mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 12:35:58 +00:00
Do not call acquireLabel/addLabelFixup/markLabel if label is not stored in parse tree and can be resolved immediately after node subtree generation (see new addForwardsGoto and resolveForwardGoto methods)
This commit is contained in:
@ -224,17 +224,7 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
boolean itsInFunctionFlag;
InterpreterData itsData;
VariableTable itsVariableTable;
int itsTryDepth = 0;
int itsStackDepth = 0;
String itsSourceFile;
int itsLineNumber = 0;
private int updateLineNumber(Node node, int iCodeTop)
private int updateLineNumber(Node node, int iCodeTop) {
Object datum = node.getDatum();
if (datum == null || !(datum instanceof Number))
return iCodeTop;
@ -256,8 +246,7 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
return iCodeTop;
private void badTree(Node node)
private void badTree(Node node) {
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("icode.txt", true));
out.println("Un-handled node : " + node.toString());
@ -275,11 +264,10 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
switch (type) {
case TokenStream.FUNCTION : {
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.CLOSURE, iCodeTop);
Node fn = (Node) node.getProp(Node.FUNCTION_PROP);
int index = fn.getExistingIntProp(Node.FUNCTION_PROP);
iCodeTop = addByte(index >> 8, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(index & 0xff, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.CLOSURE, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addShort(index, iCodeTop);
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
itsData.itsMaxStack = itsStackDepth;
@ -334,12 +322,7 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
iCodeTop = addByte(theLocalSlot, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.POP, iCodeTop);
reminder - below we construct new GOTO nodes that aren't
linked into the tree just for the purpose of having a node
to pass to the addGoto routine. (Parallels codegen here).
Seems unnecessary.
ObjArray cases = (ObjArray) node.getProp(Node.CASES_PROP);
for (int i = 0; i < cases.size(); i++) {
Node thisCase = (Node)cases.get(i);
@ -350,45 +333,38 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
// the switch statement.
iCodeTop = generateICode(first, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.USETEMP, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(theLocalSlot, iCodeTop);
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
itsData.itsMaxStack = itsStackDepth;
iCodeTop = addByte(theLocalSlot, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.SHEQ, iCodeTop);
Node target = new Node(TokenStream.TARGET);
thisCase.addChildAfter(target, first);
Node branch = new Node(TokenStream.IFEQ);
branch.putProp(Node.TARGET_PROP, target);
iCodeTop = addGoto(branch, TokenStream.IFEQ,
iCodeTop = addGoto(getTargetLabel(target),
Node defaultNode = (Node) node.getProp(Node.DEFAULT_PROP);
if (defaultNode != null) {
Node defaultTarget = new Node(TokenStream.TARGET);
Node branch = new Node(TokenStream.GOTO);
branch.putProp(Node.TARGET_PROP, defaultTarget);
iCodeTop = addGoto(branch, TokenStream.GOTO,
iCodeTop = addGoto(getTargetLabel(defaultTarget),
Node breakTarget = (Node) node.getProp(Node.BREAK_PROP);
Node branch = new Node(TokenStream.GOTO);
branch.putProp(Node.TARGET_PROP, breakTarget);
iCodeTop = addGoto(branch, TokenStream.GOTO,
iCodeTop = addGoto(getTargetLabel(breakTarget),
case TokenStream.TARGET : {
int label = node.getIntProp(Node.LABEL_PROP, -1);
if (label == -1) {
label = acquireLabel();
node.putIntProp(Node.LABEL_PROP, label);
markLabel(label, iCodeTop);
markTargetLabel(node, iCodeTop);
// if this target has a FINALLY_PROP, it is a JSR target
// and so has a PC value on the top of the stack
if (node.getProp(Node.FINALLY_PROP) != null) {
@ -418,8 +394,12 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
case TokenStream.NEW :
case TokenStream.CALL : {
if (itsSourceFile != null && (itsData.itsSourceFile == null || ! itsSourceFile.equals(itsData.itsSourceFile)))
if (itsSourceFile != null
&& (itsData.itsSourceFile == null
|| !itsSourceFile.equals(itsData.itsSourceFile)))
itsData.itsSourceFile = itsSourceFile;
iCodeTop = addByte(SOURCEFILE_ICODE, iCodeTop);
int childCount = 0;
@ -528,14 +508,13 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
itsData.itsMaxStack = itsStackDepth;
int falseTarget = acquireLabel();
iCodeTop = addGoto(falseTarget, TokenStream.IFNE,
int falseJumpStart = iCodeTop;
iCodeTop = addForwardGoto(TokenStream.IFNE, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.POP, iCodeTop);
child = child.getNextSibling();
