Bug 786211 - OS.File atomic write (test suite). r=froydnj

This commit is contained in:
David Rajchenbach-Teller 2012-09-27 23:06:00 -04:00
parent ea30070c4e
commit bc0f746fc5

View File

@ -336,6 +336,59 @@ function test_readall_writeall_file()
compare_files("test_readall_writeall_file (auto allocation)", src_file_name, tmp_file_name);
// File.readAll
readResult = OS.File.read(src_file_name);
is(readResult.bytes, size, "test_readall_writeall_file: read the right number of bytes (OS.File.readAll)");
// File.writeAtomic on top of nothing
OS.File.writeAtomic(tmp_file_name, readResult.buffer,
{bytes: readResult.bytes,
tmpPath: tmp_file_name + ".tmp"});
try {
let stat = OS.File.stat(tmp_file_name);
ok(true, "readAll + writeAtomic created a file");
is(stat.size, size, "readAll + writeAtomic created a file of the right size");
} catch (x) {
ok(false, "readAll + writeAtomic somehow failed");
if(x.becauseNoSuchFile) {
ok(false, "readAll + writeAtomic did not create file");
compare_files("test_readall_writeall_file (OS.File.readAll + writeAtomic)",
src_file_name, tmp_file_name);
exn = null;
try {
let stat = OS.File.stat(tmp_file_name + ".tmp");
} catch (x) {
exn = x;
ok(!!exn, "readAll + writeAtomic cleaned up after itself");
// File.writeAtomic on top of existing file
// Remove content and set arbitrary size, to avoid potential false negatives
dest = OS.File.open(tmp_file_name, {write: true, trunc:true});
OS.File.writeAtomic(tmp_file_name, readResult.buffer,
{bytes: readResult.bytes,
tmpPath: tmp_file_name + ".tmp"});
compare_files("test_readall_writeall_file (OS.File.readAll + writeAtomic 2)",
src_file_name, tmp_file_name);
// Ensure that File.writeAtomic fails if no temporary file name is provided
// (FIXME: Remove this test as part of bug 793660)
exn = null;
try {
OS.File.writeAtomic(tmp_file_name, readResult.buffer,
{bytes: readResult.bytes});
} catch (x) {
exn = x;
ok(!!exn && exn instanceof TypeError, "wrietAtomic fails if tmpPath is not provided");