'); + msg.text(resp.error); + $('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').append(msg); + this.suggestedTagsLoaded = true; + if (!myself.mouseInside) { + myself.startCloseTimer(); + } + } + }); + } + this.initAutoCloseEvents = function() { + this.wrapper.on('mouseenter',function() { + myself.mouseInside = true; + myself.stopCloseTimer(); + }); + this.wrapper.on('mouseleave',function() { + myself.mouseInside = false; + myself.startCloseTimer(); + }); + this.wrapper.on('click',function(e) { + myself.closeValid = false; + }); + }; + this.startCloseTimer = function(manualtime) + { + /*var settime = manualtime ? manualtime : myself.autocloseTiming; + if (typeof myself.autocloseTimer == 'number') + { + clearTimeout(myself.autocloseTimer); + } + myself.autocloseTimer = setTimeout(function() + { + if (myself.closeValid || myself.preventCloseTimerCancel) + { + myself.preventCloseTimerCancel = false; + myself.closePopup(); + } + }, settime);*/ + }; + this.stopCloseTimer = function() + { + if (myself.preventCloseTimerCancel) + { + return; + } + clearTimeout(myself.autocloseTimer); + }; + this.closePopup = function() { + myself.stopCloseTimer(); + thePKT_SAVED.sendMessage("close"); + }; + this.checkValidTagSubmit = function() { + var inputlength = $.trim($('.pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper').find('.token-input-input-token').children('input').val()).length; + if ($('.pkt_ext_containersaved').find('.token-input-token').length || (inputlength > 0 && inputlength < 26)) + { + $('.pkt_ext_containersaved').find('.pkt_ext_btn').removeClass('pkt_ext_btn_disabled'); + } + else + { + $('.pkt_ext_containersaved').find('.pkt_ext_btn').addClass('pkt_ext_btn_disabled'); + } + myself.updateSlidingTagList(); + }; + this.updateSlidingTagList = function() { + var inputleft = $('.token-input-input-token input').position().left; + var listleft = $('.token-input-list').position().left; + var listleftmanual = parseInt($('.token-input-list').css('left')); + var listleftnatural = listleft - listleftmanual; + var leftwidth = $('.pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper').outerWidth(); + + if ((inputleft + listleft + 20) > leftwidth) + { + $('.token-input-list').css('left',Math.min(((inputleft + listleftnatural - leftwidth + 20)*-1),0) + 'px'); + } + else + { + $('.token-input-list').css('left','0'); + } + }; + this.checkPlaceholderStatus = function() { + if (this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper').find('.token-input-token').length) + { + this.wrapper.find('.token-input-input-token input').attr('placeholder',''); + } + else + { + this.wrapper.find('.token-input-input-token input').attr('placeholder',$('.pkt_ext_tag_input').attr('placeholder')).css('width','200px'); + } + }; + this.initTagInput = function() { + var inputwrapper = $('.pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper'); + inputwrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_input').tokenInput([], { + searchDelay: 200, + minChars: 1, + animateDropdown: false, + noResultsHideDropdown: true, + scrollKeyboard: true, + emptyInputLength: 200, + search_function: function(term, cb) { + var returnlist = []; + if (term.length) { + var limit = 15; + var r = new RegExp('^' + term); + for (var i = 0; i < myself.userTags.length; i++) { + if (r.test(myself.userTags[i]) && limit > 0) { + returnlist.push({name:myself.userTags[i]}); + limit--; + } + } + } + else { + returnlist.push({name:'blah'}); + } + if (!$('.token-input-dropdown-tag').data('init')) { + $('.token-input-dropdown-tag').css('width',inputwrapper.outerWidth()).data('init'); + inputwrapper.append($('.token-input-dropdown-tag')); + } + cb(returnlist); + }, + textToData: function(text) { + if($.trim(text).length > 25 || !$.trim(text).length) { + if (text.length > 25) { + $('.pkt_ext_edit_msg').addClass('pkt_ext_edit_msg_error pkt_ext_edit_msg_active').text(myself.dictJSON.invalidTags); + changestamp = Date.now(); + setTimeout(function() { + $('.token-input-input-token input').val(text).focus(); + },10); + } + return null; + } + else { + $('.pkt_ext_edit_msg').removeClass('pkt_ext_edit_msg_error pkt_ext_edit_msg_active').text(''); + return {name:myself.sanitizeText(text.toLowerCase())}; + } + }, + onReady: function() { + console.log('got to autoinput ready'); + $('.token-input-dropdown').addClass('token-input-dropdown-tag'); + inputwrapper.find('.token-input-input-token input').attr('placeholder',$('.tag-input').attr('placeholder')).css('width','200px'); + if ($('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').length) { + myself.