Bug 794472 - Allow pymake to run more commands without sending them to a shell. r=ted

This commit is contained in:
Mike Hommey 2012-10-18 14:46:33 +02:00
parent 5055bfb2f5
commit b843df8e20
3 changed files with 226 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -1404,24 +1404,24 @@ class _NativeWrapper(_CommandWrapper):
pycommandpath, **kwargs):
_CommandWrapper.__init__(self, cline, ignoreErrors, loc, context,
# get the module and method to call
parts, badchar = process.clinetoargv(cline, blacklist_gray=False)
if parts is None:
raise DataError("native command '%s': shell metacharacter '%s' in command line" % (cline, badchar), self.loc)
if len(parts) < 2:
raise DataError("native command '%s': no method name specified" % cline, self.loc)
if pycommandpath:
self.pycommandpath = re.split('[%s\s]+' % os.pathsep,
self.pycommandpath = None
self.module = parts[0]
self.method = parts[1]
self.cline_list = parts[2:]
def __call__(self, cb):
# get the module and method to call
parts, badchar = process.clinetoargv(self.cline, self.kwargs['cwd'])
if parts is None:
raise DataError("native command '%s': shell metacharacter '%s' in command line" % (cline, badchar), self.loc)
if len(parts) < 2:
raise DataError("native command '%s': no method name specified" % cline, self.loc)
module = parts[0]
method = parts[1]
cline_list = parts[2:]
self.usercb = cb
process.call_native(self.module, self.method, self.cline_list,
process.call_native(module, method, cline_list,
loc=self.loc, cb=self._cb, context=self.context,
pycommandpath=self.pycommandpath, **self.kwargs)

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Makefile functions.
import parser, util
import subprocess, os, logging
import subprocess, os, logging, sys
from globrelative import glob
from cStringIO import StringIO
@ -766,16 +766,28 @@ class ShellFunction(Function):
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
#TODO: call this once up-front somewhere and save the result?
shell, msys = util.checkmsyscompat()
from process import prepare_command
cline = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
executable, cline = prepare_command(cline, makefile.workdir, self.loc)
# subprocess.Popen doesn't use the PATH set in the env argument for
# finding the executable on some platforms (but strangely it does on
# others!), so set os.environ['PATH'] explicitly.
oldpath = os.environ['PATH']
if makefile.env is not None and 'PATH' in makefile.env:
os.environ['PATH'] = makefile.env['PATH']
log.debug("%s: running command '%s'" % (self.loc, ' '.join(cline)))
p = subprocess.Popen(cline, executable=executable, env=makefile.env, shell=False,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=makefile.workdir)
except OSError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "Error executing command %s" % cline[0], e
os.environ['PATH'] = oldpath
log.debug("%s: running shell command '%s'" % (self.loc, cline))
cline = [shell, "-c", cline]
p = subprocess.Popen(cline, env=makefile.env, shell=False,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=makefile.workdir)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
stdout = stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n')
if stdout.endswith('\n'):
stdout = stdout[:-1]

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@ -15,83 +15,238 @@ if sys.platform=='win32':
_log = logging.getLogger('pymake.process')
_escapednewlines = re.compile(r'\\\n')
# Characters that most likely indicate a shell script and that native commands
# should reject
_blacklist = re.compile(r'[$><;\[~`|&]' +
r'|\${|(?:^|\s){(?:$|\s)') # Blacklist ${foo} and { commands }
# Characters that probably indicate a shell script, but that native commands
# shouldn't just reject
_graylist = re.compile(r'[()]')
# Characters that indicate we need to glob
_needsglob = re.compile(r'[\*\?]')
