@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Places code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Google Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Brett Wilson <brett@gmail.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIArray.idl"
#include "nsIURI.idl"
interface nsINavHistoryQuery;
interface nsINavHistoryQueryOptions;
interface nsITransactionManager;
interface nsITreeColumn;
[scriptable, uuid(acae2b2d-5fcd-4419-b1bc-b7dc92a1836c)]
interface nsINavHistoryResultNode : nsISupports
* Indentifies the parent result node in the result set. This is null for
* top level nodes.
readonly attribute nsINavHistoryResultNode parent;
* Identifies the type of this node.
const PRUint32 RESULT_TYPE_URL = 0;
const PRUint32 RESULT_TYPE_VISIT = 1;
const PRUint32 RESULT_TYPE_HOST = 2;
const PRUint32 RESULT_TYPE_DAY = 3;
const PRUint32 RESULT_TYPE_QUERY = 4;
readonly attribute PRUint32 type;
* URL of the web page in question. Empty for all other types, including
* hosts.
readonly attribute AUTF8String url;
* ID of the folder corresponding to this node.
* Only valid for RESULT_TYPE_QUERY nodes where exactly one folder
* has been specified in the query. 0 in all other cases.
readonly attribute PRInt64 folderId;
* Type of the folder corresponding to this node.
* Only valid for RESULT_TYPE_QUERY nodes where exactly one folder
* has been specified in the query. 0 in all other cases.
readonly attribute AString folderType;
* Get the queries which build this node's children.
* Only valid for RESULT_TYPE_QUERY nodes.
void getQueries(out unsigned long queryCount,
[retval,array,size_is(queryCount)] out nsINavHistoryQuery queries);
* Get the options which group this node's children.
* Only valid for RESULT_TYPE_QUERY nodes.
readonly attribute nsINavHistoryQueryOptions queryOptions;
* Title of the web page, or of the node's grouping (day, host, folder, etc)
readonly attribute AString title;
* Total number of times the URL has ever been accessed. For hosts, this
* is the total of the children under it, NOT the total times the host has
* been accessed (this would require an additional query, so is not given
* by default when most of the time it is never needed).
readonly attribute PRInt32 accessCount;
* This is the time the user accessed the page.
* If this is a visit, it is the exact time that the page visit occurred.
* If this is a URL, it is the most recent time that the URL was visited.
* Even if you ask for all URLs for a given date range long ago, this might
* contain today's date if the URL was visited today.
* For hosts, or other node types with children, this is the most recent
* access time for any of the children.
* For days, this is midnight on the morning of the day in question in
* UTC time.
readonly attribute PRTime time;
* This URI can be used as an image source URL and will give you the favicon
* for the page. It is *not* the URL of the favicon, but rather something
* that will resolve to the actual image.
* In most cases, this is an annotation URI that will query the favicon
* service. If the entry has no favicon, this is the chrome URL of the
* default favicon. If the favicon originally lived in chrome, this will
* be the original chrome URI of the icon.
readonly attribute nsIURI icon;
* This is the number of levels between this node and the top of the
* hierarchy. The members of result.children have indentLevel = 0, their
* children have indentLevel = 1, etc.
readonly attribute PRInt32 indentLevel;
* This gives you the children of the nodes. It is preferrable to use this
* interface over the array one, since it avoids creating an nsIArray object
* and the interface is already the correct type.
readonly attribute PRInt32 childCount;
nsINavHistoryResultNode getChild(in PRInt32 index);
* Returns false if this node's list of children can be modified
* (adding or removing children, or reordering children), or true if
* the UI should not allow the list of children to be modified.
* This is false for bookmark folder nodes unless setFolderReadOnly() has
* been called to override it, and true for non-folder nodes.
readonly attribute boolean childrenReadOnly;
* Allows clients of the HistoryResult to define domain specific handling
* of specific nsITreeView methods that the HistoryResult does not implement.
[scriptable, uuid(b34d5ca4-ce8e-49a6-9201-a59ae2128d2c)]
interface nsINavHistoryResultViewObserver : nsISupports
const long DROP_BEFORE = -1;
const long DROP_ON = 0;
const long DROP_AFTER = 1;
* Methods used by the drag feedback code to determine if a drag is allowable at
* the current location. To get the behavior where drops are only allowed on
* items, such as the mailNews folder pane, always return false whe
* the orientation is not DROP_ON. Implementors should not change the content of
* the observer list!
boolean canDrop(in long index, in long orientation);
* Called when the user drops something on this view. The |orientation| param
* specifies before/on/after the given |row|.
void onDrop(in long row, in long orientation);
* Called when an item is opened or closed.
void onToggleOpenState (in long index);
* Called when a header is clicked.
void onCycleHeader(in nsITreeColumn column);
* Called when a cell in a non-selectable cycling column (e.g.
