Bug 699885 part 2 - Exit DOM full-screen if we've changed tab or app by the time the request is granted. r=dao

This commit is contained in:
Chris Pearce 2011-11-08 12:58:48 +13:00
parent e4244a4646
commit bb48204f31

View File

@ -3913,14 +3913,36 @@ var FullScreen = {
enterDomFullScreen : function(event) {
if (!document.mozFullScreen) {
// We receive "mozfullscreenchange" events for each subdocument which
// is an ancestor of the document containing the element which requested
// full-screen. Only add listeners and show warning etc when the event we
// receive is targeted at the chrome document, i.e. only once every time
// we enter DOM full-screen mode.
if (!document.mozFullScreen || event.target.ownerDocument != document) {
let targetDoc = event.target.ownerDocument ? event.target.ownerDocument : event.target;
if (targetDoc != document) {
// However, if we receive a "mozfullscreenchange" event for a document
// which is not a subdocument of the currently selected tab, we know that
// we've switched tabs since the request to enter full-screen was made,
// so we should exit full-screen since the "full-screen document" isn't
// acutally visible.
if (targetDoc.defaultView.top != gBrowser.contentWindow) {
let focusManger = Cc["@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIFocusManager);
if (focusManger.activeWindow != window) {
// The top-level window has lost focus since the request to enter
// full-screen was made. Cancel full-screen.
// Exit DOM full-screen mode upon open, close, or change tab.