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').on('click','.token_tag',function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + var tag = $(e.target); + if ($(this).parents('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail_disabled').length) { + return; + } + myself.justaddedsuggested = true; + inputwrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_input').tokenInput('add',{id:inputwrapper.find('.token-input-token').length,name:tag.text()}); + tag.addClass('token-suggestedtag-inactive'); + $('.token-input-input-token input').focus(); + }); + } + $('.token-input-list').on('keydown','input',function(e) { + if (e.which == 37) { + myself.updateSlidingTagList(); + } + }).on('keypress','input',function(e) { + if (e.which == 13) { + if (Date.now() - changestamp > 250) { + e.preventDefault(); + myself.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_btn').trigger('click'); + } + } + }).on('keyup','input',function(e) { + myself.checkValidTagSubmit(); + }); + myself.checkPlaceholderStatus(); + }, + onAdd: function() { + myself.checkValidTagSubmit(); + changestamp = Date.now(); + myself.hideInactiveTags(); + myself.checkPlaceholderStatus(); + }, + onDelete: function() { + myself.checkValidTagSubmit(); + changestamp = Date.now(); + myself.showActiveTags(); + myself.checkPlaceholderStatus(); + } + }); + $('body').on('keydown',function(e) { + var key = e.keyCode || e.which; + if (key == 8) { + var selected = $('.token-input-selected-token'); + if (selected.length) { + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopImmediatePropagation(); + inputwrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_input').tokenInput('remove',{name:selected.find('p').text()}); + } + } + else { + if ($(e.target).parent().hasClass('token-input-input-token')) { + e.stopImmediatePropagation(); + } + } + }); + }; + this.disableInput = function() { + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_item_actions').addClass('pkt_ext_item_actions_disabled'); + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_btn').addClass('pkt_ext_btn_disabled'); + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper').addClass('pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper_disabled'); + if (this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').length) { + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').addClass('pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail_disabled'); + } + }; + this.enableInput = function() { + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_item_actions').removeClass('pkt_ext_item_actions_disabled'); + this.checkValidTagSubmit(); + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper').removeClass('pkt_ext_tag_input_wrapper_disabled'); + if (this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').length) { + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').removeClass('pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail_disabled'); + } + }; + this.initAddTagInput = function() { + $('.pkt_ext_btn').click(function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + if ($(this).hasClass('pkt_ext_btn_disabled') || $('.pkt_ext_edit_msg_active').filter('.pkt_ext_edit_msg_error').length) + { + return; + } + myself.disableInput(); + $('.pkt_ext_containersaved').find('.pkt_ext_detail h2').text(myself.dictJSON.processingtags); + var originaltags = []; + $('.token-input-token').each(function() + { + var text = $.trim($(this).find('p').text()); + if (text.length) + { + originaltags.push(text); + } + }); + console.log('submitting addtags message'); + thePKT_SAVED.sendMessage("addTags", + { + url: myself.savedUrl || window.location.toString(), + tags: originaltags + }, function(resp) + { + console.log('got a response',resp); + if (resp.status == 'success') + { + myself.showStateFinalMsg(myself.dictJSON.tagssaved); + } + else if (resp.status == 'error') + { + $('.pkt_ext_edit_msg').addClass('pkt_ext_edit_msg_error pkt_ext_edit_msg_active').text(resp.error); + } + }); + }); + }; + this.initRemovePageInput = function() { + $('.pkt_ext_removeitem').click(function(e) { + if ($(this).parents('.pkt_ext_item_actions_disabled').length) { + e.preventDefault(); + return; + } + if ($(this).hasClass('pkt_ext_removeitem')) { + e.preventDefault(); + myself.disableInput(); + $('.pkt_ext_containersaved').find('.pkt_ext_detail h2').text(myself.dictJSON.processingremove); + console.log('processing page removal',myself.savedItemId); + thePKT_SAVED.sendMessage("deleteItem", + { + itemId: myself.savedItemId + },function(resp) { + console.log('got a removal message',resp); + if (resp.status == 'success') { + myself.showStateFinalMsg(myself.dictJSON.pageremoved); + } + else if (resp.status == 'error') { + $('.pkt_ext_edit_msg').addClass('pkt_ext_edit_msg_error pkt_ext_edit_msg_active').text(resp.error); + } + }); + } + }); + }; + this.initOpenListInput = function() { + $('.pkt_ext_openpocket').click(function(e) + { + e.preventDefault(); + console.log('sending new tab messsage',$(this).attr('href')); + thePKT_SAVED.sendMessage("openTabWithUrl", + { + url: $(this).attr('href'), + activate: true + }); + myself.closePopup(); + }); + }; + this.showActiveTags = function() { + if (!