* unread/flag/etc.) is clicked.
void onCycleCell(in long row, in nsITreeColumn column);
* Called when selection in the tree changes
void onSelectionChanged();
* A command API that can be used to invoke commands on the selection.
* The tree will automatically invoke this method when certain keys
* are pressed. For example, when the DEL key is pressed, performAction
* will be called with the "delete" string.
void onPerformAction(in wstring action);
* A command API that can be used to invoke commands on a specific row.
void onPerformActionOnRow(in wstring action, in long row);
* A command API that can be used to invoke commands on a specific cell.
void onPerformActionOnCell(in wstring action, in long row, in nsITreeColumn column);
* The result of a history/bookmark query.
* This class is also a result "node". Use those interfaces to access the
* toplevel children of this result.
[scriptable, uuid(25b45a94-3323-4c7b-910a-315f2c59bfb4)]
interface nsINavHistoryResult : nsINavHistoryResultNode
* Sorts all nodes recursively by the given parameter, one of
* nsINavHistory.SORT_BY_*
void recursiveSort(in PRUint32 aSortingMode);
* Controls whether the day appears when time columns are requested
* through the tree interface. True is the default, meaning the date is shown
attribute boolean timesIncludeDates;
* Controls whether duplicate adjacent elements are collapsed into a single
* item in the tree. This prevents you from seeing multiple entries for
* things when you have selected to get visits. When you sort by date, the
* multiple entries will then appear because they will be separated (unless
* you clicked reload a bunch of times in a row). If you know you'll only
* ever want one entry per site, you should ask for URLs back instead of
* visits so it will be more efficient.
* Default = true
attribute boolean collapseDuplicates;
* Call these functions to expand or collapse all elements in the tree.
void expandAll();
void collapseAll();
* This allows you to get at the real node for a given row index in the tree.
nsINavHistoryResultNode nodeForTreeIndex(in PRUint32 aIndex);
* Reverse of nodeForTreeIndex, returns the row index for a given result node.
* Returns INDEX_INVISIBLE if the item is not visible (for example, its
* parent is collapsed).
const PRUint32 INDEX_INVISIBLE = 0xffffffff;
PRUint32 treeIndexForNode(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode);
* Add a Tree Builder Observer to handle Tree View methods that the
* HistoryResult object does not implement. If ownsWeak is false, then
* the result will hold a strong reference to the observer. If ownsWeak
* is true, then the observer must implement nsISupportsWeakReference, and
* the result will hold a weak reference to the observer.
void addObserver(in nsINavHistoryResultViewObserver observer,
in boolean ownsWeak);
* Remove a tree builder observer.
void removeObserver(in nsINavHistoryResultViewObserver observer);
* Similar to nsIRDFObserver for history. Note that we don't pass the data
* source since that is always the global history.
* DANGER! If you are in the middle of a batch transaction, there may be a
* database transaction active. You can still access the DB, but be careful.
[scriptable, uuid(849e2184-3dee-416f-91cd-6a619ca49d1c)]
interface nsINavHistoryObserver : nsISupports
* Notifies you that a bunch of things are about to change, don't do any
* heavy-duty processing until onEndUpdateBatch is called.
void onBeginUpdateBatch();
* Notifies you that we are done doing a bunch of things and you should go
* ahead and update UI, etc.
void onEndUpdateBatch();
* True requests that you want to get called for all updates, false if you
* don't necessarily care about which exact things changed during a batch
* update. If false, this will sometimes not call you for things in between
* onBeginUpdateBatch and onEndUpdateBatch. You'll still get the begin and
* end, so you'll know something changed.
* Lots of observers don't care about what changes, only that something
* changed so they can update their UI. This allows delete operations to
* avoid iterating over every item, and just doing a single bulk SQL DELETE
* command, which is much more efficient.
* Note that you still might get called if you say false in some situations.
* This only skips certain time-consuming notifications if NO observers
* want the information.
readonly attribute boolean wantAllDetails;
* A page has been added that was visited at a given time. It's very possible
* that this page already existed in history, but was just visited again.
* Note that adding a page can (but doesn't always) make the page unhidden.
* This happens implicitly and you won't get a separate change notification.
void onAddURI(in nsIURI aURI, in PRTime aTime);
* This page and all of its visits are being deleted. Note: the page may not
* necessarily have actually existed for this function to be called.
