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synced 2025-02-27 04:38:02 +00:00
Bug 715112 - Remove duplicate document.close() state tracking. r=smaug.
This commit is contained in:
@ -295,9 +295,6 @@ protected:
void CloseHeadContext();
// nsContentSink overrides
virtual void PreEvaluateScript();
virtual void PostEvaluateScript(nsIScriptElement *aElement);
void UpdateChildCounts();
void NotifyInsert(nsIContent* aContent,
@ -2716,79 +2713,12 @@ HTMLContentSink::UpdateChildCounts()
// Eagerly append all pending elements (including the current body child)
// to the body (so that they can be seen by scripts) and force reflow.
("HTMLContentSink::PreEvaluateScript: flushing tags before "
"evaluating script"));
// XXX Should this call FlushTags()?
HTMLContentSink::PostEvaluateScript(nsIScriptElement *aElement)
HTMLContentSink::ProcessSCRIPTEndTag(nsGenericHTMLElement *content,
bool aMalformed)
// Flush all tags up front so that we are in as stable state as possible
// when calling DoneAddingChildren. This may not be strictly needed since
// any ScriptAvailable calls will cause us to flush anyway. But it gives a
// warm fuzzy feeling to be in a stable state before even attempting to
// run scripts.
// It would however be needed if we properly called BeginUpdate and
// EndUpdate while we were inserting stuff into the DOM.
// XXX Should this call FlushTags()?
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptElement> sele = do_QueryInterface(content);
NS_ASSERTION(sele, "Not really closing a script tag?");
if (aMalformed) {
// Make sure to serialize this script correctly, for nice round tripping.
if (mFrameset) {
// Notify our document that we're loading this script.
// Now tell the script that it's ready to go. This may execute the script
// or return true, or neither if the script doesn't need executing.
bool block = sele->AttemptToExecute();
// If the act of insertion evaluated the script, we're fine.
// Else, block the parser till the script has loaded.
if (block) {
// If this append fails we'll never unblock the parser, but the UI will
// still remain responsive. There are other ways to deal with this, but
// the end result is always that the page gets botched, so there is no
// real point in making it more complicated.
} else {
// This may have already happened if the script executed, but in case
// it didn't then remove the element so that it doesn't get stuck forever.
// If the parser got blocked, make sure to return the appropriate rv.
// I'm not sure if this is actually needed or not.
if (mParser && !mParser->IsParserEnabled()) {
block = true;
MOZ_NOT_REACHED("Must not use HTMLContentSink to run scripts.");
// 3 ways to load a style sheet: inline, style src=, link tag
@ -906,78 +906,17 @@ nsHTMLDocument::StartDocumentLoad(const char* aCommand,
if (nsHtml5Module::sEnabled) {
if (mWriteState == eDocumentOpened) {
NS_ASSERTION(IsHTML(), "document.open()ed doc is not HTML?");
// Marking the document as closed, since pending scripts will be
// stopped by nsDocument::StopDocumentLoad() below
mWriteState = eDocumentClosed;
// Remove the wyciwyg channel request from the document load group
// that we added in Open() if Open() was called on this doc.
NS_ASSERTION(!mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::StopDocumentLoad(): "
"nsIWyciwygChannel could not be removed!");
// Remove the wyciwyg channel request from the document load group
// that we added in Open().
NS_ASSERTION(mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::StopDocumentLoad(): "
"Trying to remove nonexistent wyciwyg channel!");
NS_ASSERTION(!mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::StopDocumentLoad(): "
"nsIWyciwygChannel could not be removed!");
// Code for the old parser:
// If we're writing (i.e., there's been a document.open call), then
// nsDocument::StopDocumentLoad will do the wrong thing and simply terminate
// our parser.
if (mWriteState != eNotWriting) {
} else {
// static
nsHTMLDocument::DocumentWriteTerminationFunc(nsISupports *aRef)
nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> arr = do_QueryInterface(aRef);
NS_ASSERTION(arr, "Must have array!");
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = do_QueryElementAt(arr, 0);
NS_ASSERTION(doc, "Must have document!");
nsCOMPtr<nsIParser> parser = do_QueryElementAt(arr, 1);
NS_ASSERTION(parser, "Must have parser!");
nsHTMLDocument *htmldoc = static_cast<nsHTMLDocument*>(doc.get());
// Check whether htmldoc still has the same parser. If not, it's
// not for us to mess with it.
