diff --git a/extensions/transformiix/docs/compiled-templates.html b/extensions/transformiix/docs/compiled-templates.html
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+++ b/extensions/transformiix/docs/compiled-templates.html
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+ XSLT Templates and Compiling
+ XSLT Templates and Compiling
+ This document describes compiling of XSLT stylesheets and the
+ evaluation of the result.
+ - Speed
+ - Better support for AVTs
+ - Interruptability of processing
+ - exclude and alias namespaces
+ Concepts:
+ - LRE namespaces
+ - The concept of namespaces needs two mappings of IDs to
+ prefix/namespaceURI pairs. We can't create LRE elements with
+ known LRE namespace URIs in the template, as namespace-alias can
+ be unknown. (In a sink, the namespace-alias element can occur
+ after the template element.) Therefore, LRE elements carry
+ localname and namespace ID and output tries to
+ - lookup the ID in the namespace alias list,
+ - lookup the ID in the original namespace list.
+ To identify aliases correctly, one namespace URI with two
+ prefixes needs two IDs.
+ The XSLT specification describes XSLT in terms of the XPath
+ datamodel, something pretty close to a DOM. So we talk about the
+ input in terms of DOM elements.
+ The DOM nodes in a stylesheet get compiled into either
+ - nothing :-) (stuff like xsl:output),
+ xslTopElement
s or
+ xslInstruction
+ The
s fall into classes,
+ - simple instructions,
+ - utilities (no-op, variable-pop, push-handler),
+ - branching instructions,
+ - instructions changing the result handler and
+ - instructions calling into different
+ The general pattern used to create output from a set of
+ instructions is
while (instruction) {
+ rv = instruction.do(args);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ //cleanup
+ return rv;
+ }
+ instruction = instruction.mNext;
+ This says pretty much all about simple and utility instructions.
+ Branching instructions
+ Branching instructions need a tad more work. A branching
+ instruction is a instruction that forks the flow of work. That
+ includes that instruction
needs to be part of the
+ argument list of ::do()
+ Suggested scheme: Each possible path of workflow
+ starts with a no-op-instruction and ends with a link to
+ a single no-op-instruction. The do
of the
+ branching instruction sets the instruction to a
+ no-op-instruction according to the decisions. The
+ iteration step in the main loop skips the no-op and the workflow
+ proceeds in the intented path. The trailing single no-op helps
+ in rejoining the paths, as that no-op can be created before the
+ paths and thus easily appended to each end of the paths.
+ Instructions that change the output handler
+ These instructions (attribute, comment, pi creating text
+ handlers, variable possibly creating a rtf handler) get created
+ by inserting a push-handler-instruction into the workflow for
+ the start of the element and the XSLT instruction at the
+ end. The handler instruction should keep a non-owning reference
+ to the push-handler-instruction to get the result and restore
+ the previous handler.