481, true },
- { 33494, true },
- { 33506, true },
- { 33519, true },
- { 33534, true },
- { 33554, true },
- { 33571, true },
- { 33586, true },
- { 33602, true },
- { 33616, true },
- { 33625, true },
- { 33638, true },
- { 33647, true },
- { 33657, true },
- { 33669, true },
- { 33680, true },
+ { 33265, true },
+ { 33274, true },
+ { 33287, true },
+ { 33296, true },
+ { 33306, true },
+ { 33318, true },
+ { 33329, true },
+ { 33354, true },
+ { 33372, true },
+ { 33386, true },
+ { 33395, true },
+ { 33408, true },
+ { 33421, true },
+ { 33437, true },
+ { 33453, true },
+ { 33466, true },
+ { 33479, false },
+ { 33497, true },
+ { 33510, true },
+ { 33524, true },
+ { 33543, true },
+ { 33558, true },
+ { 33580, true },
+ { 33587, true },
+ { 33600, true },
+ { 33629, true },
+ { 33648, true },
+ { 33665, true },
+ { 33675, true },
+ { 33689, true },
{ 33705, true },
- { 33723, true },
- { 33737, true },
- { 33746, true },
- { 33759, true },
- { 33772, true },
- { 33788, true },
- { 33804, true },
- { 33817, true },
- { 33830, false },
- { 33848, true },
- { 33861, true },
- { 33875, true },
- { 33894, true },
- { 33909, true },
- { 33931, true },
- { 33938, true },
- { 33951, true },
- { 33980, true },
- { 33999, true },
- { 34016, true },
- { 34026, true },
- { 34040, true },
- { 34056, true },
- { 34071, true },
- { 34090, true },
- { 34108, true },
- { 34117, true },
- { 34127, true },
- { 34143, true },
- { 34157, true },
- { 34171, true },
- { 34185, true },
- { 34195, true },
- { 34219, true },
- { 34231, true },
- { 34242, false },
+ { 33720, true },
+ { 33739, true },
+ { 33757, true },
+ { 33766, true },
+ { 33776, true },
+ { 33792, true },
+ { 33806, true },
+ { 33820, true },
+ { 33834, true },
+ { 33844, true },
+ { 33868, true },
+ { 33880, true },
+ { 33891, false },
+ { 33904, true },
+ { 33910, true },
+ { 33920, true },
+ { 33929, true },
+ { 33942, true },
+ { 33958, true },
+ { 33971, true },
+ { 33987, true },
+ { 34004, true },
+ { 34015, true },
+ { 34027, true },
+ { 34043, false },
+ { 34058, true },
+ { 34069, true },
+ { 34085, true },
+ { 34097, true },
+ { 34119, true },
+ { 34130, true },
+ { 34153, true },
+ { 34170, true },
+ { 34179, true },
+ { 34188, true },
+ { 34199, true },
+ { 34207, true },
+ { 34216, true },
+ { 34228, true },
+ { 34238, true },
+ { 34247, true },
{ 34255, true },
{ 34261, true },
- { 34271, true },
- { 34280, true },
- { 34293, true },
- { 34309, true },
- { 34322, true },
- { 34338, true },
- { 34355, true },
- { 34366, true },
- { 34378, true },
- { 34394, false },
- { 34409, true },
- { 34417, true },
- { 34428, true },
- { 34444, true },
- { 34456, true },
- { 34478, true },
- { 34489, true },
- { 34512, true },
- { 34529, true },
- { 34538, true },
- { 34547, true },
- { 34558, true },
- { 34566, true },
- { 34575, true },
- { 34587, true },
- { 34597, true },
- { 34606, true },
- { 34614, true },
- { 34620, true },
- { 34628, true },
- { 34648, true },
- { 34660, true },
- { 34674, true },
- { 34684, true },
- { 34693, true },
- { 34705, true },
- { 34716, true },
- { 34730, true },
- { 34747, true },
- { 34759, true },
- { 34773, true },
- { 34784, true },
- { 34795, true },
- { 34811, true },
- { 34839, false },
- { 34857, true },
- { 34867, false },
- { 34879, true },
- { 34893, true },
- { 34906, true },
- { 34921, true },
- { 34932, true },
+ { 34269, true },
+ { 34289, true },
+ { 34301, true },
+ { 34315, true },
+ { 34325, true },
+ { 34334, true },
+ { 34346, true },
+ { 34357, true },
+ { 34371, true },
+ { 34388, true },
+ { 34400, true },
+ { 34423, true },
+ { 34437, true },
+ { 34448, true },
+ { 34459, true },
+ { 34475, true },
+ { 34503, false },
+ { 34521, true },
+ { 34531, false },
+ { 34543, true },
+ { 34557, true },
+ { 34570, true },
+ { 34585, true },
+ { 34596, true },
+ { 34608, true },
+ { 34621, true },
+ { 34634, true },
+ { 34647, true },
+ { 34656, true },
+ { 34669, true },
+ { 34688, true },
+ { 34704, true },
+ { 34719, true },
+ { 34750, true },
+ { 34774, true },
+ { 34794, true },
+ { 34810, true },
+ { 34825, true },
+ { 34844, true },
+ { 34866, true },
+ { 34878, true },
+ { 34888, true },
+ { 34901, true },
+ { 34916, true },
+ { 34931, true },
{ 34944, true },
- { 34957, true },
- { 34970, true },
- { 34983, true },
- { 34992, true },
- { 35005, true },
+ { 34960, true },
+ { 34972, false },
+ { 34981, true },
+ { 35003, true },
{ 35024, true },
- { 35040, true },
- { 35055, true },
- { 35078, true },
- { 35109, true },
+ { 35035, false },
+ { 35053, true },
+ { 35074, true },
+ { 35090, true },
+ { 35107, true },
+ { 35120, true },
{ 35133, true },
- { 35153, true },
- { 35169, true },
- { 35184, true },
- { 35203, true },
- { 35225, true },
- { 35237, true },
- { 35247, true },
- { 35260, true },
- { 35275, true },
- { 35290, true },
- { 35303, true },
- { 35319, true },
- { 35331, false },
- { 35340, true },
- { 35362, true },
- { 35383, true },
- { 35394, false },
- { 35412, true },
- { 35433, true },
- { 35449, true },
- { 35466, true },
- { 35479, true },
- { 35492, true },
- { 35505, true },
- { 35518, true },
- { 35529, true },
- { 35538, true },
- { 35547, true },
- { 35556, true },
- { 35571, true },
- { 35598, true },
- { 35609, true },
- { 35626, true },
- { 35639, true },
- { 35656, true },
- { 35671, true },
- { 35694, true },
- { 35704, true },
- { 35719, true },
- { 35744, true },
- { 35764, true },
- { 35776, true },
- { 35793, true },
- { 35810, false },
- { 35823, true },
- { 35843, false },
- { 35862, true },
- { 35876, true },
- { 35887, true },
- { 35901, true },
- { 35918, false },
- { 35946, true },
- { 35955, true },
- { 35965, true },
- { 35981, true },
- { 35991, true },
- { 36005, true },
- { 36020, true },
- { 36044, true },
- { 36065, true },
+ { 35146, true },
+ { 35159, true },
+ { 35170, true },
+ { 35179, true },
+ { 35188, true },
+ { 35197, true },
+ { 35212, true },
+ { 35239, true },
+ { 35250, true },
+ { 35267, true },
+ { 35280, true },
+ { 35297, true },
+ { 35312, true },
+ { 35335, true },
+ { 35345, true },
+ { 35360, true },
+ { 35385, true },
+ { 35405, true },
+ { 35417, true },
+ { 35434, true },
+ { 35451, false },
+ { 35464, true },
+ { 35484, true },
+ { 35498, true },
+ { 35509, true },
+ { 35523, true },
+ { 35540, false },
+ { 35568, true },
+ { 35577, true },
+ { 35587, true },
+ { 35603, true },
+ { 35613, true },
+ { 35627, true },
+ { 35642, true },
+ { 35666, true },
+ { 35687, true },
+ { 35701, true },
+ { 35711, true },
+ { 35727, true },
+ { 35746, true },
+ { 35762, true },
+ { 35775, true },
+ { 35788, true },
+ { 35798, true },
+ { 35817, true },
+ { 35841, true },
+ { 35858, true },
+ { 35870, true },
+ { 35890, true },
+ { 35906, true },
+ { 35924, true },
+ { 35934, true },
+ { 35949, true },
+ { 35967, true },
+ { 35986, true },
+ { 36000, true },
+ { 36011, true },
+ { 36027, true },
+ { 36037, true },
+ { 36056, true },
+ { 36068, true },
{ 36079, true },
- { 36089, true },
- { 36105, true },
- { 36124, true },
- { 36140, true },
- { 36153, true },
- { 36166, true },
- { 36176, true },
- { 36195, true },
- { 36219, true },
- { 36236, true },
- { 36248, true },
- { 36268, true },
- { 36284, true },
- { 36302, true },
- { 36312, true },
- { 36327, true },
- { 36345, true },
- { 36364, true },
- { 36378, true },
- { 36389, true },
- { 36405, true },
- { 36415, true },
+ { 36093, true },
+ { 36106, true },
+ { 36119, true },
+ { 36143, false },
+ { 36160, true },
+ { 36179, true },
+ { 36194, true },
+ { 36214, true },
+ { 36224, true },
+ { 36237, true },
+ { 36247, true },
+ { 36264, true },
+ { 36277, true },
+ { 36285, true },
+ { 36301, true },
+ { 36314, true },
+ { 36328, true },
+ { 36338, true },
+ { 36371, true },
+ { 36387, true },
+ { 36409, true },
{ 36434, true },
- { 36446, true },
- { 36457, true },
- { 36471, true },
- { 36484, true },
- { 36497, true },
- { 36521, false },
- { 36538, true },
- { 36557, true },
- { 36572, true },
+ { 36447, true },
+ { 36458, true },
+ { 36469, true },
+ { 36480, true },
+ { 36490, true },
+ { 36504, true },
+ { 36515, true },
+ { 36527, true },
+ { 36536, true },
+ { 36547, true },
+ { 36560, true },
+ { 36574, true },
{ 36592, true },
- { 36602, true },
- { 36612, true },
- { 36629, true },
- { 36642, true },
- { 36650, true },
- { 36666, true },
- { 36680, true },
- { 36692, true },
+ { 36599, true },
+ { 36611, true },
+ { 36628, false },
+ { 36648, true },
+ { 36660, true },
+ { 36673, true },
+ { 36684, true },
{ 36705, true },
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- { 36729, true },
- { 36762, true },
- { 36778, true },
- { 36800, true },
- { 36825, true },
- { 36838, true },
- { 36849, true },
+ { 36720, true },
+ { 36731, true },
+ { 36740, true },
+ { 36753, true },
+ { 36766, true },
+ { 36778, false },
+ { 36803, true },
+ { 36812, true },
+ { 36822, true },
+ { 36835, true },
{ 36860, true },
- { 36871, true },
- { 36881, true },
- { 36895, true },
- { 36906, true },
- { 36918, true },
+ { 36876, true },
+ { 36900, true },
+ { 36913, true },
{ 36927, true },
- { 36938, true },
- { 36951, true },
- { 36965, true },
- { 36983, true },
- { 36990, true },
- { 37002, true },
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- { 37039, true },
- { 37051, true },
- { 37064, true },
- { 37075, true },
- { 37096, true },
- { 37111, true },
- { 37122, true },
- { 37131, true },
- { 37144, true },
- { 37157, true },
- { 37166, true },
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+ { 36937, true },
+ { 36955, true },
+ { 36970, true },
+ { 36979, true },
+ { 36995, true },
+ { 37009, true },
+ { 37020, true },
+ { 37036, true },
+ { 37044, true },
+ { 37052, true },
+ { 37063, true },
+ { 37078, true },
+ { 37092, true },
+ { 37106, true },
+ { 37118, true },
+ { 37136, true },
+ { 37152, true },
+ { 37165, true },
+ { 37175, true },
+ { 37189, true },
{ 37203, true },
- { 37212, true },
- { 37222, true },
- { 37235, true },
- { 37260, true },
- { 37276, true },
- { 37300, true },
- { 37313, true },
- { 37327, true },
- { 37337, true },
- { 37355, true },
- { 37370, true },
- { 37379, true },
- { 37395, true },
- { 37409, true },
- { 37420, true },
- { 37436, true },
- { 37444, true },
- { 37452, true },
- { 37463, true },
- { 37478, true },
- { 37492, true },
- { 37506, true },
- { 37518, true },
- { 37536, true },
- { 37552, true },
- { 37565, true },
- { 37575, true },
+ { 37214, true },
+ { 37224, true },
+ { 37233, true },
+ { 37242, true },
+ { 37256, true },
+ { 37270, true },
+ { 37281, true },
+ { 37289, true },
+ { 37301, true },
+ { 37316, true },
+ { 37335, true },
+ { 37349, true },
+ { 37367, true },
+ { 37374, true },
+ { 37386, true },
+ { 37399, true },
+ { 37418, true },
+ { 37431, true },
+ { 37457, true },
+ { 37471, true },
+ { 37484, true },
+ { 37496, true },
+ { 37508, true },
+ { 37521, true },
+ { 37535, false },
+ { 37558, true },
+ { 37570, true },
{ 37589, true },
- { 37603, true },
- { 37614, true },
- { 37624, true },
- { 37633, true },
- { 37647, true },
- { 37661, true },
- { 37672, true },
- { 37680, true },
- { 37688, true },
- { 37700, true },
- { 37715, true },
- { 37734, true },
- { 37748, true },
- { 37766, true },
- { 37773, true },
+ { 37596, true },
+ { 37608, true },
+ { 37618, true },
+ { 37629, false },
+ { 37639, true },
+ { 37650, true },
+ { 37663, true },
+ { 37674, true },
+ { 37684, true },
+ { 37703, true },
+ { 37721, true },
+ { 37738, true },
+ { 37752, true },
+ { 37775, true },
{ 37785, true },
- { 37798, true },
- { 37811, true },
+ { 37796, true },
+ { 37809, true },
+ { 37817, true },
+ { 37825, true },
{ 37837, true },
{ 37851, true },
{ 37864, true },
- { 37876, true },
- { 37888, true },
- { 37901, true },
- { 37915, false },
- { 37938, true },
- { 37950, true },
- { 37969, true },
- { 37976, true },
- { 37988, true },
+ { 37884, true },
+ { 37899, true },
+ { 37912, true },
+ { 37925, true },
+ { 37944, true },
+ { 37960, true },
+ { 37979, true },
{ 37998, true },
- { 38009, false },
- { 38019, true },
- { 38030, true },
- { 38043, true },
- { 38054, true },
- { 38064, true },
- { 38083, true },
- { 38101, true },
+ { 38013, true },
+ { 38025, true },
+ { 38041, true },
+ { 38058, true },
+ { 38077, true },
+ { 38099, true },
+ { 38106, true },
{ 38118, true },
- { 38132, true },
- { 38155, true },
- { 38165, true },
- { 38178, true },
- { 38186, true },
+ { 38127, true },
+ { 38150, true },
+ { 38171, true },
+ { 38183, true },
{ 38194, true },
- { 38206, true },
- { 38220, true },
- { 38233, true },
- { 38253, true },
- { 38268, true },
- { 38281, true },
- { 38294, true },
- { 38313, true },
- { 38329, true },
- { 38348, true },
- { 38367, true },
- { 38382, true },
- { 38394, true },
- { 38410, true },
- { 38427, true },
- { 38446, true },
- { 38468, true },
- { 38475, true },
- { 38487, true },
- { 38496, true },
+ { 38204, true },
+ { 38210, true },
+ { 38225, true },
+ { 38234, true },
+ { 38246, true },
+ { 38256, true },
+ { 38265, true },
+ { 38278, true },
+ { 38291, true },
+ { 38301, true },
+ { 38321, true },
+ { 38337, true },
+ { 38351, true },
+ { 38361, false },
+ { 38374, false },
+ { 38384, true },
+ { 38399, true },
+ { 38416, true },
+ { 38433, true },
+ { 38443, true },
+ { 38453, true },
+ { 38465, true },
+ { 38480, true },
+ { 38493, true },
+ { 38506, true },
{ 38519, true },
- { 38540, true },
- { 38552, true },
- { 38563, true },
- { 38573, true },
- { 38579, true },
- { 38594, true },
+ { 38533, true },
+ { 38556, true },
+ { 38567, true },
+ { 38578, true },
+ { 38590, true },
{ 38603, true },
- { 38615, true },
- { 38625, true },
+ { 38622, true },
{ 38634, true },
- { 38647, true },
- { 38660, true },
- { 38670, true },
- { 38690, true },
- { 38706, true },
- { 38720, true },
- { 38730, false },
- { 38743, false },
- { 38753, true },
- { 38768, true },
- { 38785, true },
+ { 38658, true },
+ { 38680, true },
+ { 38701, true },
+ { 38726, true },
+ { 38749, true },
+ { 38771, true },
+ { 38791, true },
{ 38802, true },
- { 38812, true },
{ 38822, true },
- { 38834, true },
- { 38849, true },
+ { 38839, true },
{ 38862, true },
- { 38875, true },
- { 38888, true },
- { 38902, true },
- { 38925, true },
- { 38936, true },
- { 38947, true },
- { 38959, true },
- { 38972, true },
- { 38991, true },
- { 39003, true },
- { 39027, true },
- { 39049, true },
- { 39070, true },
- { 39095, true },
- { 39118, true },
+ { 38878, true },
+ { 38898, true },
+ { 38917, true },
+ { 38927, true },
+ { 38937, true },
+ { 38945, true },
+ { 38958, true },
+ { 38971, false },
+ { 38987, true },
+ { 39001, true },
+ { 39013, true },
+ { 39036, true },
+ { 39052, true },
+ { 39064, true },
+ { 39080, true },
+ { 39094, true },
+ { 39119, true },
+ { 39129, true },
{ 39140, true },
- { 39160, true },
- { 39171, true },
- { 39191, true },
- { 39208, true },
- { 39231, true },
- { 39247, true },
- { 39267, true },
- { 39286, true },
- { 39296, true },
- { 39306, true },
- { 39314, true },
- { 39327, true },
- { 39340, false },
- { 39356, true },
- { 39370, true },
- { 39382, true },
- { 39405, true },
+ { 39156, true },
+ { 39172, false },
+ { 39185, true },
+ { 39197, true },
+ { 39212, true },
+ { 39229, true },
+ { 39239, false },
+ { 39255, true },
+ { 39269, true },
+ { 39279, true },
+ { 39290, true },
+ { 39304, true },
+ { 39314, false },
+ { 39324, true },
+ { 39333, true },
+ { 39352, true },
+ { 39361, true },
+ { 39381, true },
+ { 39404, true },
{ 39421, true },
- { 39433, true },
+ { 39438, true },
{ 39449, true },
- { 39463, true },
- { 39488, true },
- { 39498, true },
- { 39509, true },
- { 39525, true },
- { 39541, false },
- { 39554, true },
- { 39566, true },
- { 39581, true },
- { 39598, true },
- { 39608, false },
- { 39624, true },
- { 39638, true },
- { 39648, true },
- { 39659, true },
- { 39673, true },
- { 39683, false },
- { 39693, true },
- { 39702, true },
- { 39721, true },
- { 39730, true },
- { 39750, true },
- { 39773, true },
- { 39790, true },
- { 39807, true },
- { 39818, true },
- { 39831, false },
- { 39843, true },
+ { 39462, false },
+ { 39474, true },
+ { 39485, true },
+ { 39500, true },
+ { 39510, true },
+ { 39518, true },
+ { 39531, false },
+ { 39544, true },
+ { 39555, true },
+ { 39567, true },
+ { 39577, true },
+ { 39588, true },
+ { 39600, false },
+ { 39629, true },
+ { 39643, true },
+ { 39656, true },
+ { 39668, true },
+ { 39680, true },
+ { 39704, true },
+ { 39728, true },
+ { 39738, true },
+ { 39749, true },
+ { 39771, true },
+ { 39782, true },
+ { 39794, true },
+ { 39804, true },
+ { 39818, false },
+ { 39838, true },
+ { 39847, true },
{ 39854, true },
- { 39869, true },
- { 39879, true },
- { 39887, true },
- { 39900, false },
- { 39913, true },
- { 39924, true },
- { 39936, true },
- { 39946, true },
- { 39957, true },
- { 39969, false },
- { 39998, true },
- { 40012, true },
- { 40025, true },
- { 40037, true },
- { 40049, true },
- { 40073, true },
- { 40097, true },
- { 40107, true },
- { 40118, true },
- { 40140, true },
- { 40151, true },
+ { 39865, true },
+ { 39878, true },
+ { 39893, true },
+ { 39904, true },
+ { 39916, true },
+ { 39927, true },
+ { 39943, true },
+ { 39953, true },
+ { 39962, true },
+ { 39974, true },
+ { 39985, true },
+ { 39997, false },
+ { 40009, true },
+ { 40022, true },
+ { 40039, true },
+ { 40059, true },
+ { 40070, true },
+ { 40086, true },
+ { 40095, true },
+ { 40119, true },
+ { 40136, true },
+ { 40149, true },
{ 40163, true },
- { 40173, true },
- { 40187, false },
- { 40207, true },
- { 40216, true },
- { 40223, true },
- { 40234, true },
- { 40247, true },
- { 40262, true },
- { 40273, true },
- { 40285, true },
- { 40296, true },
- { 40312, true },
- { 40322, true },
- { 40331, true },
- { 40343, true },
- { 40354, true },
- { 40366, false },
- { 40378, true },
- { 40391, true },
- { 40408, true },
- { 40428, true },
- { 40439, true },
- { 40455, true },
- { 40464, true },
- { 40488, true },
- { 40505, true },
- { 40518, true },
+ { 40178, true },
+ { 40188, true },
+ { 40200, true },
+ { 40212, true },
+ { 40227, true },
+ { 40235, true },
+ { 40252, true },
+ { 40264, true },
+ { 40289, false },
+ { 40302, false },
+ { 40314, true },
+ { 40327, true },
+ { 40340, true },
+ { 40352, true },
+ { 40365, true },
+ { 40384, true },
+ { 40396, true },
+ { 40417, true },
+ { 40431, true },
+ { 40445, true },
+ { 40458, true },
+ { 40470, true },
+ { 40483, true },
+ { 40497, true },
+ { 40509, true },
+ { 40521, true },
{ 40532, true },
{ 40547, true },
- { 40557, true },
- { 40569, true },
- { 40581, true },
- { 40596, true },
- { 40604, true },
- { 40621, true },
- { 40633, true },
- { 40658, false },
- { 40671, false },
- { 40683, true },
- { 40696, true },
- { 40709, true },
- { 40721, true },
- { 40734, true },
+ { 40559, true },
+ { 40579, true },
+ { 40591, true },
+ { 40607, true },
+ { 40629, true },
+ { 40639, false },
+ { 40653, true },
+ { 40666, true },
+ { 40679, true },
+ { 40692, false },
+ { 40709, false },
+ { 40723, true },
+ { 40737, true },
{ 40753, true },
- { 40765, true },
- { 40786, true },
- { 40800, true },
- { 40814, true },
- { 40827, true },
- { 40839, true },
- { 40852, true },
- { 40866, true },
- { 40878, true },
- { 40890, true },
- { 40901, true },
- { 40916, true },
- { 40928, true },
- { 40948, true },
- { 40960, true },
- { 40976, true },
- { 40998, true },
- { 41008, false },
- { 41022, true },
- { 41035, true },
- { 41048, true },
- { 41061, false },
- { 41078, false },
- { 41092, true },
- { 41106, true },
- { 41122, true },
- { 41141, true },
- { 41153, true },
- { 41161, true },
- { 41175, true },
- { 41194, false },
- { 41212, true },
- { 41227, false },
- { 41240, true },
- { 41257, true },
- { 41270, false },
- { 41284, true },
- { 41297, false },
- { 41309, true },
- { 41327, true },
- { 41340, true },
- { 41363, true },
- { 41374, true },
- { 41390, true },
- { 41408, true },
- { 41430, true },
- { 41446, true },
- { 41463, true },
- { 41484, true },
- { 41502, true },
- { 41519, true },
- { 41535, true },
- { 41553, true },
- { 41561, true },
- { 41582, true },
+ { 40772, true },
+ { 40784, true },
+ { 40792, true },
+ { 40806, true },
+ { 40825, false },
+ { 40843, true },
+ { 40858, false },
+ { 40871, true },
+ { 40888, true },
+ { 40901, false },
+ { 40915, true },
+ { 40928, false },
+ { 40940, true },
+ { 40958, true },
+ { 40971, true },
+ { 40994, true },
+ { 41005, true },
+ { 41021, true },
+ { 41039, true },
+ { 41061, true },
+ { 41077, true },
+ { 41094, true },
+ { 41115, true },
+ { 41133, true },
+ { 41150, true },
+ { 41166, true },
+ { 41184, true },
+ { 41192, true },
+ { 41213, true },
+ { 41223, true },
+ { 41232, true },
+ { 41250, false },
+ { 41261, true },
+ { 41277, true },
+ { 41285, true },
+ { 41294, true },
+ { 41306, true },
+ { 41328, true },
+ { 41339, true },
+ { 41353, true },
+ { 41368, true },
+ { 41381, true },
+ { 41392, true },
+ { 41400, true },
+ { 41417, true },
+ { 41436, true },
+ { 41457, true },
+ { 41470, true },
+ { 41487, true },
+ { 41506, true },
+ { 41529, true },
+ { 41543, true },
+ { 41555, true },
+ { 41572, true },
{ 41592, true },
- { 41601, true },
- { 41619, false },
- { 41630, true },
- { 41646, true },
- { 41654, true },
- { 41663, true },
+ { 41606, true },
+ { 41620, true },
+ { 41631, true },
+ { 41651, false },
{ 41675, true },
- { 41697, true },
- { 41708, true },
- { 41722, true },
- { 41737, true },
- { 41750, true },
- { 41761, true },
- { 41769, true },
- { 41786, true },
- { 41805, true },
- { 41826, true },
- { 41839, true },
- { 41856, true },
- { 41875, true },
- { 41898, true },
+ { 41693, true },
+ { 41704, false },
+ { 41712, true },
+ { 41730, true },
+ { 41746, true },
+ { 41758, true },
+ { 41770, true },
+ { 41783, false },
+ { 41800, true },
+ { 41827, true },
+ { 41842, true },
+ { 41857, true },
+ { 41872, true },
+ { 41894, true },
{ 41912, true },
- { 41924, true },
- { 41941, true },
- { 41961, true },
- { 41975, true },
- { 41989, true },
- { 42000, true },
- { 42020, false },
- { 42044, true },
- { 42062, true },
- { 42073, false },
- { 42081, true },
- { 42099, true },
- { 42115, true },
- { 42127, true },
- { 42139, true },
- { 42152, false },
- { 42169, true },
- { 42196, true },
- { 42211, true },
+ { 41926, true },
+ { 41939, true },
+ { 41949, true },
+ { 41967, true },
+ { 41986, true },
+ { 42004, true },
+ { 42015, true },
+ { 42022, false },
+ { 42042, true },
+ { 42055, true },
+ { 42064, true },
+ { 42076, true },
+ { 42085, false },
+ { 42095, true },
+ { 42116, true },
+ { 42130, true },
+ { 42147, true },
+ { 42160, true },
+ { 42170, true },
+ { 42187, true },
+ { 42202, true },
+ { 42213, true },
{ 42226, true },
- { 42241, true },
- { 42263, true },
+ { 42237, true },
+ { 42250, true },
+ { 42260, true },
+ { 42271, true },
{ 42281, true },
- { 42295, true },
- { 42308, true },
- { 42318, true },
- { 42336, true },
- { 42355, true },
- { 42373, true },
- { 42384, true },
- { 42391, false },
- { 42411, true },
- { 42424, true },
- { 42433, true },
- { 42445, true },
- { 42454, false },
- { 42464, true },
- { 42485, true },
- { 42499, true },
- { 42516, true },
- { 42529, true },
- { 42539, true },
- { 42554, true },
- { 42571, true },
- { 42586, true },
- { 42597, true },
+ { 42300, true },
+ { 42314, true },
+ { 42326, true },
+ { 42340, false },
+ { 42354, true },
+ { 42368, true },
+ { 42387, true },
+ { 42400, true },
+ { 42417, true },
+ { 42434, true },
+ { 42453, true },
+ { 42466, true },
+ { 42491, true },
+ { 42514, true },
+ { 42531, true },
+ { 42547, true },
+ { 42566, true },
+ { 42578, true },
+ { 42592, true },
{ 42610, true },
- { 42621, true },
- { 42634, true },
- { 42644, true },
- { 42655, true },
- { 42665, true },
+ { 42629, true },
+ { 42643, true },
+ { 42656, true },
+ { 42672, true },
{ 42684, true },
- { 42698, true },
+ { 42695, true },
{ 42710, true },
- { 42724, false },
- { 42738, true },
- { 42752, true },
- { 42771, true },
- { 42784, true },
+ { 42724, true },
+ { 42737, true },
+ { 42749, true },
+ { 42759, true },
+ { 42775, true },
+ { 42785, true },
+ { 42793, true },
{ 42801, true },
- { 42818, true },
- { 42837, true },
- { 42850, true },
- { 42875, true },
- { 42898, true },
- { 42915, true },
- { 42931, true },
- { 42950, true },
- { 42962, true },
+ { 42814, true },
+ { 42828, true },
+ { 42845, true },
+ { 42863, true },
+ { 42876, true },
+ { 42889, true },
+ { 42902, true },
+ { 42911, true },
+ { 42927, true },
+ { 42936, true },
+ { 42951, true },
+ { 42961, true },
{ 42976, true },
- { 42994, true },
- { 43013, true },
- { 43027, true },
- { 43040, true },
- { 43056, true },
- { 43068, true },
- { 43082, true },
- { 43093, true },
- { 43108, true },
- { 43122, true },
- { 43135, true },
- { 43147, true },
- { 43157, true },
- { 43173, true },
- { 43183, true },
- { 43191, true },
+ { 42986, true },
+ { 42998, true },
+ { 43015, true },
+ { 43029, true },
+ { 43037, true },
+ { 43049, false },
+ { 43057, true },
+ { 43083, true },
+ { 43096, true },
+ { 43105, true },
+ { 43116, true },
+ { 43134, true },
+ { 43142, true },
+ { 43163, true },
+ { 43188, true },
{ 43199, true },
- { 43212, true },
- { 43226, true },
- { 43243, true },
- { 43261, true },
- { 43274, true },
- { 43287, true },
- { 43300, true },
- { 43309, true },
- { 43325, true },
- { 43334, true },
- { 43344, true },
- { 43359, true },
- { 43369, true },
- { 43381, true },
- { 43398, true },
- { 43412, true },
- { 43420, true },
- { 43432, false },
- { 43440, true },
- { 43466, true },
- { 43479, true },
- { 43490, true },
- { 43508, true },
- { 43516, true },
- { 43537, true },
- { 43562, true },
- { 43573, true },
- { 43587, true },
- { 43605, true },
- { 43616, true },
- { 43629, true },
- { 43640, true },
- { 43651, true },
- { 43670, true },
+ { 43213, true },
+ { 43231, true },
+ { 43242, true },
+ { 43255, true },
+ { 43266, true },
+ { 43277, true },
+ { 43296, true },
+ { 43305, true },
+ { 43318, true },
+ { 43338, true },
+ { 43345, true },
+ { 43355, true },
+ { 43362, true },
+ { 43380, true },
+ { 43389, true },
+ { 43404, true },
+ { 43411, true },
+ { 43418, true },
+ { 43425, true },
+ { 43434, true },
+ { 43446, true },
+ { 43458, true },
+ { 43471, true },
+ { 43480, true },
+ { 43492, true },
+ { 43505, true },
+ { 43527, true },
+ { 43550, true },
+ { 43564, true },
+ { 43579, true },
+ { 43595, true },
+ { 43610, true },
+ { 43626, true },
+ { 43644, true },
+ { 43658, true },
+ { 43668, true },
{ 43679, true },
- { 43692, true },
- { 43701, true },
- { 43721, true },
- { 43728, true },
+ { 43690, true },
+ { 43707, true },
+ { 43722, true },
{ 43738, true },
- { 43745, true },
- { 43763, true },
- { 43772, true },
- { 43787, true },
- { 43794, true },
- { 43801, true },
- { 43808, true },
- { 43817, true },
- { 43829, true },
- { 43841, true },
- { 43854, true },
- { 43863, true },
- { 43875, true },
- { 43888, true },
- { 43910, true },
- { 43933, true },
- { 43947, true },
- { 43962, true },
- { 43978, true },
- { 43993, true },
+ { 43753, true },
+ { 43762, true },
+ { 43774, true },
+ { 43791, true },
+ { 43809, true },
+ { 43821, true },
+ { 43836, true },
+ { 43850, true },
+ { 43865, true },
+ { 43880, true },
+ { 43895, true },
+ { 43913, true },
+ { 43928, true },
+ { 43949, true },
+ { 43971, true },
+ { 43983, true },
+ { 43996, true },
{ 44009, true },
- { 44027, true },
- { 44041, true },
- { 44051, true },
- { 44062, true },
- { 44073, true },
- { 44090, true },
- { 44105, true },
- { 44121, true },
- { 44136, true },
- { 44145, true },
- { 44157, true },
- { 44174, true },
- { 44192, true },
- { 44204, true },
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- { 44233, true },
- { 44248, true },
- { 44263, true },
- { 44278, true },
- { 44293, true },
- { 44314, true },
- { 44336, true },
- { 44348, true },
- { 44361, true },
- { 44374, true },
- { 44389, true },
- { 44405, true },
- { 44418, true },
- { 44436, false },
- { 44457, true },
- { 44475, true },
- { 44489, true },
- { 44500, true },
- { 44516, true },
- { 44533, true },
- { 44546, true },
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- { 44579, true },
- { 44591, true },
- { 44602, true },
- { 44616, true },
- { 44625, true },
- { 44632, true },
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- { 44661, true },
- { 44668, true },
- { 44677, true },
- { 44689, true },
- { 44698, true },
- { 44705, true },
- { 44717, true },
- { 44730, true },
- { 44741, true },
- { 44756, true },
+ { 44024, true },
+ { 44040, true },
+ { 44053, true },
+ { 44071, false },
+ { 44092, true },
+ { 44110, true },
+ { 44124, true },
+ { 44135, true },
+ { 44151, true },
+ { 44168, true },
+ { 44181, true },
+ { 44199, false },
+ { 44214, true },
+ { 44226, true },
+ { 44237, true },
+ { 44251, true },
+ { 44260, true },
+ { 44267, true },
+ { 44284, true },
+ { 44296, true },
+ { 44303, true },
+ { 44312, true },
+ { 44324, true },
+ { 44333, true },
+ { 44340, true },
+ { 44352, true },
+ { 44365, true },
+ { 44376, true },
+ { 44391, true },
+ { 44399, true },
+ { 44411, true },
+ { 44429, true },
+ { 44447, true },
+ { 44469, true },
+ { 44491, true },
+ { 44503, true },
+ { 44519, true },
+ { 44542, true },
+ { 44560, true },
+ { 44571, true },
+ { 44583, true },
+ { 44601, true },
+ { 44615, true },
+ { 44631, true },
+ { 44646, true },
+ { 44659, true },
+ { 44673, true },
+ { 44687, true },
+ { 44701, true },
+ { 44725, true },
+ { 44753, true },
{ 44764, true },
- { 44776, true },
- { 44794, true },
- { 44812, true },
- { 44834, true },
- { 44856, true },
- { 44868, true },
- { 44884, true },
+ { 44782, true },
+ { 44800, true },
+ { 44824, true },
+ { 44838, true },
+ { 44851, true },
+ { 44870, true },
+ { 44888, false },
{ 44907, true },
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- { 44936, true },
- { 44948, true },
- { 44966, true },
- { 44980, true },
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- { 45024, true },
- { 45038, true },
- { 45052, true },
- { 45066, true },
- { 45090, true },
- { 45118, true },
- { 45129, true },
- { 45147, true },
+ { 44917, true },
+ { 44935, true },
+ { 44953, true },
+ { 44969, true },
+ { 44983, true },
+ { 44999, true },
+ { 45010, false },
+ { 45029, true },
+ { 45039, true },
+ { 45056, true },
+ { 45073, true },
+ { 45087, false },
+ { 45100, true },
+ { 45113, true },
+ { 45124, true },
+ { 45141, true },
+ { 45151, true },
{ 45165, true },
- { 45189, true },
- { 45203, true },
- { 45216, true },
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+ { 45184, true },
+ { 45204, true },
+ { 45219, true },
+ { 45232, true },
+ { 45245, true },
+ { 45258, true },
{ 45272, true },
- { 45282, true },
- { 45300, true },
- { 45318, true },
- { 45334, true },
- { 45348, true },
+ { 45290, false },
+ { 45303, true },
+ { 45320, true },
+ { 45337, true },
+ { 45350, true },
{ 45364, true },
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- { 45394, true },
- { 45404, true },
- { 45421, true },
- { 45438, true },
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- { 45465, true },
- { 45478, true },
- { 45489, true },
- { 45506, true },
- { 45516, true },
- { 45530, true },
- { 45549, true },
- { 45569, true },
- { 45584, true },
- { 45597, true },
- { 45610, true },
- { 45628, true },
- { 45641, true },
- { 45655, true },
- { 45673, false },
- { 45686, true },
- { 45703, true },
- { 45720, true },
- { 45733, true },
- { 45747, true },
- { 45756, true },
+ { 45373, true },
+ { 45392, true },
+ { 45403, true },
+ { 45416, true },
+ { 45425, true },
+ { 45432, true },
+ { 45439, true },
+ { 45448, true },
+ { 45466, true },
+ { 45484, true },
+ { 45499, true },
+ { 45519, true },
+ { 45534, true },
+ { 45548, false },
+ { 45561, false },
+ { 45568, true },
+ { 45580, true },
+ { 45590, true },
+ { 45605, true },
+ { 45618, true },
+ { 45629, true },
+ { 45658, true },
+ { 45669, true },
+ { 45680, true },
+ { 45687, true },
+ { 45698, false },
+ { 45711, false },
+ { 45731, true },
+ { 45748, false },
+ { 45764, true },
{ 45775, true },
- { 45786, true },
- { 45799, true },
- { 45808, true },
- { 45815, true },
- { 45822, true },
- { 45831, true },
- { 45849, true },
- { 45867, true },
- { 45887, true },
+ { 45790, true },
+ { 45803, true },
+ { 45816, true },
+ { 45828, true },
+ { 45845, true },
+ { 45856, true },
+ { 45866, true },
+ { 45885, true },
{ 45902, true },
- { 45916, false },
- { 45929, false },
- { 45936, true },
- { 45948, true },
+ { 45928, true },
+ { 45943, true },
{ 45958, true },
{ 45973, true },
- { 45986, true },
- { 45997, true },
- { 46026, true },
- { 46037, true },
- { 46048, true },
- { 46055, true },
- { 46066, false },
- { 46079, false },
- { 46099, true },
- { 46116, false },
- { 46132, true },
- { 46143, true },
- { 46158, true },
+ { 45987, true },
+ { 46006, true },
+ { 46022, true },
+ { 46041, true },
+ { 46062, true },
+ { 46096, true },
+ { 46111, true },
+ { 46140, true },
+ { 46155, true },
{ 46171, true },
- { 46184, true },
- { 46196, true },
- { 46213, true },
- { 46224, true },
- { 46234, true },
- { 46253, true },
- { 46270, true },
- { 46296, true },
- { 46311, true },
- { 46326, true },
- { 46341, true },
- { 46355, true },
- { 46374, true },
- { 46390, true },
- { 46409, true },
- { 46430, true },
- { 46464, true },
- { 46479, true },
- { 46508, true },
- { 46523, true },
- { 46539, true },
- { 46559, true },
- { 46584, true },
- { 46598, true },
- { 46618, false },
- { 46628, true },
+ { 46191, true },
+ { 46216, true },
+ { 46230, true },
+ { 46250, false },
+ { 46260, true },
+ { 46268, true },
+ { 46277, true },
+ { 46285, true },
+ { 46301, true },
+ { 46323, true },
+ { 46335, true },
+ { 46345, false },
+ { 46357, true },
+ { 46366, true },
+ { 46380, true },
+ { 46392, true },
