Reduce the number of bytes returned.

This commit is contained in: 1999-03-02 00:41:31 +00:00
parent d9f55cbdaf
commit b89de3e353

View File

@ -94,6 +94,30 @@ sub make_tree_list {
return @result;
# Check to see if anyone checked in during time slot.
# ex. has_who_list(1); # Check for checkins in most recent time slot.
# ex. has_who_list(1,5); # Check range of times.
sub has_who_list {
my ($time1, $time2) = @_;
if (not defined(@who_check_list)) {
# Build a static array of true/false values for each time slot.
$who_check_list[$time_count] = 0;
my ($t) = 1;
for (; $t<=$time_count; $t++) {
$who_check_list[$t] = 1 if each %{$who_list->[$t]};
if ($time2) {
for ($ii=$time1; $ii<=$time2; $ii++) {
return 1 if $who_check_list[$ii]
return 0
} else {
return $who_check_list[$time1];
sub show_tree_selector {
@ -145,7 +169,6 @@ $treename = $tree . ($tree2 ne "" ? " and $tree2" : "" );
EmitHtmlTitleAndHeader("tinderbox: $treename", "tinderbox",
"tree: $treename ($now)");
print "$script_str\n";
print "$message_of_day\n";
@ -196,7 +219,7 @@ sub display_build_table {
sub display_build_table_body {
$t = 1;
while( $t <= $time_count ){
@ -206,11 +229,11 @@ sub display_build_table_body {
sub display_build_table_row {
local($t) = @_;
my ($t) = @_;
my ($tt, $hour_color);
$tt = &print_time($build_time_times->[$t]);
if( $tree2 ne "" ){
if( $tree2 ne "" || $form{nocrap}){
$qr = "";
$er = "";
@ -220,41 +243,49 @@ sub display_build_table_row {
if ($build_time_times->[$t] % 7200 > 3600) {
$color = "white";
$hour_color = "";
} else {
$color = "beige";
$hour_color = " bgcolor=#e7e7e7";
($hour) = $tt =~ /(\d\d):/;
if ($lasthour == $hour) {
$tt =~ s/^.*&nbsp;//;
} else {
$lasthour = $hour;
# Time column
print "<tr align=center>\n";
print "<td bgcolor=$color>${qr}\n${tt}${er}\n";
print "<td align=right $hour_color>${qr}\n${tt}${er}</td>\n";
if( $tree2 ne "" ){
print "<td align=center bgcolor=beige>\n";
$qr = &query_ref( $td1, $build_time_times->[$t]);
print "${qr}<tt><b>X</b></tt></a>\n";
print "${qr}</a></td>\n";
print "<td align=center>\n";
print "<td>";
for $who (sort keys %{$who_list->[$t]} ){
#$qr = &query_ref( $td1, $build_time_times->[$t],$build_time_times->[$t-1],$who);
$qr = &who_menu( $td1, $build_time_times->[$t],$build_time_times->[$t-1],$who);
print " ${qr}$who</a>\n";
print "</td>";
if( $tree2 ne "" ){
print "<td align=cenger bgcolor=beige >\n";
print "<td align=center bgcolor=beige >\n";
$qr = &query_ref( $td2, $build_time_times->[$t]);
print "${qr}<tt><b>X</b></tt></a>\n";
print "${qr}</a></td>\n";
print "<td align=center>\n";
for $who (sort keys %{$who_list2->[$t]} ){
#$qr = &query_ref( $td2, $build_time_times->[$t],$build_time_times->[$t-1],$who);
$qr = &who_menu( $td2, $build_time_times->[$t],$build_time_times->[$t-1],$who);
print " ${qr}$who</a>\n";
print "</td>";
$bn = 1;
@ -275,33 +306,38 @@ sub display_build_table_row {
if( $tree2 ne "" ){
$buildname =~ s/^[^ ]* //;
$popupbuildname = $buildname; #Added so text in popup isn't whacky
$buildname = &url_encode($buildname);
$buildtime = $br->{buildtime};
$buildtree = $br->{td}->{name};
print "<tt>\n";
# Build Note
if( $hasnote ){
print "<a href='' onClick=\"return js_what_menu(event,$noteid,'$logfile','$errorparser','$buildname','$buildtime');\">";
print "<img src=star.gif border=0></a>\n";
print "<A HREF='showlog.cgi?logfile=$logfile\&tree=$buildtree\&errorparser=$errorparser&buildname=$buildname&buildtime=$buildtime' " .