$('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').length) { + return; + } + var activetokenstext = '|'; + $('.token-input-token').each(function(index, element) { + activetokenstext += $(element).find('p').text() + '|'; + }); + + var inactivetags = $('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').find('.token_tag_inactive'); + inactivetags.each(function(index,element) { + if (activetokenstext.indexOf('|' + $(element).text() + '|') == -1) { + $(element).removeClass('token_tag_inactive'); + } + }); + }; + this.hideInactiveTags = function() { + if (!$('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').length) { + return; + } + var activetokenstext = '|'; + $('.token-input-token').each(function(index, element) { + activetokenstext += $(element).find('p').text() + '|'; + }); + var activesuggestedtags = $('.token_tag').not('.token_tag_inactive'); + activesuggestedtags.each(function(index,element) { + if (activetokenstext.indexOf('|' + $(element).text() + '|') > -1) { + $(element).addClass('token_tag_inactive'); + } + }); + }; + this.showStateSaved = function(initobj) { + console.log('start of saved state',initobj); + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_detail h2').text(this.dictJSON.pagesaved); + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_btn').addClass('pkt_ext_btn_disabled'); + if (typeof initobj.item == 'object') + { + this.savedItemId = initobj.item.item_id; + this.savedUrl = initobj.item.resolved_url; + } + $('.pkt_ext_containersaved').addClass('pkt_ext_container_detailactive').removeClass('pkt_ext_container_finalstate'); + + myself.fillUserTags(); + if (myself.suggestedTagsLoaded) { + myself.startCloseTimer(); + } + else { + myself.fillSuggestedTags(); + } + }; + this.sanitizeText = function(s) { + var sanitizeMap = { + "&": "&", + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + '"': '"', + "'": ''' + }; + if (typeof s !== 'string') + { + return ''; + } + else + { + return String(s).replace(/[&<>"']/g, function (str) { + return sanitizeMap[str]; + }); + } + }; + this.showStateFinalMsg = function(msg) { + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_tag_detail').one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend msTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd',function(e) + { + $(this).off('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend msTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd'); + myself.preventCloseTimerCancel = true; + myself.startCloseTimer(myself.autocloseTimingFinalState); + }); + this.wrapper.addClass('pkt_ext_container_finalstate'); + this.wrapper.find('.pkt_ext_detail h2').text(msg); + }; + this.getTranslations = function() + { + var language = window.navigator.language.toLowerCase(); + this.dictJSON = {}; + + var dictsuffix = 'en-US'; + + if (language.indexOf('en') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'en'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('it') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'it'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('fr-ca') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'fr'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('fr') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'fr'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('de') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'de'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('es-es') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'es'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('es-419') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'es_419'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('es') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'es'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('ja') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'ja'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('nl') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'nl'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('pt-pt') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'pt_PT'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('pt') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'pt_BR'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('ru') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'ru'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('zh-tw') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'zh_TW'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('zh') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'zh_CN'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('ko') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'ko'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('pl') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'pl'; + } + + // TODO: when we add all dictionaries, modify this, but for now hard code to English + dictsuffix = 'en'; + + this.dictJSON = Translations[dictsuffix]; + + }; +}; + +PKT_SAVED_OVERLAY.prototype = { + create : function() + { + console.log('creating overlay',this.active); + if (this.active) + { + return; + } + this.active = true; + + // set translations + this.getTranslations(); + + // Create actual content + $('body').append(Handlebars.templates.saved_shell(this.dictJSON)); + + // Add in premium content (if applicable based on premium status) + this.createPremiumFunctionality(); + + // Initialize functionality for overlay + this.wrapper = $('.pkt_ext_containersaved'); + this.initTagInput(); + this.initAddTagInput(); + this.initRemovePageInput(); + this.initOpenListInput(); + this.initAutoCloseEvents(); + }, + createPremiumFunctionality: function() + { + if (this.premiumStatus && !$('.pkt_ext_suggestedtag_detail').length) + { + console.log('make premium'); + $('body').append(Handlebars.templates.saved_premiumshell(this.dictJSON)); + } + } +}; + + +// Layer between Bookmarklet and Extensions +var PKT_SAVED = function () {}; + +PKT_SAVED.prototype = { + init: function () { + if (this.inited) { + return; + } + this.overlay = new PKT_SAVED_OVERLAY(); + + this.inited = true; + }, + + addMessageListener: function(messageId, callback) { + Messaging.addMessageListener(messageId, callback); + }, + + sendMessage: function(messageId, payload, callback) { + Messaging.sendMessage(messageId, payload, callback); + }, + + create: function() { + var myself = this; + var url = window.location.href.split('premiumStatus='); + if (url.length > 1) + { + myself.overlay.premiumStatus = (url[1] == '1'); + } + myself.overlay.create(); + + // tell back end we're ready + thePKT_SAVED.sendMessage("show"); + + // wait confirmation of save before flipping to final saved state + thePKT_SAVED.addMessageListener("saveLink",function(resp) + { + console.log('sweet, switch to full mode because of registered hit',resp); + myself.overlay.showStateSaved(resp); + }); + + } +} + +$(function() +{ + if(!window.thePKT_SAVED){ + var thePKT_SAVED = new PKT_SAVED(); + window.thePKT_SAVED = thePKT_SAVED; + thePKT_SAVED.init(); + } + + window.thePKT_SAVED.create(); +}); + diff --git a/browser/components/pocket/panels/js/signup.js b/browser/components/pocket/panels/js/signup.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..194ecfa7c86c --- /dev/null +++ b/browser/components/pocket/panels/js/signup.js @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +/* +PKT_SIGNUP_OVERLAY is the view itself and contains all of the methods to manipute the overlay and messaging. +It does not contain any logic for saving or communication with the extension or server. +*/ +var PKT_SIGNUP_OVERLAY = function (options) +{ + var myself = this; + this.baseHost = "getpocket.com"; + + this.inited = false; + this.active = false; + this.delayedStateSaved = false; + this.wrapper = null; + this.variant = window.___PKT__SIGNUP_VARIANT; + this.tagline = window.___PKT__SIGNUP_TAGLINE || ''; + this.preventCloseTimerCancel = false; + // TODO: populate this with actual translations + this.translations = {}; + this.closeValid = true; + this.mouseInside = false; + this.autocloseTimer = null; + this.dictJSON = {}; + this.initCloseTabEvents = function() { + $('.btn,.alreadyhave > a').click(function(e) + { + e.preventDefault(); + console.log('sending new tab messsage',$(this).attr('href')); + thePKT_SIGNUP.sendMessage("openTabWithUrl", + { + url: $(this).attr('href'), + activate: true + }); + myself.closePopup(); + }); + }; + this.closePopup = function() { + thePKT_SIGNUP.sendMessage("close"); + }; + this.sanitizeText = function(s) { + var sanitizeMap = { + "&": "&", + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + '"': '"', + "'": ''' + }; + if (typeof s !== 'string') + { + return ''; + } + else + { + return String(s).replace(/[&<>"']/g, function (str) { + return sanitizeMap[str]; + }); + } + }; + this.getTranslations = function() + { + var language = window.navigator.language.toLowerCase(); + this.dictJSON = {}; + + var dictsuffix = 'en-US'; + + if (language.indexOf('en') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'en'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('it') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'it'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('fr-ca') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'fr'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('fr') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'fr'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('de') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'de'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('es-es') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'es'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('es-419') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'es_419'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('es') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'es'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('ja') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'ja'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('nl') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'nl'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('pt-pt') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'pt_PT'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('pt') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'pt_BR'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('ru') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'ru'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('zh-tw') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'zh_TW'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('zh') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'zh_CN'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('ko') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'ko'; + } + else if (language.indexOf('pl') == 0) + { + dictsuffix = 'pl'; + } + + // TODO: when we add all dictionaries, modify this, but for now hard code to English + dictsuffix = 'en'; + + this.dictJSON = Translations[dictsuffix]; + + }; +}; + +PKT_SIGNUP_OVERLAY.prototype = { + create : function() + { + var myself = this; + + if (this.active) + { + return; + } + this.active = true; + + // set translations + myself.getTranslations(); + + // Create actual content + $('body').append(Handlebars.templates.signup_shell(this.dictJSON)); + + // tell background we're ready + thePKT_SIGNUP.sendMessage("show"); + + // close events + this.initCloseTabEvents(); + } +}; + + +// Layer between Bookmarklet and Extensions +var PKT_SIGNUP = function () {}; + +PKT_SIGNUP.prototype = { + init: function () { + if (this.inited) { + return; + } + this.overlay = new PKT_SIGNUP_OVERLAY(); + + this.inited = true; + }, + + addMessageListener: function(messageId, callback) { + Messaging.addMessageListener(messageId, callback); + }, + + sendMessage: function(messageId, payload, callback) { + Messaging.sendMessage(messageId, payload, callback); + }, + + create: function() { + this.overlay.create(); + + // tell back end we're ready + thePKT_SIGNUP.sendMessage("show"); + } +} + +$(function() +{ + if(!window.thePKT_SIGNUP){ + var thePKT_SIGNUP = new PKT_SIGNUP(); + window.thePKT_SIGNUP = thePKT_SIGNUP; + thePKT_SIGNUP.init(); + } + + window.thePKT_SIGNUP.create(); +}); + diff --git a/browser/components/pocket/panels/js/tmpl.js b/browser/components/pocket/panels/js/tmpl.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6da738933416 --- /dev/null +++ b/browser/components/pocket/panels/js/tmpl.js @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +(function() { + var template = Handlebars.template, templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {}; +templates['saved_premiumshell'] = template({"compiler":[6,">= 2.0.0-beta.1"],"main":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) { + var helper, functionType="function", helperMissing=helpers.helperMissing, escapeExpression=this.escapeExpression; + return "
" + + escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.tagline || (depth0 != null ? depth0.tagline : depth0)) != null ? helper : helperMissing),(typeof helper === functionType ? helper.call(depth0, {"name":"tagline","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + + "
\n \n" + + escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.signupfirefox || (depth0 != null ? depth0.signupfirefox : depth0)) != null ? helper : helperMissing),(typeof helper === functionType ? helper.call(depth0, {"name":"signupfirefox","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + + " " + + escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.help || (depth0 != null ? depth0.help : depth0)) != null ? helper : helperMissing),(typeof helper === functionType ? helper.call(depth0, {"name":"help","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + + "
\n \n" + + escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.alreadyhaveacct || (depth0 != null ? depth0.alreadyhaveacct : depth0)) != null ? helper : helperMissing),(typeof helper === functionType ? helper.call(depth0, {"name":"alreadyhaveacct","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + + " " + + escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.loginnow || (depth0 != null ? depth0.loginnow : depth0)) != null ? helper : helperMissing),(typeof helper === functionType ? helper.call(depth0, {"name":"loginnow","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + + ".