Don't cycle in testonly mode if no binary exists. Adding success string support for filebasedtest.

This commit is contained in: 2000-02-17 07:33:01 +00:00
parent 2d571a50b9
commit a38046116c

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use Sys::Hostname;
use POSIX qw(sys_wait_h strftime);
use Cwd;
$Version = '$Revision: 1.54 $ ';
$Version = '$Revision: 1.55 $ ';
sub PrintUsage {
@ -209,18 +209,23 @@ sub BuildIt {
chdir $Topsrcdir or die "chdir $Topsrcdir: $!\n";
# Delete the binary before rebuilding
unless ($TestOnly) {
# Only delete if it exists.
if (&BinaryExists($mozillaBinary)) {
# Delete the binary before rebuilding
if (&BinaryExists($mozillaBinary)) {
# Don't delete binary if we're only running tests.
unless ($TestOnly) {
print LOG "deleting existing binary: $mozillaBinary\n";
} else {
print LOG "no binary detected, can't delete.\n";
} else {
print LOG "no binary detected, can't delete.\n";
# If we're only running tests and have no binary, bail.
unless ($TestOnly) {
$ENV{MOZ_CO_DATE} = "$BuildStart" if $UseTimeStamp;
@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ sub BuildIt {
$BuildStatus =
120, "enablePrivilege456"); # enablePrivilege456 is hack to test status.
90, "removeAccount: Passed", 1); # Hack: testing some partial success string for now.
# Run Editor test.
@ -296,7 +301,7 @@ sub BuildIt {
$BuildStatusStr = 'success';
print LOG "Running DomToTextConversionTest ...\n";
print "Running DomToTextConversionTest ...\n";
$BuildStatus = &RunFileBasedTest("DomToTextConversionTest", "TestOutSinks", 15, "FAILED");
$BuildStatus = &RunFileBasedTest("DomToTextConversionTest", "TestOutSinks", 15, "FAILED", 0);
@ -567,14 +572,18 @@ sub RunAliveTest {
# testName = Name of test we're gonna run, in dist/bin.
# testExecString = How to run the test
# testTimeoutSec = Timeout for hung tests, minimum test time.
# failureToken = What string to look for in test output to
# determine failure.
# statusToken = What string to look for in test output to
# determine test status.
# statusTokenMeansPass = Default use of status token is to look for failure string.
# If this is set to 1, then invert logic to look for success
# string.
# Note: I tried to merge this function with RunAliveTest(),
# the process flow control got too confusing :( -mcafee
sub RunFileBasedTest {
my ($testName, $testExecString, $testTimeoutSec, $failureToken) = @_;
my ($testName, $testExecString, $testTimeoutSec, $statusToken, $statusTokenMeansPass) = @_;
my $Binary;
print LOG "testExecString = ", $testExecString, "\n";
@ -673,9 +682,27 @@ sub RunFileBasedTest {
open TESTLOG, "<$BinaryLog" or die "Can't open $!";
$status = parse_file_for_token(*TESTLOG, $failureToken);
# Return 1 if we find statusToken in output.
$status = parse_file_for_token(*TESTLOG, $statusToken);
if($status) {
print LOG "found statusToken $statusToken!\n";
} else {
print LOG "statusToken $statusToken not found\n";
close TESTLOG;
# If we're using success string, invert status logic.
if($statusTokenMeansPass == 1) {
# Invert $status. This is probably sloppy perl, help me!
if($status == 0) {
$status = 1;
} else {
$status = 0;
# Write test output to log.