"onClick=\"return log_popup(event,'$buildtree','$popupbuildname'," .
"'showlog.cgi?logfile=$logfile\&tree=$buildtree\&errorparser=$errorparser&buildname=$buildname&buildtime=$buildtime'," .
"'showlog.cgi?logfile=$logfile\&tree=$buildtree\&errorparser=$errorparser&buildname=$buildname&buildtime=$buildtime&fulltext=1'," .
# Build Log
print "<A HREF='http:// Build Log' ".
"onClick=\"return log_popup(event,$bn,'$logfile','$buildtime');\">";
print "L</a>\n";
#print "Build Summary</a><br>\n";
print "L</a>";
# What Changed
if( $br->{previousbuildtime} ){
$qr = &query_ref($br->{td}, $br->{previousbuildtime},$br->{buildtime});
print "$qr\n";
print " C</a>\n";
#print "What Changed</a><br>\n";
my ($previous_br) = $build_table->[$t+$rowspan][$bn];
my ($previous_rowspan) = $previous_br->{rowspan};
if (has_who_list($t+$rowspan,
$t+$rowspan+$previous_rowspan-1)) {
$qr = &query_ref($br->{td},
print "\n$qr";
print "C</a>";
if( $br->{binaryname} ne '' ){
@ -310,35 +346,34 @@ sub display_build_table_row {
print " <a href=$binfile>B</a>";
print "</tt>\n";
print "</td>";
else {
print "<td>&nbsp;\n";
print "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
sub display_build_table_header {
print "<TABLE border cellspacing=2>\n";
# print "<table border=0 bgcolor='#303030' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr valign=middle align=center><td>\n";
print "<table border=1 bgcolor='#FFFFFF' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>\n";
print "<tr align=center>\n";
print "<td rowspan=1><font size=-1>Click time to <br>see changes <br>since time</font>";
print "<td rowspan=1><font size=-1>Click time to <br>see changes <br>since time</font></td>";
$nspan = ( $tree2 ne "" ? 4 : 1);
print "<td colspan=$nspan><font size=-1>Click name to see what they did</font>";
print "<br><font size=-2><a href=showbuilds.cgi" . make_cgi_args() .
"&rebuildguilty=1>Rebuild guilty list</a>";
"&rebuildguilty=1>Rebuild guilty list</a></td>";
#print "<td colspan=$name_count><font size=-1>Burning builds are busted</font>";
#print "</tr>\n";
#print "<tr>\n";
$i = 1;
@ -355,34 +390,32 @@ sub display_build_table_header {
else {
$bn = "<font face='Arial,Helvetica' size=-2>$bn</font>";
if( $t->{isbusted} ){
if ($form{'nocrap'}) {
print "<th rowspan=2 bgcolor=FF0000>$bn";
print "<th rowspan=2 bgcolor=FF0000>$bn</th>";
} else {
print "<td rowspan=2 bgcolor=000000 background=1afi003r.gif>";
print "<font color=white>$bn</font>";
print "<font color=white>$bn</font></td>";
#print "<img src=reledanim.gif>\n";
else {
print "<th rowspan=2 bgcolor=00ff00>";
print "$bn\n";
print "<th rowspan=2 bgcolor=00ff00>$bn</th>";
print "</tr>\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<b><TH>Build Time\n";
print "<b><TH>Build Time</th>\n";
if( $tree2 ne "" ){
print "<TH colspan=2>$td1->{name}\n";
print "<TH colspan=2>$td2->{name}\n";
print "<TH colspan=2>$td1->{name}</th>\n";
print "<TH colspan=2>$td2->{name}</th>\n";
else {
print "<TH>Guilty\n";
print "<TH>Guilty</th>\n";
print "</b></tr>\n";
@ -390,6 +423,7 @@ sub display_build_table_header {
sub display_build_table_footer {
print "</table>\n";
