Bug 1082450 - Remove exposedProps from reftest harness. r=gabor

This commit is contained in:
Bobby Holley 2014-10-15 15:05:09 +02:00
parent 9d70a1799f
commit a94527ccc8

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["OnRefTestLoad"];
const CC = Components.classes;
const CI = Components.interfaces;
const CR = Components.results;
const CU = Components.utils;
const XHTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
@ -600,15 +601,15 @@ function BuildConditionSandbox(aURL) {
var xr = CC[NS_XREAPPINFO_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIXULRuntime);
var appInfo = CC[NS_XREAPPINFO_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIXULAppInfo);
sandbox.isDebugBuild = gDebug.isDebugBuild;
sandbox.xulRuntime = {widgetToolkit: xr.widgetToolkit, OS: xr.OS, __exposedProps__: { widgetToolkit: "r", OS: "r", XPCOMABI: "r", shell: "r" } };
// xr.XPCOMABI throws exception for configurations without full ABI
// support (mobile builds on ARM)
var XPCOMABI = "";
try {
sandbox.xulRuntime.XPCOMABI = xr.XPCOMABI;
} catch(e) {
sandbox.xulRuntime.XPCOMABI = "";
} catch(e) {}
sandbox.xulRuntime = CU.cloneInto({widgetToolkit: xr.widgetToolkit, OS: xr.OS, XPCOMABI: XPCOMABI}, sandbox);
var testRect = gBrowser.getBoundingClientRect();
sandbox.smallScreen = false;
@ -669,14 +670,11 @@ function BuildConditionSandbox(aURL) {
sandbox.http = { __exposedProps__: {} };
for each (var prop in [ "userAgent", "appName", "appVersion",
"vendor", "vendorSub",
"product", "productSub",
"platform", "oscpu", "language", "misc" ]) {
sandbox.http[prop] = hh[prop];
sandbox.http.__exposedProps__[prop] = "r";
var httpProps = ["userAgent", "appName", "appVersion", "vendor",
"vendorSub", "product", "productSub", "platform",
"oscpu", "language", "misc"];
sandbox.http = new sandbox.Object();
httpProps.forEach((x) => sandbox.http[x] = hh[x]);
// Set OSX to the Mac OS X version for Mac, and 0 otherwise.
var osxmatch = /Mac OS X (\d+.\d+)$/.exec(hh.oscpu);
@ -699,21 +697,12 @@ function BuildConditionSandbox(aURL) {
sandbox.nativeThemePref = true;
sandbox.prefs = {
__exposedProps__: {
getBoolPref: 'r',
getIntPref: 'r',
_prefs: prefs,
getBoolPref: function(p) { return this._prefs.getBoolPref(p); },
getIntPref: function(p) { return this._prefs.getIntPref(p); }
sandbox.prefs = CU.cloneInto({
getBoolPref: function(p) { return prefs.getBoolPref(p); },
getIntPref: function(p) { return prefs.getIntPref(p); }
}, sandbox, { cloneFunctions: true });
sandbox.testPluginIsOOP = function () {
try {
} catch (ex) {}
var prefservice = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
@ -756,7 +745,7 @@ function BuildConditionSandbox(aURL) {
if (!gDumpedConditionSandbox) {
dump("REFTEST INFO | Dumping JSON representation of sandbox \n");
dump("REFTEST INFO | " + JSON.stringify(sandbox) + " \n");
dump("REFTEST INFO | " + JSON.stringify(CU.waiveXrays(sandbox)) + " \n");
gDumpedConditionSandbox = true;
return sandbox;