if (htmldoc->mParser != parser) {
// If the document is in the middle of a document.write() call, this
// most likely means that script on a page document.write()'d out a
// script tag that did location="..." and we're right now finishing
// up executing the script that was written with
// document.write(). Since there's still script on the stack (the
// script that called document.write()) we don't want to release the
// parser now, that would cause the next document.write() call to
// cancel the load that was initiated by the location="..." in the
// script that was written out by document.write().
if (!htmldoc->mWriteLevel && htmldoc->mWriteState != eDocumentOpened) {
// Release the document's parser so that the call to EndLoad()
// doesn't just return early and set the termination function again.
htmldoc->mParser = nsnull;
@ -998,65 +937,6 @@ nsHTMLDocument::BeginLoad()
if (mParser && mWriteState != eDocumentClosed) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIJSContextStack> stack =
if (stack) {
JSContext *cx = nsnull;
if (cx) {
nsIScriptContext *scx = nsJSUtils::GetDynamicScriptContext(cx);
if (scx) {
// The load of the document was terminated while we're
// called from within JS and we have a parser (i.e. we're in
// the middle of doing document.write()). In stead of
// releasing the parser and ending the document load
// directly, we'll make that happen once the script is done
// executing. This way subsequent document.write() calls
// won't end up creating a new parser and interrupting other
// loads that were started while the script was
// running. I.e. this makes the following case work as
// expected:
// document.write("foo");
// location.href = "http://www.mozilla.org";
// document.write("bar");
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> arr =
do_CreateInstance(NS_ARRAY_CONTRACTID, &rv);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = arr->AppendElement(static_cast<nsIDocument*>(this),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = arr->AppendElement(mParser, false);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = scx->SetTerminationFunction(DocumentWriteTerminationFunc,
// If we fail to set the termination function, just go ahead
// and EndLoad now. The slight bugginess involved is better
// than leaking.
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Reset this now, since we're really done "loading" this document.written
// document.
NS_ASSERTION(mWriteState == eNotWriting || mWriteState == ePendingClose ||
mWriteState == eDocumentClosed, "EndLoad called early");
mWriteState = eNotWriting;
bool turnOnEditing =
mParser && (HasFlag(NODE_IS_EDITABLE) || mContentEditableCount > 0);
// Note: nsDocument::EndLoad nulls out mParser.
@ -1673,8 +1553,6 @@ nsHTMLDocument::Open(const nsAString& aContentTypeOrUrl,
// This will be propagated to the parser when someone actually calls write()
mWriteState = eDocumentOpened;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
if (loadAsHtml5) {
nsHtml5Module::Initialize(mParser, this, uri, shell, channel);
@ -1686,7 +1564,6 @@ nsHTMLDocument::Open(const nsAString& aContentTypeOrUrl,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
// Don't use a parser without a content sink.
mParser = nsnull;
mWriteState = eNotWriting;
return rv;
@ -1746,55 +1623,51 @@ nsHTMLDocument::Close()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (mParser && mWriteState == eDocumentOpened) {
mWriteState = mPendingScripts.IsEmpty() ? eDocumentClosed : ePendingClose;
rv = mParser->Parse(EmptyString(), mParser->GetRootContextKey(),
GetContentTypeInternal(), true);
// XXX Make sure that all the document.written content is
// reflowed. We should remove this call once we change
// nsHTMLDocument::OpenCommon() so that it completely destroys the
// earlier document's content and frame hierarchy. Right now, it
// re-uses the earlier document's root content object and
// corresponding frame objects. These re-used frame objects think
// that they have already been reflowed, so they drop initial
// reflows. For certain cases of document.written content, like a
// frameset document, the dropping of the initial reflow means
// that we end up in document.close() without appended any reflow
// commands to the reflow queue and, consequently, without adding
// the dummy layout request to the load group. Since the dummy
// layout request is not added to the load group, the onload
// handler of the frameset fires before the frames get reflowed
// and loaded. That is the long explanation for why we need this
// one line of code here!