* Delete notifications are only 99.99% accurate. Batch delete operations
* must be done in two steps, so first come notifications, then a bulk
* delete. If there is some error in the middle (for example, out of memory)
* then you'll get a notification and it won't get deleted. There's no easy
* way around this.
void onDeleteURI(in nsIURI aURI);
* Notification that all of history is being deleted.
void onClearHistory();
* A page has had some attribute on it changed. Note that for TYPED and
* HIDDEN, the page may not necessarily have been added yet.
const PRUint32 ATTRIBUTE_TITLE = 0; // aString = new title
const PRUint32 ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 1; // aString = empty
const PRUint32 ATTRIBUTE_TYPED = 2; // aString = empty
const PRUint32 ATTRIBUTE_FAVICON = 3; // favicon updated, aString = favicon annotation URI
void onPageChanged(in nsIURI aURI, in PRUint32 aWhat, in AString aValue);
* This object encapsulates all the query parameters you're likely to need
* when building up history UI. All parameters are ANDed together.
* This is not intended to be a super-general query mechanism. This was designed
* so that most queries can be done in only one SQL query. This is important
* because, if the user has their profile on a networked drive, query latency
* can be non-negligible.
[scriptable, uuid(884819a6-1860-4a71-8fd7-89d962c1d984)]
interface nsINavHistoryQuery : nsISupports
* Time range for results (INCLUSIVE). The *TimeReference is one of the
* constants TIME_RELATIVE_* which indicates how to interpret the
* corresponding time value.
* The time is relative to Jan 1 1970 GMT, (this is a normal PRTime)
* The time is relative to this morning at midnight. Normally used for
* queries relative to today. For example, a "past week" query would be
* today-6 days -> today+1 day
* The time is relative to right now.
* Note: PRTime is in MICROseconds since 1 Jan 1970. Javascript date objects
* are expressed in MILLIseconds since 1 Jan 1970.
* As a special case, a 0 time relative to TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH indicates that
* the time is not part of the query. This is the default, so an empty query
* will match any time. The has* functions return whether the corresponding
* time is considered.
const PRUint32 TIME_RELATIVE_NOW = 2;
attribute PRTime beginTime;
attribute PRUint32 beginTimeReference;
readonly attribute boolean hasBeginTime;
attribute PRTime endTime;
attribute PRUint32 endTimeReference;
readonly attribute boolean hasEndTime;
* Text search terms.
attribute AString searchTerms;
readonly attribute boolean hasSearchTerms;
* When set, returns only bookmarked items, when unset, returns anything.
attribute boolean onlyBookmarked;
* This controls the meaning of 'domain', and whether it is an exact match
* 'domainIsHost' = true, or hierarchical (= false).
attribute boolean domainIsHost;
* This is the host or domain name (controlled by domainIsHost). When
* domainIsHost, domain only does exact matching on host names. Otherwise,
* it will return anything whose host name ends in 'domain'. Empty string
* means ignore.
attribute AString domain;
readonly attribute boolean hasDomain;
* Limit results to items that are in all of the given folders.
void getFolders(out PRUint32 count,
[retval,array,size_is(count)] out PRInt64 folders);
readonly attribute PRUint32 folderCount;
void setFolders([const,array, size_is(folderCount)] in PRInt64 folders,
in PRUint32 folderCount);
* Constants for itemTypes
const PRUint32 INCLUDE_ITEMS = 1;
const PRUint32 INCLUDE_QUERIES = 2;
* Filter the items returned. Takes a bitwise combination of INCLUDE_*
* constants. Note that folders are only returned when a parent folder
* is specified with setFolders().
attribute PRUint32 itemTypes;
* Creates a new query item with the same parameters of this one.
nsINavHistoryQuery clone();
* This object represents the global options for executing a query.
[scriptable, uuid(25fd4de4-33b0-475e-a63d-2bcb1d123e0d)]
interface nsINavHistoryQueryOptions : nsISupports
* Grouping by day. The results will be an array of nsINavHistoryResults with
* type = RESULT_TYPE_DAY, one for each day where there are results. These
* will have children of corresponding to the search results of that day.
const PRInt32 GROUP_BY_DAY = 0;
* Groping by exact host. The results will be an array of nsINavHistoryResults
* with type = RESULT_TYPE_HOST, one for each unique host (for example,
* "bugzilla.mozilla.org" and "www.mozilla.org" will be separate). The
* children of these will correspond to the results for each host.
const PRInt32 GROUP_BY_HOST = 1;
* Grouping by toplevel domain. Similar to GROUP_BY_HOST, but there will be
* one result for each toplevel domain (mozilla.org will be one entry, and
* will contain results including, for example, "bugzilla.mozilla.org" and
* "www.mozilla.org").
const PRInt32 GROUP_BY_DOMAIN = 2;
* Group by bookmark folder. Since this determines the entire subtree
* hierarchy, it must be the last grouping option given. This option
* requires the query to have onlyBookmarked set, and for there to be
* at least one parent folder specified via nsINavHistoryQuery::setFolders.
* If all of the top-level results belong to a single folder, the folder will
* be omitted and its children will become the toplevel result nodes.
const PRInt32 GROUP_BY_FOLDER = 3;
* You can ask for the results to be pre-sorted. Since the DB has indices
* of many items, it can produce sorted results almost for free. These should
* be self-explanatory.
