DAVCollection refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Dan Mills 2007-10-18 03:13:35 -07:00
parent 8acdcd6dd6
commit b3416e9ffb

View File

@ -1037,21 +1037,23 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._mungeCommands(server.deltas), cont);
gen = this._dav.PUT("bookmarks-deltas.json",
this._mungeCommands(server.deltas), cont);
let deltasPut = yield;
// FIXME: need to watch out for the storage format version changing,
// in that case we'll have to re-upload all the files, not just these
uneval({GUID: this._snapshotGUID,
snapVersion: server.snapVersion,
maxVersion: this._snapshotVersion}), cont);
gen = this._dav.PUT("bookmarks-status.json",
uneval({GUID: this._snapshotGUID,
snapVersion: server.snapVersion,
maxVersion: this._snapshotVersion}), cont);
let statusPut = yield;
if (deltasPut.target.status >= 200 && deltasPut.target.status < 300 &&
statusPut.target.status >= 200 && statusPut.target.status < 300) {
if (deltasPut.status >= 200 && deltasPut.status < 300 &&
statusPut.status >= 200 && statusPut.status < 300) {
this._log.info("Successfully updated deltas and status on server");
} else {
@ -1145,14 +1147,16 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
try {
this._log.info("Getting bookmarks status from server");
this._dav.GET("bookmarks-status.json", cont);
let statusResp = yield;
let gen = this._dav.GET("bookmarks-status.json", cont);
let resp = yield;
let status = resp.status;
switch (statusResp.target.status) {
switch (status) {
case 200:
this._log.info("Got bookmarks status from server");
let status = eval(statusResp.target.responseText);
let status = eval(resp.responseText);
let snap, deltas, allDeltas;
// Bail out if the server has a newer format version than we can parse
@ -1177,24 +1181,28 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._log.info("Local snapshot is out of date");
this._log.info("Downloading server snapshot");
this._dav.GET("bookmarks-snapshot.json", cont);
let snapResp = yield;
if (snapResp.target.status < 200 || snapResp.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.GET("bookmarks-snapshot.json", cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not download server snapshot");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
snap = eval(snapResp.target.responseText);
snap = eval(resp.responseText);
this._log.info("Downloading server deltas");
this._dav.GET("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
let deltasResp = yield;
if (deltasResp.target.status < 200 || deltasResp.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.GET("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not download server deltas");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
allDeltas = eval(deltasResp.target.responseText);
allDeltas = eval(resp.responseText);
deltas = eval(uneval(allDeltas));
} else if (this._snapshotVersion >= status.snapVersion &&
@ -1202,14 +1210,16 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
snap = eval(uneval(this._snapshot));
this._log.info("Downloading server deltas");
this._dav.GET("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
let deltasResp = yield;
if (deltasResp.target.status < 200 || deltasResp.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.GET("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not download server deltas");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
allDeltas = eval(deltasResp.target.responseText);
allDeltas = eval(resp.responseText);
deltas = allDeltas.slice(this._snapshotVersion - status.snapVersion);
} else if (this._snapshotVersion == status.maxVersion) {
@ -1217,14 +1227,16 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
// FIXME: could optimize this case by caching deltas file
this._log.info("Downloading server deltas");
this._dav.GET("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
let deltasResp = yield;
if (deltasResp.target.status < 200 || deltasResp.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.GET("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not download server deltas");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
allDeltas = eval(deltasResp.target.responseText);
allDeltas = eval(resp.responseText);
deltas = [];
} else { // this._snapshotVersion > status.maxVersion
@ -1253,34 +1265,40 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._snapshotVersion = 0;
this._snapshotGUID = null; // in case there are other snapshots out there
this._mungeNodes(this._snapshot), cont);
let snapPut = yield;
if (snapPut.target.status < 200 || snapPut.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.PUT("bookmarks-snapshot.json",
this._mungeNodes(this._snapshot), cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not upload snapshot to server, error code: " +
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
this._dav.PUT("bookmarks-deltas.json", uneval([]), cont);
let deltasPut = yield;