// XXXbz as far as I can tell this may not be needed anymore; all
// the testcases in bug 57636 pass without this line... Leaving
// it be for now, though. In any case, there's no reason to do
// this if we have no presshell, since in that case none of the
// above about reusing frames applies.
if (GetShell()) {
// Remove the wyciwyg channel request from the document load group
// that we added in OpenCommon(). If all other requests between
// document.open() and document.close() have completed, then this
// method should cause the firing of an onload event.
NS_ASSERTION(mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::Close(): Trying to remove "
"nonexistent wyciwyg channel!");
NS_ASSERTION(!mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::Close(): "
"nsIWyciwygChannel could not be removed!");
if (!mParser || !mParser->IsScriptCreated()) {
return NS_OK;
return NS_OK;
nsresult rv = mParser->Parse(EmptyString(), mParser->GetRootContextKey(),
GetContentTypeInternal(), true);
// XXX Make sure that all the document.written content is
// reflowed. We should remove this call once we change
// nsHTMLDocument::OpenCommon() so that it completely destroys the
// earlier document's content and frame hierarchy. Right now, it
// re-uses the earlier document's root content object and
// corresponding frame objects. These re-used frame objects think
// that they have already been reflowed, so they drop initial
// reflows. For certain cases of document.written content, like a
// frameset document, the dropping of the initial reflow means
// that we end up in document.close() without appended any reflow
// commands to the reflow queue and, consequently, without adding
// the dummy layout request to the load group. Since the dummy
// layout request is not added to the load group, the onload
// handler of the frameset fires before the frames get reflowed
// and loaded. That is the long explanation for why we need this
// one line of code here!
// XXXbz as far as I can tell this may not be needed anymore; all
// the testcases in bug 57636 pass without this line... Leaving
// it be for now, though. In any case, there's no reason to do
// this if we have no presshell, since in that case none of the
// above about reusing frames applies.
// XXXhsivonen keeping this around for bug 577508 / 253951 still :-(
if (GetShell()) {
// Removing the wyciwygChannel here is wrong when document.close() is
// called from within the document itself. However, legacy requires the
// channel to be removed here. Otherwise, the load event never fires.
NS_ASSERTION(mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::Close(): Trying to remove "
"nonexistent wyciwyg channel!");
NS_ASSERTION(!mWyciwygChannel, "nsHTMLDocument::Close(): "
"nsIWyciwygChannel could not be removed!");
return rv;
@ -1815,10 +1688,7 @@ nsHTMLDocument::WriteCommon(JSContext *cx,
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
void *key = GenerateParserKey();
if (mWriteState == eDocumentClosed ||
(mWriteState == ePendingClose &&
!mPendingScripts.Contains(key)) ||
(mParser && !mParser->IsInsertionPointDefined())) {
if (mParser && !mParser->IsInsertionPointDefined()) {
if (mExternalScriptsBeingEvaluated) {
// Instead of implying a call to document.open(), ignore the call.
@ -1829,7 +1699,6 @@ nsHTMLDocument::WriteCommon(JSContext *cx,
return NS_OK;
mWriteState = eDocumentClosed;
NS_ASSERTION(!mParser, "mParser should have been null'd out");
@ -1881,11 +1750,11 @@ nsHTMLDocument::WriteCommon(JSContext *cx,
if (aNewlineTerminate) {
rv = mParser->Parse(aText + new_line,
key, GetContentTypeInternal(),
(mWriteState == eNotWriting || (mWriteLevel > 1)));
} else {
rv = mParser->Parse(aText,
key, GetContentTypeInternal(),
(mWriteState == eNotWriting || (mWriteLevel > 1)));
@ -1939,30 +1808,6 @@ nsHTMLDocument::GetElementsByName(const nsAString& aElementName,
return NS_OK;
nsHTMLDocument::ScriptLoading(nsIScriptElement *aScript)
if (mWriteState == eNotWriting) {
nsHTMLDocument::ScriptExecuted(nsIScriptElement *aScript)
if (mWriteState == eNotWriting) {
if (mPendingScripts.IsEmpty() && mWriteState == ePendingClose) {
// The last pending script just finished, terminate our parser now.
