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synced 2025-03-02 22:37:50 +00:00
Bug 621363 - SpecialPowers ipc setter code does not receive new value locally until next event loop run. r=jdm,cjones
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,24 +27,10 @@
function get_pref(pref)
return SpecialPowers.getIntPref("font.size." + pref);
function set_pref(pref, val)
SpecialPowers.setIntPref("font.size." + pref, val);
var cs1 = getComputedStyle(document.getElementById("one"), "");
var cs2 = getComputedStyle(document.getElementById("two"), "");
var oldVariable = get_pref("variable.x-western");
var oldFixed = get_pref("fixed.x-western");
set_pref("variable.x-western", 25);
set_pref("fixed.x-western", 20);
setTimeout(part1, 0);
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [['variable.x-western', 25], ['fixed.x-western', 20]]}, function() setTimeout(part1, 0));
function part1()
@ -52,8 +38,6 @@ function part1()
var fs2 = cs2.fontSize.match(/(.*)px/)[1];
ok(fs1 < fs2, "<font size=-1> shrinks relative to font-family: -moz-fixed");
set_pref("variable.x-western", oldVariable);
set_pref("fixed.x-western", oldFixed);
@ -56,10 +56,7 @@ function fs(idx) {
return getComputedStyle(elts[idx], "").marginBottom;
// preference change is async (although one setTimeout might be enough?)
setTimeout(setTimeout, 0, step1, 0);
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'clear': [['font.minimum-size.x-western']]}, function() setTimeout(step1, 0));
function step1() {
is(fs(0), "0px", "at min font size 0, 0px should compute to 0px");
@ -67,10 +64,7 @@ function step1() {
is(fs(2), "12px", "at min font size 0, 12px should compute to 12px");
is(fs(3), "28px", "at min font size 0, 28px should compute to 28px");
SpecialPowers.setIntPref('font.minimum-size.x-western', 7);
// preference change is async (although one setTimeout might be enough?)
setTimeout(setTimeout, 0, step2, 0);
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [['font.minimum-size.x-western', 7]]}, function() setTimeout(step2, 0));
function step2() {
@ -79,10 +73,7 @@ function step2() {
is(fs(2), "12px", "at min font size 7, 12px should compute to 12px");
is(fs(3), "28px", "at min font size 7, 28px should compute to 28px");
SpecialPowers.setIntPref('font.minimum-size.x-western', 18);
// preference change is async (although one setTimeout might be enough?)
setTimeout(setTimeout, 0, step3, 0);
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [['font.minimum-size.x-western', 18]]}, function() setTimeout(step3, 0));
function step3() {
@ -91,9 +82,7 @@ function step3() {
is(fs(2), "18px", "at min font size 18, 12px should compute to 18px");
is(fs(3), "28px", "at min font size 18, 28px should compute to 28px");
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'clear': [['font.minimum-size.x-western']]}, SimpleTest.finish);
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ TestRunner.testFinished = function(tests) {
SpecialPowers.executeAfterFlushingMessageQueue(function() {
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ function SpecialPowersAPI() {
this._unexpectedCrashDumpFiles = { };
this._crashDumpDir = null;
this._mfl = null;
this._prefEnvUndoStack = [];
this._pendingPrefs = [];
this._applyingPrefs = false;
function bindDOMWindowUtils(aWindow) {
@ -86,6 +89,45 @@ function bindDOMWindowUtils(aWindow) {
return target;
function Observer(specialPowers, aTopic, aCallback, aIsPref) {
this._sp = specialPowers;
this._topic = aTopic;
this._callback = aCallback;
this._isPref = aIsPref;
Observer.prototype = {
_sp: null,
_topic: null,
_callback: null,
_isPref: false,
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
if ((!this._isPref && aTopic == this._topic) ||
(this._isPref && aTopic == "nsPref:changed")) {
if (aData == this._topic) {
/* The callback must execute asynchronously after all the preference observers have run */
content.window.setTimeout(this._callback, 0);
content.window.setTimeout(this._sp._finishPrefEnv, 0);
cleanup: function() {
if (this._isPref) {
var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService()
os.removeObserver(this._topic, this);
} else {
var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
os.removeObserver(this, this._topic);
SpecialPowersAPI.prototype = {
getDOMWindowUtils: function(aWindow) {
@ -123,6 +165,170 @@ SpecialPowersAPI.prototype = {
return crashDumpFiles;
* Take in a list of prefs and put the original value on the _prefEnvUndoStack so we can undo
* preferences that we set. Note, that this is a stack of values to revert to, not
* what we have set.