iCodeTop = generateICode(child, iCodeTop);
markLabel(falseTarget, iCodeTop);
resolveForwardGoto(falseJumpStart, iCodeTop);
@ -545,14 +524,13 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
itsData.itsMaxStack = itsStackDepth;
int trueTarget = acquireLabel();
iCodeTop = addGoto(trueTarget, TokenStream.IFEQ,
int trueJumpStart = iCodeTop;
iCodeTop = addForwardGoto(TokenStream.IFEQ, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.POP, iCodeTop);
child = child.getNextSibling();
iCodeTop = generateICode(child, iCodeTop);
markLabel(trueTarget, iCodeTop);
resolveForwardGoto(trueJumpStart, iCodeTop);
@ -615,16 +593,16 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.UNDEFINED, iCodeTop);
case TokenStream.NOT : {
int trueTarget = acquireLabel();
int beyond = acquireLabel();
iCodeTop = addGoto(trueTarget, TokenStream.IFEQ,
int trueJumpStart = iCodeTop;
iCodeTop = addForwardGoto(TokenStream.IFEQ,
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.TRUE, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addGoto(beyond, TokenStream.GOTO,
markLabel(trueTarget, iCodeTop);
int beyondJumpStart = iCodeTop;
iCodeTop = addForwardGoto(TokenStream.GOTO,
resolveForwardGoto(trueJumpStart, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.FALSE, iCodeTop);
markLabel(beyond, iCodeTop);
resolveForwardGoto(beyondJumpStart, iCodeTop);
case TokenStream.BITNOT :
@ -745,11 +723,11 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
else {
int i = itsVariableTable.getOrdinal(name);
iCodeTop = addByte(type == TokenStream.INC
? TokenStream.VARINC
: TokenStream.VARDEC,
int i = itsVariableTable.getOrdinal(name);
iCodeTop = addByte(i, iCodeTop);
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
@ -854,18 +832,13 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
itsData.itsMaxTryDepth = itsTryDepth;
Node catchTarget = (Node)node.getProp(Node.TARGET_PROP);
Node finallyTarget = (Node)node.getProp(Node.FINALLY_PROP);
int tryStart = iCodeTop;
if (catchTarget == null) {
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.TRY, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addShort(0, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop =
addGoto(node, TokenStream.TRY, iCodeTop);
int finallyHandler = 0;
if (finallyTarget != null) {
finallyHandler = acquireLabel();
int theLabel = finallyHandler & 0x7FFFFFFF;
addLabelFixup(theLabel, iCodeTop);
else {
iCodeTop = addGoto(node, TokenStream.TRY, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addShort(0, iCodeTop);
@ -905,11 +878,11 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
itsStackDepth = 0;
if (finallyTarget != null) {
// normal flow goes around the finally handler stublet
int skippy = acquireLabel();
iCodeTop =
addGoto(skippy, TokenStream.GOTO, iCodeTop);
int skippyJumpStart = iCodeTop;
iCodeTop = addForwardGoto(TokenStream.GOTO, iCodeTop);
int finallyOffset = iCodeTop - tryStart;
recordJumpOffset(tryStart + 3, finallyOffset);
// on entry the stack will have the exception object
markLabel(finallyHandler, iCodeTop);
itsStackDepth = 1;
if (itsStackDepth > itsData.itsMaxStack)
itsData.itsMaxStack = itsStackDepth;
@ -920,12 +893,12 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
int finallyLabel
= finallyTarget.getExistingIntProp(Node.LABEL_PROP);
iCodeTop = addGoto(finallyLabel,
TokenStream.GOSUB, iCodeTop);
TokenStream.GOSUB, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.USETEMP, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(theLocalSlot, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addByte(TokenStream.JTHROW, iCodeTop);
itsStackDepth = 0;
markLabel(skippy, iCodeTop);
resolveForwardGoto(skippyJumpStart, iCodeTop);
@ -1053,41 +1026,68 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
return iCodeTop;
private int addGoto(Node node, int gotoOp, int iCodeTop)
Node target = (Node)(node.getProp(Node.TARGET_PROP));
private int getTargetLabel(Node target) {
int targetLabel = target.getIntProp(Node.LABEL_PROP, -1);
if (targetLabel == -1) {
targetLabel = acquireLabel();
target.putIntProp(Node.LABEL_PROP, targetLabel);
return targetLabel;
private void markTargetLabel(Node target, int iCodeTop) {
int label = getTargetLabel(target);
markLabel(label, iCodeTop);
private int addGoto(Node node, int gotoOp, int iCodeTop) {
Node target = (Node)(node.getProp(Node.TARGET_PROP));
int targetLabel = getTargetLabel(target);
iCodeTop = addGoto(targetLabel, (byte) gotoOp, iCodeTop);
return iCodeTop;
private int addGoto(int targetLabel, int gotoOp, int iCodeTop)
private int addGoto(int targetLabel, int gotoOp, int iCodeTop) {
int gotoPC = iCodeTop;
iCodeTop = addByte(gotoOp, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addShort(0, iCodeTop);