# print "</td></tr></table>";
print "<a href=showbuilds.cgi?tree=$tree&showall=1>Show more checkin history</a><br><br>\n";
if (open(FOOTER, "<$data_dir/footer.html")) {
@ -405,34 +439,26 @@ sub display_build_table_footer {
sub query_ref {
local( $td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who ) = @_;
my( $td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who ) = @_;
my( $output ) = '';
return "<a href=../bonsai/cvsquery.cgi?module=$td->{cvs_module}&branch=$td->{cvs_branch}&cvsroot=$td->{cvs_root}&date=explicit&mindate=$mindate&maxdate=$maxdate&who=$who>";
$output = "<a href=../bonsai/cvsquery.cgi?module=$td->{cvs_module}&branch=$td->{cvs_branch}&cvsroot=$td->{cvs_root}&date=explicit&mindate=$mindate&maxdate=$maxdate";
$output .= "&who=$who" if $who ne '';
$output .= ">";
sub query_ref2 {
local( $td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who ) = @_;
return "../bonsai/cvsquery.cgi?module=$td->{cvs_module}&branch=$td->{cvs_branch}&cvsroot=$td->{cvs_root}&date=explicit&mindate=$mindate&maxdate=$maxdate&who=$who";
sub who_menu {
local( $td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who ) = @_;
my( $td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who ) = @_;
my $treeflag;
my $e = url_encode($who);
$qr = "../registry/who.cgi?email=$e"
. "&t0=" . &url_encode("What did $who check into the source tree" )
. "&u0=" . &url_encode( &query_ref2($td,$mindate,$maxdate,$who) )
. "&t1=" . &url_encode("What has $who been checking in in the last day" )
. "&u1=" . &url_encode( &query_ref2($td,$mindate,$maxdate,$who) );
return "<a href='$qr' onClick=\"return js_who_menu($td->{num},'$e',event,$mindate,$maxdate);\" >";
$qr = "http:// checkins for $who";
return "<a href='$qr' onclick=\"return js_who_menu($td->{num},'$who',event,$mindate,$maxdate);\">";
sub tree_open {
local($done, $line, $a, $b);
my($done, $line, $a, $b);
open( BID, "<../bonsai/data/$bonsai_tree/batchid") || print "can't open batchid<br>";
($a,$b,$bid) = split(/ /,<BID>);
close( BID );
@ -454,36 +480,38 @@ sub load_javascript {
$script_str =<<'ENDJS';
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
window.event = 0;
function js_who_menu(tree,n,d,mindate,maxdate) {
who_link = "../registry/who.cgi?email=" + escape(n)
+ "&t0=" + escape("Last check-in")
+ "&u0=" + escape(js_qr(tree,mindate,maxdate,n))
+ "&t1=" + escape("Check-ins within 24 hours")
+ "&u1=" + escape(js_qr24(tree,n));
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
return true;
document.location = who_link;
return false;
l = document.layers['popup'];
l.src = "../registry/who.cgi?email=" + n
+ "&t0=" + escape("Last check-in" )
+ "&u0=" + escape( js_qr(tree,mindate,maxdate,n) )
+ "&t1=" + escape("Check-ins within 24 hours" )
+ "&u1=" + escape( js_qr24(tree,n) );
l.src = who_link;
# "<table border=1 cellspacing=1><tr><td>" +
# js_qr(mindate,maxdate,n) + "What did " + n + " <b>check in to the source tree</b>?</a><br>" +
# js_qr24(n) +"What has " + n + " <b>been checking in over the last day</b>?</a> <br>" +
# "<a" +n + "%2Cou%3DPeople%2Co%3DNetscape%20Communications%20Corp.%2Cc%3DUS>" +
# "Who is <b>" + n + "</b> and how do <b>I wake him/her up</b></a>?<br>" +
# "<a href='mailto:" + n + "?subject=Whats up with...'>Send mail to <b>" + n + "</b></a><br>" +
# "<a href=http:#dome/locator/findUser.cgi?email="+n+">Where is <b>"+n+"'s office?</b></a>" +
# "</tr></table>");
// "<table border=1 cellspacing=1><tr><td>" +