def clinetoargv(cline, blacklist_gray):
def tokens2re(tokens):
# Create a pattern for non-escaped tokens, in the form:
# (?<!\\)(?:a|b|c...)
# This is meant to match patterns a, b, or c, or ... if they are not
# preceded by a backslash.
# where a, b, c... are in the form
# (?P<name>pattern)
# which matches the pattern and captures it in a named match group.
# The group names and patterns come are given as a dict in the function
# argument.
nonescaped = r'(?<!\\)(?:%s)' % '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, value) for name, value in tokens.iteritems())
# The final pattern matches either the above pattern, or an escaped
# backslash, captured in the "escape" match group.
return re.compile('(?:%s|%s)' % (nonescaped, r'(?P<escape>\\\\)'))
_unquoted_tokens = tokens2re({
'whitespace': r'[\t\r\n ]',
'quote': r'[\'"]',
'comment': '#',
'special': r'[<>&|`~(){}$;]',
'backslashed': r'\\[^\\]',
'glob': r'[\*\?]',
_doubly_quoted_tokens = tokens2re({
'quote': '"',
'backslashedquote': r'\\"',
'special': '\$',
'backslashed': r'\\[^\\"]',
class MetaCharacterException(Exception):
def __init__(self, char):
self.char = char
class ClineSplitter(list):
Parses a given command line string and creates a list of command
and arguments, with wildcard expansion.
def __init__(self, cline, cwd):
self.cwd = cwd
self.arg = ''
self.cline = cline
self.glob = False
def _push(self, str):
Push the given string as part of the current argument
self.arg += str
def _next(self):
Finalize current argument, effectively adding it to the list.
Perform globbing if needed.
if not self.arg:
if self.glob:
if os.path.isabs(self.arg):
path = self.arg
path = os.path.join(self.cwd, self.arg)
globbed = glob.glob(path)
if not globbed:
# If globbing doesn't find anything, the literal string is
# used.
self.extend(f[len(path)-len(self.arg):] for f in globbed)
self.glob = False
self.arg = ''
def _parse_unquoted(self):
Parse command line remainder in the context of an unquoted string.
while self.cline:
# Find the next token
m = _unquoted_tokens.search(self.cline)
# If we find none, the remainder of the string can be pushed to
# the current argument and the argument finalized
if not m:
# The beginning of the string, up to the found token, is part of
# the current argument
self.cline = self.cline[m.end():]
match = dict([(name, value) for name, value in m.groupdict().items() if value])
if 'quote' in match:
# " or ' start a quoted string
if match['quote'] == '"':
elif 'comment' in match:
# Comments are ignored. The current argument can be finalized,
# and parsing stopped.
elif 'special' in match:
# Unquoted, non-escaped special characters need to be sent to a
# shell.
raise MetaCharacterException, match['special']
elif 'whitespace' in match:
# Whitespaces terminate current argument.
elif 'escape' in match:
# Escaped backslashes turn into a single backslash
elif 'backslashed' in match:
# Backslashed characters are unbackslashed
# e.g. echo \a -> a
elif 'glob' in match:
# ? or * will need globbing
self.glob = True
raise Exception, "Shouldn't reach here"
def _parse_quoted(self):
# Single quoted strings are preserved, except for the final quote
index = self.cline.find("'")
if index == -1:
raise Exception, 'Unterminated quoted string in command'
self.cline = self.cline[index+1:]
def _parse_doubly_quoted(self):
if not self.cline:
raise Exception, 'Unterminated quoted string in command'
while self.cline:
m = _doubly_quoted_tokens.search(self.cline)
if not m:
raise Exception, 'Unterminated quoted string in command'
self.cline = self.cline[m.end():]
match = dict([(name, value) for name, value in m.groupdict().items() if value])
if 'quote' in match:
# a double quote ends the quoted string, so go back to
# unquoted parsing
elif 'special' in match:
# Unquoted, non-escaped special characters in a doubly quoted
# string still have a special meaning and need to be sent to a
# shell.
raise MetaCharacterException, match['special']
elif 'escape' in match:
# Escaped backslashes turn into a single backslash
elif 'backslashedquote' in match:
# Backslashed double quotes are un-backslashed
elif 'backslashed' in match:
# Backslashed characters are kept backslashed
def clinetoargv(cline, cwd):
If this command line can safely skip the shell, return an argv array.
