fix for bug 141702 - Redirection limit exceeded [not sending Authorization header on 302]. r-dougt, sr-darin, a-sspitzer.

This commit is contained in: 2003-05-19 17:47:22 +00:00
parent fde9643eed
commit b2e7f2c062
3 changed files with 89 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -311,8 +311,51 @@ nsHttpAuthIdentity::Equals(const nsHttpAuthIdentity &ident) const
if (mPath)
if (mRealm)
while (mRoot) {
nsHttpAuthPath *ap = mRoot;
mRoot = mRoot->mNext;
nsHttpAuthEntry::AddPath(const char *aPath)
// null path matches empty path
if (!aPath)
aPath = "";
nsHttpAuthPath *tempPtr = mRoot;
while (tempPtr) {
const char *curpath = tempPtr->mPath;
if (strncmp(aPath, curpath, nsCRT::strlen(curpath)) == 0)
return NS_OK; // subpath already exists in the list
tempPtr = tempPtr->mNext;
//Append the aPath
nsHttpAuthPath *newAuthPath;
int newpathLen = nsCRT::strlen(aPath);
newAuthPath = (nsHttpAuthPath *) malloc(sizeof(nsHttpAuthPath) + newpathLen);
if (!newAuthPath)
memcpy(newAuthPath->mPath, aPath, newpathLen+1);
newAuthPath->mNext = nsnull;
if (!mRoot)
mRoot = newAuthPath; //first entry
mTail->mNext = newAuthPath; // Append newAuthPath
//update the tail pointer.
mTail = newAuthPath;
return NS_OK;
@ -323,23 +366,17 @@ nsHttpAuthEntry::Set(const char *path,
const nsHttpAuthIdentity &ident,
nsISupports *metadata)
char *newPath, *newRealm, *newCreds, *newChall;
char *newRealm, *newCreds, *newChall;
int pathLen = path ? nsCRT::strlen(path) : 0;
int realmLen = realm ? nsCRT::strlen(realm) : 0;
int credsLen = creds ? nsCRT::strlen(creds) : 0;
int challLen = chall ? nsCRT::strlen(chall) : 0;
int len = pathLen + 1 + realmLen + 1 + credsLen + 1 + challLen + 1;
newPath = (char *) malloc(len);
if (!newPath)
int len = realmLen + 1 + credsLen + 1 + challLen + 1;
newRealm = (char *) malloc(len);
if (!newRealm)
if (path)
memcpy(newPath, path, pathLen);
newPath[pathLen] = 0;
newRealm = &newPath[pathLen + 1];
if (realm)
memcpy(newRealm, realm, realmLen);
newRealm[realmLen] = 0;
@ -356,19 +393,26 @@ nsHttpAuthEntry::Set(const char *path,
nsresult rv = mIdent.Set(ident);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
rv = AddPath(path);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
// wait until the end to clear member vars in case input params
// reference our members!
if (mPath)
mPath = newPath;
if (mRealm)
mRealm = newRealm;
mCreds = newCreds;
mChallenge = newChall;
mMetaData = metadata;
return NS_OK;
@ -405,15 +449,20 @@ nsHttpAuthNode::LookupEntryByPath(const char *path)
// directory of an existing entry.
for (PRInt32 i=0; i<mList.Count(); ++i) {
entry = (nsHttpAuthEntry *) mList[i];
const char *entryPath = entry->Path();
// proxy auth entries have no path, so require exact match on
// empty path string.
if (entryPath[0] == '\0') {
if (path[0] == '\0')
nsHttpAuthPath *authPath = entry->RootPath();
while (authPath) {
const char *entryPath = authPath->mPath;
// proxy auth entries have no path, so require exact match on
// empty path string.
if (entryPath[0] == '\0') {
if (path[0] == '\0')
return entry;
else if (strncmp(path, entryPath, nsCRT::strlen(entryPath)) == 0)
return entry;
authPath = authPath->mNext;
else if (strncmp(path, entryPath, strlen(entryPath)) == 0)
return entry;
return nsnull;
@ -455,13 +504,6 @@ nsHttpAuthNode::SetAuthEntry(const char *path,
else {
// update the entry...
if (path) {
// we should hold onto the top-most of the two path
PRUint32 len1 = strlen(path);
PRUint32 len2 = strlen(entry->Path());
if (len1 >= len2)
path = entry->Path(); // keep the old path
entry->Set(path, realm, creds, challenge, ident, metadata);

View File

@ -49,6 +49,12 @@
#include "plhash.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
struct nsHttpAuthPath {
struct nsHttpAuthPath *mNext;
char mPath[1];
// nsHttpAuthIdentity
@ -101,16 +107,18 @@ private:
class nsHttpAuthEntry
const char *Path() const { return mPath; }
const char *Realm() const { return mRealm; }
const char *Creds() const { return mCreds; }
const char *Challenge() const { return mChallenge; }
const PRUnichar *Domain() const { return mIdent.Domain(); }
const PRUnichar *User() const { return mIdent.User(); }
const PRUnichar *Pass() const { return mIdent.Password(); }
nsHttpAuthPath *RootPath() { return mRoot; }
const nsHttpAuthIdentity &Identity() const { return mIdent; }
nsresult AddPath(const char *aPath);
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mMetaData;
@ -120,7 +128,9 @@ private:
const char *challenge,
const nsHttpAuthIdentity &ident,
nsISupports *metadata)
: mPath(nsnull)
: mRealm(nsnull)
, mRoot(nsnull)
, mTail(nsnull)
Set(path, realm, creds, challenge, ident, metadata);
@ -135,8 +145,10 @@ private:
nsHttpAuthIdentity mIdent;
// allocated together in one blob, starting with mPath.
char *mPath;
nsHttpAuthPath *mRoot; //root pointer
nsHttpAuthPath *mTail; //tail pointer
// allocated together in one blob, starting with mRealm.
char *mRealm;
char *mCreds;
char *mChallenge;

View File

@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@ nsHttpChannel::GetCredentials(const char *challenges,
if (entry->Creds()[0] != '\0') {
LOG((" using cached credentials!\n"));
return NS_OK;
return entry->AddPath(path.get());