// js_qr(mindate,maxdate,n) + "What did " + n + " <b>check in to the source tree</b>?</a><br>" +
// js_qr24(n) +"What has " + n + " <b>been checking in over the last day</b>?</a> <br>" +
// "<a href=" +n + "%2Cou%3DPeople%2Co%3DNetscape%20Communications%20Corp.%2Cc%3DUS>" +
// "Who is <b>" + n + "</b> and how do <b>I wake him/her up</b></a>?<br>" +
// "<a href='mailto:" + n + "?subject=Whats up with...'>Send mail to <b>" + n + "</b></a><br>" +
// "<a href=http://dome/locator/findUser.cgi?email="+n+">Where is <b>"+n+"'s office?</b></a>" +
// "</tr></table>");
//alert( d.y );
#alert( d.y );
$script_str .=<<'ENDJS'; = - 6;
l.left = - 6;
if( l.left + l.clipWidth > window.width ){
@ -507,13 +535,11 @@ function js_what_menu(d,noteid,logfile,errorparser,buildname,buildtime) { = d.y-10;
zz = d.x;
//alert( l.clip.right+ " " + (window.innerWidth -30) );
if( zz + l.clip.right > window.innerWidth ){
zz = (window.innerWidth-30) - l.clip.right;
if( zz < 0 ){
zz = 0;
l.left = zz;
@ -531,14 +557,26 @@ note_array = new Array();
function log_popup(e,tree,platform,brieflogurl,fulllogurl,commenturl) {
function log_popup(e,buildindex,logfile,buildtime)
tree = eval("tree_b" + buildindex);
buildname = eval("name_b" + buildindex);
errorparser = eval("error_b" + buildindex);
urlparams = "tree=" + tree
+ "&errorparser=" + errorparser
+ "&buildname=" + escape(buildname)
+ "&buildtime=" + buildtime
+ "&logfile=" + logfile;
logurl = "showlog.cgi?" + urlparams;
commenturl = "addnote.cgi?" + urlparams;
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ){
return true;
document.location = logurl;
return false;
q = document.layers["logpopup"]; = - 6;
yy =;
@ -547,29 +585,19 @@ function log_popup(e,tree,platform,brieflogurl,fulllogurl,commenturl) {
if( yy < 0 ){
yy = 0;
q.left = yy;
// q.left = - 6;
// if( q.left + q.clipWidth > window.width ){
// q.left = window.width - q.clipWidth;
// }
q.document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TD><B>" + platform + "--" + tree + "</B><BR>" +
"<A HREF=\"" + brieflogurl + "\">View Brief Log</A><BR>" +
"<A HREF=\"" + fulllogurl + "\">View Full Log</A><BR>" +
"<A HREF=\"" + commenturl + "\">Add a Comment this Log</A><BR>" +
q.document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TD><B>" +
buildname + "</B><BR>" +
"<A HREF=\"" + logurl + "\">View Brief Log</A><BR>" +
"<A HREF=\"" + logurl + "&fulltext=1" + "\">View Full Log</A><BR>" +
"<A HREF=\"" + commenturl + "\">Add a Comment</A><BR>" +
return false;
$script_str .= "
@ -608,6 +636,20 @@ while( $i < @note_array ){
$ii = 1;
while ($ii <= $name_count) {
if (defined($br = $build_table->[1][$ii])) {
if ($br != -1) {
$bn = $build_name_names->[$ii];
$script_str .= "tree_b${ii}='$br->{td}{name}';\n";
$script_str .= " name_b${ii}='$bn';\n";
$script_str .= " error_b${ii}='$br->{errorparser}';\n";
$script_str .= "</script>\n";