if (deltasPut.target.status < 200 || deltasPut.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.PUT("bookmarks-deltas.json", uneval([]), cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not upload deltas to server, error code: " +
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
uneval({GUID: this._snapshotGUID,
snapVersion: this._snapshotVersion,
maxVersion: this._snapshotVersion}), cont);
let statusPut = yield;
if (statusPut.target.status < 200 || statusPut.target.status >= 300) {
gen = this._dav.PUT("bookmarks-status.json",
uneval({GUID: this._snapshotGUID,
snapVersion: this._snapshotVersion,
maxVersion: this._snapshotVersion}), cont);
resp = yield;
if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) {
this._log.error("Could not upload status file to server, error code: " +
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret)
throw 'close generator';
@ -1299,7 +1317,7 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._log.error("Could not get bookmarks.status: unknown HTTP status code " +
} catch (e) {
@ -1360,24 +1378,26 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._dav.DELETE("bookmarks-status.json", cont);
gen = this._dav.DELETE("bookmarks-status.json", cont);
let statusResp = yield;
this._dav.DELETE("bookmarks-snapshot.json", cont);
gen = this._dav.DELETE("bookmarks-snapshot.json", cont);
let snapshotResp = yield;
this._dav.DELETE("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
gen = this._dav.DELETE("bookmarks-deltas.json", cont);
let deltasResp = yield;
gen = this._dav.unlock.async(this._dav, cont);
let unlocked = yield;
if (!(statusResp.target.status == 200 || statusResp.target.status == 404 ||
snapshotResp.target.status == 200 || snapshotResp.target.status == 404 ||
deltasResp.target.status == 200 || deltasResp.target.status == 404)) {
if (!(statusResp.status == 200 || statusResp.status == 404 ||
snapshotResp.status == 200 || snapshotResp.status == 404 ||
deltasResp.status == 200 || deltasResp.status == 404)) {
this._log.error("Could delete server data, response codes " +
statusResp.target.status + ", " +
snapshotResp.target.status + ", " +
statusResp.status + ", " + snapshotResp.status + ", " +
@ -1608,9 +1628,9 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
if (this.__auth && this._userURL == this.__authURI)
return this.__auth;
this._log.debug("Generating new authentication header");
try {
this._log.debug("Generating new authentication header");
this.__authURI = this._userURL;
let URI = makeURI(this._userURL);
let username = 'nobody@mozilla.com';
@ -1666,92 +1686,115 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
return this._currentUser;
_makeRequest: function DC__makeRequest(op, path, onComplete, headers) {
this._log.debug("Creating " + op + " request for" + this._userURL + path);
_makeRequest: function DC__makeRequest(onComplete, op, path, headers, data) {
let cont = yield;
let ret;
let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance();
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMEventTarget);
try {
this._log.debug("Creating " + op + " request for " + this._userURL + path);
request.addEventListener("load", new EventListener(onComplete), false);
request.addEventListener("error", new EventListener(onComplete), false);
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
request.open(op, this._userURL + path, true);
if (headers) {
let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance();
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMEventTarget);
request.addEventListener("load", new EventListener(cont), false);
request.addEventListener("error", new EventListener(cont), false);
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
request.open(op, this._userURL + path, true);
let key;
for (key in headers) {
this._log.debug("HTTP Header " + key + ": " + headers[key]);
request.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
this._authProvider._authFailed = false;
request.channel.notificationCallbacks = this._authProvider;
let event = yield;
ret = event.target;
if (this._authProvider._authFailed)
this._log.warn("_makeRequest: authentication failed");
if (ret.status < 200 || ret.status >= 300)
this._log.warn("_makeRequest: got status " + ret.status);
} catch (e) {
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret);
yield; // onComplete is responsible for closing the generator
request.channel.notificationCallbacks = this._authProvider;
return request;
this._log.warn("generator not properly closed");
GET: function DC_GET(path, onComplete, headers) {
if (!headers)
headers = {'Content-type': 'text/plain'};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
if (this._token)
headers['If'] = "<" + this._bashURL + "> (<" + this._token + ">)";
let request = this._makeRequest("GET", path, onComplete, headers);
get _defaultHeaders() {
return {'Authorization': this._auth? this._auth : '',
'Content-type': 'text/plain',
'If': this._token?
