mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:02:37 +00:00
reviewed by rickg. Pick up meta tag and change converter
This commit is contained in:
@ -942,10 +942,19 @@ nsresult CNavDTD::WillHandleStartTag(CToken* aToken,eHTMLTags aTag,nsCParserNode
if(theKey.EqualsIgnoreCase("HTTP-EQUIV")) {
const nsString& theKey2=aNode.GetKeyAt(1);
if(theKey2.EqualsIgnoreCase("CONTENT")) {
nsScanner* theScanner=mParser->GetScanner();
if(theScanner) {
const nsString& theValue=aNode.GetValueAt(1);
nsScanner* theScanner=mParser->GetScanner();
if(theScanner) {
const nsString& theValue=aNode.GetValueAt(1);
PRInt32 charsetValueStart = theValue.RFind("charset=", PR_TRUE ) ;
if(kNotFound != charsetValueStart) {
charsetValueStart += 8; // 8 = "charset=".length
PRInt32 charsetValueEnd = theValue.FindCharInSet("\'\";", charsetValueStart );
if(kNotFound == charsetValueEnd )
charsetValueEnd = theValue.Length();
nsAutoString theCharset;
theValue.Mid(theCharset, charsetValueStart, charsetValueEnd - charsetValueStart);
theScanner->SetDocumentCharset(theCharset, kCharsetFromMetaTag);
} //if
} //if
} //if
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ nsIParserFilter * nsParser::SetParserFilter(nsIParserFilter * aFilter)
return old;
* Call this method once you've created a parser, and want to instruct it
* about the command which caused the parser to be constructed. For example,
@ -526,6 +527,24 @@ PRBool nsParser::EnableParser(PRBool aState){
nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsIURL* aURL,nsIStreamObserver* aListener,PRBool aVerifyEnabled) {
nsAutoString charset;
nsCharsetSource charsetSource;
// XXXX get HTTP charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromHTTPHeader;
// XXXX get User Prefernce charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromUserDefault;
// XXXX get Doc Type Default (e.g. UTF-8 for XML)
// XXX We should really put if doc == html for the following line
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
nsresult result=kBadURL;
if(aURL) {
@ -533,7 +552,7 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsIURL* aURL,nsIStreamObserver* aListener,PRBool aVerif
nsresult rv = aURL->GetSpec(&spec);
if (rv != NS_OK) return rv;
nsAutoString theName(spec);
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theName,PR_FALSE),aURL,aListener);
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theName,PR_FALSE, charset, charsetSource),aURL,aListener);
if(pc) {
@ -555,10 +574,27 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(fstream& aStream,PRBool aVerifyEnabled){
nsresult result=NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
nsAutoString charset;
nsCharsetSource charsetSource;
// XXXX get HTTP charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromHTTPHeader;
// XXXX get User Prefernce charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromUserDefault;
// XXXX get Doc Type Default (e.g. UTF-8 for XML)
// XXX We should really put if doc == html for the following line
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
//ok, time to create our tokenizer and begin the process
nsAutoString theUnknownFilename("unknown");
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theUnknownFilename,aStream,PR_FALSE),&aStream,0);
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theUnknownFilename,aStream, charset, charsetSource,PR_FALSE),&aStream,0);
if(pc) {
@ -593,6 +629,22 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsString& aSourceBuffer,void* aKey,const nsString& aCon
nsAutoString charset;
nsCharsetSource charsetSource;
// XXXX get HTTP charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromHTTPHeader;
// XXXX get User Prefernce charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromUserDefault;
// XXXX get Doc Type Default (e.g. UTF-8 for XML)
// XXX We should really put if doc == html for the following line
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
//NOTE: Make sure that updates to this method don't cause
// bug #2361 to break again!
@ -607,7 +659,7 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsString& aSourceBuffer,void* aKey,const nsString& aCon
if((!mParserContext) || (mParserContext->mKey!=aKey)) {
//only make a new context if we dont have one, OR if we do, but has a different context key...
pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(mUnusedInput),aKey,0);
pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(mUnusedInput, charset, charsetSource),aKey, 0);
if(pc) {
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsICharsetConverterManager.h"
#include "nsICharsetAlias.h"
const char* kBadHTMLText="<H3>Oops...</H3>You just tried to read a non-existent document: <BR>";
@ -34,8 +35,6 @@ const int kBufsize=1;
const int kBufsize=64;
// #define DEFAULTCHARSET "Shift_JIS"
#define DEFAULTCHARSET "ISO-8859-1"
* Use this constructor if you want i/o to be based on
@ -46,8 +45,8 @@ const int kBufsize=64;
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString) :
mBuffer(anHTMLString), mFilename("") , mCharset("")
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource) :
mBuffer(anHTMLString), mFilename("")
@ -55,9 +54,10 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString) :
nsAutoString defaultCharset(DEFAULTCHARSET);
mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
mCharset = "";
mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString) :
* @param aFilename --
* @return
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename) , mCharset("")
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename)
@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream) :
} //if
mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
nsAutoString defaultCharset(DEFAULTCHARSET);
mCharset = "";
mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
@ -105,8 +106,8 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream) :
* @param aFilename --
* @return
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,PRBool assumeOwnership) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename) , mCharset("")
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource, PRBool assumeOwnership) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename)
@ -115,15 +116,46 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,PRBool assumeOwnership
mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
nsAutoString defaultCharset(DEFAULTCHARSET);
mCharset = "";
mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
nsresult nsScanner::SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset )
nsresult nsScanner::SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset , nsCharsetSource aSource)
nsresult res = NS_OK;
if(! mCharset.EqualsIgnoreCase(aCharset)) // see do we need to change a converter.
if( aSource < mCharsetSource) // priority is lower the the current one , just
return res;
nsICharsetAlias* calias = nsnull;
res = nsServiceManager::GetService(kCharsetAliasCID,
NS_ASSERTION( nsnull != calias, "cannot find charet alias");
nsAutoString charsetName = aCharset;
if( NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (nsnull != calias))
PRBool same = PR_FALSE;
res = calias->Equals(aCharset, mCharset, &same);
if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && same)
return NS_OK; // no difference, don't change it
// different, need to change it
res = calias->GetPreferred(aCharset, charsetName);
nsServiceManager::ReleaseService(kCharsetAliasCID, calias);
if(NS_FAILED(res) && (kCharsetUninitialized == mCharsetSource) )
// failed - unknown alias , fallback to ISO-8859-1
charsetName = "ISO-8859-1";
mCharset = charsetName;
mCharsetSource = aSource;
nsICharsetConverterManager * ccm = nsnull;
res = nsServiceManager::GetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID,
@ -131,13 +163,12 @@ nsresult nsScanner::SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset )
if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (nsnull != ccm))
nsIUnicodeDecoder * decoder = nsnull;
res = ccm->GetUnicodeDecoder(&aCharset, &decoder);
res = ccm->GetUnicodeDecoder(&mCharset, &decoder);
if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (nsnull != decoder))
mUnicodeDecoder = decoder;
mCharset = aCharset;
nsServiceManager::ReleaseService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, ccm);
@ -39,6 +39,16 @@
#include <fstream.h>
typedef enum {
kCharsetUninitialized = 0,
kCharsetFromUserDefault ,
} nsCharsetSource;
class nsScanner {
@ -47,30 +57,36 @@ class nsScanner {
* a single string you hand in during construction.
* This short cut was added for Javascript.
* @update gess 5/12/98
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset charset
* @param aCharsetSource - where the charset info came from
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString);
nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource);
* Use this constructor if you want i/o to be based on
* a file (therefore a stream) or just data you provide via Append().
* @update gess 5/12/98
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset charset
* @param aCharsetSource - where the charset info came from
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream);
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource);
* Use this constructor if you want i/o to be stream based.