* Note: re-sorting is slower, as is sorting by title or when you have a
* host name.
const PRInt32 SORT_BY_NONE = 0;
* "URL" results, one for each URL visited in the range.
const PRInt32 RESULT_TYPE_URL = 0;
* "Visit" results, with one for each time a page was visited
* (this will often give you multiple results for one URL).
const PRInt32 RESULT_TYPE_VISIT = 1;
* The grouping mode to be used for this query.
* Grouping mode is an array of GROUP_BY_* values that specifies the structure
* of the tree you want. For example, an array consisting of
* [GROUP_BY_DAY, GROUP_BY_DOMAIN] will give you a tree whose first level is
* a list of days, and whose second level is a list of domains, and whose
* third level is a list of pages in those domains. If you don't want a tree,
* you can specify an empty array.
void getGroupingMode(out PRUint32 groupCount,
[retval,array,size_is(groupCount)] out PRInt32 groupingMode);
void setGroupingMode([const,array,size_is(groupCount)] in PRInt32 groupingMode,
in PRUint32 groupCount);
* The sorting mode to be used for this query.
* mode is one of SORT_BY_*
attribute PRInt32 sortingMode;
* Sets the result type. One of RESULT_TYPE_*.
attribute PRInt32 resultType;
* When set, allows items with "place:" URIs to appear as containers,
* with the container's contents filled in from the stored query.
* If not set, these will appear as normal items.
attribute boolean expandPlaces;
* Normally the title of a result will be the user's custom title if there is
* one, falling back on the default page title. If this is set, we will not
* do this operation and always use the original page title extracted from
* the HTML of the page.
attribute boolean forceOriginalTitle;
* Creates a new options item with the same parameters of this one.
nsINavHistoryQueryOptions clone();
[scriptable, uuid(C51F54CB-5E89-4B20-A37C-1343888935B7)]
interface nsINavHistory : nsISupports
* True if there is any history. This can be used in UI to determine whether
* the "clear history" button should be enabled or not. This is much better
* than using BrowserHistory.count since that can be very slow if there is
* a lot of history (it must enumerate each item). This is pretty fast.
readonly attribute boolean hasHistoryEntries;
* This sets the user-defined title of the page. Silently fails if we have
* no knowledge of this page.
void setPageUserTitle(in nsIURI aURI, in AString aUserTitle);
* Returns true if this URI would be added to the history. You don't have to
* worry about calling this, addPageToSession/addURI will always check before
* actually adding the page. This function is public because some components
* may want to check if this page would go in the history (i.e. for
* annotations).
boolean canAddURI(in nsIURI aURI);
* This returns a new query object that you can pass to executeQuer[y/ies].
* It will be initialized to all empty (so using it will give you all history).
nsINavHistoryQuery getNewQuery();
* This returns a new options object that you can pass to executeQuer[y/ies]
* after setting the desired options.
nsINavHistoryQueryOptions getNewQueryOptions();
* Executes a single query.
nsINavHistoryResult executeQuery(in nsINavHistoryQuery aQuery,
in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
* Executes an array of queries. All of the query objects are ORed
* together. Within a query, all the terms are ANDed together as in
* executeQuery. See executeQuery()
nsINavHistoryResult executeQueries(
[array,size_is(aQueryCount)] in nsINavHistoryQuery aQueries, in PRUint32 aQueryCount,
in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
* Converts a query URI-like string to an array of actual query objects for
* use to executeQueries().
void queryStringToQueries(in AUTF8String aQueryString,
[array, size_is(aResultCount)] out nsINavHistoryQuery aQueries, out PRUint32 aResultCount,
out nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
* Converts a query into an equivalent string that can be persisted. Inverse
* of queryStringToQueries()
AUTF8String queriesToQueryString(
[array, size_is(aQueryCount)] in nsINavHistoryQuery aQueries, in PRUint32 aQueryCount,
in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
* Adds a history observer. If ownsWeak is false, the history service will
* keep an owning reference to the observer. If ownsWeak is true, then
* aObserver must implement nsISupportsWeakReference, and the history service
* will keep a weak reference to the observer.
void addObserver(in nsINavHistoryObserver observer, in boolean ownsWeak);
* Removes a history observer.
void removeObserver(in nsINavHistoryObserver observer);
* Causes observers to be notified of a beginUpdateBatch when a lot of things
* are about to change. Calls can be nested, observers will only be
* notified when all batches begin/end.
void beginUpdateBatch();
* Causes observers to be notified of an endUpdateBatch when a batch is
* done changing. Should match beginUpdateBatch or bad things will happen.
void endUpdateBatch();
* The Transaction Manager for edit operations performed on History and
* Bookmark items.
readonly attribute nsITransactionManager transactionManager;