adding XPCOM interface support (non-functional) -- not part of Gromit

This commit is contained in:
shaver 1998-07-01 18:18:00 +00:00
parent 920acd0a4f
commit ae05f5bb1b
4 changed files with 267 additions and 0 deletions

js/src/xpcom/jsIContext.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* jsIContext.h --- the XPCOM interface to the core JS engine functionality.
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include <jsapi.h>
#include "jsIScriptable.h"
#include "jsIFunction.h"
#include "jsIErrorReporter.h"
{ 0, 0, 0, \
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
{ 0, 0, 0, \
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
#define JS_ISCRIPT_IID \
{ 0, 0, 0, \
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
* jsIScript interface declaration
class jsIScript: public nsISupports {
virtual jsIScript() = 0;
virtual ~jsIScript() = 0;
* jsIRuntime interface declaration.
class jsIRuntime: public nsISupports {
virtual jsIRuntime() = 0;
virtual ~jsIRuntime() = 0;
* jsIContext interface declaration
class jsIContext: public nsISupports {
* Compile a JavaScript function.
* @return NULL on error, compiled jsIFunction *otherwise.
virtual jsIFunction *compileFunction(jsIScriptable *scope,
JSString *source,
JSString *sourceName,
int lineno) = 0;
* Decompile a JavaScript script to equivalent source.
virtual JSString *decompileScript(jsIScript *script,
jsIScriptable *scope,
int indent) = 0;
* Decompile a JavaScript function to equivalent source, including
* the function declaration and parameter list.
* Provides function body of '[native code]' if the provided
* jsIFunction * isn't of JS-source heritage.
virtual JSString *decompileFunction(jsIFunction *fun,
int indent) = 0;
* Decompile the body of a JavaScript function.
* Provides function body of '[native code]' if the provided
* jsIFunction * isn't of JS-source heritage.
virtual JSString *decompileFunctionBody(jsIFunction *fun,
int indent) = 0;
* Create a new JavaScript object. This is equivalent to evaluating
* "new Object()", which requires that the value "Object" in the
* provided scope is a function.
virtual jsIScriptable *newObject(jsIScriptable *scope) = 0;
* Create a new JavaScript object by executing the named constructor.
* This requires that the value named by the constructorName argument.
virtual jsIScriptable *newObject(jsIScriptable *scope,
JSString *constructorName) = 0;
* Create a new JavaScript object by executing the named constructor
* with the provided arguments.
virtual jsIScriptable *newObject(jsIScriptable *scope,
JSString *constructorName,
jsval *argv,
uintN argc) = 0;
* Create a new JavaScript Array with the specified inital length.
virtual jsIScriptable *newArray(jsIScriptable *scope,
uintN length) = 0;
* Create a new JavaScript array with the provided initial contents.
virtual jsIScriptable *newArray(jsIScriptable *scope,
jsval *elements,
uintN length) = 0;
* Convert a jsval to a JavaScript boolean value.
* Note: the return value indicates the success of the operation,
* not the resulting boolean value. *bp stores the new boolean value.
NS_IMETHOD toBoolean(jsval v, JSBool *bp) = 0;
* Convert a jsval to a JavaScript number value.
virtual jsdouble *toNumber(jsval v) = 0;
* Convert a jsval to a JavaScript string value.
virtual JSString *toString(jsval v) = 0;
* Convert a jsval to a JavaScript object. The provided scope is
* used to look up constructors Number, String and Boolean as required.
virtual jsIScriptable *toObject(jsval v, jsIScriptable *scope) = 0;
* Evaluate a JavaScript source string.
NS_IMETHOD evaluateString(jsIScriptable *scope,
JSString *source,
JSString *sourceName,
uintN lineno) = 0;
* Initialize the standard (ECMA-plus) objects in the given scope.
* Makes scope an ECMA `global object'.
NS_IMETHOD initStandardObjects(jsIScriptable *scope) = 0;
* Report a (usually fatal) runtime error.
NS_IMETHOD reportError(JSString *message) = 0;
* Report a warning.
NS_IMETHOD reportWarning(JSString *message) = 0;
* Change the error reporter for this context.
virtual jsIErrorReporter *setErrorReporter(jsIErrorReporter *reporter) = 0;
* Set the current language version.
NS_IMETHOD setLanguageVersion(uintN version) = 0;
* Get the current language version.
virtual uintN getLanguageVersion(void) = 0;
* Associate the Context with the current thread.
* This should be called whenever a Context is operated upon by a
* new thread.
NS_IMETHOD enter(void);
* Break the Context-thread association.
NS_IMETHOD exit(void);
* Create a new Context.
virtual Context(jsIRuntime *runtime, uintN stacksize) = 0;
virtual ~Context() = 0;
#endif /* JS_ICONTEXT_H */

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* jsIErrorReporter.h -- the XPCOM interface to JS error and warning reporters.
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include <jsapi.h>
class jsIErrorReporter: public nsISupports {
virtual jsIErrorReporter() = 0;
virtual ~jsIErrorReporter() = 0;
* Report a warning.
NS_IMETHOD reportWarning(JSString *message,
JSString *sourceName,
uintN lineno) = 0;
* Report an error.
NS_IMETHOD reportError(JSString *message,
JSString *sourceName,
uintN lineno) = 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* jsIFunction.h -- the XPCOM interface to JavaScript function objects.
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include <jsapi.h>
class jsIFunction: public nsISupports {
virtual jsIFunction() = 0;
virtual ~jsIFunction() = 0;
#endif /* JS_IFUNCTION_H */

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* jsIScriptable.h -- the XPCOM interface to native JavaScript objects.
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include <jsapi.h>
class jsIScriptable: public nsISupports {
virtual jsIScriptable() = 0;
virtual ~jsIScriptable() = 0;
#endif /* JS_ISCRIPTABLE_H */