* @update gess 5/12/98
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset charset
* @param aCharsetSource - where the charset info came from
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,PRBool assumeOwnership=PR_TRUE);
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource,PRBool assumeOwnership=PR_TRUE);
@ -269,11 +285,12 @@ class nsScanner {
* Use this setter to change the scanner's unicode decoder
* @update ftang 2/12/99
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset a normalized (alias resolved) charset name
* @param aCharsetSource- where the charset info came from
* @return
nsresult SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset);
nsresult SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource);
@ -295,6 +312,7 @@ class nsScanner {
PRUint32 mTotalRead;
PRBool mOwnsStream;
PRBool mIncremental;
nsCharsetSource mCharsetSource;
nsString mCharset;
nsIUnicodeDecoder *mUnicodeDecoder;
@ -942,10 +942,19 @@ nsresult CNavDTD::WillHandleStartTag(CToken* aToken,eHTMLTags aTag,nsCParserNode
if(theKey.EqualsIgnoreCase("HTTP-EQUIV")) {
const nsString& theKey2=aNode.GetKeyAt(1);
if(theKey2.EqualsIgnoreCase("CONTENT")) {
nsScanner* theScanner=mParser->GetScanner();
if(theScanner) {
const nsString& theValue=aNode.GetValueAt(1);
nsScanner* theScanner=mParser->GetScanner();
if(theScanner) {
const nsString& theValue=aNode.GetValueAt(1);
PRInt32 charsetValueStart = theValue.RFind("charset=", PR_TRUE ) ;
if(kNotFound != charsetValueStart) {
charsetValueStart += 8; // 8 = "charset=".length
PRInt32 charsetValueEnd = theValue.FindCharInSet("\'\";", charsetValueStart );
if(kNotFound == charsetValueEnd )
charsetValueEnd = theValue.Length();
nsAutoString theCharset;
theValue.Mid(theCharset, charsetValueStart, charsetValueEnd - charsetValueStart);
theScanner->SetDocumentCharset(theCharset, kCharsetFromMetaTag);
} //if
} //if
} //if
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ nsIParserFilter * nsParser::SetParserFilter(nsIParserFilter * aFilter)
return old;
* Call this method once you've created a parser, and want to instruct it
* about the command which caused the parser to be constructed. For example,
@ -526,6 +527,24 @@ PRBool nsParser::EnableParser(PRBool aState){
nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsIURL* aURL,nsIStreamObserver* aListener,PRBool aVerifyEnabled) {
nsAutoString charset;
nsCharsetSource charsetSource;
// XXXX get HTTP charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromHTTPHeader;
// XXXX get User Prefernce charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromUserDefault;
// XXXX get Doc Type Default (e.g. UTF-8 for XML)
// XXX We should really put if doc == html for the following line
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
nsresult result=kBadURL;
if(aURL) {
@ -533,7 +552,7 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsIURL* aURL,nsIStreamObserver* aListener,PRBool aVerif
nsresult rv = aURL->GetSpec(&spec);
if (rv != NS_OK) return rv;
nsAutoString theName(spec);
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theName,PR_FALSE),aURL,aListener);
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theName,PR_FALSE, charset, charsetSource),aURL,aListener);
if(pc) {
@ -555,10 +574,27 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(fstream& aStream,PRBool aVerifyEnabled){
nsresult result=NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
nsAutoString charset;
nsCharsetSource charsetSource;
// XXXX get HTTP charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromHTTPHeader;
// XXXX get User Prefernce charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromUserDefault;
// XXXX get Doc Type Default (e.g. UTF-8 for XML)
// XXX We should really put if doc == html for the following line
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
//ok, time to create our tokenizer and begin the process
nsAutoString theUnknownFilename("unknown");
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theUnknownFilename,aStream,PR_FALSE),&aStream,0);
CParserContext* pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(theUnknownFilename,aStream, charset, charsetSource,PR_FALSE),&aStream,0);
if(pc) {
@ -593,6 +629,22 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsString& aSourceBuffer,void* aKey,const nsString& aCon
nsAutoString charset;
nsCharsetSource charsetSource;
// XXXX get HTTP charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromHTTPHeader;
// XXXX get User Prefernce charset here
// charset =
// charsetSource = kCharsetFromUserDefault;
// XXXX get Doc Type Default (e.g. UTF-8 for XML)
// XXX We should really put if doc == html for the following line
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
//NOTE: Make sure that updates to this method don't cause
// bug #2361 to break again!
@ -607,7 +659,7 @@ nsresult nsParser::Parse(nsString& aSourceBuffer,void* aKey,const nsString& aCon
if((!mParserContext) || (mParserContext->mKey!=aKey)) {
//only make a new context if we dont have one, OR if we do, but has a different context key...
pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(mUnusedInput),aKey,0);
pc=new CParserContext(new nsScanner(mUnusedInput, charset, charsetSource),aKey, 0);
if(pc) {
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsICharsetConverterManager.h"
#include "nsICharsetAlias.h"
const char* kBadHTMLText="<H3>Oops...</H3>You just tried to read a non-existent document: <BR>";
@ -34,8 +35,6 @@ const int kBufsize=1;
const int kBufsize=64;
// #define DEFAULTCHARSET "Shift_JIS"
#define DEFAULTCHARSET "ISO-8859-1"
* Use this constructor if you want i/o to be based on
@ -46,8 +45,8 @@ const int kBufsize=64;
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString) :
mBuffer(anHTMLString), mFilename("") , mCharset("")
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource) :
mBuffer(anHTMLString), mFilename("")
@ -55,9 +54,10 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString) :
nsAutoString defaultCharset(DEFAULTCHARSET);
mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
mCharset = "";
mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString) :
* @param aFilename --
* @return
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename) , mCharset("")
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename)
@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream) :
} //if
mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
nsAutoString defaultCharset(DEFAULTCHARSET);
mCharset = "";
mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
@ -105,8 +106,8 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream) :
* @param aFilename --
* @return
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,PRBool assumeOwnership) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename) , mCharset("")
nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource, PRBool assumeOwnership) :
mBuffer(""), mFilename(aFilename)
@ -115,15 +116,46 @@ nsScanner::nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,PRBool assumeOwnership
mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
nsAutoString defaultCharset(DEFAULTCHARSET);
mCharset = "";
mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
nsresult nsScanner::SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset )
nsresult nsScanner::SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset , nsCharsetSource aSource)
nsresult res = NS_OK;
if(! mCharset.EqualsIgnoreCase(aCharset)) // see do we need to change a converter.
if( aSource < mCharsetSource) // priority is lower the the current one , just
return res;
nsICharsetAlias* calias = nsnull;
res = nsServiceManager::GetService(kCharsetAliasCID,
NS_ASSERTION( nsnull != calias, "cannot find charet alias");
nsAutoString charsetName = aCharset;
if( NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (nsnull != calias))
PRBool same = PR_FALSE;
res = calias->Equals(aCharset, mCharset, &same);
if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && same)
return NS_OK; // no difference, don't change it
// different, need to change it
res = calias->GetPreferred(aCharset, charsetName);
nsServiceManager::ReleaseService(kCharsetAliasCID, calias);
if(NS_FAILED(res) && (kCharsetUninitialized == mCharsetSource) )
// failed - unknown alias , fallback to ISO-8859-1
charsetName = "ISO-8859-1";
mCharset = charsetName;
mCharsetSource = aSource;
nsICharsetConverterManager * ccm = nsnull;
res = nsServiceManager::GetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID,
@ -131,13 +163,12 @@ nsresult nsScanner::SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset )
if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (nsnull != ccm))
nsIUnicodeDecoder * decoder = nsnull;
res = ccm->GetUnicodeDecoder(&aCharset, &decoder);
res = ccm->GetUnicodeDecoder(&mCharset, &decoder);
if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (nsnull != decoder))
mUnicodeDecoder = decoder;
mCharset = aCharset;
nsServiceManager::ReleaseService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, ccm);
@ -39,6 +39,16 @@
#include <fstream.h>
typedef enum {
kCharsetUninitialized = 0,
kCharsetFromUserDefault ,
} nsCharsetSource;
class nsScanner {
@ -47,30 +57,36 @@ class nsScanner {
* a single string you hand in during construction.
* This short cut was added for Javascript.
* @update gess 5/12/98
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset charset
* @param aCharsetSource - where the charset info came from
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString);
nsScanner(nsString& anHTMLString, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource);
* Use this constructor if you want i/o to be based on
* a file (therefore a stream) or just data you provide via Append().
* @update gess 5/12/98
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset charset
* @param aCharsetSource - where the charset info came from
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream);
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,PRBool aCreateStream, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource);
* Use this constructor if you want i/o to be stream based.
* @update gess 5/12/98
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset charset
* @param aCharsetSource - where the charset info came from
* @param aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
* @return
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream,PRBool assumeOwnership=PR_TRUE);
nsScanner(nsString& aFilename,fstream& aStream, const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource,PRBool assumeOwnership=PR_TRUE);
@ -269,11 +285,12 @@ class nsScanner {
* Use this setter to change the scanner's unicode decoder
* @update ftang 2/12/99
* @update ftang 3/02/99
* @param aCharset a normalized (alias resolved) charset name
* @param aCharsetSource- where the charset info came from
* @return
nsresult SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset);
nsresult SetDocumentCharset(const nsString& aCharset, nsCharsetSource aSource);
@ -295,6 +312,7 @@ class nsScanner {
PRUint32 mTotalRead;
PRBool mOwnsStream;
PRBool mIncremental;
nsCharsetSource mCharsetSource;
nsString mCharset;
nsIUnicodeDecoder *mUnicodeDecoder;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user