@returns argv, badchar
str = _escapednewlines.sub('', cline)
m = _blacklist.search(str)
if m is not None:
return None, m.group(0)
if blacklist_gray:
m = _graylist.search(str)
if m is not None:
return None, m.group(0)
args = shlex.split(str, comments=True)
args = ClineSplitter(str, cwd)
except MetaCharacterException, e:
return None, e.char
if len(args) and args[0].find('=') != -1:
return None, '='
return args, None
def doglobbing(args, cwd):
Perform any needed globbing on the argument list passed in
globbedargs = []
for arg in args:
if _needsglob.search(arg):
globbedargs.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(cwd, arg)))
return globbedargs
# shellwords contains a set of shell builtin commands that need to be
# executed within a shell. It also contains a set of commands that are known
# to be giving problems when run directly instead of through the msys shell.
shellwords = (':', '.', 'break', 'cd', 'continue', 'exec', 'exit', 'export',
'getopts', 'hash', 'pwd', 'readonly', 'return', 'shift',
'test', 'times', 'trap', 'umask', 'unset', 'alias',
'set', 'bind', 'builtin', 'caller', 'command', 'declare',
'echo', 'enable', 'help', 'let', 'local', 'logout',
'printf', 'read', 'shopt', 'source', 'type', 'typeset',
'ulimit', 'unalias', 'set')
'ulimit', 'unalias', 'set', 'find')
def prepare_command(cline, cwd, loc):
Returns a list of command and arguments for the given command line string.
If the command needs to be run through a shell for some reason, the
returned list contains the shell invocation.
def call(cline, env, cwd, loc, cb, context, echo, justprint=False):
#TODO: call this once up-front somewhere and save the result?
shell, msys = util.checkmsyscompat()
shellreason = None
executable = None
if msys and cline.startswith('/'):
shellreason = "command starts with /"
argv, badchar = clinetoargv(cline, blacklist_gray=True)
argv, badchar = clinetoargv(cline, cwd)
if argv is None:
shellreason = "command contains shell-special character '%s'" % (badchar,)
elif len(argv) and argv[0] in shellwords:
shellreason = "command starts with shell primitive '%s'" % (argv[0],)
argv = doglobbing(argv, cwd)
elif argv and (os.sep in argv[0] or os.altsep and os.altsep in argv[0]):
executable = util.normaljoin(cwd, argv[0])
# Avoid "%1 is not a valid Win32 application" errors, assuming
# that if the executable path is to be resolved with PATH, it will
# be a Win32 executable.
if sys.platform == 'win32' and os.path.isfile(executable) and open(executable, 'rb').read(2) == "#!":
shellreason = "command executable starts with a hashbang"
if shellreason is not None:
_log.debug("%s: using shell: %s: '%s'", loc, shellreason, cline)
if msys:
if len(cline) > 3 and cline[1] == ':' and cline[2] == '/':
cline = '/' + cline[0] + cline[2:]
cline = [shell, "-c", cline]
context.call(cline, shell=False, env=env, cwd=cwd, cb=cb, echo=echo,
argv = [shell, "-c", cline]
executable = None
return executable, argv
def call(cline, env, cwd, loc, cb, context, echo, justprint=False):
executable, argv = prepare_command(cline, cwd, loc)
if not len(argv):
@ -106,17 +261,11 @@ def call(cline, env, cwd, loc, cb, context, echo, justprint=False):
command.main(argv[2:], env, cwd, cb)
if argv[0].find('/') != -1:
executable = util.normaljoin(cwd, argv[0])
executable = None
context.call(argv, executable=executable, shell=False, env=env, cwd=cwd, cb=cb,
echo=echo, justprint=justprint)
def call_native(module, method, argv, env, cwd, loc, cb, context, echo, justprint=False,
argv = doglobbing(argv, cwd)
context.call_native(module, method, argv, env=env, cwd=cwd, cb=cb,
echo=echo, justprint=justprint, pycommandpath=pycommandpath)