+ { 46401, true },
+ { 46410, true },
+ { 46425, true },
+ { 46439, true },
+ { 46450, true },
+ { 46465, false },
+ { 46477, true },
+ { 46494, true },
+ { 46507, true },
+ { 46520, true },
+ { 46530, true },
+ { 46548, true },
+ { 46571, true },
+ { 46587, true },
+ { 46606, true },
+ { 46619, true },
{ 46636, true },
- { 46645, true },
- { 46653, true },
- { 46669, true },
- { 46691, true },
- { 46703, true },
- { 46713, false },
- { 46725, true },
- { 46734, true },
+ { 46654, true },
+ { 46668, true },
+ { 46686, true },
+ { 46695, true },
+ { 46711, true },
+ { 46718, false },
+ { 46733, true },
{ 46748, true },
- { 46760, true },
- { 46769, true },
- { 46778, true },
- { 46793, true },
- { 46807, true },
- { 46818, true },
- { 46833, false },
- { 46845, true },
+ { 46757, true },
+ { 46775, true },
+ { 46790, true },
+ { 46801, true },
+ { 46817, true },
+ { 46827, true },
+ { 46849, true },
{ 46862, true },
- { 46875, true },
- { 46888, true },
- { 46898, true },
- { 46916, true },
- { 46939, true },
- { 46955, true },
- { 46974, true },
- { 46987, true },
- { 47004, true },
- { 47022, true },
- { 47036, true },
- { 47054, true },
- { 47063, true },
- { 47079, true },
- { 47086, false },
- { 47101, true },
- { 47116, true },
- { 47125, true },
- { 47143, true },
- { 47154, true },
- { 47170, true },
- { 47180, true },
- { 47202, true },
- { 47215, true },
- { 47229, true },
- { 47242, true },
- { 47257, true },
+ { 46876, true },
+ { 46889, true },
+ { 46904, true },
+ { 46920, true },
+ { 46933, true },
+ { 46945, true },
+ { 46957, true },
+ { 46973, true },
+ { 46986, true },
+ { 46998, false },
+ { 47008, true },
+ { 47021, true },
+ { 47032, true },
+ { 47052, false },
+ { 47060, true },
+ { 47072, true },
+ { 47083, true },
+ { 47096, true },
+ { 47115, false },
+ { 47135, true },
+ { 47144, true },
+ { 47175, true },
+ { 47189, true },
+ { 47203, false },
+ { 47221, true },
+ { 47237, true },
+ { 47251, true },
{ 47273, true },
- { 47286, true },
- { 47298, true },
- { 47310, true },
- { 47326, true },
- { 47339, true },
- { 47351, false },
+ { 47285, true },
+ { 47297, true },
+ { 47313, true },
+ { 47329, true },
+ { 47345, true },
{ 47361, true },
- { 47374, true },
- { 47385, true },
- { 47405, false },
- { 47413, true },
- { 47425, true },
- { 47436, true },
+ { 47380, true },
+ { 47396, true },
+ { 47409, true },
+ { 47419, true },
+ { 47431, true },
{ 47449, true },
- { 47468, false },
- { 47488, true },
- { 47497, true },
- { 47528, true },
- { 47542, true },
- { 47556, false },
- { 47574, true },
- { 47590, true },
- { 47604, true },
- { 47626, true },
- { 47638, true },
- { 47650, true },
- { 47666, true },
- { 47682, true },
- { 47698, true },
- { 47714, true },
- { 47733, true },
- { 47749, true },
- { 47762, true },
- { 47772, true },
- { 47784, true },
- { 47796, true },
- { 47814, true },
- { 47825, true },
- { 47837, true },
- { 47851, false },
- { 47859, true },
- { 47873, true },
- { 47887, true },
- { 47899, true },
- { 47913, true },
- { 47935, true },
- { 47953, true },
- { 47967, true },
- { 47982, true },
- { 48001, true },
- { 48016, true },
- { 48031, true },
- { 48046, true },
- { 48059, true },
- { 48069, true },
- { 48079, true },
- { 48102, true },
- { 48119, true },
- { 48126, true },
- { 48138, true },
- { 48155, true },
- { 48164, true },
- { 48183, true },
+ { 47460, true },
+ { 47473, true },
+ { 47485, true },
+ { 47499, false },
+ { 47507, true },
+ { 47521, true },
+ { 47535, true },
+ { 47547, true },
+ { 47561, true },
+ { 47583, true },
+ { 47601, true },
+ { 47615, true },
+ { 47630, true },
+ { 47649, true },
+ { 47664, true },
+ { 47679, true },
+ { 47694, true },
+ { 47707, true },
+ { 47717, true },
+ { 47727, true },
+ { 47750, true },
+ { 47767, true },
+ { 47774, true },
+ { 47786, true },
+ { 47803, true },
+ { 47812, true },
+ { 47831, true },
+ { 47849, true },
+ { 47870, true },
+ { 47890, true },
+ { 47903, true },
+ { 47925, true },
+ { 47947, true },
+ { 47959, true },
+ { 47975, true },
+ { 47985, true },
+ { 47998, true },
+ { 48012, true },
+ { 48026, true },
+ { 48034, true },
+ { 48049, true },
+ { 48064, true },
+ { 48074, true },
+ { 48085, true },
+ { 48098, true },
+ { 48109, true },
+ { 48127, true },
+ { 48142, true },
+ { 48153, true },
+ { 48165, true },
+ { 48175, true },
+ { 48190, true },
{ 48201, true },
- { 48222, true },
- { 48242, true },
- { 48255, true },
- { 48277, true },
- { 48299, true },
- { 48311, true },
- { 48327, true },
- { 48337, true },
+ { 48220, false },
+ { 48236, true },
+ { 48249, true },
+ { 48270, true },
+ { 48281, true },
+ { 48302, true },
+ { 48314, true },
+ { 48323, true },
+ { 48341, false },
{ 48350, true },
- { 48364, true },
- { 48378, true },
- { 48386, true },
- { 48401, true },
- { 48416, true },
- { 48426, true },
- { 48437, true },
- { 48450, true },
- { 48461, true },
- { 48479, true },
- { 48494, true },
+ { 48361, false },
+ { 48379, true },
+ { 48398, true },
+ { 48418, true },
+ { 48431, true },
+ { 48443, true },
+ { 48456, true },
+ { 48471, true },
+ { 48485, true },
+ { 48495, true },
{ 48505, true },
{ 48517, true },
- { 48527, true },
- { 48542, true },
- { 48553, true },
- { 48572, false },
- { 48588, true },
- { 48601, true },
- { 48622, true },
- { 48633, true },
- { 48654, true },
- { 48666, true },
- { 48675, true },
- { 48693, false },
- { 48702, true },
- { 48713, false },
- { 48731, true },
- { 48750, true },
- { 48770, true },
- { 48783, true },
- { 48795, true },
- { 48808, true },
- { 48823, true },
- { 48837, true },
- { 48847, true },
- { 48857, true },
- { 48869, true },
+ { 48526, true },
+ { 48541, true },
+ { 48550, true },
+ { 48577, true },
+ { 48585, true },
+ { 48606, true },
+ { 48615, true },
+ { 48624, true },
+ { 48641, true },
+ { 48651, true },
+ { 48670, true },
+ { 48677, true },
+ { 48695, true },
+ { 48707, true },
+ { 48718, true },
+ { 48727, true },
+ { 48743, true },
+ { 48760, true },
+ { 48775, false },
+ { 48803, false },
+ { 48813, true },
+ { 48821, true },
+ { 48829, true },
+ { 48843, true },
+ { 48863, true },
{ 48878, true },
- { 48893, true },
- { 48902, true },
- { 48929, true },
- { 48937, true },
- { 48958, true },
- { 48967, true },
- { 48976, true },
- { 48993, true },
- { 49003, true },
- { 49022, true },
- { 49029, true },
+ { 48889, true },
+ { 48907, true },
+ { 48920, true },
+ { 48947, true },
+ { 48961, true },
+ { 48973, true },
+ { 48983, true },
+ { 49000, true },
+ { 49027, true },
+ { 49037, true },
{ 49047, true },
- { 49059, true },
- { 49070, true },
- { 49079, true },
- { 49095, true },
- { 49112, true },
- { 49127, false },
- { 49155, false },
- { 49165, true },
- { 49173, true },
- { 49181, true },
- { 49195, true },
- { 49215, true },
- { 49230, true },
- { 49241, true },
- { 49259, true },
- { 49272, true },
+ { 49063, true },
+ { 49077, true },
+ { 49090, true },
+ { 49102, true },
+ { 49115, true },
+ { 49128, true },
+ { 49138, false },
+ { 49147, true },
+ { 49166, true },
+ { 49174, true },
+ { 49184, true },
+ { 49193, true },
+ { 49211, true },
+ { 49227, true },
+ { 49248, true },
+ { 49268, true },
+ { 49289, true },
{ 49299, true },
- { 49313, true },
- { 49325, true },
- { 49335, true },
- { 49345, true },
- { 49362, true },
- { 49389, true },
- { 49399, true },
- { 49409, true },
- { 49425, true },
- { 49439, true },
- { 49452, true },
- { 49464, true },
- { 49477, true },
- { 49490, true },
- { 49500, true },
- { 49510, false },
- { 49519, true },
- { 49538, true },
- { 49546, true },
- { 49556, true },
- { 49565, true },
- { 49583, true },
- { 49599, true },
- { 49620, true },
- { 49640, true },
- { 49661, true },
- { 49671, true },
- { 49690, true },
- { 49708, true },
- { 49716, true },
- { 49728, true },
- { 49737, true },
- { 49760, true },
- { 49775, true },
- { 49790, true },
- { 49809, true },
+ { 49318, true },
+ { 49336, true },
+ { 49344, true },
+ { 49356, true },
+ { 49365, true },
+ { 49388, true },
+ { 49403, true },
+ { 49418, true },
+ { 49437, true },
+ { 49455, true },
+ { 49469, true },
+ { 49483, true },
+ { 49499, true },
+ { 49516, true },
+ { 49528, true },
+ { 49544, true },
+ { 49559, true },
+ { 49568, true },
+ { 49581, true },
+ { 49596, true },
+ { 49609, true },
+ { 49625, true },
+ { 49645, false },
+ { 49662, true },
+ { 49684, true },
+ { 49699, true },
+ { 49711, true },
+ { 49726, false },
+ { 49739, true },
+ { 49758, true },
+ { 49769, true },
+ { 49785, true },
+ { 49799, true },
+ { 49813, true },
{ 49827, true },
- { 49841, true },
- { 49855, true },
- { 49871, true },
- { 49888, true },
- { 49900, true },
- { 49916, true },
- { 49931, true },
- { 49940, true },
- { 49953, true },
- { 49968, true },
- { 49981, true },
- { 49997, true },
- { 50017, false },
- { 50034, true },
- { 50056, true },
- { 50071, true },
- { 50083, true },
- { 50098, false },
- { 50111, true },
- { 50130, true },
- { 50141, true },
- { 50157, true },
- { 50171, true },
- { 50185, true },
- { 50199, true },
- { 50211, true },
- { 50224, true },
- { 50237, true },
- { 50247, true },
- { 50261, true },
- { 50274, true },
- { 50306, true },
- { 50317, true },
- { 50331, true },
- { 50351, true },
+ { 49839, true },
+ { 49852, true },
+ { 49865, true },
+ { 49875, true },
+ { 49889, false },
+ { 49901, true },
+ { 49914, true },
+ { 49946, true },
+ { 49957, true },
+ { 49971, true },
+ { 49991, true },
+ { 50008, true },
+ { 50028, true },
+ { 50047, true },
+ { 50059, true },
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+ { 50208, true },
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+ { 50304, true },
+ { 50332, true },
+ { 50347, true },
{ 50368, true },
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- { 50567, true },
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+ { 50422, true },
+ { 50441, true },
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+ { 50571, true },
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+ { 50637, true },
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+ { 50673, true },
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+ { 50718, true },
+ { 50737, true },
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+ { 50775, true },
+ { 50794, true },
+ { 50810, true },
+ { 50839, true },
+ { 50852, true },
{ 50869, true },
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- { 50892, true },
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- { 50972, true },
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+ { 50885, true },
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+ { 50933, true },
+ { 50950, true },
+ { 50970, true },
+ { 50982, true },
+ { 50997, true },
{ 51008, true },
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- { 51061, true },
- { 51077, true },
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- { 51153, true },
- { 51169, true },
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- { 51228, true },
- { 51244, true },
- { 51253, true },
- { 51266, true },
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+ { 51039, true },
+ { 51054, true },
+ { 51068, true },
+ { 51086, true },
+ { 51102, true },
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+ { 51133, true },
+ { 51144, true },
+ { 51160, true },
+ { 51172, true },
+ { 51184, true },
+ { 51199, true },
+ { 51207, true },
+ { 51218, true },
+ { 51229, true },
+ { 51243, true },
+ { 51258, true },
+ { 51272, true },
+ { 51282, true },
{ 51292, true },
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- { 51329, true },
- { 51341, true },
- { 51356, true },
- { 51367, true },
- { 51384, true },
- { 51398, true },
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- { 51427, true },
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+ { 51304, true },
+ { 51313, true },
+ { 51325, true },
+ { 51340, true },
+ { 51355, true },
+ { 51368, true },
+ { 51391, true },
+ { 51399, true },
+ { 51412, true },
+ { 51424, true },
+ { 51433, true },
+ { 51442, true },
+ { 51451, true },
+ { 51463, true },
{ 51475, true },
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- { 51531, true },
- { 51543, true },
- { 51558, true },
- { 51566, true },
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- { 51588, true },
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- { 51631, true },
- { 51641, true },
- { 51651, true },
- { 51663, true },
- { 51672, true },
- { 51684, true },
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- { 51834, true },
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- { 51908, true },
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+ { 51589, true },
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+ { 51670, true },
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+ { 51843, true },
+ { 51858, true },
+ { 51884, true },
+ { 51899, true },
+ { 51911, true },
+ { 51936, true },
+ { 51945, true },
+ { 51961, true },
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+ { 52027, true },
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+ { 52051, true },
+ { 52076, true },
+ { 52088, true },
+ { 52103, true },
+ { 52118, true },
{ 52135, true },
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- { 52231, true },
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+ { 52230, true },
+ { 52247, true },
+ { 52261, true },
+ { 52271, true },
{ 52283, true },
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- { 52308, true },
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+ { 52295, true },
+ { 52306, true },
+ { 52331, true },
{ 52340, true },
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- { 52368, true },
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- { 52443, true },
- { 52458, true },
- { 52473, true },
- { 52490, true },
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- { 52520, true },
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- { 52542, true },
- { 52559, true },
- { 52570, false },
- { 52585, true },
- { 52602, true },
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- { 52626, true },
- { 52638, true },
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+ { 52360, true },
+ { 52370, true },
+ { 52385, true },
+ { 52399, true },
+ { 52409, true },
+ { 52427, true },
+ { 52439, true },
+ { 52467, true },
+ { 52479, true },
+ { 52493, true },
+ { 52521, true },
+ { 52535, true },
+ { 52552, true },
+ { 52569, true },
+ { 52583, true },
+ { 52600, true },
+ { 52622, true },
+ { 52632, true },
{ 52650, true },
- { 52661, true },
- { 52686, true },
- { 52695, true },
- { 52707, true },
- { 52715, true },
- { 52725, true },
- { 52740, true },
- { 52754, true },
- { 52764, true },
- { 52782, true },
- { 52794, true },
- { 52822, true },
- { 52834, true },
- { 52853, true },
- { 52867, true },
- { 52895, true },
- { 52909, true },
- { 52926, true },
- { 52943, true },
- { 52957, true },
- { 52974, true },
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- { 53006, true },
+ { 52669, true },
+ { 52680, true },
+ { 52705, true },
+ { 52718, true },
+ { 52727, true },
+ { 52738, true },
+ { 52748, true },
+ { 52771, true },
+ { 52788, true },
+ { 52802, true },
+ { 52816, false },
+ { 52826, true },
+ { 52842, true },
+ { 52861, true },
+ { 52873, true },
+ { 52884, true },
+ { 52900, true },
+ { 52916, true },
+ { 52928, true },
+ { 52941, true },
+ { 52952, true },
+ { 52964, true },
+ { 52977, true },
+ { 52987, true },
+ { 52995, false },
+ { 53003, true },
{ 53024, true },
- { 53043, true },
- { 53054, true },
- { 53079, true },
- { 53092, true },
+ { 53041, true },
+ { 53051, true },
+ { 53066, true },
+ { 53078, true },
{ 53101, true },
- { 53112, true },
- { 53122, true },
- { 53145, true },
- { 53162, true },
- { 53176, true },
- { 53190, false },
- { 53200, true },
- { 53216, true },
- { 53235, true },
- { 53247, true },
- { 53258, true },
- { 53274, true },
- { 53290, true },
- { 53302, true },
- { 53315, true },
- { 53326, true },
- { 53338, true },
- { 53351, true },
- { 53361, true },
+ { 53116, true },
+ { 53131, true },
+ { 53144, true },
+ { 53156, true },
+ { 53171, true },
+ { 53188, true },
+ { 53205, true },
+ { 53215, true },
+ { 53229, true },
+ { 53248, true },
+ { 53260, true },
+ { 53278, true },
+ { 53286, true },
+ { 53311, true },
+ { 53320, true },
+ { 53328, true },
+ { 53336, true },
+ { 53345, true },
+ { 53357, true },
{ 53369, true },
- { 53377, false },
- { 53385, true },
- { 53406, true },
- { 53423, true },
- { 53433, true },
- { 53448, true },
- { 53460, true },
- { 53483, true },
- { 53498, true },
- { 53513, true },
- { 53526, true },
- { 53538, true },
- { 53553, true },
- { 53570, true },
- { 53587, true },
- { 53597, true },
- { 53611, true },
- { 53630, true },
- { 53642, true },
+ { 53379, true },
+ { 53393, true },
+ { 53405, true },
+ { 53413, true },
+ { 53424, true },
+ { 53439, true },
+ { 53452, true },
+ { 53459, true },
+ { 53479, true },
+ { 53494, true },
+ { 53503, false },
+ { 53512, true },
+ { 53522, true },
+ { 53533, true },
+ { 53546, true },
+ { 53561, true },
+ { 53572, true },
+ { 53579, true },
+ { 53589, true },
+ { 53599, true },
+ { 53612, true },
+ { 53626, true },
+ { 53635, true },
+ { 53651, true },
{ 53660, true },
- { 53668, true },
- { 53693, true },
+ { 53672, true },
+ { 53690, true },
{ 53702, true },
- { 53710, true },
- { 53718, true },
- { 53727, true },
- { 53745, true },
- { 53757, true },
- { 53769, true },
- { 53779, true },
- { 53793, true },
- { 53805, true },
- { 53813, true },
- { 53824, true },
- { 53839, true },
- { 53852, true },
- { 53859, true },
- { 53879, true },
- { 53894, true },
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+ { 53730, true },
+ { 53746, true },
+ { 53761, true },
+ { 53780, true },
+ { 53791, false },
+ { 53803, true },
+ { 53820, false },
+ { 53841, false },
+ { 53857, false },
+ { 53877, true },
+ { 53889, true },
{ 53903, true },
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- { 53926, true },
- { 53936, true },
- { 53947, true },
- { 53960, true },
- { 53975, true },
- { 53986, true },
- { 53993, true },
- { 54003, true },
- { 54013, true },
- { 54026, true },
- { 54040, true },
- { 54049, true },
- { 54065, true },
- { 54074, true },
- { 54086, true },
- { 54104, true },
- { 54116, true },
+ { 53915, true },
+ { 53927, true },
+ { 53949, true },
+ { 53968, true },
+ { 53979, true },
+ { 53989, true },
+ { 54000, true },
+ { 54018, true },
+ { 54045, true },
+ { 54055, true },
+ { 54069, true },
+ { 54084, true },
+ { 54094, true },
+ { 54105, true },
+ { 54114, true },
+ { 54122, false },
{ 54129, true },
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- { 54160, true },
- { 54175, true },
+ { 54142, true },
+ { 54156, true },
+ { 54166, true },
+ { 54175, false },
+ { 54185, true },
{ 54194, true },
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- { 54217, true },
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- { 54255, false },
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+ { 54206, true },
+ { 54216, true },
+ { 54225, true },
+ { 54235, true },
+ { 54248, true },
+ { 54263, true },
+ { 54275, true },
{ 54291, true },
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- { 54317, true },
- { 54329, true },
- { 54341, true },
- { 54363, true },
- { 54382, true },
- { 54393, true },
- { 54403, true },
- { 54414, true },
- { 54432, true },
- { 54459, true },
- { 54469, true },
- { 54483, true },
- { 54498, true },
- { 54508, true },
- { 54519, true },
- { 54528, true },
- { 54547, true },
- { 54555, false },
- { 54562, true },
- { 54575, true },
- { 54589, true },
+ { 54305, true },
+ { 54312, true },
+ { 54326, true },
+ { 54337, true },
+ { 54355, true },
+ { 54365, true },
+ { 54375, true },
+ { 54387, true },
+ { 54397, true },
+ { 54415, true },
+ { 54428, true },
+ { 54435, true },
+ { 54452, true },
+ { 54463, true },
+ { 54473, true },
+ { 54482, true },
+ { 54502, true },
+ { 54518, true },
+ { 54533, true },
+ { 54557, true },
+ { 54571, true },
+ { 54580, true },
{ 54599, true },
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- { 54618, true },
- { 54627, true },
- { 54639, true },
- { 54649, true },
- { 54658, true },
+ { 54613, true },
+ { 54624, true },
+ { 54636, true },
+ { 54655, true },
{ 54668, true },
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- { 54696, true },
- { 54708, true },
- { 54724, true },
- { 54738, true },
- { 54745, true },
- { 54759, true },
- { 54770, true },
- { 54782, true },
+ { 54677, true },
+ { 54693, true },
+ { 54705, true },
+ { 54720, true },
+ { 54729, true },
+ { 54737, true },
+ { 54748, true },
+ { 54757, true },
+ { 54772, true },
+ { 54786, true },
{ 54800, true },
- { 54810, true },
- { 54820, true },
- { 54832, true },
- { 54842, true },
- { 54860, true },
- { 54873, true },
- { 54880, true },
- { 54897, true },
- { 54908, true },
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- { 54927, true },
- { 54947, true },
- { 54963, true },
- { 54978, true },
- { 55002, true },
- { 55016, true },
- { 55025, true },
- { 55044, true },
- { 55058, true },
- { 55069, true },
- { 55081, true },
+ { 54825, true },
+ { 54844, true },
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+ { 54876, true },
+ { 54893, true },
+ { 54910, true },
+ { 54924, true },
+ { 54940, true },
+ { 54955, true },
+ { 54980, true },
+ { 54993, true },
+ { 55004, true },
+ { 55014, true },
+ { 55026, true },
+ { 55033, true },
+ { 55054, true },
+ { 55068, false },
+ { 55088, false },
{ 55100, true },
{ 55113, true },
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- { 55138, true },
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- { 55165, true },
- { 55174, true },
- { 55182, true },
- { 55193, true },
- { 55202, true },
- { 55217, true },
- { 55231, true },
- { 55245, true },
- { 55270, true },
- { 55289, true },
- { 55304, true },
- { 55321, true },
+ { 55126, true },
+ { 55142, true },
+ { 55159, true },
+ { 55168, true },
+ { 55180, true },
+ { 55200, true },
+ { 55214, true },
+ { 55230, false },
+ { 55244, true },
+ { 55262, true },
+ { 55280, true },
+ { 55300, true },
+ { 55316, true },
{ 55338, true },
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- { 55369, true },
- { 55385, true },
+ { 55360, true },
+ { 55379, true },
{ 55396, true },
- { 55411, true },
- { 55436, true },
- { 55449, true },
- { 55460, true },
- { 55470, true },
- { 55482, true },
- { 55489, true },
- { 55510, true },
- { 55524, false },
- { 55544, false },
- { 55556, true },
- { 55569, true },
- { 55582, true },
- { 55598, true },
- { 55615, true },
- { 55624, true },
- { 55636, true },
- { 55656, true },
- { 55670, true },
- { 55686, false },
- { 55700, true },
- { 55718, true },
- { 55736, true },
+ { 55408, true },
+ { 55419, true },
+ { 55432, false },
+ { 55445, true },
+ { 55458, true },
+ { 55483, true },
+ { 55499, true },
+ { 55516, true },
+ { 55527, true },
+ { 55541, true },
+ { 55554, true },
+ { 55566, true },
+ { 55575, false },
+ { 55585, true },
+ { 55596, true },
+ { 55607, true },
+ { 55622, true },
+ { 55635, true },
+ { 55646, true },
+ { 55659, true },
+ { 55682, true },
+ { 55696, true },
+ { 55711, true },
+ { 55723, true },
+ { 55739, true },
{ 55756, true },
- { 55772, true },
+ { 55769, true },
+ { 55781, true },
{ 55794, true },
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- { 55835, true },
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- { 55864, true },
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- { 55901, true },
- { 55914, true },
- { 55939, true },
- { 55955, true },
- { 55972, true },
- { 55983, true },
- { 55997, true },
- { 56009, true },
- { 56022, true },
- { 56034, true },
- { 56043, false },
+ { 55806, true },
+ { 55821, true },
+ { 55830, true },
+ { 55847, true },
+ { 55858, true },
+ { 55872, true },
+ { 55884, true },
+ { 55896, true },
+ { 55922, true },
+ { 55945, false },
+ { 55964, true },
+ { 55979, true },
+ { 55988, true },
+ { 56007, true },
+ { 56024, true },
+ { 56041, true },
{ 56053, true },
- { 56064, true },
- { 56075, true },
- { 56090, true },
- { 56103, true },
- { 56114, true },
- { 56127, true },
- { 56150, true },
- { 56164, true },
- { 56179, true },
- { 56191, true },
- { 56207, true },
- { 56224, true },
- { 56237, true },
- { 56249, true },
- { 56262, true },
- { 56274, true },
- { 56289, true },
- { 56298, true },
- { 56315, true },
- { 56326, true },
- { 56340, true },
- { 56352, true },
- { 56364, true },
- { 56390, true },
+ { 56070, true },
+ { 56083, true },
+ { 56099, true },
+ { 56115, true },
+ { 56140, true },
+ { 56162, true },
+ { 56181, true },
+ { 56199, true },
+ { 56220, true },
+ { 56232, true },
+ { 56260, true },
+ { 56284, true },
+ { 56297, true },
+ { 56322, false },
+ { 56336, true },
+ { 56346, true },
+ { 56365, true },
+ { 56381, true },
+ { 56396, true },
{ 56413, true },
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- { 56444, true },
- { 56459, true },
- { 56468, true },
- { 56487, true },
- { 56504, true },
+ { 56423, true },
+ { 56435, true },
+ { 56453, true },
+ { 56467, true },
+ { 56485, true },
+ { 56499, true },
+ { 56509, false },
{ 56521, true },
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- { 56550, true },
- { 56563, true },
- { 56579, true },
- { 56595, true },
- { 56620, true },
- { 56642, true },
- { 56661, true },
- { 56679, true },
- { 56700, true },
- { 56712, true },
- { 56740, true },
- { 56764, true },
- { 56777, true },
- { 56802, false },
- { 56816, true },
- { 56826, true },
- { 56845, true },
- { 56861, true },
- { 56876, true },
- { 56893, true },
- { 56903, true },
- { 56915, true },
- { 56933, true },
- { 56947, true },
+ { 56529, true },
+ { 56539, true },
+ { 56551, true },
+ { 56565, false },
+ { 56578, true },
+ { 56586, true },
+ { 56597, true },
+ { 56608, true },
+ { 56624, true },
+ { 56634, true },
+ { 56646, true },
+ { 56653, true },
+ { 56660, true },
+ { 56668, true },
+ { 56678, true },
+ { 56687, true },
+ { 56703, true },
+ { 56713, false },
+ { 56731, true },
+ { 56743, true },
+ { 56756, true },
+ { 56766, true },
+ { 56776, true },
+ { 56786, true },
+ { 56796, true },
+ { 56806, true },
+ { 56825, true },
+ { 56834, true },
+ { 56843, true },
+ { 56859, false },
+ { 56868, true },
+ { 56884, true },
+ { 56901, true },
+ { 56916, true },
+ { 56927, true },
+ { 56941, true },
+ { 56954, true },
{ 56965, true },
- { 56979, true },
- { 56989, false },
- { 57001, true },
- { 57009, true },
- { 57019, true },
- { 57031, true },
- { 57045, false },
- { 57058, true },
- { 57066, true },
- { 57077, true },
- { 57088, true },
- { 57104, true },
- { 57114, true },
- { 57126, true },
- { 57133, true },
- { 57140, true },
- { 57148, true },
- { 57158, true },
+ { 56975, true },
+ { 56984, true },
+ { 56993, true },
+ { 57011, true },
+ { 57027, true },
+ { 57055, true },
+ { 57064, true },
+ { 57083, true },
+ { 57097, true },
+ { 57113, true },
+ { 57127, true },
+ { 57137, true },
+ { 57149, true },
{ 57167, true },
- { 57183, true },
- { 57193, false },
+ { 57181, true },
+ { 57193, true },
{ 57211, true },
- { 57223, true },
- { 57236, true },
- { 57246, true },
- { 57256, true },
- { 57266, true },
+ { 57222, true },
+ { 57233, true },
+ { 57251, true },
+ { 57264, true },
{ 57276, true },
- { 57286, true },
- { 57305, true },
- { 57314, true },
- { 57323, true },
- { 57339, false },
- { 57348, true },
- { 57364, true },
- { 57381, true },
- { 57396, true },
- { 57407, true },
- { 57421, true },
+ { 57287, true },
+ { 57298, true },
+ { 57307, true },
+ { 57322, true },
+ { 57341, true },
+ { 57360, true },
+ { 57377, true },
+ { 57402, true },
{ 57434, true },
- { 57445, true },
- { 57455, true },
- { 57464, true },
- { 57473, true },
- { 57491, true },
- { 57507, true },
- { 57535, true },
- { 57544, true },
- { 57563, true },
- { 57577, true },
- { 57593, true },
- { 57607, true },
- { 57617, true },
- { 57629, true },
- { 57647, true },
- { 57661, true },
- { 57673, true },
- { 57691, true },
- { 57702, true },
- { 57713, true },
- { 57731, true },
- { 57744, true },
- { 57756, true },
- { 57767, true },
- { 57778, true },
- { 57787, true },
- { 57802, true },
- { 57821, true },
- { 57840, true },
- { 57857, true },
- { 57882, true },
- { 57914, true },
- { 57938, true },
- { 57961, true },
- { 57974, true },
- { 57984, true },
- { 57999, false },
- { 58019, true },
- { 58036, true },
- { 58052, true },
- { 58066, true },
- { 58077, true },
- { 58085, true },
- { 58096, true },
- { 58109, true },
- { 58120, true },
- { 58130, true },
- { 58138, true },
- { 58147, true },
- { 58161, true },
- { 58178, true },
- { 58187, true },
- { 58202, true },
- { 58216, true },
- { 58231, true },
- { 58244, true },
- { 58256, true },
- { 58270, true },
- { 58282, true },
- { 58291, true },
- { 58303, true },
- { 58320, true },
- { 58334, true },
- { 58348, true },
- { 58355, true },
- { 58367, true },
- { 58377, true },
- { 58397, true },
- { 58414, true },
- { 58425, true },
- { 58432, true },
- { 58439, true },
+ { 57458, true },
+ { 57481, true },
+ { 57494, true },
+ { 57504, true },
+ { 57519, false },
+ { 57539, true },
+ { 57556, true },
+ { 57572, true },
+ { 57583, true },
+ { 57591, true },
+ { 57602, true },
+ { 57615, true },
+ { 57628, true },
+ { 57639, true },
+ { 57649, true },
+ { 57657, true },
+ { 57666, true },
+ { 57680, true },
+ { 57697, true },
+ { 57706, true },
+ { 57721, true },
+ { 57735, true },
+ { 57750, true },
+ { 57763, true },
+ { 57775, true },
+ { 57789, true },
+ { 57801, true },
+ { 57810, true },
+ { 57822, true },
+ { 57839, true },
+ { 57853, true },
+ { 57867, true },
+ { 57874, true },
+ { 57886, true },
+ { 57896, true },
+ { 57916, true },
+ { 57933, true },
+ { 57944, true },
+ { 57951, true },
+ { 57958, true },
+ { 57971, true },
+ { 57981, true },
+ { 57996, true },
+ { 58009, true },
+ { 58018, true },
+ { 58037, false },
+ { 58049, true },
+ { 58067, true },
+ { 58081, false },
+ { 58095, true },
+ { 58110, true },
+ { 58129, true },
+ { 58142, true },
+ { 58152, false },
+ { 58169, true },
+ { 58182, true },
+ { 58196, true },
+ { 58212, true },
+ { 58228, true },
+ { 58243, true },
+ { 58257, true },
+ { 58266, true },
+ { 58283, true },
+ { 58302, true },
+ { 58319, true },
+ { 58335, true },
+ { 58354, true },
+ { 58370, true },
+ { 58390, true },
+ { 58405, true },
+ { 58419, true },
+ { 58435, true },
{ 58452, true },
- { 58462, true },
- { 58477, true },
- { 58490, true },
- { 58499, true },
- { 58518, false },
- { 58530, true },
- { 58548, true },
- { 58562, false },
- { 58576, true },
- { 58591, true },
- { 58610, true },
- { 58623, true },
- { 58633, false },
- { 58650, true },
- { 58663, true },
- { 58677, true },
+ { 58469, true },
+ { 58484, true },
+ { 58497, true },
+ { 58512, true },
+ { 58529, true },
+ { 58543, true },
+ { 58552, true },
+ { 58567, true },
+ { 58577, true },
+ { 58588, true },
+ { 58601, true },
+ { 58615, true },
+ { 58628, true },
+ { 58639, true },
+ { 58649, true },
+ { 58667, true },
+ { 58681, true },
{ 58693, true },
- { 58709, true },
- { 58724, true },
- { 58738, true },
- { 58747, true },
- { 58764, true },
- { 58783, true },
- { 58800, true },
- { 58816, true },
- { 58835, true },
- { 58851, true },
- { 58871, true },
- { 58886, true },
- { 58900, true },
- { 58916, true },
- { 58933, true },
- { 58950, true },
- { 58965, true },
- { 58978, true },
- { 58993, true },
- { 59010, true },
- { 59024, true },
- { 59033, true },
- { 59048, true },
+ { 58704, true },
+ { 58713, true },
+ { 58729, true },
+ { 58748, true },
+ { 58765, true },
+ { 58776, true },
+ { 58793, true },
+ { 58810, true },
+ { 58828, true },
+ { 58840, true },
+ { 58859, true },
+ { 58874, true },
+ { 58887, true },
+ { 58901, true },
+ { 58917, false },
+ { 58934, true },
+ { 58946, true },
+ { 58964, true },
+ { 58982, true },
+ { 58995, true },
+ { 59014, true },
+ { 59030, true },
+ { 59038, true },
+ { 59045, true },
{ 59058, true },
- { 59069, true },
- { 59082, true },
- { 59096, true },
- { 59109, true },
- { 59119, true },
+ { 59070, true },
+ { 59078, true },
+ { 59090, true },
+ { 59100, true },
+ { 59108, true },
+ { 59116, true },
+ { 59125, true },
{ 59137, true },
- { 59151, true },
- { 59163, true },
- { 59174, true },
- { 59183, true },
- { 59199, true },
- { 59218, true },
- { 59235, true },
- { 59246, true },
- { 59263, true },
- { 59280, true },
- { 59298, true },
- { 59310, true },
- { 59329, true },
- { 59344, true },
- { 59357, true },
- { 59371, true },
- { 59387, false },
- { 59404, true },
+ { 59150, true },
+ { 59163, false },
+ { 59180, true },
+ { 59195, true },
+ { 59205, true },
+ { 59214, true },
+ { 59227, true },
+ { 59237, false },
+ { 59255, true },
+ { 59272, true },
+ { 59288, false },
+ { 59306, true },
+ { 59317, true },
+ { 59335, true },
+ { 59349, true },
+ { 59364, true },
+ { 59378, true },
+ { 59395, true },
{ 59416, true },
{ 59434, true },
- { 59452, true },
- { 59465, true },
- { 59484, true },
- { 59500, true },
+ { 59451, true },
+ { 59467, true },
+ { 59481, false },
+ { 59495, true },
{ 59507, true },
- { 59520, true },
- { 59532, true },
- { 59540, true },
- { 59552, true },
- { 59562, true },
- { 59570, true },
- { 59578, true },
- { 59587, true },
- { 59599, true },
- { 59612, true },
- { 59625, false },
- { 59642, true },
- { 59657, true },
- { 59667, true },
- { 59676, true },
- { 59689, true },
- { 59699, true },
- { 59710, false },
- { 59728, true },
- { 59745, true },
- { 59761, false },
- { 59779, true },
- { 59790, true },
- { 59808, true },
- { 59822, true },
- { 59837, true },
- { 59851, true },
- { 59868, true },
- { 59889, true },
+ { 59517, true },
+ { 59529, true },
+ { 59537, true },
+ { 59550, true },
+ { 59565, true },
+ { 59577, true },
+ { 59590, true },
+ { 59600, true },
+ { 59610, true },