* prefs: {set|clear: [[pref, value], [pref, value, Iid], ...], set|clear: [[pref, value], ...], ...}
* ex: {'set': [['foo.bar', 2], ['browser.magic', '0xfeedface']], 'remove': [['bad.pref']] }
* In the scenario where our prefs specify the same pref more than once, we do not guarantee
* the behavior.
* If a preference is not changing a value, we will ignore it.
* TODO: complex values for original cleanup?
pushPrefEnv: function(inPrefs, callback) {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
var pref_string = [];
pref_string[prefs.PREF_INT] = "INT";
pref_string[prefs.PREF_BOOL] = "BOOL";
pref_string[prefs.PREF_STRING] = "STRING";
var pendingActions = [];
var cleanupActions = [];
for (var action in inPrefs) { /* set|clear */
for (var idx in inPrefs[action]) {
var aPref = inPrefs[action][idx];
var prefName = aPref[0];
var prefValue = null;
var prefIid = null;
var prefType = prefs.PREF_INVALID;
var originalValue = null;
if (aPref.length == 3) {
prefValue = aPref[1];
prefIid = aPref[2];
} else if (aPref.length == 2) {
prefValue = aPref[1];
/* If pref is not found or invalid it doesn't exist. */
if (prefs.getPrefType(prefName) != prefs.PREF_INVALID) {
prefType = pref_string[prefs.getPrefType(prefName)];
if ((prefs.prefHasUserValue(prefName) && action == 'clear') ||
(action == 'set'))
originalValue = this._getPref(prefName, prefType);
} else if (action == 'set') {
/* prefName doesn't exist, so 'clear' is pointless */
if (aPref.length == 3) {
prefType = "COMPLEX";
} else if (aPref.length == 2) {
if (typeof(prefValue) == "boolean")
prefType = "BOOL";
else if (typeof(prefValue) == "number")
prefType = "INT";
else if (typeof(prefValue) == "string")
prefType = "CHAR";
/* PREF_INVALID: A non existing pref which we are clearing or invalid values for a set */
if (prefType == prefs.PREF_INVALID)
/* We are not going to set a pref if the value is the same */
if (originalValue == prefValue)
pendingActions.push({'action': action, 'type': prefType, 'name': prefName, 'value': prefValue, 'Iid': prefIid});
/* Push original preference value or clear into cleanup array */
var cleanupTodo = {'action': action, 'type': prefType, 'name': prefName, 'value': originalValue, 'Iid': prefIid};
if (originalValue == null) {
cleanupTodo.action = 'clear';
} else {
cleanupTodo.action = 'set';
if (pendingActions.length > 0) {
this._pendingPrefs.push([pendingActions, callback]);
} else {
content.window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
popPrefEnv: function(callback) {
if (this._prefEnvUndoStack.length > 0) {
/* Each pop will have a valid block of preferences */
this._pendingPrefs.push([this._prefEnvUndoStack.pop(), callback]);
} else {
content.window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
flushPrefEnv: function(callback) {
while (this._prefEnvUndoStack.length > 1)
Iterate through one atomic set of pref actions and perform sets/clears as appropriate.
All actions performed must modify the relevant pref.
_applyPrefs: function() {
if (this._applyingPrefs || this._pendingPrefs.length <= 0) {
/* Set lock and get prefs from the _pendingPrefs queue */
this._applyingPrefs = true;
var transaction = this._pendingPrefs.shift();
var pendingActions = transaction[0];
var callback = transaction[1];
var lastPref = pendingActions[pendingActions.length-1];
this._addObserver(lastPref.name, callback, true);
for (var idx in pendingActions) {
var pref = pendingActions[idx];
if (pref.action == 'set') {
this._setPref(pref.name, pref.type, pref.value, pref.Iid);
} else if (pref.action == 'clear') {
_addObserver: function(aTopic, aCallback, aIsPref) {
var observer = new Observer(this, aTopic, aCallback, aIsPref);
if (aIsPref) {
var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService()
os.addObserver(aTopic, observer, false);
} else {
var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
os.addObserver(observer, aTopic, false);
/* called from the observer when we get a pref:changed. */
_finishPrefEnv: function() {
Any subsequent pref environment pushes that occurred while waiting
for the preference update are pending, and will now be executed.
this.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers._applyingPrefs = false;
// Mimic the get*Pref API
getBoolPref: function(aPrefName) {
return (this._getPref(aPrefName, 'BOOL'));
Reference in New Issue
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