int theLabel = targetLabel & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int targetPC = getLabelPC(theLabel);
if (targetPC != -1) {
int offset = targetPC - gotoPC;
iCodeTop = addShort(offset, iCodeTop);
recordJumpOffset(gotoPC + 1, targetPC - gotoPC);
else {
addLabelFixup(theLabel, gotoPC + 1);
iCodeTop = addShort(0, iCodeTop);
return iCodeTop;
private int addForwardGoto(int gotoOp, int iCodeTop) {
iCodeTop = addByte(gotoOp, iCodeTop);
iCodeTop = addShort(0, iCodeTop);
return iCodeTop;
private void resolveForwardGoto(int jumpStart, int iCodeTop) {
if (jumpStart + 3 > iCodeTop) Context.codeBug();
int offset = iCodeTop - jumpStart;
// +1 to write after jump icode
recordJumpOffset(jumpStart + 1, offset);
private void recordJumpOffset(int pos, int offset) {
if (offset != (short)offset) {
throw Context.reportRuntimeError
("Program too complex: too big jump offset");
itsData.itsICode[pos] = (byte)(offset >> 8);
itsData.itsICode[pos + 1] = (byte)offset;
private int addByte(int b, int iCodeTop) {
byte[] array = itsData.itsICode;
if (array.length == iCodeTop) {
byte[] ba = new byte[iCodeTop * 2];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, ba, 0, iCodeTop);
itsData.itsICode = array = ba;
if (iCodeTop == array.length) {
array = increaseICodeCapasity(iCodeTop, 1);
array[iCodeTop++] = (byte)b;
return iCodeTop;
@ -1096,9 +1096,7 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
private int addShort(int s, int iCodeTop) {
byte[] array = itsData.itsICode;
if (iCodeTop + 2 > array.length) {
byte[] ba = new byte[(iCodeTop + 2) * 2];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, ba, 0, iCodeTop);
itsData.itsICode = array = ba;
array = increaseICodeCapasity(iCodeTop, 2);
array[iCodeTop] = (byte)(s >>> 8);
array[iCodeTop + 1] = (byte)s;
@ -1108,9 +1106,7 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
private int addInt(int i, int iCodeTop) {
byte[] array = itsData.itsICode;
if (iCodeTop + 4 > array.length) {
byte[] ba = new byte[(iCodeTop + 4) * 2];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, ba, 0, iCodeTop);
itsData.itsICode = array = ba;
array = increaseICodeCapasity(iCodeTop, 4);
array[iCodeTop] = (byte)(i >>> 24);
array[iCodeTop + 1] = (byte)(i >>> 16);
@ -1150,6 +1146,19 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
return iCodeTop;
private byte[] increaseICodeCapasity(int iCodeTop, int extraSize) {
int capacity = itsData.itsICode.length;
if (iCodeTop + extraSize <= capacity) Context.codeBug();
capacity *= 2;
if (iCodeTop + extraSize > capacity) {
capacity = iCodeTop + extraSize;
byte[] array = new byte[capacity];
System.arraycopy(itsData.itsICode, 0, array, 0, iCodeTop);
itsData.itsICode = array;
return array;
private static int getShort(byte[] iCode, int pc) {
return (iCode[pc] << 8) | (iCode[pc + 1] & 0xFF);
@ -1288,10 +1297,14 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
case TokenStream.TRY : {
int newPC1 = getTarget(iCode, pc);
int newPC2 = getTarget(iCode, pc + 2);
out.println(tname + " " + newPC1
+ " " + newPC2);
int catch_offset = getShort(iCode, pc);
int finally_offset = getShort(iCode, pc + 2);
int catch_pc = (catch_offset == 0)
? -1 : pc - 1 + catch_offset;
int finally_pc = (finally_offset == 0)
? -1 : pc - 1 + finally_offset;
out.println(tname + " " + catch_pc
+ " " + finally_pc);
pc += 4;
@ -2392,23 +2405,21 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
if (exType == SCRIPT_THROW || exType == ECMA) {
// Allow JS to catch only JavaScriptException and
// EcmaError
int catch_pc = getTarget(iCode, try_pc + 1);
if (catch_pc == try_pc) { catch_pc = 0; }
if (catch_pc != 0) {
int catch_offset = getShort(iCode, try_pc + 1);
if (catch_offset != 0) {
// Has catch block
rethrow = false;
pc = catch_pc;
pc = try_pc + catch_offset;
stackTop = STACK_SHFT;
stack[stackTop] = catchObj;
if (rethrow) {
int finally_pc = getTarget(iCode, try_pc + 3);
if (finally_pc == try_pc + 2) { finally_pc = 0; }
if (finally_pc != 0) {
int finally_offset = getShort(iCode, try_pc + 3);
if (finally_offset != 0) {
// has finally block
rethrow = false;
pc = finally_pc;
pc = try_pc + finally_offset;
stackTop = STACK_SHFT;
stack[stackTop] = ex;
@ -2725,6 +2736,14 @@ public class Interpreter extends LabelTable {
activation.put(name, activation, value);
private boolean itsInFunctionFlag;
private InterpreterData itsData;
private VariableTable itsVariableTable;
private int itsTryDepth = 0;
private int itsStackDepth = 0;
private String itsSourceFile;
private int itsLineNumber = 0;
private int version;
private boolean inLineStepMode;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user