+ { 59624, false },
+ { 59637, true },
+ { 59646, true },
+ { 59656, true },
+ { 59665, false },
+ { 59675, true },
+ { 59682, true },
+ { 59695, true },
+ { 59708, true },
+ { 59723, true },
+ { 59735, true },
+ { 59742, true },
+ { 59749, true },
+ { 59766, true },
+ { 59777, true },
+ { 59791, true },
+ { 59804, true },
+ { 59816, true },
+ { 59832, true },
+ { 59842, true },
+ { 59856, true },
+ { 59866, true },
+ { 59882, true },
+ { 59894, true },
{ 59907, true },
- { 59924, true },
- { 59940, true },
- { 59954, true },
- { 59966, true },
- { 59976, true },
- { 59988, true },
- { 59996, true },
- { 60009, true },
- { 60024, true },
- { 60036, true },
- { 60046, true },
- { 60056, true },
- { 60070, false },
- { 60083, true },
- { 60092, true },
- { 60102, true },
- { 60111, false },
- { 60121, true },
- { 60128, true },
- { 60141, true },
- { 60154, true },
- { 60169, true },
- { 60181, true },
- { 60188, true },
- { 60195, true },
- { 60212, true },
- { 60223, true },
- { 60237, true },
- { 60250, true },
- { 60263, true },
- { 60275, true },
- { 60291, true },
+ { 59920, true },
+ { 59936, true },
+ { 59950, true },
+ { 59965, true },
+ { 59980, true },
+ { 59992, true },
+ { 60008, true },
+ { 60023, true },
+ { 60038, true },
+ { 60053, true },
+ { 60071, true },
+ { 60084, true },
+ { 60095, true },
+ { 60110, true },
+ { 60118, true },
+ { 60134, true },
+ { 60149, true },
+ { 60161, true },
+ { 60179, true },
+ { 60189, true },
+ { 60200, true },
+ { 60218, true },
+ { 60230, true },
+ { 60243, true },
+ { 60271, true },
+ { 60284, true },
{ 60301, true },
{ 60315, true },
- { 60325, true },
+ { 60332, true },
{ 60341, true },
{ 60353, true },
- { 60366, true },
{ 60379, true },
- { 60395, true },
- { 60409, true },
- { 60424, true },
- { 60439, true },
- { 60451, true },
- { 60467, true },
- { 60482, true },
- { 60497, true },
- { 60512, true },
- { 60530, true },
- { 60543, true },
- { 60554, true },
- { 60569, true },
- { 60577, true },
+ { 60389, true },
+ { 60399, true },
+ { 60414, true },
+ { 60432, true },
+ { 60448, true },
+ { 60456, true },
+ { 60466, true },
+ { 60474, true },
+ { 60494, true },
+ { 60510, true },
+ { 60520, false },
+ { 60534, true },
+ { 60546, true },
+ { 60565, true },
+ { 60578, true },
{ 60593, true },
- { 60608, true },
- { 60620, true },
- { 60638, true },
- { 60648, true },
- { 60659, true },
- { 60677, true },
- { 60689, true },
- { 60702, true },
- { 60730, true },
- { 60743, true },
- { 60757, true },
- { 60774, true },
- { 60783, true },
- { 60795, true },
- { 60821, true },
- { 60831, true },
- { 60841, true },
- { 60856, true },
- { 60874, true },
- { 60890, true },
- { 60898, true },
- { 60908, true },
- { 60916, true },
- { 60930, true },
- { 60950, true },
- { 60966, true },
- { 60976, false },
- { 60990, true },
- { 61002, true },
- { 61021, true },
- { 61034, true },
- { 61049, true },
- { 61067, true },
- { 61080, true },
- { 61090, true },
+ { 60611, true },
+ { 60624, true },
+ { 60634, true },
+ { 60649, true },
+ { 60660, true },
+ { 60673, true },
+ { 60684, true },
+ { 60692, true },
+ { 60701, true },
+ { 60715, true },
+ { 60738, true },
+ { 60750, true },
+ { 60761, true },
+ { 60775, true },
+ { 60785, true },
+ { 60800, true },
+ { 60815, true },
+ { 60829, true },
+ { 60840, true },
+ { 60853, true },
+ { 60868, true },
+ { 60876, true },
+ { 60886, true },
+ { 60897, true },
+ { 60909, true },
+ { 60924, true },
+ { 60936, true },
+ { 60951, true },
+ { 60965, true },
+ { 60987, true },
+ { 60997, true },
+ { 61010, true },
+ { 61029, true },
+ { 61042, true },
+ { 61051, true },
+ { 61062, true },
+ { 61073, true },
+ { 61089, true },
{ 61105, true },
- { 61116, true },
- { 61129, true },
- { 61140, true },
- { 61148, true },
- { 61157, true },
- { 61168, true },
- { 61182, true },
- { 61205, true },
- { 61216, true },
- { 61230, true },
- { 61240, true },
- { 61255, true },
- { 61270, true },
- { 61284, true },
- { 61295, true },
- { 61306, true },
- { 61319, true },
- { 61334, true },
- { 61342, true },
- { 61352, true },
- { 61363, true },
- { 61375, true },
- { 61390, true },
- { 61402, true },
- { 61417, true },
- { 61431, true },
- { 61453, true },
+ { 61120, true },
+ { 61133, true },
+ { 61150, true },
+ { 61158, true },
+ { 61169, true },
+ { 61179, true },
+ { 61192, true },
+ { 61204, true },
+ { 61214, true },
+ { 61222, true },
+ { 61236, true },
+ { 61250, true },
+ { 61292, true },
+ { 61301, true },
+ { 61313, true },
+ { 61326, true },
+ { 61339, true },
+ { 61357, true },
+ { 61370, true },
+ { 61382, false },
+ { 61394, true },
+ { 61413, true },
+ { 61426, true },
+ { 61438, true },
+ { 61451, true },
{ 61463, true },
- { 61476, true },
- { 61495, true },
- { 61508, true },
- { 61517, true },
- { 61528, true },
- { 61539, true },
- { 61555, true },
- { 61571, true },
- { 61586, true },
- { 61599, true },
- { 61616, true },
- { 61624, true },
- { 61635, true },
- { 61645, true },
- { 61658, true },
- { 61668, true },
- { 61676, true },
- { 61690, true },
- { 61704, true },
- { 61746, true },
- { 61755, true },
- { 61767, true },
- { 61780, true },
- { 61793, true },
- { 61811, true },
- { 61824, true },
- { 61836, false },
- { 61848, true },
- { 61867, true },
- { 61880, true },
- { 61892, true },
- { 61905, true },
- { 61917, true },
- { 61935, true },
- { 61947, true },
- { 61965, true },
- { 61979, true },
- { 61999, true },
+ { 61481, true },
+ { 61493, true },
+ { 61511, true },
+ { 61525, true },
+ { 61545, true },
+ { 61557, true },
+ { 61566, true },
+ { 61581, true },
+ { 61595, true },
+ { 61611, true },
+ { 61622, true },
+ { 61636, true },
+ { 61650, true },
+ { 61661, true },
+ { 61674, true },
+ { 61686, true },
+ { 61709, true },
+ { 61718, true },
+ { 61735, false },
+ { 61745, true },
+ { 61760, true },
+ { 61768, true },
+ { 61782, true },
+ { 61796, true },
+ { 61804, true },
+ { 61817, true },
+ { 61831, true },
+ { 61839, true },
+ { 61849, true },
+ { 61859, true },
+ { 61877, true },
+ { 61887, true },
+ { 61901, true },
+ { 61920, true },
+ { 61932, true },
+ { 61951, true },
+ { 61968, true },
+ { 61980, true },
+ { 61993, true },
+ { 62002, true },
{ 62011, true },
- { 62020, true },
- { 62035, true },
- { 62049, true },
- { 62065, true },
- { 62076, true },
- { 62090, true },
+ { 62023, true },
+ { 62033, true },
+ { 62048, true },
+ { 62066, true },
+ { 62078, true },
{ 62104, true },
- { 62115, true },
- { 62128, true },
- { 62140, true },
- { 62163, true },
- { 62172, true },
- { 62189, false },
- { 62199, true },
+ { 62119, true },
+ { 62134, true },
+ { 62149, true },
+ { 62162, true },
+ { 62178, true },
+ { 62201, true },
{ 62214, true },
- { 62222, true },
- { 62236, true },
- { 62250, true },
- { 62258, true },
- { 62271, true },
- { 62284, true },
- { 62298, true },
- { 62306, true },
- { 62316, true },
- { 62326, true },
- { 62344, true },
- { 62362, true },
- { 62376, true },
- { 62386, true },
- { 62400, true },
- { 62419, true },
- { 62431, true },
- { 62450, true },
- { 62467, true },
- { 62479, true },
+ { 62227, true },
+ { 62240, true },
+ { 62259, true },
+ { 62275, true },
+ { 62289, true },
+ { 62301, true },
+ { 62312, true },
+ { 62324, true },
+ { 62335, true },
+ { 62348, true },
+ { 62371, true },
+ { 62385, true },
+ { 62396, true },
+ { 62412, true },
+ { 62425, true },
+ { 62435, true },
+ { 62446, true },
+ { 62456, true },
+ { 62466, true },
+ { 62477, true },
{ 62492, true },
- { 62501, true },
- { 62510, true },
- { 62522, true },
- { 62532, true },
- { 62547, true },
- { 62565, true },
- { 62577, true },
- { 62603, true },
- { 62618, true },
- { 62633, true },
- { 62648, true },
- { 62661, true },
- { 62677, true },
- { 62690, true },
- { 62703, true },
- { 62716, true },
- { 62735, true },
+ { 62506, true },
+ { 62520, true },
+ { 62530, true },
+ { 62544, true },
+ { 62556, true },
+ { 62569, true },
+ { 62579, true },
+ { 62597, true },
+ { 62614, true },
+ { 62628, true },
+ { 62642, true },
+ { 62653, true },
+ { 62673, true },
+ { 62700, true },
+ { 62722, true },
+ { 62738, true },
{ 62751, true },
- { 62765, true },
- { 62777, true },
- { 62788, true },
- { 62800, true },
- { 62811, true },
- { 62824, true },
- { 62847, true },
- { 62858, true },
- { 62874, true },
- { 62887, true },
- { 62897, true },
- { 62908, true },
- { 62918, true },
- { 62928, true },
- { 62939, true },
- { 62954, true },
- { 62968, true },
- { 62982, true },
- { 62992, true },
- { 63006, true },
- { 63018, true },
- { 63031, true },
- { 63041, true },
- { 63059, true },
- { 63076, true },
- { 63090, true },
- { 63104, true },
- { 63115, true },
- { 63135, true },
- { 63162, true },
- { 63184, true },
- { 63200, true },
- { 63213, true },
- { 63225, true },
- { 63241, false },
- { 63255, true },
- { 63267, true },
- { 63278, true },
- { 63291, true },
- { 63307, true },
- { 63317, true },
- { 63329, true },
- { 63338, true },
+ { 62763, true },
+ { 62779, false },
+ { 62793, true },
+ { 62805, true },
+ { 62816, true },
+ { 62829, true },
+ { 62845, true },
+ { 62855, true },
+ { 62867, true },
+ { 62876, true },
+ { 62888, true },
+ { 62902, true },
+ { 62916, true },
+ { 62934, true },
+ { 62952, true },
+ { 62962, true },
+ { 62975, true },
+ { 62987, true },
+ { 62995, true },
+ { 63009, true },
+ { 63023, true },
+ { 63038, true },
+ { 63052, true },
+ { 63065, true },
+ { 63077, true },
+ { 63100, true },
+ { 63109, true },
+ { 63132, true },
+ { 63143, true },
+ { 63159, true },
+ { 63175, false },
+ { 63190, true },
+ { 63203, true },
+ { 63214, true },
+ { 63221, true },
+ { 63243, true },
+ { 63266, true },
+ { 63283, true },
+ { 63312, true },
+ { 63322, true },
+ { 63336, true },
{ 63350, true },
- { 63364, true },
- { 63378, true },
- { 63396, true },
- { 63414, true },
- { 63424, true },
+ { 63362, true },
+ { 63371, true },
+ { 63385, true },
+ { 63401, true },
+ { 63419, true },
{ 63437, true },
- { 63449, true },
- { 63457, true },
- { 63471, true },
- { 63485, true },
- { 63500, true },
- { 63514, true },
- { 63527, true },
- { 63539, true },
- { 63562, true },
- { 63571, true },
- { 63594, true },
- { 63605, true },
- { 63621, true },
- { 63637, false },
- { 63652, true },
- { 63665, true },
- { 63676, true },
- { 63683, true },
- { 63705, true },
- { 63728, true },
- { 63745, true },
- { 63774, true },
+ { 63447, true },
+ { 63455, true },
+ { 63465, true },
+ { 63478, true },
+ { 63492, true },
+ { 63501, true },
+ { 63509, true },
+ { 63524, true },
+ { 63542, true },
+ { 63552, true },
+ { 63564, true },
+ { 63572, true },
+ { 63589, false },
+ { 63605, false },
+ { 63626, true },
+ { 63643, true },
+ { 63657, true },
+ { 63670, true },
+ { 63688, true },
+ { 63715, true },
+ { 63739, true },
+ { 63754, true },
+ { 63770, true },
{ 63784, true },
- { 63798, true },
- { 63812, true },
- { 63824, true },
- { 63833, true },
- { 63847, true },
- { 63863, true },
- { 63881, true },
- { 63899, true },
+ { 63796, true },
+ { 63807, true },
+ { 63818, true },
+ { 63831, true },
+ { 63845, true },
+ { 63856, true },
+ { 63874, true },
+ { 63885, true },
+ { 63895, true },
{ 63909, true },
- { 63917, true },
- { 63927, true },
- { 63940, true },
- { 63954, true },
- { 63963, true },
- { 63971, true },
- { 63986, true },
+ { 63922, true },
+ { 63941, true },
+ { 63958, true },
+ { 63972, true },
+ { 63980, true },
+ { 63992, true },
{ 64004, true },
- { 64014, true },
- { 64026, true },
- { 64034, true },
- { 64051, false },
- { 64067, false },
- { 64088, true },
- { 64105, true },
- { 64119, true },
- { 64132, true },
- { 64150, true },
- { 64177, true },
- { 64201, true },
- { 64216, true },
- { 64232, true },
- { 64246, true },
- { 64258, true },
+ { 64019, true },
+ { 64029, true },
+ { 64044, true },
+ { 64054, false },
+ { 64065, true },
+ { 64080, true },
+ { 64090, true },
+ { 64101, true },
+ { 64112, true },
+ { 64125, true },
+ { 64137, true },
+ { 64159, true },
+ { 64171, true },
+ { 64180, true },
+ { 64192, true },
+ { 64202, false },
+ { 64213, true },
+ { 64225, true },
+ { 64234, true },
+ { 64251, true },
{ 64269, true },
- { 64280, true },
- { 64293, true },
- { 64307, true },
- { 64318, true },
+ { 64281, true },
+ { 64300, true },
+ { 64313, true },
+ { 64326, true },
{ 64336, true },
- { 64347, true },
- { 64357, true },
- { 64371, true },
- { 64384, true },
- { 64403, true },
- { 64420, true },
- { 64434, true },
+ { 64360, true },
+ { 64370, true },
+ { 64388, true },
+ { 64402, true },
+ { 64421, true },
+ { 64431, true },
{ 64442, true },
- { 64454, true },
- { 64466, true },
- { 64481, true },
- { 64491, true },
- { 64506, true },
- { 64516, false },
- { 64527, true },
- { 64542, true },
- { 64552, true },
- { 64563, true },
- { 64574, true },
- { 64587, true },
- { 64599, true },
- { 64621, true },
+ { 64458, true },
+ { 64471, true },
+ { 64482, true },
+ { 64494, true },
+ { 64505, true },
+ { 64517, true },
+ { 64530, true },
+ { 64538, true },
+ { 64550, true },
+ { 64565, true },
+ { 64578, true },
+ { 64587, false },
+ { 64602, true },
+ { 64611, true },
+ { 64623, true },
{ 64633, true },
- { 64642, true },
+ { 64641, true },
{ 64654, true },
- { 64664, false },
- { 64675, true },
- { 64687, true },
- { 64696, true },
- { 64713, true },
- { 64731, true },
- { 64743, true },
- { 64762, true },
- { 64775, true },
- { 64788, true },
- { 64798, true },
- { 64822, true },
- { 64832, true },
- { 64850, true },
- { 64864, true },
- { 64883, true },
- { 64893, true },
- { 64904, true },
- { 64920, true },
- { 64933, true },
- { 64944, true },
- { 64956, true },
- { 64967, true },
- { 64979, true },
+ { 64667, true },
+ { 64684, true },
+ { 64701, true },
+ { 64719, true },
+ { 64734, true },
+ { 64752, true },
+ { 64765, true },
+ { 64782, true },
+ { 64790, true },
+ { 64800, true },
+ { 64814, true },
+ { 64823, true },
+ { 64834, true },
+ { 64845, true },
+ { 64853, true },
+ { 64867, true },
+ { 64878, true },
+ { 64900, true },
+ { 64912, true },
+ { 64922, true },
+ { 64977, true },
{ 64992, true },
- { 65000, true },
- { 65012, true },
- { 65027, true },
- { 65040, true },
- { 65049, false },
- { 65064, true },
- { 65073, true },
- { 65085, true },
- { 65095, true },
- { 65103, true },
- { 65116, true },
- { 65129, true },
- { 65146, true },
- { 65163, true },
- { 65181, true },
- { 65196, true },
- { 65214, true },
- { 65227, false },
- { 65235, true },
- { 65247, true },
- { 65264, true },
- { 65272, true },
- { 65282, true },
- { 65296, true },
- { 65305, true },
- { 65316, true },
- { 65327, true },
- { 65335, true },
- { 65349, true },
- { 65360, true },
- { 65382, true },
- { 65394, true },
+ { 65004, true },
+ { 65019, true },
+ { 65033, true },
+ { 65049, true },
+ { 65067, true },
+ { 65077, true },
+ { 65099, true },
+ { 65117, true },
+ { 65128, true },
+ { 65141, true },
+ { 65154, true },
+ { 65164, true },
+ { 65183, true },
+ { 65193, true },
+ { 65207, true },
+ { 65218, true },
+ { 65228, true },
+ { 65245, true },
+ { 65256, true },
+ { 65271, true },
+ { 65280, true },
+ { 65294, true },
+ { 65307, true },
+ { 65324, true },
+ { 65339, true },
+ { 65351, true },
+ { 65366, true },
+ { 65380, true },
+ { 65392, true },
{ 65404, true },
- { 65459, true },
- { 65474, true },
- { 65486, true },
- { 65501, true },
- { 65515, true },
- { 65531, true },
- { 65549, true },
- { 65559, true },
- { 65581, true },
- { 65599, true },
- { 65612, true },
- { 65625, true },
- { 65635, true },
- { 65654, true },
- { 65664, true },
- { 65678, true },
- { 65689, true },
- { 65699, true },
- { 65716, true },
- { 65727, true },
- { 65742, true },
- { 65751, true },
+ { 65425, true },
+ { 65442, true },
+ { 65455, true },
+ { 65469, true },
+ { 65483, true },
+ { 65497, true },
+ { 65510, true },
+ { 65529, false },
+ { 65542, false },
+ { 65560, true },
+ { 65580, true },
+ { 65595, true },
+ { 65620, true },
+ { 65631, true },
+ { 65656, true },
+ { 65670, true },
+ { 65684, true },
+ { 65698, true },
+ { 65710, true },
+ { 65720, true },
+ { 65731, true },
+ { 65744, true },
+ { 65756, true },
{ 65765, true },
- { 65778, true },
- { 65795, true },
- { 65810, true },
- { 65822, true },
- { 65837, true },
- { 65851, true },
- { 65863, true },
- { 65875, true },
- { 65896, true },
- { 65913, true },
- { 65926, true },
- { 65940, true },
- { 65954, true },
- { 65968, true },
- { 65976, true },
- { 65989, true },
- { 66008, false },
- { 66021, false },
- { 66039, true },
- { 66059, true },
- { 66074, true },
- { 66099, true },
- { 66110, true },
- { 66135, true },
- { 66149, true },
- { 66163, true },
- { 66177, true },
- { 66189, true },
- { 66199, true },
- { 66210, true },
- { 66223, true },
- { 66235, true },
- { 66244, true },
- { 66256, true },
- { 66268, true },
- { 66279, true },
- { 66288, true },
- { 66297, true },
- { 66315, true },
- { 66325, true },
+ { 65777, true },
+ { 65789, true },
+ { 65800, true },
+ { 65809, true },
+ { 65818, true },
+ { 65836, true },
+ { 65846, true },
+ { 65860, true },
+ { 65872, true },
+ { 65890, true },
+ { 65910, true },
+ { 65923, true },
+ { 65939, true },
+ { 65957, true },
+ { 65970, true },
+ { 65995, true },
+ { 66011, true },
+ { 66023, true },
+ { 66034, true },
+ { 66046, true },
+ { 66060, true },
+ { 66076, true },
+ { 66089, true },
+ { 66109, true },
+ { 66129, true },
+ { 66150, true },
+ { 66171, true },
+ { 66186, true },
+ { 66201, true },
+ { 66213, true },
+ { 66224, true },
+ { 66232, true },
+ { 66242, true },
+ { 66254, true },
+ { 66275, true },
+ { 66284, true },
+ { 66301, true },
+ { 66310, true },
+ { 66322, false },
{ 66339, true },
- { 66351, true },
- { 66369, true },
- { 66389, true },
- { 66402, true },
- { 66418, true },
- { 66436, true },
- { 66449, true },
- { 66474, true },
- { 66490, true },
- { 66502, true },
- { 66513, true },
- { 66525, true },
- { 66539, true },
- { 66555, true },
- { 66568, true },
- { 66588, true },
- { 66608, true },
- { 66629, true },
- { 66650, true },
- { 66665, true },
- { 66680, true },
- { 66692, true },
- { 66703, true },
+ { 66350, true },
+ { 66368, true },
+ { 66379, true },
+ { 66395, true },
+ { 66417, true },
+ { 66431, true },
+ { 66446, true },
+ { 66456, true },
+ { 66469, true },
+ { 66483, true },
+ { 66491, true },
+ { 66515, true },
+ { 66528, true },
+ { 66546, true },
+ { 66570, true },
+ { 66582, true },
+ { 66597, true },
+ { 66613, true },
+ { 66623, true },
+ { 66634, true },
+ { 66643, true },
+ { 66662, true },
+ { 66672, true },
+ { 66686, true },
+ { 66698, true },
{ 66711, true },
- { 66721, true },
- { 66733, true },
- { 66754, true },
- { 66763, true },
- { 66780, true },
- { 66789, true },
- { 66801, false },
- { 66818, true },
- { 66829, true },
- { 66847, true },
- { 66858, true },
- { 66874, true },
- { 66896, true },
- { 66910, true },
- { 66925, true },
- { 66935, true },
- { 66948, true },
- { 66962, true },
- { 66970, true },
- { 66994, true },
- { 67007, true },
- { 67025, true },
- { 67049, true },
- { 67061, true },
- { 67076, true },
- { 67092, true },
- { 67102, true },
+ { 66725, true },
+ { 66740, true },
+ { 66758, true },
+ { 66769, false },
+ { 66795, true },
+ { 66809, true },
+ { 66823, true },
+ { 66836, true },
+ { 66850, true },
+ { 66863, true },
+ { 66876, true },
+ { 66890, true },
+ { 66901, true },
+ { 66921, true },
+ { 66942, true },
+ { 66964, true },
+ { 66989, true },
+ { 67002, true },
+ { 67010, true },
+ { 67024, true },
+ { 67047, true },
+ { 67058, true },
+ { 67073, false },
+ { 67088, true },
+ { 67101, true },
{ 67113, true },
- { 67122, true },
- { 67141, true },
- { 67151, true },
- { 67165, true },
- { 67177, true },
- { 67190, true },
- { 67204, true },
- { 67219, true },
- { 67237, true },
- { 67248, false },
- { 67274, true },
+ { 67126, true },
+ { 67154, true },
+ { 67182, true },
+ { 67192, true },
+ { 67203, true },
+ { 67216, true },
+ { 67232, false },
+ { 67247, true },
+ { 67265, true },
+ { 67273, true },
{ 67288, true },
- { 67302, true },
- { 67315, true },
- { 67329, true },
- { 67342, true },
- { 67355, true },
- { 67369, true },
- { 67380, true },
- { 67400, true },
- { 67421, true },
- { 67443, true },
- { 67468, true },
- { 67481, true },
- { 67489, true },
+ { 67301, true },
+ { 67316, true },
+ { 67332, true },
+ { 67346, true },
+ { 67355, false },
+ { 67366, true },
+ { 67382, true },
+ { 67392, true },
+ { 67419, true },
+ { 67428, true },
+ { 67437, true },
+ { 67451, true },
+ { 67474, true },
+ { 67490, true },
{ 67503, true },
- { 67526, true },
- { 67537, true },
- { 67552, false },
- { 67567, true },
- { 67580, true },
- { 67592, true },
- { 67605, true },
- { 67633, true },
- { 67661, true },
- { 67671, true },
- { 67682, true },
- { 67695, true },
+ { 67524, true },
+ { 67540, true },
+ { 67560, true },
+ { 67582, true },
+ { 67590, true },
+ { 67599, true },
+ { 67610, true },
+ { 67620, true },
+ { 67635, true },
+ { 67655, true },
+ { 67669, true },
+ { 67687, true },
{ 67711, false },
- { 67726, true },
- { 67744, true },
- { 67752, true },
- { 67767, true },
- { 67780, true },
- { 67795, true },
- { 67811, true },
- { 67825, true },
- { 67834, false },
- { 67845, true },
- { 67861, true },
- { 67871, true },
- { 67898, true },
- { 67907, true },
- { 67916, true },
- { 67930, true },
- { 67953, true },
- { 67969, true },
+ { 67730, true },
+ { 67758, true },
+ { 67772, true },
+ { 67785, true },
+ { 67799, false },
+ { 67813, true },
+ { 67823, true },
+ { 67841, true },
+ { 67849, true },
+ { 67860, true },
+ { 67876, true },
+ { 67891, true },
+ { 67907, false },
+ { 67932, true },
+ { 67942, true },
+ { 67949, true },
+ { 67960, true },
+ { 67974, true },
{ 67987, true },
{ 68000, true },
- { 68021, true },
- { 68037, true },
+ { 68013, true },
+ { 68026, true },
+ { 68036, true },
+ { 68048, true },
{ 68057, true },
- { 68079, true },
- { 68087, true },
- { 68096, true },
- { 68107, true },
- { 68122, true },
+ { 68067, true },
+ { 68085, true },
+ { 68095, true },
+ { 68110, true },
+ { 68128, true },
{ 68142, true },
- { 68156, true },
- { 68174, true },
- { 68198, false },
- { 68217, true },
- { 68245, true },
- { 68259, true },
- { 68272, true },
- { 68286, true },
- { 68300, true },
- { 68310, true },
- { 68328, true },
- { 68336, true },
- { 68347, true },
- { 68363, true },
- { 68378, true },
- { 68394, false },
- { 68419, true },
- { 68429, true },
- { 68436, true },
- { 68447, true },
- { 68461, true },
- { 68474, true },
- { 68487, true },
- { 68500, true },
- { 68513, true },
- { 68523, true },
- { 68535, true },
- { 68544, true },
- { 68554, true },
- { 68572, true },
- { 68582, true },
- { 68597, true },
- { 68615, true },
- { 68629, true },
- { 68641, true },
+ { 68154, true },
+ { 68173, true },
+ { 68186, true },
+ { 68200, true },
+ { 68211, true },
+ { 68224, true },
+ { 68239, true },
+ { 68263, false },
+ { 68278, true },
+ { 68289, true },
+ { 68303, true },
+ { 68316, true },
+ { 68329, true },
+ { 68342, true },
+ { 68364, true },
+ { 68384, true },
+ { 68402, true },
+ { 68416, true },
+ { 68433, false },
+ { 68448, false },
+ { 68464, true },
+ { 68479, true },
+ { 68490, true },
+ { 68512, true },
+ { 68526, true },
+ { 68537, true },
+ { 68545, true },
+ { 68557, true },
+ { 68570, true },
+ { 68580, true },
+ { 68601, true },
+ { 68628, true },
+ { 68648, false },
{ 68660, true },
{ 68673, true },
- { 68687, true },
- { 68698, true },
- { 68711, true },
- { 68726, true },
- { 68750, false },
- { 68765, true },
- { 68776, true },
- { 68790, true },
- { 68803, true },
+ { 68684, true },
+ { 68700, true },
+ { 68714, true },
+ { 68734, true },
+ { 68757, true },
+ { 68767, true },
+ { 68786, true },
+ { 68800, true },
{ 68816, true },
- { 68829, true },
- { 68851, true },
- { 68871, true },
- { 68889, true },
- { 68903, true },
- { 68920, false },
- { 68935, false },
- { 68951, true },
- { 68966, true },
- { 68977, true },
- { 68999, true },
- { 69013, true },
- { 69024, true },
- { 69032, true },
- { 69045, true },
- { 69055, true },
- { 69076, true },
+ { 68831, true },
+ { 68845, true },
+ { 68866, true },
+ { 68881, true },
+ { 68894, true },
+ { 68910, true },
+ { 68927, true },
+ { 68942, true },
+ { 68950, true },
+ { 68965, true },
+ { 68976, true },
+ { 68985, true },
+ { 69002, false },
+ { 69012, true },
+ { 69028, true },
+ { 69044, true },
+ { 69064, true },
+ { 69083, true },
+ { 69093, true },
{ 69103, true },
- { 69123, false },
- { 69135, true },
+ { 69117, true },
+ { 69138, true },
{ 69148, true },
- { 69159, true },
- { 69175, true },
- { 69189, true },
- { 69209, true },
- { 69232, true },
- { 69242, true },
+ { 69163, true },
+ { 69172, true },
+ { 69186, true },
+ { 69200, true },
+ { 69215, true },
+ { 69231, true },
+ { 69239, true },
+ { 69249, true },
{ 69261, true },
- { 69275, true },
- { 69291, true },
- { 69306, true },
- { 69320, true },
- { 69341, true },
- { 69356, true },
- { 69369, true },
+ { 69273, true },
+ { 69286, true },
+ { 69301, false },
+ { 69327, true },
+ { 69338, true },
+ { 69347, true },
+ { 69355, true },
+ { 69364, true },
+ { 69375, true },
{ 69385, true },
- { 69402, true },
- { 69417, true },
- { 69425, true },
- { 69440, true },
+ { 69398, true },
+ { 69411, true },
+ { 69418, true },
+ { 69433, true },
+ { 69441, true },
{ 69451, true },
- { 69460, true },
- { 69477, false },
- { 69487, true },
- { 69503, true },
- { 69519, true },
- { 69539, true },
- { 69558, true },
- { 69568, true },
+ { 69461, true },
+ { 69471, true },
+ { 69482, true },
+ { 69495, true },
+ { 69506, true },
+ { 69513, true },
+ { 69521, true },
+ { 69539, false },
+ { 69554, true },
+ { 69564, true },
+ { 69569, true },
{ 69578, true },
- { 69592, true },
- { 69613, true },
- { 69623, true },
- { 69638, true },
- { 69647, true },
- { 69661, true },
- { 69675, true },
- { 69690, true },
- { 69706, true },
- { 69714, true },
- { 69724, true },
- { 69736, true },
- { 69748, true },
- { 69761, true },
- { 69776, false },
- { 69802, true },
- { 69813, true },
- { 69822, true },
- { 69830, true },
- { 69839, true },
- { 69850, true },
- { 69863, true },
- { 69873, true },
- { 69886, true },
- { 69899, true },
- { 69906, true },
- { 69921, true },
- { 69929, true },
- { 69939, true },
- { 69949, true },
+ { 69587, true },
+ { 69599, true },
+ { 69619, true },
+ { 69635, false },
+ { 69646, true },
+ { 69660, true },
+ { 69676, true },
+ { 69689, false },
+ { 69700, true },
+ { 69712, true },
+ { 69723, true },
+ { 69734, true },
+ { 69746, true },
+ { 69757, true },
+ { 69767, true },
+ { 69787, true },
+ { 69803, true },
+ { 69816, true },
+ { 69825, true },
+ { 69840, true },
+ { 69853, true },
+ { 69868, true },
+ { 69878, true },
+ { 69894, true },
+ { 69907, false },
+ { 69917, true },
+ { 69928, true },
+ { 69946, true },
{ 69959, true },
{ 69970, true },
- { 69983, true },
- { 69994, true },
- { 70001, true },
- { 70009, true },
- { 70027, false },
- { 70042, true },
- { 70052, true },
- { 70057, true },
- { 70066, true },
- { 70075, true },
+ { 69995, true },
+ { 70003, true },
+ { 70019, false },
+ { 70034, true },
+ { 70046, true },
+ { 70058, true },
+ { 70072, true },
{ 70087, true },
- { 70107, true },
- { 70123, true },
- { 70134, true },
- { 70148, true },
- { 70164, true },
- { 70177, false },
- { 70188, true },
- { 70200, true },
- { 70211, true },
- { 70222, true },
- { 70234, true },
- { 70245, true },
- { 70255, true },
- { 70275, true },
- { 70291, true },
- { 70304, true },
- { 70313, true },
- { 70328, true },
- { 70341, true },
- { 70356, true },
- { 70366, true },
- { 70382, true },
- { 70395, false },
- { 70405, true },
- { 70416, true },
- { 70434, true },
- { 70447, true },
- { 70458, true },
- { 70483, true },
- { 70491, true },
- { 70507, false },
- { 70522, true },
- { 70534, true },
- { 70546, true },
- { 70560, true },
- { 70574, true },
- { 70588, true },
- { 70602, true },
- { 70614, true },
- { 70631, true },
- { 70643, true },
- { 70657, true },
+ { 70101, true },
+ { 70115, true },
+ { 70129, true },
+ { 70141, true },
+ { 70158, true },
+ { 70170, true },
+ { 70184, true },
+ { 70202, true },
+ { 70215, true },
+ { 70231, true },
+ { 70249, true },
+ { 70266, true },
+ { 70278, false },
+ { 70303, true },
+ { 70313, false },
+ { 70339, true },
+ { 70350, true },
+ { 70364, true },
+ { 70372, true },
+ { 70380, true },
+ { 70388, true },
+ { 70396, true },
+ { 70404, true },
+ { 70414, true },
+ { 70428, true },
+ { 70444, true },
+ { 70455, true },
+ { 70466, true },
+ { 70482, true },
+ { 70498, true },
+ { 70514, true },
+ { 70523, true },
+ { 70539, true },
+ { 70549, false },
+ { 70571, true },
+ { 70594, true },
+ { 70616, true },
+ { 70637, true },
+ { 70656, false },
{ 70675, true },
{ 70688, true },
- { 70704, true },
- { 70722, true },
- { 70739, false },
- { 70764, true },
- { 70774, false },
- { 70800, true },
- { 70811, true },
- { 70825, true },
- { 70833, true },
- { 70841, true },
- { 70849, true },
- { 70857, true },
- { 70865, true },
- { 70875, true },
+ { 70712, true },
+ { 70731, true },
+ { 70759, true },
+ { 70772, true },
+ { 70792, true },
+ { 70812, true },
+ { 70826, false },
+ { 70837, true },
+ { 70848, true },
+ { 70878, true },
{ 70889, true },
- { 70905, true },
- { 70916, true },
- { 70927, true },
- { 70943, true },
- { 70959, true },
- { 70975, true },
- { 70984, true },
- { 71000, true },
- { 71010, false },
- { 71032, true },
- { 71055, true },
- { 71077, true },
- { 71098, true },
- { 71117, false },
- { 71136, true },
- { 71149, true },
- { 71173, true },
- { 71192, true },
- { 71220, true },
- { 71233, true },
- { 71253, true },
- { 71273, true },
- { 71287, false },
- { 71298, true },
- { 71309, true },
+ { 70913, true },
+ { 70930, true },
+ { 70946, true },
+ { 70963, true },
+ { 70977, true },
+ { 70991, true },
+ { 71006, true },
+ { 71022, true },
+ { 71037, true },
+ { 71052, true },
+ { 71067, true },
+ { 71086, true },
+ { 71097, true },
+ { 71113, true },
+ { 71130, true },
+ { 71146, true },
+ { 71165, true },
+ { 71181, true },
+ { 71197, true },
+ { 71216, true },
+ { 71236, false },
+ { 71251, true },
+ { 71263, true },
+ { 71275, true },
+ { 71285, true },
+ { 71308, true },
+ { 71322, true },
{ 71339, true },
- { 71350, true },
- { 71374, true },
+ { 71358, true },
{ 71391, true },
- { 71407, true },
- { 71424, true },
- { 71438, true },
- { 71452, true },
- { 71467, true },
- { 71483, true },
- { 71498, true },
- { 71513, true },
- { 71528, true },
+ { 71401, true },
+ { 71417, true },
+ { 71429, true },
+ { 71444, true },
+ { 71464, true },
+ { 71476, true },
+ { 71489, true },
+ { 71507, true },
+ { 71521, true },
+ { 71534, true },
{ 71547, true },
{ 71558, true },
- { 71574, true },
- { 71591, true },
- { 71607, true },
- { 71626, true },
- { 71642, true },
+ { 71572, true },
+ { 71586, true },
+ { 71605, true },
+ { 71623, true },
+ { 71636, true },
+ { 71646, false },
{ 71658, true },
- { 71680, true },
+ { 71672, true },
+ { 71686, false },
{ 71699, true },
- { 71719, false },
- { 71734, true },
- { 71746, true },
- { 71758, true },
- { 71768, true },
- { 71791, true },
- { 71805, true },
- { 71822, true },
- { 71841, true },
- { 71874, true },
- { 71884, true },
- { 71900, true },
- { 71912, true },
- { 71927, true },
- { 71947, true },
- { 71959, true },
+ { 71715, true },
+ { 71732, true },
+ { 71745, true },
+ { 71762, true },
+ { 71778, true },
+ { 71788, true },
+ { 71799, true },
+ { 71807, true },
+ { 71823, true },
+ { 71839, false },
+ { 71856, true },
+ { 71876, true },
+ { 71887, true },
+ { 71904, true },
+ { 71923, true },
+ { 71941, true },
+ { 71954, true },
{ 71972, true },
- { 71990, true },
- { 72004, true },
- { 72017, true },
- { 72030, true },
- { 72041, true },
- { 72055, true },
- { 72069, true },
- { 72088, true },
+ { 71989, true },
+ { 72002, true },
+ { 72019, true },
+ { 72042, true },
+ { 72051, true },
+ { 72067, true },
+ { 72085, true },
+ { 72097, true },
{ 72106, true },
- { 72119, true },
- { 72129, false },
- { 72141, true },
- { 72155, true },
- { 72169, false },
+ { 72122, true },
+ { 72130, true },
+ { 72142, true },
+ { 72152, true },
+ { 72167, true },
{ 72182, true },
- { 72198, true },
- { 72217, true },
- { 72234, true },
- { 72247, true },
- { 72264, true },
- { 72280, true },
- { 72290, true },
- { 72302, true },
- { 72313, true },
- { 72321, true },
- { 72337, true },
- { 72353, false },
- { 72370, true },
- { 72390, true },
- { 72401, true },
- { 72418, true },
- { 72437, true },
- { 72455, true },
- { 72468, true },
- { 72486, true },
- { 72503, true },
- { 72516, true },
- { 72533, true },
- { 72556, true },
- { 72565, true },
- { 72581, true },
- { 72599, true },
- { 72611, true },
- { 72623, true },
- { 72632, true },
+ { 72204, true },
+ { 72223, true },
+ { 72235, true },
+ { 72249, true },
+ { 72262, false },
+ { 72284, true },
+ { 72298, false },
+ { 72318, true },
+ { 72329, true },
+ { 72338, true },
+ { 72354, false },
+ { 72372, true },
+ { 72383, false },
+ { 72398, true },
+ { 72407, true },
+ { 72419, true },
+ { 72428, true },
+ { 72441, true },
+ { 72448, true },
+ { 72465, true },
+ { 72472, true },
+ { 72480, true },
+ { 72489, true },
+ { 72512, true },
+ { 72526, true },
+ { 72543, true },
+ { 72550, false },
+ { 72559, true },
+ { 72570, true },
+ { 72585, true },
+ { 72593, true },
+ { 72608, true },
+ { 72620, true },
+ { 72628, true },
+ { 72640, true },
{ 72648, true },
- { 72656, true },
- { 72668, true },
- { 72678, true },
- { 72693, true },
- { 72708, true },
- { 72730, true },
- { 72749, true },
- { 72761, true },
- { 72775, true },
- { 72788, false },
- { 72810, true },
- { 72824, false },
+ { 72659, true },
+ { 72670, true },
+ { 72680, true },
+ { 72690, true },
+ { 72710, true },
+ { 72722, true },
+ { 72733, true },
+ { 72742, false },
+ { 72751, true },
+ { 72760, true },
