Correction to testcase per Brendan -

This commit is contained in: 2001-05-08 23:37:56 +00:00
parent 89ac58ca92
commit abb88c635e

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@ -88,8 +88,25 @@ addThis();
status = 'Section C of test';
* Brendan:
* Note that only callee and length can be overridden, so deleting an indexed
* property and asking for it again causes it to be recreated by args_resolve:
* function g(){delete arguments[0]; return arguments[0]}
* g(42) // should this print 42?
* I'm not positive this violates ECMA, which allows in chapter 16 for extensions
* including properties (does it allow for magically reappearing properties?). The
* delete operator successfully deletes arguments[0] and results in true, but that
* is not distinguishable from the case where arguments[0] was delegated to
* Arguments.prototype[0], which was how the bad old code worked.
* I'll ponder this last detail...
* UPDATE: Per ECMA-262, delete on an arguments[i] should succeed
* and remove that property from the arguments object, leaving any get
* of it after the delete to evaluate to undefined.
function g()
@ -97,7 +114,7 @@ function g()
return arguments[0];
actual = g(42);
expect = 42;
expect = undefined; // not 42...