mWriteState = eDocumentClosed;
@ -149,9 +149,6 @@ public:
nsISupports **aResult,
nsWrapperCache **aCache);
virtual void ScriptLoading(nsIScriptElement *aScript);
virtual void ScriptExecuted(nsIScriptElement *aScript);
virtual void AddedForm();
virtual void RemovedForm();
virtual PRInt32 GetNumFormsSynchronous();
@ -275,29 +272,12 @@ protected:
// Override so we can munge the charset on our wyciwyg channel as needed.
virtual void SetDocumentCharacterSet(const nsACString& aCharSetID);
// mWriteState tracks the status of this document if the document is being
// entirely created by script. In the normal load case, mWriteState will be
// eNotWriting. Once document.open has been called (either implicitly or
// explicitly), mWriteState will be eDocumentOpened. When document.close has
// been called, mWriteState will become eDocumentClosed if there have been no
// external script loads in the meantime. If there have been, then mWriteState
// becomes ePendingClose, indicating that we might still be writing, but that
// we shouldn't process any further close() calls.
enum {
} mWriteState;
// Tracks if we are currently processing any document.write calls (either
// implicit or explicit). Note that if a write call writes out something which
// would block the parser, then mWriteLevel will be incorrect until the parser
// finishes processing that script.
PRUint32 mWriteLevel;
nsAutoTArray<nsIScriptElement*, 1> mPendingScripts;
// Load flags of the document's channel
PRUint32 mLoadFlags;
@ -49,9 +49,8 @@ class nsContentList;
class nsWrapperCache;
{ 0x51a360fa, 0xd659, 0x4d85, \
{ 0xa5, 0xc5, 0x4a, 0xbb, 0x0d, 0x97, 0x0f, 0x7a } }
{ 0xa921276f, 0x5e70, 0x42e0, \
{ 0xb8, 0x36, 0x7e, 0x6a, 0xb8, 0x30, 0xb3, 0xc0 } }
* HTML document extensions to nsIDocument.
@ -71,18 +70,6 @@ public:
nsISupports **aResult,
nsWrapperCache **aCache) = 0;
* Called from the script loader to notify this document that a new
* script is being loaded.
virtual void ScriptLoading(nsIScriptElement *aScript) = 0;
* Called from the script loader to notify this document that a script
* just finished executing.
virtual void ScriptExecuted(nsIScriptElement *aScript) = 0;
* Called when form->BindToTree() is called so that document knows
* immediately when a form is added
@ -288,6 +288,10 @@ nsHtml5Parser::Parse(const nsAString& aSourceBuffer,
// document.close()
"Had stream parser but got document.close().");
if (mDocumentClosed) {
// already closed
return NS_OK;
mDocumentClosed = true;
if (!mBlocked && !mInDocumentWrite) {
@ -297,14 +297,6 @@ nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor::FlushTags()
return NS_OK;
nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor::PostEvaluateScript(nsIScriptElement *aElement)
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLDocument> htmlDocument = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
NS_ASSERTION(htmlDocument, "Document didn't QI into HTML document.");
@ -756,11 +748,6 @@ nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor::RunScript(nsIContent* aScriptElement)
// Notify our document that we're loading this script.
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLDocument> htmlDocument = do_QueryInterface(mDocument);
NS_ASSERTION(htmlDocument, "Document didn't QI into HTML document.");
// Copied from nsXMLContentSink
// Now tell the script that it's ready to go. This may execute the script
// or return true, or neither if the script doesn't need executing.
@ -774,10 +761,6 @@ nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor::RunScript(nsIContent* aScriptElement)
} else {
// This may have already happened if the script executed, but in case
// it didn't then remove the element so that it doesn't get stuck forever.
// mParser may have been nulled out by now, but the flusher deals
// If this event isn't needed, it doesn't do anything. It is sometimes
@ -202,7 +202,6 @@ class nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor : public nsContentSink,
// nsContentSink methods
virtual void UpdateChildCounts();
virtual nsresult FlushTags();
virtual void PostEvaluateScript(nsIScriptElement *aElement);
virtual void ContinueInterruptedParsingAsync();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user