+ { 72774, true },
+ { 72791, true },
+ { 72809, true },
+ { 72826, true },
{ 72844, true },
- { 72855, true },
- { 72864, true },
- { 72880, false },
+ { 72858, true },
+ { 72872, true },
+ { 72884, true },
{ 72898, true },
- { 72909, false },
- { 72924, true },
- { 72933, true },
+ { 72909, true },
+ { 72923, true },
+ { 72934, true },
{ 72945, true },
- { 72954, true },
- { 72967, true },
- { 72974, true },
- { 72991, true },
- { 72998, true },
- { 73006, true },
+ { 72959, true },
+ { 72970, true },
+ { 72989, true },
{ 73015, true },
- { 73038, true },
- { 73052, true },
- { 73069, true },
- { 73076, false },
- { 73085, true },
- { 73096, true },
- { 73111, true },
- { 73119, true },
- { 73134, true },
- { 73146, true },
+ { 73029, true },
+ { 73046, true },
+ { 73065, true },
+ { 73081, true },
+ { 73092, true },
+ { 73100, true },
+ { 73113, true },
+ { 73125, true },
+ { 73137, true },
{ 73154, true },
- { 73166, true },
- { 73174, true },
- { 73185, true },
- { 73196, true },
- { 73206, true },
- { 73216, true },
- { 73236, true },
- { 73248, true },
- { 73259, true },
- { 73268, false },
- { 73277, true },
- { 73286, true },
- { 73300, true },
- { 73317, true },
- { 73335, true },
- { 73352, true },
- { 73370, true },
- { 73384, true },
- { 73398, true },
- { 73410, true },
- { 73424, true },
- { 73435, true },
- { 73449, true },
- { 73460, true },
- { 73471, true },
+ { 73169, true },
+ { 73181, true },
+ { 73195, true },
+ { 73218, true },
+ { 73246, true },
+ { 73264, true },
+ { 73283, true },
+ { 73296, true },
+ { 73307, true },
+ { 73329, true },
+ { 73337, true },
+ { 73355, true },
+ { 73371, true },
+ { 73383, true },
+ { 73401, true },
+ { 73411, true },
+ { 73425, true },
+ { 73441, false },
+ { 73470, true },
{ 73485, true },
- { 73496, true },
- { 73515, true },
- { 73541, true },
- { 73555, true },
- { 73572, true },
- { 73591, true },
- { 73607, true },
- { 73618, true },
- { 73626, true },
- { 73639, true },
- { 73651, true },
- { 73663, true },
- { 73680, true },
- { 73695, true },
- { 73707, true },
- { 73721, true },
- { 73744, true },
- { 73772, true },
- { 73790, true },
- { 73809, true },
- { 73822, true },
- { 73833, true },
- { 73855, true },
- { 73863, true },
- { 73881, true },
- { 73897, true },
- { 73909, true },
- { 73927, true },
- { 73937, true },
- { 73951, true },
- { 73967, false },
- { 73996, true },
- { 74011, true },
- { 74029, false },
- { 74040, true },
- { 74052, true },
- { 74070, true },
- { 74093, false },
- { 74107, true },
- { 74121, true },
- { 74133, true },
- { 74152, true },
- { 74165, true },
- { 74178, true },
- { 74188, true },
- { 74198, true },
- { 74216, true },
- { 74229, true },
- { 74239, true },
- { 74251, true },
- { 74259, true },
- { 74273, true },
- { 74285, true },
- { 74301, true },
- { 74314, true },
+ { 73503, false },
+ { 73514, true },
+ { 73526, true },
+ { 73544, true },
+ { 73567, false },
+ { 73581, true },
+ { 73595, true },
+ { 73607, false },
+ { 73627, true },
+ { 73646, true },
+ { 73659, true },
+ { 73672, true },
+ { 73682, true },
+ { 73700, true },
+ { 73713, true },
+ { 73723, true },
+ { 73735, true },
+ { 73743, true },
+ { 73757, true },
+ { 73769, true },
+ { 73782, true },
+ { 73796, true },
+ { 73812, true },
+ { 73835, true },
+ { 73848, true },
+ { 73856, false },
+ { 73872, true },
+ { 73890, true },
+ { 73900, true },
+ { 73916, true },
+ { 73933, true },
+ { 73947, true },
+ { 73963, false },
+ { 73975, true },
+ { 73984, true },
+ { 73991, true },
+ { 74006, true },
+ { 74025, true },
+ { 74047, true },
+ { 74065, true },
+ { 74079, true },
+ { 74095, true },
+ { 74116, true },
+ { 74131, true },
+ { 74148, true },
+ { 74161, true },
+ { 74184, true },
+ { 74197, true },
+ { 74208, true },
+ { 74220, true },
+ { 74230, true },
+ { 74241, true },
+ { 74252, true },
+ { 74264, true },
+ { 74288, true },
+ { 74297, true },
+ { 74313, true },
{ 74328, true },
- { 74344, true },
- { 74367, true },
- { 74380, true },
- { 74388, false },
- { 74404, true },
- { 74422, false },
- { 74436, true },
- { 74446, true },
- { 74462, true },
- { 74479, true },
- { 74493, true },
- { 74509, false },
- { 74521, true },
- { 74530, true },
- { 74537, true },
- { 74552, true },
+ { 74346, true },
+ { 74369, true },
+ { 74390, true },
+ { 74409, false },
+ { 74423, true },
+ { 74434, true },
+ { 74447, true },
+ { 74466, true },
+ { 74481, true },
+ { 74495, true },
+ { 74504, true },
+ { 74517, true },
+ { 74531, true },
+ { 74544, true },
+ { 74558, true },
{ 74571, true },
- { 74593, true },
- { 74611, true },
- { 74626, true },
- { 74642, true },
+ { 74579, true },
+ { 74588, false },
+ { 74603, true },
+ { 74616, true },
+ { 74629, true },
+ { 74647, true },
{ 74663, true },
{ 74678, true },
- { 74695, true },
- { 74708, true },
- { 74731, true },
- { 74744, true },
- { 74755, true },
- { 74767, true },
- { 74777, true },
- { 74788, true },
- { 74799, true },
- { 74811, true },
- { 74835, true },
- { 74844, true },
- { 74860, true },
- { 74875, true },
- { 74893, true },
- { 74916, true },
- { 74937, true },
- { 74956, false },
- { 74970, true },
- { 74981, true },
- { 74994, true },
- { 75013, true },
- { 75028, true },
- { 75042, true },
- { 75051, true },
- { 75064, true },
- { 75078, true },
- { 75091, true },
- { 75105, true },
- { 75118, true },
- { 75126, true },
- { 75135, false },
- { 75150, true },
- { 75163, true },
- { 75176, true },
- { 75194, true },
- { 75210, true },
- { 75225, true },
- { 75235, true },
- { 75249, true },
- { 75263, true },
- { 75285, true },
- { 75299, true },
- { 75318, true },
- { 75337, true },
- { 75356, true },
- { 75375, true },
- { 75395, true },
- { 75415, true },
- { 75435, true },
- { 75453, true },
+ { 74688, true },
+ { 74702, true },
+ { 74716, true },
+ { 74738, true },
+ { 74752, true },
+ { 74771, true },
+ { 74790, true },
+ { 74809, true },
+ { 74828, true },
+ { 74848, true },
+ { 74868, true },
+ { 74888, true },
+ { 74906, true },
+ { 74925, true },
+ { 74944, true },
+ { 74963, true },
+ { 74982, true },
+ { 74994, false },
+ { 75016, true },
+ { 75030, true },
+ { 75045, true },
+ { 75058, true },
+ { 75070, true },
+ { 75080, true },
+ { 75094, true },
+ { 75109, true },
+ { 75122, true },
+ { 75136, true },
+ { 75151, true },
+ { 75170, true },
+ { 75185, true },
+ { 75196, true },
+ { 75206, true },
+ { 75221, true },
+ { 75236, true },
+ { 75257, true },
+ { 75271, true },
+ { 75283, true },
+ { 75296, true },
+ { 75311, true },
+ { 75323, false },
+ { 75333, true },
+ { 75348, true },
+ { 75365, true },
+ { 75385, true },
+ { 75400, true },
+ { 75414, true },
+ { 75433, true },
+ { 75443, true },
+ { 75463, true },
{ 75472, true },
- { 75491, true },
- { 75510, true },
+ { 75483, false },
+ { 75492, true },
+ { 75511, true },
+ { 75522, true },
{ 75529, true },
- { 75541, false },
+ { 75540, true },
+ { 75547, true },
{ 75563, true },
- { 75577, true },
+ { 75571, true },
{ 75592, true },
- { 75605, true },
- { 75617, true },
- { 75627, true },
+ { 75611, true },
+ { 75620, true },
+ { 75631, true },
{ 75641, true },
- { 75656, true },
- { 75669, true },
- { 75683, true },
- { 75698, true },
+ { 75648, true },
+ { 75675, true },
+ { 75684, true },
+ { 75695, true },
+ { 75705, true },
{ 75717, true },
- { 75732, true },
- { 75743, true },
- { 75753, true },
- { 75768, true },
- { 75783, true },
- { 75804, true },
- { 75818, true },
- { 75830, true },
- { 75843, true },
- { 75858, true },
- { 75870, false },
- { 75880, true },
- { 75895, true },
- { 75912, true },
- { 75932, true },
- { 75947, true },
- { 75961, true },
- { 75980, true },
- { 75990, true },
- { 76010, true },
- { 76019, true },
- { 76030, false },
- { 76039, true },
- { 76058, true },
- { 76069, true },
- { 76076, true },
- { 76087, true },
- { 76094, true },
- { 76110, true },
- { 76118, true },
- { 76139, true },
- { 76158, true },
- { 76167, true },
- { 76178, true },
- { 76188, true },
- { 76195, true },
- { 76222, true },
- { 76231, true },
- { 76242, true },
- { 76252, true },
- { 76264, true },
- { 76294, true },
- { 76308, false },
- { 76326, false },
- { 76342, true },
- { 76359, true },
- { 76374, true },
- { 76393, true },
- { 76406, true },
- { 76417, true },
- { 76428, true },
- { 76439, true },
- { 76458, true },
- { 76475, true },
- { 76488, true },
- { 76504, true },
- { 76516, true },
- { 76524, true },
- { 76534, false },
- { 76552, true },
- { 76565, true },
- { 76581, true },
+ { 75747, true },
+ { 75761, false },
+ { 75779, false },
+ { 75795, true },
+ { 75812, true },
+ { 75827, true },
+ { 75846, true },
+ { 75859, true },
+ { 75870, true },
+ { 75881, true },
+ { 75892, true },
+ { 75911, true },
+ { 75928, true },
+ { 75944, true },
+ { 75957, true },
+ { 75973, true },
+ { 75985, true },
+ { 75993, true },
+ { 76003, false },
+ { 76021, true },
+ { 76034, true },
+ { 76050, true },
+ { 76061, true },
+ { 76072, true },
+ { 76088, true },
+ { 76096, true },
+ { 76113, true },
+ { 76123, true },
+ { 76138, true },
+ { 76153, true },
+ { 76172, true },
+ { 76183, true },
+ { 76205, true },
+ { 76224, true },
+ { 76237, true },
+ { 76246, true },
+ { 76261, true },
+ { 76274, true },
+ { 76286, true },
+ { 76303, true },
+ { 76316, true },
+ { 76323, true },
+ { 76336, true },
+ { 76350, true },
+ { 76365, true },
+ { 76377, true },
+ { 76385, true },
+ { 76400, true },
+ { 76415, true },
+ { 76430, true },
+ { 76449, true },
+ { 76468, true },
+ { 76487, true },
+ { 76502, true },
+ { 76515, true },
+ { 76528, true },
+ { 76539, true },
+ { 76557, true },
+ { 76570, true },
+ { 76583, true },
{ 76592, true },
- { 76603, true },
- { 76619, true },
- { 76627, true },
- { 76644, true },
- { 76654, true },
+ { 76615, true },
+ { 76628, true },
+ { 76643, true },
+ { 76656, true },
{ 76669, true },
- { 76684, true },
- { 76703, true },
- { 76714, true },
- { 76736, true },
- { 76755, true },
+ { 76677, true },
+ { 76691, true },
+ { 76704, true },
+ { 76722, true },
+ { 76749, true },
{ 76768, true },
- { 76777, true },
- { 76792, true },
- { 76805, true },
- { 76817, true },
- { 76834, true },
- { 76847, true },
- { 76854, true },
- { 76867, true },
- { 76881, true },
- { 76896, true },
- { 76908, true },
- { 76916, true },
- { 76931, true },
- { 76946, true },
- { 76961, true },
- { 76980, true },
- { 76999, true },
- { 77018, true },
- { 77033, true },
+ { 76779, true },
+ { 76809, true },
+ { 76837, true },
+ { 76859, true },
+ { 76870, true },
+ { 76887, true },
+ { 76903, true },
+ { 76922, true },
+ { 76933, true },
+ { 76949, true },
+ { 76959, true },
+ { 76975, true },
+ { 76986, true },
+ { 77003, true },
+ { 77016, true },
+ { 77036, true },
{ 77046, true },
- { 77059, true },
- { 77070, true },
- { 77088, true },
- { 77101, true },
- { 77114, true },
- { 77123, true },
- { 77146, true },
- { 77159, true },
- { 77174, true },
- { 77187, true },
- { 77200, true },
- { 77208, true },
- { 77222, true },
- { 77235, true },
- { 77253, true },
+ { 77056, true },
+ { 77071, true },
+ { 77086, true },
+ { 77103, true },
+ { 77118, true },
+ { 77131, true },
+ { 77144, true },
+ { 77155, true },
+ { 77168, true },
+ { 77181, true },
+ { 77192, true },
+ { 77206, true },
+ { 77217, true },
+ { 77225, true },
+ { 77237, true },
+ { 77247, true },
+ { 77256, true },
+ { 77269, true },
{ 77280, true },
- { 77299, true },
- { 77310, true },
- { 77340, true },
- { 77368, true },
- { 77390, true },
- { 77401, true },
- { 77418, true },
- { 77434, true },
- { 77453, true },
- { 77464, true },
- { 77480, true },
- { 77490, true },
- { 77506, true },
- { 77517, true },
- { 77534, true },
- { 77547, true },
- { 77567, true },
- { 77577, true },
- { 77587, true },
- { 77602, true },
- { 77617, true },
- { 77634, true },
- { 77649, true },
- { 77662, true },
- { 77675, true },
- { 77686, true },
+ { 77288, true },
+ { 77295, true },
+ { 77306, false },
+ { 77326, false },
+ { 77342, true },
+ { 77353, true },
+ { 77367, false },
+ { 77378, true },
+ { 77396, true },
+ { 77410, true },
+ { 77429, true },
+ { 77441, true },
+ { 77456, true },
+ { 77466, true },
+ { 77476, true },
+ { 77485, true },
+ { 77499, true },
+ { 77512, true },
+ { 77527, true },
+ { 77544, true },
+ { 77558, true },
+ { 77566, true },
+ { 77585, true },
+ { 77598, true },
+ { 77615, true },
+ { 77626, true },
+ { 77647, true },
+ { 77663, true },
+ { 77681, true },
{ 77699, true },
- { 77712, true },
- { 77723, true },
- { 77737, true },
- { 77748, true },
- { 77756, true },
- { 77768, true },
- { 77778, true },
- { 77787, true },
- { 77800, true },
- { 77811, true },
- { 77819, true },
- { 77826, true },
- { 77837, false },
- { 77857, false },
- { 77873, true },
- { 77884, true },
- { 77898, false },
- { 77909, true },
- { 77927, true },
- { 77941, true },
- { 77960, true },
- { 77972, true },
- { 77987, true },
- { 77997, true },
- { 78007, true },
- { 78016, true },
- { 78030, true },
- { 78043, true },
- { 78058, true },
- { 78075, true },
+ { 77711, true },
+ { 77735, true },
+ { 77752, true },
+ { 77771, true },
+ { 77779, true },
+ { 77793, true },
+ { 77807, true },
+ { 77814, false },
+ { 77824, false },
+ { 77844, true },
+ { 77860, true },
+ { 77879, false },
+ { 77892, false },
+ { 77903, false },
+ { 77915, true },
+ { 77936, true },
+ { 77949, true },
+ { 77965, true },
+ { 77974, true },
+ { 77987, false },
+ { 78003, true },
+ { 78021, true },
+ { 78034, true },
+ { 78046, false },
+ { 78057, true },
+ { 78074, true },
{ 78089, true },
- { 78097, true },
- { 78116, true },
- { 78129, true },
- { 78146, true },
+ { 78099, false },
+ { 78128, true },
+ { 78143, true },
{ 78157, true },
- { 78178, true },
- { 78194, true },
- { 78212, true },
- { 78230, true },
- { 78242, true },
- { 78266, true },
- { 78283, true },
- { 78302, true },
- { 78310, true },
- { 78324, true },
- { 78338, true },
- { 78345, false },
- { 78355, false },
- { 78375, true },
- { 78391, true },
- { 78410, false },
- { 78423, false },
- { 78434, false },
- { 78446, true },
- { 78467, true },
- { 78480, true },
- { 78496, true },
+ { 78172, true },
+ { 78183, true },
+ { 78193, true },
+ { 78206, false },
+ { 78220, true },
+ { 78232, true },
+ { 78244, true },
+ { 78264, true },
+ { 78287, true },
+ { 78306, true },
+ { 78325, true },
+ { 78344, true },
+ { 78363, true },
+ { 78382, true },
+ { 78401, true },
+ { 78420, true },
+ { 78434, true },
+ { 78447, true },
+ { 78460, true },
+ { 78475, false },
+ { 78489, true },
{ 78505, true },
- { 78518, true },
- { 78534, true },
- { 78552, true },
- { 78565, true },
- { 78577, false },
+ { 78522, true },
+ { 78542, true },
+ { 78558, true },
+ { 78571, true },
{ 78588, true },
{ 78605, true },
- { 78620, true },
- { 78630, false },
- { 78659, true },
- { 78674, true },
- { 78688, true },
- { 78703, true },
- { 78714, true },
- { 78724, true },
- { 78737, false },
- { 78751, true },
- { 78763, true },
- { 78775, true },
- { 78795, true },
- { 78818, true },
- { 78837, true },
- { 78856, true },
- { 78875, true },
- { 78894, true },
- { 78913, true },
- { 78932, true },
- { 78951, true },
- { 78965, true },
+ { 78613, true },
+ { 78640, true },
+ { 78656, true },
+ { 78670, true },
+ { 78683, true },
+ { 78696, true },
+ { 78706, true },
+ { 78719, true },
+ { 78729, true },
+ { 78744, true },
+ { 78759, false },
+ { 78769, true },
+ { 78779, false },
+ { 78789, true },
+ { 78800, true },
+ { 78807, true },
+ { 78820, true },
+ { 78832, true },
+ { 78843, true },
+ { 78864, true },
+ { 78880, true },
+ { 78891, true },
+ { 78900, true },
+ { 78909, true },
+ { 78922, true },
+ { 78939, true },
+ { 78958, true },
{ 78978, true },
- { 78991, true },
- { 79006, false },
- { 79020, true },
- { 79036, true },
- { 79053, true },
- { 79073, true },
- { 79089, true },
- { 79102, true },
- { 79119, true },
- { 79136, true },
- { 79144, true },
- { 79171, true },
- { 79187, true },
- { 79201, true },
- { 79214, true },
- { 79227, true },
- { 79237, true },
- { 79250, true },
- { 79260, true },
- { 79275, true },
- { 79290, false },
- { 79300, true },
- { 79310, false },
- { 79320, true },
- { 79331, true },
- { 79338, true },
- { 79351, true },
- { 79363, true },
- { 79374, true },
- { 79395, true },
- { 79411, true },
- { 79422, true },
- { 79431, true },
+ { 78986, true },
+ { 79004, true },
+ { 79019, true },
+ { 79030, true },
+ { 79043, true },
+ { 79056, true },
+ { 79067, false },
+ { 79079, true },
+ { 79088, true },
+ { 79101, true },
+ { 79117, true },
+ { 79127, true },
+ { 79137, true },
+ { 79148, true },
+ { 79162, true },
+ { 79174, true },
+ { 79182, true },
+ { 79196, true },
+ { 79211, false },
+ { 79225, true },
+ { 79236, true },
+ { 79247, true },
+ { 79262, true },
+ { 79275, false },
+ { 79291, true },
+ { 79311, true },
+ { 79329, true },
+ { 79350, true },
+ { 79373, true },
+ { 79398, true },
+ { 79415, true },
{ 79440, true },
- { 79453, true },
- { 79470, true },
- { 79489, true },
- { 79509, true },
- { 79517, true },
- { 79535, true },
- { 79550, true },
- { 79561, true },
- { 79574, true },
- { 79587, true },
- { 79598, false },
- { 79610, true },
- { 79619, true },
- { 79632, true },
+ { 79452, true },
+ { 79466, true },
+ { 79477, true },
+ { 79487, true },
+ { 79495, true },
+ { 79502, true },
+ { 79513, true },
+ { 79524, true },
+ { 79538, true },
+ { 79549, true },
+ { 79558, true },
+ { 79569, true },
+ { 79580, true },
+ { 79594, true },
+ { 79603, true },
+ { 79611, true },
+ { 79621, true },
+ { 79640, false },
{ 79648, true },
- { 79658, true },
- { 79668, true },
- { 79679, true },
- { 79693, true },
- { 79705, true },
- { 79713, true },
- { 79727, true },
- { 79742, false },
- { 79756, true },
- { 79767, true },
- { 79778, true },
- { 79793, true },
- { 79806, false },
- { 79822, true },
- { 79842, true },
- { 79860, true },
- { 79881, true },
- { 79904, true },
- { 79929, true },
- { 79946, true },
- { 79971, true },
- { 79983, true },
- { 79997, true },
- { 80008, true },
- { 80018, true },
- { 80026, true },
- { 80033, true },
- { 80044, true },
- { 80055, true },
- { 80069, true },
- { 80080, true },
- { 80089, true },
- { 80100, true },
- { 80111, true },
- { 80125, true },
- { 80134, true },
+ { 79661, true },
+ { 79670, true },
+ { 79689, true },
+ { 79704, true },
+ { 79717, true },
+ { 79733, true },
+ { 79741, true },
+ { 79760, false },
+ { 79769, true },
+ { 79779, true },
+ { 79801, true },
+ { 79815, false },
+ { 79829, true },
+ { 79843, true },
+ { 79851, false },
+ { 79863, true },
+ { 79874, true },
+ { 79892, true },
+ { 79905, true },
+ { 79918, true },
+ { 79930, true },
+ { 79939, true },
+ { 79949, true },
+ { 79959, true },
+ { 79972, true },
+ { 79985, true },
+ { 79994, true },
+ { 80007, true },
+ { 80023, true },
+ { 80037, true },
+ { 80052, true },
+ { 80064, true },
+ { 80076, true },
+ { 80086, false },
+ { 80095, false },
+ { 80114, true },
+ { 80130, true },
{ 80142, true },
- { 80152, true },
- { 80171, false },
- { 80179, true },
- { 80192, true },
- { 80201, true },
- { 80220, true },
- { 80235, true },
- { 80248, true },
- { 80264, true },
- { 80272, true },
- { 80291, false },
- { 80300, true },
- { 80310, true },
- { 80332, true },
- { 80346, false },
- { 80360, true },
- { 80374, true },
- { 80382, false },
- { 80394, true },
- { 80405, true },
- { 80423, true },
- { 80436, true },
- { 80449, true },
- { 80461, true },
- { 80470, true },
- { 80480, true },
- { 80490, true },
+ { 80155, true },
+ { 80167, true },
+ { 80185, true },
+ { 80200, false },
+ { 80216, true },
+ { 80229, false },
+ { 80244, true },
+ { 80259, true },
+ { 80269, true },
+ { 80289, true },
+ { 80303, true },
+ { 80317, true },
+ { 80328, true },
+ { 80344, true },
+ { 80362, true },
+ { 80380, true },
+ { 80393, true },
+ { 80414, true },
+ { 80433, true },
+ { 80453, true },
+ { 80475, true },
+ { 80487, true },
{ 80503, true },
- { 80516, true },
- { 80525, true },
- { 80538, true },
- { 80554, true },
- { 80568, true },
- { 80583, true },
- { 80595, true },
- { 80607, true },
- { 80617, false },
- { 80626, false },
- { 80645, true },
- { 80661, true },
- { 80673, true },
- { 80686, true },
- { 80698, true },
- { 80716, true },
- { 80731, false },
- { 80747, true },
- { 80760, false },
- { 80775, true },
- { 80790, true },
- { 80800, true },
- { 80820, true },
- { 80834, true },
- { 80848, true },
- { 80859, true },
- { 80875, true },
- { 80893, true },
- { 80911, true },
- { 80924, true },
- { 80945, true },
- { 80964, true },
- { 80984, true },
- { 81006, true },
- { 81018, true },
- { 81034, true },
- { 81059, true },
- { 81073, true },
- { 81084, true },
- { 81100, true },
- { 81113, true },
+ { 80528, true },
+ { 80542, true },
+ { 80553, true },
+ { 80569, true },
+ { 80582, true },
+ { 80602, true },
+ { 80617, true },
+ { 80635, true },
+ { 80650, true },
+ { 80666, true },
+ { 80681, true },
+ { 80706, true },
+ { 80728, true },
+ { 80746, true },
+ { 80760, true },
+ { 80773, true },
+ { 80780, true },
+ { 80791, true },
+ { 80802, true },
+ { 80812, true },
+ { 80824, true },
+ { 80839, true },
+ { 80846, true },
+ { 80862, true },
+ { 80871, true },
+ { 80891, true },
+ { 80906, true },
+ { 80919, true },
+ { 80937, true },
+ { 80946, true },
+ { 80962, true },
+ { 80976, true },
+ { 80987, true },
+ { 80997, true },
+ { 81016, true },
+ { 81042, true },
+ { 81065, false },
+ { 81081, true },
+ { 81102, true },
+ { 81116, true },
{ 81133, true },
- { 81148, true },
- { 81163, true },
- { 81179, true },
- { 81194, true },
+ { 81147, true },
+ { 81155, true },
+ { 81170, true },
+ { 81184, true },
+ { 81202, true },
{ 81219, true },
- { 81241, true },
- { 81259, true },
- { 81273, true },
- { 81286, true },
- { 81297, true },
- { 81308, true },
- { 81318, true },
- { 81330, true },
- { 81345, true },
+ { 81239, true },
+ { 81263, true },
+ { 81274, true },
+ { 81285, true },
+ { 81297, false },
+ { 81312, true },
+ { 81325, true },
+ { 81340, true },
{ 81352, true },
- { 81368, true },
- { 81377, true },
- { 81397, true },
- { 81412, true },
- { 81425, true },
- { 81443, true },
- { 81452, true },
- { 81468, true },
- { 81482, true },
- { 81493, true },
- { 81503, true },
- { 81522, true },
- { 81548, true },
- { 81571, false },
- { 81587, true },
- { 81608, true },
- { 81622, true },
- { 81639, true },
- { 81653, true },
- { 81661, true },
- { 81676, true },
- { 81690, true },
- { 81708, true },
- { 81725, true },
- { 81745, true },
- { 81769, true },
- { 81779, true },
- { 81790, true },
- { 81801, true },
- { 81813, false },
- { 81828, true },
- { 81841, true },
- { 81856, true },
- { 81868, true },
- { 81877, true },
- { 81887, true },
- { 81897, true },
- { 81907, false },
- { 81927, true },
- { 81934, true },
- { 81944, false },
- { 81952, true },
- { 81961, false },
- { 81981, true },
- { 81998, true },
- { 82007, true },
- { 82016, true },
- { 82024, true },
- { 82038, true },
- { 82050, true },
- { 82063, true },
- { 82071, true },
- { 82089, true },
- { 82100, true },
+ { 81362, true },
+ { 81372, true },
+ { 81382, false },
+ { 81402, true },
+ { 81409, true },
+ { 81419, false },
+ { 81427, false },
+ { 81447, true },
+ { 81456, true },
+ { 81465, true },
+ { 81473, true },
+ { 81487, true },
+ { 81499, true },
+ { 81512, true },
+ { 81520, true },
+ { 81538, true },
+ { 81549, true },
+ { 81557, true },
+ { 81567, true },
+ { 81576, true },
+ { 81586, true },
+ { 81599, true },
+ { 81614, true },
+ { 81626, true },
+ { 81638, false },
+ { 81649, true },
+ { 81665, true },
+ { 81683, true },
+ { 81696, true },
+ { 81711, true },
+ { 81724, false },
+ { 81737, true },
+ { 81751, true },
+ { 81759, true },
+ { 81771, true },
+ { 81780, true },
+ { 81793, true },
+ { 81805, true },
+ { 81821, true },
+ { 81835, true },
+ { 81853, true },
+ { 81867, true },
+ { 81883, true },
+ { 81900, true },
+ { 81930, false },
+ { 81946, true },
+ { 81957, true },
+ { 81970, true },
+ { 81987, true },
+ { 82002, true },
+ { 82020, true },
+ { 82037, true },
+ { 82053, true },
+ { 82065, true },
+ { 82079, true },
{ 82108, true },
- { 82118, true },
- { 82127, true },
- { 82137, true },
- { 82152, true },
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+ { 82122, true },
+ { 82136, true },
+ { 82150, true },
+ { 82161, true },
+ { 82173, true },
+ { 82184, true },
+ { 82192, true },
+ { 82200, true },
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+ { 82228, true },
+ { 82238, true },
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+ { 82266, true },
{ 82275, true },
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- { 82343, true },
- { 82359, true },
- { 82373, true },
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- { 82558, true },
+ { 82287, true },
+ { 82296, true },
+ { 82307, true },
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+ { 82326, true },
+ { 82347, true },
+ { 82356, true },
+ { 82371, true },
+ { 82388, true },
+ { 82420, true },
+ { 82433, true },
+ { 82446, true },
+ { 82467, true },
+ { 82480, true },
+ { 82491, true },
+ { 82501, true },
+ { 82509, true },
+ { 82518, true },
+ { 82527, true },
+ { 82535, true },
+ { 82543, true },
+ { 82555, false },
+ { 82565, true },
{ 82575, true },
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- { 82803, true },
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+ { 82586, true },
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+ { 82624, true },
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+ { 82640, true },
+ { 82648, true },
+ { 82659, true },
+ { 82671, true },
+ { 82690, true },
+ { 82701, true },
+ { 82713, true },
+ { 82727, true },
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+ { 82759, true },
+ { 82775, false },
+ { 82788, true },
+ { 82801, true },
+ { 82813, true },
+ { 82826, true },
+ { 82838, true },
+ { 82849, true },
+ { 82866, true },
+ { 82876, true },
+ { 82886, true },
+ { 82898, true },
+ { 82909, true },
+ { 82923, true },
+ { 82939, true },
+ { 82951, true },
+ { 82973, true },
+ { 82990, true },
+ { 83009, true },
+ { 83018, true },
+ { 83027, true },
+ { 83052, true },
{ 83063, true },
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- { 83308, true },
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- { 83369, true },
- { 83386, true },
- { 83396, true },
+ { 83077, true },
+ { 83090, true },
+ { 83101, true },
+ { 83112, true },
+ { 83127, true },
+ { 83135, true },
+ { 83149, true },
+ { 83159, true },
+ { 83177, true },
+ { 83191, false },
+ { 83204, true },
+ { 83225, true },
+ { 83243, true },
+ { 83260, true },
+ { 83277, true },
+ { 83286, true },
+ { 83299, true },
+ { 83314, true },
+ { 83326, true },
+ { 83336, true },
+ { 83343, true },
+ { 83359, true },
+ { 83380, true },
+ { 83392, true },
{ 83406, true },
{ 83418, true },
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- { 83443, true },
- { 83459, true },
- { 83471, true },
- { 83493, true },
- { 83510, true },
- { 83529, true },
- { 83538, true },
- { 83547, true },
+ { 83428, true },
+ { 83439, true },
+ { 83450, true },
+ { 83465, true },
+ { 83475, true },
+ { 83488, false },
+ { 83506, true },
+ { 83517, true },
+ { 83532, true },
+ { 83545, true },
+ { 83562, true },
{ 83572, true },
- { 83583, true },
+ { 83582, true },
{ 83597, true },
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- { 83621, true },
+ { 83614, true },
{ 83632, true },
- { 83643, true },
- { 83658, true },
- { 83666, true },
- { 83680, true },
- { 83690, true },
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- { 83735, true },
- { 83756, true },
- { 83774, true },
- { 83791, true },
- { 83808, true },
- { 83817, true },
- { 83830, true },
- { 83845, true },
- { 83857, true },
- { 83867, true },
- { 83874, true },
- { 83890, true },
- { 83911, true },
- { 83923, true },
- { 83937, true },
- { 83949, true },
- { 83959, true },
- { 83970, true },
+ { 83644, true },
+ { 83659, true },
+ { 83684, true },
+ { 83701, true },
+ { 83720, true },
+ { 83741, true },
+ { 83762, true },
+ { 83776, true },
+ { 83793, true },
+ { 83818, true },
+ { 83839, true },
+ { 83861, true },
+ { 83882, true },
+ { 83906, true },
+ { 83921, true },
+ { 83941, true },
+ { 83951, true },
+ { 83974, true },
{ 83981, true },
- { 83996, true },
- { 84006, true },
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- { 84037, true },
- { 84048, true },
- { 84063, true },
- { 84076, true },
- { 84093, true },
- { 84103, true },
- { 84113, true },
- { 84128, true },
+ { 84000, true },
+ { 84020, true },
+ { 84039, true },
+ { 84055, true },
+ { 84066, true },
+ { 84077, true },
+ { 84087, true },
+ { 84101, true },
+ { 84114, true },
+ { 84129, true },
+ { 84137, true },
{ 84145, true },
- { 84163, true },
- { 84175, true },
- { 84190, true },
+ { 84157, true },
+ { 84168, true },
+ { 84183, true },
+ { 84197, true },
{ 84215, true },
- { 84232, true },
- { 84251, true },
- { 84272, true },
- { 84293, true },
- { 84307, true },
- { 84324, true },
- { 84349, true },
- { 84370, true },
- { 84392, true },
- { 84413, true },
- { 84437, true },
- { 84452, true },
- { 84472, true },
- { 84482, true },
- { 84505, true },
- { 84512, true },
- { 84531, true },
- { 84551, true },
- { 84570, true },
- { 84586, true },
- { 84597, true },
- { 84608, true },
- { 84618, true },
+ { 84228, true },
+ { 84247, true },
+ { 84258, true },
+ { 84273, true },
+ { 84288, true },
+ { 84302, true },
+ { 84319, true },
+ { 84334, true },
+ { 84348, true },
+ { 84362, true },
+ { 84373, true },
+ { 84386, true },
+ { 84394, true },
+ { 84403, true },
+ { 84421, true },
+ { 84435, true },
+ { 84442, true },
+ { 84453, true },
+ { 84470, true },
+ { 84483, false },
+ { 84495, true },
+ { 84506, true },
+ { 84516, true },
+ { 84534, true },
+ { 84557, true },
+ { 84572, true },
+ { 84593, true },
+ { 84617, true },
{ 84632, true },
- { 84645, true },
- { 84660, true },
- { 84668, true },
- { 84676, true },
+ { 84644, true },
+ { 84663, true },
+ { 84674, true },
{ 84688, true },
- { 84699, true },
- { 84714, true },
- { 84728, true },
- { 84746, true },
- { 84759, true },
- { 84778, true },
- { 84789, true },
- { 84804, true },
- { 84819, true },
- { 84833, true },
- { 84850, true },
- { 84865, true },
- { 84879, true },
- { 84893, true },
+ { 84700, true },
+ { 84715, true },
+ { 84738, true },
+ { 84758, true },
+ { 84780, true },
+ { 84793, true },
+ { 84808, false },
+ { 84827, true },
+ { 84840, true },
+ { 84851, true },
+ { 84870, true },
+ { 84883, true },
+ { 84894, true },
{ 84904, true },
- { 84917, true },
- { 84925, true },
+ { 84915, true },
+ { 84922, true },
{ 84934, true },
- { 84952, true },
- { 84966, true },
- { 84973, true },
- { 84984, true },
- { 85001, true },
- { 85014, false },
- { 85026, true },
- { 85037, true },
- { 85047, true },
+ { 84945, true },
+ { 84960, true },
+ { 84974, true },
+ { 84993, true },
+ { 85013, true },
+ { 85022, true },
+ { 85040, true },
+ { 85049, true },
{ 85065, true },
- { 85088, true },
- { 85103, true },
- { 85124, true },
- { 85148, true },
- { 85163, true },
- { 85175, true },
+ { 85077, true },
+ { 85092, true },
+ { 85104, true },
+ { 85118, true },
+ { 85138, true },
+ { 85149, true },
+ { 85165, true },
+ { 85182, true },
{ 85194, true },
- { 85205, true },
- { 85219, true },
- { 85231, true },
- { 85246, true },
- { 85269, true },
- { 85289, true },
- { 85311, true },
- { 85324, true },
- { 85339, false },
- { 85358, true },
- { 85371, true },
- { 85382, true },
- { 85401, true },
- { 85414, true },
- { 85425, true },
- { 85435, true },
- { 85446, true },
- { 85453, true },
- { 85465, true },
- { 85476, true },
- { 85491, true },
- { 85505, true },
- { 85524, true },
- { 85544, true },
- { 85553, true },
- { 85571, true },
- { 85580, true },
- { 85596, true },
- { 85608, true },
- { 85623, true },
- { 85635, true },
+ { 85210, true },
+ { 85227, true },
+ { 85240, true },
+ { 85248, true },
+ { 85257, true },
+ { 85275, true },
+ { 85284, true },
+ { 85298, false },
+ { 85307, true },
+ { 85321, true },
+ { 85341, true },
+ { 85351, true },
+ { 85361, true },
+ { 85384, true },
+ { 85396, true },
+ { 85406, true },
+ { 85413, true },
+ { 85422, true },
+ { 85431, true },
+ { 85443, false },
+ { 85457, true },
+ { 85467, true },
+ { 85480, true },
+ { 85490, true },
+ { 85500, true },
+ { 85513, true },
+ { 85525, true },
+ { 85541, true },
+ { 85554, true },
+ { 85572, true },
+ { 85582, true },
+ { 85593, true },
+ { 85602, true },
+ { 85615, true },
+ { 85628, true },
+ { 85638, true },
{ 85649, true },
- { 85669, true },
- { 85680, true },
- { 85696, true },
- { 85713, true },
- { 85725, true },
+ { 85658, true },
+ { 85671, true },
+ { 85679, true },
+ { 85690, true },
+ { 85708, true },
+ { 85718, true },
+ { 85730, true },
{ 85741, true },
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- { 85771, true },
- { 85779, true },
- { 85788, true },
- { 85806, true },
- { 85815, true },
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- { 85838, true },
- { 85852, true },
- { 85872, true },
- { 85882, true },
+ { 85753, true },
+ { 85768, false },
+ { 85785, true },
+ { 85808, true },
+ { 85817, true },
+ { 85830, true },
+ { 85841, false },
+ { 85856, false },
+ { 85867, false },
+ { 85874, true },
{ 85892, true },
- { 85915, true },
- { 85927, true },
- { 85937, true },
- { 85944, true },
- { 85953, true },
- { 85962, true },
- { 85974, false },
- { 85988, true },
- { 85998, true },
- { 86011, true },
- { 86021, true },
- { 86031, true },
+ { 85906, true },
+ { 85922, true },
+ { 85941, true },
+ { 85956, true },
+ { 85970, true },
+ { 85984, true },
+ { 85997, true },
+ { 86018, true },
+ { 86030, true },
{ 86044, true },
- { 86056, true },
- { 86072, true },
- { 86085, true },
- { 86103, true },
- { 86113, true },
+ { 86064, true },
+ { 86081, true },
+ { 86094, true },
+ { 86106, true },