"<" + this._userURL + "> (<" + this._token + ">)" : ''};
PUT: function DC_PUT(path, data, onComplete, headers) {
if (!headers)
headers = {'Content-type': 'text/plain'};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
if (this._token)
headers['If'] = "<" + this._bashURL + "> (<" + this._token + ">)";
let request = this._makeRequest("PUT", path, onComplete, headers);
GET: function DC_GET(path, onComplete) {
return this._makeRequest.async(this, onComplete, "GET", path,
DELETE: function DC_DELETE(path, onComplete, headers) {
if (!headers)
headers = {'Content-type': 'text/plain'};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
if (this._token)
headers['If'] = "<" + this._bashURL + "> (<" + this._token + ">)";
let request = this._makeRequest("DELETE", path, onComplete, headers);
PUT: function DC_PUT(path, data, onComplete) {
return this._makeRequest.async(this, onComplete, "PUT", path,
this._defaultHeaders, data);
DELETE: function DC_DELETE(path, onComplete) {
return this._makeRequest.async(this, onComplete, "DELETE", path,
PROPFIND: function DC_PROPFIND(path, data, onComplete) {
let headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Depth': '0'};
headers.__proto__ = this._defaultHeaders;
return this._makeRequest.async(this, onComplete, "PROPFIND", path,
headers, data);
LOCK: function DC_LOCK(path, data, onComplete) {
let headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Depth': 'infinity',
'Timeout': 'Second-600'};
headers.__proto__ = this._defaultHeaders;
return this._makeRequest.async(this, onComplete, "LOCK", path, headers, data);
UNLOCK: function DC_UNLOCK(path, onComplete) {
let headers = {'Lock-Token': '<' + this._token + '>'};
headers.__proto__ = this._defaultHeaders;
return this._makeRequest.async(this, onComplete, "UNLOCK", path, headers);
// Login / Logout
login: function DC_login(onComplete) {
let cont = yield;
try {
if (this._loggedIn) {
this._log.debug("Login requested, but already logged in");
throw 'close generator';
let headers = {};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
this._authProvider._authFailed = false;
this._log.info("Logging in");
// This ensures the auth header is correct, and it doubles as an
// account creation request
let request = this._makeRequest("GET", "createAcct.php", cont, headers);
let event = yield;
let gen = this.GET("createAcct.php", cont);
let resp = yield;
if (this._authProvider._authFailed) {
this._log.warn("Login authentication failed");
if (this._authProvider._authFailed || resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300)
throw 'close generator';
if (event.target.status < 200 || event.target.status >= 400) {
this._log.warn("Login request failed, status " + event.target.status);
throw 'close generator';
let branch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
@ -1766,7 +1809,12 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
} catch (e) {
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
if (this._loggedIn)
this._log.info("Logged in");
this._log.warn("Could not log in");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, this._loggedIn);
yield; // onComplete is responsible for closing the generator
@ -1787,35 +1835,30 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
try {
this._log.info("Getting active lock token");
let gen = this.PROPFIND("",
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" +
"<D:propfind xmlns:D='DAV:'>" +
" <D:prop><D:lockdiscovery/></D:prop>" +
"</D:propfind>", cont);
let resp = yield;
let headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Depth': '0'};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
let request = this._makeRequest("PROPFIND", "", cont, headers);
request.send("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" +
"<D:propfind xmlns:D='DAV:'>" +
" <D:prop><D:lockdiscovery/></D:prop>" +
let event = yield;
if (this._authProvider._authFailed) {
this._log.warn("_getActiveLock: authentication failed");
if (this._authProvider._authFailed || resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300)
throw 'close generator';
if (event.target.status >= 400) {
this._log.warn("_getActiveLock: got status " + event.target.status);
throw 'close generator';
let tokens = xpath(event.target.responseXML, '//D:locktoken/D:href');