{ 86124, true },
- { 86133, true },
- { 86146, true },
- { 86159, true },
- { 86169, true },
- { 86180, true },
+ { 86143, true },
+ { 86157, true },
+ { 86171, true },
{ 86189, true },
- { 86202, true },
- { 86210, true },
- { 86221, true },
- { 86239, true },
- { 86249, true },
- { 86261, true },
- { 86272, true },
- { 86284, true },
- { 86299, true },
- { 86316, true },
- { 86339, true },
- { 86348, true },
- { 86361, true },
- { 86372, false },
- { 86387, false },
- { 86398, false },
- { 86405, true },
- { 86423, true },
- { 86437, true },
- { 86453, true },
- { 86472, true },
- { 86487, true },
+ { 86204, true },
+ { 86220, true },
+ { 86232, true },
+ { 86247, true },
+ { 86264, true },
+ { 86283, true },
+ { 86303, true },
+ { 86326, true },
+ { 86345, true },
+ { 86364, true },
+ { 86383, true },
+ { 86393, true },
+ { 86408, true },
+ { 86430, true },
+ { 86451, true },
+ { 86471, false },
+ { 86490, true },
{ 86501, true },
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- { 86528, true },
- { 86549, true },
- { 86561, true },
- { 86575, true },
- { 86595, true },
- { 86612, true },
- { 86625, true },
- { 86637, true },
- { 86655, true },
- { 86674, true },
- { 86688, true },
- { 86702, true },
- { 86720, true },
- { 86735, true },
- { 86751, true },
- { 86763, true },
- { 86778, true },
- { 86795, true },
- { 86814, true },
- { 86834, true },
- { 86857, true },
- { 86876, true },
- { 86895, true },
- { 86914, true },
- { 86924, true },
- { 86939, true },
- { 86961, true },
- { 86982, true },
- { 87002, false },
- { 87021, true },
- { 87031, true },
- { 87043, true },
- { 87053, true },
- { 87065, true },
- { 87083, true },
+ { 86511, true },
+ { 86523, true },
+ { 86535, true },
+ { 86553, true },
+ { 86569, true },
+ { 86590, true },
+ { 86600, true },
+ { 86619, true },
+ { 86631, true },
+ { 86651, true },
+ { 86666, true },
+ { 86679, true },
+ { 86694, true },
+ { 86706, true },
+ { 86726, true },
+ { 86740, true },
+ { 86758, true },
+ { 86770, true },
+ { 86782, true },
+ { 86797, true },
+ { 86808, true },
+ { 86828, true },
+ { 86848, true },
+ { 86871, true },
+ { 86883, true },
+ { 86894, true },
+ { 86905, false },
+ { 86916, true },
+ { 86927, false },
+ { 86937, true },
+ { 86948, false },
+ { 86965, true },
+ { 86977, true },
+ { 86993, true },
+ { 87002, true },
+ { 87016, true },
+ { 87027, true },
+ { 87037, true },
+ { 87051, true },
+ { 87064, true },
+ { 87073, true },
+ { 87088, true },
{ 87099, true },
- { 87120, true },
+ { 87109, true },
+ { 87119, true },
{ 87130, true },
- { 87149, true },
+ { 87142, true },
{ 87161, true },
- { 87181, true },
- { 87196, true },
- { 87209, true },
- { 87224, true },
- { 87236, true },
- { 87256, true },
- { 87270, true },
- { 87288, true },
- { 87300, true },
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- { 87325, true },
- { 87340, true },
- { 87351, true },
- { 87371, true },
- { 87391, true },
- { 87414, true },
- { 87426, true },
- { 87437, true },
- { 87448, false },
- { 87459, true },
- { 87470, false },
- { 87480, true },
- { 87491, false },
- { 87508, true },
- { 87520, true },
- { 87536, true },
- { 87545, true },
- { 87559, true },
- { 87570, true },
- { 87580, true },
- { 87594, true },
- { 87607, true },
- { 87616, true },
- { 87631, true },
- { 87642, true },
- { 87652, true },
- { 87662, true },
- { 87673, true },
- { 87685, true },
- { 87704, true },
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- { 87731, true },
- { 87748, true },
- { 87759, true },
- { 87772, true },
- { 87790, true },
- { 87807, true },
- { 87821, true },
- { 87837, true },
- { 87850, true },
- { 87862, true },
- { 87871, true },
- { 87891, true },
- { 87903, true },
- { 87912, true },
+ { 87168, false },
+ { 87188, true },
+ { 87205, true },
+ { 87216, true },
+ { 87229, true },
+ { 87247, true },
+ { 87264, true },
+ { 87278, true },
+ { 87294, true },
+ { 87307, true },
+ { 87319, true },
+ { 87328, true },
+ { 87348, true },
+ { 87360, true },
+ { 87369, true },
+ { 87382, true },
+ { 87395, true },
+ { 87406, true },
+ { 87415, true },
+ { 87430, true },
+ { 87442, true },
+ { 87458, true },
+ { 87475, true },
+ { 87488, true },
+ { 87500, true },
+ { 87511, true },
+ { 87528, true },
+ { 87546, false },
+ { 87558, true },
+ { 87573, true },
+ { 87595, true },
+ { 87608, true },
+ { 87618, true },
+ { 87632, true },
+ { 87650, true },
+ { 87671, true },
+ { 87691, true },
+ { 87707, true },
+ { 87727, true },
+ { 87736, false },
+ { 87747, true },
+ { 87764, true },
+ { 87775, true },
+ { 87786, true },
+ { 87798, true },
+ { 87811, true },
+ { 87824, true },
+ { 87843, false },
+ { 87858, true },
+ { 87869, false },
+ { 87878, true },
+ { 87887, true },
+ { 87899, true },
+ { 87911, true },
{ 87925, true },
{ 87938, true },
- { 87949, true },
- { 87958, true },
- { 87973, true },
- { 87985, true },
- { 88001, true },
- { 88018, true },
- { 88031, true },
- { 88043, true },
- { 88054, true },
- { 88071, true },
- { 88089, false },
+ { 87952, true },
+ { 87975, true },
+ { 87986, true },
+ { 88000, true },
+ { 88017, true },
+ { 88038, true },
+ { 88066, true },
+ { 88077, true },
+ { 88087, true },
{ 88101, true },
- { 88116, true },
- { 88138, true },
- { 88151, true },
- { 88161, true },
- { 88175, true },
- { 88193, true },
- { 88214, true },
- { 88234, true },
- { 88250, true },
- { 88265, true },
- { 88285, true },
- { 88294, false },
- { 88305, true },
- { 88322, true },
- { 88333, true },
- { 88344, true },
- { 88356, true },
+ { 88109, true },
+ { 88120, true },
+ { 88128, false },
+ { 88148, true },
+ { 88163, true },
+ { 88176, true },
+ { 88189, true },
+ { 88197, true },
+ { 88217, true },
+ { 88249, true },
+ { 88264, true },
+ { 88283, true },
+ { 88298, true },
+ { 88313, true },
+ { 88334, true },
+ { 88355, true },
{ 88369, true },
{ 88382, true },
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- { 88416, true },
- { 88427, false },
- { 88436, true },
- { 88445, true },
+ { 88393, true },
+ { 88410, true },
+ { 88424, true },
+ { 88437, true },
{ 88457, true },
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- { 88483, true },
- { 88496, true },
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- { 88533, true },
- { 88544, true },
- { 88558, true },
- { 88575, true },
- { 88596, true },
- { 88624, true },
- { 88635, true },
- { 88645, true },
- { 88659, true },
- { 88667, true },
- { 88678, true },
- { 88686, false },
- { 88706, true },
- { 88721, true },
- { 88734, true },
- { 88747, true },
- { 88755, true },
- { 88775, true },
- { 88807, true },
- { 88822, true },
- { 88841, true },
- { 88856, true },
- { 88871, true },
- { 88892, true },
- { 88913, true },
- { 88927, true },
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- { 88968, true },
- { 88982, true },
- { 88995, true },
- { 89015, true },
- { 89029, true },
+ { 88471, true },
+ { 88485, true },
+ { 88505, true },
+ { 88521, true },
+ { 88539, true },
+ { 88554, true },
+ { 88569, false },
+ { 88582, true },
+ { 88594, true },
+ { 88608, true },
+ { 88622, true },
+ { 88638, true },
+ { 88648, true },
+ { 88657, true },
+ { 88670, true },
+ { 88686, true },
+ { 88699, true },
+ { 88709, true },
+ { 88723, true },
+ { 88738, true },
+ { 88750, true },
+ { 88764, true },
+ { 88772, true },
+ { 88784, true },
+ { 88795, true },
+ { 88816, true },
+ { 88835, true },
+ { 88853, true },
+ { 88873, true },
+ { 88885, true },
+ { 88903, true },
+ { 88919, true },
+ { 88936, true },
+ { 88949, true },
+ { 88962, true },
+ { 88976, true },
+ { 88991, true },
+ { 89008, true },
+ { 89027, true },
{ 89043, true },
- { 89063, true },
- { 89079, true },
+ { 89061, true },
+ { 89073, true },
+ { 89082, true },
{ 89097, true },
{ 89112, true },
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- { 89140, true },
- { 89152, true },
- { 89166, true },
- { 89180, true },
- { 89196, true },
- { 89206, true },
- { 89215, true },
- { 89228, true },
- { 89244, true },
- { 89257, true },
- { 89267, true },
- { 89281, true },
- { 89296, true },
- { 89308, true },
- { 89322, true },
- { 89330, true },
- { 89342, true },
- { 89353, true },
- { 89374, true },
- { 89393, true },
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+ { 89127, true },
+ { 89142, true },
+ { 89157, true },
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+ { 89182, true },
+ { 89192, true },
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+ { 89213, true },
+ { 89233, true },
+ { 89242, false },
+ { 89261, true },
+ { 89278, true },
+ { 89291, true },
+ { 89307, true },
+ { 89323, true },
+ { 89336, true },
+ { 89349, false },
+ { 89358, true },
+ { 89366, false },
+ { 89386, true },
+ { 89400, true },
+ { 89413, true },
{ 89431, true },
{ 89443, true },
- { 89461, true },
- { 89477, true },
- { 89494, true },
+ { 89460, true },
+ { 89474, true },
+ { 89491, true },
{ 89507, true },
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- { 89534, true },
- { 89549, true },
- { 89566, true },
- { 89585, true },
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- { 89631, true },
- { 89640, true },
- { 89655, true },
- { 89670, true },
- { 89685, true },
- { 89700, true },
+ { 89526, true },
+ { 89543, true },
+ { 89557, true },
+ { 89573, true },
+ { 89584, true },
+ { 89597, true },
+ { 89612, true },
+ { 89625, true },
+ { 89635, true },
+ { 89648, true },
+ { 89661, true },
+ { 89671, true },
+ { 89684, false },
+ { 89693, true },
+ { 89704, true },
{ 89715, true },
{ 89727, true },
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- { 89771, true },
- { 89791, true },
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- { 89836, true },
- { 89849, true },
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- { 89881, true },
- { 89894, true },
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- { 89989, true },
- { 90001, true },
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- { 90032, true },
- { 90049, true },
- { 90065, true },
- { 90084, true },
+ { 89738, true },
+ { 89747, true },
+ { 89756, true },
+ { 89774, true },
+ { 89791, false },
+ { 89807, false },
+ { 89831, true },
+ { 89850, true },
+ { 89858, true },
+ { 89867, true },
+ { 89879, true },
+ { 89904, true },
+ { 89921, true },
+ { 89938, true },
+ { 89951, true },
+ { 89969, true },
+ { 89975, true },
+ { 89997, true },
+ { 90009, true },
+ { 90022, true },
+ { 90038, true },
+ { 90059, true },
+ { 90071, true },
+ { 90083, true },
{ 90101, true },
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- { 90142, true },
+ { 90119, true },
+ { 90131, false },
+ { 90140, true },
{ 90155, true },
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- { 90183, true },
+ { 90177, true },
{ 90193, true },
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- { 90219, true },
+ { 90207, true },
{ 90229, true },
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- { 90251, true },
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- { 90273, true },
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- { 90296, true },
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- { 90408, true },
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- { 90425, true },
- { 90437, true },
- { 90462, true },
- { 90479, true },
+ { 90244, true },
+ { 90259, true },
+ { 90274, true },
+ { 90290, true },
+ { 90305, false },
+ { 90329, true },
+ { 90339, true },
+ { 90354, true },
+ { 90373, true },
+ { 90392, true },
+ { 90406, true },
+ { 90422, true },
+ { 90441, true },
+ { 90461, true },
+ { 90473, true },
+ { 90485, true },
{ 90496, true },
- { 90509, true },
- { 90527, true },
- { 90533, true },
- { 90555, true },
- { 90567, true },
- { 90580, true },
+ { 90506, true },
+ { 90519, true },
+ { 90538, false },
+ { 90548, true },
+ { 90563, true },
+ { 90572, true },
+ { 90583, true },
{ 90596, true },
- { 90617, true },
+ { 90613, true },
{ 90629, true },
- { 90641, true },
- { 90659, true },
- { 90677, true },
- { 90689, false },
+ { 90640, true },
+ { 90651, true },
+ { 90661, true },
+ { 90670, true },
+ { 90684, true },
{ 90698, true },
- { 90713, true },
- { 90735, true },
- { 90751, true },
- { 90765, true },
- { 90787, true },
- { 90802, true },
- { 90817, true },
- { 90832, true },
- { 90847, false },
- { 90871, true },
- { 90881, true },
- { 90896, true },
- { 90915, true },
- { 90934, true },
- { 90948, true },
- { 90964, true },
+ { 90715, true },
+ { 90737, true },
+ { 90759, true },
+ { 90776, true },
+ { 90796, true },
+ { 90821, true },
+ { 90831, true },
+ { 90842, true },
+ { 90851, true },
+ { 90860, true },
+ { 90870, true },
+ { 90884, true },
+ { 90902, true },
+ { 90920, true },
+ { 90938, true },
+ { 90950, true },
+ { 90972, true },
{ 90983, true },
- { 91003, true },
- { 91015, true },
- { 91027, true },
- { 91038, true },
- { 91048, true },
- { 91061, true },
- { 91080, false },
- { 91090, true },
- { 91105, true },
- { 91114, true },
- { 91125, true },
- { 91138, true },
- { 91149, true },
- { 91166, true },
- { 91182, true },
- { 91193, true },
+ { 90994, true },
+ { 91008, true },
+ { 91023, true },
+ { 91040, true },
+ { 91066, true },
+ { 91083, false },
+ { 91101, true },
+ { 91120, true },
+ { 91139, true },
+ { 91159, true },
+ { 91181, true },
{ 91204, true },
- { 91214, true },
- { 91223, true },
- { 91237, true },
- { 91251, true },
+ { 91218, true },
+ { 91228, true },
+ { 91238, true },
+ { 91252, true },
{ 91264, true },
- { 91281, true },
- { 91303, true },
- { 91325, true },
- { 91342, true },
- { 91362, true },
- { 91387, true },
- { 91397, true },
- { 91408, true },
- { 91417, true },
- { 91426, true },
- { 91436, true },
- { 91450, true },
- { 91468, true },
- { 91486, true },
- { 91504, true },
- { 91516, true },
- { 91538, true },
- { 91549, true },
- { 91560, true },
- { 91574, true },
- { 91589, true },
- { 91606, true },
- { 91632, true },
- { 91649, false },
- { 91667, true },
- { 91686, true },
- { 91705, true },
+ { 91284, true },
+ { 91294, true },
+ { 91306, true },
+ { 91332, true },
+ { 91353, true },
+ { 91365, true },
+ { 91374, true },
+ { 91386, true },
+ { 91411, true },
+ { 91428, true },
+ { 91449, true },
+ { 91466, true },
+ { 91480, true },
+ { 91494, true },
+ { 91502, true },
+ { 91514, true },
+ { 91526, true },
+ { 91539, true },
+ { 91553, true },
+ { 91580, true },
+ { 91592, true },
+ { 91612, true },
+ { 91625, true },
+ { 91637, true },
+ { 91650, true },
+ { 91663, true },
+ { 91672, true },
+ { 91684, true },
+ { 91708, true },
{ 91725, true },
- { 91747, true },
- { 91770, true },
+ { 91748, true },
+ { 91764, true },
{ 91784, true },
- { 91794, true },
- { 91804, true },
- { 91818, true },
- { 91830, true },
- { 91850, true },
- { 91860, true },
- { 91872, true },
- { 91898, true },
- { 91919, true },
- { 91931, true },
- { 91940, true },
- { 91952, true },
- { 91977, true },
- { 91994, true },
- { 92015, true },
- { 92032, true },
- { 92050, true },
- { 92064, true },
- { 92078, true },
- { 92086, true },
- { 92098, true },
- { 92110, true },
- { 92123, true },
- { 92137, true },
- { 92164, true },
- { 92176, true },
- { 92196, true },
- { 92209, true },
- { 92221, true },
- { 92234, true },
- { 92247, true },
- { 92256, true },
- { 92268, true },
- { 92292, true },
- { 92309, true },
- { 92332, true },
- { 92348, true },
- { 92368, true },
- { 92386, true },
- { 92406, true },
- { 92422, false },
- { 92441, true },
- { 92455, true },
- { 92464, true },
- { 92481, true },
- { 92499, true },
- { 92521, true },
- { 92532, true },
- { 92542, true },
- { 92556, true },
- { 92571, true },
- { 92583, true },
- { 92598, true },
- { 92611, true },
- { 92623, true },
- { 92635, true },
- { 92647, true },
- { 92660, true },
- { 92672, true },
- { 92682, true },
- { 92697, true },
- { 92709, true },
- { 92720, true },
+ { 91802, true },
+ { 91822, true },
+ { 91842, true },
+ { 91858, false },
+ { 91877, true },
+ { 91891, true },
+ { 91900, true },
+ { 91917, true },
+ { 91935, true },
+ { 91957, true },
+ { 91968, true },
+ { 91978, true },
+ { 91992, true },
+ { 92007, true },
+ { 92019, true },
+ { 92034, true },
+ { 92047, true },
+ { 92059, true },
+ { 92071, true },
+ { 92083, true },
+ { 92096, true },
+ { 92108, true },
+ { 92118, true },
+ { 92133, true },
+ { 92145, true },
+ { 92156, true },
+ { 92168, true },
+ { 92185, true },
+ { 92193, true },
+ { 92206, true },
+ { 92218, true },
+ { 92233, true },
+ { 92241, true },
+ { 92251, true },
+ { 92264, true },
+ { 92272, true },
+ { 92289, true },
+ { 92305, true },
+ { 92312, true },
+ { 92322, true },
+ { 92330, false },
+ { 92354, true },
+ { 92371, true },
+ { 92382, true },
+ { 92392, true },
+ { 92404, true },
+ { 92418, true },
+ { 92431, true },
+ { 92443, true },
+ { 92460, true },
+ { 92474, true },
+ { 92488, true },
+ { 92503, true },
+ { 92518, true },
+ { 92532, false },
+ { 92547, true },
+ { 92561, true },
+ { 92569, true },
+ { 92579, true },
+ { 92586, true },
+ { 92599, true },
+ { 92608, true },
+ { 92616, true },
+ { 92632, true },
+ { 92643, false },
+ { 92654, true },
+ { 92675, true },
+ { 92700, true },
+ { 92712, false },
{ 92732, true },
- { 92749, true },
- { 92757, true },
+ { 92751, true },
{ 92770, true },
- { 92782, true },
- { 92797, true },
- { 92805, true },
- { 92815, true },
- { 92828, true },
- { 92836, true },
- { 92853, true },
- { 92869, true },
- { 92876, true },
+ { 92790, true },
+ { 92810, true },
+ { 92830, true },
+ { 92849, true },
+ { 92868, true },
+ { 92878, true },
{ 92887, true },
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- { 92905, false },
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+ { 92900, true },
+ { 92910, true },
+ { 92923, true },
+ { 92935, true },
{ 92946, true },
{ 92957, true },
- { 92967, true },
- { 92979, true },
- { 92993, true },
- { 93006, true },
- { 93018, true },
- { 93035, true },
+ { 92967, false },
+ { 92978, true },
+ { 92987, true },
+ { 92994, true },
+ { 93005, true },
+ { 93019, true },
+ { 93026, true },
+ { 93040, true },
{ 93049, true },
- { 93063, true },
- { 93078, true },
- { 93093, true },
- { 93107, false },
- { 93122, true },
- { 93136, true },
- { 93144, true },
- { 93151, true },
- { 93164, true },
- { 93173, true },
- { 93181, true },
- { 93197, true },
- { 93208, false },
- { 93219, true },
- { 93240, true },
- { 93265, true },
- { 93277, false },
- { 93297, true },
- { 93316, true },
- { 93335, true },
- { 93355, true },
- { 93375, true },
- { 93395, true },
- { 93414, true },
- { 93433, true },
- { 93443, true },
- { 93452, true },
+ { 93060, true },
+ { 93086, true },
+ { 93109, true },
+ { 93129, true },
+ { 93146, true },
+ { 93161, true },
+ { 93175, true },
+ { 93194, true },
+ { 93205, true },
+ { 93223, true },
+ { 93238, true },
+ { 93254, true },
+ { 93275, true },
+ { 93295, true },
+ { 93310, true },
+ { 93325, true },
+ { 93339, true },
+ { 93348, true },
+ { 93356, true },
+ { 93369, true },
+ { 93387, true },
+ { 93398, true },
+ { 93408, true },
+ { 93417, true },
+ { 93428, true },
+ { 93438, true },
+ { 93449, true },
+ { 93456, true },
{ 93465, true },
- { 93475, true },
- { 93488, true },
- { 93500, true },
- { 93511, true },
- { 93522, true },
- { 93532, false },
- { 93543, true },
- { 93552, true },
- { 93559, true },
- { 93570, true },
- { 93584, true },
- { 93591, true },
- { 93605, true },
+ { 93472, true },
+ { 93483, true },
+ { 93491, true },
+ { 93499, true },
+ { 93518, true },
+ { 93538, false },
+ { 93554, true },
+ { 93565, true },
+ { 93587, true },
+ { 93600, true },
{ 93614, true },
- { 93625, true },
- { 93651, true },
- { 93674, true },
- { 93694, true },
- { 93711, true },
- { 93726, true },
- { 93744, true },
- { 93758, true },
- { 93777, true },
- { 93788, true },
+ { 93624, true },
+ { 93636, true },
+ { 93646, true },
+ { 93665, true },
+ { 93679, true },
+ { 93693, true },
+ { 93709, true },
+ { 93720, true },
+ { 93743, true },
+ { 93766, true },
+ { 93784, true },
+ { 93794, true },
{ 93806, true },
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- { 93837, true },
- { 93858, true },
- { 93878, true },
- { 93893, true },
- { 93908, true },
- { 93922, true },
- { 93931, true },
- { 93939, true },
- { 93952, true },
- { 93970, true },
- { 93981, true },
- { 93991, true },
- { 94000, true },
- { 94011, true },
- { 94021, true },
- { 94032, true },
+ { 93817, true },
+ { 93834, true },
+ { 93844, true },
+ { 93859, false },
+ { 93877, true },
+ { 93888, true },
+ { 93901, true },
+ { 93914, true },
+ { 93924, true },
+ { 93940, true },
+ { 93951, true },
+ { 93964, true },
+ { 93973, true },
+ { 93986, true },
+ { 93998, true },
+ { 94013, true },
+ { 94024, true },
{ 94039, true },
- { 94048, true },
- { 94055, true },
- { 94066, true },
- { 94074, true },
- { 94082, true },
- { 94101, true },
- { 94121, false },
- { 94137, true },
- { 94148, true },
- { 94170, true },
- { 94183, true },
- { 94197, true },
- { 94207, true },
- { 94219, true },
- { 94229, true },
- { 94248, true },
- { 94262, true },
- { 94276, true },
- { 94292, true },
+ { 94051, true },
+ { 94064, true },
+ { 94075, true },
+ { 94086, true },
+ { 94099, true },
+ { 94110, true },
+ { 94126, true },
+ { 94138, true },
+ { 94150, true },
+ { 94164, true },
+ { 94178, true },
+ { 94189, true },
+ { 94205, true },
+ { 94221, true },
+ { 94230, true },
+ { 94238, true },
+ { 94249, true },
+ { 94266, true },
+ { 94281, true },
+ { 94291, true },
{ 94303, true },
- { 94326, true },
- { 94349, true },
- { 94367, true },
+ { 94312, true },
+ { 94323, true },
+ { 94339, false },
+ { 94358, true },
{ 94377, true },
{ 94389, true },
- { 94406, true },
- { 94416, true },
- { 94431, false },
- { 94449, true },
- { 94460, true },
- { 94473, true },
+ { 94410, true },
+ { 94426, true },
+ { 94440, true },
+ { 94456, true },
+ { 94466, true },
{ 94486, true },
- { 94496, true },
- { 94512, true },
- { 94523, true },
- { 94536, true },
- { 94545, true },
- { 94558, true },
- { 94570, true },
- { 94585, true },
- { 94596, true },
- { 94611, true },
- { 94623, true },
- { 94636, true },
- { 94647, true },
- { 94658, true },
- { 94671, true },
+ { 94505, true },
+ { 94528, true },
+ { 94543, true },
+ { 94553, true },
+ { 94561, true },
+ { 94584, true },
+ { 94594, true },
+ { 94606, true },
+ { 94614, true },
+ { 94640, true },
+ { 94651, true },
+ { 94669, true },
{ 94682, true },
- { 94698, true },
- { 94710, true },
- { 94722, true },
- { 94736, true },
- { 94750, true },
- { 94761, true },
- { 94777, true },
- { 94793, true },
- { 94804, true },
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- { 95039, true },
- { 95049, true },
- { 95069, true },
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+ { 94690, true },
+ { 94702, true },
+ { 94729, true },
+ { 94760, true },
+ { 94770, true },
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+ { 94807, true },
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+ { 94831, true },
+ { 94844, true },
+ { 94866, true },
+ { 94878, true },
+ { 94892, true },
+ { 94903, true },
+ { 94914, true },
+ { 94925, false },
+ { 94932, true },
+ { 94959, false },
+ { 94970, true },
+ { 94986, true },
+ { 95000, true },
+ { 95017, true },
+ { 95033, true },
+ { 95043, true },
+ { 95061, true },
+ { 95072, true },
+ { 95086, true },
+ { 95101, true },
+ { 95118, true },
{ 95126, true },
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+ { 95143, true },
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{ 95197, true },
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+ { 95214, true },
{ 95234, true },
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+ { 95249, true },
+ { 95266, true },
+ { 95280, true },
+ { 95294, true },
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+ { 95320, false },
+ { 95338, true },
+ { 95361, true },
+ { 95370, true },
+ { 95378, true },
{ 95390, true },
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+ { 95412, true },
{ 95427, true },
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+ { 95441, true },
+ { 95455, true },
+ { 95468, true },
+ { 95483, true },
{ 95497, true },
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+ { 95518, true },
+ { 95528, true },
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+ { 95570, true },
+ { 95595, true },
+ { 95605, true },
+ { 95630, true },
{ 95655, true },
{ 95669, true },
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- { 96128, true },
- { 96136, false },
- { 96158, true },
- { 96170, true },
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+ { 95682, true },
+ { 95693, true },
+ { 95707, true },
+ { 95720, true },
+ { 95736, true },
+ { 95747, false },
+ { 95759, true },
+ { 95771, true },
+ { 95789, true },
+ { 95800, true },
+ { 95810, true },
+ { 95826, true },
+ { 95839, true },
+ { 95851, true },
+ { 95863, true },
+ { 95873, true },
+ { 95887, true },
+ { 95900, true },
+ { 95911, true },
+ { 95928, true },
+ { 95943, true },
+ { 95968, true },
+ { 95979, true },
+ { 95988, true },
+ { 95997, true },
+ { 96007, true },
+ { 96024, true },
+ { 96045, true },
+ { 96060, false },
+ { 96081, true },
+ { 96099, true },
+ { 96115, true },
+ { 96127, false },
+ { 96139, true },
+ { 96151, true },
+ { 96168, true },
+ { 96186, true },
{ 96205, true },
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- { 96255, true },
- { 96269, true },
- { 96282, true },
- { 96293, true },
- { 96307, true },
- { 96320, true },
- { 96336, true },
- { 96347, false },
- { 96359, true },
- { 96371, true },
- { 96382, true },
- { 96392, true },
- { 96408, true },
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- { 96445, true },
- { 96455, true },
- { 96469, true },
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- { 96561, true },
- { 96570, true },
- { 96579, true },
- { 96589, true },
- { 96606, true },
- { 96627, true },
- { 96642, false },
- { 96663, true },
+ { 96222, true },
+ { 96235, true },
+ { 96252, false },
+ { 96273, false },
+ { 96283, true },
+ { 96292, true },
+ { 96311, true },
+ { 96324, true },
+ { 96337, true },
+ { 96348, true },
+ { 96363, true },
+ { 96381, true },
+ { 96393, true },
+ { 96411, true },
+ { 96420, true },
+ { 96430, true },
+ { 96441, true },
+ { 96448, true },
+ { 96461, true },
+ { 96468, true },
+ { 96483, true },
+ { 96492, true },
+ { 96504, true },
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+ { 96536, true },
+ { 96546, true },
+ { 96563, true },
+ { 96581, true },
+ { 96598, true },
+ { 96611, true },
+ { 96623, true },
+ { 96637, true },
+ { 96650, true },
+ { 96665, true },
{ 96681, true },
- { 96693, true },
- { 96709, true },
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- { 96733, true },
- { 96745, true },
+ { 96701, true },
+ { 96714, true },
+ { 96728, true },
+ { 96740, true },
+ { 96751, true },
{ 96762, true },
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- { 96799, true },
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- { 96829, true },
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- { 96896, true },
- { 96909, true },
- { 96922, true },
- { 96933, true },
- { 96948, true },
- { 96966, true },
- { 96978, true },
- { 96996, true },
- { 97005, true },
- { 97015, true },
- { 97026, true },
- { 97033, true },
- { 97046, true },
- { 97053, true },
- { 97068, true },
+ { 96773, true },
+ { 96784, true },
+ { 96803, true },
+ { 96820, true },
+ { 96834, true },
+ { 96845, true },
+ { 96862, true },
+ { 96875, true },
+ { 96886, true },
+ { 96898, true },
+ { 96908, true },
+ { 96920, true },
+ { 96930, true },
+ { 96943, true },
+ { 96953, true },
+ { 96962, true },
+ { 96972, true },
+ { 96986, true },
+ { 97001, true },
+ { 97011, true },
+ { 97028, true },
+ { 97044, false },
+ { 97062, false },
{ 97077, true },
- { 97089, true },
- { 97101, false },
- { 97121, true },
- { 97131, true },
- { 97148, true },
- { 97166, true },
- { 97183, true },
- { 97196, true },
- { 97208, true },
- { 97222, true },
- { 97235, true },
- { 97250, true },
- { 97266, true },
- { 97286, true },
- { 97299, true },
- { 97313, true },
- { 97325, true },
- { 97336, true },
- { 97347, true },
- { 97358, true },
- { 97369, true },
+ { 97090, true },
+ { 97108, true },
+ { 97120, true },
+ { 97132, true },
+ { 97143, true },
+ { 97160, true },
+ { 97172, true },
+ { 97186, true },
+ { 97205, true },
+ { 97214, true },
+ { 97230, true },
+ { 97245, true },
+ { 97261, true },
+ { 97277, true },
+ { 97287, true },
+ { 97297, true },
+ { 97316, true },
+ { 97334, true },
+ { 97350, false },
+ { 97365, false },
{ 97388, true },
- { 97405, true },
- { 97419, true },
- { 97430, true },
- { 97447, true },
- { 97460, true },
- { 97471, true },
- { 97483, true },
- { 97493, true },
- { 97505, true },
- { 97515, true },
- { 97528, true },
- { 97541, true },
- { 97551, true },
+ { 97403, true },
+ { 97411, true },
+ { 97423, true },
+ { 97439, true },
+ { 97459, true },
+ { 97490, true },
+ { 97511, true },
+ { 97524, true },
+ { 97535, true },
+ { 97552, true },
{ 97560, true },
- { 97570, true },
- { 97584, true },
- { 97599, true },
- { 97609, true },
- { 97626, true },
- { 97642, false },
- { 97660, false },
- { 97675, true },
+ { 97569, true },
+ { 97577, true },
+ { 97590, true },
+ { 97604, false },
+ { 97611, true },
+ { 97619, true },
+ { 97628, true },
+ { 97639, true },
+ { 97658, false },
+ { 97678, true },
{ 97688, true },
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- { 97718, true },
- { 97730, true },
- { 97741, true },
- { 97758, true },
- { 97770, true },
- { 97784, true },
- { 97803, true },
- { 97812, true },
- { 97828, true },
- { 97843, true },
- { 97850, true },
- { 97866, true },
- { 97882, true },
- { 97892, true },
- { 97902, true },
- { 97921, true },
- { 97939, true },
- { 97955, false },
- { 97970, false },
- { 97993, true },
- { 98008, true },
- { 98016, true },
- { 98028, true },
- { 98044, true },
- { 98064, true },
- { 98095, true },
- { 98116, true },
- { 98129, true },
- { 98140, true },
- { 98157, true },
- { 98165, true },
- { 98174, true },
- { 98182, true },
- { 98195, true },
- { 98209, false },
- { 98216, true },
- { 98224, true },
+ { 97699, true },
+ { 97711, true },
+ { 97728, true },
+ { 97742, true },
+ { 97771, true },
+ { 97788, true },
+ { 97802, true },
+ { 97815, true },
+ { 97833, true },
+ { 97845, true },
+ { 97858, true },
+ { 97871, true },
+ { 97880, true },
+ { 97898, true },
+ { 97910, true },
+ { 97926, true },
+ { 97949, true },
+ { 97958, true },
+ { 97973, true },
+ { 97992, true },
+ { 98006, true },
+ { 98022, true },
+ { 98042, true },
+ { 98067, false },
+ { 98079, true },
+ { 98086, true },
+ { 98098, true },
+ { 98106, true },
+ { 98131, true },
+ { 98143, true },
+ { 98152, true },
+ { 98166, true },
+ { 98188, true },
+ { 98202, true },
+ { 98212, true },
{ 98233, true },
- { 98244, true },
- { 98263, false },
- { 98283, true },
- { 98293, true },
- { 98304, true },
- { 98316, true },
- { 98333, true },
- { 98347, true },
- { 98376, true },
- { 98393, true },
- { 98407, true },
- { 98420, true },
- { 98434, true },
- { 98452, true },
- { 98464, true },
- { 98477, true },
- { 98490, true },
- { 98499, true },
- { 98517, true },
- { 98529, true },
- { 98545, true },
- { 98568, true },
- { 98577, true },
- { 98592, true },
- { 98611, true },
- { 98625, true },
+ { 98246, true },
+ { 98256, true },
+ { 98268, true },
+ { 98279, true },
+ { 98296, false },
+ { 98309, false },
+ { 98330, true },
+ { 98349, true },
+ { 98369, true },
+ { 98380, true },
+ { 98392, true },
+ { 98408, true },
+ { 98423, true },
+ { 98438, true },
+ { 98451, false },
+ { 98460, true },
+ { 98475, true },
+ { 98488, true },
+ { 98504, true },
+ { 98522, true },
+ { 98532, true },
+ { 98544, true },
+ { 98557, true },
+ { 98570, false },
+ { 98583, true },
+ { 98594, true },
+ { 98606, true },
+ { 98622, true },
+ { 98632, false },
{ 98641, true },
- { 98661, true },
- { 98686, false },
- { 98698, true },
+ { 98663, true },
+ { 98677, true },
+ { 98690, true },
{ 98705, true },
- { 98717, true },
- { 98725, true },
- { 98750, true },
+ { 98720, true },
+ { 98739, false },
{ 98762, true },
- { 98771, true },
- { 98785, true },
- { 98807, true },
- { 98821, true },
- { 98831, true },
- { 98852, true },
- { 98865, true },
- { 98875, true },
- { 98887, true },
- { 98898, true },
- { 98915, false },
- { 98928, false },
- { 98949, true },
- { 98968, true },
- { 98988, true },
- { 98999, true },
+ { 98778, true },
+ { 98798, true },
+ { 98809, true },
+ { 98828, true },
+ { 98838, true },
+ { 98850, true },
+ { 98869, true },
+ { 98881, true },
+ { 98892, true },
+ { 98905, true },
+ { 98931, true },
+ { 98955, true },
+ { 98973, true },
+ { 98991, true },
{ 99011, true },
- { 99027, true },
+ { 99030, true },
{ 99042, true },
- { 99057, true },
- { 99070, false },
- { 99079, true },
- { 99094, true },
- { 99107, true },
- { 99123, true },
- { 99141, true },
- { 99151, true },
+ { 99061, true },
+ { 99081, true },
+ { 99093, true },
+ { 99116, true },
+ { 99124, true },
+ { 99140, true },
+ { 99152, true },
{ 99163, true },
- { 99176, true },
- { 99189, false },
- { 99202, true },
- { 99213, true },
- { 99225, true },
- { 99241, true },
- { 99251, true },
- { 99268, false },
- { 99277, true },
- { 99299, true },
- { 99313, true },
- { 99326, true },
- { 99341, true },
- { 99356, true },
- { 99375, false },
+ { 99175, true },
+ { 99186, true },
+ { 99199, true },
+ { 99210, true },
+ { 99223, true },
+ { 99240, true },
+ { 99250, true },
+ { 99259, true },
+ { 99273, true },
+ { 99285, true },
+ { 99304, true },
+ { 99314, true },
+ { 99336, true },
+ { 99350, true },
+ { 99359, true },
+ { 99370, true },
+ { 99380, true },
{ 99398, true },
- { 99414, true },
- { 99434, true },
- { 99445, true },
- { 99464, true },
- { 99474, true },
- { 99486, true },
- { 99505, true },
- { 99516, true },
- { 99542, true },
- { 99566, true },
- { 99584, true },
- { 99602, true },
- { 99622, true },
- { 99641, true },
- { 99660, true },
- { 99680, true },
- { 99692, true },
- { 99715, true },
- { 99723, true },
- { 99739, true },
- { 99751, true },
- { 99762, true },
- { 99774, true },
- { 99785, true },
- { 99798, true },
- { 99809, true },
- { 99822, true },
- { 99839, true },
- { 99849, true },
- { 99858, true },
- { 99872, true },
- { 99884, true },
- { 99903, true },
- { 99913, true },
- { 99935, true },
- { 99949, true },
- { 99958, true },
- { 99970, true },
- { 99981, true },
- { 99991, true },
- { 100009, true },
- { 100022, true },
- { 100033, true },
- { 100047, false },
- { 100061, true },
- { 100074, true },
- { 100086, false },
- { 100099, true },
- { 100111, true },
- { 100124, true },
- { 100137, true },
+ { 99411, true },
+ { 99422, true },
+ { 99436, false },
+ { 99450, true },
+ { 99463, true },
+ { 99475, true },
+ { 99487, true },
+ { 99500, true },
+ { 99513, true },
+ { 99528, true },
+ { 99547, true },
+ { 99560, true },
+ { 99574, true },
+ { 99590, true },
+ { 99613, true },
+ { 99628, true },
+ { 99643, true },
+ { 99667, true },
+ { 99687, true },
+ { 99700, true },
+ { 99721, true },
+ { 99737, true },
+ { 99750, true },
+ { 99763, true },
+ { 99776, true },
+ { 99788, true },
+ { 99805, true },
+ { 99820, true },
+ { 99838, true },
+ { 99852, true },
+ { 99863, true },
+ { 99885, true },
+ { 99894, true },
+ { 99908, true },
+ { 99920, true },
+ { 99936, true },
+ { 99951, true },
+ { 99974, true },
+ { 99985, true },
+ { 100003, true },
+ { 100016, true },
+ { 100035, true },
+ { 100053, true },
+ { 100071, true },
+ { 100082, false },
+ { 100102, true },
+ { 100121, true },
+ { 100135, false },
{ 100152, true },
{ 100171, true },
- { 100184, true },
- { 100198, true },
- { 100214, true },
- { 100237, true },
- { 100252, true },
- { 100267, true },
- { 100291, true },
- { 100311, true },
- { 100324, true },
- { 100345, true },
- { 100363, true },
- { 100379, true },
- { 100392, true },
- { 100405, true },
- { 100418, true },
- { 100430, true },
- { 100447, true },
- { 100462, true },
- { 100480, true },
- { 100494, true },
- { 100505, true },
- { 100527, true },
- { 100536, true },
- { 100550, true },
- { 100562, true },
- { 100578, true },
- { 100593, true },
- { 100616, true },
- { 100627, true },
- { 100645, true },
- { 100658, true },
- { 100677, true },
- { 100695, true },
- { 100713, true },
- { 100724, false },
- { 100744, true },
- { 100763, true },
- { 100777, false },
- { 100794, true },
- { 100813, true },
- { 100832, true },
- { 100855, true },
- { 100873, true },
+ { 100190, true },
+ { 100213, true },
+ { 100231, true },
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+ { 100263, true },
+ { 100286, true },
+ { 100310, true },
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+ { 100356, true },
+ { 100384, true },
+ { 100413, true },
+ { 100426, true },
+ { 100444, true },
+ { 100467, true },
+ { 100479, true },
+ { 100490, true },
+ { 100501, true },
+ { 100519, true },
+ { 100545, true },
+ { 100574, true },
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+ { 100606, true },
+ { 100624, false },
+ { 100639, false },
+ { 100655, true },
+ { 100671, true },
+ { 100687, true },
+ { 100699, true },
+ { 100719, true },
+ { 100739, true },
+ { 100759, true },
+ { 100778, true },
+ { 100796, false },
+ { 100814, true },
+ { 100834, true },
+ { 100853, true },
+ { 100868, true },
{ 100880, true },
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- { 100912, true },
- { 100935, true },
- { 100959, true },
- { 100982, true },
- { 101005, true },
- { 101033, true },
- { 101062, true },
- { 101075, true },
- { 101093, true },
- { 101116, true },
- { 101128, true },
- { 101139, true },
- { 101150, true },
- { 101168, true },
+ { 100894, true },
+ { 100909, true },
+ { 100920, true },
+ { 100929, true },
+ { 100939, true },
+ { 100949, false },
+ { 100966, true },
+ { 100979, true },
+ { 100994, true },
+ { 101008, true },
+ { 101020, true },
+ { 101037, true },
+ { 101072, true },
+ { 101082, true },
+ { 101098, true },
+ { 101118, true },
+ { 101130, true },
+ { 101141, true },
+ { 101156, true },
+ { 101167, true },
+ { 101180, true },
{ 101194, true },
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- { 101235, false },
- { 101255, true },
- { 101273, false },
- { 101288, false },
- { 101304, true },
- { 101320, true },
- { 101336, true },
- { 101348, true },
+ { 101210, true },
+ { 101219, true },
+ { 101231, true },
+ { 101243, true },
+ { 101252, true },
+ { 101264, true },
+ { 101279, true },
+ { 101293, true },
+ { 101303, true },
+ { 101318, false },
+ { 101331, true },
+ { 101343, true },
+ { 101358, true },
{ 101368, true },
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- { 101408, true },
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- { 101588, true },
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+ { 101385, true },
+ { 101400, true },
+ { 101414, true },
+ { 101433, true },
+ { 101444, true },
+ { 101461, true },
+ { 101474, true },
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+ { 101519, true },
+ { 101534, true },
+ { 101551, true },
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+ { 101594, true },
+ { 101607, true },
+ { 101617, true },
+ { 101630, true },
+ { 101642, true },
+ { 101661, true },
+ { 101671, true },
+ { 101692, true },
+ { 101702, true },
+ { 101712, true },
+ { 101723, true },
+ { 101740, true },
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+ { 101765, true },
+ { 101777, true },
+ { 101806, true },
+ { 101814, true },
+ { 101825, false },
+ { 101845, true },
+ { 101863, true },
+ { 101877, true },
+ { 101897, true },
+ { 101908, true },
+ { 101926, true },
{ 101942, true },
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+ { 101967, true },
+ { 101978, true },
+ { 101989, true },
+ { 102004, true },
+ { 102032, true },
+ { 102040, true },
+ { 102058, true },
+ { 102077, true },
+ { 102090, true },
{ 102110, true },
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- { 102183, true },
- { 102200, true },
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- { 102256, true },
- { 102266, true },
- { 102279, true },
- { 102291, true },
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+ { 102127, true },
+ { 102138, true },
+ { 102157, true },
+ { 102174, true },
+ { 102191, true },
+ { 102206, true },
+ { 102217, true },
+ { 102230, true },
+ { 102255, true },
+ { 102268, true },
+ { 102283, true },
+ { 102305, true },
+ { 102318, true },
+ { 102329, true },
{ 102341, true },
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- { 102372, true },
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- { 102414, true },
- { 102426, true },
- { 102455, true },
- { 102463, true },
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+ { 102349, true },
+ { 102356, true },
+ { 102374, false },
+ { 102392, true },
+ { 102404, true },
+ { 102417, true },
+ { 102431, true },
+ { 102441, true },
+ { 102450, true },
+ { 102461, true },
+ { 102475, true },
+ { 102498, true },
{ 102512, true },
{ 102526, true },
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- { 102557, true },
- { 102575, true },
- { 102591, true },
- { 102616, true },
- { 102627, true },
- { 102638, true },
- { 102653, true },
- { 102681, true },
- { 102689, true },
- { 102707, true },
- { 102720, true },
- { 102740, true },
+ { 102540, true },
+ { 102554, true },
+ { 102566, true },
+ { 102578, true },
+ { 102589, true },
+ { 102601, true },
+ { 102615, true },
+ { 102642, true },
+ { 102662, true },
+ { 102674, true },
+ { 102693, true },
+ { 102703, true },
+ { 102715, true },
+ { 102723, true },
+ { 102738, true },
+ { 102748, true },
{ 102757, true },
- { 102768, true },
- { 102787, true },
+ { 102769, true },
+ { 102782, true },
+ { 102792, true },
{ 102804, true },
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- { 102836, true },
- { 102847, true },
- { 102860, true },
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- { 102898, true },
- { 102913, true },
- { 102935, true },
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- { 102959, true },
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+ { 102823, true },
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+ { 102863, true },
+ { 102874, true },
+ { 102889, true },
+ { 102904, false },
+ { 102921, true },
+ { 102937, true },
+ { 102951, true },
+ { 102966, true },
{ 102986, true },
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- { 103034, true },
- { 103047, true },
- { 103061, true },
- { 103071, true },
- { 103080, true },
- { 103091, true },
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- { 103128, true },
- { 103142, true },
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- { 103166, true },
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+ { 103002, true },
+ { 103021, true },
+ { 103042, true },
+ { 103062, true },
+ { 103081, true },
+ { 103099, true },
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+ { 103130, true },
+ { 103144, true },
+ { 103159, true },
+ { 103174, false },
+ { 103188, true },
+ { 103203, false },
+ { 103213, true },
+ { 103231, true },
+ { 103253, true },
+ { 103267, true },
+ { 103286, true },
+ { 103304, true },
+ { 103318, true },
{ 103333, true },
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- { 103375, true },
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- { 103399, true },
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- { 103531, true },
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- { 103579, true },
- { 103593, true },
+ { 103345, false },
+ { 103356, true },
+ { 103369, true },
+ { 103388, true },
+ { 103407, false },
+ { 103420, false },
+ { 103439, true },
+ { 103450, true },
+ { 103464, true },
+ { 103483, true },
+ { 103508, true },
+ { 103526, true },
+ { 103541, true },
+ { 103558, true },
+ { 103568, true },
+ { 103580, true },
+ { 103595, true },
{ 103608, true },
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- { 103644, true },
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- { 103684, true },
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- { 103741, true },
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- { 103786, true },
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- { 103816, false },
- { 103830, true },
- { 103845, false },
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- { 103873, true },
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- { 103960, true },
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- { 103998, true },
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- { 104030, true },
- { 104049, false },
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+ { 103624, true },
+ { 103645, true },
+ { 103664, true },
+ { 103676, true },
+ { 103688, true },
+ { 103703, true },
+ { 103718, true },
+ { 103732, true },
+ { 103755, false },
+ { 103768, true },
+ { 103776, true },
+ { 103788, true },
+ { 103805, true },
+ { 103816, true },
+ { 103829, false },
+ { 103846, true },
+ { 103859, true },
+ { 103870, true },
+ { 103883, true },
+ { 103898, false },
+ { 103922, true },
+ { 103934, true },
+ { 103959, true },
+ { 103968, true },
+ { 103978, true },
+ { 103999, true },
+ { 104008, true },
+ { 104027, true },
+ { 104045, true },
+ { 104061, true },
{ 104081, true },
- { 104092, true },
- { 104106, true },
- { 104125, true },
- { 104150, true },
- { 104168, true },
- { 104183, true },
- { 104200, true },
- { 104210, true },
- { 104222, true },
- { 104237, true },
- { 104250, true },
- { 104266, true },
- { 104287, true },
- { 104306, true },
- { 104318, true },
- { 104330, true },
- { 104345, true },
- { 104360, true },
- { 104374, true },
- { 104397, false },
+ { 104094, true },
+ { 104108, true },
+ { 104115, true },
+ { 104136, true },
+ { 104155, true },
+ { 104177, true },
+ { 104203, true },
+ { 104218, true },
+ { 104233, true },
+ { 104247, true },
+ { 104257, true },
+ { 104265, true },
+ { 104280, false },
+ { 104298, true },
+ { 104311, true },
+ { 104321, true },
+ { 104336, true },
+ { 104352, true },
+ { 104362, true },
+ { 104372, true },
+ { 104385, true },
+ { 104400, true },
{ 104410, true },
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- { 104430, true },
- { 104447, true },
- { 104458, true },
- { 104471, false },
- { 104488, true },
- { 104501, true },
- { 104512, true },
- { 104525, true },
- { 104540, false },
- { 104564, true },
- { 104576, true },
+ { 104419, false },
+ { 104434, true },
+ { 104445, true },
+ { 104455, true },
+ { 104465, true },
+ { 104477, true },
+ { 104490, true },
+ { 104505, true },
+ { 104524, true },
+ { 104541, true },
+ { 104549, true },
+ { 104562, true },
+ { 104577, true },
+ { 104589, true },
{ 104601, true },
- { 104610, true },
- { 104622, true },
- { 104632, true },
+ { 104609, true },
+ { 104617, true },
+ { 104625, true },
+ { 104638, true },
{ 104653, true },
- { 104662, true },
- { 104681, true },
- { 104699, true },
- { 104715, true },
- { 104735, true },
- { 104748, true },
- { 104762, true },
- { 104769, true },
- { 104790, true },
- { 104809, true },
- { 104831, true },
- { 104857, true },
- { 104872, true },
- { 104887, true },
- { 104901, true },
- { 104911, true },
- { 104919, true },
- { 104934, false },
- { 104952, true },
+ { 104668, true },
+ { 104678, true },
+ { 104690, true },
+ { 104706, true },
+ { 104729, true },
+ { 104742, true },
+ { 104755, true },
+ { 104772, true },
+ { 104786, true },
+ { 104805, true },
+ { 104823, false },
+ { 104850, true },
+ { 104876, true },
+ { 104891, true },
+ { 104908, true },
+ { 104924, true },
+ { 104941, true },
+ { 104954, true },
{ 104965, true },
- { 104975, true },
- { 104990, true },
- { 105006, true },
- { 105016, true },
- { 105026, true },
- { 105039, true },
- { 105054, true },
+ { 104976, true },
+ { 104989, true },
+ { 105002, true },
+ { 105034, true },
+ { 105043, true },
{ 105064, true },
- { 105073, false },
- { 105088, true },
- { 105099, true },
- { 105109, true },
- { 105119, true },
- { 105131, true },
- { 105144, true },
- { 105159, true },
- { 105178, true },
- { 105195, true },
- { 105203, true },
- { 105216, true },
- { 105231, true },
- { 105243, true },
- { 105255, true },
- { 105263, true },
- { 105271, true },
- { 105279, true },
- { 105292, true },
- { 105307, true },
+ { 105078, true },
+ { 105087, true },
+ { 105094, true },
+ { 105102, true },
+ { 105116, true },
+ { 105125, true },
+ { 105134, true },
+ { 105142, true },
+ { 105150, false },
+ { 105166, true },
+ { 105187, true },
+ { 105201, true },
+ { 105214, true },
+ { 105226, true },
+ { 105241, true },
+ { 105253, true },
+ { 105265, true },
+ { 105277, true },
+ { 105294, true },
+ { 105304, true },
+ { 105315, true },
{ 105322, true },
- { 105332, true },
- { 105344, true },
- { 105360, true },
- { 105383, true },
- { 105396, true },
- { 105409, true },
- { 105426, true },
- { 105440, true },
- { 105459, true },
- { 105477, false },
- { 105504, true },
- { 105530, true },
- { 105545, true },
- { 105561, true },
- { 105578, true },
- { 105591, true },
- { 105602, true },
- { 105613, true },
- { 105626, true },
- { 105639, true },
- { 105671, true },
- { 105680, true },
- { 105701, true },
- { 105715, true },
- { 105724, true },
- { 105731, true },
- { 105739, true },
+ { 105336, true },
+ { 105356, true },
+ { 105372, true },
+ { 105387, true },
+ { 105407, true },
+ { 105425, true },
+ { 105432, true },
+ { 105449, true },
+ { 105460, true },
+ { 105469, true },
+ { 105487, true },
+ { 105514, true },
+ { 105534, true },
+ { 105552, true },
+ { 105569, false },
+ { 105584, true },
+ { 105598, true },
+ { 105612, true },
+ { 105627, true },
+ { 105648, true },
+ { 105667, true },
+ { 105675, true },
+ { 105686, true },
+ { 105708, true },
+ { 105727, true },
{ 105753, true },
- { 105762, true },
- { 105771, true },
- { 105779, true },
- { 105787, false },
- { 105803, true },
- { 105824, true },
- { 105838, true },
- { 105851, true },
- { 105863, true },
- { 105878, true },
- { 105890, true },
+ { 105763, true },
+ { 105781, true },
+ { 105796, true },
+ { 105804, true },
+ { 105812, true },
+ { 105826, true },
+ { 105835, true },
+ { 105848, true },
+ { 105861, true },
+ { 105871, true },
{ 105902, true },
- { 105914, true },
- { 105931, true },
+ { 105918, true },
{ 105941, true },
- { 105952, true },
- { 105959, true },
- { 105973, true },
- { 105993, true },
- { 106009, true },
- { 106024, true },
- { 106044, true },
- { 106062, true },
- { 106069, true },
- { 106086, true },
- { 106097, true },
- { 106106, true },
- { 106124, true },
- { 106151, true },
+ { 105966, true },
+ { 105982, true },
+ { 105992, true },
+ { 106017, true },
+ { 106029, true },
+ { 106047, true },
+ { 106064, true },
+ { 106080, true },
+ { 106092, true },
+ { 106107, true },
+ { 106118, true },
+ { 106126, true },
+ { 106136, true },
+ { 106147, true },
+ { 106162, true },
{ 106171, true },
- { 106189, true },
- { 106206, false },
- { 106221, true },
- { 106235, true },
- { 106249, true },
- { 106264, true },
- { 106285, true },
+ { 106178, true },
+ { 106188, true },
+ { 106199, true },
+ { 106208, true },
+ { 106217, true },
+ { 106226, false },
+ { 106239, true },
+ { 106255, true },
+ { 106275, true },
+ { 106289, true },
{ 106304, true },
{ 106312, true },
- { 106323, true },
- { 106345, true },
- { 106364, true },
- { 106390, true },
- { 106400, true },
- { 106415, true },
- { 106423, true },
- { 106431, true },
- { 106445, true },
- { 106454, true },
- { 106467, true },
- { 106480, true },
- { 106490, true },
- { 106521, true },
- { 106537, true },
- { 106560, true },
- { 106585, true },
+ { 106325, true },
+ { 106338, true },
+ { 106360, true },
+ { 106388, true },
+ { 106408, true },
+ { 106427, true },
+ { 106463, true },
+ { 106473, true },
+ { 106486, true },
+ { 106495, true },
+ { 106514, true },
+ { 106527, true },
+ { 106533, true },
+ { 106550, true },
+ { 106564, true },
+ { 106578, true },
+ { 106590, true },
{ 106601, true },
- { 106611, true },
- { 106636, true },
- { 106648, true },
+ { 106614, true },
+ { 106633, true },
+ { 106645, true },
+ { 106657, true },
{ 106666, true },
- { 106683, true },
- { 106699, true },
- { 106711, true },
- { 106726, true },
- { 106737, true },
- { 106745, true },
- { 106755, true },
- { 106766, true },
- { 106781, true },
- { 106790, true },
- { 106797, true },
- { 106807, true },
- { 106818, true },
- { 106827, true },
- { 106836, true },
- { 106845, true },
- { 106863, false },
- { 106876, true },
+ { 106677, true },
+ { 106686, true },
+ { 106705, true },
+ { 106718, true },
+ { 106735, true },
+ { 106748, true },
+ { 106758, true },
+ { 106773, true },
+ { 106784, true },
+ { 106799, true },
+ { 106812, true },
+ { 106826, true },
+ { 106839, true },
+ { 106851, true },
+ { 106866, true },
+ { 106880, true },
{ 106892, true },
- { 106912, true },
- { 106926, true },
- { 106941, true },
- { 106949, true },
- { 106962, true },
- { 106975, true },
- { 106997, true },
- { 107025, true },
- { 107045, true },
- { 107064, true },
- { 107100, true },
- { 107110, true },
- { 107123, true },
- { 107132, true },
- { 107151, true },
- { 107164, true },
- { 107170, true },
- { 107187, true },
- { 107201, true },
- { 107215, true },
- { 107227, true },
- { 107238, true },
- { 107251, true },
- { 107270, true },
+ { 106909, true },
+ { 106918, true },
+ { 106942, true },
+ { 106957, true },
+ { 106973, true },
+ { 106991, true },
+ { 107004, true },
+ { 107017, true },
+ { 107031, true },
+ { 107047, true },
+ { 107071, true },
+ { 107081, true },
+ { 107099, true },
+ { 107128, true },
+ { 107153, true },
+ { 107178, true },
+ { 107207, true },
+ { 107219, true },
+ { 107233, true },
+ { 107252, true },
+ { 107265, true },
{ 107282, true },
- { 107294, true },
- { 107303, true },
- { 107314, true },
- { 107323, true },
- { 107342, true },
- { 107355, true },
- { 107372, true },
- { 107385, true },
- { 107395, true },
+ { 107300, true },
+ { 107314, false },
+ { 107325, true },
+ { 107335, false },
+ { 107348, true },
+ { 107358, true },
+ { 107377, true },
+ { 107399, true },
{ 107410, true },
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- { 107436, true },
- { 107449, true },
+ { 107423, true },
+ { 107434, true },
+ { 107442, true },
+ { 107453, true },
{ 107463, true },
- { 107476, true },
- { 107488, true },
+ { 107471, true },
+ { 107480, false },
+ { 107486, true },
+ { 107495, true },
{ 107503, true },
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- { 107529, true },
- { 107546, true },
- { 107555, true },
- { 107579, true },
+ { 107522, true },
+ { 107547, true },
+ { 107560, true },
+ { 107574, true },
+ { 107584, true },
{ 107594, true },
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- { 107628, true },
- { 107641, true },
- { 107654, true },
- { 107668, true },
- { 107684, true },
- { 107708, true },
- { 107718, true },
- { 107736, true },
- { 107765, true },
- { 107790, true },
- { 107815, true },
- { 107844, true },
- { 107856, true },
- { 107870, true },
- { 107889, true },
- { 107902, true },
- { 107919, true },
- { 107937, true },
- { 107951, false },
- { 107962, true },
- { 107972, false },
- { 107985, true },
- { 107995, true },
- { 108014, true },
- { 108036, true },
- { 108047, true },
+ { 107613, true },
+ { 107625, true },
+ { 107640, true },
+ { 107652, true },
+ { 107665, true },
+ { 107677, true },
+ { 107686, true },
+ { 107696, true },
+ { 107715, true },
+ { 107726, true },
+ { 107737, true },
+ { 107751, true },
+ { 107767, true },
+ { 107780, true },
+ { 107799, true },
+ { 107820, true },
+ { 107836, true },
+ { 107863, false },
+ { 107879, true },
+ { 107894, true },
+ { 107912, true },
+ { 107931, true },
+ { 107941, true },
+ { 107954, true },
+ { 107971, true },
+ { 107990, true },
+ { 108007, true },
+ { 108025, true },
+ { 108042, true },
{ 108060, true },
- { 108071, true },
- { 108079, true },
- { 108090, true },
- { 108100, true },
- { 108108, true },
- { 108117, false },
- { 108123, true },
- { 108132, true },
- { 108140, true },
- { 108159, true },
- { 108184, true },
- { 108192, true },
- { 108205, true },
- { 108219, true },
- { 108229, true },
- { 108239, true },
- { 108258, true },
- { 108270, true },
- { 108285, true },
- { 108297, true },
- { 108310, true },
- { 108322, true },
+ { 108073, true },
+ { 108089, true },
+ { 108102, true },
+ { 108115, true },
+ { 108129, true },
+ { 108144, true },
+ { 108153, true },
+ { 108171, false },
+ { 108188, true },
+ { 108206, true },
+ { 108230, true },
+ { 108252, true },
+ { 108275, true },
+ { 108292, true },
+ { 108306, true },
+ { 108317, true },
{ 108331, true },
- { 108350, true },
+ { 108341, true },
{ 108361, true },
- { 108372, true },
- { 108386, true },
- { 108402, true },
- { 108415, true },
- { 108434, true },
- { 108455, true },
- { 108471, true },
- { 108498, false },
- { 108514, true },
- { 108529, true },
- { 108547, true },
- { 108566, true },
- { 108576, true },
- { 108589, true },
- { 108606, true },
- { 108625, true },
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+ { 108375, true },
+ { 108388, true },
+ { 108408, true },
+ { 108426, true },
+ { 108441, true },
+ { 108457, true },
+ { 108468, true },
+ { 108483, true },
+ { 108500, true },
+ { 108523, true },
+ { 108540, true },
+ { 108553, true },
+ { 108570, true },
+ { 108590, true },
+ { 108600, false },
+ { 108614, false },
+ { 108633, true },
+ { 108650, true },
{ 108660, true },
- { 108677, true },
+ { 108679, true },
{ 108695, true },
- { 108708, true },
- { 108724, true },
- { 108737, true },
- { 108750, true },
- { 108764, true },
- { 108779, true },
- { 108795, true },
- { 108804, true },
+ { 108726, true },
+ { 108745, true },
+ { 108759, true },
+ { 108774, true },
+ { 108789, true },
+ { 108810, true },
{ 108822, true },
- { 108842, false },
- { 108859, true },
- { 108877, true },
- { 108901, true },
+ { 108839, true },
+ { 108852, true },
+ { 108868, true },
+ { 108878, true },
+ { 108889, false },
+ { 108899, true },
+ { 108907, true },
{ 108923, true },
- { 108946, true },
- { 108963, true },
- { 108977, true },
- { 108988, true },
- { 109002, true },
- { 109012, true },
- { 109032, true },
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- { 109079, true },
- { 109097, true },
- { 109112, true },
- { 109128, true },
- { 109139, true },
- { 109154, true },
- { 109171, true },
- { 109194, true },
- { 109211, true },
- { 109224, true },
- { 109241, true },
- { 109261, true },
- { 109271, false },
- { 109285, false },
- { 109304, true },
- { 109321, true },
- { 109331, true },
- { 109344, true },
- { 109363, true },
- { 109379, true },
- { 109410, true },
- { 109429, true },
- { 109443, true },
- { 109458, true },
- { 109473, true },
- { 109494, true },
- { 109506, true },
- { 109523, true },
- { 109536, true },
- { 109552, true },
- { 109562, true },
- { 109573, false },
- { 109583, true },
- { 109591, true },
- { 109607, true },
- { 109625, true },
- { 109638, true },
- { 109656, true },
- { 109666, true },
- { 109677, true },
- { 109693, true },
- { 109703, true },
- { 109719, true },
- { 109733, true },
+ { 108941, true },
+ { 108954, true },
+ { 108972, true },
+ { 108982, true },
+ { 108993, true },
+ { 109009, true },
+ { 109019, true },
+ { 109035, true },
+ { 109049, true },
+ { 109064, true },
+ { 109082, true },
+ { 109095, true },
+ { 109108, true },
+ { 109121, true },
+ { 109133, true },
+ { 109152, true },
+ { 109162, true },
+ { 109170, false },
+ { 109182, true },
+ { 109193, false },
+ { 109209, true },
+ { 109225, true },
+ { 109249, true },
+ { 109264, true },
+ { 109277, true },
+ { 109294, true },
+ { 109308, true },
+ { 109319, true },
+ { 109336, true },
+ { 109348, true },
+ { 109365, true },
+ { 109377, true },
+ { 109394, true },
+ { 109414, true },
+ { 109434, true },
+ { 109451, true },
+ { 109461, true },
+ { 109478, true },
+ { 109489, true },
+ { 109501, true },
+ { 109510, true },
+ { 109520, true },
+ { 109529, true },
+ { 109542, true },
+ { 109557, true },
+ { 109568, true },
+ { 109577, true },
+ { 109590, true },
+ { 109602, true },
+ { 109613, true },
+ { 109626, true },
+ { 109636, true },
+ { 109647, true },
+ { 109656, false },
+ { 109673, true },
+ { 109685, true },
+ { 109698, false },
+ { 109709, true },
+ { 109722, true },
+ { 109732, true },
+ { 109740, true },
{ 109748, true },
- { 109766, true },
- { 109779, true },
- { 109792, true },
- { 109805, true },
- { 109817, true },
- { 109836, true },
- { 109846, true },
- { 109854, false },
- { 109866, true },
- { 109877, false },
- { 109893, true },
- { 109909, true },
- { 109933, true },
- { 109948, true },
- { 109961, true },
- { 109978, true },
- { 109992, true },
- { 110003, true },
- { 110020, true },
- { 110032, true },
- { 110049, true },
- { 110061, true },
- { 110078, true },
- { 110098, true },
+ { 109757, true },
+ { 109769, true },
+ { 109778, true },
+ { 109791, true },
+ { 109806, true },
+ { 109828, true },
+ { 109844, false },
+ { 109856, true },
+ { 109872, true },
+ { 109886, true },
+ { 109894, true },
+ { 109908, true },
+ { 109919, true },
+ { 109936, true },
+ { 109956, true },
+ { 109969, true },
+ { 109985, true },
+ { 110000, true },
+ { 110017, true },
+ { 110033, true },
+ { 110046, true },
+ { 110067, true },
+ { 110089, true },
+ { 110104, true },
{ 110118, true },
- { 110135, true },
- { 110145, true },
- { 110162, true },
+ { 110132, false },
+ { 110153, true },
{ 110173, true },
{ 110185, true },
- { 110194, true },
- { 110204, true },
- { 110213, true },
- { 110226, true },
- { 110241, true },
- { 110252, true },
- { 110261, true },
- { 110274, true },
- { 110286, true },
- { 110297, true },
- { 110310, true },
- { 110320, true },
- { 110331, true },
- { 110340, false },
- { 110357, true },
- { 110369, true },
- { 110382, false },
- { 110393, true },
- { 110406, true },
- { 110416, true },
- { 110424, true },
- { 110432, true },
- { 110441, true },
- { 110453, true },
- { 110462, true },
- { 110475, true },
- { 110490, true },
- { 110512, true },
- { 110528, false },
- { 110540, true },
- { 110556, true },
- { 110570, true },
- { 110578, true },
- { 110592, true },
- { 110603, true },
- { 110620, true },
- { 110640, true },
- { 110653, true },
- { 110669, true },
- { 110684, true },
- { 110701, true },
+ { 110198, true },
+ { 110212, true },
+ { 110229, true },
+ { 110248, true },
+ { 110265, true },
+ { 110283, true },
+ { 110304, true },
+ { 110318, true },
+ { 110337, true },
+ { 110349, true },
+ { 110359, false },
+ { 110370, true },
+ { 110383, true },
+ { 110400, true },
+ { 110418, true },
+ { 110435, true },
+ { 110451, true },
+ { 110478, true },
+ { 110492, true },
+ { 110508, true },
+ { 110521, true },
+ { 110530, true },
+ { 110546, true },
+ { 110561, true },
+ { 110572, true },
+ { 110588, false },
+ { 110600, true },
+ { 110617, true },
+ { 110629, true },
+ { 110652, true },
+ { 110662, true },
+ { 110671, true },
+ { 110678, true },
+ { 110686, false },
+ { 110706, true },
{ 110717, true },
- { 110730, true },
- { 110751, true },
- { 110773, true },
- { 110788, true },
- { 110802, true },
- { 110816, false },
- { 110837, true },
- { 110857, true },
- { 110869, true },
- { 110882, true },
- { 110896, true },
- { 110913, true },
+ { 110731, true },
+ { 110744, true },
+ { 110758, true },
+ { 110769, true },
+ { 110787, true },
+ { 110797, true },
+ { 110813, true },
+ { 110825, true },
+ { 110850, true },
+ { 110861, true },
+ { 110872, true },
+ { 110887, true },
+ { 110903, true },
+ { 110918, true },
{ 110932, true },
- { 110949, true },
- { 110967, true },
- { 110988, true },
- { 111002, true },
- { 111021, true },
+ { 110943, true },
+ { 110953, true },
+ { 110973, true },
+ { 110987, true },
+ { 111001, true },
+ { 111014, false },
+ { 111024, true },
{ 111033, true },
- { 111043, false },
- { 111054, true },
- { 111067, true },
+ { 111044, true },
+ { 111056, true },
+ { 111066, true },
+ { 111074, true },
{ 111084, true },
- { 111102, true },
- { 111119, true },
- { 111135, true },
- { 111162, true },
- { 111176, true },
- { 111192, true },
- { 111205, true },
- { 111214, true },
- { 111230, true },
- { 111245, true },
- { 111256, true },
- { 111272, false },
- { 111284, true },
- { 111301, true },
- { 111313, true },
- { 111336, true },
- { 111346, true },
- { 111355, true },
+ { 111101, true },
+ { 111118, true },
+ { 111137, true },
+ { 111148, true },
+ { 111158, false },
+ { 111169, true },
+ { 111186, true },
+ { 111199, true },
+ { 111210, true },
+ { 111221, true },
+ { 111238, false },
+ { 111246, false },
+ { 111259, true },
+ { 111266, true },
+ { 111286, false },
+ { 111298, true },
+ { 111310, true },
+ { 111324, true },
+ { 111343, true },
{ 111362, true },
- { 111370, false },
- { 111390, true },
- { 111401, true },
- { 111415, true },
- { 111428, true },
- { 111442, true },
- { 111453, true },
- { 111471, true },
- { 111481, true },
- { 111497, true },
- { 111509, true },
- { 111534, true },
- { 111545, true },
- { 111556, true },
+ { 111371, true },
+ { 111384, true },
+ { 111393, true },
+ { 111413, true },
+ { 111427, true },
+ { 111438, false },
+ { 111448, true },
+ { 111462, false },
+ { 111475, true },
+ { 111491, true },
+ { 111513, true },
+ { 111532, true },
+ { 111541, true },
+ { 111550, true },
{ 111571, true },
- { 111587, true },
- { 111602, true },
- { 111616, true },
- { 111627, true },
- { 111637, true },
- { 111657, true },
- { 111671, true },
- { 111685, true },
- { 111698, false },
- { 111708, true },
- { 111717, true },
- { 111728, true },
- { 111740, true },
+ { 111586, true },
+ { 111600, true },
+ { 111620, true },
+ { 111632, true },
+ { 111648, true },
+ { 111661, true },
+ { 111678, true },
+ { 111691, true },
+ { 111702, true },
+ { 111719, false },
+ { 111738, true },
{ 111750, true },
- { 111758, true },
- { 111768, true },
- { 111785, true },
- { 111802, true },
- { 111821, true },
- { 111832, false },
- { 111843, true },
- { 111860, true },
- { 111873, true },
- { 111884, true },
- { 111895, true },
- { 111912, false },
- { 111920, false },
- { 111933, true },
- { 111940, true },
- { 111960, false },
- { 111972, true },
- { 111984, true },
- { 111998, true },
- { 112017, true },
+ { 111762, true },
+ { 111778, true },
+ { 111806, true },
+ { 111838, true },
+ { 111852, true },
+ { 111867, true },
+ { 111879, true },
+ { 111893, false },
+ { 111906, true },
+ { 111924, true },
+ { 111938, true },
+ { 111952, true },
+ { 111964, true },
+ { 111979, true },
+ { 111995, true },
+ { 112008, false },
+ { 112016, true },
+ { 112024, false },
{ 112036, true },
- { 112045, true },
- { 112058, true },
- { 112067, true },
- { 112087, true },
- { 112101, true },
- { 112112, false },
- { 112122, true },
- { 112136, false },
- { 112149, true },
- { 112165, true },
- { 112187, true },
+ { 112046, true },
+ { 112057, true },
+ { 112066, true },
+ { 112082, true },
+ { 112093, true },
+ { 112104, true },
+ { 112116, true },
+ { 112126, true },
+ { 112154, true },
+ { 112172, true },
+ { 112188, true },
{ 112206, true },
- { 112215, true },
- { 112224, true },
+ { 112226, true },
{ 112245, true },
- { 112260, true },
+ { 112258, true },
{ 112274, true },
- { 112294, true },
- { 112306, true },
- { 112322, true },
- { 112335, true },
- { 112352, true },
- { 112365, true },
- { 112376, true },
- { 112393, false },
- { 112412, true },
- { 112424, true },
- { 112436, true },
- { 112452, true },
- { 112480, true },
- { 112512, true },
- { 112526, true },
- { 112541, true },
- { 112553, true },
- { 112567, false },
- { 112580, true },
- { 112598, true },
- { 112612, true },
- { 112626, true },
- { 112638, true },
- { 112653, true },
- { 112669, true },
- { 112682, false },
- { 112690, true },
- { 112698, false },
- { 112710, true },
- { 112720, true },
- { 112731, true },
- { 112744, true },
- { 112753, true },
- { 112769, true },
- { 112780, true },
- { 112791, true },
- { 112803, true },
- { 112813, true },
- { 112841, true },
- { 112859, true },
- { 112875, true },
- { 112893, true },
- { 112913, true },
- { 112932, true },
+ { 112289, true },
+ { 112301, true },
+ { 112317, true },
+ { 112334, true },
+ { 112347, true },
+ { 112366, true },
+ { 112379, true },
+ { 112395, true },
+ { 112409, true },
+ { 112423, false },
+ { 112439, true },
+ { 112455, true },
+ { 112471, true },
+ { 112485, true },
+ { 112500, true },
+ { 112516, true },
+ { 112531, true },
+ { 112552, true },
+ { 112572, false },
+ { 112591, true },
+ { 112605, true },
+ { 112621, true },
+ { 112634, true },
+ { 112650, true },
+ { 112661, true },
+ { 112670, true },
+ { 112680, true },
+ { 112694, true },
+ { 112703, true },
+ { 112716, true },
+ { 112733, false },
+ { 112748, true },
+ { 112768, true },
+ { 112786, true },
+ { 112802, true },
+ { 112815, true },
+ { 112829, true },
+ { 112843, true },
+ { 112851, true },
+ { 112865, true },
+ { 112883, true },
+ { 112897, true },
+ { 112908, true },
+ { 112921, true },
+ { 112937, true },
{ 112945, true },
- { 112961, true },
- { 112976, true },
- { 112988, true },
- { 113004, true },
- { 113021, true },
- { 113034, true },
- { 113053, true },
- { 113066, true },
+ { 112968, true },
+ { 112977, true },
+ { 112989, true },
+ { 113002, true },
+ { 113012, true },
+ { 113026, true },
+ { 113046, true },
+ { 113059, true },
{ 113082, true },
- { 113096, false },
- { 113112, true },
- { 113128, true },
- { 113144, true },
+ { 113098, true },
+ { 113111, true },
+ { 113122, true },
+ { 113133, true },
{ 113158, true },
{ 113173, true },
- { 113189, true },
- { 113204, true },
- { 113225, true },
- { 113245, false },
- { 113264, true },
- { 113278, true },
- { 113294, true },
- { 113307, true },
- { 113323, true },
- { 113334, true },
- { 113343, true },
- { 113353, true },
- { 113367, true },
- { 113376, true },
+ { 113186, true },
+ { 113200, true },
+ { 113214, true },
+ { 113224, true },
+ { 113244, true },
+ { 113258, true },
+ { 113277, true },
+ { 113292, true },
+ { 113305, true },
+ { 113320, true },
+ { 113335, true },
+ { 113345, true },
+ { 113355, true },
+ { 113369, true },
+ { 113378, true },
{ 113389, true },
- { 113406, false },
- { 113421, true },
- { 113441, true },
- { 113459, true },
+ { 113396, false },
+ { 113416, true },
+ { 113431, true },
+ { 113450, true },
+ { 113467, true },
{ 113475, true },
- { 113488, true },
- { 113502, true },
- { 113516, true },
- { 113524, true },
+ { 113493, true },
+ { 113511, true },
+ { 113523, true },
{ 113538, true },
- { 113556, true },
- { 113570, true },
- { 113581, true },
- { 113594, true },
- { 113610, true },
- { 113618, true },
- { 113641, true },
- { 113650, true },
- { 113662, true },
+ { 113554, true },
+ { 113565, true },
+ { 113590, true },
+ { 113604, true },
+ { 113625, true },
+ { 113639, true },
+ { 113656, true },
{ 113675, true },
- { 113685, true },
- { 113699, true },
- { 113719, true },
- { 113732, true },
- { 113755, true },
- { 113771, true },
- { 113784, true },
- { 113795, true },
+ { 113691, true },
+ { 113717, true },
+ { 113743, true },
+ { 113764, true },
+ { 113782, true },
{ 113806, true },
- { 113831, true },
- { 113847, true },
- { 113862, true },
- { 113875, true },
- { 113889, true },
- { 113903, true },
- { 113913, true },
- { 113933, true },
- { 113947, true },
- { 113966, true },
- { 113981, true },
- { 113994, true },
- { 114009, true },
- { 114024, true },
- { 114034, true },
- { 114044, true },
- { 114058, true },
- { 114067, true },
- { 114078, true },
- { 114085, false },
- { 114105, true },
+ { 113822, true },
+ { 113848, true },
+ { 113859, true },
+ { 113885, true },
+ { 113902, true },
+ { 113923, true },
+ { 113940, true },
+ { 113963, true },
+ { 113973, false },
+ { 113991, true },
+ { 114006, false },
+ { 114025, true },
+ { 114047, true },
+ { 114070, true },
+ { 114086, true },
+ { 114104, true },
{ 114120, true },
- { 114139, true },
- { 114156, true },
- { 114164, true },
- { 114182, true },
+ { 114136, true },
+ { 114154, true },
+ { 114168, true },
+ { 114183, true },
{ 114200, true },
- { 114212, true },
- { 114227, true },
- { 114243, true },
- { 114254, true },
- { 114279, true },
- { 114293, true },
+ { 114214, true },
+ { 114228, false },
+ { 114245, true },
+ { 114258, true },
+ { 114278, true },
+ { 114291, true },
{ 114314, true },
- { 114328, true },
- { 114345, true },
- { 114364, true },
- { 114380, true },
+ { 114329, true },
+ { 114340, true },
+ { 114370, true },
+ { 114384, true },
{ 114406, true },
- { 114432, true },
- { 114453, true },
- { 114471, true },
- { 114495, true },
- { 114511, true },
- { 114537, true },
- { 114548, true },
- { 114574, true },
- { 114591, true },
- { 114612, true },
- { 114629, true },
- { 114652, true },
- { 114662, false },
- { 114680, true },
- { 114695, false },
+ { 114425, true },
+ { 114440, true },
+ { 114463, true },
+ { 114472, true },
+ { 114491, true },
+ { 114515, true },
+ { 114532, true },
+ { 114545, true },
+ { 114564, true },
+ { 114581, true },
+ { 114592, true },
+ { 114611, true },
+ { 114631, false },
+ { 114646, true },
+ { 114664, true },
+ { 114686, true },
+ { 114702, true },
{ 114714, true },
- { 114736, true },
- { 114759, true },
- { 114775, true },
- { 114793, true },
- { 114809, true },
- { 114825, true },
- { 114843, true },
- { 114857, true },
- { 114872, true },
- { 114889, true },
- { 114913, true },
- { 114927, true },
- { 114941, true },
- { 114958, true },
- { 114971, true },
- { 114991, true },
- { 115004, true },
- { 115027, true },
- { 115042, true },
- { 115062, true },
- { 115073, true },
- { 115103, true },
- { 115117, true },
- { 115139, true },
- { 115158, true },
- { 115173, true },
- { 115196, true },
- { 115205, true },
- { 115224, true },
- { 115248, true },
- { 115265, true },
+ { 114739, true },
+ { 114751, true },
+ { 114767, true },
+ { 114786, true },
+ { 114802, true },
+ { 114821, true },
+ { 114835, true },
+ { 114851, true },
+ { 114862, true },
+ { 114874, true },
+ { 114893, true },
+ { 114908, true },
+ { 114924, true },
+ { 114939, true },
+ { 114955, true },
+ { 114983, true },
+ { 114996, true },
+ { 115016, true },
+ { 115034, true },
+ { 115059, true },
+ { 115075, true },
+ { 115084, true },
+ { 115096, true },
+ { 115115, true },
+ { 115132, true },
+ { 115149, false },
+ { 115167, false },
+ { 115187, true },
+ { 115211, true },
+ { 115226, true },
+ { 115241, true },
+ { 115253, true },
{ 115278, true },
- { 115297, true },
- { 115314, true },
- { 115325, true },
- { 115344, true },
- { 115364, false },
- { 115379, true },
- { 115397, true },
- { 115419, true },
- { 115435, true },
- { 115447, true },
- { 115472, true },
- { 115484, true },
- { 115500, true },
- { 115519, true },
- { 115535, true },
- { 115554, true },
- { 115568, true },
- { 115584, true },
- { 115595, true },
- { 115607, true },
- { 115626, true },
- { 115641, true },
- { 115656, true },
- { 115672, true },
- { 115700, true },
- { 115713, true },
- { 115733, true },
- { 115751, true },
- { 115776, true },
- { 115792, true },
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- { 115813, true },
- { 115832, true },
- { 115849, true },
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- { 115884, false },
- { 115904, true },
- { 115928, true },
- { 115943, true },
- { 115958, true },
- { 115970, true },
- { 115995, true },
- { 116008, true },
- { 116018, true },
- { 116035, true },
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- { 116062, true },
- { 116077, true },
- { 116091, true },
- { 116100, true },
- { 116111, false },
- { 116125, true },
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- { 116157, true },
- { 116177, true },
- { 116194, true },
- { 116209, true },
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- { 116229, true },
+ { 115291, true },
+ { 115301, true },
+ { 115318, true },
+ { 115331, true },
+ { 115345, true },
+ { 115360, true },
+ { 115374, true },
+ { 115383, true },
+ { 115394, false },
+ { 115408, true },
+ { 115421, true },
+ { 115436, true },
+ { 115455, true },
+ { 115475, true },
+ { 115492, true },
+ { 115507, false },
+ { 115514, true },
+ { 115530, true },
+ { 115548, true },
+ { 115569, true },
+ { 115581, true },
+ { 115591, true },
+ { 115603, true },
+ { 115617, true },
+ { 115631, true },
+ { 115643, true },
+ { 115662, true },
+ { 115674, true },
+ { 115690, true },
+ { 115704, true },
+ { 115722, false },
+ { 115742, false },
+ { 115756, true },
+ { 115767, true },
+ { 115781, true },
+ { 115793, true },
+ { 115805, true },
+ { 115818, true },
+ { 115845, true },
+ { 115858, true },
+ { 115870, true },
+ { 115888, true },
+ { 115897, true },
+ { 115909, true },
+ { 115918, true },
+ { 115930, true },
+ { 115938, true },
+ { 115951, true },
+ { 115960, true },
+ { 115972, true },
+ { 115984, true },
+ { 116000, true },
+ { 116017, true },
+ { 116030, true },
+ { 116044, true },
+ { 116061, true },
+ { 116073, true },
+ { 116089, true },
+ { 116097, true },
+ { 116104, false },
+ { 116114, true },
+ { 116130, true },
+ { 116147, true },
+ { 116165, true },
+ { 116180, true },
+ { 116198, true },
+ { 116210, true },
+ { 116225, true },
+ { 116233, true },
{ 116245, true },
- { 116263, true },
- { 116284, true },
- { 116296, true },
- { 116306, true },
- { 116318, true },
- { 116332, true },
- { 116346, true },
- { 116358, true },
- { 116377, true },
- { 116389, true },
- { 116405, true },
- { 116414, true },
- { 116428, true },
- { 116446, false },
- { 116466, false },
+ { 116253, true },
+ { 116278, true },
+ { 116290, true },
+ { 116299, false },
+ { 116311, true },
+ { 116324, true },
+ { 116334, true },
+ { 116348, true },
+ { 116360, true },
+ { 116375, true },
+ { 116397, true },
+ { 116407, true },
+ { 116423, true },
+ { 116435, true },
+ { 116447, true },
+ { 116460, true },
+ { 116469, true },
{ 116480, true },
- { 116491, true },
- { 116505, true },
- { 116517, true },
- { 116529, true },
- { 116542, true },
- { 116569, true },
- { 116582, true },
- { 116594, true },
- { 116612, true },
- { 116621, true },
- { 116633, true },
- { 116642, true },
- { 116654, true },
- { 116662, true },
- { 116675, true },
- { 116684, true },
- { 116696, true },
- { 116708, true },
- { 116724, true },
- { 116741, true },
- { 116754, true },
- { 116768, true },
- { 116785, true },
- { 116797, true },
- { 116813, true },
- { 116821, true },
- { 116828, false },
- { 116838, true },
- { 116854, true },
- { 116871, true },
- { 116889, true },
- { 116904, true },
- { 116922, true },
- { 116934, true },
- { 116949, true },
- { 116957, true },
- { 116969, true },
- { 116977, true },
- { 117002, true },
- { 117014, true },
- { 117023, false },
- { 117035, true },
- { 117048, true },
- { 117058, true },
- { 117072, true },
- { 117084, true },
- { 117099, true },
- { 117121, true },
- { 117131, true },
- { 117147, true },
- { 117159, true },
- { 117171, true },
- { 117184, true },
+ { 116493, false },
+ { 116501, true },
+ { 116512, true },
+ { 116528, true },
+ { 116541, true },
+ { 116553, true },
+ { 116567, true },
+ { 116580, true },
+ { 116590, true },
+ { 116604, false },
+ { 116623, true },
+ { 116634, true },
+ { 116648, true },
+ { 116659, true },
+ { 116670, true },
+ { 116681, true },
+ { 116692, true },
+ { 116703, true },
+ { 116717, true },
+ { 116729, true },
+ { 116744, true },
+ { 116758, true },
+ { 116773, true },
+ { 116786, true },
+ { 116802, true },
+ { 116811, true },
+ { 116820, true },
+ { 116834, true },
+ { 116845, true },
+ { 116856, false },
+ { 116872, true },
+ { 116883, true },
+ { 116894, true },
+ { 116910, true },
+ { 116924, true },
+ { 116943, true },
+ { 116956, true },
+ { 116970, true },
+ { 116984, true },
+ { 116998, true },
+ { 117011, true },
+ { 117028, true },
+ { 117042, true },
+ { 117057, true },
+ { 117076, true },
+ { 117088, true },
+ { 117105, true },
+ { 117124, false },
+ { 117139, true },
+ { 117155, false },
+ { 117167, true },
{ 117193, true },
{ 117204, true },
- { 117217, false },
- { 117225, true },
+ { 117224, true },
{ 117236, true },
- { 117252, true },
- { 117265, true },
- { 117277, true },
- { 117291, true },
- { 117304, true },
- { 117314, true },
- { 117328, false },
- { 117347, true },
- { 117358, true },
- { 117372, true },
- { 117383, true },
- { 117394, true },
- { 117405, true },
- { 117416, true },
- { 117427, true },
- { 117441, true },
- { 117453, true },
+ { 117248, true },
+ { 117261, true },
+ { 117279, true },
+ { 117299, true },
+ { 117318, true },
+ { 117337, true },
+ { 117346, true },
+ { 117370, false },
+ { 117389, true },
+ { 117403, true },
+ { 117413, true },
+ { 117426, true },
+ { 117438, true },
+ { 117449, true },
{ 117468, true },
- { 117482, true },
{ 117497, true },
- { 117510, true },
- { 117526, true },
+ { 117504, true },
+ { 117519, true },
{ 117535, true },
- { 117544, true },
- { 117558, true },
- { 117569, true },
- { 117580, false },
+ { 117552, true },
+ { 117574, true },
+ { 117584, true },
{ 117596, true },
- { 117607, true },
- { 117618, true },
- { 117632, true },
- { 117651, true },
- { 117664, true },
- { 117678, true },
- { 117692, true },
- { 117706, true },
- { 117719, true },
- { 117736, true },
- { 117750, true },
- { 117765, true },
- { 117784, true },
- { 117796, true },
- { 117813, true },
- { 117832, false },
- { 117847, true },
- { 117863, false },
- { 117875, true },
- { 117901, true },
+ { 117608, false },
+ { 117628, true },
+ { 117638, true },
+ { 117650, true },
+ { 117665, true },
+ { 117680, true },
+ { 117696, true },
+ { 117712, true },
+ { 117730, true },
+ { 117742, true },
+ { 117758, true },
+ { 117769, true },
+ { 117781, true },
+ { 117794, true },
+ { 117811, true },
+ { 117827, true },
+ { 117855, true },
+ { 117880, true },
{ 117912, true },
- { 117932, true },
- { 117944, true },
- { 117956, true },
- { 117969, true },
- { 117987, true },
- { 118007, true },
- { 118026, true },
- { 118045, true },
+ { 117927, true },
+ { 117942, true },
+ { 117958, true },
+ { 117975, true },
+ { 117992, true },
+ { 118005, true },
+ { 118027, true },
+ { 118039, true },
{ 118054, true },
- { 118078, false },
- { 118097, true },
- { 118111, true },
- { 118121, true },
- { 118134, true },
- { 118146, true },
- { 118157, true },
- { 118176, true },
- { 118205, true },
- { 118212, true },
- { 118227, true },
- { 118243, true },
- { 118260, true },
- { 118282, true },
- { 118292, true },
- { 118304, true },
- { 118316, false },
- { 118336, true },
- { 118346, true },
- { 118358, true },
- { 118373, true },
- { 118388, true },
+ { 118065, true },
+ { 118079, true },
+ { 118091, true },
+ { 118105, true },
+ { 118118, true },
+ { 118137, true },
+ { 118151, true },
+ { 118165, true },
+ { 118175, true },
+ { 118193, true },
+ { 118201, true },
+ { 118217, true },
+ { 118229, true },
+ { 118241, true },
+ { 118252, true },
+ { 118276, true },
+ { 118288, true },
+ { 118297, true },
+ { 118311, true },
+ { 118325, true },
+ { 118333, true },
+ { 118344, true },
+ { 118365, true },
+ { 118383, true },
{ 118404, true },
- { 118420, true },
- { 118438, true },
- { 118450, true },
- { 118466, true },
- { 118477, true },
+ { 118427, true },
+ { 118439, true },
+ { 118456, true },
+ { 118476, true },
{ 118489, true },
- { 118504, true },
- { 118521, true },
- { 118537, true },
- { 118565, true },
- { 118590, true },
- { 118622, true },
- { 118637, true },
- { 118652, true },
- { 118668, true },
- { 118685, true },
+ { 118511, true },
+ { 118526, true },
+ { 118545, true },
+ { 118562, true },
+ { 118579, true },
+ { 118592, true },
+ { 118608, true },
+ { 118619, true },
+ { 118634, true },
+ { 118644, true },
+ { 118655, true },
+ { 118675, true },
+ { 118684, true },
+ { 118692, true },
{ 118702, true },
- { 118715, true },
+ { 118709, true },
+ { 118726, true },
{ 118737, true },
- { 118749, true },
- { 118764, true },
- { 118775, true },
- { 118789, true },
- { 118801, true },
+ { 118747, true },
+ { 118758, true },
+ { 118781, true },
+ { 118792, true },
+ { 118806, true },
{ 118815, true },
{ 118828, true },
- { 118847, true },
- { 118861, true },
- { 118875, true },
- { 118885, true },
- { 118903, true },
- { 118911, true },
- { 118927, true },
- { 118939, true },
- { 118951, true },
- { 118962, true },
- { 118986, true },
- { 118998, true },
- { 119007, true },
- { 119021, true },
- { 119035, true },
- { 119049, true },
- { 119057, true },
- { 119068, true },
- { 119083, true },
- { 119104, true },
- { 119122, true },
- { 119143, true },
- { 119166, true },
- { 119178, true },
- { 119195, true },
- { 119215, true },
- { 119228, true },
- { 119250, true },
- { 119265, true },
+ { 118842, true },
+ { 118858, true },
+ { 118871, true },
+ { 118883, true },
+ { 118896, true },
+ { 118906, true },
+ { 118924, true },
+ { 118936, true },
+ { 118947, true },
+ { 118960, false },
+ { 118971, true },
+ { 118983, true },
+ { 118992, true },
+ { 119006, false },
+ { 119026, true },
+ { 119036, true },
+ { 119046, true },
+ { 119054, false },
+ { 119063, true },
+ { 119076, true },
+ { 119099, true },
+ { 119109, false },
+ { 119121, true },
+ { 119138, true },
+ { 119156, true },
+ { 119167, true },
+ { 119180, true },
+ { 119187, true },
+ { 119196, true },
+ { 119205, true },
+ { 119212, true },
+ { 119231, true },
+ { 119245, true },
+ { 119260, true },
+ { 119273, true },
{ 119284, true },
- { 119301, true },
- { 119318, true },
- { 119331, true },
- { 119347, true },
- { 119358, true },
- { 119373, true },
- { 119383, true },
- { 119394, true },
- { 119414, true },
- { 119423, true },
- { 119431, true },
- { 119441, true },
- { 119448, true },
- { 119465, true },
- { 119476, true },
- { 119486, true },
- { 119497, true },
- { 119520, true },
- { 119531, true },
- { 119545, true },
- { 119554, true },
- { 119567, true },
- { 119581, true },
- { 119597, true },
- { 119610, true },
- { 119622, true },
- { 119635, true },
- { 119645, true },
- { 119663, true },
- { 119675, true },
- { 119686, true },
- { 119699, false },
- { 119710, true },
- { 119722, true },
+ { 119305, true },
+ { 119314, true },
+ { 119325, true },
+ { 119336, true },
+ { 119360, true },
+ { 119374, true },
+ { 119384, true },
+ { 119401, false },
+ { 119416, true },
+ { 119430, true },
+ { 119442, true },
+ { 119456, true },
+ { 119467, true },
+ { 119477, true },
+ { 119487, true },
+ { 119498, true },
+ { 119510, true },
+ { 119525, true },
+ { 119538, false },
+ { 119550, true },
+ { 119557, true },
+ { 119565, false },
+ { 119585, true },
+ { 119608, true },
+ { 119632, true },
+ { 119653, true },
+ { 119672, true },
+ { 119682, true },
+ { 119696, true },
+ { 119709, true },
+ { 119720, true },
{ 119731, true },
- { 119745, false },
- { 119765, true },
- { 119775, true },
- { 119785, true },
- { 119793, false },
+ { 119741, true },
+ { 119751, true },
+ { 119762, true },
+ { 119777, true },
+ { 119788, true },
{ 119802, true },
- { 119815, true },
- { 119838, true },
- { 119848, false },
- { 119860, true },
- { 119877, true },
- { 119895, true },
- { 119906, true },
- { 119919, true },
- { 119934, true },
- { 119941, true },
- { 119950, true },
- { 119959, true },
- { 119966, true },
- { 119985, true },
- { 119999, true },
+ { 119816, true },
+ { 119839, true },
+ { 119870, true },
+ { 119882, true },
+ { 119893, true },
+ { 119903, true },
+ { 119917, true },
+ { 119932, true },
+ { 119942, true },
+ { 119954, true },
+ { 119967, true },
+ { 119980, true },
+ { 119997, true },
{ 120014, true },
- { 120027, true },
- { 120038, true },
- { 120059, true },
- { 120068, true },
- { 120079, true },
- { 120090, true },
- { 120114, true },
- { 120128, true },
- { 120138, true },
- { 120155, false },
- { 120170, true },
- { 120184, true },
- { 120196, true },
- { 120210, true },
- { 120221, true },
- { 120231, true },
- { 120241, true },
- { 120252, true },
- { 120264, true },
+ { 120031, true },
+ { 120044, true },
+ { 120061, true },
+ { 120074, true },
+ { 120087, true },
+ { 120107, true },
+ { 120118, true },
+ { 120132, true },
+ { 120146, false },
+ { 120157, true },
+ { 120174, true },
+ { 120188, true },
+ { 120211, true },
+ { 120239, true },
+ { 120263, true },
{ 120279, true },
- { 120292, false },
- { 120304, true },
- { 120311, true },
- { 120319, false },
- { 120339, true },
- { 120362, true },
- { 120386, true },
- { 120407, true },
- { 120426, true },
- { 120436, true },
- { 120450, true },
- { 120463, true },
- { 120474, true },
- { 120485, true },
- { 120495, true },
- { 120505, true },
- { 120516, true },
- { 120531, true },
- { 120542, true },
+ { 120291, true },
+ { 120312, true },
+ { 120325, true },
+ { 120341, true },
+ { 120356, true },
+ { 120364, true },
+ { 120375, true },
+ { 120382, true },
+ { 120392, true },
+ { 120405, true },
+ { 120425, true },
+ { 120441, true },
+ { 120456, true },
+ { 120464, true },
+ { 120481, false },
+ { 120489, true },
+ { 120499, true },
+ { 120510, true },
+ { 120521, false },
+ { 120541, true },
{ 120556, true },
- { 120576, true },
- { 120590, true },
+ { 120567, true },
+ { 120577, true },
+ { 120589, true },
{ 120613, true },
- { 120644, true },
- { 120656, true },
- { 120667, true },
- { 120677, true },
- { 120691, true },
- { 120706, true },
- { 120716, true },
- { 120728, true },
- { 120741, true },
- { 120754, true },
- { 120771, true },
- { 120788, true },
- { 120805, true },
- { 120818, true },
- { 120835, true },
- { 120848, true },
- { 120861, true },
- { 120881, true },
+ { 120626, true },
+ { 120638, true },
+ { 120651, true },
+ { 120666, true },
+ { 120682, true },
+ { 120701, true },
+ { 120721, true },
+ { 120732, true },
+ { 120745, true },
+ { 120755, true },
+ { 120769, true },
+ { 120788, false },
+ { 120797, true },
+ { 120807, true },
+ { 120834, true },
+ { 120847, true },
+ { 120870, true },
{ 120892, true },
- { 120906, true },
- { 120920, false },
- { 120931, true },
+ { 120905, true },
+ { 120912, true },
+ { 120919, true },
+ { 120932, true },
{ 120948, true },
- { 120962, true },
- { 120985, true },
- { 121013, true },
- { 121037, true },
- { 121053, false },
- { 121065, true },
- { 121086, true },
- { 121099, true },
- { 121115, true },
- { 121130, true },
- { 121138, true },
- { 121149, true },
- { 121156, true },
- { 121166, true },
- { 121179, true },
- { 121199, true },
- { 121215, true },
- { 121230, true },
- { 121238, true },
- { 121255, false },
- { 121263, true },
- { 121270, true },
- { 121280, true },
- { 121291, true },
- { 121302, false },
- { 121322, true },
- { 121337, true },
- { 121348, true },
- { 121358, true },
- { 121370, true },
- { 121394, true },
- { 121407, true },
- { 121419, true },
- { 121432, true },
- { 121447, true },
- { 121463, true },
- { 121482, true },
- { 121502, true },
- { 121513, true },
+ { 120960, true },
+ { 120972, true },
+ { 120989, true },
+ { 121004, true },
+ { 121015, true },
+ { 121033, true },
+ { 121045, true },
+ { 121055, true },
+ { 121068, true },
+ { 121083, true },
+ { 121100, true },
+ { 121110, true },
+ { 121129, true },
+ { 121141, true },
+ { 121156, false },
+ { 121166, false },
+ { 121176, true },
+ { 121182, true },
+ { 121196, true },
+ { 121214, true },
+ { 121226, true },
+ { 121249, true },
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+ { 121330, true },
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+ { 121365, true },
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+ { 121392, true },
+ { 121406, true },
+ { 121417, true },
+ { 121440, true },
+ { 121453, true },
+ { 121473, true },
+ { 121487, true },
+ { 121504, true },
+ { 121516, true },
{ 121526, true },
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- { 121578, true },
- { 121588, true },
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- { 121673, true },
- { 121686, true },
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- { 121861, true },
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- { 121893, true },
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+ { 121553, true },
+ { 121565, true },
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+ { 121590, true },
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+ { 121652, true },
+ { 121662, true },
+ { 121672, true },
+ { 121683, true },
+ { 121704, true },
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+ { 121925, true },
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+ { 121960, true },
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+ { 121994, true },
+ { 122005, true },
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+ { 122089, true },
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+ { 122127, true },
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+ { 122162, true },
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+ { 122197, true },
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+ { 122232, true },
+ { 122247, true },
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+ { 122271, true },
+ { 122286, true },
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+ { 122320, true },
+ { 122330, true },
+ { 122340, true },
+ { 122368, true },
+ { 122383, true },
+ { 122393, true },
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+ { 122426, true },
+ { 122438, true },
+ { 122459, true },
+ { 122476, true },
+ { 122486, true },
+ { 122501, true },
+ { 122520, true },
+ { 122539, true },
+ { 122557, true },
+ { 122575, true },
+ { 122598, true },
+ { 122614, true },
+ { 122627, true },
+ { 122639, true },
+ { 122663, true },
+ { 122686, true },
+ { 122704, true },
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{ 122753, true },
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+ { 122772, true },
+ { 122786, true },
{ 122800, true },
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+ { 122814, true },
+ { 122823, true },
+ { 122836, true },
+ { 122848, true },
+ { 122864, true },
+ { 122877, true },
+ { 122889, true },
+ { 122900, true },
+ { 122909, true },
+ { 122922, true },
+ { 122936, true },
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+ { 122961, true },
+ { 122974, true },
+ { 122984, true },
+ { 122993, true },
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+ { 123035, true },
+ { 123049, true },
+ { 123059, true },
+ { 123071, true },
+ { 123087, true },
+ { 123097, true },
+ { 123106, true },
+ { 123118, true },
+ { 123133, true },
+ { 123143, true },
{ 123158, true },
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- { 123427, true },
- { 123440, true },
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- { 123476, true },
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+ { 123173, true },
+ { 123180, true },
+ { 123191, true },
+ { 123206, false },
+ { 123213, true },
+ { 123220, true },
+ { 123231, true },
+ { 123243, true },
+ { 123265, true },
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+ { 123289, true },
+ { 123302, true },
+ { 123312, true },
+ { 123339, true },
+ { 123348, true },
+ { 123365, true },
+ { 123377, true },
+ { 123390, true },
+ { 123417, true },
+ { 123424, true },
+ { 123435, true },
+ { 123456, true },
+ { 123473, true },
+ { 123489, true },
+ { 123500, true },
+ { 123524, true },
+ { 123531, true },
+ { 123538, true },
+ { 123548, true },
{ 123558, true },
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- { 123586, true },
- { 123595, true },
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- { 123661, true },
- { 123672, true },
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- { 123746, true },
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- { 123765, true },
- { 123773, false },
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- { 123821, true },
- { 123831, true },
- { 123843, true },
- { 123859, true },
- { 123869, true },
- { 123878, true },
+ { 123568, true },
+ { 123588, true },
+ { 123600, true },
+ { 123611, true },
+ { 123621, true },
+ { 123630, true },
+ { 123638, true },
+ { 123652, true },
+ { 123673, true },
+ { 123685, true },
+ { 123700, true },
+ { 123724, true },
+ { 123742, true },
+ { 123757, true },
+ { 123770, false },
+ { 123789, false },
+ { 123806, true },
+ { 123816, true },
+ { 123826, true },
+ { 123841, true },
+ { 123857, true },
+ { 123880, true },
{ 123890, true },
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- { 123915, true },
- { 123930, true },
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- { 123952, true },
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- { 123978, false },
- { 123985, true },
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- { 124061, true },
- { 124074, true },
- { 124084, true },
- { 124111, true },
- { 124120, true },
- { 124137, true },
- { 124149, true },
- { 124162, true },
- { 124189, true },
- { 124196, true },
- { 124207, true },
- { 124228, true },
- { 124245, true },
- { 124261, true },
- { 124272, true },
- { 124296, true },
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- { 124310, true },
- { 124320, true },
- { 124330, true },
- { 124340, true },
- { 124360, true },
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- { 124393, true },
- { 124402, true },
- { 124410, true },
- { 124424, true },
- { 124445, true },
- { 124457, true },
- { 124472, true },
- { 124496, true },
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- { 124529, true },
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- { 124578, true },
- { 124588, true },
- { 124598, true },
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- { 124623, true },
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- { 124662, true },
- { 124676, true },
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- { 124724, true },
- { 124736, false },
- { 124755, true },
- { 124770, true },
- { 124780, true },
- { 124798, true },
- { 124809, true },
+ { 123901, true },
+ { 123917, true },
+ { 123929, true },
+ { 123943, true },
+ { 123959, true },
+ { 123970, true },
+ { 123982, false },
+ { 124001, true },
+ { 124016, true },
+ { 124026, true },
+ { 124044, true },
+ { 124055, true },
+ { 124072, true },
+ { 124085, true },
+ { 124102, true },
+ { 124114, true },
+ { 124122, true },
+ { 124147, true },
+ { 124166, true },
+ { 124183, true },
+ { 124192, true },
+ { 124202, true },
+ { 124217, true },
+ { 124227, true },
+ { 124234, true },
+ { 124255, true },
+ { 124275, true },
+ { 124298, true },
+ { 124318, true },
+ { 124331, true },
+ { 124347, true },
+ { 124358, true },
+ { 124382, true },
+ { 124401, true },
+ { 124408, true },
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+ { 124444, true },
+ { 124463, true },
+ { 124479, true },
+ { 124497, true },
+ { 124519, true },
+ { 124542, true },
+ { 124555, true },
+ { 124566, true },
+ { 124580, true },
+ { 124605, true },
+ { 124638, true },
+ { 124664, true },
+ { 124698, true },
+ { 124721, true },
+ { 124737, true },
+ { 124749, true },
+ { 124765, false },
+ { 124785, false },
+ { 124803, false },
{ 124826, true },
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- { 124849, true },
- { 124866, true },
- { 124878, true },
- { 124886, true },
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- { 124930, true },
- { 124947, true },
- { 124956, true },
- { 124966, true },
+ { 124841, true },
+ { 124865, true },
+ { 124879, true },
+ { 124892, true },
+ { 124905, true },
+ { 124919, true },
+ { 124931, true },
+ { 124943, true },
+ { 124959, false },
{ 124981, true },
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- { 124998, true },
- { 125019, true },
- { 125039, true },
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- { 125082, true },
- { 125095, true },
- { 125111, true },
- { 125122, true },
- { 125146, true },
+ { 125001, true },
+ { 125013, true },
+ { 125025, true },
+ { 125041, true },
+ { 125059, true },
+ { 125071, true },
+ { 125085, true },
+ { 125099, true },
+ { 125114, true },
+ { 125131, true },
+ { 125145, true },
+ { 125155, true },
{ 125165, true },
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- { 125183, true },
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- { 125208, true },
- { 125227, true },
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- { 125319, true },
- { 125330, true },
- { 125344, true },
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- { 125462, true },
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- { 125567, false },
- { 125590, true },
- { 125605, true },
- { 125629, true },
- { 125643, true },
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- { 125669, true },
- { 125687, true },
- { 125701, true },
- { 125713, true },
- { 125729, false },
- { 125751, true },
- { 125771, true },
- { 125783, true },
- { 125795, true },
- { 125808, true },
- { 125824, true },
+ { 125176, true },
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+ { 125210, true },
+ { 125221, true },
+ { 125234, true },
+ { 125255, true },
+ { 125269, true },
+ { 125279, true },
+ { 125289, true },
+ { 125305, true },
+ { 125321, true },
+ { 125346, true },
+ { 125361, true },
+ { 125381, true },
+ { 125395, true },
+ { 125409, true },
+ { 125424, true },
+ { 125439, true },
+ { 125457, true },
+ { 125472, true },
+ { 125488, true },
+ { 125510, true },
+ { 125519, false },
+ { 125529, true },
+ { 125541, true },
+ { 125558, true },
+ { 125570, true },
+ { 125586, true },
+ { 125607, true },
+ { 125623, false },
+ { 125635, true },
+ { 125650, true },
+ { 125666, true },
+ { 125678, true },
+ { 125702, true },
+ { 125714, true },
+ { 125735, true },
+ { 125766, true },
+ { 125777, true },