let tokens = xpath(resp.responseXML, '//D:locktoken/D:href');
let token = tokens.iterateNext();
ret = token.textContent;
} catch (e) {
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
if (ret)
this._log.debug("Found an active lock token");
this._log.debug("No active lock token found");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, ret);
yield; // onComplete is responsible for closing the generator
@ -1834,30 +1877,19 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
throw 'close generator';
headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Timeout': 'Second-600',
'Depth': 'infinity'};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
let gen = this.LOCK("",
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n" +
"<D:lockinfo xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">\n" +
" <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>\n" +
" <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>\n" +
"</D:lockinfo>", cont);
let resp = yield;
let request = this._makeRequest("LOCK", "", cont, headers);
request.send("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n" +
"<D:lockinfo xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">\n" +
" <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>\n" +
" <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>\n" +
let event = yield;
if (this._authProvider._authFailed) {
this._log.warn("lock: authentication failed");
if (this._authProvider._authFailed || resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300)
throw 'close generator';
if (event.target.status < 200 || event.target.status >= 300) {
this._log.warn("lock: got status " + event.target.status);
throw 'close generator';
let tokens = xpath(event.target.responseXML, '//D:locktoken/D:href');
let tokens = xpath(resp.responseXML, '//D:locktoken/D:href');
let token = tokens.iterateNext();
if (token)
this._token = token.textContent;
@ -1865,7 +1897,12 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
} catch (e){
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
if (this._token)
this._log.info("Lock acquired");
this._log.warn("Could not acquire lock");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, this._token);
yield; // onComplete is responsible for closing the generator
@ -1882,27 +1919,19 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
throw 'close generator';
let headers = {'Lock-Token': "<" + this._token + ">"};
if (this._auth)
headers['Authorization'] = this._auth;
let gen = this.UNLOCK("", cont);
let resp = yield;
let request = this._makeRequest("UNLOCK", "", cont, headers);
let event = yield;
if (this._authProvider._authFailed) {
this._log.warn("unlock: authentication failed");
if (this._authProvider._authFailed || resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300)
throw 'close generator';
if (event.target.status < 200 || event.target.status >= 300) {
this._log.warn("unlock: got status " + event.target.status);
throw 'close generator';
this._token = null;
} catch (e){
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
if (this._token) {
this._log.info("Could not release lock");
@ -1921,20 +1950,31 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
let unlocked = true;
try {
this._log.info("Forcibly releasing any server locks");
let gen = this._getActiveLock.async(this, cont);
this._token = yield;
if (this._token) {
gen = this.unlock.async(this, cont);
unlocked = yield;
if (!this._token) {
this._log.info("No server lock found");
throw 'close generator';
this._log.info("Server lock found, unlocking");
gen = this.unlock.async(this, cont);
unlocked = yield;
} catch (e){
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
if (unlocked)
this._log.debug("Lock released");
this._log.debug("No lock released");
generatorDone(this, onComplete, unlocked);
yield; // onComplete is responsible for closing the generator
@ -1946,7 +1986,6 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
let stolen = null;
try {
let gen = this.forceUnlock.async(this, cont);
let unlocked = yield;
@ -1956,9 +1995,11 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
stolen = yield;
} catch (e){
if (e != 'close generator')
throw e;
} finally {
generatorDone(this, onComplete, stolen);
yield; // onComplete is responsible for closing the generator