+ { 125789, true },
+ { 125802, true },
+ { 125816, true },
+ { 125829, true },
{ 125842, true },
- { 125854, true },
- { 125868, true },
- { 125882, true },
- { 125897, true },
- { 125914, true },
- { 125928, true },
- { 125938, true },
- { 125948, true },
+ { 125871, true },
+ { 125894, true },
+ { 125918, true },
+ { 125945, true },
{ 125959, true },
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- { 126004, true },
- { 126017, true },
- { 126038, true },
- { 126052, true },
- { 126062, true },
- { 126072, true },
- { 126088, true },
- { 126104, true },
- { 126129, true },
- { 126144, true },
- { 126164, true },
- { 126178, true },
- { 126192, true },
- { 126207, true },
- { 126222, true },
- { 126240, true },
- { 126255, true },
- { 126271, true },
- { 126293, true },
- { 126302, false },
- { 126312, true },
- { 126324, true },
- { 126341, true },
- { 126353, true },
- { 126369, true },
+ { 125982, true },
+ { 126008, true },
+ { 126036, true },
+ { 126067, true },
+ { 126092, true },
+ { 126100, true },
+ { 126107, true },
+ { 126117, true },
+ { 126130, true },
+ { 126147, true },
+ { 126160, true },
+ { 126181, true },
+ { 126195, true },
+ { 126214, true },
+ { 126225, true },
+ { 126238, false },
+ { 126254, true },
+ { 126262, true },
+ { 126279, true },
+ { 126295, true },
+ { 126314, true },
+ { 126328, true },
+ { 126337, true },
+ { 126349, true },
+ { 126364, true },
+ { 126377, true },
{ 126390, true },
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- { 126433, true },
- { 126449, true },
- { 126461, true },
- { 126485, true },
- { 126497, true },
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- { 126549, true },
- { 126560, true },
- { 126572, true },
- { 126585, true },
- { 126599, true },
- { 126612, true },
+ { 126405, true },
+ { 126431, true },
+ { 126443, true },
+ { 126454, true },
+ { 126467, true },
+ { 126477, false },
+ { 126494, true },
+ { 126509, true },
+ { 126519, true },
+ { 126534, true },
+ { 126555, true },
+ { 126568, true },
+ { 126580, true },
+ { 126593, true },
+ { 126609, true },
{ 126625, true },
+ { 126639, false },
{ 126654, true },
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- { 126875, true },
- { 126883, true },
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- { 126930, true },
- { 126943, true },
- { 126964, true },
- { 126978, true },
- { 126997, true },
- { 127008, true },
- { 127021, false },
- { 127037, true },
- { 127045, true },
- { 127062, true },
- { 127078, true },
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+ { 126684, true },
+ { 126708, true },
+ { 126721, true },
+ { 126734, true },
+ { 126748, true },
+ { 126762, true },
+ { 126777, true },
+ { 126793, true },
+ { 126808, true },
+ { 126823, true },
+ { 126841, true },
+ { 126853, true },
+ { 126865, true },
+ { 126881, true },
+ { 126898, true },
+ { 126909, true },
+ { 126927, true },
+ { 126946, true },
+ { 126966, true },
+ { 126981, true },
+ { 126998, true },
+ { 127010, true },
+ { 127027, true },
+ { 127036, true },
+ { 127050, true },
+ { 127065, true },
+ { 127077, true },
{ 127097, true },
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- { 127120, true },
- { 127132, true },
- { 127147, true },
- { 127160, true },
- { 127173, true },
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- { 127260, true },
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+ { 127122, true },
+ { 127143, true },
+ { 127157, true },
+ { 127170, true },
+ { 127181, true },
+ { 127196, true },
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+ { 127225, true },
+ { 127240, true },
+ { 127254, false },
+ { 127265, true },
+ { 127273, true },
+ { 127285, true },
{ 127292, true },
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- { 127338, true },
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- { 127363, true },
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- { 127392, true },
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+ { 127304, true },
+ { 127312, true },
+ { 127322, true },
+ { 127332, true },
+ { 127347, true },
+ { 127366, true },
+ { 127378, true },
+ { 127394, true },
+ { 127407, true },
{ 127422, false },
- { 127437, true },
- { 127450, false },
+ { 127432, true },
+ { 127444, true },
+ { 127453, true },
{ 127467, true },
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- { 127504, true },
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+ { 127479, true },
+ { 127487, true },
+ { 127497, true },
+ { 127509, true },
+ { 127521, true },
{ 127531, true },
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- { 127560, true },
- { 127576, true },
- { 127591, true },
- { 127606, true },
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- { 127636, true },
- { 127648, true },
- { 127664, true },
+ { 127539, true },
+ { 127551, true },
+ { 127569, true },
+ { 127585, false },
+ { 127602, true },
+ { 127623, true },
+ { 127644, true },
+ { 127656, true },
+ { 127668, true },
{ 127681, true },
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- { 127710, true },
- { 127729, true },
- { 127749, true },
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+ { 127691, true },
+ { 127700, true },
+ { 127714, true },
+ { 127730, true },
+ { 127750, true },
+ { 127765, true },
{ 127781, true },
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- { 127810, true },
- { 127819, true },
- { 127833, true },
- { 127848, true },
- { 127860, true },
- { 127880, true },
- { 127893, true },
- { 127905, true },
+ { 127791, true },
+ { 127803, true },
+ { 127823, true },
+ { 127845, true },
+ { 127858, true },
+ { 127871, true },
+ { 127885, true },
+ { 127909, true },
{ 127926, true },
- { 127940, true },
- { 127953, true },
+ { 127939, true },
+ { 127952, true },
{ 127964, true },
- { 127979, true },
- { 127989, false },
- { 128008, true },
- { 128023, true },
- { 128037, false },
- { 128048, true },
- { 128056, true },
- { 128068, true },
- { 128075, true },
- { 128087, true },
- { 128095, true },
- { 128105, true },
- { 128115, true },
+ { 127976, true },
+ { 127998, true },
+ { 128010, true },
+ { 128035, true },
+ { 128053, true },
+ { 128067, true },
+ { 128086, true },
+ { 128097, true },
+ { 128111, true },
+ { 128122, true },
{ 128130, true },
- { 128149, true },
- { 128161, true },
- { 128177, true },
- { 128190, true },
- { 128205, false },
- { 128215, true },
- { 128227, true },
- { 128236, true },
- { 128250, true },
- { 128262, true },
- { 128270, true },
- { 128280, true },
- { 128292, true },
- { 128304, true },
- { 128314, true },
- { 128322, true },
- { 128334, true },
- { 128352, true },
- { 128368, false },
- { 128385, true },
- { 128406, true },
- { 128427, true },
- { 128439, true },
- { 128451, true },
- { 128464, true },
- { 128474, true },
- { 128483, true },
- { 128497, true },
- { 128513, true },
- { 128533, true },
- { 128548, true },
- { 128564, true },
- { 128574, true },
- { 128586, true },
- { 128606, true },
- { 128628, true },
- { 128641, true },
- { 128654, true },
- { 128668, true },
- { 128692, true },
- { 128709, true },
- { 128722, true },
- { 128735, true },
- { 128747, true },
- { 128759, true },
- { 128781, true },
- { 128793, true },
- { 128818, true },
- { 128836, true },
- { 128850, true },
- { 128869, true },
- { 128880, true },
- { 128894, true },
- { 128905, true },
- { 128913, true },
- { 128927, true },
+ { 128144, true },
+ { 128161, false },
+ { 128173, true },
+ { 128192, true },
+ { 128205, true },
+ { 128216, true },
+ { 128229, true },
+ { 128239, true },
+ { 128249, true },
+ { 128259, true },
+ { 128282, true },
+ { 128301, true },
+ { 128309, true },
+ { 128323, true },
+ { 128335, true },
+ { 128346, true },
+ { 128360, true },
+ { 128367, true },
+ { 128380, true },
+ { 128397, true },
+ { 128407, true },
+ { 128416, true },
+ { 128432, true },
+ { 128447, true },
+ { 128457, true },
+ { 128473, true },
+ { 128485, false },
+ { 128496, false },
+ { 128514, false },
+ { 128527, true },
+ { 128542, false },
+ { 128560, false },
+ { 128583, false },
+ { 128604, false },
+ { 128623, true },
+ { 128643, true },
+ { 128659, false },
+ { 128675, false },
+ { 128691, true },
+ { 128713, true },
+ { 128726, false },
+ { 128743, false },
+ { 128760, true },
+ { 128777, false },
+ { 128803, false },
+ { 128820, false },
+ { 128834, false },
+ { 128853, false },
+ { 128864, false },
+ { 128876, false },
+ { 128888, false },
+ { 128907, true },
+ { 128925, false },
{ 128944, false },
- { 128956, true },
- { 128975, true },
- { 128988, true },
- { 128999, true },
- { 129012, true },
- { 129022, true },
- { 129032, true },
- { 129042, true },
- { 129065, true },
- { 129084, true },
- { 129092, true },
- { 129106, true },
- { 129118, true },
- { 129129, true },
- { 129143, true },
- { 129150, true },
+ { 128958, false },
+ { 128974, false },
+ { 128991, false },
+ { 129008, false },
+ { 129023, false },
+ { 129039, true },
+ { 129060, false },
+ { 129079, false },
+ { 129097, false },
+ { 129117, true },
+ { 129133, false },
+ { 129148, true },
{ 129163, true },
- { 129180, true },
- { 129190, true },
- { 129199, true },
- { 129215, true },
- { 129230, true },
- { 129240, true },
- { 129256, true },
- { 129268, false },
- { 129279, false },
- { 129297, false },
- { 129310, true },
- { 129325, false },
- { 129343, false },
- { 129366, false },
- { 129387, false },
- { 129406, true },
- { 129426, true },
- { 129442, false },
- { 129458, false },
+ { 129187, true },
+ { 129206, false },
+ { 129224, false },
+ { 129239, true },
+ { 129260, false },
+ { 129284, false },
+ { 129303, false },
+ { 129319, false },
+ { 129334, false },
+ { 129347, true },
+ { 129363, false },
+ { 129378, false },
+ { 129392, true },
+ { 129403, true },
+ { 129414, true },
+ { 129427, true },
+ { 129435, true },
+ { 129446, true },
+ { 129451, true },
+ { 129456, true },
+ { 129466, true },
{ 129474, true },
- { 129496, true },
- { 129509, false },
- { 129526, false },
- { 129543, true },
- { 129560, false },
- { 129586, false },
- { 129603, false },
- { 129617, false },
- { 129636, false },
- { 129647, false },
- { 129659, false },
- { 129671, false },
- { 129690, true },
- { 129708, false },
- { 129727, false },
- { 129741, false },
- { 129757, false },
- { 129774, false },
- { 129791, false },
- { 129806, false },
- { 129822, true },
- { 129843, false },
- { 129862, false },
- { 129880, false },
- { 129900, true },
- { 129916, false },
- { 129931, true },
- { 129946, true },
- { 129970, true },
- { 129989, false },
- { 130007, false },
- { 130022, true },
- { 130043, false },
- { 130067, false },
- { 130086, false },
- { 130102, false },
- { 130117, false },
- { 130130, true },
- { 130146, false },
- { 130161, false },
- { 130175, true },
- { 130186, true },
- { 130197, true },
- { 130210, true },
- { 130218, true },
- { 130229, true },
- { 130234, true },
- { 130239, true },
- { 130249, true },
- { 130257, true },
- { 130277, true },
- { 130284, true },
- { 130303, true },
- { 130315, false },
- { 130326, true },
+ { 129494, true },
+ { 129501, false },
+ { 129512, true },
+ { 129519, true },
+ { 129526, true },
+ { 129547, true },
+ { 129571, true },
+ { 129578, true },
+ { 129595, true },
+ { 129601, true },
+ { 129608, true },
+ { 129620, true },
+ { 129630, true },
+ { 129641, true },
+ { 129650, true },
+ { 129662, true },
+ { 129673, true },
+ { 129684, true },
+ { 129691, true },
+ { 129710, true },
+ { 129726, true },
+ { 129738, true },
+ { 129749, true },
+ { 129763, true },
+ { 129778, true },
+ { 129788, true },
+ { 129799, true },
+ { 129809, true },
+ { 129820, true },
+ { 129828, true },
+ { 129842, true },
+ { 129849, true },
+ { 129867, true },
+ { 129890, true },
+ { 129921, true },
+ { 129937, true },
+ { 129953, true },
+ { 129969, true },
+ { 129985, true },
+ { 130004, true },
+ { 130036, true },
+ { 130066, true },
+ { 130085, true },
+ { 130116, false },
+ { 130137, true },
+ { 130155, true },
+ { 130173, true },
+ { 130191, true },
+ { 130209, true },
+ { 130224, true },
+ { 130253, true },
+ { 130276, true },
+ { 130291, true },
{ 130333, true },
- { 130340, true },
- { 130361, true },
- { 130385, true },
- { 130392, true },
- { 130409, true },
- { 130415, true },
- { 130422, true },
- { 130434, true },
- { 130444, true },
- { 130455, true },
- { 130464, true },
- { 130476, true },
- { 130487, true },
- { 130498, true },
- { 130505, true },
- { 130524, true },
- { 130540, true },
- { 130552, true },
- { 130563, true },
- { 130575, true },
- { 130589, true },
- { 130604, true },
- { 130614, true },
- { 130624, true },
- { 130635, true },
- { 130643, true },
- { 130657, true },
- { 130664, true },
- { 130682, true },
- { 130708, true },
- { 130731, true },
- { 130762, true },
- { 130778, true },
- { 130794, true },
- { 130810, true },
- { 130826, true },
- { 130845, true },
- { 130877, true },
- { 130907, true },
+ { 130356, false },
+ { 130366, true },
+ { 130376, true },
+ { 130387, true },
+ { 130397, true },
+ { 130404, true },
+ { 130418, true },
+ { 130427, true },
+ { 130437, true },
+ { 130449, true },
+ { 130456, true },
+ { 130463, true },
+ { 130479, true },
+ { 130488, true },
+ { 130501, true },
+ { 130508, true },
+ { 130518, true },
+ { 130526, true },
+ { 130537, true },
+ { 130547, true },
+ { 130562, true },
+ { 130572, true },
+ { 130583, true },
+ { 130594, true },
+ { 130608, true },
+ { 130615, true },
+ { 130627, true },
+ { 130637, true },
+ { 130649, true },
+ { 130660, true },
+ { 130673, true },
+ { 130685, true },
+ { 130699, true },
+ { 130712, true },
+ { 130722, true },
+ { 130737, true },
+ { 130749, false },
+ { 130759, true },
+ { 130771, true },
+ { 130783, true },
+ { 130793, true },
+ { 130801, true },
+ { 130808, true },
+ { 130817, true },
+ { 130831, true },
+ { 130851, true },
+ { 130866, true },
+ { 130879, true },
+ { 130890, false },
+ { 130899, true },
+ { 130915, true },
{ 130926, true },
- { 130957, false },
- { 130978, true },
- { 130996, true },
- { 131014, true },
- { 131032, true },
- { 131050, true },
- { 131065, true },
- { 131094, true },
- { 131117, true },
+ { 130936, true },
+ { 130946, true },
+ { 130957, true },
+ { 130979, true },
+ { 130990, true },
+ { 130999, true },
+ { 131009, true },
+ { 131018, true },
+ { 131030, true },
+ { 131042, true },
+ { 131052, true },
+ { 131072, true },
+ { 131082, true },
+ { 131093, true },
+ { 131103, true },
+ { 131118, true },
{ 131132, true },
- { 131174, true },
- { 131197, false },
+ { 131146, true },
+ { 131161, true },
+ { 131176, true },
+ { 131188, true },
{ 131207, true },
- { 131217, true },
- { 131228, true },
- { 131238, true },
- { 131245, true },
- { 131259, true },
- { 131268, true },
- { 131278, true },
- { 131290, true },
- { 131297, true },
- { 131304, true },
+ { 131225, true },
+ { 131237, true },
+ { 131248, true },
+ { 131264, true },
+ { 131273, true },
+ { 131285, true },
+ { 131298, true },
+ { 131310, true },
{ 131320, true },
- { 131329, true },
- { 131342, true },
- { 131349, true },
- { 131359, true },
- { 131367, true },
- { 131378, true },
- { 131388, true },
- { 131403, false },
- { 131414, true },
- { 131424, true },
- { 131435, true },
- { 131446, true },
+ { 131328, true },
+ { 131337, true },
+ { 131346, true },
+ { 131355, true },
+ { 131364, true },
+ { 131375, true },
+ { 131385, false },
+ { 131393, true },
+ { 131405, true },
+ { 131413, true },
+ { 131423, true },
+ { 131432, true },
+ { 131445, true },
+ { 131450, true },
{ 131460, true },
{ 131467, true },
- { 131479, true },
- { 131489, true },
- { 131501, true },
- { 131512, true },
- { 131525, true },
- { 131537, true },
- { 131551, true },
- { 131564, true },
- { 131574, true },
- { 131589, true },
- { 131601, false },
- { 131611, true },
- { 131623, true },
- { 131635, true },
- { 131645, true },
- { 131653, true },
- { 131660, true },
- { 131669, true },
- { 131683, true },
- { 131703, true },
- { 131718, true },
- { 131731, true },
- { 131742, false },
- { 131751, true },
- { 131767, true },
- { 131778, true },
- { 131788, true },
- { 131798, true },
+ { 131474, true },
+ { 131493, true },
+ { 131509, true },
+ { 131527, true },
+ { 131540, true },
+ { 131548, true },
+ { 131561, true },
+ { 131570, true },
+ { 131583, true },
+ { 131590, true },
+ { 131601, true },
+ { 131625, true },
+ { 131637, true },
+ { 131656, true },
+ { 131663, false },
+ { 131674, true },
+ { 131686, true },
+ { 131694, true },
+ { 131702, true },
+ { 131713, true },
+ { 131723, true },
+ { 131732, true },
+ { 131744, true },
+ { 131752, true },
+ { 131777, true },
+ { 131789, true },
{ 131809, true },
- { 131831, true },
- { 131842, true },
- { 131851, true },
- { 131861, true },
- { 131870, true },
- { 131882, true },
- { 131894, true },
- { 131904, true },
- { 131924, true },
- { 131934, true },
- { 131945, true },
- { 131955, true },
- { 131970, true },
+ { 131820, false },
+ { 131835, true },
+ { 131850, true },
+ { 131866, true },
+ { 131895, true },
+ { 131913, true },
+ { 131923, true },
+ { 131935, true },
+ { 131947, true },
+ { 131959, true },
+ { 131972, true },
{ 131984, true },
- { 131998, true },
- { 132013, true },
- { 132028, true },
+ { 131995, true },
+ { 132005, true },
+ { 132016, true },
+ { 132031, true },
{ 132040, true },
- { 132059, true },
- { 132077, true },
- { 132089, true },
- { 132100, true },
- { 132116, true },
- { 132125, true },
- { 132137, true },
- { 132150, true },
- { 132162, true },
- { 132172, true },
+ { 132050, true },
+ { 132064, true },
+ { 132076, true },
+ { 132092, true },
+ { 132107, true },
+ { 132119, true },
+ { 132126, true },
+ { 132141, true },
+ { 132153, true },
+ { 132161, true },
+ { 132169, true },
{ 132180, true },
- { 132189, true },
- { 132198, true },
- { 132207, true },
- { 132216, true },
- { 132227, true },
- { 132237, false },
- { 132245, true },
- { 132257, true },
- { 132265, true },
- { 132275, true },
- { 132284, true },
- { 132297, true },
+ { 132197, false },
+ { 132209, true },
+ { 132228, true },
+ { 132246, true },
+ { 132258, true },
+ { 132268, true },
+ { 132283, true },
+ { 132295, true },
{ 132302, true },
- { 132312, true },
- { 132319, true },
- { 132326, true },
- { 132345, true },
- { 132361, true },
- { 132379, true },
- { 132392, true },
- { 132400, true },
- { 132413, true },
- { 132422, true },
- { 132435, true },
- { 132442, true },
- { 132453, true },
- { 132477, true },
- { 132489, true },
- { 132508, true },
- { 132515, false },
- { 132526, true },
- { 132538, true },
- { 132546, true },
- { 132554, true },
- { 132565, true },
- { 132575, true },
- { 132584, true },
- { 132596, true },
- { 132604, true },
- { 132629, true },
- { 132641, true },
- { 132661, true },
- { 132672, false },
- { 132687, true },
- { 132702, true },
- { 132718, true },
- { 132747, true },
- { 132765, true },
- { 132775, true },
- { 132787, true },
- { 132799, true },
- { 132811, true },
- { 132824, true },
- { 132836, true },
- { 132847, true },
- { 132857, true },
- { 132868, true },
- { 132883, true },
- { 132892, true },
- { 132902, true },
- { 132916, true },
- { 132928, true },
- { 132944, true },
- { 132959, true },
- { 132971, true },
- { 132978, true },
- { 132993, true },
- { 133005, true },
- { 133013, true },
- { 133021, true },
- { 133032, true },
- { 133049, false },
- { 133061, true },
- { 133080, true },
- { 133098, true },
- { 133110, true },
- { 133120, true },
- { 133127, true },
- { 133138, true },
- { 133148, true },
- { 133163, true },
- { 133175, true },
- { 133182, true },
- { 133193, true },
- { 133200, true },
- { 133211, true },
- { 133222, true },
- { 133237, true },
- { 133253, true },
- { 133267, true },
- { 133291, true },
- { 133306, true },
- { 133317, true },
- { 133327, true },
- { 133342, true },
- { 133352, true },
- { 133363, true },
- { 133379, true },
- { 133393, true },
- { 133400, true },
- { 133412, true },
- { 133420, true },
- { 133430, true },
- { 133440, true },
- { 133453, true },
- { 133461, true },
- { 133474, true },
- { 133487, true },
- { 133494, true },
- { 133504, true },
+ { 132313, true },
+ { 132324, true },
+ { 132335, true },
+ { 132350, true },
+ { 132366, true },
+ { 132380, true },
+ { 132404, true },
+ { 132419, true },
+ { 132430, true },
+ { 132440, true },
+ { 132455, true },
+ { 132465, true },
+ { 132476, true },
+ { 132492, true },
+ { 132506, true },
+ { 132513, true },
+ { 132525, true },
+ { 132533, true },
+ { 132543, true },
+ { 132553, true },
+ { 132566, true },
+ { 132574, true },
+ { 132587, true },
+ { 132600, true },
+ { 132607, true },
+ { 132617, true },
diff --git a/services/sync/locales/en-US/errors.properties b/services/sync/locales/en-US/errors.properties
index 237e571763db..3dfa074bc8ea 100644
--- a/services/sync/locales/en-US/errors.properties
+++ b/services/sync/locales/en-US/errors.properties
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ weak-password = Use a stronger password
# this is the fallback, if we hit an error we didn't bother to localize
error.reason.unknown = Unknown error
-change.password.pwSameAsPassword = Password can't match current password
-change.password.pwSameAsUsername = Password can't match your user name
-change.password.pwSameAsEmail = Password can't match your email address
+change.password.pwSameAsPassword = Password can’t match current password
+change.password.pwSameAsUsername = Password can’t match your user name
+change.password.pwSameAsEmail = Password can’t match your email address
change.password.mismatch = The passwords entered do not match
change.password.tooShort = The password entered is too short
diff --git a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_csp_validator.js b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_csp_validator.js
index 2e6f048557e3..59a7322bc3c9 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_csp_validator.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_csp_validator.js
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ add_task(function* test_csp_validator() {
- "Policy is missing a required 'script-src' directive");
+ "Policy is missing a required \u2018script-src\u2019 directive");
checkPolicy("object-src 'none';",
- "Policy is missing a required 'script-src' directive");
+ "Policy is missing a required \u2018script-src\u2019 directive");
checkPolicy("default-src 'self'", null,
@@ -39,25 +39,25 @@ add_task(function* test_csp_validator() {
checkPolicy("default-src 'self'; script-src http://example.com",
- "'script-src' directive contains a forbidden http: protocol source",
+ "\u2018script-src\u2019 directive contains a forbidden http: protocol source",
"A valid default-src should not allow an invalid script-src directive");
checkPolicy("default-src 'self'; object-src http://example.com",
- "'object-src' directive contains a forbidden http: protocol source",
+ "\u2018object-src\u2019 directive contains a forbidden http: protocol source",
"A valid default-src should not allow an invalid object-src directive");
checkPolicy("script-src 'self';",
- "Policy is missing a required 'object-src' directive");
+ "Policy is missing a required \u2018object-src\u2019 directive");
checkPolicy("script-src 'none'; object-src 'none'",
- "'script-src' must include the source 'self'");
+ "\u2018script-src\u2019 must include the source 'self'");
checkPolicy("script-src 'self'; object-src 'none';",
checkPolicy("script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'self';",
- "'script-src' directive contains a forbidden 'unsafe-inline' keyword");
+ "\u2018script-src\u2019 directive contains a forbidden 'unsafe-inline' keyword");
let directives = ["script-src", "object-src"];
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ add_task(function* test_csp_validator() {
for (let [directive, other] of [directives, directives.slice().reverse()]) {
for (let src of ["https://*", "https://*.blogspot.com", "https://*"]) {
checkPolicy(`${directive} 'self' ${src}; ${other} 'self';`,
- `https: wildcard sources in '${directive}' directives must include at least one non-generic sub-domain (e.g., *.example.com rather than *.com)`);
+ `https: wildcard sources in \u2018${directive}\u2019 directives must include at least one non-generic sub-domain (e.g., *.example.com rather than *.com)`);
checkPolicy(`${directive} 'self' https:; ${other} 'self';`,
- `https: protocol requires a host in '${directive}' directives`);
+ `https: protocol requires a host in \u2018${directive}\u2019 directives`);
checkPolicy(`${directive} 'self' http://example.com; ${other} 'self';`,
- `'${directive}' directive contains a forbidden http: protocol source`);
+ `\u2018${directive}\u2019 directive contains a forbidden http: protocol source`);
for (let protocol of ["http", "ftp", "meh"]) {
checkPolicy(`${directive} 'self' ${protocol}:; ${other} 'self';`,
- `'${directive}' directive contains a forbidden ${protocol}: protocol source`);
+ `\u2018${directive}\u2019 directive contains a forbidden ${protocol}: protocol source`);
checkPolicy(`${directive} 'self' 'nonce-01234'; ${other} 'self';`,
- `'${directive}' directive contains a forbidden 'nonce-*' keyword`);
+ `\u2018${directive}\u2019 directive contains a forbidden 'nonce-*' keyword`);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_manifest_content_security_policy.js b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_manifest_content_security_policy.js
index 84fb6770e0dd..f65c4e33f4d1 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_manifest_content_security_policy.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_manifest_content_security_policy.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ add_task(function* test_manifest_csp() {
equal(normalized.error, undefined, "Should not have an error");
- ["Error processing content_security_policy: SyntaxError: Policy is missing a required 'script-src' directive"],
+ ["Error processing content_security_policy: SyntaxError: Policy is missing a required \u2018script-src\u2019 directive"],
"Should have the expected warning");
equal(normalized.value.content_security_policy, null,
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_capture_doorhanger_window_open.js b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_capture_doorhanger_window_open.js
index 9ed1d3aa8978..40861c482190 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_capture_doorhanger_window_open.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/browser_capture_doorhanger_window_open.js
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ function withTestTabUntilStorageChange(aPageFile, aTaskFn) {
+function* checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword(username, password) {
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
+ return document.getElementById("password-notification-username").value == username;
+ }, "Wait for nsLoginManagerPrompter writeDataToUI()");
+ is(document.getElementById("password-notification-username").value, username,
+ "Check doorhanger username");
+ is(document.getElementById("password-notification-password").value, password,
+ "Check doorhanger password");
add_task(function* setup() {
yield SimpleTest.promiseFocus(window);
@@ -49,6 +59,7 @@ add_task(function* test_saveChromeHiddenAutoClose() {
// the popup closes and the doorhanger should appear in the opener
let popup = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save");
ok(popup, "got notification popup");
+ yield* checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1");
// Sanity check, no logins should exist yet.
let logins = Services.logins.getAllLogins();
is(logins.length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet");
@@ -72,6 +83,7 @@ add_task(function* test_changeChromeHiddenAutoClose() {
yield notifShownPromise;
let popup = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change");
ok(popup, "got notification popup");
+ yield* checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "pass2");
clickDoorhangerButton(popup, CHANGE_BUTTON);
@@ -99,6 +111,7 @@ add_task(function* test_saveChromeVisibleSameWindow() {
yield notifShownPromise;
let popup = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save");
ok(popup, "got notification popup");
+ yield* checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu2", "notifyp2");
clickDoorhangerButton(popup, REMEMBER_BUTTON);
yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
@@ -119,6 +132,7 @@ add_task(function* test_changeChromeVisibleSameWindow() {
yield notifShownPromise;
let popup = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change");
ok(popup, "got notification popup");
+ yield* checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu2", "pass2");
clickDoorhangerButton(popup, CHANGE_BUTTON);
yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/chrome/chrome.ini b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/chrome/chrome.ini
index 7bc9b1717605..b5ada17cd803 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/chrome/chrome.ini
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/chrome/chrome.ini
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
skip-if = buildapp == 'b2g' || os == 'android'
-support-files = ../pwmgr_common.js
skip-if = true # Bug 1173337
support-files =
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest.ini b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest.ini
index 85d9aa405d90..bb5cb9481912 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest.ini
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest.ini
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ support-files =
skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts
-skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts
-skip-if = os == "linux" || toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts
skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini
index 60b57f608f6b..feb1b1b3e130 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/mochitest.ini
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ support-files =
+ ../notification_common.js
+ ../../../prompts/test/prompt_common.js
+ ../../../prompts/test/chromeScript.js
@@ -30,9 +33,13 @@ skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete
skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Bug 1259768
+skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Bug 1259768
+skip-if = e10s || os == "linux" || toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_formless_autofill.html b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_formless_autofill.html
index 76d40f3adc95..6263c818da1d 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_formless_autofill.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_formless_autofill.html
@@ -10,18 +10,27 @@
@@ -181,7 +176,7 @@ let runTest = Task.async(function*() {
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_prompt.html b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_prompt.html
similarity index 50%
rename from toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_prompt.html
rename to toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_prompt.html
index f4505cc8079c..ccc3584375d4 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_prompt.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/mochitest/test_prompt.html
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Test username/password prompts
@@ -19,15 +20,18 @@ Login Manager test: username/password prompts
-Login Manager test: master password cleanup
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/pwmgr_common.js b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/pwmgr_common.js
index daf2963cbb82..cf1d701787ed 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/pwmgr_common.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/pwmgr_common.js
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ function setMasterPassword(enable) {
var pk11db = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pk11tokendb;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPK11TokenDB);
var token = pk11db.findTokenByName("");
- ok(true, "change from " + oldPW + " to " + newPW);
+ info("MP change from " + oldPW + " to " + newPW);
token.changePassword(oldPW, newPW);
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ function promiseFormsProcessed(expectedCount = 1) {
function loadRecipes(recipes) {
+ info("Loading recipes");
return new Promise(resolve => {
chromeScript.addMessageListener("loadedRecipes", function loaded() {
chromeScript.removeMessageListener("loadedRecipes", loaded);
@@ -293,6 +294,7 @@ function loadRecipes(recipes) {
function resetRecipes() {
+ info("Resetting recipes");
return new Promise(resolve => {
chromeScript.addMessageListener("recipesReset", function reset() {
chromeScript.removeMessageListener("recipesReset", reset);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password.html b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password.html
index fd4e6f73a835..95cc689dd60f 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password.html
@@ -281,19 +281,17 @@ function checkTest4C() {
is(u.value, "user1", "checking expected user to have been filled in");
is(p.value, "pass1", "checking expected pass to have been filled in");
- finishTest();
+ SimpleTest.finish();
// XXX do a test5ABC with clicking cancel?
-function finishTest() {
+SimpleTest.registerCleanupFunction(function finishTest() {
- ok(pwcrypt.isLoggedIn, "should be logged in");
- SimpleTest.finish();
window.addEventListener("runTests", startTest1);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password_cleanup.html b/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password_cleanup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a3ffc7eea4..000000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/test_master_password_cleanup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@